I screamed once again. "FINE JUST LET HER GO!!" Horror screamed No... I thought the pain decreased. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath. "Kid?" Horror asked. I collapsed, laying on the ground. "KID!?" Horror asked. I put a hand on my head and sat up. I hear Horror sigh in relief. "Hold still." Emily ordered. Horror's eye flamed madly. He turned to her. She walked up to him, getting closer, and closer, and closer. I stood up, watching. The window barley not blocking my view. Horror took a step back, Emily held the remote up, waving it. Horror grunted and didn't move from there. She leaned into him, kissing his cheek. Grrr... I growled to myself. I kicked the side of the machine out of anger. Horror, Gaster, and Emily looking at me. I was on a major rampage and if I didn't do anything about it I would end up hurting someone. I was alwase able to keep my temper, but this... it was to much. I kept staring where I had kicked the machine, not caring that they were looking at me. Why is this making me so mad!? If I loose it I could hurt Horror... do I dare risk that? I asked myself. I hear Horror hold his breath angerly. I look over to see Emily kissing his neck. "EMILY!" I screamed. She backed away and looked at me. "What?" She growled. "Stop." I answered. "Oh? And what are you going to do?" She asked. "As soon as I get out I'm going to kill you." I answered in a mumble. "What was that?" She asked. "I said... I. Will. KILL YOU!" I growled loader. "And how do you plan on doing that?" She snarled. I put my hands on the glass of the door. My face full of anger. Horror looked at me. Horror looked at Emily, than at me. I on the other hand kept staring at Emily in disgust. I pushed off the window, standing straitly. "If you take away my magic...". Said calmly. "You'll kill me." I finished. "Good." The pain increased, it was worse than she had done! She must have brought it up to like 75 out of 150!! I screamed in pain, falling to the ground and the fire coming back and fading quicker. My eye sight went blurry. "Emily!" Horror called. "Yes?" She asked. "Stop the pain." He begged. "And what do I get in return?" She smirked. "What you want.." Horror answered. The pain lowered instantly. He made sure I was okay. I got on all fours again and eventually sat up. He looked at Emily. She giggled. He walked up to her, leaning into her. She blushes. I look at him, tears forming. He start's nibling at her neck! H-Horror.... how... could you!? I cried to myself. He twisted his finger's with hers as she raises her head. My heart snapped, it broke into at least 50 pieces. Horror... no... I thought to myself. She smiled to herself, knowing her win. "H-Horror..." I almost cried. Tears forming in my eye's quickly. Emily instantly backed away, holding up the remote. "Na-a! You can try and play along, but your not getting to the remote!" Emily growled. Horror looks at her. HORROR!!! I cried. "You don't want to hold it while we do this do you?" He cooed. Tears ran down my eye's. Emily thought for a moment and gave Horror the remote. "Trick me. And I'll make sure she's dead." Emily growled. I stood up. Horro looked at me. My face expressing my broken heart. He looked away ashamed. This can't be... I told myself... over, and over, and over again. Horror took the remote. He hesitantly put it down. He signals Gaster something as Gaster nodded, understanding what was happening. Gaster disappeared. "Hehe." Emily giggled sweetly. I turned away, I couldn't take it no more. Tears falling down my cheeks like a water fall that was over flowing. "If you want this..." Horror started. "Than your picking the wrong one." Horror finnished. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Lust... she's all yours." Horror growled. I didn't pay attention to what just happened, my heart ached, my mind racing and trying to process what has happened. "Let's have some fun." Lust's voice tang through my head. Lust... never says that... unless he's doing... what? I looked back. Pink octopus like tenticals covering her. The machine lifted. I looked at who had the remote. Horror, eye flaming bright enough to light up the room like a glow stick. Horror rushed to me, hugging me. I was shocked and tried to try and figure out what was happening. "Please.... forgive me." Horror whispered, he cried into me. "Why!?" I growled, tears falling. "She would have killed you! I couldn't live without you!" He sobbed. His change of voice shocked me. He was no longer angry, or strict, or mean. His voice was soft, fragile, caring, meanful, and scared. Horror was never scared. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to forgive him so badly... but I didn't know how to just let Emily go. Lust looked at Horror, freezing, noticing his sobs. I looked at him. Based of how he read my expression, he knew I wanted to forgive him so badly. Lust knew that I lived him but I was to scared of it now. I didn't want to put Horror through that again. "Horror..." I felt him nudge into me, just by saying his name. "Promise me you won't do that again." I whispered softly. "What if this happens again?" He asked. "At least let me know!" I hugged him tightly. "I thought you left me." I whispered, tears coming down even harder than before from happiness and relief. Horror hugged me, tighter than he ever has, but yet so soft and gentle. I looked up at Lust. Lust nodded, putting Emily down. Horror and I separated, due to the unfinished business I had with Emily. I stood up, forming, letting go of all my worries. My wings turning into bat like forms. A black long dress growing from my current one, minions of devils fallowing behind me. My hair turned to a shade of purple.
