Chapter Three
The Park family makes their way to the middle of the Eclipse grounds where the smoke is coming up from the ground. Once they get there, they see the smoke coming from a small bonfire pit, seeing most of the pack sitting in a circle around the pit.
San turns and sees them, getting up and waving them all over. His eyes light up brightly under the colors of the fire when he sees Seonghwa coming up to him with his family, admiring the beautiful robes he changed into. He looks so incredible. San feels his wolf wanting to come out and pounce onto his fated mate. San feels a wavering in his heart when he remembers earlier today when Seonghwa told him he felt nothing for him. San knows that can't be true.
They all sit down with San around the fire, Seonghwa ending up having to sit next to San, their complementary scents instantly mixing together. Though, Seonghwa doesn't even give him a glance, keeping his eyes looking into the fire.
"I'm so glad you all came, we love to do this at least once a week so we can all be together. I find it really peaceful, and then after this, we head to the bathhouses. Do you all use bathhouses?" San asks because he's honestly not sure about a lot of other packs. San looks towards the family, but his eyes always linger back to Seonghwa.
"Yes, we use them," Gyungho answers happily, enjoying the fire in front of them. It's nice to get to relax after a long day of running.
San nods, seeing that he's relaxing and it makes him feel happy. He wonders how hard on the body it must be to have to run so much for a month straight. He finds himself worrying deeply for his mate but knows he is strong beneath all of those robes. San can't seem to take his eyes off of Seonghwa.
Hyejin notices San's interest in her son Seonghwa and it worries her a bit, having noticed how long his eyes have been longing for his ever since they arrived at the bonfire. What is going on here? She decides that she will wait for later to bring it up to Seonghwa. She lays against her husband Gyungho and enjoys the fire, instead.
San thought he could feel eyes on him, so he quickly shifts his eyes away from Seonghwa and back to the fire.
Many stories are told over the roaring fire, stories that are humorous, stories that are about childhood, and stories about love. One elder couple even talked about how they were fated mates and their love story of them finding each other.
Hearing that final story made Seonghwa's chest ache and it wasn't just from San's presence. He rests back, holding himself up with his arms, the arms of his robes covering over his hands.
San feels his heart becoming erratic as he slowly moves his hand under the arm sleeve of Seonghwa's robe, gently moving it over top of his hand. San closes his eyes briefly and hopes that Seonghwa doesn't pull away from him, needing to feel his touch. He knows that Seonghwa will be leaving in the morning... Will he ever see him again? San knows he doesn't accept him as his mate, but he sure can try while he is still with him.
Secretly, of course.
Seonghwa feels the sleeve of his robe slightly shift and then fire ignites within him as he feels San's hand moving on top of his. He knows he should move his hand away, but he leaves it there underneath San's, allowing himself to take in the power of his touch against his skin.
Just one rule.
San's body warms up as Seonghwa leaves his hand under his, the alpha's wolf internally purring for the contact with his mate. He doesn't dare look at him, not wanting to draw attention to the two of them further. It isn't much, but San is happy. He feels like this is a step, that he could be breaking through to Seonghwa. At least, that's what he thinks before Seonghwa pulls his hand away from him.
Seonghwa couldn't do it anymore, he knew what he was allowing to happen was wrong. Everyone was beginning to get up anyway and started heading for the bathhouses on the left side of where the bonfire was. Seonghwa went with his father and brother into the male bathhouse, while his mother and sister went into the female bathhouse.
While everyone else entered the bathhouses, San stayed behind for a few minutes to put out the fire.
The men all stripped down and entered into the warm bathwater. Seonghwa has always been a bit uneasy every time they travel to the other packs and be with so many strangers together in such a way. Himself being an omega only heightened these worries. He's never come across a problem, but it's always been at the back of his mind.
Seonghwa is one of the last to strip down and enter the bath, doing so right as San comes into the bathhouse. Seonghwa's lower half was thankfully already submerged into the water and he went to go relax with his father and brother.
Seonghwa doesn't dare turn to look as San strips out of his clothing and enters the water. Instead, he focuses on his posture and keeping his face straight, enjoying the quiet area they are in right now.
After a few minutes, most Eclipse members leave the bath, going back to their homes. Seonghwa, Gyungho, and Dohyon are all still relaxing at one end of the water, while San is towards the other end.
San notices that Gyungho and his eldest son Dohyon get out of the bath, going over to retrieve their robes, but what he notices most is that Seonghwa stays back.
Gyungho and Dohyon tell Seonghwa not to stay much longer as they have a long journey ahead of them tomorrow morning. Seonghwa has usually liked to stay in the water for a while longer after all the crowd leaves, finding himself finally able to be at peace.
