12: Party Plans

Facts about me:
• I am extremely obsessed with Hello Kitty and Undertale.
• I have brown hair that I bleeched... so it's more of a blonde and I have brown eyes.
• I have a smaller brother named Nathan, and a sister named Beverly.
• I am the middle child, I am 14, my brother's 10, and my sister's 19.
• I love camping in the mountains, I hate camping in the desert though, we usually go to The Pony Express when we go camping in the desert.
I tag:

To the story!

I was in the living room watching the T.V when my phone buzzed. I checked it, it was an emergency meeting from above the surface. It read:
Hello my people, have you ever heard about the Mnt. Ebbot legend? Well, we are all going to try it out! I thought this would be a fun experience. I'm sure that they are all friendly down there, so why not?
Another buzz came in.
Everyone in the USA is in.
And so on so forth. Oh no... I thought to myself when Papyrus almost knocked the door down. "HUMAN!!!" Papyrus screamed. "What? Are you okay!?" I asked, he had drops of sweat going down his skull. "WE NEED TO HAVE A HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!" He screamed. "Halloween Party? Halloween isn't for a while, Easter's the next holiday!" I questioned. "THAN WE MEED TO HAVE AN EASTER PARTY!!" Papyrus answered. "What's going on!?" Horror yawned, coming out of his room. "WE NEED TO HAVE A PARTY!!!" Papyrus exclaimed. "What for?" Horror asked, rubbing his eye's. "EASTER'S COMING UP!!!" Papyrus answered. "Okay...." Horror slowly walked down the stairs. "Want me to bring the other's?" Horror asked. "OF COURSE! THE MORE THE MARIER!!!" Papyrus smiled. "Alright... what time?" He asked. "ASAP!" Papyrus answered. "We havn't even got the house ready. Are you sure?" Horror asked. "Your right... hmmm......" Papyrus thought for a moment. "Can't you teleport things where they belong!?" Papyrus asked. "About time you did it the easy way!" Horror smirked. "Just this once!" Papyrus promised. Horror snapped his finger's and everything was put away. "Hey Y/n? Wanna come with to get the others?" Horror asked. I nodded happily. "I'LL START MAKING THE SNACKS!" Papyrus claimed and ran off into the kitchen. Horror held out a hand and I took it. Horror snapped his finger's and we were in a different Snowdin. "What AU is this?" I asked. "Undertale." Horror answered. I nodded in understandment. "Horror? What are you doing here?" Sans walked up from behind us. "Papy wanted to through a Easter Party on short notice, told me to let all the AU's know." Horror shrugged, turning to him. "Hmm... my Papy don't know a about the AU's... I think he'd freak out with all the puns and jokes." Sans shrugged. "Guess it would be a punishment." I giggled. Horror and Sans just looked at me, Sans had a smile, Horror just looked at me like it wasn't the right time to say it. "You started it!" Horror walked away. "Hey! Where you goin'!?" I called after him. "I'll see you in the next AU." Horror waved. "I can't travel to AU's!" I shouted. "But he can." He chuckled, referring to Sans. "HORROR!" I screamed. Horror stoped and sighed. I'm assuming he rolled his eye's too, but what do I know. "No more!" Horror stomped back over to us. "You couldn't leave us even if you wanted to! I'm still here." I mumbled to myself. "What was that?" Horror asked, a smirk on his face. "Nothin'!" I answered. "Uhuh... didn't sound like nothin'." He smirked. "I'm assuming you heard me with that smirk." I smiled evilly. "Maybe..." Horror shrugged. I rolled my eye's. "She's right though. And you know it." Sans looked at Horror. "Shut it Sans!" Horror growled. "Temper..." Sans mumbled. "Shut it Sans... either way, you comin'?" Horror asked. "Alright fine! Your hel omg me with Papy though... AND DON'T SCARE HIM!?" Sans threatened. "That's easier said than done Sans... look who your talking to. It's Horror for crying out load!" I exclaimed. Horror laughed. "SANS!! IS THAT YOU!?" Papyrus asked, he sounded more friendlier than the one I know. "I'll be there, now get out before Papy see's you!" Sans growled. "Fair enouph, I'll