Small minions:
Emily looked at me, fear covered her. "You dare do this again? And I will make sure you die." I growled. "Your going to let me live!?" Emily asked. "I'm not going to let you get out un injured. But it's up to these devils weather you live or die today." I sent the devils after her, they all attacked, giving her scratches, bruises, deep wounds, and more. "I hope you learned your lesson if you make it out alive." I growled angerly. I walked back to Horror, forming back to normal, minions disappearing. And when they were all gone, she was barely alive. Horror held me close to him, crying into me. "Let's get out of here Horror." I said and Horror teleported outside the hotel. "Your not mad?" He asked, rubbing an eye. "I'm not mad at you no. I'm mad at Emily. I would have done the same... to make sure you lived. But please, try and let me know your plan before you do it. That way I'm not broken again." I begged. "I promise!" Horror gave me a tight hug, then kissing me deeply. I was shocked by the sudden kiss, but melted I to it. Horror put his arms around me, holding me as close as he could. We separated, him hugging me again. "Horror..." I mumbled. He hummed in response, his voice still shaken. "Think of the positive... we're both safe now." I whispered. He hugged me tighter. "I...." Horror started. "Calm down... she's learned her lesson, I appreciate that you tried to take the remote from her though... and succeeded at that." I laughed. "Your still cute." He laughed. "C'mon, I know a great place." I said. He let go of me, tears of his were in his eye's, luckily not falling down. He held my hand tightly, as we walked to the apartments that we searched up. "What if Emily finds us here? She know's we looked at this place." Horror reminded. "We technically told her that we had to find a new place to live... if we flip it around, she'll most likely never look here." I explained. "You sneaky little girl." Horror mumbled. "I know." I laughed. Me and Horror walked into the hotel. "Um... Horror?" I asked. "What?" Horror asked, his normal self once again. "We forgot all of the things we bought." I noticed. He chuckled. "I'll teleport it all in once we get to it." He smiled. "Okay." I shrugged. "Can I help you?" A man asked. "We are here to rent an apartment." I explained. "Okay..." He looked at the of he held. "Pick witch one you want," He instructed. We pointed at one and he nodded. "Alright, I'm sure you know the rules. Here are the keys, and hope you like what you see." He handed me some key's and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and left with Horror. We headed to our apartment, Horror apparently already teleported everything in place. "Your so lazy." I face palmed. "Eh, I try." He chuckled. "You try to be lazy? That's easy." I stared. "Exactly." Horror smiled. "Alright, well I'm going to go to the store to buy some food." I stared. "Your gonna leave me!?" Horror complained. "You can come, I'm not stopping you." I smiled. "But we just got here!" Horror exclaimed. "Beside's, we have leftovers." Horror shrugged. I looked at him. "Horror!" I growled. "What!?" He asked. I sighed. "I'll be back, unless your coming with." I walked out the door. He sighed in defeat and followed. When we got to the store the place was crowded, more than normal. Must be from the monster's coming up. I thought. "AAAHH!" Someone yelled. Me and Horror turned around to see a female running. "Uh... are they scared of me?" Horror asked. "No idea." I shrugged and kept walking. I grabbed some bread, meat, chicken, pineapple, cherries, grapes, and some drinks. There was a siren, a police siren? I stayed where I was, near the meat and cheese. "What on earth!?" Horror asked. "Just stay at your place. That way they can find whatevers going on out." I instructed. "Stay out of their way basically?" Horror asked. I nodded. "Put your hands on your head!" A man yelled. I tried to ignore all of the yelling. "Kid?" Horror asked. I turned around to see all of the police pointing guns at me and Horror. "Really?" I asked. "What's going on!?" Horror asked. "Uh... don't worry about it. Why don't you just let me handle this." I suggested. "By all means." Horror shrugged. "I said! Hands slowly n your head. I sighed, rubbing my eyes with one hand. "Everyone calm down... he's friendly." I pleaded. "He don't look friendly." Someone from one of the isles said. I glared