New Character: LeatherFace
(A/N: If anyone is a fan of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, prepare to have a father. This is LeatherFace. He is requested by Philomenq and I hope you all enjoy.)
How He Meet You:
In the state of Texas, two parents have brought a baby to an orphanage as they notice that the baby is a cannibal and is a one year old. The orphanage then placed the baby with two adopted parents who have hurt and abused the baby. LeatherFace is out finding a victim until he sees the adopted parents finish beating up and is now in the living room. Anger flew into his body and revved the chainsaw and kick the door down and see both of them 'fooling around'.
"AHH!! What are you doing here?!!" The mom asked
LeatherFace then killed both parents as he went upstairs and heard the sound of crying. He then see a baby who is no older than one year old and see blue bruises and he looks at the baby.
"Shh it's ok. I'll be your new daddy." LeatherFace said
As LeatherFace leaves, you started to whimper as he take the baby to his home. He then thought of a name as he nodded.
"Y/N.. yeah that name would be perfect. Y/N Sawyer." LeatherFace said
You started to make a cute smile as he kissed your cheek as he is going to raise you as his own.
His First Night With You:
Once you arrived at his home, you started to feel scared as LeatherFace begin to shush you gently as he brought you to the bathroom and bathe you gently as Drayton Sawyer along with Chop Top showed up and notice the baby.
"Hey Bubba. What's with the kid?" Drayton asked
"This is my daughter Y/N. I found her and her adopted parents hurt her." LeatherFace said
"Oh that poor baby. Can I hold her?" Drayton asked
"Of course brother." LeatherFace said
As Drayton carefully hold you, you started to feel a bit scared at first but your daddy is there with you. You started to hold Drayton's finger as Drayton smiled at you and help you put on your diaper and feed you. You held onto Drayton's shirt as he is finish feeding you.
"Bubba, I guess she won't let me go." Drayton chuckled
"Aww she likes you." LeatherFace said
After when Drayton burped you, he gave you back to your daddy as he placed you into the bassinet as you yawned and slowly fall asleep.
Who He Trust To Babysit You:
LeatherFace trust his brothers Drayton and Top Chop to babysit you.
When He Plays With You:
You are now playing hide and seek with your daddy as you are now hiding in the kitchen in the small cabinet as LeatherFace looks for you along with Darla, Drayton and Chop Top. You tried to stay quiet until you let out a cute sneeze as LeatherFace chuckled.
"I wonder if my daughter is in there." LeatherFace said
He opened the cabinet as you giggled as he pick you up and kissed your cheek.
"Found you!! You silly girl." LeatherFace cooed
You giggled as you enjoyed playing hide and seek with your dad.
Your First Word (First Word: Icken. Chicken):
You are now sitting in your high chair as you are hungry and LeatherFace came with some mashed applesauce.
"Here comes the airplane." LeatherFace said
He makes some airplane sounds as you begin to eat the mashed up fruit and smile at your dad as he kissed your baby nose which made you giggle. You then see him with a plate of mashed potatoes and some chicken as you point to it.
"I-Icken (Chicken)." You said
"D-Did you say your first word?" LeatherFace asked
"Y/N, what's that on his plate?" Chop Top asked
"Icken!" You cooed
"Yay!!!!" Darla, Drayton and Chop Top said
You smiled as he's very proud at you saying your first word.
When He Change Your Diaper:
After when you are finish eating, you are now playing with your toys until your tummy started to get gassy as you let out a mess in your diaper. You whimpered and let out a cry as your dad came over and pick you up and shushed you.
"Someone makes a stinky diaper." LeatherFace cooed
He brought you to the changing room and shushed you gently and tickle your feet as you giggled.
"There we go. Now let's see what mess you made." LeatherFace
He removed your onesie and remove the flaps and gagged as you laughed at his reaction.
"You think it's funny you little stinky baby?" LeatherFace cooed
He then throw the diaper and begin to bathe you as you played in the bathtub. After when you are finish being bathed, he powdered your bottom, place rash cream and then put on a freshly clean diaper. He then put on a new onesie and pick you up.
"There all fresh and clean." LeatherFace cooed
He then brought you to Darla as he washed his hands.
Your First Steps:
Today your daddy was going to teach you how to walk.
"Okay honey. We're going to practice walking." LeatherFace cooed
He placed you on the soft carpet and held your hands. You tried to walk but you fell down and cried. Acting quickly, your daddy scooped you up and soothed you.
