5. Orc pack?!
Instead of getting down after freeing her dwarves, and making sure they were safely back on the ground, she decided to stay on the spit. She didn't know why but whenever she was sitting on something higher than a table or barstool of the ground it made her feel safe. It was weird how her brain worked sometimes.
One half of the party were putting back on their layers of clothes while the other half roamed around freely waiting for them to finish. Gandalf wandered over to the stone statues and wacked one with his staff. ''Wahh,'' he clearly was amusing himself. [Y/n] watched Gandalf's childish behavior with a smile. It was nice seeing him like this.
What wasn't nice, or at least not in her eyes, was the doormat that decided to walk under the spit right next to her legs to the other side. He could've easily gone around it, but no, he had to go through. I mean why wouldn't he, it's not like he was the perfect height to go underneath or anything.
''Where did you go off to?'' Thorin looked at the grey wizard in front of him. He could feel the burning stare of the maiden trying to melt his brain coming from behind him. ''If I may ask,'' he added, internally he wanted to yell at her that he had never lost his manners. And even if he had, it would have been none of her business.
''Looking ahead,'' Gandalf gave [y/n] a quick wink before looking back down at the mountain king. ''What brought you back?'' Thorin got curious. Gandalf usually spoke in riddles, never giving him clears answers when he needed/wanted them. Gandalf's blue eyes clearly looking over at the girl behind the royalty, hinting that she was the reason.
''Looking behind.''
[Y/n] wanted to stay mad at the dwarf, she really did, but her body wouldn't allow it. For some unknown reason when she looked at the dwarf king talking to her Grandalf, she felt like she knew him. She thought she had seen something familiar inside him, she just couldn't put her finger on it. But whatever it would turn out to be, it was the reason that she could not stay mad at him.
Thinking it would hit her in the face when it was time she decided to drop the subject for now, the mystery would be solved another time. The Earthling made her way to the side of the spit and hold onto handlebars that would turn it. She jumped down and the moment she felt the solid ground underneath her feet she let go of her support. She started making her way over towards the flurgerburburhobbit when she overheard Thorin and Grandalf talking about a cave. She turned back around and went their way instead.
''A cave you said? Would one burrowed half in the ground do?'' Both males turned to look at her, Thorin's eyebrows slightly furrowed. ''You know the cave of these trolls?'' this made [y/n] pause for a moment. She didn't know that these trolls have had a cave, but it would make sense if they couldn't be in sunlight they needed shelter. ''Possibly. A small heads up though, the smell is unbearable,'' the girl kept her answer vague with a shrug, she didn't want to be the one to blame if it wasn't the correct one.
''Great! Show us!'' Thorin sounded eager to get a move on again. Who knew what they could find in there. [Y/n] found it a bit weird to hear the dwarven leader eager, she wasn't used to getting any other emotion of him other than anger and hatred.
Mainly towards herself.
''Not quite yet, I got something to do before we leave,'' Gandalf spotted a playful smirk on her face before she had turned around. [Y/n] went and made her way over to 'Master' Boggins, who she should really get to know as Bilbo, like she had intended to when she first came down from the spit.
She had found him standing slightly away from the others, giving her the impression that he was not fully comfortable around them yet. ''Heya sir Boggins,'' she gave him a kind wave, seemingly pulling him back to the land of the thinking. ''J-just Bilbo will ... will do just fine'' Bilbo struggled with his words. She had caught him off guard and he hadn't seen her coming so she startled him a bit.
''Well Bilbo,'' [y/n] spoke with a smile on her face, mentally taking note of the name and to never forget it. ''I would like to thank you for your help,'' this confused poor Bilbo, he had done nothing out of the ordinary. ''Without you stalling for time we would have never made it. Besides you helped with untying the potato gang,'' [y/n] had kneeled down to his eye level again, giving his neck a break from looking up.
She placed one of her hands on his shoulder while the other rested on her knee. Bilbo glanced between the hand on his shoulder to those pools of e/c. There had been few dwarves on this journey that had shown him kindness, but none of them came close to the one that [y/n] seemed to carry with ever where ever she walked.
''And thank you for hilarious comments, if it hadn't been for the trolls that would have been the hardest I would have laughed in a long while,'' the hand she had perched on his shoulder found itself soon buried in the hobbit's soft curls, as she ruffled his hair lovingly. She bit him a kind smile once more before getting up and walking away, leaving him to be by himself again. If she had stayed she would have seen him take a slight step back, his face forming a quick smile and his nose twitched.
