4: Little Moment
Y/n = Your Name.
L/n = Last Name.
M/n = Middle Name.
F/c = Favorite Color.
S/c = Soul Color.
S/f/c = Second Favorite Color.
F/f = Favorite Food
Sans got up. "C'mon, Papyrus might be home." Sans said looking at you. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Sans gave me a strange look. "Why are you apologizing?" Sans asked. "Because I said I would continue even if that came up, and I didn't. I broke my promise." I answered ashamed. Sans sighed. "Kid, I understand that this is your first time. It's alright. If your not conferable with it than I can respect that." Sans shrugged. "Okay." I nodded. I got up from the bed my feet hitting the cold floor. Sans and I walked out of the room. The front door slammed open. "SANS!!!" Papyrus yelled. "What?" Sans asked. "I HAVE BROUGHT THE GRILLBY'S FOOD!!" Papyrus shouted excitedly. Papyrus took a deep sniff. "What... is that?" Papyrus asked walking towards the kitchen. "Y/n made brownies!" Sans smiled. "Brownies?" Papyrus asked. I grabbed a napkin handing Papyrus a brownie. "What do I do with it?" Papyrus asked. Me and Sans giggled at the comment. "You eat it silly!" I answered. "OH!!!!" Papyrus exclaimed taking a bite. His eyes formed into stars. Papyrus choked down the brownie and swallowed it. "Wow, that was fast." I mumbled. "THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!" Papyrus yelled. "Thanks!" I answered. "NKW YOU TWO... UH.." Papyrus was now in deep thought. Papyrus grabbed Sans and I's arm and pulled the together. I gave Papyrus a confused look. Papyrus put Sans hand on top of mine. Sans seemed to know what he was doing. "Okay?" I asked tilting my head. Sans face turned a shade of red as he held my hand, our fingers twisting into each other's. "Oh." I said realizing Papy just wanted us to hold hands. "Mhm." Papyrus hummed watching us, nodding his head, with stars in his eyes. "Uh... what?" I asked. Sans pulled me in and kissed my cheek. My face flustered from the sudden action. Papyrus squealed leaving the house. "S-Sans?" I asked. "Yeah?" Sans responded kissing my cheek again. "Hmm..." I hummed. The door suddenly broke down revealing a fish girl. "SANS!!!!" She yelled in an angry tone. "Oh boy... you might wanna go upstairs for this." Sans said turning to me. "Why?" I asked. "Just, go to grillby's or somethin'." Sans said. I nodded ignoring the reason and headed out the door. I walked in the snowy path and made my way to Grillby's. I finally reached Grillby's and walked in. All eyes falling on me but I ignored them. Grillby had a smirk on his face. "Where's Sans?" He asked. "You talk? Sorry, not to be rude." I added. "Only when I'm curious. Or want something. Or anything like that." Grillby answered. "I see." I looked at the counter top sitting down. "So? Where's Sans?" He asked once again. "He's talking to this girl that came in. A fish monster maybe? I don't know." I shrugged. "He told you to come here didn't he?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, than he can't stop me from telling you this." Grillby straitened up. "Tell me what?" I asked. "Let me give you somethings about, marking, what a, uh 'bonezone' is. Uhh, things like that." Grillby answered. "Uh... okay." I said focas full on him. "He's gonna kill ya Grillbz." A monster from behind me growled. "I know, anyway! Let me start with the marking. Take a guess." Grillby urged. "Uh... a store? Going shopping? Putting a point on a map?" I guessed. "Those are... actually really good guesses. But no, the marking I'm talking about is, if a creature bites another and it causes a scar, the creature that marked the other is now its... master you could say. The creature now owns the creature it marked." Grillby explained. "So it's like territory and wolves." I exampled. "Exactly!" Grillby said pointing at you. "Okay... and this... 'bonezone'?" I asked. "Last chance Grillbz." A monster warned. "Yeah, yeah! A 'bonezone' is uh, well..." Grillby eventually explained what the 'bonezone' and 'heat season' and all that stuff to me and a blush coming from my cheeks. "I don't think I need to know this." I said a little unsure of the conversation. "Well, Sans season's starting up soon. Just a warning. That's the only reason I told you." Grillby warned. "Oh.. well, I appreciate the heads up. I won't tell Sans you told me." I whispered. And just in time, the door opened and Sans walked in. "Hey Y/n!" Sans smiled. I smiled back. "You should tell her... it's almost here." Grillby said to Sans and walked off. Sans face a little red. "GRILLBZ!!!" Sans yelled. Sans poked his out from the kitchen. "Yeah?" Brillby asked. "WHAT DID YOU TELL HER!!!??" Sans