Chapter Twenty Three

"Today's lesson might seem a bit old-school to the majority of our guests, but don't worry, this only applies to members of Chrysalis," Hyejin starts.

Wooyoung can feel Sunghee's eyes on him and it makes Wooyoung feel strangely uncomfortable. When Sunghee returned to him the morning after he spent the previous night with Yeosang. He meets Sunghee's eyes and the guilt begins to eat at him slowly from the inside out. Wooyoung tries to keep his face normal, but he knows Sunghee sees that something is different about him.

Sunghee cocks an eyebrow up as if to ask Wooyoung 'what's wrong?' but Wooyoung shakes his head to say 'it's nothing' and turns back towards Hyejin.

"In Chrysalis, you're not to kiss anyone until you are mated and stick to minimal touching of others unless they're family or your mate. As I'm sure you've noticed, we don't engage in hugs or any of that sort with our other members. Physical contact is reserved specifically for family members or mated couples," Hyejin continues and Gyungho starts to elaborate on it.

While the heads of Chrysalis speak and teach them about today's rule, Wooyoung finds his eyes trailing off to look at the back of Yeosang's head. He admires his long fluffy hair and he thinks about how soft it is and how easily his fingers ran through it.

Yeosang's head turns slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice his brief eye contact with Wooyoung. The look in their eyes when they exchange a glance is unlike any other. The way their eyes light up, it's like their soul ignites with everything that they're feeling. The feelings left unsaid. The movements left untaken.

They were finally handled... and with such delicate hands.

Sunghee sees how Wooyoung continues to steal glimpses of Yeosang throughout the lesson and he can't help but feel an unusual twisting sensation in the pit of his stomach. He knew right when he saw his mate's old best friend again that things were going to be different here. Oh, how we wished he could've been wrong, but it stings to see it staring him right in the face.

During the lessons, San listens intently to what Hyejin and Gyungho say about the rules of Chrysalis members and not engaging in physical contact with other people. He thinks back to all of the times he had touched Seonghwa and he feels slightly bad about it even though he craves it so fiercely.

Just like every day, San is staring at the back of Seonghwa with longing eyes, his wolf becoming more content with just seeing Seonghwa no matter how much he thirsts for their touch. Seonghwa's words from the other night haven't stopped running through his head and even when he tries to push the thoughts away, San sees something that reminds him of his fated mate.

San goes up to Seonghwa after lessons end and the omegas are on their way to the children's building, "Hwa?" He starts and he stops in his tracks when Seonghwa instantly pauses and turns towards him with rosier cheeks than normal.

Seonghwa's eyes meet San's and he parts his lips unconsciously, suddenly finding himself out of breath. He feels his heart rate increase as it always does around San and his wolf urges him to get closer, still yearning for the feeling of San's skin against his. Before meeting San, Seonghwa's wolf was comfortable with being around Eunji since she's an alpha, but now that he's met his fated mate, everything has changed. Everything he feels now revolves around the man in front of him, Choi San.

Whenever Seonghwa sees or feels San's presence, he's immediately drawn to him and wants to go to him.

"Yes?" Seonghwa manages to ask, rubbing his index finger against his thumb to distract his mind a bit.

"You're going to the children's building, right?" San smiles, starting to walk towards it in hopes Seonghwa follows him, which he does, "I wanted to come the other day, but we got interrupted by Mingi and Yunho's arrival. It is alright that I come, yes?"

Seonghwa follows San, soon catching up and walking next to him, "It's fine."

San hums, unable to stop glancing over at Seonghwa's paralyzing beauty as he walks. Seonghwa catches him and narrows his eyes, "What are you looking at?" He asks with a subtle annoyance behind his voice.

San smirks at the question, "Only the most handsome man I've ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on, of course. What are you looking at?" San asks back, noticing their closeness and he's the one to take a step away this time. He wants to try better to respect Seonghwa's pack rules and values, so he's decided to try and let him make the first move if anything.

Seonghwa's eyes widen and he bites the inside of his cheek, unsure if he wants to reveal his true thoughts. They walk in silence until they're right outside of the sliding door to the children's building when Seonghwa turns around to San.

"I'm looking at..." Seonghwa swallows, "Someone I've come to care about."

