3: Getting Touchy

Y/n = Your Name.
L/n = Last Name.
M/n = Middle Name.
F/c = Favorite Color.
S/c = Soul Color.
S/f/c = Second Favorite Color.
F/f = Favorite Food

"So..." I started. "Are you thinking about the hole kiss thing?" Sans asked. "Well I am now! I was trying to keep that out." I admitted. "Hmm... you really want a kiss?" He asked. A small blush coming to my cheeks. "You already know that answer!" I growled. "I know! Your just cute when you blush." Sans winks at me, causing my blush to grow. Sans smirked. "You look flustered." Sans comments. "WHAT!! NO I DON'T!!" I yelled. Even though I knew it was true, my blush only covering my face. "Sure. You believe that sweetheart." Sans smirk grew across his face. I looked away in embarrassment. "Want me to make some food for you? Or do skeletons not have to eat?" I asked, my face still bright as I walk into the kitchen. "You cook?" Sans asked following. "A little." I answered. "Do you have a cook book?" I asked. "I think so." Sans answered looking in a cupboard. Sans pulled out a cook book. "Found it." Sans smiled. I smiled back and took the book opening it. "Whatcha gonna cook?" Sans asked. "I dunno, I can make some brownies... or a cake, or ice cream, or cookie's. I can make a lot of things." I answered shrugging. "Hmm... why don't you make brownie's. I want to see how you cook em'." Sans suggested. "Okay." I shrugged. I started walking towards the door. "Where ya' goin'?" Sans asked. "I have to go get supplies! All we have here is noodles and some things for the sauce." I complained. "Alright." Sans said grabbing my hand and snapped his fingers. We were at the store. Me and Sans walked in and grabbed the ingredients we needed for the brownies. Once we payed for the ingredients Sans teleported us back to the house. I walked into the kitchen, Sans following me. "What's the first step?" Sans asked. "We need to make the batter." I answered. "Will you do the eggs?" I asked. Sans nodded and I put in the flour. Sans put in the sugar and I put in the cocoa and salt. Sans put in the baking powder. We put in the oil and vanilla. I started stirring turning it into a creamy, thick, substance. "Hmm... you didn't need the cook book for it?" Sans asked. "I know how to make brownies very well, he wanted them a lot." I shrugged. "I see." Sans nodded. The batter was almost done when I felt of arms wrap around my waist. "S-Sans!?" I asked shocked, as a faint blush accrued to my cheeks. "Yeah." He answered. "Nothing." I shook it off quickly, trying not to think about it. When I was done, Sans grip became stronger, causing me to be pushed more into Sans. The blush on my cheeks grew at such a rapid speed. "You okay? You seem... red?" Sans asked. I tried to move as my shocked impression got the best of me and froze me still. He let go allowing me to put the batter in a pan. I took a deep breath, finally being able to move. I poured the batter into the pan as the oven beeped letting me know the oven was preheated. "What's wrong?" Sans asked a worried tone stuck in his voice. "Nothing..." I answered shaking my head. I finished scraping the bowl and put the pan of brownie batter into the oven. I timed it for half an hour. By the time that was down my blush shrank. "You seem... tense." Sans commented. "I'm just... shocked." I answered, my blush growing at the thought. "I can tell." Sans grinned. "So, what do you want to do in the mean time?" I asked. "I dunno. But I have an idea, if you'll let me." Sans smirked. "And what is that?" I asked a little confused. (Can you see what's coming?) "That's a surprise." Sans shrugged. "Hmm..." I hummed trying to figure out what Sans was thinking. "Any hints?" I asked. Sans thought for a moment. "Well, should I give you a hint? Or should I be mean and have you figure it out while it happens if you give me the okay?" Sans asked. A evil smirk grew on his face. "Uh..." I stumbled to find words to say. Sans smirk just grew, realizing my troubled expression. "I think I'll be evil." Sans answered making his decision. "Hmm..." I hummed. "Why am I so curious?" I asked myself. "I dunno, from what I experienced with you your curiosity alwase gets the best of you." Sans shrugged, his grin turning to a smile. "I'll decide after I take the brownies out." I said. This is going to be hard. I thought to myself. Sans nodded only having his smile grow. "Alright." Sans said. After a while of trying to figure it out I couldn't come up with anything. I mean, there's so many things, TV, relaxing, sleeping, going to a park. Heck! There's even running! The oven beeped signaling the brownies were done. I got up and took the brownies out of the oven. I put the pan on the stove for it to cool. "So? What's it gonna be?" Sans asked leaning on the door frame to the kitchen. I sighed. "Alright.... lets do it I guess." I shrugged. Sans smiled and took my hand. He guided me to the living room. "Why don't you sit down?" Sans gestured. I looked at him confused as I sat down. "TV?" I asked. "No." Sans answered sitting next to me. I looked at him, tilting my head this time, still confused. Sans lifted my head with his finger