Chapter Twenty One
"I'm so excited to see her, Seonghwa! You have no idea," Eunji says with excitement, a wide smile spread across her face as she looks up at him. They had just gotten out of lessons for the day.
Seonghwa glances down at her joy-filled face, but he turns back to facing front as he walks towards his sister's bedroom. He knows Eunji and Areum have been friends for a while, but he still can't understand why she would be so excited to see someone. Seonghwa can't remember the last time he was excited to see someone like Eunji is excited to see Areum.
He might be able to think of one time recently...
Seonghwa shifts his eyes away from Eunji, trying to focus his attention away from thinking of San and more on his steps as they get closer to Areum's room.
Seonghwa and Eunji finally arrive outside of Areum's bedroom door and Seonghwa slides open the door to reveal his sister sitting calmly in her bed. He watches as Areum's eyes light up when she sees Eunji come out from behind him.
"Areum!" Eunji says excitedly, almost running into the room and up to Areum's bed where she lays.
"I haven't seen you in what feels like ages, Eunji," Areum says, showing her best friend a joyous smile, "I've missed you."
Seonghwa comes in behind Eunji slowly, letting Eunji take the seat by Areum's bed. He stands beside her and watches absent-mindedly as the two girls interact and catch up with one another.
"How are you feeling?" Eunji asks, her voice becoming more worried when her eyes had caught sight of the bin by her bedside full of tissues with a red substance on a few of them.
Areum keeps her warm smile on, making sure to stay calm so she doesn't have a coughing fit from excitement, "I feel well, Eun. How are you feeling? Have you taken the pack children out to the waterfall recently?"
Eunji shakes her head, "No, I haven't taken them for a while... You know they liked it best when you would take them," She chuckles, "I'll see about taking them soon, or perhaps I could ask some of the omega guests to take them. I bet they would enjoy that!" Eunji smiles, having taken over for Areum since she's been sick. She's been one of the few alphas that go down and play with and look after the pack children.
"I think they would. I'm sure none of them have ventured out to the waterfall, it's likely they aren't even aware it's there," Areum says, sitting up straighter with her hands placed in her lap nicely.
"They talk about you a lot, you know. If you're able to, maybe soon you can come visit?" Eunji asks with a hope-filled voice.
Seonghwa's eyes ended up trailing off to gaze out the window while the two girls talked. His eyes were drawn to a presence that he sensed outside, soon finding San standing among a group of other boys and one girl. Seonghwa has seen them around before. They must be San's friends, Seonghwa thinks.
Seonghwa's chest heats up when he sees San's lips curl up into a shining smile, goosebumps forming on his arms the longer he stares at him.
"Right, Seonghwa?"
Seonghwa inhales sharply, turning back to Eunji and Areum in confusion. He hadn't been listening to anything they had been saying, he got too caught up in his own head and been distracted by a certain alpha outside.
"You'd go to the waterfall with Eunji and the pack children, right? I know how you love spending time with them," Areum asks, having seen Seonghwa looking outside, but she doesn't change her face, wanting to keep everything normal for Eunji's sake.
Areum knows Seonghwa has something else on his mind entirely. She's going to have to ask him about that later.
When Eunji turns to look at Seonghwa, Areum takes a glance out the window to see the group of boys and one girl.
Which one of them is it...?
Areum's stomach turns when she starts wondering if it isn't the girl that stands among all of those boys. Her eyes are drawn to one of the boys in particular and she glances back to her brother. She thought she'd seen one of them before... She just can't remember where from exactly.
Seonghwa nods towards them, "I'll go."
Eunji cheers, "I'll talk to the elders about it soon, then!"
Areum giggles, "How are you two doing?" She hums, a smirk appearing on her face.
Seonghwa narrows his eyes and looks away. He didn't want Areum to bring this up, especially not while Eunji is there as well.
Eunji turns to Seonghwa, hoping that he would say something about them, but she sees him turn away and it makes her heart drop. He never reacts in the ways she hopes he would, he always seems to let her down in moments like these.
Eunji's mood is brought down a bit, so she turns away from Seonghwa and back to Areum, biting the inside of her cheek sadly. Her heart aches as she looks down at Areum's hands, trying to distract herself, "Seonghwa hardly even treats me like his future mate," she says, trying to make it sound joking, but it comes out more sad.
