Chapter Fifteen

"What are we going to do Min?" Yunho looks up at his soulmate as he swirls his fingertip in circles on Mingi's chest, his eyes filled with confusion.

Mingi gently runs his hands through Yunho's fluffy locks, eventually settling his hand further down so he can cup his lover's face, "I'm just worried they're going to get suspicious about you, or about us, if we go... What if something bad were to happen and your--" Mingi pauses mid-sentence to lower his voice to a whisper, "and your powers act up again...? Besides, Chrysalis has extremely strict rules and our relationship clearly goes against them."

Yunho's face falls when Mingi mentions the possibility of Yunho possessing magical abilities. Nothing like this ever happened to him before he met Mingi, and it's been hard to keep his newfound abilities at bay when he sees new reasons to use them.

Ever since they found each other last year, Yunho and Mingi have been inseparable, conjoined at the hip, even. They truly were meant to be in every way. Together, they were able to end the war Mingi's pack, Bloodbane, was trying to set onto Essence, Yunho's pack. Yunho managed to show Mingi's father Minseok that Essence was completely magic-free and that they were harmless. He only wished he could've gotten there sooner that day that Essence's head alpha was torn to shreds by no other than Mingi's father. This fate ultimately ended up in Yunho and Mingi becoming closer since both of the boys' packs didn't think much of the other boy. They had to protect each other.

There was no real magic left within Essence.

Or so the pair thought...

It all came to fruition when Mingi came back to Yunho from a hunt he went on with a bunch of alphas from his pack badly injured and Yunho healed him by just touching the wounded skin. He hadn't meant to, he was simply just seeing how bad the laceration really was.

When Yunho placed his hand over the wound, it healed right beneath him and both men were shocked with what they just witnessed. Yunho began to freak out and became afraid that Mingi would do something to him or leave him right then and there, but Mingi reacted just the opposite.

Mingi was adamant about them both keeping this secret between only the two of them and Mingi became even more protective over his mate than he was before, and that's saying something because Mingi already would almost never leave Yunho's side. Yunho trusted Mingi's every word, but the fear still rose inside of him at the possibility of someone else finding out.

This secret brought the two men closer together since they both knew they could never let the truth get out, not even to their own families.

Yunho thought for a long time about what the possible outcomes of them going to Chrysalis might be, but he still wanted to go. He turned up his puppy-dog face to the maximum and began to beg to his mate, "Please, Min? I promise nothing will happen, I'll keep them calm..." Yunho placed loving kisses all over Mingi's face and neck, "I've been trying to train myself when you're away hunting."

Mingi hums lowly as Yunho's soft lips against his skin tempt him into agreeance, "But what if-" Mingi's voice is cut off by Yunho taking his lips in his own, into an impassioned and addictive kiss that Mingi's not sure he will ever get used to. The way Yunho's lips linger on Mingi's makes him feel more alive than he's ever felt. This has been the feeling Mingi has waited for his whole life and he would never let it go now.

"It'll be fun, Min..." Yunho whispers, his lips brushing across Mingi's as he speaks.

Mingi smirks as he looks deeply into his love's eyes, falling even further into the dark chocolate that colors them, "I think I could show you something more fun," Mingi says in a sultry tone, lifting Yunho up by the back of his thighs to be up further on him. Their chests meet and Mingi immediately ravishes Yunho's neck, taking in his intoxicating lemon scent.

Yunho lets out a soft moan as he feels Mingi suck on his neck, leaving the love marks he enjoys to see on him so much.

"We could write them a letter back explaining our relationship and see if they still want us to come," Yunho suggests before anything can get heavier. He feels his wolf growling within him to give in to his mate, wanting to feel Mingi's electrifying touch all over his skin. Yunho takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm down his wolf even a little bit.

Mingi leads his kisses back up to Yunho's mouth, giving him one last taste before he pulls back and rests their foreheads together, "Fine, but we're only going if they accept us as we are."

Yunho smiles and nods once, happy that they finally came to a compromise, "I love you."

"I love you, Yunho," Mingi smiles back, rubbing up and down Yunho's back affectionately. Oh how he adores to show his mate just how much he appreciates him and loves him.

After a few letters back and forth between the pair and Chrysalis, it's revealed that those specific values are only to be held up by members of Chrysalis and he cannot expect all packs to conform to the customs and values they solely hold. Gyungho explains he is merely calling upon them to come and learn about Chrysalis and why they have these certain rules.

