10: Job?
I walked around and started to go to stores, shops... that sort of thing. Until I came across a paper that was taped on the door. It read:
Help wanted!
We are opening up a day care for all AU's!!! We will need as many helpers as posible. If you know anyone that likes children and is looking for a job, please mention this job opportunity. Try outs are this week, every day. From 4 am to 6pm.
I read the letter over and over again! I can get a job! Bout' time I pay them back! Especially Sans! I smiled, and grabbed a copy of the file, running back to the house. I eventually got there and slammed the door open. "SANS!!!" I screamed. "GAAA!!!" Sans jumped at my sudden noise, and ruckus. "WHAT!?" Sans asked, running to me. "I CAN GET A JOB!!!!" I screamed happily. "You scare the living daylights out of me because of a job I terview?" Sans asked. I rolled my eyes. "It's for a daycare!!!!" I exclaimed ignoring his comment. "Yeah, sure! If you feel up to it." Sans shrugged. "I'll come visit ya' ever day!" Sans said happily. "Don't you have work?" I asked. "I have my ways of doing things. All I do is sit around, waiting for human's to come... witch I don't really need to do anymore. Plus... I have my shortcuts." Sans shrugged. "Your going to get fired." I glared at him in disbelief. "Oh well." Sans answered. "Sans! You can't just do that!" I exclaimed. "I already do!" Sans laughed, hugging me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm support to be at my post 24 7. So I already do." Sans shrugged. "I hate you." I mumbled. "Go to your station!" I growled trying to push Sans out the door. "But your here." Sans complained, as my efforts to move him failed. "Go.." I growled, trying again. But just like last time, he didn't budge, that's when I realized there was a red glow around me. "That's why I can't push you." I mumbled. Sans chuckled and turned around. The red glow straitened me up and brought me closer to Sans. When I was in Sans reach the glow disappeared and Sans brought me into a close hug. "Good luck." Sans whispered and left to the kitchen. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? YOU HAVE TO GET TO YOUR POST!!" I complained. "I'll pass!" Sans called. "Dinner's ready!" Sans added. I groaned and walked into the kitchen. "After dinner were both going to work." I growled. Sans rolled his eyes. "Fine... but I'm still visiting you." Sans smirked. "No, your doing your job!" I growled. "Whatever." Sans shrugged and handed me a plate of salad, bread, and steak. "Interesting combination." I mumbled. "It's food." Sans shrugged. We are in silence and I got ready for my job interview. I grabbed some cloths that I was given, Sans bought them for me. I walked in the bathroom, getting undressed and turning the hot water on and got in. When I was done I opened the curtain and got dressed. I got out and Sans was in the hallway leaning up against the wall. "Sans, go to your post!" I started. Sans didn't answer. "Sans?" I asked. That's when I realized that he was day dreaming about something... he started mumbling. "You can't take her..." then there was a pause. "Not this time." Sans added. I paused and walked over to him. "Sans?" I asked nervously. Sans didn't notice me, Sans eye started to spark. This is going to far. I thought. I started to shake Sans as I yelled his name, it only took one. Sans eye immediately when away and Sans looked at me in surprise. "Y/n?" Sans asked. "Are you okay!?" I asked. "Yeah... why wouldn't I be?" Sans asked, a smirk growing on his face as he leaned towards me. "I have you." Sans smiled. "Sans? I don't think your okay." I answered, putting a hand on Sans head. HE'S BURNING UP!! I thought. "I'll be back." I instructed. Sans watched me leave into the bathroom, I grabbed a thermometer and came back to Sans. Sans was looking at the thermometer like he was scared of it. I took his temperature. I looked at the thermometer, it read: 195!!! "Sans! Your burning up!" I exclaimed. "I'll be fine!" Sans assured. I gave him a strange look. "Trust me." Sans added. "You have a job interview to go to, don't let me get in the way of that." Sans smiled. I felt guilty for agreeing, and Sans knew it. But Sans kept assuring that he will be okay. "Fine! When I get back I'm giving you medicine!" I growled. Sans nodded and started to daze off. "C'mon, lets get you to the couch or something."
