6: SANS!!!
Y/n = Your Name.
L/n = Last Name.
M/n = Middle Name.
F/c = Favorite Color.
S/c = Soul Color.
S/f/c = Second Favorite Color.
F/f = Favorite Food
It was dark, there wasn't much light. I could see a little, but the only thing I saw was a huge tree? It was a blossom tree to be exact. "Y/n? Is that you? Did I finally do it?" A voice asked. The voice came from the tree. I slowly walked towards the tree full of cation. "OH! Good! It worked!" The voice ranged. I turned towards the voice more as a small figure appeared in the darkness.. "Who are you?" I asked. "How do you know my name?" I asked again. "And most importantly where am I?" I asked once again. "This is a dream, you are in... well... a dream. But this is true, I need to warn you." She said. "Can I see you?" I asked. "No, I am better off unseen. But, be careful." The figure spoke softly. "Of what?" I asked. "Just be careful." It repeated. The figure started to fade and was soon gone. The dark room slowly turned to a bright wight. And I woke up.
I wake up slowly as I hear Sans screaming. "Y/N!!! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!! NOW!!!" Sans yelled. I sat up and tried to balance myself. But before long I was pulled to stand up. I was dragged out of the house and into the cold snow. "About time!" A small child voice chuckled in pure evil. I was pulled behind Sans as I turn around. I have finally got used to the light and regained my balance. There was a small girl infront of me, or, us. Papyrus was next to Sans and, Sans was in a battling position? What? "What's going on?" I asked. "Oh! A new friend! How fun!" The figure squealed. That's when I realized a new form of light was here. I looked towards it and I see... the house!! It was on fire!!! "WHAT HAPPENED!!?" I exclaimed as I looked at the burning home. "I started it! Isn't it beautiful? Such a nice warmth and glow." The figure giggled. I turned to her, hurt and anger in my eyes. "Who. Are. You?" I growled. "No need to be angry! Just thought you guys could use a new design!" The child guggled again. "WHO ARE YOU!!!" I screamed. "I'm Betty!" She smiled. I stood there trying to keep my anger in control. "You look tense, and angry." Betty pointed. "Get out of here! While you have the chance!" I evil grin grew on my cheeks. "Oh? And why's that?" Betty smirked. "I'm going to kill you." I mumbled. "What was that?" Betty put a hand to her ear, waiting for me to repeat. "Y/n no. It's nothing. We can live somewhere else." Sans said putting a hand up to stop me. "You think I'm going to let this slide? Heh... your going to have to do more than that to even put the thought in my head." I growled. "Why don't you sing a song to me, for a thanks." Betty giggled. "A song? Heh... I'll give you a song." I grinned. The music picked up and I started. The sword came back into my hand as Sans, Papyrus, and Betty stared at me. I didn't even have to do much. I sang a background chorus and when the words came up it was like I had multiple voices singing with me. I didn't pay attention to it as I glared daggers at Betty.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
After my song I quickly swung at her but before I could reach her a blue glow surrounded me as I was pulled back to where I basically was. "LET ME GO!!!" I screamed. "Kid? What's gotten into you?" Sans mumbled as I kept struggling towards her. "LET ME GO!!!" I screamed once again. That's when something black caught my attention and I froze. "Kid?" Sans asked noticing my instant freez. "Uh." I hummed. I started looking around. "Kid what's wrong?" Sans asked. "I... thought I saw something black." I whispered. "Kid, look on you... your wearing black." Sans said pointing to me. "No, it was... something else." I mumbled to myself. "Look at you!? The angel of death? Wow. Never thought I'd run into you!" Betty smirked. I growled at her. "Wait... Angel? Of death? What?" I asked. Sans, Papyrus, and Betty gave me a strange look. "Look on your back kid." Sans instructed. The blue glow faded and I landed on the ground. I hesitantly did what he said. There was a pair of black wings stuck to me.