at them. "Who called the police!?" I asked. "You are in no situation to ask questions!" I police officer spoke. "Alright..." I shrugged. "Then let me prove it." I shrugged. The police looked at one another. "Fine." One of them said. "Come here." I said. One police came out of the crowd. "What on earth is going on!?" Horror growled. "Police are like guards in the underground. Protect people, take those who do wrong." I explained. "Okay... what are those?" Horror pointed to the gun the police were holding. "He don't know anything guys. It's all good." I changed the subject. "You didn't answer my question kid." Horror glared at me. "Because you would get mad, now..." I turned to the police. "He don't really like hugs... but you can hug him to prove he's friendly." I shrugged. "No! Na-a! No hugs!" Horror crossed his arm. I glared at him. "Horror, do you want to die or not?" I asked. "Die? Who said anything about dying!?" Horror asked. "These are guns, a metal sharp-ish object comes out of them at least 50 miles per second. That would kill you, me..." I explained. "So their killing machines. Wow... that's rough." Horror shrugged. "Your not mad?" I asked suprized. "The fact that their pointing them at us pisses me off. So..... can't answer that one." Horror answered. "Hmm..." I hummed. "You've learned to control your temper better." I added. "HEY!" Horror yelled. "Calm down, I'm just thinking." I stated. "What's that on his jacket?" The police asked. "My jacket- oh! Haha! That's nothin', don't worry about it." Horror shrugged. "Your lying." Someone growled. "Alright that's enough! I'm out! Hurt the kid-" Horror pointed a finger at the police. "HORROR!!" I yelled. He looked at me. "Hmph, fine! I'll meet you outside." And Horror disappeared. "WHERE DID HE GO!?" He pointed the gun at me. A axe flew threw the gun and dropped out of the hands. "And I'll take that!" Horror growled, bringing his axe back, taking the gun and disappearing. "WHAT THE HECK!" The police almost jumped out of his skin. "HORRROR!" I yelled angerly. "WHERE IS IT!?" He yelled at me. "In heaven now." I answered. "WHAT!?" He growled. "The guns destroyed. It don't matter. Now if you'll excuse me I got someone to talk to." I growled. "HORROR WHERE DID YOU GO!" I yelled stomping off. "I'm up here." Horror chuckled. I look up, from were I was. Thanks to how many police were around, I didn't actually go anywhaere. He was on the pipes and light's up above, laying on a pipe. I think it was a vent pipe. "HOW DID YOU GET UP THERE!?" A police aimed his gun. "Wowowo! No need to kill me here." Horror out his hands up lazily. "How. Did. You. Get. Up. There?" He repeated. Horror disappeared. "Magic, why?" Horror answered from behind me. "GA!" He screams, finger on the trigger strongly. "THAT'S ENOUGH! I'm done playing this game." I growled. "What game?" Horror asked. "He is fine! You shouldn't be aiming a gun at him just because you don't understand him!" I said. "He could kill anyone here." He yelled. "So could I! You could too! If it wasn't for all of the people here you would all be on the ground just for a life threat!" I growled, taking stance. "And how would you do that?" He asked. "You don't know anything." A familiar voice said from the back of the crowd. Everyone turned around to see Emily standing there. Bruises, cuts, and wounds. "You don't want to know what she can do." Emily warned. "You did that!?" A cop asked me. "Technically... no." I answered. "In a way, I deserved it.... I did something that was selfish and wrong." She admitted. Horror's eye flamed and everyone jumped. "Really? Your scared of a little flame!? Man, you guys would be easy to scare to death!" Horror chuckled. I hit him on the shoulder. "You can't blame me kid!" Horror smiled. "What is on your jacket?" Emily asked. "If I tell you will you let me and the kid be!? You follow me everywhere, and I'm creeped out by it." Horror shrugged. "Your creeped out? I would be terrified." Emily admitted. "Well when you come from a place that kills, scares, plus I know Lust and Nightmare. You don't exactly get terrified. Let alone scared." Horror crossed his arms. "You called?" A shaky voice asked. "AAAAHHH!" Everyone screamed. I looked behind me, making me at least jump. Was a black skeleton with black tentical-ish arms around him. He was completely black! Only thing that wasn't black was his teeth and his blue glowing eye.