San's face flushes at his fated mate's words, but their conversation is soon interrupted by the sliding door opening up.

"You're finally here!" One of the head ladies over the children says, looking between both San and Seonghwa, "It's nice to see you again, San. It's always welcoming to see more alphas come visit the children," She says cheerfully, waving them into the building where the kids are playing and holding their paper boats.

Yunho is hanging around with Wooyoung and Yeosang, having noticed the thick air surrounding them, but he didn't have the heart to ask what was wrong. He's only just met them, so he didn't think it was his place. Yunho's heart is warmed when both of the quiet boys light up at the sight of San and Seonghwa.

"You two got here just in time!" Wooyoung says, putting on a smile as he walks over to the two boys.

Yeosang and Yunho follow Wooyoung's lead, "We're going to have the paper boat race today instead."

"Minhee has been looking forward to this, I've heard," Yunho chuckles.

"Ah, speak of the devil," Wooyoung giggles when the little boy comes over to them with his friend Seungsik. The two boys are both holding their little boats with big smiles on their faces as they playfully hit the fronts of them together.

"We're going to win, aren't we, Sik?" Minhee asks and Seungsik nods curtly, "For sure! Everyone saw our boats and ran," He giggles more.

On their way down to the river for the paper boat race, Wooyoung and Yeosang couldn't stop their fingers from brushing against one another as the memories of last night are still very much at the forefront of both of their minds. One thing they can't miss, though, is the flash of shame when their eyes meet.

The air between the two of them has changed and they know the people around them have taken notice. Wooyoung could see the look in Yunho's eyes that was wanting to ask if things were okay.

Were things okay?

Wooyoung isn't sure.

There are way too many things he's unsure about right now...

Everything was going well with the boat race until one of the little girls, Namjoo, tripped while running after her boat and cut her leg pretty badly. Yunho instinctually ran to her and knelt down, inspecting the injury with his eyes, knowing he's not allowed to make physical contact with any of the Chrysalis members.

"Oh my goodness, Namjoo! Are you okay?" Yunho exclaims as he looks at the cut. He looks back behind him at everyone else running over as well, all of them saying various things like 'oh no' or 'are you hurt?' over the sounds of Namjoo's tears. Yunho sucks in a deep breath as he can sense that her leg might actually be broken from the fall.

Yunho knows he must act fast before everyone is here, so he whispers, "I'm going to help you, okay, Namjoo?" She returns Yunho's words with a nod and wailing.

Yunho hovers his hand over Namjoo's leg, hoping that his magical abilities will work even if he isn't touching his palm to the wounded area. He can feel as his body's power intensifies, much like it had when he healed Mingi and his father, Kangmin. The energy reverberates within him, so he thinks that his powers are working.

It's believed to be true when Namjoo's cries of pain slowly subside into low sniffling and she starts to stand back up by the time the other people of Chrysalis get to them.

"Are you okay, Namjoo?"

"That looked like a really bad fall, sweetie."

Namjoo wipes her eyes and looks up at Yunho, showing him a smile of thanks, "Don't worry! Don't worry! Namjoo is all better," Namjoo says cutely, wiping any possible dirt off of her dress.

Yunho smiles down at her and nods, walking back over to the other boys.

"Was Namjoo really okay?" San asks with concern in his voice, his eyes searching for any contradicting looks on Yunho's face.

Seonghwa watches San carefully, finding it endearing how much he cares about Chrysalis' pack children even though he doesn't know them well. He's noticed for some time now that San is just a caring person in general, and it's a trait that Seonghwa can surely appreciate.

Yunho nods again, "Yes, don't worry, guys. She just had a small scrape, really. Who won the paper boat race?" He asks, looking between Wooyoung and Yeosang.

Wooyoung hops up happily, "Minhee won!"

"But Seungsik was pretty close, it was neck and neck until the very end," Yeosang jumps in.

On the side, Minhee and Seungsik are both sitting together with their boats, splashing them in the water. They were coated with a special waterproof substance that Yunho taught them how to make earlier this week.

"Minhee had the biggest smile on his face when he won," Seonghwa hummed, remembering the moment and how it warmed his heart. He's always had a soft spot for children, especially his pack children.

On their way back to the boys' building that night after they left the bathhouses, Wooyoung feels how strong and all-consuming Sunghee's gaze is boring into him.

