5: New Guest?

"SANS!!! THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR LOOKING FOR YOU!!!" Papyrus yelled barging inside. "Uh... who?" Sans asked. "I DON'T KNOW!!! HE SATS THAT YOU KNOW HIM AND HE CAME HERE TO TALK AND TALK ONLY!!" Papyrus responded running to his room instantly and slamming the door. A picture fell off the wall. Me and Sans stared at the picture. "I got it." I said walking over to it and picking it up. "Alright... I'll, be back." Sans said shrugging. "You won't mind ifnI join will you? It get lonely." I asked. "Don't you mean bonley? Either way, I don't care." Sans answered walking to the door. I found the hanger on the back of the frame and tried to hang it back up, it took a few tries but I got it. I straightened it out and grabbed my jacket. I opened the door walking out and shutting it behind me. A tall figure froze infront of Sans as I turned around. "Uh...." I hummed trying to creep it from getting akward. "Spill it." Sans ordered, his voice dark and angry. "Sans? You okay?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Sans ignored me. The tall figure turned back to Sans. "✌️👍🤚👌👉🤞👌👍" (I have no idea what simbol means what so just go with it.) The figure signaled. "Uhuh! Sure, I'm not sure if that!" Sans growled. "Should I not be here?" I asked, my heart dropped as I was in the middle of this... conversation? The figure turned to me. "🤚☝️🖖🤘👊🤛👈👌☝️" The figure simboled once again. "I don't know what does it look like sherlock?" Sans shrugged, his voice became more angry, even darker as he growled. "Okay... Imma grab some groceries." I said, walking to the store. A hand grabbed my wrist as I turned around. "Don't leave me with this guy!" Sans whispered so the figure couldn't hear. "Okay, who is this though?" I asked. Sans sighed. The figure turned on a nearby light. He had black string-ish things attached to him glowing all around. He kinda reminded me of Slenderman.... don't know why, maybe it's how tall he was? Or maybe how pale? I don't know. He had cracks going opposite directions starting at his eyes. The cracks ended around the top of his skull and near his jaw. "👋 ☝️👆🖐👎🤚🤞👆" He signaled. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." I said trying to find a way he can talk to me in a language I understand. I looked around. "What you lookin' for kid?" Sans asked. "I'm trying to figure out how to understand him.... hmmm." I answered humming. "OH!!! I know! I'll be right back!" I said running inside. I grabbed a paper and a pencil, and walked outside. "You know how to wright right?" I asked. He nodded and I gave him the paper. He wrote down something and handed me the paper. It was organized as he put a bullet point and his letter on the top line.
•The names Gaster, W. D. Gaster.
It read. I handed the paper back. "Hi Gaster!" I waved giving a warm smile. He waved back. Sans groaned mocking his head on the side of the house. "Sans? Are you okay?" I asked once more. Gaster started weighting something else down.
Me and Sans has a bad past.
I nodded. "What happened?" I asked. Giving the paper back.
More like, "What did I do?"
Gaster wrote. "Hmm... I'll leave it at that. Hey Sans?" I asked. Sans looked at me, lowering a brow. "Yeah kid?" Sans responded, shrugging. "Are you sure? I can just go grab some ingredients and clothes." I answered. Sans shook his head. "No, don't, I can't promise any safety for him." Sans growled, standing up strait. Gaster sighed. "🤞👉👍☝️🤝🤛🖐🤞👇🖐👎👇🖖" Gaster signaled. Sans sighed. "I still can't promise safety, but I guess... I'll give ya' another chance." Sans sighed. "C'mon, It's getting cold and the kids gonna freeze." Sans shrugged. "I got my jacket!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, a jacket. Where's your coat?" Sans asked. I opened my moth to respond but decided that he was right. "Heh, I won that round!" Sans smirked walking back inside. "You coming G?" Sans asked as I followed. Gaster rolled his eyes but followed anyway. "Hey, want some spaghetti? Papyrus never really eats it. And I don't want it." Sans shrugged. I glared daggers at Sans. Gaster points to me and Sans realized my gaze. "Okay! Okay! Fine! I'll give him a warning!" Sans complained. "It's not the best spaghetti..." Sans added rubbin the back of his skull.
How bad is it?