Once [y/n] thought to have seen everybody be reunited with their possessions she started rounding them up. ''Alright if we want to make way for the cave I'm going to need a little bit of help,'' almost everyone but Thorin and Gandalf looked confused at the las. What cave was she babbling about now? Gandalf had made his way over to the girl, assuming it was him that she needed the help from.
Thorin had followed him towards the girl, he still had no idea what to feel towards her and how to act around her. One moment she reminds him of the young dwarflings, who want adventure and discover the world for the first time, and the next she is yelling at him like he was some badly behaved child. While earlier she was the one who needed to be held like a small child in order to fall asleep. She seemed like she knew what she was doing but at the same time like she knew nothing of the world. It confused him to his core.
[Y/n] started explaining to Gandalf how she had marked the location, when she was first there, with one of the two spells that he had taught her that night. ''So I have done the mark and spoke the words but I don't feel drawn to it,'' the group had set off in the direction that [y/n] thought the cave to be in. There had been a lot of running around and chaos so she kind of lost her sense of direction.
''If done correctly you will be able to draw yourself towards it,'' [y/n] was intensely listening to the words of Gandalf, she didn't want to lead the group astray. ''You will need to visualize the location in your mind, remember its sounds and smells. You need to try and place yourself back to where you were when you placed the spell.'' This seemed all highly unnecessary in her eyes. Wasn't magic suppose to be instant and active at all times? ''So you want me to close my eyes and just follow my gut?'' [y/n] asked.
''No! If you were to do that you will fall over your own two feet,'' some chuckles could be heard from the dwarves that were eavesdropping into their conversation. ''What you need is to focus. Do it well enough and you should feel a tug as to where to go,'' Gandalf explained with more understanding. He had been doing this for years and was familiar with the magic. But [y/n] wasn't originally from this world and had very little knowledge of what went on here. She would require time and patience if she would want to dabble deeper into the mystic arts.
[Y/n] stopped walking for a second and closed her eyes. Yes, Gandalf had told her it was not necessary but she believed it would help her focus. She tried remembering how it had looked like at night time and the foul stench that came along with it. She tried to remember how it felt like when she had etched the mark nearby and how soon after doing so she heard the trolls cry out in pain.
Taking deep breaths and listening to her surroundings she found herself traveling through the woods whilst she was standing still. It looked like she had been a bird and what she saw was her flying the way towards the cave's entrance.
''I've got it!'' [y/n] opened her eyes abruptly and had to take a step back. When she had opened her eyes it felt like something had just hit her in the face. She had to admit that it was weird seeing the cave when her eyes were closed and then being back at the spot that she had never left. But hey, as long as the spell worked she was happy.
''This way!'' she started walking with a fast and determined speed, dodging low hanging branches and thorny bushes as she went. She could feel the wind rushing around her ears as she kept moving forward.
''[Y/N]!'' multiple voices called out from a distance.
In her hurry to get to the cave she had forgotten about one small detail. ''Whoops,'' she rubbed the side of her arm as she saw her companions appear in her sight. ''Short legs,'' Gandalf and [y/n] said at the same time. ''Let's go a bit slower shall we Las?'' the slightly frustrated voice of Gloin rang through the air. ''Aye we aren't all walkin' on stilts,'' Bofur agrees.
After the little mishap, the group moved again, following the confidant girl who knew the way (and now walked at a more manageable speed).
''Over there!'' the company started running towards the cave entrance when they could spot it. ''Ta-da!'' [y/n] said standing with one foot on a rather big rock close by. Gandalf walked closer and spotted [y/n]'s location mark written in the mud, the stick lying close to it presumed to have been involved. ''Why did you choose this mark?'' Gandalf couldn't help himself. When he had told the girl that the mark could be any simple shape, as long as the incantation was spoken correctly, he never imagined her drawing something like this;
''Oh,'' the girl had not thought that Gandalf had wanted an answer for her decision. '' 'S just an inside joke,'' she decided to brush it off. ''Is there any way for me to turn down my heightened senses?'' [y/n] had brought it up because they had been on the topic of magic anyway, ''I would love to explore the cave myself.''
