16: The President

I woke up, sun shining bright and the birds chirping. "Mm-Mm..." I opened my eye's slowly feeling a line of weight at my waist. I started to turn my head as the weight around my waist grew. It caused my body to be dragged backwards. As I came to a stop my body touched something warm. I turned around to find Horror still sleeping. My face grew a bright red. I froze in place as he layed there. He was blushing in his sleep too. He was bright red... redder than me. I couldn't do anything. So I waited, and waited, and waited. Eventually he started shifting. Horror started to talk in his sleep. "K-Kid?" Horror asked. My face grew soft. Awe! Wait... what is he dreaming? Horror's blush grew. Horror's hand moved to my hips, gripping them softly. My blush grew a neon pink. I looked at Horror as he brought me closer. "H-Horror?" I whispered. Horror's eye's shut tighter. Horror slowly opened his eyes. His eye's shot open when he saw me. "K-Kid!?" Horror let go of me. His blush growing brighter than I've ever seen in my life. "H-Horror? What where you dreaming?" I asked. His blush grew from his cheeks to almost his hole face. "N-NOTHING!" Horror yelled. I looked at him curiously. "Eheh... uh... hey how about breakfast!?" And Horror disappeared. Was he dreaming about someone else? If so... who? "HORROR!" I screamed getting out of bed. I walked into the kitchen to find Horror cooking. "Horror! What was your dream about!?" I asked, stomping over to him. "Your not going to let it go are you?" Horror asked. "Yep." I answered. "I was dreaming about.... you." Horror answered hesitantly. "What where we doing?" I asked. "Uh...." Horror turned red again. "Horror!?" I growled. "Uh... well... we were..." Horror paused for a long moment. I waited patiently. "Uh... we were at a picnic!" Horror answered quickly. "Okay..." I urged him to go on. "And you just... looked cute in the outfit you were wearing..." Horror continued. I gave him strange glances. "Okay then." I shrugged, dropping it quickly. "They'll be done in a little bit." Horror said. "Okay." I smiled. I gave him a hug from behind. "I love you Horror." I whispered, giving him a small kiss on his cheek. Horror grew a light pink. "I love you too kid." He smiled. When he was done, he grabbed two plates with his magic lazily and put the food on them. The pancakes floated to the table as you watched. When the red glow disappeared you turned back to Horror and didn't let go. "Kid? You can eat." Horror said, noticing I hadn't moved. "I know." I said. Horror turned his head to look at me. "Then why aren't ya'?" Horror smiled. "Hmm... do I have to have a reason?" I asked. "Good point." Horror shrugged. Before I could say anything there was a load knock on the door. Me and Horror looked towards the door. "I'll get it." I smiled. I walked up to the door, looking through the little hole. I saw Lust standing at the door. "Guess what Horror..." I smirked. "What?" Horror asked, turning to me. "I think you have a long conversation ahead of you." I opened the door before Horror could say anything else. Lust walked in and looked at Horror. "Great." Horror rolled his eyes. I smiled, almost giggling at Horror's sarcasm. "What happened?" Lust asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I know when Horror's trying to hide something... what happened? Or what is it?" Lust crossed his arms. "I'm gonna go now... c'ya-" Horror was about to walk out the door when a cop walked in. "You brought a cop here?" Horror asked in a 'seriously?' tone. "No, I followed him." The cop answered. "Okay?" Horror asked. "Following me!? Wow... I might have to reward you on your sneaking skills." Lust looked at him. "NOT IN THIS HOUSE!" I screamed at him. "Fine... later then." Lust shrugged, arms still crossed. "What on earth does he mean by 'reward?'" The man asked. "You don't want to know." Horror face palmed as Lust winked at him. "Uh... I'm uncomfortable." The cop took a step away from Lust. "Yeah, I get that a lot." Lust chuckled. I glared at Lust, hoping he would stop. I turned to the cop and read his name tag. It read: Mark. "So Mark how's it going?" I asked. Mark gave me a confused look then shoved it away. "What are you?" Mark asked, referí g to Horror and Night. "Good question." A chuckled voice came from behind Mark. Mark turned around and jumped. I looked behind to see Fell there. "What?" He growled. "She meones n edge." Lust teased. Fell rolled his eyes at him. "Answer the question." Mark ordered. "Make me." Fell's eye's went dark. "Can do." Mark pulled out his gun. "Enough with those things! GEE!" Horror