try to help you out." Horror grabbed my hand and teleported. "Where are we now?" I asked. "Sciencetale. Ugh." We got Science and most of the other' aro come, now it was just Fell, Lust, and Spaz. Horror teleported us once again. "Witch one is this?" I asked. "UnderFell." Fell answered. "What do you want?" He asked. "My bro's throwin' a Easter party. He told me to let you know your invited." Horror shrugged. "Alright whatever. I have a job to get to, I'll see you guys later I guess." Fell shrugged. "SEE!!! HE DOES HIS JOB!!" I screamed as we teleported to another AU. "What up homie!?" Soap asked. "Hey Spaz." Horror sighed. "Don't worry, I already know about the party! Sans made sure to tell me before you got here so I wouldn't freak out." Spaz shrugged. "I owe him one." Horror smirked. "I'll be there dog. C'ya later Bro!" Spaz waved goodbye. "And the worse one. Ugh." Horror groaned, snapping his finger's. I teleported a few yards away from Horror as Lust pinned me up against a tree. "Lust? What are you doing?" Horror asked slowly walking over here. "Nothin'." Lust answered. Getting closer to my neck. "LUST BACK OFF!" Horror yelled, throughing him against a tree on the opposite side of the path. "Fine! What did you want?" Lust asked, than his eye's lit up. "Did you come to have some fun?" He asked. "No... My bro's throwing a party... you can figure it out from there. And keep your mind out of the gutter while you do so." Horror instructed. "But I can't help it!" Lust complained. "Sans Papy is going to be there so put on your best behavior will ya'?" Horror asked. "Let me guess... he don't know." Lust smirked. "He don't know about the AU's and Sans will kill you. So I would be behaving if I were you, also, it's in my AU so I can do what I need when needed." Horror growled. "Scenes when did you care?" Lust asked. "I promised Sans I would help him explain everything to him. And when I'm trying to do something and you get in the way you know what will happen next." Horror shrugged. "Yeah yeah. Understood. I won't behaving for a small amount of the time you know that right?" Lust asked. "I'll let you have your moments... you only get a few so choose wisely." Horror then grabbed my hand. "One more question." Lust asked. "Make it quick." Horror ordered. "When is it?" Lust asked. "It supposed to start already, but grab your Papy, and tell him the same rules before you teleport over, I think Sans is coming in last, I'm not sure." Horror shrugged and snapped his finger's, we were back in HorrorTale. Fell was already at the house. "That was quick." Horror looked at Fell strangely. Fell shrugged. "YAY!" Papyrus screamed. I smiled at his reaction. "What's up with him?" Fell asked, pointing to Papyrus. "He's excited." Horror answered. "IS SANS COMING!?" Papyrus asked... he was a lot more excited than I thought. "Yeah... he's bringing Papyrus over, so this will be a little awkward." Horror answered. I nodded in agreement. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards. Horror noticed and looked at me. "Really?" Horror asked. "It was worth a try." Lust shrugged, letting go of my arm. "I wonder what the normal Papyrus looks like." I say, changing the subject. "I dunno, maybe he wears blue too." Horror shrugged. "Maybe." I mumbled. "SANS!? WHAT HAPPENED TO SNOWDIN!?" Papyrus asked. "Well, Lust, you know the rules! Show a good impression will ya?" Horror walked towards the door. "Papy, I need to show you something, what ever you do, stay calm will ya?" Sans asked. I looked through the window, Papyrus had a red scarf, and some sort of costume. "WHAT FOR BROTHER?" He asked. "Just... trust me." Sans begged. "FINE! I PROMISE TO KEEP CALM." Papyrus rolled his eyes. "Horror, scare him to much and your dead to me." Sans mumbled to himself. Papyrus then spotted me. "SANS!? WHAT IS THAT A HUMAN!!?" He exclaimed. Sans looked through the window and saw me. I gave a sly smile. Sans shook his head, "It will all be explained when we get inside." Sans opened the door and they walked through the door, at that point, everyone was here. "AAAHH!!!!" Papyrus