Areum senses her sadness and grabs hold of her hands, "Hey, if my brother doesn't start treating you right, then I will!" She says, giggling happily before dropping their hands, "You know I'm way cooler anyway," She smirks.
Eunji eyes widen at Areum's actions, her smile and words bringing Eunji's mood back up, "Way cooler!" She laughs, realizing how much she's truly missed her best friend the past few months.
Seonghwa feels glad that Areum was able to make Eunji happy again, knowing how much he always disappoints her with his actions and lack of emotions. He's going to have to start bringing Eunji here more often, he can tell. Seonghwa frowns at the thought of knowing Eunji will be stuck with him. He can't help but think that she deserves better, or at the very least, someone that could love her like she deserves.
"Did you hear that, Hwa?" Areum asks, smirking even more, "I'm stealing your mate."
Seonghwa shakes his head, finding their friendship amusing, but he can't help his eyes tugging back to look out the window in hopes of a certain someone still being there.
He isn't.
Has San already gone to strength training?
Eunji sighs at his lack of reaction, "Come on, Seonghwa... Let's go see the children, I'm sure the others are already there waiting for us. I hope to see you again soon, Areum. Please feel better..." She says sadly, her mood becoming down as she stands from the chair after bidding her goodbyes to her best friend. Eunji hates to see Areum like this. She's always been one to be really active in the pack and now that she's been cooped up, some things don't seem right without her.
Seonghwa nods, giving his sister a small nod before he and Eunji leave together and head to the children's building.
"He's the best thing that's ever happened to me," Dongwoo says enthusiastically as he runs on the treadmill side by side with his newfound friend Kyelin.
Kyelin smiles, "He seemed really, lovely, Dongwoo. You lucked out in your pack's mating process it seems, eh?"
"Most definitely, Lin. I've had the biggest crush on him ever since we were younger and when I saw his name on that envelope, I knew it was fate... Sometimes he seems sad though, especially since we arrived here," Dongwoo says as his tone of voice decreases in enthusiasm, his face becoming more solemn, "I think it's because of his old friend, Wooyoung. He's here too. You remember him, right?"
"Yes, I remember. He's the smaller omega mated to Sunghee, right?" Kyelin asks and Seonghwa nods yes, "Their relationship is..." Kyelin pauses, trying to find the right words.
"Toxic," Dongwoo says under his breath, "I know... And I think Yeo can see it too, and that's what's been getting him in this funk he's been in."
Kyelin shows him a saddened face, worry-lines present on her forehead, "It's quite odd from what I've noticed -- their relationship, I mean. Wooyoung can sometimes seem so content with their relationship like he's okay with the situation he's in, but other times you can just see the look of sadness in his eyes. I don't like seeing my new friends so depressed... It reminds me of my old friend back in Essence. His father was very ill and he'd get that look in his eyes every time he would get negative results back about his father."
Dongwoo hums, listening intently to everything Kyelin says. He's happy to have made a friend in her, she's become someone he hangs out with every day after their lessons since they're spotting partners for strength training.
"Did he ever get better?" Dongwoo asks, becoming curious about her friends' father's condition when she mentioned illness, "Your friend's father?"
Kyelin smiles with hope-filled eyes, "He did, actually... Gosh, I can still remember the day, Dongwoo. It was so incredible and magical seeming," She pauses, realizing her poor choice of words and glances around, seeing that no one is paying attention to them in the slightest. She, and everyone else through the packs, that magic is not to be talked about since it was the whole reason what went down between Bloodbane and Essence happened.
Dongwoo doesn't look at her funny in the slightest, though. He's known about Essence and heard about the attack from Bloodbane going all throughout Riverside's pack gossip. He, for one, doesn't see the big issue with possible magical abilities, but he wouldn't tell anyone that.
"Yunho ran to my house with the happiest face I'd ever seen on him and I knew something incredible happened. He brought me back to their home and his father, Kangmin, was up and walking around without any struggles at all! It was quite surprising to see since he had been ill for so long..." Kyelin goes on, reminiscing on the last time she saw her childhood best friend.
"Yunho is the name of your friend, right?" Dongwoo asks, wanting to make sure he's not confused and Kyelin nods.
"That was the last time I saw him, too, actually... He met his fated mate not too long before that and after his father got better, Yunho went back with his mate to Bloodbane," Kyelin explains.