growled. "Now." Mark growled. "We're skeletons big deal. What's with the black object anyway? It looks like a weapon a retard would use!" Fell chuckled. "Retard!? I hope you know who your talking to!" Mark glared at him. "Yeah... I'm talking to a retard." Fell smirked. "Take that back." Mark was on edge with this. "Make me." Fell closed his eyes. Mark put the gun up to his head. Fell noticed the hole that was pointing at him. "What comes out of it? Water?" Fell asked. "A bullet." Mark growled. "A bullet? Huh... what kind of material is that!?" Fell asked. "Metal." Mark pulled back a black knob. The gun made a crawling sound, signaling it was loaded. "Pfft... you think that's gonna scare me? Nightmare scares me. But you think that things gonna do anything?" Fell chuckled again. "Fell cool it off! What he has is a gun and there are dangerous! The metal that comes out of them go at least 50 miles a second." I informed. "50 miles huh? Well that's slow! I could teleport to the opposite side of the world and back in less than a second." Fell looked at me. "You wish grumpy. You alwase ouch yourself." Horror crossed his arms. "I get that I'm rough but really?" Fell asked, crossing his arms. "Take. It. Back." Mark ordered. Fell looked at him quizzically. Fell the rolled his eyes and teleported behind Horror. "You think I'm gonna protect ya?" Horror chuckled. "NO! I'M JUST MOVING OUT OF THE WAY!" Fell yelled. Mark jumped at his sudden tone and turned around. Mark fired out of fear. Horror, and Fell teleported somewhere else in the house as the bullet went through the wall. "Really?" I asked. "Where did they go?" Mark asked. "You really are scared. HAH!" Fell walked in from the hallway. "Okay I think it's best for you to leave now." I said. "In orders from the president I am to bring you and Horror to him." Mark said. "Oh great!" Lust face palmed. "Well I have news for you bud... anywhere Horror goes... we all go." Fell growled. Lust nodded in agreement. "Awe... does Fell actually care!?" I smirked. "NO! IT'S PART OF SANS' DUMB RULES!!!" Fell yelled at me. "Chill Fell... I was just teasing you." I laughed. Sans, Spaz, and everyone teleported into the room. "What now?" Sans asked. "Mr. "President" wants to see Horror and the kid." Lust answered, air quoting 'president'. "Oh..." Sans said. "Well I guess we have to go too." Nightmare shrugged. "No, only the two." Mark growled. "Too bad... have fun." A new skeleton I've never seen before waved at me. He had a moon o over his eye and stars in his jacket.

Before I could ask his name everyone disappeared. "Night... his names Night." Horror smiled at me. "Night? You noticed huh?" I asked. He nodded. "He's new... but we'll all get used to him eventually." Horror andwered. "You two lets go!" Mark barked. "Sheesh fine... no need to get mad." Horror rolled his eyes as we walked out. Next to the apartment was a black vehicular. It was just an ordinary black car. Me and Horror got in and the driver took off. The driver turned the wheel to get out of the driveway as I felt a arm wrap around me. I looked up at Horror, his cheeks a hint of light pink, barley visible. "What?" Horror asked noticing my stare. "Nothing." I answered looking away. I leaned on Horror, his cheeks growing to a pink and mine to a light pink. We were like that the hole way there. By the time we got there Horror's eyes went dark. "You okay Horror?" I asked. "Yeah... I'm fine." Horror answered, his eyes going back to normal. "What was that all about?" I asked. "Lust and Nightmares saying things..." Horror answered. I gave him a confused look. "Sense we're technically all the same monster, we can communicate easily." Horror explained. "I see... that makes a lot of sense." I smiled. Pretty much he uses mind communications... okay.  We stepped out of the car and turned to the building. It was wight, marble and pearls everywhere. The place was beautiful. Red , purple, wight, pink, orange, and even yellow flowers were on the lawn and in pits near the door. "This guy must really like wight." Horror chuckled. "Do. Not. Make fun of our president." Mark growled. "Hey calm down... I'm just stating the obvious here." Horror put his hands up in defense. Mark huffed and walked to the door. "Sheesh." Horror added. I smiled at Horror's attitude and followed Mark. Horror followed me and we were lead to the office. The hallways had red carpets for a path. I felt like I was at a fashion show or something. The place was huge and the stairs were nicely polished. We stopped in front of the door and Mark knocked. "Come in." A voice called. Mark opened the door and we all walked in. "The two as requested." Mark bowed. I realized it wasn't the same President as before. Standing in the chair was a man, wight hair and a nice suit. "Hey what happen to the last guy?" Horror asked. "We change presidents every four years... yesterday was his last day." Mark explained. "Really? And what's his name?" Horror asked. "Brian... Grave Brian." Mr. President answered.  "What is this McDonalds?" Horror asked. I snaked him. "What!?" He asked, looking at me. "I apologize... Horror comes from a aggressive environment." I smiled, mainly because of Horror's comment, and he knew it to. "Heh." Horror chuckled a little. "Is that your name?" Trump asked. "Ya, so what?" Horror growled. "Hmm... I have resided to have you and (Your name) be part of a science experiment." Brian got strait to the point. "Wowo... hey I'm not going into another dumb science tube." Horror growled. "And give me one reason." Brian stood up. "Because I will kill anyone that tries to do anything to me. Your lose of lives here." Horror's eye flamed a strong and powerful red color. "I'll do what I need to." He growled. God I hate his name already. I sighed. "Exactly why did everyone vote for you?" I asked. "Because I'm doing the right thing." Brian answered. "By that you mean being a jerk and forcing people to do what you want?" Horror corrected. "Excuse me!?" Brian glared at him. "Look just because your 'president' don't mean I have to like, or treat you different. Your just as human as any other human and if your lucky I won't kill ya'." Horror shrugged. Mark pulled his gun out. "You think that things gonna scare me? I could teleport faster than that thing can shoot." Horror looked at Mark. Fell and everyone came in. "So now you agree?" Fell rolled his eyes. "I said I could teleport faster, I didn't say I could teleport to the opposite side of the world and back in a second." Horror growled at him. "Pshh... you know I can." Fell smirked. "Says the one with anger issues." Horror crossed his arms. Fells flame grew. "WHO SAID I HAD ANGER ISSUES!?" Fell yelled at him. "You like pissing him of don't you?" I asked him. "Are you kidding? The funniest and funest thing I've ever experienced." Horror smiled. I laughed at Horror's answer. I hear Fell growl and snarl at Horror. "See what I mean?" Horror asked. I laughed harder. "Horror!!..." I tried to speak but laughs kept getting in the way. "Your so mean!" I finished. "It's in my nature." Horror shrugged. A gun fire went off and I felt dizzy. "Heh... sorry kid." Horror helped me straiten up. "What was that for!?" I growled. "The Mark guy fired." Horror answered lazily. "So you say sorry to her?" Trump growled. "Yeah... so?" Horror asked. Trump growled. "You know trying to kill him just because some of us are mean is a major problem you have." Fell agreed.  "Shut it bone bag." Brian growled. Fell smiled evilly. "You keep goin' and I'm going to have a great time." Fell warned. "And what does that mean?" Brian asked. A bunch of red bones and Gaster Blaster appeared behind him. All of the bones where sharp, like knifes. "Fell calm down... nows not the time for a fight." Sans walked infront of Fell. Fell looked at him, growled, and put everything away. "What are those?" Brian asked. "What?" Sans asked. "The heads." Brian answered. "Well... you know who wants to go visit Nightmare or somethin'?" Sans asked. "I'm right here." Nightmare growled. "Well then go somehwere else." Sans shrugged. "No." Nightmare answered. "Well then let's go see how Alphas is doing!" Sans suggested. "Are you planning to escape? Cuz, it won't work." Brian warned. "Watch and learn." Sans smiled. "You comin kid?" Horror asked. "What your going to leave me here? I would hope I'm coming." I crossed my arms. "Shortcut?" Ink asked. "Shortcut!" Everyone agreed and disappeared, everyone except me and Horror. "That's okay, I needed you two anyway." Brian smiled. "Go to hell Brian." Horror growled and snapped his fingers. We were now back at the house. A red glow surrounded the door and faded away.  "What did you do?" I asked Horror. "I locked the door... I'm sure there coming back. I just put a magic lock on it." Horror answered. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "No one can go in... except for creatures with magic. That includes you." Horror looked at me. I nodded. "What about going out?" I asked. "Same way." Horror shrugged. "Okay... What now?" I asked. Horror shrugged. "We can go back." Sans appeared next to us. "What do you mean?" Horror asked. "To the underground... we can go back. I heard Asgore talk about it. The barrier will alwase be open, but they won't know. We can come back and visit the kid, or the kid can come either way." Sans explained. "Your Asgore?" Horror asked. Sans nodded. "I'll think about it." Horror answered. "Just saying... besides, me and Paps needs to grab some things from back home." Sans shrugged. "Good idea, I'll let you do that." Horror said. "Awe... is Horror trying to kick Sans and everyone out?" Lust teased... turns out they were already here. "WHAT!? NO!" Horror yelled at him. "Uh-hu..." Lust smiled. "I'M NOT! AND SO HELP ME I WILL MAKE SURE YOUR DEAD!" Horror summoned his axe. There was a load bang on the door, causing everyone to attract attention to it. "LET ME IN!" Someone yelled. Horror put his axe away and stared curiously. "Uh..." I pointed at the door. "Hmm...." Sans hummed. "I SAID OPEN THE DOOR!" The voice yelled again. I walked to the door and looked through. "Uh... guys? It Brian again." I said, turning to them. Horror sighed. "Should I let him in?" I asked. "Well... you should... but I prefer you don't." Horror answered. "The hole science thing got you huh?" I asked. "SCUENCE THING!?" Sans yelled. "The guy want's me and the kid to become Science toys." Horror explained. "WHAT!?" Fell growled. And before anything else our window broke. "Heh... I guess I forgot about those." Horror shrugged. "You are under arrest! Put your hands up!" Mark yelled, swinging into the house. "And what are you gonna do pipskeak!?" Fell smirked. Horror, Fell, Nightmare, and Error look at Sans. Sans thought for a moment. "Maybe." Sans answered. Horror, Fell, Nightmare, and Error groaned. "When are you going to wake up Sans!?" Error asked. "It's not that way yet! And you know how I am when it comes to violence!" Sans growled. They all rolled their eyes. "HANDS UP NOW!" Mark demanded, he was furious. "Let's try and talk about this-" Sans suggested. Papyrus walked in and Mark pointed the gun at Papyrus. Sans froze. "HEY SANS!!-...... Uhh..." Papyrus looked at everyone. "Huh... I thought you were going crazy..." Papyrus mumbled. "I'm sorry what?" Sans asked. "OH DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT BROTHER!!!" Papyrus looked at Mark and froze. "Uh... Sans? What is he holding?" Papyrus asked. Sans swear drooped. "Uh... heh." Sans shrugged. "Alright... your going to follow instructions... or the tall one gets it." Mark growled. Sans eye flamed instantly, powerful and strong. "SANS WHY ARE YOU MAD THIS TIME!?" Papyrus asked noticing easily. "Play time?" Error asked. Sans smirked evilly. "Someone take Papy out of here." Sans begged. "On it. Hey Papy-uh... Papyrus, why don't you come with me okay?" Ink suggested. "OKAY!" Papyrus smiled. Ink created a portal and signaled for Papyrus to jump in. "ARE YOU SURE IT'S SAFE!?" Papyrus asked. "Positive. Promise!" Ink smiled. "OKAY!" Papyrus jumped through. "HEY CROSS!!" Ink yelled. Cross came out. "What?" Cross asked. "Why don't you take my place?" And with that Ink jumped in and closed the portal. Cross sighed. "What-" Criss turned to see Mark pointing a gun at where Pupyrus used to be. At this point, almost everyone's eye was glowing. "Ohohoho! This will be fun." Cross smiled. "WAIT WHAT'S GOING ON!!" Blueberry yelled. "This man just made a wrong move." Sans answered. "TELL ME!! OR I'M GETTING INTO MY CANDY BOX!" Blueberry threatened. Everyone froze. I looked at them questioning. "You do not want Blueberry to eat candy." Sans explained. "Okay?" I said. "Last time I ate candy I broke every house in Snowdin." Blueberry finished. I froze, my eyes growing wide. "Yeaaah." Cross smiled slyly. "TELL ME!" Blueberry demanded. "The guy put a gun to Papyrus..." Lust answered quickly. "A gun? What's that?" Blueberry asked. Once everyone explained to Blueberry what a gun was, even Blueberry's eye flamed, it was one of the brightest colors here. "I'm going to give you one warning human! DO. NOT. THREATEN. PAPYRUS!" Blueberry yelled. We all froze and looked at him. "Or what?" Blueberry asked. "OR I'M GOING TO HAVE TO HURT YOU! AND I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT!" Blueberry begged. Mark smirked. "I hardly dought that Blue here is the biggest worry you have. After all. There are at least 6 guys in here that would love to tear you apart right now." Sans smiled. "And who's that?" Mark asked. "ME!" Cross yelled. I laughed at his sudden yell. His yell was full of excitement and joy. "I'm in." Fell smiled evilly. "You already know me. No one messes with Papy." Sans summoned 3 bones on his side, Cross, and Fell following. "Oh, a good scream