I said, helping Sans. Sans and I eventually got to the couch and Sans sat down. "I'll be back." I whispered. "Take your time." Sans answered. I got to the day care and walked in. It was empty. "Hello? I'm here for the day care interview!" I called. "Of course you are! I'm going to see how you take care of children first." I heard someone snap there fingers and there where a hole bunch of little skeletons. They all looked at me and smiled. "Plaw time!" A small skeleton yelled. He had a brown jacket and paints on a small little belt. He had ink on his cheek and a blue jacket wrapped around his waist. They all jumped on me and started laughing. I laughed with them and the all got off. "C'mwon! We have bowd games!" They said, pulling me with them. They all brought out a hole bunch of board games and were separated. I laughed and played with with them. After a while, a snap appeared and the kids were gone. "When they leave, they'll leave a mess. Let's see if you can figure out where everything goes." The voice instructed. I put the game pieces in the boxes to the correct game and put them on a empty self. "Good! You are hired! Can you start today?" The voice asked. I nodded. "Great!" The voice ranged. "Can I go back home though? Just for a little! Sans isn't feeling well, and I need to give him some medication." I pleaded. "Do what you must. I'm happy you approved the file." The voice rang and the door opened. "Thank you!" I screamed and ran home. I opened the door softly incase Sans fell asleep. I walked in but Sans was still sitting there. "How you feelin'?" I asked. "Who did you bring with?" Sans asked. "What?" I asked. "Sorry... I kinda forgot to ask you a question." The voice from before rang. "Where are you?" I asked. "Oh... I'm next to you, but I'm invisible... so you can't see me." The voice answered. "Even your cloths?" I asked. "Yes... at least, until I let you see me... I'm still trying to figure that part out." He said. "Okay. About the question?" I asked. "How good are you with children?" He asked. "I think I'm pretty good." I answered. "She's the best." Sans mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "Okay! C'ya!" He said and walked off. The door opened, then closed. I walked over to Sans and his eye was glowing. "Sans... calm down." I instructed. "What do you mean?" Sans asked. "Your eye... is glowing." I answered, pointing to it. Sans sighed. "I can't get it to stop... I don't know why!" Sans exclaimed covering his face with his hands. "It's okay... as long as your calm. We need to get you to the doctor." I answered. Helping Sans up. "Ga!" Sans groaned, as I got him to standing position. I froze. "You okay?" I asked. Sans nodded. "Just hurts." Sans answered. "Let's get you to Gaster." I replied. Sans nodded in agreement and we started walking to Gaster's place. When we got there I knocked on the door. The door opened and Gaster stood there looking at Sans. "What happened?" Gaster asked, noticing the help I'm giving Sans. Gaster moved out of the way and we walked in. There were a lot of books around, but they were all on the shelves except for a few books on a table. I guided Sans over to the couch and he Sant dow, his eye's closed and his hands covered his face again. "What happened?" Gaster repeated. "I'm not sure. But his temperature's at 195!!" I answered, worry in my voice. "Hmm... Sans, what do you remember?" Gaster asked. Sans just groaned in response. Sans opened his eye's and looked around. He saw me and smiled. He looked around again and he looked at Gaster. "What's goin' on?" Sans asked. I put my hand up on Sans head. "He's gotten warmer." I warned, looking up at Gaster, my eye's, worried. "What are you talking about Y/n?" Sans asked. "Sans? I think you have a massive fever." I answered. "No fever would do this Y/n... I don't know what it is." Gaster responded. "You don't even know much about it." I complained, confused. "I don't have to... do you see these ovals in my hands? I cut them out to make the two of them." Gaster explained walking away and stopping in front of a bookshelf. "So, it's kinda like feeling what someone else is feeling?" I asked. "I know how bad it is... and that's all I need to know." Gaster responded. Gaster started looking through the books. Gaster pulled out a book and started searching through it, still not walking