Gaster asked. "He can't even cook the noodles right." I complained. Gaster nodded. "Man, you take all the fun." Sans mumbled hoping I wouldn't hear. "Sans, you take away fun at times too!" I pointed. "You heard me?" Sans asked looking shocked. "Sans, look who your talking to." I answered crossing my arms. Sans made a 'oh right' face and nodded. "Yeaaahh.... I forgot about that." Sans shrugged. (Okay! I can't take it anymore! Gaster can talk! I can't keep that up! 😂) "What?" GasTeR'S glitchy voice asked. "Bad memories." I responded. "Just as bad as mine." Sans shrugged. "I can take it off..." Gaster suggested. "Take what off?" I asked. "Yeah, that would be great." Sans said pulling out his hand to see a metal plate stuck to it that read: WDG-1 S. (Here you go if you havn't seen it!)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gaster grabbed a screw driver and took it off. Sans examined his free hand. "What is that?" I asked. "A handplate." Gaster responded. "PAPYRUS GET DOWN HERE!!! WE CAN GET RID OF THAT THING ON YOUR HAND!!" Sans shouted. Papyrus came running down with stars in his eyes as Gaster took it off. "And... Sans, I'm working on fixing your eye... you don't have to take it, but I'll keep it safe invade you need it. I'm almost done-" Gaster started. "YOU CAN FIX IT!!!" Sans exclaimed obviously suprized. Gaster nodded. "No trackers?" Sans asked cautiously. "No trackers." Gaster promised. Sans shrugged looking at me. "So?" Sans asked. "Grillby's?" I asked. "Kid, I'm starting to think you know me to well." Sans smirked. "Well when you don't go anywhere else it's hard not to know." I responded crossing my arms. "Uhuh..." Sans hummed pretending to be thinking about it. "Nope! Grillby's lets go!" Sans shouted walking out the door. "AGAIN!!!" Papyrus exclaimed. "DON'T YOU EVER GET TIERD OF THAT PLACE!?" Papyrus asked. Sans was now outside. "NOPE!!!" Sans shouted back. I sighed. A smile crept onto my face and I walked out and caught up with Sans. We walked into Grillby's and took a seat. "Usual?" Grillby asked making his way over to me and Sans. "I don't want anything, just came to chat. Basicaly get out of the house." I answered. "Na, I'm good." Sans answered. "How's it comin'?" Grillby asked. Sans shrugged. "Boring... nothing to do." Sans answered. "I heard Gaster's back..." Grillby sighed grabbing a cup and drying it. Sans rolled his eyes. "Did he take it off?" Grillby asked looking at Sans. "Yeah... why do you care? Not to be rude." Sans asked, looked like Sans was a little more interested. "Just curious... and I don't want you asking for me to try and take it off... again." Grillby answered, turning his focus back to the dishes. "I see... well, won't be getting that from me or Papy anymore, unless he puts it back on." Sans shrugged leaning back into his chair. "Well, that's good to know." Grillby nodded. I kept quite trying not to listen in. "You okay kid? You havn't said anything for a few minutes." Sans asked. "Sans you know I don't talk much... so why are you asking?" I asked avoiding the question. "I can tell when you have something on your mind." Sans shrugged, he brought his attention back to Grillby. "So, Grillbz? What-" Sans was cut off, the door slammed open hitting the wall behind it. "Uh, I didn't know the door can go that far." I mumbled to myself. "That door can go anywhere." Sans chuckled. Sans and I ignored the huge barge in. "Sans, he looks upset." Grillby whispered. "Who?" Sans asked looking up. Grillby motioned towards the entrance. Sans turned around. "Oh, welp! I'm dead." Sans shrugged. I couldn't take it no more, I turned around and Gaster stood there with his arms crossed. "Uh.... should I leave?" I asked looking at Sans. "Depends..." Sans answered. Sans turned to Gaster and gave him a confused look."We need to talk." Gaster growled. "What's it about?" Sans asked. "Sans..." Gaster breathed rubbing his eyes. "C'mon." Gaster said in a more calmer voice. Gaster walked out, waiting outside by the door. "You c'min' or what?" Gaster called. Me, Sans, and Grillby shared glares at each other. "Do I have a choice?" Sans asked. Gaster didn't respond. Sans shrugged and bounced off, and walked out. Me and Grillby looked at each other. "What do you think it is?" I asked a little worried. "I dunno... maybe... the season?" Grillby asked. "I don't think so." I answered. "WHAT!!" I heard Gaster yell. We all shot in that direction. "I'm gonna be right back." I said getting out of my chair. "Where you goin'?" Grillby asked. "Gaster lost it... I think." I answered walking out. "Gaster? Sans? Is everything alright?" I asked. Gaster looked at Sans. "Were fine! G here just has a few problems." Sans smiled. "Okay? Is