screamed. I walked over to Horror, he was just leaning up against the wall and had his hood up. "SANS WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" Papyrus exclaimed. Then Papyrus froze. "Wait a moment. Why are there more than one Sans?" Papyrus asked, looking around the room. "Uhh... well, ya' see..." Sans rubbed his head. "SANS WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS SANS!!!?" Papyrus exclaimed picking up Horror. Horror teleported away instantly. Papyrus looked at him. "COME ON!! LET ME HELP YOU!!" Papyrus walked towards Horror again and pick d him up. Horror teleported behind me. "I wouldn't-" Sans started. But Papyrus' eye glowed a orange red color. The same color of glow surrounded Horror and was lifted from the ground. "I JUST WANT TO HELP." Papyrus assured. "THE SPAGHETTI'S READY!" HP (Horror Papyrus... not Health Points!🤣) yelled. Papyrus didn't pay attention to the voice and tried to take of Horror's hood. "Papyrus! I really would let him be!" Sans warned. Papyrus didn't listen and eventually was able to take off the hood. "AAAHHH!!!" Papyrus screamed, dropping Horror. "I tried." Horror shrugged. "I warned him." Sans shrugged in response. "Uhh... Horror? You have your axe on your back." I pointed. Horror looked at me. "Oh... that probably made it worse." Horror walked up the stairs. Horror placed the axe next to his door and came back down. "HMM... SHOULD I MAKE A VEGETARIAN SPAGGETI!?" HP asked. "Yes... Yes you should." Horror rubbed his eyes. "OKAY!!!" HP went back into the kitchen. "W-WHAT HAPPENED!?" Papyrus exclaimed, looking at Horror. "You might as well tell him everything now before he starts to ask Lust questions." Horror warned. "Yeah..." Sans agreed. "L-LUST!?" Papyrus had a Orange red hint to his cheeks. "What up?" Lust waved. Papyrus looked at him. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Papyrus shakily stood up. "I told you to put him down." Sans faced Papyrus. "I HAVE TO HEAL HIM!!! HE'LL DIE!!" Papyrus ran to Horror, Horror teleported behind me once again. "Papy! He don't need to be healed!" Sans assured. Papyrus looked at Sans like he was crazy. "How... did you survive that?" I asked, turning around to face Horror. "Long story... that I rather not talk about at this moment." Horror shrugged. "Hmm..." I hummed. I shook it off. Papyrus grabbed Horror by the hood. "PUT ME DOWN!!" Horror screamed, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "HOLD STILL!" Papyrus instructed. A blue glow surrounded Papyrus and Horror landed on the ground safely. Papyrus was brought back over to Sans. "Don't Pap, not now." Sans begged. "BUT HE'S HURT!!!" Papyrus complained. Horror put his hand into the hole in his skull, and smiled. "What are you thinking!?" Sans growed. "Nothin'... just..." Horror trailed off. "Horror? What ever your thinkin' can't be good." Science complained. "He's thinking about scaring someone, not Papyrus, but someone." Fell answered. "FELL!!!" Horror growled. "HORROR YOU PROMISED!" Sans yelled. "I promised I wouldn't scare him, I didn't promise about anyone else." Horror smirked. Sans went back in memory. "Okay! Fine!! But not now... PLEASE!" Sans gave in. "Defiantly not now! I'd be dead if I did that!" Horror agreed. "So we are all allowed to get idea's?" Lust asked. "NO!!! NOT YOU!" Sans answered. "But? That's not very fair!" Lust complained. "The only idea's that your allowed are NORMAL idea's. For today at least." Sans begged. "Fine! I'll stay clean." Lust rolled his eye's. "OKAY!!! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY SANS!!! And... Papyrus'?" Papyrus asked. "I'm Blueberry!!!!" Blueberry introduced, shaking Papyrus's hand rapidly. "HI!!! NOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!" Papyrus lossened up a little. "We all come from different AU's... same creatures, same map, but different personalities." Sans explained. "So... why does he have a hole in his skull?" Papyrus asked, pointing to Horror. "That's Horror." Sans smiled. "Horror?" Papyrus looked at me. "Hmm..." Papyrus hummed. "I'M STILL HELPING HORRROR!!" Papyrus got up and walked over to Horror. Horror backed up. "JUST HOLD STILL!" Papyrus exclaimed. "No... I'm not being healed!" Horror rejected and walked away. "GET BACK HERE!!!" Papyrus then started to chase Horror and it became a game of tag outside. "YOUR IT!" Lust yelled, tagging Blueberry. "YAY!!" Blueberry bounded and started chacing Science. "YOUR IT!!" Blueberry tagged Science. After a while, we stoped the game. Eccentric for Horror and Papyrus... I think Horror was getting tired cuz' he teleported behind me, I could hear him breathing. Man... Papyrus must really want to help. "Sans... you got to get Papyrus under control!" Horror said inbetween breaths. "I'm working on it. PAPYRUS!! WAIT UP!!!" Sans did a small run, then started walking to Papyrus. Horror collapsed onto the couch. "That's one way to get your musles to work." Science mumbled. "What muscles? He's just bones!" I pointed out. "Figure of speech Y/n... figure of speech." Science rolled his eyes at me. And before I know it, Horror's drinking... ketchup? Or some red liquid? Papyrus comes back. "YOU DRINK KETCHUP TOO!!?" Papyrus groaned. "Heh... I know, Fell's wierd!" Horror smiled. So it actually was ketchup. I thought to myself. "UGH!!! WHAT DOES THIS FELL DRINK!?" Papyrus asked. "You know I'm right here right?" Fell asked. "OH!" Papyrus turned to Fell. "I drink Mustard..." Fell answered. "THAT'S WORSE IN MY OPINION! BUT IF YOU LIKE IT, YOU CAN HAVE IT!" Papyrus shrugged. Fell rolled his eyes. "HORROR DON'T MOVE!" Papyrus yelled, grabbing Horror's arm. Horror teleported behind me, but ended up bringing Papyrus with him. "I don't want it healed!" Horror assured. "BUT YOU COULD DIE!" Papyrus whined. Horror pulled his arm away and looked at me. "I think he'll be okay... he's had that hole ever sense I met him." I added. "I REFUSE TO GOVE UP!!!" Papyrus grabbed Horror. "Y/N!! HELP!" I screamed trying to get out of Papyrus' grip. "Will do." I took any magical ability from him and pulled Horror out of his grip. "You are a life saver." Horror smiled. "I know." I smiled. "You didn't." Sans looked at me. "Just for a while! It's not gonna kill him!" I answered. "What happened to my magic?" Papyrus seemed worried. "Y/n here can block magical abilities... I've might have-... Y/N!!!" Horror yelled, tackling me. I might have taken away his abilities at the moment too. The others just watched as me and Horror took turn taking the lead. Horror eventually pinned me to the wall. "Heh..." I managed. Horror's eye only grew. "Hey! Papyrus couldn't be the only one!" I complained. Horror just got madder. "Well... that didn't work." I mumbled. "You bet it didn't!" Horror growled, digging into my neck. At this point I was used to this, and saw it coming... but still didn't like it to much. "HORROR!!" I grolwed trying to push him off. A blue glow surrounded Horror and was taken back. Horror gave dagger stares at Sans. "What? You'll get someone here involved." Sans shruggged. Horror than looked at Lust. Horror didn't respond. "WAIT A MINUTE!!! NO I WON'T!!! I WAS JUST ENJOYING THE SHOW!!!" Lust complained. "Uhh... HEY SANS TRUTH IR DARE!?" I asked, quickly changing the subject. Sans nodded and thought for a moment. "Dare!" Sans smirked. "I dare you to... explain why Lust shouldn't be trusted." I smiled. "HEY!" Lust yelled. "Gladly! Papyrus... actually... I should have thought that through." Sans thought for a moment. "Papyrus? You know what Lust meant right?" Sans asked. Papyrus nodded. "That's what Lust here does... I would be careful around him." Sans said, putting a arm around Lust's shoulders, leaning on him. "OH... OKAY." Papyrus smiled. Lust rolled his eye's. "I like where this is going!" Horror smirked. "Horror, truth or Dare?" Sans asked. "Eh... truth, why not." Horror shrugged. "ARE YOU AND Y/N DATING YET!?" Sans asked, yelling. I could tell Horror immediately regretted his decision. "No... why?" Horror asked. "Why not?" Sans answered. "Hmph... Lust, Truth or Dare?" Horror asked. "Truth." Lust smiled. "Do you have a crush yet?" Horror asked. "No..." Lust answered. "Y/n, truth