I screamed in suprize as the black wings started to flap. The wings started lifting me off the ground. "Y/N!! CALM DOWN!!" Papyrus exclaimed. I looked at Papyrus and Sans. My eyes full of confusion and terror. Sans chuckled at my reaction. The black feathery wings started to flap less as I was slowly brought back to the ground. I glared at Sans for the chuckle. "I'm sorry... it was hard not to." Sans shrugged. "SANS WE DON'T NEED YOUR SILLY SIDE RIGHT NOW!!!" Papyrus smacked Sans upside the head. Not to hard, but, enouph to make Sans have an reaction. Sans rubbed his skull. "Such a pretty set of wings you got there! Mind if I take them?" Betty asked. "WHAT!? NO!" I exclaimed. "Alright, Sans, a word?" Betty asked glaring at me. I almost froze. What is she planing? What's going on? She's not planning to use Sans against me is she!? "Why?" Sans asked. "I need a drink." Betty smiled. Sharp teeth came from each side of her mouth as her eyes turned blood red. "S-Sans?" I stuttered. Betty became a blur and was gone. "Sans?" I asked looking over to him. I yelped as I saw Betty bitting on Sans neck. She removed her teeth. "Don't worry, he'll just become like me. I won't fully kill him." Betty giggled as she whiped the blood from her mouth and disappeared. Sans collapsed onto the ground. "SANS!!" I yelled and rushed to his side. "OH DEAR!!! C'MON HUMAN!!! LETS GET HIM TO DR. ALPHAS!!!" Papyrus yelled and picked Sans up.
•~•~•~•~•~•Time Skip!~•~•~•~•~•~•
We got Sans inside me and Papyrus were waiting outside for Alphas to return. It felt like almost a day has past and the door finally opens. I look up to see Dr. Alphas with Sans behind her. "Sans!" I exclaimed and ran up to hug him. Sans almost fell over but was able to keep his balance. "Miss me or what?" Sans chuckled. "Are you kidding!? I was freaking out!" I answered and hugged him a little tighter. "Y/n? You should be careful." Alphas warned. "For what?" I asked letting go and facing her. "Sans now craves blood... monster, or human, even animal. He's a... vampire in a way." Alphas laughed shyly. "Oh? 'In a way'?" I asked. "He won't burn in the light. Just has the same... diet." Alphas explained. Sans groaned and put a hand up to his head. "He's hungry Y/n." Alphas warned. "Ugh..." Sans groaned once again. "I'm... not to close, am I?" I asked cautiously. "That's up to him. Not me." Alphas answered and walked off. I looked back at Sans, he was staring at me. "Sans? Am I... to close?" I asked. Sans realized I was talking to him. "No, your not to close. I'm good." Sans chuckles and a sly grin grows. Sans started staring at me. "Sans?" I asked. Sans came back to reality. "Okay, maybe your a little close..." Sans rubbed the back of his skull as he avoided eye contact. "Oh! And one more thing! If he manages to gain speed or anything let me know!" Alphas called from her work spot. "OKAY!" Papyrus called back. I took a few steps back and Sans sighed. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm fine, just-" Sans started. "Hungry?" I asked. Sans smiled a little. "Yeah..." Sans rubbed his skull and closed his eyes. So cute.... this is going to be hard. "I'm going to go find a deer or something. There are animals down here? Right?" I asked. "What's a deer?" Sans asked. "Oh... I'll take that as a no. We need to get to the surface." I answered. "The surface? ARE YOU MAD!!! PEOPLE WILL BE ALL OVER US MONTERS!!!" Papyrus exclaimed. "But... Sans can't eat other monsters! Can he? I guess he could eat me-" Sans put a hand over my mouth. "Don't. Even. Think. That." Sans growled. "Meep." I squeaked. Sans looked at me and sighed, removing his hand. "The humans right Sans... your going to loose it if we don't get you something to eat, and we need