there anything I can do?" I asked. "Yeah, mind helpin' me calm G down?" Sans asked. I nodded and smiled. "So why is he like this?" I asked. "Sans, call me G again and I'll put that thing back on." Gaster growled. "Hey! Calm down! I won't call you that, anymore." Sans said shrugging. "So what's this all about?" I asked again. "His job!" Gaster growled, glaring at Sans, even more so. I smiled and shook my head. "What?" Gaster asked now glaring at me. "The hole 'hotdog' thing huh?" I asked. Sans nodded sadly. "I gotcha!" I whispered to Sans. Sans only sighed in response. "Alright! Gaster, it-" Gaster cut me off. "That's not okay... how are you calm!!" Gaster exclaimed. "Gaster, this is HorrorTale!" I answered. "HorrorTale?" Sans asked glaring at me. "That's what I called this underground life style, HorrorTale." I smiled. "I like it!" Sans exclaimed. "Thanks! But, seriously, Gaster, look around! There dust everywhere!!!" I said. Gaster looked around. "Your right... killing is almost everyone's job isn't it?" Gaster asked. I nodded. "See!? It's normal!" Sans said. "Or used to be." Sans added quitely. "Maybe we should change that." Gaster suggested. "It already has, that's my old job... well, kinda, anyway!" Sans answered. "Kinda?" Gaster asked, his voice full of anger and confusion. "I'm still a sentury. I still have that job!" Sans answered. "Witch reminds me..." Sans said in deep thought. "I'll see you later! I got to get me axe sharpened." Sans shrugged and started to walk off. Gaster grabbed him by his hood and lifted him up to eye level. "GASTER PUT ME DOWN!!!" Sans yelled. I stood there seeing Sans angry expression. "Why? Why do you need to sharpen this?" Gaster asked grabbing Sans axe. "GIVE THAT BACK!!! I WON'T GIVE YOU ANOTHER WARNING!!!!" Sans yelled. Gaster stared at him. "Yeah... no." Gaster finally answered. Sans and Gaster disappeared. "NO! NO! NO! PUT SANS DOWN!!! YOU'LL ANGER HIM!!!!" I hear Poyrus yell. I look behind me and see Papyrus running at Gaster. "Alright guys! That's enouph!" I growled. They all froze and looked at me. "Gaster, put Sans down! Sans! Keep your cool." I ordered. Gaster and Sans looked at each other. Gaster put Sans down. "So you'll listen to her!!" Sans growled. "SHE'S SCARY!!!" Gaster yelled backing himself up. "That she is..." Sans agreed. I smirked. Sans noticed and he gave me a confused look. "What now?" Sans asked. "You think I'm... scary?" I asked bringing in my best creepy voice possible. "I'm out!" Sans said, and snapped his fingers. "Not if I'm dealing with it." Gaster smirked. Sans snapped his fingers constantly looking at them with confusion. "You took away my teleport ability?" Sans growled. "C'mon! I'm just kiddin'! C'mon, lets go home." I smiled, skipping past them as thay all stare at me. Guess I didn't realize that the hole building was watching. Oh well. I could tell Sans was shocked and confused. Before I got in the house Sans opened the door for me so I'm assuming Sans got his teleportation ability back. "Welp... I'm bored. What do you want to do?" Sans asked. "Well, you guys have been trying to get to the surface? Yes?" I asked. Sans eyes lit up. "YES!!!" Sans exclaimed. "Wait a minute..." Sans added staring at me. "No, I can't have you do that!" Sans retreated, crossing his arms. "Why?" I asked. "You'll have to fight Asgore. He'll call me to fight and I won't fight you!" Sans answered. Fear took over him at this point. "Sans... I'm not living down here for the rest of my life and I know the others want to go up there!" I confessed. "And how did you know that?" Sans asked. "Because I'm starting to miss the stars, and the sun, the moon, the sky, I'm starting to miss everything already!" I confessed. "But... he'll kill you. Or someone will! And.... I can't loose you." Sans mumbled the last part. A blush creeped up on my face. I smirked. "What?" Sans asked noticing my smirk and the blush. I brought him into a hug. Sans hugged back. "Sans." I whispered. Sans and I released but, not fully. Sans hand rested on my hips as my arms stayed around his neck. "I wouldn't die, I know a few things..." I lied. "Your bad at lying." Sans growled. "Okay, I'll figure something out!" I promised. Sans didn't answer and just gave me a look, as if he would have to see it to believe it. My smirk only grew. "Sans, I promise. I won't die on you." I whispered. Gaster and Papyrus were now watching us from behind Sans. I'm assuming Sans didn't know they were there then. "You can't control that." Sans now looking deep into my eyes. "Sans..." I started. A finger lifted my head. Sans leaned down and kissed me gently, his soft lip (teeth?) softly against mine felt so right. And a little bit wrong... a