away from the shelf. "So... this is stronger than a fever?" I asked. "Y/n I'm right here. What are you guys talking about?" Sans asked. "And who is this guy?" Sans asked pointing to Gaster. Gaster froze and looked at Sans. "Oh god." He mumbled. "What?" I asked Sans. "Who is this guy?" Sans repeated. "There's only one illness that can do that! I need some supplies! Can you go get them for me!?" Gaster asked, searching faster through a bunch of books, having all four hands grabbing and picking. "Yeah! Sure!" I answered. Gaster finally found the book, and wrote all of the ingredients on a paper. "What is it?" I asked. "The illness is called The M.D.I." Gaster answered. "And what does that stand for?" I asked. "The Mind Damage Illness..." Gaster replied. "Asgore's really bad with names." Gaster added. "I see. So how do we get rid of it?" I asked. Gaster turned to me sadly. "I don't know if we can.... the higher his temperature is the more he's forgotten. There's only one person who he won't forget. And that's the closest person he has come to... that's either you... or Papyrus." Gaster answered sadly. "WHAT!?" I exclaimed. "Y/n what's going on!?" Sans growled. I turned to Sans. He won't remember... I thought sadly turning to him. "Just... stay here!" I ordered. I ran to the door, but a red glow surrounded me. "Sans..." I mumbled. I was brought back to Sans. "Tell. Me. What's. Happening." Sans ordered. "You have an illness called The M.D.I... it stands for The Mind Damge Illness. It will make you loose memory." I explained, tears threatening to fall. "Okay, so why is this guy involved?" Sans asked. "This is Gaster.... your dad." I answered slowly. "My what?" Sans asked raising an eyebrow. "Gaster created you... you already have forgotten about him." I explained. "So am I support to trust him or what?" Sans asked. "Yes... I'll be right back I promise, but I need to go get supplies for your illness!" I pleaded. Sans thought for a moment. "Fine... be careful." Sans answered, the red glow disappeared. "I will." I answered, giving Sans a small kiss on his cheek. I ran out the door before Sans could do anything else. I read the list.
• Iron
• Echó Flower Polen
• Echó Flower Water
• Waterfall's Water
• Volcanic Rock
• Hot Land's Sand
• Snowdin's Snow
• Favorite drink/meal
• Past Memory Picture
That was all that was on the list.
Sans P.O.V
I watched Y/n run out of the strange house. I looked over to this Gaster guy. He was busy doin' somethin'. "So... your my dad?" I asked. This is awkward. I thought to myself. "Ish... I guess you could say that." He responded. I never really got a good glimpse of what he looked like, but he was extreamly tall. "What else is there?" I asked. He faced me. He had two cracks heading in opposite detections starting on each eye. One crack for each. He had black clothing on. "Who do you remember?" He asked. "Uh..." I thought for a moment. "Do you remember who Papyrus is?" He asked. "Papy? Why would I forget? He's my bro!" I answered glaring daggers at him. "Do you remember Alphas?" He asked. "Uh... I don't recognize the name." I shrugged. "Yellow lizard monster? Wear's a science lab coat?" He continued. "Oh!! That monster. Her name's Alphas?" I asked. "Okay... what about Undyne?" He continued, taking notes. "What am I a science experiment?" I asked. "You used to be... now, do you remember Asgore?" He answered. I gave him a strange look. I used to be? What? I asked myself. That's when I realized he had holes in his hands. He looked at me expecting for me to answer. "What happened?" I asked. He gave me a strange look. "What happened?" He repeated. "To your hands." I answered pointing to them. "Oh! That's how I made you and Papyrus! Suprizingly, I didn't need my hole hand to do so." He answered, looking at them. "I'm confused." I shrugged. "I'll explain later, let's get back into the topic. Why don't you tell me everyone you know." Gaster answered, shaking his head and looking at me. "Well, there's Grillbz, Papyrus, Undyne, Y/n, and that Alphas." I answered. "Any other's?" He asked. I thought for a moment. "No... why?" I asked. "Have you already forgotten about the illness?" He asked. "No, but I don't feel sick." I respond. "Well... let me explain everything. You might want to sit down, this will be a loooonnng story." He complained. I sat down and he started.
