7: SANS!!!

Y/n = Your Name.
L/n = Last Name.
M/n = Middle Name.
F/c = Favorite Color.
S/c = Soul Color.
S/f/c = Second Favorite Color.
F/f = Favorite Food

I almost tripped on my way down the stairs. I stumbled into the kitchen and grabbed 6 bottles of water plus a lot of snacks. I grabbed 3 apples, 3 bags of crackers, and finnaly 3 pre-made sandwiches. I was going to eat them tomorrow for a picnic I had suprizingly planned for us but now seemed like the best time to take them. I stuffed them in my little bag. "HUMAN!!! SANS SAID THAT YOU STARTED FREAKING OUT!! WHAT'S WRONG!!!" Papyrus screamed. "I don't know but we need to leave now!" I responded grabbing them and rushing out of the house. "Kid calm down! Take a breather!" Sans assured. I stoped outside of the house and tried to talk to my mother again. "Kid?" Sans asked. I ignored him for a minute and tried to focus. "Kid don't ignore me! You can tell me!" Sans exclaimed. I gave up and turned to Sans and Papyrus. Sans had a worried expression while Papyrus was just confused. "What's wrong?" Sans asked. "I don't know... my... mom." I started to sob. "She gave me a warning..." I breathed. "I don't know!" I cried. I lost my balance and fell to my knees, as I covered my face with my hands. "Your... mom? What kind of warning?" Sans asked in a soft conferring voice. "She told me to leave... *breath* She told me to get everyone out of the house and away." I cried. "I don't know!" I screamed as the cries only grew. Sans sat down beside me. "Do you need some time alone?" Sans asked rubbing my back for support. I shook my head no and tried to calm myself down. "Here... why don't I carry you, we can head to Undyne's." Sans suggested. Papyrus nodded in agreement. "I'm... fine." I issuers as I tried to calm down but my sobs only got worse. "Please. Let me carry you." Sans pleaded. I couldn't stop crying. Tears flowed down my cheeks and onto my pants/legs/skirt/capris/etc. and ground. "I..." I started. "I'm not taking no for an answer if your in this position. At least let me do it without struggle." Sans said and wrapped his arms around my waist. Sans was waiting for my answer. I thought for a moment. "O-Okay." I whispered, but continued to sob. Sans picked me up and held me close as I tried to calm down. Sans signaled Papyrus that I was going to be okay and Sans started to lead the way. I continued to sob and with every minute Sans would look at me to make sure if I fell asleep or not. After a while I started to calm down. It was about dark. "We're almost there." Sans told me. I nodded and cuddled into his jacket. When we did get there Papyrus didn't even knock, he just opened the door and we just went in. Sans didn't say anything and set me on the couch. "Stay here. I'll be right back with some food." Sans instructed, standing up and walking away. "Sans..." I called. Sans turned to me and smiled. "I have food... and a drink." I said pulling out the snacks and drinks. Sans smiled and walked back to me. "You always are prepared aren't ya'?" Sans asked stroking my hair. "It was for a suprize picnic... but, that was going to be for tomorrow." I explained. Sans chuckled. "It's okay, we're all still safe." Sans said, now hugging me. "I don't think it's right to barge in." I mumbled. "Don't worry... I'll take care of it." Sans smiled. I nodded and passed out.