would do." Horror summoned bones as well. "I call his blood." Blood smiled. "What?" Mark asked. "I'm a vampire... so watch it." Blood growled. Error summoned a few strings. "I would like a new puppet." Error looked at him. Nightmare now had 4 tenticals on both sides, equaling up to eight. "I'll make you regret it." Night mare smiled. "What are you slender man?" Mark asked. "No... that's my dad." Nightmare shrugged. "Oh..." Mark answered. "And that's seven." I counted them all. "Really?" Sans asked. "Yep, there's Sans, Fell, Horror, Cross, Nightmare, Error, and Blood." I smiled. "Huh... sounds fair." Sans turned back to Mark. "I'm going to give you 30 seconds to go back out that window and start running." Sans warned. There was banging on the door. "Should I let them in now?" I asked. "Sure... the more, the marrier." Horror smiled. I opened the door and everyone came flooding in. "HANDS UP!" Brian was in the middle of the army. "Horror, (Your name)... I can't believe you two." Brian shrugged. "Hah! Your in ft a treat!" Horror smiled to Blood. "Yeah, but am I able to eat them all is the question." Blood nodded in agreement. "The worse that will happen is that you get high and attack the kid... and I kill ya from there." Horror shrugged. "I'm sorry what?" Blood asked, giving him a questioning look. "You heard me." Horror answered. "Horror you've grown attached to the kid? Hehe... makes more fun plans for me." Blood mumbled he last sentence to himself. "What did we do?" I asked, changing the subject before Horror lost it. "You really think you could get away from me?" He smirked. "I could get away from you, any time." Horror smiled. "And what are you going to do? Stab me with some bones?" Brian asked. "That... or I can give you a hot dog." Horror smiled evilly, waiting for him to accept. "A hot dog? Really? That's the best you can do?" Brian asked. Brian you have no idea what your in for. I thought to myself. Don't you dare spoil it for him... I would like to have my fun. Horror looked at me, a begging look on his face. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, fine. Hey Sans." I smiled. Sans looked at me. "Count me in." I smirked. "Oh! That's one more, and you really think you can lay a hand on us. Pshh... good luck. You'll need it." Sans looked back at them. "And what are you going to do? Have Horror protect you?" Brian teased. My wings slowly came out of my back as I formed. "The better question here... is what is your next move?" I smirked. "I can see why you like her." Lust nodded. "LUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" Horror yelled. I laughed, Horror rolled his eyes and dropped the comment. "Wo Horror... did I hit a nerve?" Lust smiled. "Can we talk later? I am so ready for some blood shed." Horror summoned his axe, gripping it tightly. "Fine, you better not teleport away from me this time." Lust growled. "No promises." Horror mumbled. "Then I'll call continue." Lust growled. "Fine! I won't teleport away." Horror rolled his eyes. "YES!" Lust jumped. "Your..." Brian studied me. "I'm what? You ask? I'm your worse enemy. And if you don't leave I'll have to put the Vice President in action!" I growled. "Vice President?" Sans asked. "When the President dies... the Vice President has to take his eyes place." I explained. "Oh..." Sans said. "Yep, she's perfect for you." Fell agreed. "FELL!" Horror yelled, a very faint blush coming to his cheeks. A gunfire went of and hit my wing. "AAAH!" I looked at the wound. They fired a lot of times. Blood and fish coming out of it. The wound went from almost my arm to the other side of the wing." OKAY THAT'S IT!!" I screamed in pain, summoning a army of little minions. Letting go, not to fear of hurting anyone was a huge relief. "WHAT THE!?" Brian asked. "You hurt me... I hurt you." I growled. The minions came out of the ground like zombies as they climbed out of the now broken floor.

They were little and extremely creepy looking. "Kid?" Horror asked. I turned to him. His eyes turned back to normal. "What?" I growled angerly. "Let's get you healed up." Horror was about to say something but changed it. I didn't bother to ask. A little minion came up to me, making little sounds, that some how I understood. "My lord? Are you okay?" It's voice was shaky and deep. "Horror tilted his head in confusion. "I..." I looked at it, and before anything, it... formed? It turned into a small kitty. It had rainbow fur at the tip of it's wings. It was wight with bright pretty blue eyes. A pink collar with a red heart attached to it. The fur locked soft and extremely fluffy. 