Gandalf couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Maybe [y/n] hadn't changed that much from the ever exploring little girl he got to know her as. ''That, I'm afraid, would not be possible. You have been born with those, it is just that they decided to be more ... active now that you are older. Being in the land of your magical source might also have some influence on the change.''
''Great, so I can't come closer than this to it,'' she sounded slightly defeated as she saw the distance between her and the unexplored territory. ''You might not be able to make the smell less potent, but maybe you can dampen it?'' Gandalf held out his long grey scarf with silver threads woven throughout.
[Y/n] took the scarf with a big grin and quickly wrapped it around her mouth and nose. The first breath she took after doing so reminded her of those lightning storms she used to watch back on Earth and the smell of new books.
Ready to go into the cave now that her nose was being distracted she marched up to the opening in the floor. Gandalf, Thorin, Bofur, Gloin, Nori and Dwalin following suit. ''What a stench!'' Bofur exclaimed the thought that everybody was thinking. ''It's a troll hoard. Be careful of what you touch,'' Gandalf went further into the cave, making more room in case any of the other dwarves decided to join them.
As [y/n] was walking she kicks against something and it made a metallic noise. Looking done at the floor to see what she had kicked she saw a lot of coins. She had no clue about the value of these coins, or if the people of Middle Earth even still used this currency, but a little coin in somebody's pocket has never done any harm.
She knelt down and filled her belt pouches with as many of the coins as she could. Somewhere behind her Nori had started digging a hole, while Gloin and Bofur filled a small chest with whatever they could. Dwalin looking at them with disappointment, a look [y/n] knew all too well coming from that dwarf.
When she had gathered enough she stood back up again and took a look around. Maybe there was something she could use to defend herself with. [Y/n] had seen that each one of the dwarves had carried their own weapons and Gandalf could defend himself with his magic, but she had nothing.
It was true what she first had told Thorin, she could throw a punch better than that she could hold a sword. But if something was to come up to her with a weapon in hand she was pretty sure she wouldn't stand a chance.
[Y/n]'s eyes wandered to the walls of the cave, the rough stone catching her attention. Walking closer to one of the walls, she places a careful hand upon it. There was something there, other than the wall, she could feel it but what was it? Thinking back about how Gandalf had told her how some spells could hide objects and beings from peering eyes she closed hers. Both hands carefully moving along the stone, trusting completely in her sense of touch.
She was about to give up, thinking she might have just imagined it when her fingers brushed against something cold. Scared to open her eyes, in fear that whatever it was might disappear, she holds onto the item and picked it up, holding it in front of her. When she was sure that the item was still there she dared to open her eyes. In her own two hands laid a weapon made out of stone and iron, and buried deep within its 'blade' [y/n] saw a sparkle of a crystal shining through.
[Art work is not mine. I found it on Pinterest. I believe the rightful owner is Sergey LeSiuk: https://www.deviantart.com/sergey-lesiuk]
Luckily she also found some leather belt straps buried underneath the leaves on the ground so she was able to secure it to her back, that way she didn't have to carry it in her hands the entire time. When she had found the leather straps she also found something else that she found rather particular.
This, she believed, was called a shepherd's axe. It could be used as a weapon or walking stick. And luck seemed to be on her side, for when she stood straight and held it in her hands it was the perfect length for a walking stick for somebody of her height.
[Y/n] went back towards the entrance of the cave, telling the others when she went past that she would wait outside for them. The true reason was that the horrible foul stench of the troll hoard had started seeping through the scarf and she could really not stand it. Once outside, far enough from the opening, she removed the scarf from around her nose and mouth so she could give it back to its rightful owner when he came back out.
''So what's down there?'' up to her left came Bombur joining her in her solitude of the group. ''Some coins, some weapons, a whole lot o' rubbish,'' she welcomed him smiling. Bombur and her hadn't really talked before. He seemed to be more of a drawn-back dwarf, enjoying the company of others over being the one in the spotlight. [Y/n] liked his gentle soul, he reminded her of a friend she had back in 'Neither Land'.
''That's a neat war hammer you got there,'' he pointed to the weapon strapped to her back ''Do you know how to use it?'' [y/n] hadn't really given it much thought. She hadn't really known how to use any weapon. She had picked this one up because it had spoken to her. ''Not really,'' she replied with a chuckle ''But I'll figure it out.''