~•~•~•~•~•~•Time Skip!•~•~•~•~•~•~

(I can't remember if we/you already met Undyne so just go with it!) "A HUMAN!!! SANS ARE YOU NUTS!!!" A voice yelled. It sounded like a female voice. "Undyne calm down! You'll wake her up!" Sans complained. "AND WHY WOULD YOU CARE-" The female asked. "Because she's cute when she's asleep! Now shh!" Sans mumbled. "You... have a crush!!!!" The female squeaks. "Yeah, now shut up!" Sans growled. "Undyne don't wake the human! She has been through a lot!" Papyrus is supizingly calm? Huh. "What do you mean?" The female voice asked. "She'll tell you when and if she's confterable with it." Sans answered. "Mmm..." I hummed rolling over. There was a moment pause. "Undyne, please." Sans begged. Undyne sighed. "Fine! But if Asgore comes looking for her the most I'm doing is stalling him!" She growled. "Thank you!" Sans thanked. I hear Undyne's heavy foot steps leave the room. "What are we going to do brother?" Papyrus asked in a very woried tone. Sans sighed. "I don't know bro... I don't know." Sans responded, worry and sadness in his voice. A moment of silence pasted. I feel a hand stroke my hair and lift my head up. My head was placed back down onto a more... pillow-ish? It was hard in some spots. What am I laying on? I asked my self. I turned around to find a comfy spot. But I couldn't go back to sleep. I knew when I woke up, there's no going back to sleep. So I gave up. I was about to open my eyes when the door slammed open. "WHO TOOK MY EYE PATCH!!!!" An angry voice growled. It was definitely Undyne. I sat up in shock form the angry voice. Undyne walked in and stared at us. "Did you look where they usually are?" Sans asked. "Uh... no." Undyne sighed. "AND YOU WOKE HER UP!?" Sans growled. I rubbed my eyes from my sudden stance. "It's okay" I yawned. "I was about to get up anyway." I smiled. "Did anyone wake you? Or?" Sans asked. "I don't know. I heard screaming like a half an hour ago... I've been awake sense." I answered. "UNDYNE!!!" Sans yelled. "I'M GONNA GO NOW! BYE!" Undyne instantly ran out the door. Sans got up but I blocked his way. I put my feet up on a small coffee table and Papyrus did the same knowing what I was thinking. "You know I can just teleport right?" Sans asked. I put my feet down and stood up. "You don't want one?" I asked. "Of what?" Sans asked. I kissed his cheek softly. "Let her go, and you can have as many as you want!" I promised. Sans just stood there staring at me. "She woke you UP!!!!" Sans complained. "It's not like I havn't been woken up before Sans. Drop it, and you get what I promised." I assured. Sans still just galred at me. "You trying to tempt me isn't going to work." Sans shrugged. "I think that will change." I smirked. I leaned in and pressed my lips lightly against his (teeth?). Sans didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me. I broke the kiss. "Now.... Leave. Her. Alone!" I ordered. Sans rolled his eyes. "Fine! You win!" Sans said putting his hands up on defense and slumped, almost jumping on the couch. I giggled at his immediate give up. Sans looked at me and shrugged. "C'mon, lets go on that picnic!" I jumped. "Are you sure it's a good time for a picnic?" Sans asked. "Uh..." I thought. "Not really.... no." I answered. "BUT IT'S A PICNIC!!" I complained. "Alright! Lets go!" Sans said and got off the couch. "YAY!!" I squealed. Be careful! My mother warned. "I will." I mumbled. "What about that one special place? If not I got a good one in mind." Sans shrugged. "Um... let's go to your idea, I don't want to deal with Tori right now." I answered. "Makes sense." Sans nodded. "HEY BROTHER!!! WHY DON'T WE INVITE GASTER!? IT WOULD BE GREAT TO GET TO KNOW HIM BETTER!!" Papyrus asked. I smiled. "That sounds great! Sans? You okay with that?" I asked. Sans nodded. I walked into the kitchen grabbing some supplies. "I'll make another sandwich!" I called as I grabbed the bread. "HUMAN!!! CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE THOSE BROWNIES!?" Papyrus asked walking into the kitchen. "Sure! Witch reminds me! I have that cook battle!" I said as I grabbed the peanut butter and honey/meat and cheese (you choose). "Grillbz will call when that guys ready. Don't worry!" Sans smiled. "Okay, will someone invite Gaster? I'm almost done making the sandwiches!" I asked. "I GOT IT!!!" Papyrus yelled taking out his phone and texting Gaster. After I was done grabbing 1 more bag of crackers and a apple I walked into the living room. "HE'S ON HIS WAY!!" Papyrus yelled reading the new text. "Awsome!!" I said, grabbing a picnic basket and putting  a blanket on the bottom and all of the food and waters on top inside. *knock, knock* I picked up the basket as Papyrus answered the door. "All ready?" I asked. "Yeah." Sans shrugged. Gaster nodded, "OF COURSE!" And Papyrus shouted. We all walked out and Sans lead the way.