as a small red blush grows on not only him, but on me as well. I was much brighter though. Sans smirked, pressing his lips (teeth?) on mine softly and gentley. I was surprised so I almost pushed him off. But I started thinking, why? Why back away? I am the one that's been asking him for this. I soon melted into the kiss, closing my eyes. I felt his smirk in the middle of the kiss. I heard something moving, I couldn't figure exactly what it was until I felt Sans hand cup my cheek. When we broke he was really red. "What's wrong? You look... red." I teased. He smirked. "That's my line!" He complained. I smiled at the comment. "Hehehe." I giggled. "Are you sure? I think I stole it." I smirked. Sans rolled his eyes. "C'mer." Sans said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into his lap. My face burned, a bright blush growing on my face. "Who's red now?" He asked. "It was sudden!" I answered, crossing my arms. "Uhuh. Sure." Sans said hugging me tighter. "I'm sure the brownies are done cooling." I whispered, changing the subject before it got worse. "By the way. Your not allergic to anything are you?" I asked. Sans shook his head. "No." He answered. "Okay." I said hoping off his lap out of his arms. "Aww." I heard Sans mumble of disappointment to himself. I started fangirling on the inside from the comment. EEEE!!! That's so cute! He wants to hold someone. He really is a fluffy puppy. I thought almost screaming myself. I grabbed two napkins and a knife. I started cutting the brownies when Sans finally came and joined me in the kitchen. "Hehe." I giggled. "What?" He asked. "So you want to hold me?" I asked trying to get him to blush. "What?" He asked. "You know what you mumbled to yourself!" I confessed. "I don't know what your talking about!" Sans said trying to pull it off. "Mmhm. Sure! What about that 'aww' you mumbled to yourself." I smirked, finished cutting the brownies and facing him. "Shoot." I heard him whisper to himself, his face having a slight red blush tint to it. "How on earth did you hear that!? You were almost to the kitchen!" Sans exclaimed. "I have good hearing. After being told what to do, being punished if you don't while your 'masters' downstairs while your in your room. The guy hardly yells unless he's mad. After a while you learn a few tricks." I smirked. "Let me guess, you heard me mumble shoot to." He guessed. "Yep." I smiled. "Man, I can't hide anything from you." Sans shrugged. I laughed at his comment. "Here." I said grabbing a brownie, putting it on a napkin, and handing it to him. "Thanks." He said. "No problem!" I answered grabbing my own. "You don't wanna share?" He teased. "You wouldn't want to. Trust me! There pretty good!" I giggled. "We'll see." Sans said looking down at the brown square. "Just eat it." I urged. Sans shrugged and took a bite. Sans eyes sparkled. "Told ya." I commented while he took another bite. "Wow." Sans said eyeing the brownie. I giggled at his reaction. "You guys act as if you never tasted chocolate before!" I smiled. "Well, we have it, it's rare though so..." Sans trailed off. "You havn't had chocolate before have you?" I asked, my voice plain. "No." Sans answered. "Until now." He added. "Man!! It's harsh down here!" I complained. "Yeah... I know." Sans shrugged. "Don't you ever loose it?" I asked. "Na! If we did we would probably be dead." Sans shrugged. "Dang." I mumbled. We finished our brownies and I sat on the clutch, I started thinking about how Sans wanted to hold me so badly that I didn't realize he sat next to me. "You okay there kiddo?" Sans asked, bringing me back to reality. "Yeah." I answered. Hmm... if he want to hold me... maybe, I should let him. He gave me what I wanted. It would only be fair. I thought. I finally decided to let him, but how do I get him to know? I thought for a minute. "Your being quite." Sans noted. "Just... thinking about something." I answered. "What is it?" Sans asked. There we go! Now the nervous part. "Remember how you gave me what I wanted?" I asked, thinking about the kiss. "Yeah? What about it?" Sans asked. "Well... I... what I'm trying to say is, what do you want? Even though I already know..." I blushed. Sans looked surprised. The suprized look melted into a warm, happy smile. Sans wrapped his arm around me pulling me in. "You mean this?" Sans asked hugging me from behind. My blush grew. "Y-Yeah... I just-" Sans interrupted me, resting his head on my shoulder. "Heh." He chuckled. A blush growing on his face grew a little to obvious. I stayed quite. "Well, this got awkward." Sans chuckled. "Yeah. Quickly too." I answered. "What do you want to do?" Sans asked. "I don't know. Maybe we can go out walking or something." I shrugged. His arms became tighter around my waist, causing me to smile. I looked down at his red face. I smirked, giving him a kiss on his skull. He popped up suprized. "What?" I asked. He smirked. "You wanna play challenge?" Sans smirked. "What's that?" I asked. "Where you have to try and get your partner to blush more than you." Sans explained. I blushed at the description. "Uh..." Was all I could manage. "Hehe." He chuckled.