"It's okay princess. We can again later." LeatherFace said
Darla then placed some fresh baked cookies out from the oven as the smell comes into your nose. You got down, slowly getting up and walked towards her. Your daddy's mouth dropped as he watched you walk towards Darla.
"Good girl Y/N. Now you get a cookie." Darla cooed
She gave you a cookie as she's very proud of you along with your dad doing your first steps.
You are now teething onto the table because you felt your gums being inflamed. As you continue to teeth on it, Chop Top came and notify your dad as he came and see you teething.
"Aww is my baby girl teething? I know just what you need." LeatherFace cooed
He went to the freezer and take out a teething ring as you look as he gave to you as you started to teeth on it while cooing.
"That's it. Teeth till you can't teeth no more." LeatherFace said
When He Cheers You Up:
You are now crawling around until you see your daddy's chainsaw. Being a curious little baby, you carefully poke until you felt a warm substance going down your finger. You look to see that you cut yourself and cried as your dad came quickly.
"Aww did you get a boo-boo? Daddy will fix it." LeatherFace cooed
He take out a first aid kit and begin to rub some rubbing alcohol on your finger as you whined.
"I know it stings sweetie." LeatherFace said
He then place a bandaid and kiss it as he cuddled you softly as you cuddled back.
"All better." LeatherFace cooed
You nuzzled into his chest as you love his cuddles.
When He Takes You For A Walk:
It is a nice day as you are now playing with your toys as Darla came over along with Drayton.
"Y/N sweetie, we are going to the park since it's a nice day." Darla said
You squealed as you are very excited as she pick you up and change you into comfortable clothes. Once you are all ready, your daddy put you in your stroller and went outside with you as Darla, Drayton and Chop Top followed and arrived at the park. You smiled as LeatherFace pick you up and set you on the swings and push you as you giggled happily. You then played in the sandbox and even went on the slide. You then have a picnic with your dad as he feed you your food as you nuzzle into his chest and see a butterfly.
"Utter ly (Butterfly) dada." You said
"Yes it's a beautiful butterfly." Darla cooed
You giggled with a smile as you enjoyed your walk with your family.
When You Act Cute:
While your dad is out doing his duties, you are now crawling until you see your dad's apron and place it on your body. Darla sees you as you giggled at her.
"Aww you are trying to be cute hmm?" Darla cooed
You giggled and tried to make chainsaw sounds as Chop Top recorded you being so cute.
"Aww!! Look at you." Drayton smiled
As LeatherFace came home, he saw you dressed up as him as he chuckled and pick you up.
"Boy you are so cute." LeatherFace said
Your First Birthday:
LeatherFace is very happy that today is your birthday and he found a YouTube VidCon and it's opening in California. He thought about taking you there as you woke up and started to coo on the monitor as he came over and smile at you.
"Good morning my princess. Happy birthday." LeatherFace cooed
"Dada." You smiled
"Come today we got a special somewhere to go to." LeatherFace cooed
You started to babble excitedly as you wanted to know where to go. He chuckled and begin to change into your clothes and feed you. After being fed, he begin to put you in your baby seat as Darla take him to the airport and to the airplane as you are fast asleep, taking a small nap. Once you arrived in California, you wake up and yawned as you looked to see California.
"My birthday girl, you're going to have a fun time. You are going to VidCon for your birthday." LeatherFace cooed
You make a happy squeal as LeatherFace took you to YouTube VidCon in your stroller as you squealed and you see plenty of famous YouTubers. One who is Matthew Santoro noticed you as you felt a bit shy and cover your eyes.
"Hey little one. Happy birthday." Matthew Santoro cooed
You looked at him as he pick you up as you looked at him and begin to coo as LeatherFace smiled as Matthew Santoro tickled you as you let out cute laughter.
"I heard today is your birthday little one. Who do you want to see first?" Matthew Santoro asked
You started to coo as you make grabby hands at MrCreepypasta as he brought you over to him.
"Hey there you cute baby." MrCreepypasta cooed
"Eye." You said
"Look at you so happy that it's your birthday." MrCreepypasta cooed
You giggled with a cute smile as DAGames, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and even Pewdiepie smiled at you.