~•~•~•~•~•~•Time Skip!•~•~•~•~•~•~

Sans stopped infront of a giant rock cliff. "No ones looking?" Sans asked looking around, more asked himself that. Sans pressed a rock and the rock slid in. A huge secret passageway opened up to a red flower field. We quickly walked in and Sans shut the secret door. "Wow." I breathed in awe looking at the blue flowers. "Are these normal flowers?" I asked still in awe. "Kinda, there not echoflowers. But the still do things." Sans answered. "Is this where you hid?" Gaster asked. Sans glared at him. "Yeah... at least you don't know what rock to push." Sans mumbled. Gaster looked around in awe with the rest of us. "Impressive!" Gaster complimented. "Thanks..." Sans answered unsure. That's when I realized there was a small lake... it was more like a pond. "Well, we have something in common Sans!" I smiled. "Oh? And what's that?" Sans asked a lot more interested. "Our special place, both have flowers... and a source of some kind of water. And a nice view of the things above us... the sky... or the glowing crystals." I described, my voice was as if I was describing a romantic environment. I looked back at Sans who had a soft tint to his cheeks. I looked over at Gaster and Papyrus, they where just staring at me. "What?" I giggled shyly. "That was.... beautiful." Gaster complimented. Papyrus nodded in agreement. "Uh... thanks?" I asked. "What's wrong with a compliment?" Gaster asked. "N-Nothing!" I spit out looking away quickly. "..." Gaster stared at me in confusion. "Is she okay?" Gaster asked pointing at me and looking at Sans. "Yeah, she's fine." Sans answered a smile on his face. "Are you sure?" Gaster asked putting his hand down and looking at me. "Yeah! Why do you ask?" Sans asked. "Because it was a quick response. Some people respond quickly when there trying to hide something." Gaster answered. "Na! She's cool." Sans shrugged. "If you say so!" Gaster gave up. "COME HUMAN!!! WE MUST SET UP THE PICNIC!!" Papyrus smiled, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the small pond. When Papyrus let go, I grabbed the picnic basket and opened it up. I grabbed the blanket and layed it down on the grass. I put the picnic basket in the middle. Sans walked over and Sat down next to me. "Hey Sans!? Do you want to take a swim when I'm done!?" I asked. Sans smiled widely. "Sure!" Sans replied. "I'll go get them." Sans said getting up. "BROTHER!!! LET'S TAKE A DIVE!?" Papyrus yelled grabbing Sans and running to the pond. Sans teleported to the other side so Papyrus was running away from the pond. Papyrus stopped and Sans and Papyrus had a small talk. Funny thing is, I heard the hole thing... I need to stop jumping into conversations that don't involve me. "Papyrus, don't we need our swimsuits to do that!?" Sans asked. I giggled at his question. "What you laughing at?" Gaster's voice cold and curious. I jumped at the voice, sense it was behind me. "WE DON'T NEED THE SWIMSUITS!!! WE CAN JUST JUMP IN!!!" Papyrus complained. I looked at Gaster who had a brow raised at me. "Papy, it would be better." Sans suggested. "NONSENSE!!!" Instead of giggling it turned to a chuckle. Gaster sat down next to me. "Papyrus I'm getting the swimsuits!" Sans assured. "BUT BROTHER!!!" Papyrus complained. "What are you smiling at?" Gaster asked. I looked over at Sans and Papyrus. And before I knew it Papyrus jumps in the pond. Sans sits on the edge of the pond and sighs. "C'mon Papy, lets get you dry." Sans chuckled. And before you know it a skeletal hand and arm comes out of the water and pulls Sans in the pond. "AH!" Sans yelled as the water hit his jacket. I put a hand over my mouth trying not to laugh. I failed... I curled up and tears started to form. I gave up and closed my eyes, leting my laugh run through the empty air. My laugh echoed from the walls, wherever the walls where. I opened my eyes to see Sans get out of the pond as he examined he wet jacket. That only made me laugh harder. Papyrus got out of the water and looked at Sans. Papyrus soon started to laugh as well. Sans looked at me and a smile crept up onto his cheeks. Sans started with a chuckle trying to contain the laughter. Soon he wasn't able to hold on to the laughter