When They Meet Your Parents


You are now in your room with Michael as you see your mom and she knocked on the door along with your dad. You opened the door and they gasped that Michael is on the bed and your father got out his gun.

"Y/N this man is a killer!" Your dad said

"Dad no!" You said

That's when your dad started firing the gun as Michael got out of the house and you also leave the house in a panic.

"Well that went horribly wrong." Michael said

"You got that right." You said


Your parents have came over to your house as you begin to smile and hug them as Freddy tried to be respectful towards them.

"Who's the burned man?" Your mom asked

"This is Freddy Krueger." You said

Your father begin to chuckle and shake his hand as Freddy shake his hand back. You then explained to your parents about the dreams they have.

"Hope you behave to our daughter." Your mom said

You begin to allow them to leave and begin to smile as Freddy grinned.

"You look hotter like your mom." Freddy smirked

"Really Krueger?" You groaned

You begin to bake some ziti as Freddy begin to go out to kill some teens.


Jason felt shy because your parents came and begin to smile at him.

"Hello. I'm Y/N's mom." Your mom said

"Nice t-to meet you." Jason said shyly

Your dad chuckled and shake Jason's hand as Jason begin to get along with both parents. Your mom showed Jason some baby pictures of yourself playing with baby toys, eating a piece of chocolate cake and even showing your baby butt.

"Aww so cute!!" Jason squealed

You begin to blush as your mom kiss Jason on the cheek and your dad patted his back.

"Protect our daughter." Your dad said

You giggled as your parents leaves and you hugged Jason as you have a nice time with your parents.


Your parents have came and you introduced them to Chucky as Chucky froze like the doll he is. Your mom pick the doll up and begin to examine it.

"That's the doll your friend gave you?" Your mom asked

"Yeah." You said

"It's a shocker isn't it?" Chucky asked

It shocked your mom as your dad jaw dropped that Chucky spoke.

"Umm we should go.." Your dad said

Both parents left as you begin to look at Chucky.

"Well that's a short visit." Chucky said


Your parents came over as Pinhead introduced himself to you as your parents begin to chat with pinhead while showing baby pictures of you. He chuckled as he is pointing at a picture of you showing your baby butt as you blush with embarrassment. Pinhead have a nice time with your parents.


Bubba killed your abusive parents when he first met you and you begin to show him some pictures of the abuse you have to go through with them. He growled and begin to hold you close. He doesn't want to see you hurt anymore.


You went over with Jigsaw to see your parents who have left you out on the streets and your parents are now with a child who is just like them and came to you.

"Leave you mistake." Your mom said

"Excuse me? This is your daughter Y/N. The one I'm dating." Jigsaw said

"Who are you?" Your dad asked

"My name is John and this is not the way for you to speak to Y/N." John said

"Well she is not our daughter anymore so go." Your mom said

Jigsaw let out a sigh and you went back to the hotel with your pet pig Frankie.


Norman knows that his mom killed your parents and he doesn't like it when you are left alone and did whatever you can to survive. He comforts you close as you hug Norman close.

Toshio Saeki:

Your parents are video chatting with you as they called you a mistake and many cruel names as Toshio appeared and begin to make a haunting meow sound and show a very angry face because he hates those things and wrote a note and give it to you.

"What did that pale freak wrote?" Your mom said

"He wrote this:

'Hey it's not nice to speak to your daughter like that. What type of sick parents are you for abandoning your daughter? I have a mom and I love her and she will never leave me alone!'." You said

Toshio begin to make a hiss and stop the video chat and hug you close and kiss your lips to calm you down.


Hannibal is a very nice gentleman towards your parents as he chats with your mom as your father also joined in the conversation. You begin to smile at Hannibal as your mom showed you some pictures of yourself when you are a kid including the times that you went shopping, you were playing with your dolls and even the time that you are dancing.

"Y/N is so adorable." Hannibal said

Your parents then wave goodbye to Hannibal and he kissed them on the hand like the gentleman he is and you smile.

Jack Torrance:

Jack tried to be nice to your parents but it didn't go so well as he went insane and chase them with the axe. Your parents visit became very short because of Jack's insanity.

Samara Morgan:

Samara is having a great time with your mom and dad as both parents are very interested with your girlfriend as they showed her a video of you dancing as a baby and even trying to sing the ABCs and let out a baby fart as she giggled.

"That's adorable." Samara giggled

You blush red as Samara have a nice time with your parents and is welcome to the family.

Naoko Kawanata:

Naoko begin to made a tiny growl as your parents did came over to visit but they don't like the way Naoko is. The parent visiting became short as Naoko begin to kick them out.

Regan MacNeil:

Regan is now with your mom and dad as they begin to smile and show you pictures of yourself when you were just three. It showed you making a silly face, wearing crocs and even a video showing you eating some icing.

"Aww so adorable!!!" Regan squealed

You begin to blush as you felt extremely embarrassed as both parents love Regan MacNeil as your girlfriend.

Kayako Saeki:

Kayako have killed your parents after when you reveal your sexuality to them and she wants you to be loved instead of hurt.


You went over to your original house as your parents are spending time with their child and Esther knocked on the door as your mom noticed you and slammed the door.

"HEY!!!! This is your daughter!!" Esther said

"I've never seen her before in my life." Your mom and dad said

You felt miserable and Esther then bring you back to the hotel and sighed softly.


You are now with your dad as Diana observes and begin to smile at your father as your father showed you pictures when you were a baby. It showed that you are doing your first work, trying some chicken and even dancing as you begin to blush a tiny bit as Diana giggled. Your dad then shake Diana's hand and he leaves and you begin to look at Diana and your visit with your dad is fine.


You already leave the motel and went to your home as Carrie felt shy because she felt nervous about meeting your parents. You knocked on the door as your mom opened the door and allow Carrie inside. Your mom smiled at Carrie and show you baby pictures including you showing your baby butt, you sleeping in a crib while holding a stuffed bear and you giggling while being bathed.

"Aww.." Carrie giggled

You begin to blush in a deep shade of red as your father came and growl at you.

"This slut shouldn't be here!" Your dad said

Your dad is about to hit you but Carrie used her power to make the knife stabbed your dad in the hand as he screamed in pain.

"Don't make me use my powers to kill you!" Carrie growled

Your mom begin to giggle softly at Carrie and she allow you to leave after a kiss.

"W-Want to meet mama?" Carrie asked

"She may hate you bringing me here." You said

"I'll protect you." Carrie said

You hold her hand as you went to Carrie's house as she opened the door as Carrie's mom Margaret White is there.

"Carrietta you were out? Who's this girl?!" Margaret White asked

You begin to squeeze her hand tight as Margaret came over.

"My daughter doesn't want to bring a witch like you. Leave the home and may God have mercy on your soul." Margaret said

Margaret White was about to hit you with a bible but Carrie used her powers to push her mom away.

"Leave my girlfriend Y/N alone Mama." Carrie said

Margaret White is shocked that her daughter Carrie said that she is actually a lesbian.

"You're the evil! The devil is inside you. Go to your closet and pray and ask to be forgiven!" Margaret White said

"No Mama!" Carrie said

You then bring Carrie outside and you both went back to the hotel to cuddle on the bed.

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