However, they stay silent all the way back to their room where they slide into bed together. Wooyoung lays as far away from Sunghee as he can, begging the gods that his mate doesn't smell the sweet aroma of vanilla on his body. Ever since last night, whenever Wooyoung sees Sunghee, he feels this flesh-eating feeling all over his chest. The guilt is literally eating him alive and it's agonizing. He clenches his fist to his chest and curls up into fetal position facing away from Sunghee.

His mind drifts off to the events of last night with Yeosang, and his mind and body are conflicted with the feelings he's having. His wolf is even worse since he's mated to the alpha laying in bed with him right now, yet last night...

Wooyoung made love to another...

~ last night ; t/w smut

Wooyoung wasn't sure if he would ever get any sleep that night with his thoughts running wild, but they're soon disturbed by the sound of his bedroom door sliding open. Wooyoung's heart instantly races when the soothing scent of vanilla he's missed so much wafts into the room.

He turns his head around to look at the doorway and sure enough, there's a familiar small figure standing there, illuminated by the moonlight through the window.

"Yeosang...?" Wooyoung chokes out. He didn't realize he had been crying until he tried to speak.

Yeosang's eyes sparkle from the shining light of the window and his eyes water up at the sight of the boy he's loved for so long crying. He can't stand the sight of Wooyoung's pain.

"Woo..." Yeosang whispers, sliding the door closed behind him before he goes and climbs onto the bed with Wooyoung, taking him into his comforting embrace, "You're okay, Woo... I'm here, I'm here, baby."

Wooyoung sniffles and stuff his face into the spot where Yeosang's neck meets his shoulder and inhales his favorite scent.


They stay like this for a while until Wooyoung's tears come to a halt and his weakened grip on Yeosang's back turns back into a stronger one, afraid that at any moment, Yeosang could disappear from his arms. Wooyoung feels calmed by Yeosang's presence. When they were younger, it was always him who was comforting Yeosang, but now the tables have turned dramatically.

It feels so good to know that someone still genuinely cares about him. He hadn't seen Yeosang in what seemed like forever, and he hasn't seen his family in longer. He's been with only Sunghee for so long, he almost forgot what other's presences felt like. He became trapped in the lethal atmosphere that was Sunghee.

"I-I always loved you, Sangie," Wooyoung reveals, his voice barely above a whisper, but he's sure that Yeosang heard him clearer than the night sky, "I'm... I'm so sorry that I never told you," His voice shakes as he lifts his head up to meet Yeosang's eyes to show his sincerity and authenticity of his feelings for him.

Yeosang rubs down the back of Wooyoung's head, taking in every single syllable he's saying to him. His fingers intertwine into his best friend's hair as tears well up into his eyes, his voice catching in his throat when he's about to respond.

"I know I'm, ah... Much too late, right?" Wooyoung tries to force out a laugh, "But-" He's about to continue, but he's unable to when Yeosang brings him close, taking Wooyoung's lips in his own into an enchanting and insatiable kiss. 

The one thing that Wooyoung never expected to happen, yet yearned for so badly happened.

The kiss that they're sharing completely overtakes both of their emotions and inhibitions, their lips tempting each other's as their motions are slow and dripping with anticipation for the next movement they take with one another.

Yeosang is the first one to part their lips, resting his burning forehead against Wooyoung's, feeling just how warm he also is.

"Woo, I've loved you for so long that I lost count of the days. I can't even remember the moment I knew, I can only assume that it was the first time I ever laid eyes on you. You're the most extraordinary person I've ever met, Wooyoung. I never could've imagined that someone with as beautiful of a soul as yours could reciprocate my feelings..." Yeosang relays all of his emotions to Wooyoung, everything that he's kept bottled up within him for all these years.

Wooyoung smiles, his tears welling back up in his eyes as he listens to Yeosang. His emotions are all over the place from the overwhelming day and with Yeosang confessing to him like this, his heart fills up with happiness and love.

"I should've told you," Wooyoung hums, nuzzling his nose to Yeosang's as their scents of jasmine and vanilla interweave in the air, creating a powerful combination that sets the two at ease and entices them towards each other once more.

Yeosang brings his hand up to gently caress Wooyoung's cheek with his thumb, loving how soft and plush his skin feels under his fingers, "There's nothing we could've done, Woo."