Seonghwa just nods and his father and brother exit the bathhouse to go back to their temporary home. Once they leave, he sinks himself into the water further, resting his head back against the ledge.
San guiltily watches his fated mate from across the water, admiring how beautiful his skin looks glistening from the liquids dripping off it. A calming lavender scent waves over to him and he can't help but smile as he continues to gaze at Seonghwa.
Seonghwa can feel San's eyes on him and he can't decide how it's making him feel. He's extremely vulnerable right now in this state, so he should be at least a little fearful of the alpha on the other side of him, but his wolf is begging for him to go over there with him. Seonghwa takes a deep breath before opening his eyes to look over at San, finding his senses to be right as their eyes instantly met.
"You are absolutely breathtaking," San lets out as soon as they lock eyes, the bathhouse filling up with their combination of rose and lavender.
Seonghwa's lips part subconsciously, trying to calm his breathing by breathing through his mouth. His eyes soften as he hears San's words, feeling drawn to him even more than usual as their scents overtake the bathhouse. Seonghwa's wolf begs to go to San, but he tries to restrain himself, starting to make his way to the steps to leave the water. He can't be here any longer...
As Seonghwa is walking up the stairs, San takes the chance and reaches out for his hand to make him stop in place. Seonghwa's breathing hitches when San grabs ahold of his hand, but he keeps himself as calm as he can.
San gazes at the water dripping down Seonghwa's bare back, his chest exposed from out of the water. His chest floods with emotion from the skin-to-skin contact and he can feel his wolf's craving to have Seonghwa all to himself and to claim him, but San keeps his wolf at bay.
Seonghwa feels a pang in his heart when he hears San call his name, finding it hard to keep his thoughts clear from all of these conflicting emotions. He slowly turns around to face towards San as he is still in the water, only above his collarbone being exposed to the air. Seonghwa sees the longing in San's eyes as he looks into them, it breaks his heart that he has to do this to him, but he has no other choice. There are too many things wrong with this pairing.
"I can't, San."
San can't help but feel pain course through his veins at his repeated rejection, "Yes you can, Seonghwa. You can!" He says frantically, squeezing his hand firmly, "We're fated mates. We are meant to be together. I don't understand why you keep pushing me away... You saw how strong I am out there with your brother, I could protect you. Is it because of my pack's ranking?" San filters through all of his thoughts out loud, losing his breath by the end.
Seonghwa can almost feel San's pain through their touch, he can feel his heartache. He knows that if he is able to feel San's feelings, then San is also able to feel his... San knows how conflicted Seonghwa is right now and it's killing him that he doesn't know why.
"Shut up, shut up!" Seonghwa growls, letting his emotions get the better of him, "It's not your ranking, it's not your strength or your power. You're a man and you're from another pack, and that is unacceptable."
San steps up to the same step Seonghwa is on so they're now levelly facing each other, "Why?"
"It's the rules, San, and I'm not going to go against my pack and family just for some old folktale parents would tell their children about 'fated mates.' They're not real," Seonghwa explains, this being the most he's talked in a long time.
"You can't tell me that what we're both feeling right now isn't real, Seonghwa. You would be lying to yourself," San's thumb gently rubs against the top of Seonghwa's hand before making its way up his arm and eventually going to caress his soft cheek.
Seonghwa almost leans into San's touch before he snaps out of it, "Don't touch me," He wills himself away from San's touch, his heart seething as soon as they break contact with each other. He sees how San's eyes become solemn as soon as Seonghwa shifts away from him.
"I'll stop," San says, letting out a small sigh as he walks fully up the steps and out of the water to go over to his clothing. A few moments of silence pass between the two as they're both now clothing themselves when San speaks, "You know that burning feeling in your chest that we get when we're apart?" He starts, his voice sounding somewhat small for an alpha -- Seonghwa really must've defeated his spirit.
Seonghwa just hums in response, falling back into his closed-off shell he's built for himself.
"It's going to get worse and worse... Until we can't bear it any longer. It will consume our bodies, along with our wolves, and eat us alive. I'm really hoping that that part really is just a folktale," San rubs his forehead as he speaks, hating how dispirited his voice sounds coming out of his mouth.
"It'll be fine. I've seen it before," Seonghwa fastens the belt around his embroidered white robe before going towards the bathhouse doors, "They don't actually die... That part really is just a folktale."
San watches as Seonghwa leaves him alone in the bathhouse with his words lingering in the air around him. He wants to say he is relieved, but the fact that he really is just letting his mate leave like that crushes him. San mentally cursed at himself for being so down. He's always been such an upbeat guy all of his life, so why now is he feeling so beaten into the ground?