or dare?" Lust asked. "Dare!" I smiled. "I DARE YOU TO KISS HORROR!!!" Lust screamed. I looked over, to see Horror smirking to himself. "Before I do..." I walked over to Horror. "What you thinkin' about?" I asked. Horror's smile only grew. "Nothin' of your consern." Horror answered. I gave Horror a strong kiss, and before he could do anything else I broke it. Horror smirked at me. "Well, I say I get my idea's to action, cya' later!" Horror smiled. "HORROR YOU BETTER NOT SCARE ME!" Science yelled. "No promises!" Horror smiled and walked away. I gave Horror his abilities back and smiled to myself. Horror teleported in the living room. "Thanks!" Then Horror teleported out. I rolled my eyes. "He teleported... just so he could thank you." Science said confused. "I don't know!" I shrugged. "HE CAN TELEPORT TOO!!?" Papyrus screamed. "We can all teleport. Let me spell this out for you, there-" Science smiled. "NO MORE SCIENCY STUFF IT'S GOING TO KILL ME!" Fell screamed. Science looked at him. "It's going to happen anyway! An AU-" Science confessed. "NOOOOO!!!" Fell yelled teleporting out. Oookkkaaay? I thought to myself. "As I was saying, an AU stands for Alternate Universe! We have the same map, but everyone acts different. For example, your Sans is a happy, joyful, friendly. Horror, and Fell, are scary, mean, and miserable." Science explained. "HEY!" Horror yelled, scaring Science. "AHH!! HORROR I TOLD YOU NOT TO SCARE ME!" He yelled. "I didn't agree." Horror smirked. "Besides! That's what you get for calling me miserable." Horror growled. "IT'S TRUE!!!" Science yelled. Horror boncked Science upside the head. I sighed and shook my head. "THAT'S NOT VERY NICE!!!" Papyrus exclaimed. "I told you! He's mean!" Science rubbed his head. "No! I'm just defending myself!" Horror growled. "True!" I smiled. "We can all be mean, even when we don't realize it, or don't mean it." I shrugged. "See? She get's it." Horror crossed his arms. Science rolled his eyes. Horror smiled evilly. "What now?" Science asked. "Heheheh... I just came up with the best idea ever!!!" Horror grinned. "Y/n! I need your help!" Horror grabbed my arm and pulled me with him outside. I finally caught my balance when Horror shut the door. "Let's get to Asgore." Horror instructed. "What is this plan of yours?" I asked. "If we get Asgore to agree to get everyone to the surface, everyone will be gone, all that'll be here, is monster dust and everyone else. So, if we get that taken care of, I can do my best idea yet!" Horror snapped his fingers, and we were in Hotlands. "This place will be dark, all the lights will go out, including the ones at the house. I'll turn the electricity back on to our house, you flicker the lights when I say, and I'll do the rest!" Horror added. Sounds creepy. I thought to myself. "Okay... but how on earth are we going to convince him?" I asked. "I'm... still working on that part." Horror stoped and thought for a moment. "Hmm... what if we say the humans where testing out the legend?" I asked. "And lie... to the king?" Horror asked. "Well... it's not... a lie." I rubbed my head. Horror looked at me. "What do you mean it's not a lie!?" Horror asked. "Uh... you see... um, people, all over the world, is coming down here." I looked down, not making eye contact. "WHAT!?" Horror yelled. "But! Hey it works out with your plan!" I smiled, trying to calm him down, didn't work, to well. "I guess... BUT YOU COULDN'T TELL US EARLIER!?" Horror yelled. "I'M SORRY!! I PANICKED!" I yelled back. Horror took a deep breath. "I... would have done the same... oh boy." Horror rubbed his skull. "We definitely need to get to King Asgore! When are they coming?" Horror asked. My phone buzzed. A little notification popped up. We will test it out in an hour! So be ready! We'll go in a group at a time, that way other's won't fall in each other. It read. "In a few hours..." I answered sadly. "Hmm... that'll work." Horror thought. "Yeah, we got to get out of here though! What if they try me hurt any of you?" I asked. "Let's get to Asgore, then we'll decide." Horror agreed. It