to go to the surface. Unless you want to eat monsters." Papyrus reasonsed. "I didn't disagree." Sans said putting his hands up in defense. Papyrus sighed. "You know the risks of not being able to go up there right?" Papyrus asked. "We have to get to Asgore, but, he'll attack Y/n." Sans voice saddened. "I can get us up there, without going to Asgore." I smiled. Sans looked at me. "I can form." I started. "Your going to try and fly us up there aren't you?" Sans asked interrupting. "What other safe choice do we have?" I asked. "It's not all that safe kid." Sans pointed. "Your right, we could get hurt. But it won't lead to death in any possible way. Unless you break your neck when you hit the ground. If you hit the ground." I shrugged. "THE HUMAN'S GOT A POINT SANS!!" Papyrus exclaimed. "Fine, lets go." Sans shrugged and walked to the door. "NOW!?" Me and Papyrus yelled. "Well, I'm only getting hungrier as time goes by. You want to wait?" Sans asked. I went to go say something but Sans has a point. "Y/N HASN'T LEARNED HOW TO FORM YET!" Papyrus yelled. "Then we better get to it because I'm not risking her safety!" Sans called as the door shut behind him. "C'mon." I said and walked out. Me and Papyrus caught up to Sans. Sans and Papyrus wanted me to stay back for a little so that way Sans wouldn't accidentally bite me. Papyrus kept a safe distance too. "Sans? What if I can't form?" I asked worried. "I believe in you kid. If you can't... we'll figure it out." Sans answered. When we got back to the ruins Sans sighed. "C'mon, we have a big day ahead of us." Sans opened the door and we started walking to the entrance of the underground entrance. "Y/N!!! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!!" A familiar voice yelled angerly. I turned around, and guess who?.... Toriel.... Greeeeaaaattt!!!! "AND YOU BROUGHT OTHERS!!!" Toriel summoned fire balls as she noticed Sans and Papyrus. "HEY!" Sans yelled. Toriel turned her focus to Sans. "LEAVE Y/N OUT OF THIS!" Sans yelled. "Make me." Toriel growled, her flames growing in her palms. "You'll regret it." Sans warned, his eye starting to glow. "Please! Lets not fight! Not here!" I pleaded. Sans eye flame shrank, but it was still there. Toriel did not stop though. "C'mon, before this gets out of hand." Papyrus said calmly as he slowly walked off. Sans stood up strait and fallowed. I fallowed soon after Sans. "GET BACK HERE!!!" Tori shouted. We ignored her and kept going. We eventually made it to the destination. "Okay... welp, lets get this over with." Sans shrugged looking up. "I HAVE AN IDEA!!!" Papyrus exclaimed. "What?" Sans asked turning to him. "Y/N USUALLY TURNS WHEN SHE IS MAD!!! WE CAN JUST MAKE HER ANGERY!!!" Papyrus suggested. "Let's give her a try first. But how would we do that?" Sans asked. "I... haven't figured that out yet." Papyrus answered thinking. I imagined my form, in high detail. When I opened them I still wasn't in my form. So after a while of trying. I eventually gave up on that idea. "So how do we make her angery?" Sans asked. A flame came and almost hit Sans. I turned around, already knowing who it was and took a cautious stance. "YOU CAN'T GET UP THERE!!! AND I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!" Tori yelled. "Don't. Hurt. Anyone!!!" I growled. Toriel noticed my stance. "Oh? And what are you going to do?" Tori smirked. "Everything." I answered. She threw another fireball at Papyrus and shrugged. "Oops, my bad." Tori smiled. I felt a massive pain in my back and fell on my knees. "AAAH!!!" I screamed in pain, causing the pain to increase. "Y/N!!!" Sans yelled and ran to my side. "I'm...." I gritted my teeth from the pain. "Fine." I finished. Sans backed up. After a few minutes the pain