San leaves the bathhouse and sees Seonghwa walking back to the home he had prepared for him and his family. Instead of going inside, however, Seonghwa slowly paces around outside. San watches him as he goes back to his own home, but stops once he enters, going and laying in his bed.
San's mind can't rid itself of thoughts of Seonghwa. He knew he would have to leave due to his family's travels, but he thought he could make some sort of impact on him during the short time he was here. He lies there wondering about his mate when there's a sudden small knock on his front door. He gets up from his bed and sighs, knowing it's probably one of the children that had a nightmare again, but when he goes to open his front door no one is there.
Really? Tonight of all nights the children decide to pull a prank... San goes outside, looking around and not seeing any of the children. He smiles and laughs as he goes to the right side of his house to look around the corner, "Come on guys, you need to go to sleep!" San's always loved the children of his pack, always treating them like his own. He'd love to have his own someday, but seeing how things went throughout today... He doesn't find that likely.
When he peeks around the corner, he doesn't find any of the children, though. San is a bit confused, as this is normally where they like to hide after one of their pranks on his house. What he doesn't expect is the faint smell of lavender lingering around the corner. Seonghwa...?
San whips his head around and tries to look for Seonghwa. Was he really here? Is he the one that knocked on his door? San goes back out in front of his house and he can still smell the sweet and familiar scent of his mate. He sits on the steps that lead back into his home and sighs, rubbing his forehead.
He's not sure of all of the Chrysalis pack rules, but could mates really not be of the same sex? Is that really one of their rules? He's never thought that much about sexuality, he's always been busy with his pack and keeping everything in order.
San eventually goes back to bed and falls asleep, his dreams haunted by the mate who rejected him.
The next morning, Seonghwa wakes up early, knowing they must leave relatively soon. He knows he shouldn't have gone to San's home last night and knocked on his door, but something led him to do it. He immediately regretted his decision and rushed home before he heard him come out of his house.
Seonghwa puts on his backpack after adjusting his robe on his body. He walks around the room a bit, dragging his fingertips along the windowsill, looking out at the Eclipse grounds. His chest is aching again, knowing that his entire being wants to be with San right now, but Seonghwa knows that's impossible for him.
"Seonghwa, are you ready? Mother, father, and Dohyon are already outside with the head alpha," Seonghwa's sister Areum calls out from outside his room, "We must leave if we want to make it to Riverside by sundown."
Seonghwa slides the door to his room open and nods to his sister, showing that he is ready to leave.
"Come on, then," Areum smiles and leads Seonghwa out of the house and to the gathering with their parents and San.
Areum and Seonghwa bow once they reach the rest of their family and San, showing respect. San bows back to them, smiling happily.
Seonghwa notices San's joyous smile, finding it interesting how from the little time he's spent with him, he's always so happy. After thinking about that, seeing San's face last night damaged Seonghwa's heart even more.
"I've appreciated your company, Gyungho. Your family is just as wonderful as you always described them as, thank you, really, for visiting Eclipse this time," San says formally, keeping his posture straight and proper as he sends the Park family off.
"I'm sure we all have enjoyed our stay here, isn't that right?" Gyungho smiles and looks at his wife and children, them all nodding in response except Seonghwa. Seonghwa nods a few seconds later than the rest of them, keeping his eyes away from San the best he can.
San smiles widely at Seonghwa's slight defiance. He's going to be a hard one to get to open up, San thinks to himself.
Gyungho bows once more, and San does the same, "Come on now, we mustn't be late to Riverside."
Hyejin nods and brings Areum with her to shift into their pure white wolf forms. Seonghwa feels his body wanting to stay with San, it being a force to be reckoned with when he begins walking away from him, his musky rose scent willing him back. Seonghwa feels the aching in his chest become more intense as they're all walking out of the Eclipse grounds.
They've all shifted into their wolf forms now, a beautiful pack of white coats. Right before they begin running, Seonghwa looks back at San still standing within the Eclipse grounds.
San smiles happily when he sees Seonghwa looking back at him, admiring the beautiful white fur of his wolf. He can almost see a bit of longing within Seonghwa's eyes.
Maybe there is some hope.
One day, San will meet Seonghwa again. He just knows it.
End of Chapter Three
Hiya, my loves. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I've planned 4 different arcs to open up the world and packs and have the next arc written already <3 Each arc will probably be about 3 or so chapters is what I've been aiming for. Chapters will vary in length.
Who do you think the next arc will center around?
What did you think of Seonghwa and San's dynamic?
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