(Alright, do you wanna play Challenge? If so, keep reading. If not. You might wanna go to the next chapter.)

I guess Sans took that as a yes, because he kissed my cheek. I blushed, "Need a head start?" Sans asked smirking. "I didn't agree to this." I answered. "I know you want to, I can see it in your eyes." Sans pointed. "W-What? N-No! I'm just-" San cut me off, kissing my cheek once more. "Don't try to back yourself up. It's cute, but torchering." Sans complained, turning to the side, so he wasn't leaning on the back of the couch. I gulped. That only seemed to make Sans smirk grow, if it could. "Does that mean?" I asked. "Mean what?" Sans asked confused. "I can do this?" I asked kissing him. His hands almost flew off trying to make sure he wouldn't fall, but immediately kissed me back. I didn't think anything of it until after the kiss. "Hmm..." I hummed. "What?" Sans asked. "Do you want a kiss too?" I asked curiously. "Heh. Alright you caught me." Sans says raising his hands up in defense. I smirked. I leaned down pushing him into the couch. His face started to burn. I smirked. "does someone need a head start?" I asked kissing him. He kissed back smiling in the middle of it. I felt myself blush of my sudden act. WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO ME!!!? I yelled at myself. Sans smile grew. He started to sit up. Getting me to sit up with him. When we broke he instantly took his chance, catching me off guard and pulling me down into the couch. I screamed in suprize. That only seemed to make him smirk. My blush growing. "How long does this game last?" I asked. Sans smile returned. Sans leaned down to my ear. "As long as you want." Sans answered bringing me into a kiss. I once again blushed. At this point, I'm pretty sure my neck was starting to turn red. My hole face was probably red. Sans lifted up and got off, looking at the TV. Sans glanced at me. "You look like a tomato." Sans chuckled. I sat back up. I had one question, but I'm to nervous to ask. "What's the question?" Sans asked. "What!?" I asked shocked. "Did I really say that out load?" I asked. Sans nodded. "What's the question?" Sans asked once more not letting it drop. "W-Why did you stop?" I asked, causing Sans to smirk. "Do you want me to continue?" Sans asked. "If you want... I'm not gonna force you!" I answered. "Just feels nice to have someone care." I mumbled. Sans smiled. Sans grabbed my hand and snapped his fingers. It was dark, I was on something soft? And bouncy? I felt Sans let go and I didn't move due to the darkness. A light turned on. We were in Sans room. I was on Sans bed. Sans walked back to me and cupped my face. "Are you sure you want to continue? This game in particular can... well, cause more I should say." Sans gestured. "Oh... uh..." I thought for a moment. "Just a heads up. I'm not saying it will, just that it might happen." Sans added. "I-I'll take the risk. If your okay with continuing." I answered. Sans nodded kissing me once more. We separated. Sans smiled. "You are eager for attention aren't you?" Sans asked. "Heh... I, guess you could say that." I answered. Sans smile grew as he got on top of me. He leaned down kissing me once more. I put my arms around Sans neck, mostly my elbows on his shoulders. Sans leaned more in making the kiss more passionate. As we released Sans chuckled. "What am I gonna do with you?" Sans asked a sigh filling his voice afterwards. "Heh... guess you could say I'm a little bonley for most of my life." I giggled. Sans looked at my and shook his head. He started chuckling soon afterwards. "What?" I asked. "Nothin', just didn't think you were into puns." Sans shrugged. "Hey! I know how to hit your funny bone!" I laughed. Sans chuckled even more. "Well, guess this is your punishment." Sans said leaning down kissing me, it was a lot more rough than what I thought he would do. Sans slid down to my neck and started kissing it. "S-Sans." I whispered. "Yeah?" He asked. "Are you sure?" I asked. Sans lifted up to see nothing but red on my face. "No, but I'm not the one you should be asking." Sans answered. "Than who should I be asking?" I asked. He put his pointer finger on my heart. "Yourself." Sans answered. "Hmm... you wouldn't mind if we waited on that? Do you?" I asked. "If your not ready than neither am I." Sans said leaning down and kissing me. "Thanks." I thanked. "I'm not the forceful type." Sans shrugged getting off.

(Alright! That's this chapter. Let me know what you want to happen next. I have an idea in mind. But, that's gonna make my stomach turn. But I'll do for you guys. If it wasn't obvious enouph, I was thinking of a one shot or a lemon. But, that's up to you guys. Even though I feel wierd about the idea, but... whatever I'll let you guys choose. I can deal with whatever. Bia!!!!!)

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