Wooyoung's eyebrows raise with want as his eyes flickers between Yeosang's big brown eyes and his parted lips. His wolf is unsure what to do with itself, having become comfortable and loving towards Yeosang over the many years together, but being mated to an alpha wants to draw him away.

Wooyoung overpowers his own wolf, though.

He leaves no more time for the disheartening words of the fact that they never had a chance of truly being together and brings his lips back to Yeosang's, wrapping his arms around his body to bring their chests together. Both of their bodies feel as if they're on fire as they collide into one another.

Suddenly, the air in the room is hot as the two boys fall into the sheets together, Wooyoung on top of Yeosang's body. When they part from their kiss of fiery passion, Wooyoung can't help but admire the way Yeosang's long brown hair splays itself against the white of the pillowcase. He looks like an angel sent down by the god and goddesses just for him and in the moment, he wouldn't have it any other way.

Wooyoung's wolf is begging to be with someone and being able to touch Yeosang's skin again, ignites something in him. Growing up, his wolf had gotten used to Yeosang's and they liked each other quite a lot. The two boys' own feelings didn't help these emotions subside, and they only grew larger. That's why their feelings for each other never settled after being mated off. They weren't able to ever experience being with one another, so there was always that longing in the back of their heads, calling for them to come back to each other.

And here they are...

"W-Woo," Yeosang pants, his back arching back off of the bed when he feels how Wooyoung needily grinds down onto his hips, tempting him into going further, "This is okay, right...?" Yeosang asks unsurely, feeling the way his mating mark burns with every kiss or touch.

Wooyoung nuzzles his face into Yeosang's neck, planting a million kisses before he answers him with a breathy, "Yes."

Yeosang's eyes flash between his normal brown and a bright gold as Wooyoung begins to unbutton his nightshirt, exposing his milky skin to Wooyoung's kisses and licks. Yeosang bites onto his bottom lip to hold his voice back from betraying him. He takes a sharp inhale when Wooyoung finally trails down to his loose pants, easily sliding them down after Yeosang nods at him, letting him know that it's okay to continue.

Wooyoung keeps his eyes on Yeosang as he undresses him, wanting to make sure he's comfortable for one, and well... God, the way his face contorts in pleasure with every movement Wooyoung makes almost sends Wooyoung over the edge and they haven't gone further than kissing or small touches. Yeosang does things to him that makes his mind run wild, making him lose sight of anything other than this moment.

The only thing that occupies Wooyoung's mind is Yeosang.

Only Yeosang.

"Woo?" Yeosang whines, trying to be quiet, but it's hard when Wooyoung brushes against his briefs on his way up to give him his full attention.

"Yes, my sunshine?" Wooyoung asks with a smile, returning his palm to Yeosang's cheek to once again feel his plush skin on his fingertips.

Yeosang's eyes soften at Wooyoung's smile, having missed seeing it so much. He's realized he hasn't seen it as often as he was used to previously.

"I just wanted to hear your voice again," Yeosang giggles to himself, a wide smile spreading across his cheeks as their lips meet in a kiss, "Let me undress you too," he hums as he runs his fingers down Wooyoung's arm, sending shivers up his spine.

Wooyoung leads them to sit up, him straddling Yeosang's lap, "Mhmm," he hums between kisses, allowing Yeosang to lifts his shirt up over his shoulders and he tosses it onto the floor with his own pajamas. Once Wooyoung's shirt is off, they instantly go back to savoring the sweet taste of each other's lips.

Yeosang rubs down Wooyoung's torso, pulling gently on the skin of his back on his way to the hem of Wooyoung's pajama pants. He plays with the strings teasingly, his fingers grazing the hardened outline that shows through them before he lets Wooyoung slip out of them.

Yeosang breaks their kiss, panting heavily as Wooyoung lays them back down onto the bed, crawling down to Yeosang's briefs again, "Can I?" He asks, looking up at Yeosang through his lashes as he brings his face lower, his fingers slowly slipping into them.

Yeosang's eyebrows knit together in pleasure as he feels Wooyoung's warm touch that close to him, "P-Please," He pleads, clenching onto the sheets after Wooyoung rips them off and begins to lick up his shaft, not breaking their eye contact once.