Y/n's P.O.V
I now had all of the items on the list and was almost to Gaster's place. When I got there I knocked on the door. Gaster opened the door and I walked inside. "Oh thank heavens!" Sans breathed. "Did something happen when I was gone?" I asked. "It started to get awkward..." Sans answered. I laughed. "Alright, well, I got everything. I made sure to label the two different kinds of water. Along with everything else." I said, giving everything to Gaster. Gaster nodded... "I still don't know if I can find a cure..." Gaster said sadly. "At least you tried." I assured. Gaster nodded and went to the dinning room. "It'll be a while." Gaster said. "Alright." I answered and I sat down with Sans. Sans leaned into me, a cute smile on his face. "Sans?" I asked. "Yeah?" Sans answered. "Do you think Gaster will find a cure?" I asked. Sans sighed and thought for a moment. "Of this illness is actually true... I don't know." Sans answered. "But... does that mean I'll forget you?" He asked. Looking at me. "It's possible... Gaster said that you'll only remember o e person if it gets to it... and, that would be Papyrus... in my opinion. He's your brother..." I answered. He has been with his brother ever sense he was born... I only knew him for a few years now... I thought sadly. "so it's between Papy... and you?" Sans asked. "No... I think Papyrus wins... you've known Papyrus longer than I have known you. So I think it's obvious." I shrugged. "Won't that mean... I'll forget you?" Sans asked. "Yeah...." I answered sadly. Sans stood up and sighed. "So it's who ever I'm closer to huh?" Sans asked looking at me. I nodded slowly. "I see... so, this Gaster guy? He said that I used to be a science experiment? Do you have any idea?" Sans asked. "This might work..." Gaster interrupted, holding out a glowing blue liquid. "I don't know..." Sans mumbled. "Any way it could make it worse?" I asked. "Most it could do is have him lose his memory faster, but... other than that?" Gaster thought for a moment. "It wan't do anything else." Gaster finished. "Okay? So what is it about me being a experiment?" Sans asked. "I created you Sans... that's why I have holes in my palm... I cut my palm out, to make you and Papyrus." Gaster answered. "Why?" Sans asked. "I wanted to create a monster that can hold determination... I still don't know if I succeeded. But, either way, that's in the past now." Gaster answered, putting the vile of liquid on the coffee table and looking through more books. "Okay? I still don't understand. Everyone know's that monster's can't hold determination." Sans questioned. "Exactly! But... Undyne hold's determination... and, possibly, so do you. Papyrus... unknown. You have a better chance of holding determination than Papyrus does. So, I'm not sure if he can." Gaster added. "So when did you get into all of this sciencey stuff?" Sans asked. "I first was introduced to science when I was... I would say about 5... ever sense science is my favorite, and easiest subject." Gaster answered. Gaster found the book he wanted and took it out. "But-" Sans started. "All the evidence, any questions, or anything you want to know is in there." Gaster I interrupted, handing Sans an old journal. "You kept this all wrote down?" Sans asked, looking at Gaster in disbelief. "I am a scientist... any information that has changed, any information I miss understood. I can fix it... a good scientist keeps weighting notes with any posible information given." Gaster answered as Sans took and looked at the book. "I don't understand..."