"Happy birthday little one." Mark said
You begin to smile as DAGames hold you gently as you cooed with a cute smile. He then set you into your high chair as you see a cupcake as David Near came over with Chazz Ravenelle and Nicholas Cortez as David Near light up a small candle. As every YouTuber sang happy birthday, you started to smile as you enjoyed your birthday. Once the singing is finish, your daddy helped blew out the candle as you eat the cupcake messily as Jacksepticeye awes at you including Matthew Santoro as DAGames takes a few pictures of you. They then gave you presents as you crawled and opened each one as you got some new clothes, a stuffed animal and even a Morgue Files Jeff poster which is the original Jeffrey Mason. You begin to make grabby hands towards David Near as he pick you up as you hugged his neck.
"Tank ou." You said
"Aww you're welcome you cutie." David Near cooed
"Aww can we get a hug too?" DAGames, Mark, Jack and Matthew Santoro asked
You nodded as you gave a hug to each YouTuber as LeatherFace smiled at you. After the party, you are now at the hotel as you are smiling and babble at your dad to tell him all the fun times you have.
"Aww I'm glad that you have fun my birthday girl." LeatherFace smiled
After when you are bathed and got on your fresh clean pajamas, you yawned as LeatherFace placed you on the bed as you nuzzle into your dad's chest as you both fall asleep.
Nursery He Made For You:
You are now playing with your stuffed animal as your dad is making your nursery with the help of Chop Top as he begin to make the crib as you are under the watchful eyes of Drayton Sawyer. Once the nursery is finished, your daddy called Drayton as he came over to him.
"The nursery is complete." LeatherFace said
Drayton picked you up and brought you over to the door as your daddy opened it showing your new nursery.
Once you see your brand new nursery, you begin to make a happy squeal as you hugged your daddy. He then place you into your new crib and gave you your stuffed animal. You begin to slowly fall asleep as you adore your new nursery.
When You Cheer Him Up:
You are now giggling as you showed Drayton the Morgue Files poster as he smiled at it.
"Wow who gave it to you?" Drayton asked
"Avid (David)." You said
"Aww he's a nice guy." Drayton said
Your dad came over as you felt happy to see your daddy until he passed you. You started to pout as you hate to see your dad having a bad day as you decided to cheer him up. Drayton put you down as you got your dad's apron and even one of his face mask and crawled over to him. Your dad is watching the news as he felt angry to see his victims escaped as you turned off the TV.
"Not now sweetie. Daddy is having a bad day." LeatherFace said
You tried to make some chainsaw noises as your dad slowly smiled at him as he pick you up.
"Oh my little girl. Thanks for cheering daddy up." LeatherFace said
When You Get Kidnapped By His Enemy (Kidnapper: Sally Hardesty):
It was nighttime and your daddy had just put you down for the night.
"Is Y/N asleep dear?" Darla asked
Darla is finish putting away the dishes as LeatherFace nodded.
"Yes Darla. She is. Do you mind watching her, I'm on duty tonight." LeatherFace said
Darla nodded as LeatherFace kissed her cheek and smile at her.
"Thank you dear." LeatherFace said
He then grabbed his chainsaw and went outside to be on duty. A few hours later, Sally Hardesty showed up & broke into your nursery. Darla heard the noise and came into your nursery and saw that the window was open.
"You better come out if you know what's good for you." Darla said
She then got chloroformed by Sally and took you away from your family as you cried, wanting to be saved. As LeatherFace came back, he sensed something was wrong and he quickly came over to see an empty crib and Darla who is slowly waking up.
"Dear, what happened?" LeatherFace asked
"Sally chloroformed me. She kidnapped Y/N. I tried to save her." Darla said
LeatherFace felt pissed as he revved his chainsaw and snarled.
"Don't worry Y/N. Daddy is coming." LeatherFace said
When He Rescues You:
You arrived at the house away from the Sawyer family as Kirk noticed her as you pout as she panted.
"I got away from those psychos and rescues the baby." Sally said
"Good. That will keep her away from being meat." Kirk said
"Dada! Me ant dada!" You pouted angrily
"No! Your 'dada' is a psycho and he doesn't love you." Sally said
"No! Dada ood ou eanie." You protested
Sally then heard the sound of chainsaw running as she quickly brought you to the supply closet and closed it shut. You whined as you bang your tiny hands on the door as she locked it.
"I won't let you be with those psycho people!" Sally said
LeatherFace then busted through the door with the chainsaw as Drayton Sawyer looked for you along with Darla.