started to die down. "Y-Y/n?" Sans asked. I looked over to him, my black wings where there? I looked down at my clothes. But they were the same. "Is this a... mix-ish form?" I asked scanning myself. "Your... taking Sans up there aren't you!? And Papyrus!" Tori asked. I nodded. "SANS WILL KILL EVERYONE!!!" Tori exclaimed. "What do you know?" Sans growled. "I know your job!" Tori answered in a sassy tone. "Oh, well, I don't care." Sans answered crossing his arms. "C'mon Sans, lets get you up there." I said, careful with my words. Sans and Papyrus nodded. I grabbed Papyrus first, due to Sans urgency. Then flew back down. I got Sans and flew up. "BRING ME TOO!!!" Tori yelled. "CAN'T!!! THERE UP HERE BECAUSE IT'S A EMERGENCY!!!" I yelled and Sans pulled me away from the hole. "C'mon, I can already smell the people up here." Sans complained. "Alright. Lets go hunting." I smiled. "So... where to?" Sans asked as I walked off. "There's a forest nearby. There is a lot of animals in it, so, there is a good place to start." I answered. When we started making our way down Mnt. Ebbot and avoided as many cliffs as posible. When we reached the bottom there where a lot of people. "Ugh." Sans groaned. "C'mon, it's just right over here." I said and headed in the opposite direction. We eventually made it to the forest. Sans eyes became big. "You guys go somewhere else. I don't want to loose it." Sans said turning to us. "You going to be okay on your own? There tends to be a lot of bears and wolves in there." I asked. "What are those? Bears? Wolves? What?" Sans asked confused. "There animals that will attack if felt threatened. They might attack for no reason." I answered. Sans nodded. "I'll be cautious. You guys go, I'll find you in the city or something. But if I can't find you... hmm." Sans thought. I pulled out a walkie-talkie and gave one to Sans. "What is this?" Sans asked taking it. "Press the button and talk into it." I instructed. "Which button?" Sans asked. "The only one on the side." I answered. Sans turned the Walkie-Talkie over and pressed the button. "You might want to hold it down while you talk, otherwise I won't be able to hear you." I pointed. Sans nodded. I walked off a little and Sans talked into the little box. HellO? Sans voice rang threw the Walkie-Talkie. I pressed the button on the side and spoke into the box. Sans the Walkie-Talkie might be a little staticky. Just a heads up. I responded. Walkie-Talkie? Really? Sans asked. Yeah... don't ask. The world came up with a lot of wierd names. I laughed. Alright. Sans responded. How far can this go? Sans asked. It will start getting a little staticky when you turn it on, off, or the Walkie-Talkie's are about 7 to 10 miles apart. I responded. Okay. I see Sans nod in the distance. I walked back over. "Got used to it now?" I asked. A sly smile grew on Sans face. "Yeah, I got it." Sans laughed. I smiled. "Okay, we'll let you be." I smirked. Sans nodded and headed into the forest. Be careful. I warned and walked off. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I promise. Sans promised. Okay, talk to you later! I said and put the Walkie-Talkie in my pocket. Bye. Sans responded. I smiled and headed to a field I went to when I first got away. I spent most of the time there. Whenever I got free, that was the place I went to be alone and calm down. "WHERE WE GOING!?" Papyrus asked. "To an old place, I found it the first time I got free." I answered. "OO!!! YAY!" Papyrus smiled. I chuckled at his expression. When we got there I looked around. "Nothing's changed." I mumbled. "Wow." Papyrus gazed at his surroundings in awe. It was a flower field with a small river attached to a lake. (Pretend there's a lake or make up your own place.)