"Wasn't exactly calling you... but whatever you say." Horror shrugged, not bothering to face him. "You sure have one." He walked up to me, putting a finger under my chin and lifting it up. "Let her be Nightmare. I don't need to kill ya' do I?" Horror asked. "I'd like to see you try, but first... I'm curious." He tilted my head, examining he head. "Your not going to do that are ya'? When you came out I wouldn't give you a chance to even dodge." Horror growled at him, turning his head to face him. "Mm... maybe. You know how I am and fears." He chuckled. I growled and picked him away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. "That was mean." He stated. "Well your just as mean, if not meaner." I struggled out of his grip. "She's got some guts." He laughed. "Yeah, and if you don't let go, I'm about to have yours." I growled. He stiffened, looking at me, more tenticals came out. "You sure about that?" He asked, his voice dark. "Oh, I garante it." I smirked evilly, freeing my hand and backing away. "I don't think so girl!" He said. "What's your nick name anyway?" I asked, standing up straitly. "Nightmare... you?" He asked. "(Y/n)" I answered. "Nightmare I wouldn't get her angry." Horror chuckled. "Why? You scared of her?" Nightmare looked at Horror. "Na, she couldn't hurt me even if she tried. But... I am scared for her. And you don't want to get on my bad side do ya'?" Horror smirked, facing him fully. Summoning his axe. "Horror, axe away. I can handle him, it's just like a black octopus that can teleport, and summon a few things." I shrugged. "Did you just call me a octopus?" He growled. "Maybe... why does it matter now?" I asked. He growled at me. "Well, I'm going to grab what we need. You two can chat. C'ya!" I wondered off. When I was done, I payed for the food, Horror and Nightmare fighting out side of the store. "Alright you two, that's enough." I walked in the middle of it. A few black Gaster Blaster's on one side, as bones on the other. "You can't tell me what to do!" Nightmare growled. "Alright, well let put it this way." I summoned my sword. "Continue... and we're going to have problems." I growled. He looked at me. "Your explaining that later." He growled and disappeared. "Hey! I was having a good work out there!" Horror complained. "Sense when did you work out?" I asked, putting my sword away. "How did you do that?" A voice asked. "I alwase have it on me. Protection reasons of course." I answered walking back home. "I don't." Horror answered. "Exactly." I smiled. We walked home. Horror watched me walk away and sighed, teleporting next to me and walking home. I opened the door, it was about 9:30. I yawned, walking in. "Tired?" Horror chuckled. "Yeah..." I answered, rubbing my eyes. "You can't go to bed yet! You have to explain that hole sword thing!" Nightmare growled. "But I'm tired!" I complained. "Explain!" Nightmare ordered. "Nightmare, let her sleep. It's been a long day." Horror begged. "Why do you care!?" Nightmare growled. "Because I'm tired too." Horror shrugged. "So!?" Nightmare asked. "So we should all go to bed, and you know I can't sleep when you yell." Horror answered. "FINE! First thing in the morning then. I'll be waiting." Nightmrare disappeared. "Sorry about that." Horror apologized. "You shouldn't be sorry... and it's okay. I'm going to go to bed." I stated. "Mind if... nevermind." Horror said. "What?" I asked. "It's nothing." Horror waved it off. "What?" I asked again. "It's nothing." Horror answered. "Tell me." I ordered. "Why?" Horror asked. "Cuz, I'm not going to bed until you tell me." I crossed my arms. "I was just going to ask if I could join you... but I think-" Horror's cheeks turned red. "I don't mind Horror... I can't have the only bed here. Besides... if we're going to live together. You need a bed too." I interrupted. "Wait what?" Horror asked suprized. "I said I don't mind." I answered, walking to the bedroom. Horror walked in the room after I was pritty much settled in bed. "Are you sure?" Horror asked. "Stop asking and just do what you want." I growled. Horror shrugged and got in bed, wrapping a arm around me. "Goodnight Horror." I whispered. "Night kid." He answered shakily. I tried to make sure I didn't blush very much, I think I succeeded.
(Hope you enjoy. See you in the next chapter! BIA!)
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