was an hour walk there. We're running out of time. I thought. We walked in without Undyne leading us. "ASGORE WE NEED TO GO TO THE SURFACE NOW!" Horror yelled. "I'm sorry sir'! I couldn't stop them!" Undyne apologized. "What is it Sans?" Asgore asked. I looked around looking for Sans. That's right, Asgore don't know about the AU's. I smiled, almost bonking my head. "What for?" Asgore asked. "The human's are testing out the legend. Either way we are going to face them at this point! We can stall time and get out in a few hours or we can go and save time!" Horror answered. "And who told you this?" Asgore asked. "I did." I answer. "And how do you know?" Asgore asked. I pulled out my phone and went to the text messages. I handed my phone to Asgore. "They'll be here less than 2 hours!" I said. Asgore read the texts and he nodded. "Well done, we are going to the surface." Asgore grabbed a remote, similar to a walkie talkie. "Alphas, were going to the surface, call everyone to the barrier!" Asgore spoke into it. "B-BUT KING ASGORE!" A voice answered. "NOW! DON'T MAKE ME DO IT MYSELF!" Asgore growled. "Y-Yes sir'!" The voice stuttered. "EVERYONE TO THE BARRIER!! WE'RE GOING HOME!" The same voice echoed through the underground. "Thought about it that part for the scare?" I asked. "No... I forgot about that. Oh well, I have a better chance at scaring them on the surface." Horror shrugged. "What about Sans? And Fell? Everyone?" I asked. "There coming too! We all do the same, technically speaking that is." Horror answered. "Who is this Fell?" Asgore asked. I froze, same with Horror. "N-Nothin'! Just a nickname." Horror answered. "Hmm... if you say so." Asgore headed out, and so did we. We walked back to the house. "We're... going HOME!!!" Papyrus yelled. "Why?" Sans asked. "The human's are coming down here, so go home and pack your things. Anything important." Horror answered, heading to his room. Toriel came through the door. "SANS!!" She yelled angery. Everyone froze as Toriel entered the house. Everyone teleported back to there home and Horror teleported me to his room. "What?" Horror asked. Why am I in your room? I asked. Cuz' right now, you should be with Asgore, helping open the barrier. Horror answered. I thought about it for a moment. Makes sense. I decided. "YOU PROMISED TO KEEP THE CHILD SAFE AND YOU GIVE HER TO ASGORE!?" Toriel screamed. "What? No! Y/n's fine!" Horror assured. "I DON'T SEE HER WITH YOU!!" She screamed. She's going to give me a head ache. I complained. "Tori calm down-" Horror tried. "NO SANS!! YOU GAVE AWAY THE CHILD!" She screamed. I won't be able to take this, not if she keeps it up. "Tori! Calm down! She's fine!" Horror finished. "HOW CAN I BE CALM!" Tori yelled. I opened the door a little to see Horror gripping onto his axe tightly, pointing it to Tori. "TORIEL DREEMER!!! I WILL PERSONALLY CUT YOU IF YOU KEEP YELLING!! Y/n is okay! GEEZ!" Horror yelled, rolling his eyes. "You wouldn't!" Tori growled. "I would, and don't make me either! The kids watching and I don't want any violence! ESPECIALLY when the kids around!" Horror growled. "The kid? What kid?" Tori asked. I came out of the room. "Y/N!!!" Tori yelled. I didn't respond, Horror didn't either. "I... owe you a apology. I'm sorry Sans." Tori looked guilty. "Not me you should be apologizing to, it's Y/n." Horror shrugged. "What? Why me?" I asked. Horror held out a hand, gestueing to come to him. I walked down the giant stairs and took his hand. "She's the one that hurt you. Don't think I've forgotten about those burns. Heh, I'm don't forget that easily." Horror pointed to my elbow. "Hmm.... I'm sure it don't matter, it's done. Can't undo it." I shrugged. "Don't matter? Kid? What did Fell put in your head?" Horror asked, rising a brow. "Fell? He didn't-" I started. "WHO IS FELL!?" Asgore asked. "GA!!" I jumped into Horror's arms, terrified. "Hahahahahaha!!!" Horror laughed. I could tell someone was talking to him through mind, due to him dozing off. "I don't know..." Horror put me down. ".... LUST I WILL KILL YOU!