•~•~•~•~•~•~Time Skip!•~•~•~•~•~•~
Y/n? You there? The walkie-Talkie rang. Yeah what's up!? I answered. That was quick... where are you? Sans asked. I am at a place I liked to come, tell me where you are so I can come get you. I answered. I'll meet you at Mnt. Ebbot. Sans answered. Be right there. I answered. "Papyrus, I'm going to go get Sans, why don't you stay here." I suggested. "OKAY!!" Papyrus exclaimed and walked towards the lake. I got to Mnt. Ebbot and eventually found Sans. "Hey!" Sans smiled. "C'mon! I think you'll like this place." I smiled. Sans nodded and I lead the way. When we got there Sans froze. "You okay?" I asked turning around. "Yeah... just.... wow." Sans awed in response. "I'm happy you like it." I smiled. "It's... beautiful." Sans complimented and then turned to me. "I'm happy... this is my secret place. I came here a lot when I was angery or upset. This was the place I came to when I wanted to be alone." I smiled. Sans started to stare at me. I took a step back. "No, your fine... just, thinking about something and I dozed off." Sans assured putting a hand on his neck. "Oh. Okay. So, wanna go for a swim?" I asked. "Yeah! Sure!" Sans smiled. "Alright. PAPYRUS!! ME AND SANS ARE GOING TO GO BUY SOME SWIMSUITS!!! WANNA COME!?" I called. "OF COURSE!!" Papyrus yelled running to us. "Alright! C'mon!" I smiled. "Don't it cost money?" Sans asked. "Yeah, sense the money in the underground is different I have a lot of money. So I have enouph to buy us things for swimming!" I smiled. "I'll pay you back." Sans put a hand on my shoulder. "No, I have to thank you for me staying, and paying for food, and all of this other stuff." I assured. "I'm paying you back!" Sans growled. "No! I won't take it!" I rejected. "Fine!" Sans groaned. I smiled. "Yay!" I bounced and grabbed Sans hand. I dragged Sans to the store witch caused Papyrus to run after us. So I was dragging both of them 😂. When we got to the store I started looking around for a swim suit. "I got one." Sans and Papyrus said. "Okay, but I want to try mine on! Do you guys?" I asked. "Na." Sans rejected. "No thanks." Papyrus answered. "Okay, I want you guys to be honest when I come out." I jumped. Sans and Papyrus nodded. I went into the changing room and got changed. When I was finished I looked in the mirror.
(Or just pick a swimsuit you want.)
I took a deep breath and walked out. Sans and Papyrus where talking over near the register when I came out. They must have heard the door/curtain open because they stopped talking and turned to face me. "So? What do you think?" I asked. "YOU LOOK GREAT!!!" Papyrus nodded. His comment made me smile a little. Sans just stood there and stared at me. A red tint coming to his cheeks. "Sans?" I asked a little worried. "You look great!" Sans answered, the red tint going away as he was brought back to reality. I smiled wider and when track into the dressing room to change back. When we finally got back to the lake I smiled and went into the forest to get changed. Everyone did the same. We meet back up at the lake. Sans was wearing a black and red swimsuit while Papyrus just wore black. Papyrus didn't even wait, he just jumped in. Sans chuckled at Papyrus's behavior as I just watched. I soon jumped in after Sans and we all started to swim around. It was starting to get dark when we finally started to relax and float in the water. "What are stars like?" Sans asked. I looked at him as he stares into the sunseting sky. "There like little lights in the sky." I answered. Sans looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked. "Your just so...." Sans trailed off. "So what?" I asked regaining my balance and standing up in the water. I tilted my head in confusion. "Cute." Sans finished and looked back up at the sky. A slight blush appeared on my face. "And your alwase easy to fluster." Sans added smirking at me. The blush grew a little. Sans smirk only grew. Sans stood up and walked over to me. "Sans?" I asked. Sans ignored my question and put his hands on my waist. I looked down to where his hands where and looked back up at him. "Sans, you okay?" I asked. I think this is to close for a new born vampire-ish person, or monster. Sans didn't answer. "Sans?" I asked a little more worry in my voice. Sans smirk just turned into a smile, a wide smile. I gulped as I tried to remove his hands so he could collect himself again. But when I started to remove them Sans grip on me only tightened. My hands instantly backed off due to the grip Sans had on me. I looked back up at Sans not knowing what to stay. Sans pulled me closer to him witch brought the bright growing blush to my cheeks. Sans chuckled at my reaction as he brought me into a hug-ish state. Sans