growled. "Nothin'." Grillby answered quickly. "GRILLBZ!!!" Sans said getting more upset. "What?" Grillby asked. "YOUR LIEING!!!" Sans shouted. "Calm down!" I pleaded. Sans turned to me. "What did he tell you?" Sans asked. "Nothin'." I answered. "Don't lie." Sans growled. "Fine! You caught me." Grillby said walking to Sans. "What. Did. You. Tell. Her?" Sans asked once more. "Just... things." Grillby responded. "GRILLBZ!!!" Sans yelled, he's gonna loose it. "Okay! I told her about the Marking situation!" Grillby said putting his hands up in defense. "AND!?" Sans asked growling. "The season... and everything else." Grillby whispered. Sans turned red out of anger. "GRILLBY!!!" Sans yelled. "WHAT!!!? IT'S COMING UO AND SHE NEED TO KNOW!!!" Grillby yelled. "GRRRR!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Sans yelled tackling Grillby. "SANS!!!" I yelled. But it was to late. Sans was already on top of Grillby. Luckily Sans froze from my yell and didn't do anything but pin Grillby down. "YOU KNOW YOU HAD TO TELL HER SOON!!! I KNOW YOU WOULDN'T!!! SO I DID!!!" Grillby yelled. "Sans... calm down. It's okay!" I said getting to get Sans to calm down. Sans growled. "I'M SORRY!" Grillby yelled. Sans teleported back to his seat. "Calm down." I said giving Sans a hug. He froze, but slowly, but surely calmed down. "Your lucky the kids here." Sans growled at Grillby. "Indeed I am." Grillby answered looking at me. "How? Sans never listens to anyone! How did you do that!?" A monster asked from behind me. "And your still hugging me after you know all that?" Sans asked suprized. "Yep! It's kinda like animals! They go through the same thing! Except their animals and bugs and stuff like that! And I love animals!! Oo!! I should get a puppy!!!" I squealed. "We'll see." Sans smiled. "See? It's not that bad!" I smiled. "He-" Grillby started. "Don't you dare!" Sans growled. "You gonna tell her?" Grillby asked. "Maybe. But I'll do it on my own thank you!" Sans growled. Grillby put his hands up in defense. Sans sighed calming down. "Why do you listen to her?" A monster asked. "Because of reasons. That's why." Sans answered. "What kind of reasons?" Another one asked. "Non of your bee wax so buzz off." Sans answered. "I don't think so." A deep voice said from the crowd. "Great." Sans mumbled. "Why? What's the reason Sans?" The crowd of monsters made a path and there was a group of monsters walking toward Sans. "Just like I said. Non of your bee wax. So go bug someone else." Sans smirked. I couldn't help but laugh at the puns. It was already hard for the first one, adding another is gonna make me loose it. Sans looked at me. Then he stared to laugh due to the cause that I couldn't breath. "What's so funny?" The monster said. I eventually calmed and Sans did to. "My bad... phew! I almost had a heart attack!" I answered holding my chest. "What was so funny?" He asked again. "The puns! Duh! I can barely hold in a laugh for one pun, two, I'm gonna loose it." I answered, removing my hand from my chest. "So? Why listen to her?" He asked. That's when I got a good glimps at him. He had 1 horn, and was extreamly tall, it was almost like a hoarse. Well, was a hoarse, he had a bossy of one, then from the bottom of the neck up he had a human form, except a horn on top with one eye. His eye was orange, almost red. "Again, non of your business." Sans said turning back to Grillby. "Usual?" Grillby asked. Sans nodded. "What do you want?" Sans asked looking at me. "Uh... do you have hamburgers?" I asked. Grillby nodded and left for the kitchen. "Thanks Sans!" I smiled. "Don't mention it." Sans answered. "Hey! Y/n? Assuming vegetarian?" Grillby called poking his head out of the kitchen. "YES!! I don't know how you guys handle eating that stuff!" I exclaimed. The monster smirked. "Oh? You vegetarian?" He leaned down hovering above me. "Well yeah! Human's can't handle that kind of stuff!... okay, that was a lie, but I'm not a canibal." I shrugged. A wide smirk grew on his face. "What's your name anyway?" I asked. He leaned more into me. "Are you marked?" He whispered. "No... why?" I answered. "What did he ask you?" Sans asked eyeing the monster. "He asked me if I was marked." I answered. A red glow instantly surrounded the monster and pulled him away. "You know I can get out of this Sans." He said looking in Sans direction. Grillby then came out with our food and set them on the counter. "You gonna leave them be?" Grillby asked. "What's your name?" I asked. "Names James. And your friend here, Sans-" James was cut off. "What are you trying to do here pal?" Sans asked. "Just wanting to look at your new girlfriend here, is that