Bombur looked back at the group and then back at the las in front of him. ''You know, Mister Dwalin would probably help you out if you asked him nicely,'' [y/n] looked at the ground and started playing with the end of her sleeves. ''Thanks, but I don't think he likes me very much.''
''Mister Dwalin is just wary of strangers,'' Bombur continues, he hadn't meant to make the las sad. ''Give him a chance,'' Bombur turned around and was about to leave her but something else popped into his mind. ''Bofur would be more than happy to help you with the axe. He has something heavier but I'm sure he can teach you something,'' and with those words, he had left her alone again.
[Y/n] looked at the shepherd's axe in her hands, twirling it around a bit. Well, she did need to learn how to actually use the weapons she had picked up. Maybe it was time for her to push her pride aside and ask for some help. Maybe if she showed Dwalin that she had an interest in something that he knew well that he could open up to her.
Having made up her mind she follows after Bombur and joins the others, trying her hardest to not focus on the gross smell in the air but rather on her comrades. She saw that the other dwarves had climbed back out of the cave as well and were waiting for Gandalf to come out too.
[Y/n] was still standing at the back of the group, although a whole lot closer. She wanted to listen to what the others were up to but her ears picked up something else causing her to look back into the forest. Something was moving fast and at full speed. She couldn't locate where it was coming from, nor if it was moving towards them. On edge she gripped the axe tightly in her hands, ready to swim it at anything that might attack them.
Hopefully, it wouldn't be more trolls, she had quite enough of those. Although she highly doubted that could run as fast as whatever it was that she had heard.
She had spotted Thorin and thought it was best to tell him what she had heard. So with her axe ready to go, she made her way over to him. ''Sir,'' there was only ever one to call him that, Thorin looked and saw the tall girl on edge, worry etched in her eyes. ''What's the matter?'' [y/n] looked uneasily at the forest behind Thorin before her eyes looked back down at him.
''There is something moving. Something fast.''
Thorin grabbed his newly acquired sword and unsheathed it. ''Something's coming!'' he alerted the others, his eyes locked with the ones of the las. She didn't look scared, and after seeing her laugh in the troll situation he doubted her sense of fear was to be trusted. But something in her eyes told him to trust her, there was something else than just worry, but he couldn't place it.
Everybody armed themselves, even Bilbo with the sword Gandalf had just given him. All ready to attack they began to move away from the cave and more into the forest. ''It's coming closer,'' whispered [y/n] mainly to herself but Thorin had heard her as well. She read readjusted her grip on the shepherd's axe and tried spotting whatever was coming towards them with her eyes. But to no avail, she hadn't seen the sled dragged by rabbits till it came to a stop in front of them.
''Radagast,'' spoke Gandalf as he put away his sword ''It's Radagast, the brown.'' [Y/n] felt silly now, she had called alarm for nothing harmful, it was one of Grandalf's close friends. Yet she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Thorin glanced over at the girl, her sight was focused on the ground in front of her, her face filled with confusion. Was this not the thing that she had warned him of?
Because of her confusion, Thorin decided not to sheath his sword just yet. Maybe it was wiser to keep it in his hands for now, just in case something bad was about to happen. [Y/n] got out of her thoughts when she felt a rabbit nuzzling her leg. She bent down, shepherd's axe still in her main hand as she pets the lovely rabbit with her other. She used to have bunnies when she still lived with her parents. They had passed away years ago at the ancient age of 10, her love for the soft bouncy balls never leaving.
''Ah that must be the young protégé,'' Radagast got distracted when he saw the girl petting his rabbits. ''Protégé?'' most dwarves looked confused at each other. Sure Gandalf knew the las well, but he didn't seem like he was teaching her anything. [Y/n] looked up when she thought that the brown wizard spoke to her. Standing to her full height she held out a hand for him to shake. ''You must be Radagast, it's lovely meeting you sir,'' but Radagast couldn't shake her hand, Gandalf had made him turn towards him again ''Radagast, focus. What's wrong?''
Gandalf and Radagast walked off a bit to have more privacy and talk about whatever had passed. [Y/n] kept looking around, trying to spot whatever was giving her an uneasy feeling. ''What's the matter Las?'' Dwalin had picked up on her uneasiness. ''Something's wrong,'' the female kept readjusting her grip out of nervous habit. Dwalin looked at Thorin with a raised eyebrow, was she serious?