monster and a human? Is that even okay? Is that against humanity? I instantly dropped the hole thought and kissed back. The hole kiss caught me off guard, but it was so tempting. My hands slowly raised to his head as I deepened the kiss. Sans and I broke. Sans had a smile on his face. "Heh... welp... I have no more secrets." Sans shrugged. I blushed at the comment, knowing how he felt for me was a turn. A sharp turn. Sans smiled at my reaction. He leaned down and kissed me once again. Of course I kissed back! Why wouldn't I? It would be wierd to kiss back the first time and than not kiss back the second time right after by the same guy.... why do I think this stuff to myself? His hands slowly gripped tighter on my waist. We broke apart once more. I smiled, a blush came into Sans face. Sans just stared at me as Gaster and Papyrus tried not to scream or interrupt us in any way. I never thought I would see Gaster fangirl.... I thought to myself but ignoring what was going on behind Sans. "Please, get prepared first... I don't want to loose you." Sans whispered. I giggled but nodded. Sans nodded and let go. "Well, I'm-" Sans said as he turned around to see Gaster and Papyrus almost screaming. Witch scared the living daylights out of Sans. Sans held his chest to slow his heart rate. Gaster and Papyrus couldn't take it anymore. They started screaming and jumping around. "Oh god..." I mumbled. "Well, Gaster aficially has ships..." I shrugged. Gaster froze. "NO!!" Gaster yelled. "Than why you screaming?" Sans asked backing me up. Gaster glared daggers at Sans. "AM NOT!!!" Gaster yelled. "Gaster, you tell when your lying. Don't even try." I smirked. Gaster then disapeared. Papyrus still screaming soon came to a stop. "Papy? How long were you there?" Sans asked. "We came in when you appeared in the living room." Papyrus answered proudly. "Uh.... I'm gone." Sans said and walked to his room, locking the door. "WAIT!!! I NEED ANSWERS FROM YOU!!!! WHAT WAS IT LIKE TO KISS A HUMAN!? WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT Y/N!? SANS I NEED ANSWERS!!!" Papyrus yelled running upstairs and banging on Sans door. I slowly tip toed out to the door and went into Sans room by the window. I knocked on the window and Sans looked up. Sans shook his head and got up, opening the window. "SANS!!" Papyrus yelled from the other side of the door. I came in and sat on the floor. The room was clean, and the carpet was nice and fluffy. (Papyrus cleans the house... Sans room was clean... deal with it. 😂 don't take it seriously and offensive!) "Kid? How did you get out of the house?" Sans whispered. "Gaster teleported somewhere else and Papyrus is at your door." I whispered back. Sans thought about it for a minute, Sans nodded making a 'duh!' face. I giggled at the reaction. "Y/N!!! HELP ME FIND THE CROW BAR!!!"
Papyrus yelled running down the stairs. "FOUND IT!!!" Papyrus yelled running back upstairs. And before I could say anything Sans grabbed me and we made our way out the window and onto the roof. Sans shut the window so Papyrus would look in the room instead of looking outside. At least for a while. Sans and I climbed up the roof until we heard Papyrus break the door open. When we reached the top Sans sighed. "There goes my door." Sans chuckled. "It's okay, you can stay with me." I giggled. "What?" Sans asked. "If you need a room for you to stay in, my rooms always open." I answered making sure he heard me correctly. "Yeah, well, I might do it. I don't think Papyrus will be fixing that door anytime soon... either way! I'm glad you'll be okay." Sans smiled. "SANS!!" A deep voice called from the front door. "Oh no! Y/n, stay here! Don't move!" Sans ordered teleporting to the voice. "Hey! What's-" Sans stared. "WHERE IS THE HUMAN!!!" It growled. I slowly made my way to the front, poking my head out so I could see who it was. There was a tall male goat? Like Tori, but, with horns. And a cape. "Asgore! Hey want some Grillby's!? I hear-" Sans tried changing the subject. "WHERE IS THE HUMAN!!!" 