either. Gaster soon joined. Sans fell to the ground and started to curl up. I had my eyes open enouph to see Sans accidentally roll back into the pond. A huge splash accrued and I got up and ran to the side of the pond. "SANS!!! I THINK YOU FELL BACK IN!!!" I yelled. Gaster started to laugh so hard waterfalls where coming out of his eyes. Papyrus couldn't take it much longer. Papyrus started to roll around. That's when I realized Sans hadn't come back to the surface and my laughs stoped instantly. "Sans?" I asked. Nothing, not even bubbles... I waited for a minute. There is no way Sans could hold his breath that long!!! It's been almost 10 minutes!!! And soon enouph, Sans arm came up and dragged me into the pond. A large splash came and I held my breath. Going under, I was able to open my eyes. Sans was right there staring at me. I pushed him a little, causing him to fall back a little, Sans and I swam back up to the surface. I took a deep breath as my hair swung over my head. I looked at Sans with a angery expression. Sans face was clearly red, he wasn't facing Papyrus and Gaster though so I assumed they didn't see. I floated ontop of the water, waiting for my heart rate to slow down. It's been a few minutes and Sans went underwater. I ignored it until I felt someone pick me up from under me. "AH!" I screamed in suprize. When I looked at who picked me up my heart stopped beating. Sans smiled at me, looking into my eyes. "Not cool." I mumbled. Sans smile grew, and he started walking. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Out." Sans answered. "Huh?" I asked. Sans was near the end of the pond. "Oh... awww...." I whined. "We need to get dry! If water get's out of this place I know monsters might be able to find this place." Sans explained. "Alright!" I whined. Sans and I got out of the pond, more like, Sans carried me out of the pond and Sans jumped out after putting me down. After we air dried Sans, Papyrus, Gaster and I started to eat our food. After we ate... well.... I became difficult. Everyone was finished eating and I signaled Papyrus for a talk. "Yes?" Papyrus asked knowing I wouldn't want the others to hear. "You want to jump in?" I asked, a smirk growing on my face. Papyrus evilly smiled. "I like your idea's human!" Papyrus whispered, then nodded. "Alright what are you two planning!?" Sans asked noticing that Papyrus actually whispered. "I have nooo idea what yooouuurr taaalllking abooouut!" I lied. "Your not good at lying." Gaster pointed, raising a brow. "What ever do you mean?" I asked. "She does that on purpose to through us off." I hear Sans whisper to Gaster. Gaster nodded. "Makes sense." Gaster mumbled. "What you planin'? You might as well spill it." Sans shrugged. "On three." I said. "What's on three?" Gaster asked. "One." I started. "Y/n? Seriously! What are you planning?" Sans asked walking closer to me. "Two." I continued. "Y/N!!" Sans growled. "THREE!" I finished and ran to the pond. Papyrus and I jumped, a blue glow surrounded me. I looked over to Papyrus who had a green glow surrounded him. "SO CLOSE!" Papyrus yelled. "I WANT WATER!!" I screamed. Sans sighed. We were brought away from the water. "Y/n? Why!?" Sans complained. The blue glow faded. I smirked. What Sans didn't realize, was that we were about 5 feet from the pond. I ran and jumped in, this time I was successful. I looked up to see Sans jumping in. Sans found me underwater and glared at me. I almost laughed but had to keep it under control. Sans smiled at my reaction. We got to the surface and took a breath. A blue glow surrounded me as I was brought closer. I stopped directly infront of him. Sans smirked. Sans hugged me. "I believe you owe me some kisses..." Sans whispered in my ear. His warm breath tickling my ear. Luckily I didn't shiver. But, instead, my face turned red. Sans pulled away and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me. I avoided eye contact as my stupid blush grew. Sans smirked, lifting my head with his finger. "Why do you alwase like to hide?" Sans whispered. "Because it's embarrassing..." I whisper-mumbled, looking back down and hiding my face. Sans lifted my head again making me make eye contact with him. His eyes were soft, caring, and wide, almost like a puppy's. Sans leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. As alwase I put my arms around him and kissed back. "We'll give you two some time alone." Papyrus softly said. "WHAT!?" Gaster exclaimed. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!!! ARE YOU CRAZY!!!" Gaster continued. "Come Gaster." Papyrus called walking away. "NOW!" Papyrus growled. Papyrus... just frowled... am I hearing this right? I asked myself. Gaster was shocked but gave up and followed. Nope, you heard that correctly... never though Papyrus would growl at someone like that. Sans answered, his voice ringing in my head. "SANS HOW DO WE GET OUT!?" Papyrus asked. Sans sighed and went to go help them. When he came back Papyrus and Gaster where gone. "Uh... tha was weird." I mumbled. "Tell me about it..." Sans agreed walking back into the pond. Sans held me close just like he haven't moved. Sans leaned to the side of my head. "Where were we?" Sans whispered into my ear once again. Sans leaned back to face me. He had a red cheeks, I'm assuming he really wanted it then. If he was flustered about it and he still did it... man, that tells me one thing. I didn't answer. I just stared into his eyes, they were so welcoming... how could I not! "I think you owe me something." Sans smirked, breaking the silence. "I wish I never made that deal." I mumbled. "Oh? And why's that?" Sans asked leaning his head in, around my neck. Like he was going to kiss the bottom of my chin. I could feel his breath on my neck, witch made my neck almost twitch. My face brightened, Sans took this to advantage and brought me closer. "S-S-Sans!!" I stuttered. I've never stuttered three times? WHAT IS HE DOING TO ME!!?? I started yelling at myself. "Y'know, your cute when you stutter..." Sans whispered. That only made my face brighter. My face felt like I was in a 10,000 degree preheated oven! Sans brought me as close as he could as he leaned in. "S-Sans!!! Stop it!" I complained. Sans only smirked. He didn't pull away, he didn't try to bring me closer, he just smirked. "Do you trust me?" Sans asked. "I thought I already answered that question." I answered. "Then you won't mind if I continued what I was going to do?" Sans asked. "Uh... I guess-" Before I could even finish my sentence I felt Sans bit down on my neck, searching. "Ah... S-Sans!!! What are you!-" I started. Sans didn't answer. Witch caught me off guard. Sans started messing around with my neck. "S-Sans!!" I called. Sans started to grin. Sans started bitting down more roughly. "S-Sans!!! Please! S-Stop!" I asked. "Do you really want me to?" Sans asked, then continued. I froze as Sans continued. "Sans? Are you okay?" I asked. Sans froze, as I got his attention. His season!! It clicked, it was getting to bad to handle! I felt Sans eye's grow as he realized what he was doing. Sans pulled away. "It's the season isn't it?" I asked. Sans face became flustered and looked away. "Sans..." I repeated. "Alright, alright. I didn't think I would loose it! I'm sorry...." Sans apologized letting go of me. I looked down. Poor Sans... what, do I do? I said I would help him... "Sans..." I mumbled. But when I looked up, Sans was gone. "SANS!!" I yelled. I turned around sharply. Still no sign of him. I went underwater looking incase if he went under. Nope. I thought. I came to the surface and got out of the pond. "SANS!!!" I yelled. The only response I got was my echo. Sans... I only want you to be happy. I thought to myself. Even if it means... that? Sans asked, hearing my thoughts. My face became flustered. Yes... but, where did you go? I asked. I have my places... I can see that your flustered... heh. Sans answered. "Okay, where are you!?" I asked out load knowing he can hear me. I'm somewhere... somewhere you'll never find me. Sans responded. I looked around. Where would he be? If I were Sans, where would I hide? I asked myself. I'm still in your head, you know that right? Sans asked. Are you in my head? I asked giggling. Hey! You figured it out! But you won't be able to find me, you have a lot of memory's in here. Sans answered. I think your lying. I answered. Well, I see that your dad isn't the only