-..." Horror yelled. ".... "SHUT IT!!" Horror growled. "..... yeah yeah! I got it! Geez! I still don't think-...." Horror rolled his eyes. "..... You continue, and I'll give you a hot dog you hear me?-.." Horror threatened. "Give what?" Tori asked. "... And what are you going to do about it? We all don't like Mr. I like-..." Horror asked. "Hmph! Whatever! I'll see on the surface!-..." Horror looked at me. Then closed his eye's and sighed. "Have I been talking this hole time?" Horror asked. I nodded slowly. "Oh well..... Ugh! Guy's I got to go... No! Tori and Asgore are here! Why on earth-... you know what, I'm gonna kill you. Period. Have a nice day-.... Fine! Me, Papy, and Y/n will meet you guys up there.... can I go now? I have some importances to attend to..... yeah whatever." Horror finished. "What was that?" Asgore asked. "Idiots... that's what it was." Horror answered. "AM NOT!" Lust yelled. "What are you doing here!? I thought we-" Horror started. "I couldn't help it, besides... you and the kid got somethin' goin' on... an I right?" Lust asked walking over to us. "No... no we do not, but... It's not like I can change your mind. You alwase think there's something going on with everyone." Horror shrugged. "DO NOT! You just don't see it, SERIOUSLY!!! I THINK SANS LIKES FRISK!" Lust exclaimed. "LET THEM BE ALREADY WILL YA'!?" Horror yelled bonking Lust upside the head. "I swear! Witch reminds me..." Horror smirked. "I have a snack for you!" Horror's eye's turned dark. "NOOOO!!!" Lust started running. "Heh... well, that's one way to get rid of him." Horror smiled. "I STILL SHIP YOU!!" Lust yelled, poking his head out from the door. "ALRIGHT THAT'S IT!" Horror yelled, teleporting to Lust, and tackled him. "Y/N HELP!!" Lust yelled. "There... are... two... SANS!!!" Horror and Lust froze. And without hesitation Horror gave one last hit on Lust and teleported away. "What a bonehead." Horror mumbled. "Pffft." I put a hand over my mouth. "Don't. You. dare." Asgore growled. "Man... tough crowd already? Guess I'll just start searching." I smiled. "For what?" Horror asked. "Their funny bone." I smirked. Horror's eye's went back to normal. "Guess I'll have to beat you at it, I'm gonna win, I'm sure of it! I have a skeleton-ton of them in mind." Horror chuckled. "NO!" Tori yelled. "Oh c'mon, you don't wanna' tori apart." I giggled. "NO!!!" Tori yelled. "I think we have a... ba-a-a-ad problem." Lust joined in. I laughed, tears forming. "NOOOO!!!" Asgore yelled. "SANS' NO!! YOU TO Y/N!!" Asgore added. "Sans yes." Sans teleported in. "Pfft!!" I smiled. "Mr. King Pun has joined! I think we're all doomed." I smiled. "Of course! I'm always good at puns. Plus, when Papyrus thinks he did something bad, it's a good punishment." Sans smiled. "AAAY!!" I screamed. "NOO!!!" Asgore screamed. "Oh c'mon! That was a ripticla!" Sans winked. "HOW MANY SANS' ARE THERE!" Tori yelled. "A lot." I answered. "NO MORE PUNS!" Asgore ordered. HP barges in the door, breaking it down. "SANS THERE-" HP paused when he saw Tori and Asgore, plus Sans and Lust. "Uh..." HP muttered. "MEW!" I meowed. "That... was... ADOORABLE!" Lust squealed. "Awe, thanks! But, it was a bust." I smiled. "There at it again aren't they?" HP asked. I got on my phone and started playing Hello Neighbor. "What you playin'?" Horror asked. "Hello Neighbor." I answered. "What's that?" Lust asked. "Would you like it in a song?" I asked. "I love it when you sing." Horror mumbled. "I heeeaaaarrrd thaaaat." Lust leaned up on Horror. "SHUT IT!" Horror threatened. "Yes, just because of what Horror said." Lust smiled. "Okay." I pulled up a video and sang the words, it was basically just the music, I sang the rest.
(Also, if you listen to the words, there are some funny parts.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Sense when did you swear?" Horror asked. "It was only for the song. That's it." I promised. "Okay, whatever you saw kid." Horror shrugged. "But that was pritty catchy." Sans admitted.

(Didn't mean to submit it yet but oh well! See ya' in the next chapter!)

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