'Asgore' asked more death in his voice. Sans stayed quite. "Who told you about the human?" Sans asked curiously. "I heard it from rumors, everyone's talking about the creature. SO WHERE IS IT!!!" Asgore's voice came from a reasoning tone to a death tone in less than 5 seconds! "Asgore, the human is under control!" Sans assured. "GIVE THE HUMAN TO ME NOW SANS!!!" Asgore yelled. At this point everyone was watching. Even Papyrus. "I...." Sans thought for a minute. "I can't." Sans shrugged. "Then you'll loose your job." Asgore threatened. "Than I'll work at Grillby's! No biggie. Besides, you touch the human... you won't be happy." Sans growled. "And what's stopping me from killing Papyrus?" Asgore asked, his voice full of the need for death. That's when I lost it. A sword appeared in my hand. I didn't pay attention to anything else that happend. "TOUCH PAPYRUS AND I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!!" I yelled taking battle stance. "Y/n!" Sans gasped. Asgore turned around and looked up. "Who's this?" Asgore asked. "Your worse enemy if you keep telling Sans threats." I answered hoping down from the roof. "What are you? A reaper?" Asgore chuckled. "The way your going, I might as well be!" I growled, gripping the sword handle more. "Y/n... what? I don't..." Sans tried. Everyone looked at me with shock except for Asgore. Asgore put a hand to Sans creating a ball of fire in his hand. "I wouldn't be so careless, one wrong move and Sans gets it." Asgore threatened. I glared at him, trying to find a way to keep everyone safe. "Y/n... what happened?" Sans asked. "So you know this monster?" Asgore asked. I smirked, trying not to laugh at his comment. "What's so funny?" Asgore growled. Sans, Papyrus, Grillby, Gaster, and I started laughing. I couldn't stand anymore. I fell to the ground laughing and soon the others followed. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY!!!" Asgore growled. The sword disappeared and I turned back into my normal form. Tears were in my eyes from all the laughing. "A HUMAN!!" Asgore exclaimed. I took his shocked comment into a even more so funny moment. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I kept gasping for air. "I DIED!!!" I yelled. "I DIED FROM LAUGHTER!!" I added. We soon calmed down and my jaw started to hurt. "Phew! Man, I can't... I can't take that!" I laughed. "That... was the best!" Sans agreed. "SHE'S THE HUMAN!!!" Asgore yelled. We started laughing again. I took deep breaths and soon was able to control my laughter. "Okay... I'm good. I can breath now." I said in between breaths. "Sans?" I asked. "I'm good!" Sans said still trying to contain his laughter. "I'm going to have the giggles tonight." I said whining a tear. "Giggles?" Asgore asked. "OH C'MON!!!" Sans exclaimed. "EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT GIGGLES ARE!!" Papyrus yelled. "Man! I missed out on the fun havn't I?" Gaster sighed. "Only when we had our moments." Sans assured. "Well, I'm happy we made up. Cuz that was amazing." Gaster said. "Grillby was still trying to catch his breath. "Well, I'm going inside! I need sleep." I said as I yawned. "I'll join." Sans said walking inside. "See you guys tomorrow!" Grillby waved as he went back to his job.
~•~•~•~•~•~•Time skip!•~•~•~•~•~•
Everyone was now inside getting ready for bed. We all layed down on our beds. But it was around 11 when there was a soft knock on my door. "Come in." I instructed. Sans walked in and smiled. "Let me guess, don't trust Papyrus in the middle of the night?" I asked. "So so, I trust him. But I can hear him moving things around. I heard him saying that he needed his camera, and that's a little freaky." Sans shrugged. I smiled, and patted the room next to me on the bed. "I can sleep on the-" Sans started. I pulled him into the bed and hugged him. "It's okay." I whispered. Once again, a bright blush came up on both of us. "Are you sure?" Sans asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I said. He got under the blankets and pulled me close to him. His hands fiddling with my hair as I cuddled into him. "I love you..." I whispered quickly. A smirk grew on Sans face. "I love you more." Sans whispered. "In your dreams." I smiled. "Well, I must have a realistic dream." Sans smiled. "Whatever!" I said turning my back to him, causing a small gap between us. I smirked knowing he was a little disappointed that I moved away. Until..... A bony arm wrapped around me and pulled me into their chest. Sans hugged me from behind as a smile grew on his face. "Where do you think your going?" Sans asked. My blush faded? What? "Heh..." Sans chuckled. His warm breath kissing my neck and ears. He turned me so I was on my back. He was leaning over me, one of his arms keeping him up. The blush instantly regained it's purpose. "Looks like I've got your attention." Sans smirked. "What?" I asked. Sans leaned down kissing me once again. I put my arms up to his shoulders. I felt Sans smirk. His hands lowered down to my waist. And with that he started tickling me. "SANS!!!" I screamed. There was then a tickle fight and after like half an hour we stoped. And went to bed.

(Hope you like it! Next chapter might be a lemon..... I feel guilty..... oh well, I'm running out of idea's, so that might have to be the case. BIA!!!)

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