hands were still on my waist. All Sans did was basically just lower his head onto my shoulder. Sense Sans and I where the same hight, it was pretty easy to do. "Sans." I breathed not knowing how to react. "Hmm." Sans hummed in response. "Are... you okay?" I asked. Sans nodded. "I can control myself. It's just hard sometimes." Sans added. I nodded. "Okay..." I answered. Sans lifted up and looked into my eyes. I looked down trying to avoid eye contact. Sans instead lifted my head with his hand and smiled. "Don't hide." Sans whispered. The blush only grew. I looked into Sans eye (socket?). I got lost into them I didn't realize he leaned down until he kissed me. I lifted my arms up to his shoulders and deepened the kiss. Sans hands went from my waist to my back as he tried not to go to far. How do I know this? Well, his reaction to the depend kiss kinda gave it away. He almost pulled away but melted into it eventually. When we did separate Sans hugged me and looked up. That's when I realized it was dark. "How long was that?" I asked looking up at the star full sky. "TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION!!! ABOUT 10 MINUTES!!!" Papyrus answered, smiling as always. "Really?" Sans asked. "It only felt like... 30 or so seconds." I said going into thought. Sans nodded in agreement. I shrugged. "Oh well. But we need to get back, you guys have a job to do in the morning." I smiled. "Ugh! Fine... only on one thing!" Sans smirked holding up his pointer finger as if he where pointing at the sky. "Shoot!" I smiled expecting the worse. "I'll tell you later." Sans smirked. I gave him a confused look. "NO!!! I INSIST!!!! I SHALL LEAVE YOU TWO ALONE FOR A MINUTE OR TWO TO DISCUSS!!!" Papyrus called, while getting out of the lake. "Okay..." Sans shrugged. Once Papyrus was out of hearing range I looked at Sans. "What is it?" I asked. Sans brought me into another hug-ish state. "Sleep wth me? Just this once." Sans begged looking deep into my eyes. As expected, my blush grew into a tomato. Heck, tomato's would be ashamed. Sans smirked and I sighed. "C'mon! Please!" Sans begged pullingbme into an actual hug. I smiled. "Okay fine! But no wierd business." I said. "Yeah... no promises." Sans whispered as he let go. My blush grew a little but soon faded. "C'mon, Papyrus is going to wounded what happened to us." I rolled my eyes and dragged Sans out of the lake.
~•~•~•~•~•~•Time Skip!•~•~•~•~•~•~
We where at Sans place as he smiled the hole way. "WHAT IS UP WITH YOU BROTHER!?" Papyrus asked. "Nothin' just... I don't know... excited, or somethin'." Sans shrugged. I rolled my eyes. Sans and Papyrus walked upstairs to their rooms to get changed and I walked in the bathroom to get changed. When I got out Sans was leaning against the wall with a huge and I mean huge smile on his face. "What you smilin' for?" I asked. "I think you know what." Sans responded. "Where's Papyrus?" I asked. "He's already went to bed." Sans answered. I sighed. "C'mon!" Sans exclaimed pulling me to his room. I almost fell over! He pulled me into his bed and he snuggled up behind me. My face became redder from the last time from the sudden warmth. "S-Sans?" I studdered. "Why are you so desperate?" I asked. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to beable to do this." Sans whispered. My blush brightened. Is my blush even able to grow, or brighten? HOW!? I asked myself. Sans arms tightened around my waist. I smiled coming up to an idea. I turned around, Sans arm lifted at the first sign I started turning. I faced him, his red blush slowly showed. I leaned into him and kissed him passionately. (I promise this does not turn I to a lemon! Trust me please because this is an important part of the story/fanfic!) Sans was shocked by my movement but melted into the passionate kiss. Sans wrapped his arms around my waist slowly... and soothingly. Sans started to lift up a little. Sans leaned over me causing me to lay on my back. We separated and Sans smirked. Sans pressed his lips (teeth?) up against my lips roughly. Sans started to move a little but eventually stoped. I put more wight into the kiss and then soon broke. Sans is now on top of me? How did that happen? I smiled at him as I realized that he trapped me where I was. His hands on both sides of my head, his arms where the only thing keeping him from collapsing on me. He leaned down once again, and I leaned in. We both kissed roughly. The wight of my right lifted. Unsure of where it went, I tried lifting myself onto Sans so we would swap positions. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me down as Sans just leaned in more so the kiss wouldn't break. I tried again, to swap places. Once again the hand pushed my back down and the kiss between me and Sans only deepened. Sans hand was still on my shoulder, but Sans hand started to move. Sans hand started to roam down my side. Down to the side of my rib cage. Then the side of my stomach. And soon reached my waist. Sans hand froze and Sans broke the kiss. "Why did you stop me?" I asked. "Because I'm the only one with this position." Sans growled. I don't know why, but that made me want something. I wasn't sure what I wanted, but I know what I wanted was from him. It was strange. I felt something inside that... I don't know... it felt like, determination? Or was it want? Nope! Definitely determination! I thought to myself. I studied Sans behavior as Sans started to stare at me. "What?" Sans asked. "Nothin', just... noting your behavior." I answered. Sans looked shocked as if he didn't know how to respond. Soon he shook it off and smirked. "Hmm..." Sans hummed in a deep thought. "You okay with... me doing something?" Sans asked. "Like what?" I asked. "Do you trust me?" Sans asked. "What kind of question is that? Of course I trust you! Who wouldn't!?" I asked a little shocked at his question. Sans smirked and leaned down, Sans kissed me once again but when we separated it was literally only a second long. He would go back to kissing me immediately. I felt the weight of his hands slowly disappear. I was confused but I shook it off really quickly. My hands still on my sides as hands twisted our fingers and brought them to the side of my head. When we separated I looked over at the hands that had held mine. Of course it was Sans but it felt so... right. I couldn't help but look at them. I turned back to Sans to see him smiling. "What?" I asked. "Nothin'..." Sans said as he stumbled off to the side of me. I was shocked and yet disappointed. Mostly disappointed... is that normal? "What? Want me to continue?" Sans asked noticing my disappointment state. I looked over to him. He was closer than I thought! I sighed and just shrugged. "I don't know." I answered looking back up to the ceiling. "You should know... or are you trying to hide it from me?" Sans asked. "Why would I hide it?" I asked. "Because it would be... I don't know, something you want, but to embarrassed to admit." Sans smirked. "Like what?" I asked. "Well, I'll tell you what I want." Sans poked my shoulder. "Okay?" I asked looking at him. "I want you... but, that's not in my control." Sans smiled, a red hint grazed his cheeks. I stayed silent after that. "He wants me? Why would he want me? What good would I do?" I thought. "Yes, I want you. You are smart, beautiful, kind, soft, gentle. Why would I not want you? And finally! You light up my life... that's only one of the many reason's of the good you do." Sans answered. "I said that out loud?" I asked. Sans nodded. "Damb it." I mumbled. Sans chuckled, as I avoided eye contact. "Oh c'mon! Why would you even try to think that?" Sans asked. "I'm not used to being wanted around Sans... you know that." I whispered. Sans froze, not knowing what to do. Sans went into a deep thought and I just sighed. I curled into a small ball and started to relax a little more. When I was relaxed Sans put an arm around me and put his chin on my shoulder. "I want you..." Sans mumbled. I looked down and tried to process the new fealing. "It's just so wierd... to be wanted, it's not normal for me." I said. Sans lifted his chin and signaled me to turn around. I sighed but turned around to him. "Wasn't there others? You couldn't be alone that long." Sans whispered. "My brother was there. But he never showed me anything. He was just as bad as my dad. Same with my Sister. My mom died trying to protect me, that's the only thing that kept me alive... my mom didn't want me to give up. Now I know why." I smiled and gave Sans a small peck on the cheek. Sans was shocked and a small tiny of red appeared. It was probably brighter from the cause of the darkness. "She knew I would be free one day. And..." I trailed off. Something felt extreamly off. "Y/n... I love you." Sans smiled giving me a huge hug. "I love you too, but I don't think mows the time." I smiled and then immediately focused on the off fealing. "What do you mean?" Sans asked. "Something isn't right." I mumbled. Y/N!! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!! BRING SANS AND PAPYRUS WITH YOU!!! GO NOW!! My mothers voice rang in my head. "SANS WE HAVE TO GO!" I screamed getting out of the bed. "What?" Sans asked. "GET PAPYRUS!!" I yelled running down stairs to collect some snacks and some water.
(Sorry to leave a cliff hanger! But I hope you liked it! Thank you all for reading! See you in the next chapter! Bia!)
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