"Y/N! Where are you sweetie?" Drayton asked
"Ayton!!" You wailed while banging your tiny hands
"She's in the supply closet." Darla said
Drayton then pick locked the door and he opened it as you cried happy tears as he picked you up and shushed you.
"There there. Uncle Drayton is here. Shh it's ok." Drayton said
Sally screamed as she got killed by LeatherFace as Kirk screamed along with his friends as they are dismembered by LeatherFace. Once he is finished, he then went over as you see your daddy and make grabby hands at him.
"Aww sweetie. Daddy was worried about you." LeatherFace cooed while holding you
"Ou I ero dada." You said
"Hey what about us?" Drayton and Darla asked
"Yea." You said
Once you arrived at home, your daddy bathed you to get rid of all the bad parts of Sally and put you in your crib and gave you your stuffed animal. He then kissed your forehead as you fall asleep while smiling as you are happy that you are reunited with the Sawyer family.
Your First Day Of School (Your Age: 5):
Your daddy decided to homeschool you as you learned math, reading and studying. He even takes you to the kitchen as your uncle Drayton taught you to cook his signature chili as you loved being homeschooled by them.
Your First Kill:
You are now with your daddy looking for a victim to kill as you see a rude teenager bullying a kid. Your dad gave you a small hook as you approach over to the bully and raised your hook and slice through the leg as the teen screamed out in pain and fall down. You then slice his throat open as LeatherFace smiled and brought the dead body home as he kissed your cheek.
"Great job Y/N. Want to turn him into chili or burgers?" LeatherFace asked
"Burgers daddy." You said
"I'll help." LeatherFace said
You smiled as you both made burgers with the dead body of the teen.
When You Have A Crush:
You are now outside playing jump rope as you begin to see the urban legend Yuki Onna as she smiled at you and bow to you.
"Hi there." You waved
"Hello dearest. You must be LeatherFace's daughter hmm?" Yuki Onna asked
"Yes that's me." You said
"Well I'm here to see you for the very first time. Playing jump rope?" Yuki Onna asked
"Yes." You nodded
Your daddy came outside and saw you with the snow woman and came over with a warm smile.
"I see that you two are meeting together." LeatherFace said
"Yes and she's no trouble at all. You raised a good kid." Yuki Onna said
You blushed a bit as your daddy noticed that you are crushing on her as he chuckled.
"Say goodbye to Yuki." LeatherFace said
"Bye." You waved
Once you both went back home, your dad begin to chuckle at you blushing.
"Do you have a crush on her?" LeatherFace asked
"She's pretty..." You said
"You're way too young for crushes missy!" Drayton said
"Uncle Drayton." You whined
"He's right you know." Darla and Top Chop said
You pout as LeatherFace doesn't want you to date yet.
Your First Valentine's Day:
It is Valentine's Day as you are now making a heart shaped cake with some help of your dad as you got icing on your hands as your daddy booped a little icing on your nose.
"Daddy." You giggled
You giggled as you are finish making the cake as Drayton smiled at the cake.
"Great job." Drayton smiled
"My little baker." Darla smiled
You begin to share the cake with the family as you enjoyed Valentine's Day with them.
Hobbies You Share With Your Dad:
Killing people and making skins out of the faces of bad people.
Chore You Do With Your Dad (Cleaning The Bedroom):
It is spring cleaning as your dad brought you to your bedroom and gave you a rag with some spray.
"Let's clean up." LeatherFace said
"Let's do it daddy." You smiled
You both begin to clean the bedroom together as you wiped the drawer as your dad made the bed as you also helped with the pillow cases. Once you are finished, he kissed your cheek and reward you with one candy.
Me: Welcome to the horror club
LeatherFace: Thank you.
David, Paul, Zurial, Marko, Marlow, Iris and Dwayne: Nice to meet you
Lady Dimitrescu: Hello there
Carrie, The Sanderson Sisters and Micah: Nice to meet you
Jason Voorhees: Hello LeatherFace
Pennywise: Hello there Sawyer.
Angela Baker, Red and Dahlia: Nice to meet you Sawyer
Richard Trager, Chris Walker and Eddie Gluskin: Nice to meet you
LeatherFace: Nice to meet all the characters.
Me: So everyone I got a few more requests and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
LeatherFace: Have a good day and see you later.
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