Due to these letters exchanged between the two, Yunho and Mingi will be arriving considerably late to the gathering of the packs. They hope that by the time they arrive that they didn't miss anything too incredibly important.


Seonghwa goes with his father to the buildings they had been setting up in anticipation for their guests' arrival that's happening later in the day. There are two buildings, one for the women to stay in, and one for the men to stay in. They look similar on the interior, having a resting area for them all to relax with each other, and rooms for sleeping.

Gyungho knows that there's going to be mated couples coming, so he made sure there were separate rooms for only those couples. The rest of the men and women will be staying in group rooms where many beds are set up with the ability to close a curtain around them for extended privacy if they so wish.

Seonghwa observes the insides of the buildings, admiring how much care his mother and father put into them, wanting to make their guests as comfortable as they possibly could.

"They look nice, father," Seonghwa praises.

Gyungho lets himself show a smile, "Your mother and I did our best. I trust that with you in the lessons our guests will be in that everything will go smoothly as well. Isn't that right, son?"

"Yes, father."

"Perhaps you'll be able to befriend a few of them," Gyungho suggests, having noticed how even more distant his son has become ever since Dohyon was mated off and since Areum's been ill. He knows his son's never been much of a people person, but he's only seen that worsen with everything that's gone on.

He wants more than anything for his son to be happy and to see a smile on his face for once. The more he thinks about it, he's not sure if he's seen Seonghwa smile since his adolescence years.

Gyungho and Hyejin have done their best to raise their children up full of happiness, but Seonghwa's life has been a bit... more difficult due to him being born as an omega. Gyungho treated him as similarly as he could to Dohyon and Areum, but Seonghwa is the first male omega Chrysalis has seen in generations. Wolves with Chrysalis blood in them just don't give birth to omega males and alpha females.

This is why Chrysalis has that rule in place for their members, just to keep everything consistent for them all.

It was almost like a miracle when the Han family gave birth to their daughter, Eunji, an alpha female. Eunji and Seonghwa's destiny has basically been decided their entire lives based on the rules Chrysalis lives by.

Eunji and Seonghwa are meant to be mates.

Seonghwa stays silent after his father suggests he makes friends with their new guests, shifting his eyes away. He'd much rather not make friends with them, Seonghwa is content as he is now. He's content with being alone.

"From the names we chose, there are many that are around your age, Seonghwa. Please try to be friendly with them, okay son?" Gyungho smiles down at his son, having a hopeful look in his eyes.

Gyungho is glad that Eunji is such an outgoing girl. He has high hopes that eventually she will be able to get Seonghwa to be more cheerful, but he's seen how uninterested Seonghwa seems whenever she's around. Sigh... Gyungho doesn't know what to do. Hyejin would be better at this type of thing, he thinks.

Seonghwa nods once, staying quiet as he wanders off back towards their housing building.

Gyungho did not tell his children the names of the people coming to join in on their lessons, so Seonghwa doesn't even think about the possibility of San coming. In fact, he's done everything in his power to keep the alpha out of his mind completely over the past year.

Seonghwa never once brought the man he met last year up to anyone. He shoved everything that had to do with San deep down within himself, wanting to seal that part of himself off from anyone and everyone.

Seonghwa didn't think anyone suspected a thing about him and San. That is, until his mother pulled him aside one night before bed and asked him how he was doing and feeling. Seonghwa didn't think anything of it at first, as she didn't mention the alpha male from Eclipse.

Hyejin was baiting him to see if he would bring him up first.

He didn't.


"Seonghwa, come here, honey," Hyejin says in a motherly tone, leading Seonghwa off to the side where they're able to take a seat together on a group of rocks.

Seonghwa sits down across from her, his eyes lingering on the rest of their family that are getting ready for bed, "Is everything okay, mother?"

Hyejin keeps her smile up as she sits down with her son, "Everything's okay. I just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing with the long trip. I know it's been stressful on all of us since this isn't like our usual journey."

Seonghwa thinks for a moment, looking up at the deep blue night sky. They had just left Riverside, which they went to immediately after leaving Eclipse, so Seonghwa's mind is still wanting to unwillingly think of San. He's been pushing his emotions and feelings about it ever since they left the Eclipse grounds. Seonghwa's been scolding himself every night for turning around to look back at San when they were leaving.

Why did he have to look back...?