Wooyoung continues to tease Yeosang, wanting to get him to relax before he slowly inserts a finger into his hole, it already being lubed up from the slick due to Yeosang's arousal. He feels the way Yeosang clenches around him, seeing his eyes close as his back arches up at the sudden bliss. Yeosang settles himself back down after a few moments and Wooyoung proceeds with his impassioned advance, taking his head into his mouth as he inserts yet another finger.

Yeosang cannot seem to hold back his whining and moans any longer since they slip out, filling the small room with the harmonious melodies of Yeosang's satisfaction.

When Wooyoung deems that Yeosang is stretched enough, he carefully slides his fingers out of him, not wanting to surprise him with any quick movements. He lifts his mouth off of Yeosang's member and crawls back up to him after he finally removes his own underwear, letting his hard-on hit up against his stomach.

"I love you, Yeosang," Wooyoung says, smiling at him with glazed over eyes, still amazed that he's with him at this moment, about to do something special together. Something that neither of them will forget. Something that will habituate itself deeply in their brains, unable to let them lose consciousness of it.

Yeosang's eyes sparkle, the golden color completely overtaking his deep brown irises as he gives in to his desire to be with the one he's loved for as long as he can remember, "I love you so dearly, Wooyoung..." Yeosang whispers into Wooyoung's ear as he feels his legs being opened up.

Wooyoung places gentle kisses along Yeosang's jaw as he lines himself up, pressing their foreheads together when the tip of his member presses against Yeosang's entrance, letting it lacquer up with the slick that continues to be produced from both boys. With both being omegas, they're both able to produce slick, allowing ease of access for Wooyoung and a lessened pain for Yeosang.

Yeosang sucks in a deep breath when he feels Wooyoung penetrate him, his eyebrows knitting together once again as he lets out another needy moan, "Woo, w-wait," He gasps at the stretch, panting heavily as they lay there together, Wooyoung pausing as soon as he hears Yeosang's words.

"Is everything okay, sweetie?" Wooyoung asks, concern prevalent in his voice. The last thing he would want to do is hurt the person he loves most in the world.

Yeosang nods his head, "Yes, Yes... I'm okay, I just need a little time to get used to it," He smiles, stroking Wooyoung's face to reassure him that he's okay, "Just go slow, okay, Woo?"

Wooyoung brushes his lips against Yeosang's, their chests skimming each other with every heavy breath they take, "Anything for you, Yeo."

After a few minutes of kissing and words of affirmation and love, Yeosang gives him the go-ahead to move again, so Wooyoung slowly pushes himself into him fully. He rests there for a while so Yeosang can get used to Wooyoung being completely inside of him.

Wooyoung gently starts to thrust in and out of him, making sure his touch is tender as he brushes his fingers down Yeosang's chest while they kiss. Their kisses are heated and dripping in fondness and appreciation for one another. Never have they ever felt a feeling quite like this one. The pleasure of knowing the feeling of loving one another will only grow from here. Throughout all the world's pains and challenges, they will have the other to lean on in those hard times.

When Wooyoung looks into Yeosang's eyes as they make love, he feels like he could never love him more than he does right now, but when the sunrises tomorrow morning, he knows he will love him even more.

Yeosang and Wooyoung's voices mix together in the air along with their scents, combining together into something more beautiful than either of them could imagine. The moment passes much too quickly in their eyes, and soon, they're laying together in each other's embrace, whispering sweet nothings into the other's ears.

"Stay with me tonight...?" Wooyoung asks with pleading eyes.

"I'll stay with you forever, Woo... I never want to leave you again," Yeosang responds, letting their lips brush together for the last time that night.

They're unable to tear their eyes away from each other as they lie there, and Wooyoung realizes how many nights he's spent feeling so alone, waiting for Yeosang. Waiting for the two of them to meet again so he could finally do things right. So he could finally communicate every single one of his feelings to him.

Neither one of them will ever forget knight, nor have any regrets.

But they didn't even think to consider the guilt...

End of Chapter Twenty Three


That was the first 'smut' I've ever written and haha guess who found a way to make it pretty sad? That's right [insert emoji with sunglasses here] I did. Hopefully, it wasn't too bad.

This chapter is over 4.2k, so I'm hoping this makes up for the week I missed a while ago <3 I love you guys.

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