Sans mumbled. "What about?" Gaster asked. "I don't remember you, but at the same time... you both are telling me otherwise? I just don't get it. And I don't want to believe the illness is true... because then I'll either forget Papy... or Y/n. I don't want to forget either of them." Sans replied, tears formed at the corner of his eyes. "Sans... that's why I brought you here. Gaster might be able to cure it... you might not regain memory, but... it won't disappear." I whispered into Sans ear, hugging him from behind. "That's what that is huh?" Sans asked. "Hopefully..." Gaster added. "Hopefully?" Sans asked. "This one might not work. There is one more antidote that might work. I've already started on it, just in case." Gaster answered. "Okay..." Sans shrugged. Sans picked up the vile examining it. Gaster left to the dinning room. Sans looked at me. "Did I originally trust this guy?" Sans asked. "Well, you used to hate him for what he did... but, you two made up... and your giving him another chance." I answered honestly. Sans drank the liquid and put it down. "He might pass out." Gaster quickly added, poking his head out of the door frame. "Great." Sans mumbled. Sans put his hand on his head. "Ugh..." Sans groaned. I put a hand on Sans shoulder. "And... 3..." Gaster started, staring at his watch. "2...." Gaster counted. "1....." Gaster added. "And... now!" Gaster said looking up. Sans was still standing, but shook his head. "Ugh... what a headache." Sans complained. "Well... he won't pass out. But a headache?" Gaster thought for a moment. "Come here Sans." Gaster ordered. "Why don't you walk to him?" I asked confused. "Because if he can walk, there is a better chance of it working, if not... it could still work, but might need something to help it go along." Gaster explained. "Oh..." I answered. Sans groaned again. "Sans? Can you walk?" I asked sweetly. Sans removed his hand and looked at me. "I don't know..." Sans answered, he looked tired. "Are you tired?" Gaster asked. "You can't tell?" I asked. "Just making sure. Nothing wrong about that." Gaster shrugged. "Yeah..." Sans slowly answered. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Uh.... hard to explain." Sans shrugged. Sans then leaned back and plummed onto the couch. "Ugh." Sans complained. "Sans I need you to try and walk." Gaster instructed. "I'm to tired." Sans complained. I laughed at him. "Sans, I need you to try." Gaster pleaded. "Na." Sans answered. "Sans!" Gaster growled. "You can't make me." Sans yawned. "Gaster, let me handle this." I smirked. "And what are you going to do?" Gaster asked. "I don't know." Sans shrugged. "Wait... what are you going to do?" Sans asked. I turned to him. I slowly crawled on top of him, my face was flustered a little, but not as bad as Sans. Gaster watched in confusion. I eventually was able to sit in his lap. "Can you please try to walk?" I pleaded. "But... I don't wanna." Sans complained. "Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee?" I begged. Sans stared at me for a few minutes, waiting for me to give up. Sans rolled his eyes. "FINE!!" Sans exclaimed. I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I got off of him and held out a hand. "So he'll listen to you?" Gaster noted. "Well... sometimes." I mumbled. Sans took my hand and I pulled him up. He stood up and shook his head. "Your stronger than I thought." Sans mumbled. I walked infront of Sans, waiting. He took a step, and fell on top of me. He shook his head and looked at me. "Oh, hello kitty..." Sans smiled and rolled over. "Why am I doing this exactly?" Sans asked annoyed. "Testing." Gaster answered. "Of course." Sans growled. "Calm down, I'll help you back to the couch." I smiled. "Na, I'm good" Sans passed. "Okay? Whatever you say." I shrugged. Sans hugged me from behind, bringing me closer. "Sans... what is this for?" I asked. "Do I have to have a reason?" Sans asked. "No, but... you did it so much more... quickly." I shrugged. "Well, then I did it cuz' if I'm going to forget you... I want to spend as much time as I can before I do." Sans whispered, his voice cold and sad. "I understand." I mumbled. "I hope so." Sans whispered, hugging me