"I've been okay for the most part. I'm worried about Areum, though," Seonghwa states truthfully, not lying to his mother, but also not telling her about what happened back in Eclipse.

"I am too, dear, but she's our strong girl. She just has a bit of a cold," Hyejin reassures, trying to ease Seonghwa's worries about his sister. She studies Seonghwa's face, looking for anything that might indicate he's troubled, "Is that all? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

Seonghwa lets out a quiet sigh, keeping his head looking up at the stars, "Well..." He starts, thinking about telling his mother about what's been stuck on his mind, "I think that's all, mother."

Seonghwa decides to stay quiet about the confusing situation that he had with San.

Hyejin nods, knowing she shouldn't pry any longer. If he was going to bring up that alpha boy from Eclipse, he would've by now. Hyejin trusts that her son wouldn't break any of the Chrysalis pack rules, but she says what she does anyway, "I just want you to keep our pack rules in mind, alright, honey?"

Seonghwa feels a pang in his chest when he hears those words come out of his mother's mouth. Did she... know something about him and San? Seonghwa turned his head to look back at his mother, but she was already on her way back to where the rest of their family was.

The words his mother said echo in Seonghwa's mind.

The pack rules...

Seonghwa knew right then that he is to never speak about or think about San ever again. He's going to have to rid that Eclipse boy from his mind. Seonghwa is about to get up to head back as well, but he suddenly gets an intense pain in his stomach, causing him to hunch over.

He groans in agony, breathing heavily as he clutches onto his stomach through his robe. The pain subsides in a minute or so, but Seonghwa is still scared of why it happened. Is he okay? He then remembers the circumstances and understands that he's going to be having these sharp pains for as long as he's away from San. They're going to be something he has to get used to.

He's never going to see San again anyway.


Those words have haunted Seonghwa, knowing his mother knew something, so he's been on his best behavior ever since then.

Seonghwa shakes off his thoughts, opening the door to his home and immediately going to his bedroom to await the arrival of their guests later that evening.

Seonghwa, Gyungho, and Hyejin all are getting ready to head to the welcoming of their newest guests. Areum thought she would be up to going and seeing everyone, but she had one of her fits soon after Seonghwa got home this morning and has no decided to stay home. Seonghwa promised that he would tell her all about it when they get back.

San is smiling with his newfound friends: Yeosang, Dongwoo, Jongho, and Hongjoong. After settling everything between Hongjoong and Jongho, they all became good friends on the rest of their trip to Chrysalis. Hongjoong and Jongho always had small bickerings, but with the other three around them, it helped them not go full-on and actually fight like they were when they all first met.

"San, are you okay? You've been staring up at that podium since we got here," Yeosang asks, worrying about his new friend.

San smiles when he hears Yeosang's question, "I'm more than okay," He says as he watches the Park family coming up on the stage, "I feel absolutely incredible, in fact."

San's eyes light up with intensity immediately after seeing Seonghwa come out from behind his parents and stand beside them, his chest heating up like it's on fire. The feeling he's been missing for a year has finally come back. San's wolf is screaming for San to go to his mate, to envelop him in his arms and never let him leave his side ever again.

Yeosang's surprised when he sees San's turn a deep red upon seeing the Park's son come into view, so he nudges Dongwoo, making him look at San. Dongwoo chuckles when he sees the red in San's eyes, trailing to where he's looking and he sees the male omega up on the stage.

Is this San's mate...?

Seonghwa stands next to his parents as they welcome all of their guests and he finds himself scanning the large group of people in front of them. He's been feeling a bit odd ever since this morning and he couldn't put his finger on it, but his heart feels like it completely stops when his eyes fall onto the certain alpha he met last year in Eclipse.


His fated mate...

He's standing right there among all of the other guests, but Seonghwa's eyes were instantly drawn to him and now they're both completely caught up in each other's gaze. Seonghwa feels his wolf humming within him and he knows his eyes have gone a slightly golden color.

Seonghwa is brought back down to the real world when his father announces his name, telling the guests that Seonghwa will be joining their lessons and that he will be more than happy to help anyone that needs it.

Seonghwa snaps out of it and does a single nod after his father's speech, feeling himself becoming angry with his fists wanting to clench.

What is he doing here?

Yeosang was looking towards San as he listened, but someone behind San caught his eye, drawing him in. His heart starts to pound when he sees his best friend standing there among the crowd. His eyes can't help but water the longer he looks at him.


End of Chapter Fifteen

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