She could feel the dwarves doubting her without having to look their way. Letting out a deep sigh she lowered her weapon. ''Sorry,'' she didn't dare look somebody in their eyes. ''What is there to be sorry for Lassie?'' Balin joined the conversation in confusion. ''For causing panic when there was no reason to,'' she nearly yelled at him. She was frustrated with herself. She had made herself look like a fool.
''That's nothing to be sorry for Las,'' this made [y/n] look at the older dwarf in pure confusion. ''If it had been somethin' dangerous we would 'ave been prepared,'' Balin was right. It had been nothing to be ashamed about. She flashed him a shy smile, maybe she hadn't been as much of a fool as she first thought she was. ''Aye Las, bett'r save than sorry,'' Bofur butted in.
Even with the reassurance of her friends, something still didn't feel correct. And she couldn't place a finger on it till there was a threatening howl coming through the air. ''Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?'' Bilbo's head shot up in fear. ''Wolves? No, that's no wolf'' Bofur grabbed his weapon.
From behind them growls a beast and it pounces at Dori, Thorin was quick to act and put his sword in the beast's neck. Another came from the other side, Kíli shot it before it could do any harm and Dwalin finished it off before it could get up again. What they had not seen was the third that came behind the young prince. ''Witcher!''[y/n] got herself in between the predator and the prey and with all her might brought down her axe into the beast's skull.
Everybody watched in awe when the girl removed the weapon from its skull and saw that it was dead. [Y/n] was breathing loudly, as if she had just run an enormous distance, her eyes glued to the corpse. She could clearly see the skull that she had bashed in and damaged its brains. That was one big beast.
And her first in real life kill.
[Y/n] was not too shocked to see the dead body, maybe all those video games that she played had made her immune to the cruel truth. ''Wot'cha call me?'' Kíli's voice stood out like a sore thumb for her. He didn't sound mad, merely confused. Had she really just yelled out her nickname for him? Was she that daft? ''Uhm..,'' her ears turned red as she tried to think of an excuse of how she was going to save herself from this slip-up. Lucky for her the other dwarves had more important things to voice.
''Warg scouts! Which means an orc pack is not far behind!'' mentally thanking Thorin for getting back on track the tall person moved away from Kíli. Kíli looked at her in mega confusion. While there were way more important matters at hand he couldn't help himself to think about what she had called him. Had she really called him a witch? No, not a witch. What was the word ... a witcher? What even was that and what did she mean by it? Was it an insult?
''Orc pack?!'' both the hobbit and human girl protested. They had barely survived the trolls, and now there were orcs?! What kind of world was this! ''Who did you tell about your quests, beyond your kin?'' Gandalf brushed the two off. This was serious, he could answer their concerned questions later. ''No one!'' Thorin couldn't believe his ears. Was this old man seriously talking to him like he was a fool.
''Who'd you tell?!'' Gandalf was old and stubborn in his way. Clearly, the dwarf must have told somebody. Right? ''No one! What is Durin's name is goin' on!'' Thorin had enough of the accusations. It was silent for a few seconds. Everybody thinking about what they had to do next. And [y/n] was trying to convince herself not to kill the king on the spot for yelling at her Grandalf.
''You're being hunted.''
Gandalf's words cutting through the thick atmosphere. Everything suddenly felt so surreal. This couldn't be true. Hunted? Why? What did the orcs want with them? ''We 'ave to get out o' 'ere!'' Dwalin was the first to come to his senses. ''We've got no ponies!'' Ori reminded him, they had bolted when the trolls attacked. [Y/n] knew that she was faster than the others, but even she doubted she could outrun a pack of those warg thingies for a distraction.
''I'll draw 'em off,'' Radagast offered. He wasn't going to let a bunch of orcs get the better of him. Besides, he knew what he was doing, and the people with him were not going to get killed on his watch. Sure he loved animals more than anything but he couldn't let the gentle souls that were Bilbo, Bombur and [y/n] come to an end like this. And friends of Gandalf were friends of his.
''Those are Gundabad wargs. They will outrun you!'' Gandalf was concerned for his good friend. This didn't seem like a good plan at all. But what other choice did they have? ''These are Rhosgobel Rabbits!'' Radagast shot back. Gandalf should know to trust him better than this.
''I like to see 'em try,'' there was something in the way that he was looking that made [y/n] think that he was up to something. She had no clue about what kind of animals they were talking about, or why it mattered. But from the confidence that was radiating from Radagast, she knew that he had a good plan. So she trusted him.