closer. "Mind if I turn around?" I asked. Sans grip loosened in response and I turned around. His grip tightened again once I was facing him. "You really are a scary skeleton." I smiled. "What do you mean by that!?" Sans growled. "Exactly what you just did. You seem to get a fended easily." I explained. Sans sighed. "Yeah... guess your right." He chuckled. "Plus that hole in your skull." I added. Sans glared daggers at me. I giggled and cuddled into Sans. "Why do you have to be so cute?" Sans asked. I blushed. "Uh... that's like asking why are you so attractive?" I answered. Sans tightened his grip and pulled me as close as he could. "I don't want to forget anyone." Sans complained. "Here... this should be everything." Gaster interrupted. Holding another vile of liquid, this one wasn't glowing though. "Another one?" Sans asked. "Do you want to forget monster's or not Sans." Gaster asked. Sans groaned. "Fine..." Sans took the vile and drank the liquid. "Why don't you check his temperature Y/n." Gaster suggested. I nodded and got out of Sans grip. "Awe... but I just got to hold her." Sans mumbled. "You know I can still hear you Sans right?" I asked walking out of the room. "Yeah yeah." Sans answered. I went into the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer. I walked back with it in my hands and kneeled down to Sans. "I'm surprised you havn't fallen asleep yet." I joked. Sans rolled his eye's. I took his temperature and looked at it. It read: 155 "IT'S GONE DOWN!!" I yelled in excitement. "Ow..." Sans complained, rubbing his head. "Oops... sorry." I apologized. "It's fine." Sans answered, putting his hand down. "Can I get a kiss for it though?" Sans selfishly asked. I giggled and sat down next to him. Sans looked at me waiting for me to do something. "That means the antidote is a success!! YES!!" Gaster exclaimed. "I have more if needed!" Gaster added. "We'll let you know." I smiled, looking at Gaster. "Then I'm going to bed. Stay as long as you please. Just don't ruin anything." Gaster agreed. "And by that, I mean don't touch anything." Gaster growled. "Noted." Sans and I answered at the same time. Gaster left the room and Sans and I were alone. I took a deep breath, Sans groaned. I turned around to see Sans now sitting up. "Need help?" I asked. Sans didn't answer and leaned against the coffee table. "Depends on what your willing to help with." Sans mumbled. "Anything." I answered. Sans held out his arms, signaling that he wanted a hug. "You want a lot more attention than I remember." I smirked. "Well, I don't have to keep the promise anymore." Sans smiled. My heart warmed up so quickly after he had finished, I felt like my heart wanted to jump to him. I smiled at the comment and leaned into him. Sans arms wrapped around me tightly as I cuddled into him. CRAP!! MY JOB!!! I screamed at myself. "Sans..." I whispered. "Hmm..." Sans hummed. "I'm going to have to leave." I answered. "But I just got to relax." Sans complained. "Sans I have a job now." I whispered. "I know... but can't you start tomorrow?" Sans asked. Well... I could... but, he said he's going to need help as soon as posible. I thought, weighing my choices. "Fine." I mumbled. I could feel Sans smile as he closed his eyes. "I love you Y/n." Sans mumbled into my ear. It made me smile that he was not only getting better, but that he wanted me. I know he alwase had wanted me... but... he's letting me adjust to the attention in my own way. I guess that was a good thing. I then heard some soft snores. I smiled to myself. Hmm... I thought smirking to myself. I tried slipping out of his grip so I could go and grab the medicine incase he needed it. I was successful. I looked at Sans and went to the dinning room. There where two cups, one was glowing, the other was not. There they are! I smiled to myself and grabbed the two cups. I went back into the living room and put the two cups on the coffee table. I grabbed the two viles that Gaster made Sans take. I grabbed the notebook that Gaster had, studying the effects, it read:
I gave Sans 5 tsp, of each of the medication. They should last all night. But just in case, if Y/n wakes me up, I'll give Sans 2 1/2 tsp's.