one that hurts you. Who is it? Your sister? Brother? Aunts? Unckles? Does everyone cut you!? Sans asked. "ALRIGHT THAT'S IT GET OUT!!" I ordered. Sorry, just trying to figure out if he was the only one. Sans apologized. I sighed. Will you get out? I asked. I am... well, kinda. I can't see any memories. Sans assured. Then where are you? I asked rollingbmy eyes. There was a moment of silence. Sans? I asked. "I'm right here..." Sans taps my shoulder, causing me to jump. "Heh, my bad." Sans smiled. "How bad is it?" I asked forgetting everything else. Sans looked at me shocked. "Why you shocked?" I asked. Sans calmed down a little. "I don't know, you alwase like to seem to get strait to the point." Sans shrugged. "Yeah... I have that problem." I smiled. Sans sighed. "I didn't... mean to." Sans voice saddened. "Sans, you didn't let me finish before you disappeared." I sighed. Sans didn't respond but instead sat on the ground. "Sans... what do you want me to do?" I asked. "W-WHAT!?" Sans asked shocked, looking at me. His shocked expression only wanted me to help him more, but... I don't know if he wanted it, I don't think he wanted me to help at this moment in time. "Sans, I don't mind helping, but that's up to you. And I'm okay with it if you think, and honestly believe that you can get through it." I whispered, embarrassment filled me at the first sentence as I looked away. Sans seemed to calm down a little. "You would really help?" Sans asked. "Y-Yeah... I don't know if you'll let me, but seeing you like this is... well, torchering. I want to see you happy, worry free, I may not see it, but I can feel your unhappy and worried..." I whispered. Sans sighed. "I know... I can tell you can. I try to hide it." Sans mumbled. "You shouldn't hide it, I want to know what I can do, if you'll let me." I assured, looking at him. "Y/n... I don't think you should have to do this." Sans replied. "It's not right!" Sans added. "I want you to be honest, do you believe that you can go through it?" I asked. Putting a hand on his shoulder. Sans shook his head. "I'm not sure... but I can't have you... I can't put you through that!" Sans answered. Sans face went sad and calm. I started to look in the distance behind Sans when I noticed something on his neck. It was a red color. "Sans? What's that?" I asked. "What's what?" Sans asked. I touched the item. And Sans face became flustered. "Don't!" Sans warned. I pulled my hand away from the item. "What is it?" I asked. "It's something to make sure nothing's touching my spine. Why?" Sans asked. "It's just poking out a little... but, why do you need it on your spine?" I asked. Sans looked away, and didn't respond. "I won't ask anymore... what can I do? Do you want me to leave you be?" I asked. Sans thought for a minute and nodded. "I think I can get through it..." Sans answered. I nodded. "C'mon, Papyrus and Gaster's waiting." Sans said standing up and holding out a hand, offering to help me up. I gladly took it and Sans pulled me to my feet. "Sans, Gaster might have had a spaz attack, if you know what I mean." I warned. "I'll just have to hide from him then." Sans shrugged. "Okay." I answered. Sans smiled and hugged me. "Thank you." Sans smiled. I hugged back happily. "Nng..." Sans said cringing. I let go. "Sorry, I should probably let you know. Don't touch my spine." Sans warned coldly. I nodded. "My bad!" I shrugged. "Na, c'mon!" Sans smiled. Sans snapped his fingers and I was in the living room with Sans. "But, I don't have a room... greeeaaaat." Sans complained, rolling his eyes and sitting carefully on the couch. I laughed at his reaction. Sans smiled at my laugh. "I was telling the truth though... you are pretty cute when you stutter." Sans threw out. My face flustered. "S-Sans!!" I whined. "And when you whine, and when your flustered, or laugh, giggle... or smile." Sans kept going. "SANS!!" I yelled my face all red. Sans looked over and laughed. "NOT FUNNY!" I yelled. "Not for you! Did I mention that your cute when your mad too?" Sans smirked. I glared daggers at him. "What?" Sans asked. "HMPH!" I said walking out the door. I saw Sans smirk on the corner of my eye.

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