''We should leave now we still got the distance between us,'' Gandalf knew that Thorin had a point, and a good one at that, but he couldn't help but worry for Radagast. ''Right then, let's move,'' Dori said leading the way. The group moved away from the cave and they could hear the sled being pulled away by the rabbits. ''Stay safe friend,'' Gandalf whispered to himself and was the last the get moving.
There had been so much running.
[Y/n] was honestly surprised with herself with how long she had been running for without breaks. Gandalf and her had been in front while the dwarves and hobbit ran behind them. At some point Gloin, Dwalin and Thorin managed to get slightly in front of Gandalf but were still far behind [y/n]. If they didn't know better they would have said that she had been part rabbit herself. And they could've sworn that they had seen her make a few leaps.
''[Y/n]! You know the way!'' Gandalf yelled out from behind them. Up till then, Gandalf had been the only one who had a clue to where they were running towards to. But he hadn't said it like he had meant for her to take the lead. It sounded more like a reminder to her. And when she realized what the reminder was about her eyes opened slightly.
In the distance, you could hear a 'woohoo' coming from Radagast himself. [Y/n] hated to admit it but she was slightly jealous of him. She knew that he was in a dangerous position and all but still, it looked like so much fun going so fast.
She nearly convinced herself that the only reason for mankind to exist was to go zooom.
It didn't help either that she had the Sonic theme song stuck in her head since they had started to run. She hadn't meant for it to happen, it just sort of did. She wanted to motivate herself to keep on running and told her self 'gotcha go fast' and then her brain just made the link.
Her eyes widen more when she saw the orcs and Radagast running past them slightly ahead. She tried stopping but it didn't go as she had planned. She dug her fingers into the ground as she started sliding across the ground. Quickly (and a bit clumsy) she got back on her legs again. ''Stay together,'' Gandalf warned as he saw his great-granddaughter nearly being caught. ''Move,'' Thorin ordered everybody as they started running off in the opposite direction of the hunting party again.
They ran past a big rocky formation sprouting from the ground when they could see the hunt again. ''Ori, no!'' Thorin had to quickly pull the dwarf back for he nearly gave away their position. Gandalf had pointed in a direction for the dwarves to start running again and they followed it without a doubt. ''Where are you leading us?'' Thorin was starting to get annoyed. He didn't enjoy being hunted. But he hated not knowing things more.
Gandalf didn't give him an answer and started running after the others. They hadn't run too far or they had seen the orcs again, but there was something wrong. One was missing. Quickly hiding as close as they could against another big rock formation they could hear the lost one being on top of it. Thorin looked at Kíli and gave him a look telling him to shoot it. And he was about to do so when a strong hand against his chest pushed him back in his place. He looked at the owner of the hand and saw [y/n].
''Kill the orc, I got the warg.''
He didn't know what it was, maybe it had been the serious tone in her whispering, but he found her voice alluring. He gave her a quiet nod and grabbed an arrow. He was going to get out of hiding and shoot the orc but [y/n] was quicker. She had left her hiding spot and let out a sharp whistle.
''Lookin' for somethin'?'' Her voice sounded dangerous and quiet. Gandalf looked at her with a pondering look. Something had happened and she had a plan, but he wasn't sure if he could trust it.
The orc ordered the warg to jump on the girl who had captured his attention. But his plan was quickly put to a stop when Kíli shot the orc through the head, instantly killing him. The warg was still going straight for the girl but she had a plan too. She quickly stepped out of its way and turned to look at it. The warg had quickly turned around as well and was growling at her. She held her dominant hand out with the palm facing the beast.
The dwarves couldn't see it from their position behind her, but her lips turned black and her mouth surrounded by black veins, that slowly faded the further away they were from her mouth. The only thing that they saw was that the warg's eyes turned completely black.
''Thluk gadhumurz staz!''
The words had left her mouth before she even realized what she was doing, or how she was doing it to begin with. Gandalf looked in slight shock. Since when did the girl he saw grow up speak that rotten language. And more importantly, where had she learn it?
The others hadn't recognized it just yet but she was speaking in Black Speech.
Thluk gadhumurz staz! = Enough foul beast!
Incase you don't know the Sonic theme song, here you go;
date: 16/01/2021
words: 5838
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