After that I didn't need to know much more, but I put the book on the coffee table next to the two cups. I walked into the kitchen to find a clock that read: 6:00 pm. Hmm... work just ended. I thought to myself. After a while I headed back to Undyne's to tell Papyrus that Sans will be okay, and not to worry. When I got there Papyrus was freaking out. "HUMAN!!! HAVE YOU SEEN SANS ANYWHERE!?" Papyrus asked. "Papyrus, calm down. Sans is just a little ill, he's at Gaster's." I explained. "OH... IS HE GOING TO BE ALRIGHT!?" Papyrus asked. I nodded. "Yeah, It's just a little... confusing. I assure you there's no need to worry." I smiled. "OKAY!! IF YOU SAY SO HUMAN!!! I AM GOING TO BED! NIGHT UNDYNE! NIGHT HUMAN!" Papyrus shrugged and layed on the couch. "Thank goodness you got him to calm down! GEEZ!" Undyne complained. "Why couldn't you get here sooner!?" Undyne added. "I got a little busy." I answered, forcing a sly smile. "Alright! C'ya later, Imma sleep." Undyne noted, walking away. I then walked out and headed back to Gaster's. When I got there, I slowly opened the door so I wouldn't wake anyone up. To late. A red glow surrounded me and the door shut closed quietly. "Where did you go?" Sans growled. "I went to go calm Papyrus down, he was starting to get on Undyne's nerves." I explained, trying to stay calm. "Who's Undyne?" Sans asked. He's already forgotten Undyne. I thought sadly. "Sans... how are you feeling?" I asked. The red glow faded a little, but still had me. "I don't know... okay I guess." Sans shrugged. Sans made me turn to him. Setting me down on the ground. "Why?" Sans asked. "Undyne is a friend of ours..." I explained. "Great... more people I'm forgetting." Sans growled. "It's okay." I smiled. I felt his head, it was a little warmer. "Hmm..." I thought. I grabbed the cup and the vile, and measured. "Why don't you take this." I suggested. "Again?" Sans asked. "I don't want you to get worse... but the medicine is suppose to last all night." I shrugged. "Why don't you wake up that Gaster guy. He seems to know what he's doin'." Sans suggested. "I know..." I shrugged. "Alright... but you really want him awake?" I asked. "I barely know the guy any more." Sans reminded. "Right... I forgot about that." I giggled. Sans did a small chuckle. Before Sans could say anything else I left the room, I wondered through the house until I found Gaster's room. I shook Gaster awake. "What is it?" Gaster asked. "Sans forgot Undyne." I answered. Gaster sighed and got out of bed. I followed Gaster to the dinning room. Gaster looked at me angerly. "Where is the medicine!?" Gaster growled. "I put them in the living room... and your notebook." I answered, my voice shaky. "I thought I told you not to touch anything." Gaster growled. "I know, I just brought them in just in case... I didn't think it would make much of a difference." I added, rubbing my neck. "Alright. Don't move anything else though." Gaster shrugged walking into the living room. "Promise." I smiled. Gaster kneeled down to Sans and felt his head. "Hmmm.... he's a lot warmer than before." Gaster thought for a moment. I watched as he started working. Gaster started to pour a little more into the vile than I had. "Take this." Gaster instructed. Sans took the vile and drank the medicine. "Hmm..." Gaster thought. "Actually." Gaster smiled. "I think I know how to get this taken care of by morning!" Gaster exclaimed happily. "Okay." I answered. "Do you have any determination?" Gaster asked. "Determination? Isn't that a feeling?" I asked. "Correct, but the way I built Sans, determination might be the true cure!" Gaster answered, standing up and facing me. "We can't give him to much though." Gaster thought. "So... what do I need to do?" I asked. "Come with me." Gaster instructed. I followed him, we were in his office. He searched through his drawers and pulled out a needle. I hate needle's... I complained to myself. "This won't hurt." Gaster smiled. "Alright." I shrugged and held out an arms. Gaster took my arm. I'm doing this for Sans... I'm doing this for Sans. I repeated in my head. The needle inserted my skin and Gaster started to pull at the other end. A colorful glow came into the needle. When there was enouph Gaster pulled the needle out, the hole he made I instantly healed. "See, no pain!" Gaster smiled. I examined my arm in suprize. "How did I heal so quickly!?" I asked. "It's a magic shot, it only grabs determination and it heals the wound I instantly!" Gaster explained. "Hmm... interesting." I