why you listen to her? Because you like her?" James asked. "No, because she's the first human, let alone creature, down here to be kind to me." Sans answered. "So now that you know that leave me and Y/n be." Sans added. James looked shocked! "Really? Than you won't mind trying a bite of the meat?" He smirked. "I'm not eating anything that you make. You guys don't even know how to cook I'm sure." I smirked. "Feisty." James smirked. "Is that a challenge?" James added. "Biggest and toughest challenge you'll ever do. Cuz' Imma win." I smirked turning my focus to him. "We'll see about that!" He growled. "Alright, Sans, your the dudge!" I claimed. "No, he'll make me loose on purpose!" James growled. "He's right! I would!" Sans smirked. "Fine! Grillby? Would you be our dudge?" I asked. Grillby nodded, and with that, Sans grabbed my arm and teleported me home. "Brownies?" Sans asked. "Brownies." I answered. I grabbed the pan and Sans brought me back to Grillby's. "I'll make it easy and give him a cold recipe that I baked earlier." I smirked. "Fine!" James walked off and I put the Brownies on the counter. "I'll watch the food, Sans needs to tell you something's." Grillby glared at Sans. "NO!!!" Sans refused. "Than I will, witch one Sans! I'm not afraid to tell!" Grillby crosses his arms. "FINE!!!" Sans rolled his eyes getting out of his seat. Luckily I was done eating by then. "I'll put it on your tab Sans." Grillby walked into the kitchen. "Alright. C'mon kid, I can't believe I'm doin' this." Sans mumbled to himself. We started walking around until we entered a park, it was empty, but, it was a park. "So what does he want you to tell me?" I asked. "When I start..." Sans answered. "Heat season? I'm just gonna call it special summer or the HS." I started making nicknames for the season. Sans sighed. "So... when, does it start?" I asked. "Usually, in a few weeks. But, I don't know, it started a few days ago." Sans shrugged. "Is that possible?" I asked tilting my head. "Yes, it's posible, it's usually a 10 to 100 percent chance though." Sans answered. "Is there a reason?" I asked. "Most of the time it's random. But sometimes it's because of a new emotion. Witch could also be the case, with a new emotion it's a 90 to 100 chance. But that still leaves if it comes in later or earlier. But it only go's by a few days either way. But this is by a few weeks? I don't get it." Sans said turning to me. "Oh... uh." I thought. "Oh well!" Sans shrugged. "Doesnit get worse?" I asked shyly. Sans looked at me, "Uh.." Sans looked away. "Sans?" I asked. "Does it get worse?" I asked again. A red blush accrued across Sans cheeks. "Yeah, what about it? I can handle it!" Sans said avoiding eye contact. "Hmm... question, how often until it gets worse?" I asked. "Gets worse every 24 hours, or, till the sun rises, to the sun sets. Does that make any sense?" Sans asked. "Bacicall every night and every day right?" I asked. Sans nodded. "How, uh... much?" I asked. "How am I support to explain that?" Sans asked looking at me finally, his face still red, not as red though. "I don't know! 1-10?" I asked. "Uh... around 3 or 4." Sans answered. "Oh... it must be bad. How long does HS last?" I asked. "Until the end of the year." Sans answered. But it only JULY!!! "I don't think you'll last." I said finally. "I'll be fine!" Sans assured. "Uhuh. Sure, you keep believing that Sans." I rolled my eyes. "What do you suggest I do!?" Sans asked, a little annoyed. A blush grew onto my face. "Wait, your thinking on helping aren't you?" Sans asked. My blush on becoming more visible. "Only if it came to it!" I said looking at him with a flustered expression. His face grew more red at the comment. "SERIOUSLY! Why? Why would you do that!?" Sans asked almost yelling. "Someone's gotta help!" I answered my blush dieing. Sans sighed. "Kid, you don't know what your putting yourself into..." Sans warned. "I know what I'm doing." I assured. Sans sighed again. "Kid, I don't think that you do! Do you know what HS is?" Sans asked. "And the hole 'bonezone' things are yes." I answered. "And your still willing?" Sans asked. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Sans... if it help you. Then I'll allow it. I'll help anyone in need even if it kills me. And you know that." I answered. Sans looked shocked, a little to shocked. "Kid..." Sans tried to speak, I'm assuming he became bone dry on words. "Sans, just... tell me if it gets to bad." I sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. Sans sighed. "Kid, I don't think Imma do that. I'm not gonna put you through that." Sans looked at me, the blush faded rather quickly actually. "Sans... I... just want to help you." I whispered. "In general. I don't care what Ibhave to do! And if it gets to bad that I notice, I'm gonna have to force it. I don't want to see you like that, being... torchered, I guess you could call it that. Sans-" Sans put a finger on my lips making me stop talking. "I understand. I'll come to you first, that doesn't mean I'm going to have you do it." Sans interrupted. "C'mer." Sans whispered and pulled me into a tight hug. "I don't want to see you struggle." I finished. "I won't... I promise." Sans whispered. I nodded. "Thank you." I whispered back and Sans just sighed. "Feel better?" Sans asked. I nodded once again. Sans snapped his fingers almost making me fall. "I gotcha." Sans smiled. "Thanks." I said giving a small peck on his cheek. A small blush crept up onto Sans cheeks. Sans pulled up his hood, hiding his blush as it instantly grew once he realized what just happened. "Don't hide." I whined. Sans only pulled his hood more. I put a hand on his shoulder, sliding it up to the top of the hood. "K-Kid..." Was all that Sans could manage. I started to pull the hood down, slowly. All Sans did was fall down with the hood and eventually was on the floor. "Oh c'mon! I just want to see!" I complained. That's when an idea popped up in my head. I walked to my room and got a flash light that didn't work very well, so the light wouldn't blind him. I can up and he was sitting on the couch, hood still up. So cute. I walked over. "Sans, please... don't hide." I whispered. I could see his hands slowly loosening on the grip on the hood. "Please." I pleaded. Sans sighed. "Why? Why do you want to see so badly?" Sans asked. "Cuz'.... cuz' I think it's cute...." I answered. "Kid... I'm not cute." Sans said. "Your right.... your handsome." I smirked. His grip tightened a little. "Sans... please, just look at me." I begged. Sans took a deep breath. "Fine..." Sans whimpered. Sans slowly pulled down his hood. Leaning back on the couch. Sans face was completely red, his cheeks were the brightest. I smiled. He was about to pull his hood up again but I stopped him. "Seriously!! Why!?" Sans whined. "I want to tell you something." I whispered, sitting next to him. Sans looked confused as his blush cooled down. A blush started to grow on my cheeks, but tried my best to hide it. "Sans... I might have a.... uh...." I started. "Crush on you." I whispered. The blush instantly growing as I hid my face into my hands leaning down. "And oh how the tables have turned." I hear Sans mumble to himself, quietly. "Don't hide sweetheart!" Sans said trying to lift my head, my blush only growing. "Sans no!" I growled. I feel a smirk grow onto his face. "Sans yes, c'mon! I wanna see!" Sans whined. Sans lifted my head up forcefully. "SANS!!" I yelled, removing my head and hiding it once again. A red glow surrounded me as I was lifted up. Sans layed down fully and hovered me above him. "SANS PUT ME DOWN!!!" I yelled still trying to cover my face. I felt myself lower, I open my eyes to see Sans smirking at me. I was almost laying on top of him! "Sans..." I whimpered as I hide my face again. I felt a bony hand grab my wrist and pull it away. Same with my other one at the same time. My hands slowly removed, Sans still smirk stuck on his face. My blush grew, causing him to smile. "Kid, it's okay. I won't dudge." Sans said. I just hummed avoiding eye contact. "Kid cheer up! I... feel the same way." Sans continued. I still didn't make eye contact, but I did look at him. "See, it's all good!" Sans smirk turned into a smile as he put me down, on top of him let me remind you. My blush only brightened, and Sans face became redder than a rose. "Heh." Sans chuckled. "I... guess we're both a mess." I answered. "You can say that again." Sans sighed. "I guess we're both a mess." I repeated jokingly. "Okay not literally." Sans growled. "You told me I could!" I argued. Sans pulled me into a hug sitting up. I hugged back only for him to hug tighter. "Sans..." I choked. "I can't breath." I warned. Sans let go and watched me gasp for air. He started to chuckle a little. "It's not funny! I could have died!" I complained. "I wouldn't kill ya!" Sans confessed still laughing. I just glared at him. "Alright alright! You could have died! I personally think it's an overrated opinion." Sans shrugged. I rolled my eyes.
(Sorry if this got wierd... oh well. I hope you guys enjoyed. And please leave an opinion. I want to know what you guys think should happen next. Other than that, I'm gonna bring a glitch to the game... mwahahahahaha!!!! See if you guys could guess it!)
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