Starts formed in my eyes as I saw the small creature. Horror noticed my state and looked back at the kitten. "OH MY GOD YOUR SO CUTE!!" I squealed picking it up. "Mew." It's meow was high and soft, like a baby kitten just opening it's eyes. "AHAHHAAAA!!" I screamed again. My eye's added hearts as I held the soft, fluffy, creature. I started to giggle a lot due to it's cuteness. I put it on my lap, sitting down, and petting it nonstop. The fur was like feeling the softest stuffed animal in the world! It was the softest thing I've ever touched. As I reached its back the wings on it spread out and I started petting those too. I would repeat this for like half an hour. "Mew! Prrrrr..." It purred, nudging into my hand as I pet it's head. By the time I could control my fangirlism, the room was silent, and everyone was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "H-How! How did you get them to do that!?" Brian pointed at me. "Do what?" I asked. "Kid? Look at your wing." Horror instructed. I looked at my wing to see that it was fully healed. My eye's widened as I saw the little minions looking at me. I examined my wing, feeling it, even trying to find any sign of scar. But there was nothing. Not a single scratch, or scar, not a single drop of blood. I looked at them, the kitten still in my lap. My face expressed with amazement. "How?" I asked them. One of them came up to me and became making noises like a devil baby that can't talk. "We take care of you my lord... we alwase had. You probably don't know because we haven't been out in a long time." It did a small bow, the rest following. "And we heal any wound, scratch, bruise that comes onto you." Another one finished. I looked at them confused. "Is that why I've never been hurt? Wait, don't you have to be out in order to do that?" I asked. Brian, Fell, Sans, Horror, Error, Cross, and even Lust looked at me confused. "No my lord... we can heal you from inside... we are a part of you, we live with you. That is why you have magic." They straitened from the bow. "This... how.... what...." I was speechless. They've lived in me? For... ever? Sense I was born? T-This is crazy! How come I never knew? How come I didn't somehow accidentally summon them? Why do they keep calling me their lord? Obviously it can't be me! It has to be the person who gave me these abilities! I must look like them! I blinked a few times to come back to reality.  "My lord? Are you okay?" Another one asked. "Y-Yeah...." I answered. "Hey wait a minute... you can understand them?" Mark asked. I looked at him angerly, as I realized his gun wasn't on him. "My lord, we took his gun away so he couldn't hurt you or anyone else... that goes with all of them." He smiled. I looked back at him. "Thankyou... but... why do you keep calling me, your lord?" I asked. "Wha?" Lust asked. "Does it make you feel uncomfortable? We can stop calling you that. But that's in our region. We belong to you. The man who created us gave us to you." They explained. "I'm... okay with it I guess..." I said as I was taking all of this in. 'The man who created us?' The sentence repeated, but I didn't doze off this time. "We call you what you like. Daisy has been waiting for a long time to see you again! She looks happy." One stared. "So that's her name... I do apologize, I... don't remember anything." I stated. "It's okay. We knew you wouldn't. We'll let you take this all in. In the mean time. Would you like us to kick them out?" They ask. "That would be great." I smiled. They nodded and turned to them. "WHAT DID YOU TELL THEM!?" Mark yelled. "DON'T YELL AT OUR LORD!" One of them yelled, even though they couldn't understand them. "They offered it to me." I put my hands up in defense. They all started to charge at them. Mark was surrounded and kept stepping away to the ledge of the window. He almost fell off. "Sorry about your snack." I giggled at Blood. "Na, it's good. I was pritty full anyway. Like I said, I don't know if I could eat them all." Blood chuckled. "What's going on with them?" Horror asked. "Apparently they live in me. I never knew they were there... and I guess they belong to me." I answered, standing up, Daisy in my arms. "That is one interesting kitten." Horror commented. "I learned that her name is Daisy... she is pretty though." I smiled. Daisy meowed once again. "Awe... I'll have to go get some cat food." I said. Daisy tilted her head. "Okay Horror! Do you like (Your name)?" Lust asked, dropping the situation. "LUST!" Horror growled. "You promised!" Lust growled. Horror glared at him. "What?" Lust asked. One of my minions came up to Lust. Turns out those things have wings. He flew up to him and smacked him hard. "OW!" Lust rubbed his head. I laughed at the little guys action. Horror joined in soon after wards. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Lust yelled at him. The little one started yelling back. "YOU DO NOT ASK MY LIRDS FRIEND THAT!!! ESPECIALLY THAT HE'S HER BOYFRIEND!" I froze, and stopped laughing. A blush coming to my face. They must know what's going on too... mmm.... I ccovered my face with my wings. As soon as Horror calmed down, Horror noticed I was on the floor, wings covering me. "Uh... kid?... are you okay?" Horror asked.  The minion appeared in my little wing bubble. "My lord?" He asked. I then covered my face with my hands. "Are you two not a thing yet?" He asked. My blush grew. "No.." I answered. "OH I AM SO SORRY!-" He started. "It's okay! Just... don't do that again." I begged. "Uh... kid?" Horror asked. "Yes my lord. Thankyou." He bowed again. He disappeared and I rolled over. Daisy jumped on me. She meowed loudly, full of excitement. "TELL ME EVERYHING!" Daisy yelled. I whimpered. "Kid? Was it something I said?" Lust asked. "It might has well been." Horror teased him. "HORROR YOU'RE NOT HELPING!!" Lust yelled. "Yeah. Not helping you." Horror answered. "GRRR!" Lust growled. "My lord, every human is gone." A minion informed. "Thanks..." I answered. "What happened? What did the little guy say?" Horror asked, knowing it had to do with what had happened. My blush grew a new shade of red. "N-NOTHING!" I yelled. "Then why are you stuttering?" Horror asked. My wings tightened around me. "Kid?" Horror asked. "Would you like him to understand us my lord?" A minion asked. "You can do that?" I asked. He nodded. I thought for a minute meant. "Okay." I answered. "We need your help." He stated. I took a deep breath, my face calming down each time. I unraveled my wings once I was cooled off, and I sat up. "What do I do?" I asked. The minion rubbed it's neck. "You uh... have to... kiss him my lord. You can back down if needed." The minion answered. A hint of blush came to my face. "What?" Horror asked. I nodded and stood up. "Are you sure?" A minion asked. I smiled and nodded. "Uh... kid?" He asked. "Alright... everyone! Posistion: Share!" I'm assuming he was the leader of the minions. Like a president with the captain of the army sort of thing. Everyone surrounded me and Horror. "Okay what's going on?" Horror asked. "I thought... you would like to understand them too." I answered. "Oh... okay then..." Horror shrugged. "That's if... your comfortable with it." I added. We have to kiss.... I told him. Horror's cheeks grew a soft pink. I... see. Yeah... I can... go with it. Horror smiled at me. "Aweee...." The crowed said. I blushed brighter. Horror chuckled. "What's going on?" Lust asked. "I want to understand them!" Lust added. "No! I'm not letting you!" I growled. "I wouldn't either." Horror laughed. "And why's that?" Lust asked. "You'll see." I answered, crossing my arms. "To let you know, you have to be in your form to do it." A minion warned. "Got it. Thanks." I smiled. "When your ready." They smiled at me. I looked at Horror. He walked up to me and put his arms around my waist. "OMG!" Lust yelled. Horror ignored him and lifted my head. We both slowly closed our eyes as the space between us shrank. Horror kissed me softly. "AAAAHHHH!!!" Lust yelled. A bright light flashed and we broke once the light disappeared. Horror's face was extremely red too. Same with mine. "Can you understand us now?" A minion flew up to Horror's shoulder and landed on him. "Hmm..." Horror thought for a moment. "Testing... can you understand me?" He said again. Horror smiled. "You guys sound a lot friendlier that last time." Horror teased. "My lord, it was successful." He flew off his shoulder. "They... really do call you their lord... huh." Horror said. "What you think I was lying?" I asked. "No... I just wanted to hear it for myself." Horror turned back to me. "My lord?" A minion asked. I turned to him, causing Horror to let go of me. "Yes?" I asked. "The human's are back... with more. We can't do the same thing we did last time." He answered. "I got it. Don't worry." Horror smiled. A red glow went around the hole house and disappeared.

(I'm gonna end it here. I hope you enjoy. I appreciate all of the people reading this! Please check out my UnderLust Sans X Reader and UnderNight Sans X Reader. And if you are a fan of Aphmau's I have a few Aarmau fanfics. See you in the next chapter! BIA!

-Jaylyn Nathan)

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