mumbled. Gaster and I left his office and went to the living room. Gaster kneeled down to Sans. Sans eyeballed the needle. "It won't hurt." Gaster reappeared. Sans glared daggers at him. "No way!" Sans answered, punching the needle away from him. "Sans..." Gaster growled. "Naha! No!" Sans teleported next to me, standing up. He luckily didn't fall, but he had a angery expression in him. On his face, in his soul, everywhere. They way he breathed even read that he was angery. Gaster stood up and turned around to him. "Sans, don't make me do this the hard way!" Gaster warned. "I think she'll help." Sans answered. A green bubble surrounded me. "She can't." Gaster shrugged. "I'm not letting you put that thing in me!" Sans growled. "Than we'll do this the hard way." Gaster shrugged. Well... at least I don't have to make a choice. The needles for his own good, even though I would try and find a solution, I don't think there is one for this one. I thought. Sans kept glaring at Gaster. "C'mer, last chance, I don't have time to deal with this." Gaster warned one last time. Sans stood his stance, you could tell that he was thinking. "And what are you going to do?" Sans asked, his voice dark. The bubble tightened around me. Don't worry, I wont go to right, plus. My bubble can't do any damage. Gaster's voice rang in my mind. Why would you even think of that!? I growled. Because it'll get Sans to cooperate. You want him to go back to normal don't you? Not trying to put that against you or anything. Gaster responded. Uhuh... sure. I glared at Gaster. Seriously, I had to do this a few times with Papyrus, he was alwase calm after the first few times. Sans on the other hand, didn't take it well. Gaster said. "HIW COULD YOU!!?" Sans yelled noticing the bubble shrank. "You won't cooperate, what choice do I have Sans?" Gaster asked. True... alright fine! If this goes to far, I'm getting out! I warned. Noted. Gaster looked at me. "What's it going to be?" Gaster asked. Sans looked at me. "All this for a shot? Don't you think that's extreme?" Gaster asked. "If you know me well, you know I would die from it!" Sans growled. "I know what I am doing, I found a certain place that a needle can go through with out any pain." Gaster smirked. Sans looked at Gaster in disbelief. "Give me one good reason to trust you." Sans growled. "One, I have Y/n. Two, I have gotten the Illness to go down a little. Three... well, I'm a scientist, I know what I'm doing." Gaster answered. Sans grolwed at the first reason. I could feel the tension from the two grow. "And if you miss?" Sans asked. "Then the liquid will go in and heal you anyway. Therefor, even if I do make a mistake, you won't die." Gaster shrugged. Sans thought for a moment. "I hate you." Sans mumbled. Sans didn't move after that, Gaster walked to Sans and kneeled down to eye level. "Your u alwase have." Gaster looked at Sans. "And why's that?" Sans asked. "Because of what I've done in the past." Gaster answered, grabbing Sans arm and putting the needle in. Gaster pushed the colorful liquid I to Sans arm. Gaster took the needle out and Sans growled. "See, all good." Gaster got rid of the bubble around me and winked. I rolled my eyes. "Told ya." Gaster smiled and walked off. "You didn't tell me anything." I complained. "Okay smartalec." Gaster waved and went out the needle away, then went back to bed. "What has he done to me and Papy in the past?" Sans asked. "He used to experiment on you two... that's what I know." I answered, looking at him sadly. "What kind of experiments?" Sans asked. "I know he took out your other eye... that's why you only have one eye that can glow." I explained. "So he took... me apart?" Sans asked, thinking. "I know it's a lot to take in..." I answered, outing an arm on his shoulder. "Other than that? I don't know, I don't know anything else." I added. Sans sighed. "Now I know why I hated him." Sans chuckled. "Yeah... I would understand that." I tried to release some tense by outing on a forced, small smile. It didn't work completely. "At least he hasn't done it to you." Sans smiled. "He don't know." I hugged him. "Do you think that whatever he put in me is going to work." Sans asked, looking at his arm. "Yes... I do." I smiled. Sans sighed and we both sat down. Sans hugged me close and layed down. Causing me to lay down with him, and with that. We both fell asleep.
(I hope you guys liked it... Do you think it'll work? Put your answer in the comments. Bye!!)
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