Dongwoo's eyes widened upon hearing all of that, "Your friend is the one who's mating ended the war between Essence and Bloodbane, isn't he?" He asks, having put two and two together. Fated mates, Yunho's familiar name, and now her bringing up Bloodbane? It had to be.
Kyelin nods slowly, a bit fearful that Dongwoo will have a negative reaction like most others that she meets from other packs. They've all heard about Yunho and Mingi, but their stories always get twisted and molded out of proportion... Many people assume that Mingi and his father, Bloodbane's head alpha, are horrible people that destroyed Essence and Essence's head alpha because of their magic. But... Some people also assumed that since the head alpha's son mated with a member of Essence, that they only wanted to take over Essence further.
They thought that Mingi and Yunho's love was a ruse for Bloodbane to acquire even more power over Essence. They never believed anyone when they heard someone from Essence actually had a fated mate since they only heard of their founder's being the only fated mates to even dawn upon Essence.
Yunho became an icon throughout Essence, though. Even with the people that would doubt their legitimacy of being fated mates, saying that it's impossible, the overwhelming majority of Essence was thrilled.
After Essence's head alpha died by the jaws of Minseok, the second family in command took over to help calm everyone down. Yunho and Mingi had to go to them to prove their bond and that they truly were fated mates. Kyelin never asked how they would go about doing that, she didn't want to know in case it involved something more... personal.
Dongwoo only smiles, "I think it's fascinating how a love like theirs could overcome all and stop the war that was going to happen. I wish I could meet your friend one day, Lin. I bet he has so many stories about how his life has been being the first Essence member in centuries to have a fated mate."
"I miss him a lot... I hope he's doing well," Kyelin sighs, thinking about how close they used to be, "His mate, Mingi, seemed so sweet, though. Don't believe the bad rumors you hear about them, please, Dongwoo."
Dongwoo shakes his head and pats hers, "Don't worry, I like to make decisions on people for myself. I don't just believe everything people tell me. I've seen so many people look like fools when they believe one thing someone said, only to find out later they were completely wrong."
"That's a great mindset to be in Dongwoo. I wish more people were like you," Kyelin tries to get out a laugh as she pushes down all of the cruel things she's heard throughout the packs.
~ Earlier
"Yeah, I think I'm going to go see the pack children today," San says, squinting his eyes into a big smile as he waves to his alpha friends before going to the children's' building with Yeosang and Wooyoung.
"See you later tonight, San," Hongjoong says, seeing Jongho was about to talk, but he decided to interrupt him before he even got to get a word out. Jongho huffed and went on ahead to the strength training building and it made San laugh, covering his mouth to keep it contained.
Yeosang smiles at Dongwoo and gives him a loving look before turning around with Wooyoung and San, "I'm so excited for you to come with us, San!" The children are so kind, I know they'll be thrilled to have another new person around. You should've seen the look on their faces when Woo and I first showed up. They're not very used to seeing so many men around."
"Don't you remember the rules, Sangie? Chrysalis doesn't have any omega men other than Seonghwa and omegas are the only ones that are really around them after class," Wooyoung hums, walking closely next to Yeosang. The two of them have gotten closer once again since they've spent so much time together with the pack children.
San feels his chest warm-up at the mention of his fated mate, his wolf purring at the thought of seeing him around all of these children. He knows how much he and his wolf have dreamt of having pups with Seonghwa, so he can only feel his eager anticipation of watching how Seonghwa acts with children.
Yeosang giggles and holds onto Wooyoung's arm comfortingly, "I wonder if our little Minhee managed to build that paper boat like we showed him."
"Paper boat?" San chimes in, curious as to what they're talking about.
Wooyoung turns to face San and nods happily, "All of the children are making paper boats to race down the river later today. One of the little boys, Minhee, was having trouble making his yesterday so we gave him some tips."
San slides open the door to the children's building and a small group of kids is spread all throughout the large space, playing with each other. One little boy instantly gets up from his spot with the others and runs over to the three men.
"Woo! Sangie! Look!" The boy cheers, hopping up and down in front of them holding up a small paper boat. It's a bit misshapen towards the top, but the bottom is what matters, right?
Yeosang squats down and admires the paper boat, "It turned out wonderful, Minnie! You're going to win the race with this bad boy for sure," He says as he is about to use his free hand to ruffle up the little boys' hair, but he stops himself when the boy shifts away.
"We're not allowed contact, Sangie!" Minhee announces.
Yeosang nods, having heard of the rumors about members of Chrysalis not being able to touch or make any physical contact with anyone other than their family and mates, "Ah, sorry, sorry."
Wooyoung also squats down with Yeosang, praising Minhee's paper boat as well, "It's okay, Minnie would forgive you right, Minnie?"
Minhee giggles and nods, "Yes! Mommy told me to help teach the guests about us too~ Am I doing a good job?" He asks, shows his teeth in a silly manner.
Wooyoung laughs, "The greatest job, little Minnie."
San is about to join Wooyoung and Yeosang in talking with Minhee, but his nose is suddenly brimming with the scent that he's become so addicted to.
San turns around and he feels a stake through his heart when he sees Seonghwa standing there looking almost angelic in his regal white robe. His eyes tug towards someone standing next to his fated mate, seeing Eunji. He doesn't want to dislike the girl standing along with his omega, but his wolf can't help but internally growl seeing him with someone else.
San's sure Eunji is a pleasant girl, but not for Seonghwa... Seonghwa and San were made for each other and his wolf pushes for San to go over and assert his ground.
"Seonghwa?" Eunji asks, noticing how there's been nothing but silence since they set foot in the children's building. Seonghwa is normally silent, but he typically greets the children, so why is now any different? She looks up at him and sees how his eyes look different than what she's used to seeing. There's something she's never seen present within them...
Eunji follows the trail with her own eyes and lands onto a male alpha standing next to two of the guest omegas she's come to know over the past few days.
She's never seen this alpha in the children's building before...
What is he doing here?
Sooner than she can fully get her thoughts filtered through her head, the unfamiliar alpha is coming over to them.
"Seonghwa," He hums happily, his eyes shining at Seonghwa's elegant appearance, but he shifts over to her, "You're Eunji, right? It's nice to meet you, I'm San."
Eunji's eyes widened a bit with the realization that this is the same boy that asked those questions at the end of their lesson the other day. She pauses before nodding, "Yes, I'm Eunji, Seonghwa's future mate," she feels the need to add, her own wolf purring at her dominance. Eunji doesn't know what's come over her, but seeing the way this alpha was looking at Seonghwa made her wolf lurch up and want to make sure he knows his place.
The two alphas stare at each other for much longer than intended and Seonghwa clears his throat, "Isn't the paper boat race today?" He says, deviating the conversation into a more positive one when he saw their intense glares.
Soon after everyone was getting gathered up to go down to the river to do the paper boat race, a bell sounded throughout Chrysalis, signaling for everyone to come to the center of the grounds.
Seonghwa is confused since he didn't get word of anything of importance happening today.
What could be going on?
Minhee whines, "But... I just made my boat..." He pouts and looks down at his little paper boat.
Wooyoung frowns at Minhee's depressed-looking face, "It's okay, sweetie. We can do it tomorrow or another day, isn't that right, Sangie?" He looks over at his best friend, seeing he has a similar guilty face.
"That's right. Come on, Minnie, let's go see what's going on!" Yeosang shows a smile on his face in hopes of bringing up Minhee's mood.
The group of boys, including Kyelin and Eunji, all gather together in the center of Chrysalis grounds. They're unable to see much from the large community of people surrounding them all.
"We've called everyone here to introduce two more of our guests. They've arrived late, but they did both come from Bloodbane. Please welcome them with open arms," Gyungho announces to everyone.
The crowd begins to disperse as they greet the two new guests arriving in Chrysalis, so soon enough, the small group of boys and two girls are able to lay eyes on the newcomers.
Kyelin eyes widen at the sight of the two men standing a few feet away from them.
Could it really be?
"Yunho and Mingi...?"
End of Chapter Twenty One
Hiya, my loves <3 I'm here to tell you there most likely will not be an update next weekend (6/21) due to it being my weekend at work. I will let you know if plans change and if I'll be able to update, but as of right now, I think the 21th will have to be my first missed update.
:( I really hope you all understand <3 Thank you so much for reading my story and we will be back the 28th! Also, I made this chapter a little longer to hopefully tide you over.
(Going back to work has also made it a bit harder for me to write due to working every single day unlike I had before, but future chapters shouldn't be affected by this <3 I'll do my best <3)
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