3. Getting to know you
Shortly after the little demonstration, the company had set off for the day. Gandalf walked next to [y/n], and [y/n] was making sure she wasn't going too fast for the older man. ''You sure you don't want to switch?'' was a question that she kept asking him. But he kept insisting on her to give her feet some rest and that he would be just fine. A bit of walking would be good for him.
Only it wasn't just a little bit. The company had a quest and who knew how long it would take to complete. But Gandalf took it day by day, and for today, for now, he would be fine. [Y/n] made him pinky promise that he would tell her when he would get tired. And when he would they would switch immediately.
The two staying somewhat in the middle on the pony conga line. The marching order being more or less; Thorin upfront, Balin, Oin, Dori, Bifur, Ori, Nori, [y/n] and Gandalf, Bilbo (who basically refused to wander away from Gandalf), Kíli and Fíli, Gloin, Bofur, Bombur and last but not least Dwalin.
Not that [y/n] had remembered their names yet. To her it looked more like; sour wolf, kind Santa, timmy trumpet, epic braided hair, skunk man (or axe man), polite knitter, triceratops, herself and Gandalf, 'Master' Boggins, the witcher with dark hair and a lovely smile, Asterix, Stoick the vast, Pippi Longstocking with dark hair, Obelix and as last the bald lumberjack.
Some nicknames are more accurate than others.
''I don't believe we ever got told your name Las!'' Bofur calls out from behind [y/n] making her turn around. ''Oh yes. I believe we glanced over that fact didn't we?'' she laughs softly at the silliness of it all, ''It would be [y/n].''
''Bofur!'' he called out again, making an effort to bow while trying not to fall off his pony, ''At your service!'' His theatrics making her smile, but she looked confused at the last phrase. ''At your service?'' she asked silently hoping that she wouldn't look like a fool in front of everybody.
''Formal way of introducing yourself Dear. Telling them you would help them in any way possible,'' Gandalf told her. ''What do you say back. You too?'' [y/n] looked down to meet Gandalf's eyes. '' 'At yours' is the general expected response,'' he gave her a little wink. [Y/n] was not familiar with the customs of Middle Earth, and it was quite enjoyable to watch the confusion form in her eyes if you were to ask Gandalf.
The others told their names with an ''at your service'' as well and a little bow. Except for the bald lumberjack and sour wolf, but Gandalf had whispered their names to her. ''You will have to excuse me, I am terrible with names so you might have to tell me again,'' [y/n] spoke loudly admitting her weakness. Some chuckles broke loose from the jolly dwarves.
Thorin told Balin to keep going and then send himself off to ride next to the newest addition to the company. ''Axe or sword? What is your weapon of choice?'' if he was forced to travel with her he might as well tried to get to know her a little better. [Y/n] looked at him with a pondering look, not sure what he was trying to get out of her. She was pretty sure that whatever she would answer he would not like it anyway, because it would come out of her mouth.
''Wits and fists?'' she replied unsure of her own answer, Thorin's face almost instantly turned more grumpy than before. She let out a sigh and looked ahead of her again. ''I do know how to hold a sword if you must know,'' her words slightly improving Thorin's mood. ''I have no practice with most weapons but I can swing a sword. I might not have technique but I am willing to learn. As for any practice with any weapon, I guess I would be most efficient with a bow.''
The longer answer was certainly more of what Thorin was looking for but he was still not satisfied. But that is okay. [Y/n] had made peace with the fact that he and Dwalin would probably never accept her. And the sooner she had accepted that the more at inner peace she was, not having to worry about their opinions of her.
''So where you from?'' Nori pipes up. ''Oh...uhm,'' not knowing how to answer [y/n] looked down at Gandalf for help. Gandalf shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'Tell them whatever'. Seeing as he was not much of a help she rolled his eyes before answering, ''Far away''. ''We got that much,'' Gloin joins into the conversation. Normally they would have been talking to whoever was closes to them, but they were all interested to know more about the las.
''Neither Land,'' is what [y/n] decided to keep it at, once more causing more confusion than giving answers. ''Neither land?'' Bilbo asks raising an eyebrow, not believing her for a second. ''Yeah. Ya know. Neither here nor there,'' [y/n] was laying on the lie thicker. How was she supposed to tell them she was from a different world where all of them were fictional characters. That just isn't an easy thing to do.
''She will tell you when she chooses. For now, you will have to do with Neither Land.''
Thank the skies for Gandalf being on your side. ''How are we suppose to trust her when we don't know where she's from?'' Oin had gotten a bit frustrated. ''A place does not define a person Master Dwarf,'' Gandalf defended [y/n] once more, sending a cheeky wink her way. ''I'll promise to answer any questions I can honestly, if that helps calm your nerves?'' [y/n] tried avoiding people arguing.
After this is was basically just the dwarves and Bilbo bombarding her with questions. Most of the questions were the standard regular questions you would ask any new friends. Things like your favourite colour or favourite meal. But there were a few that stood out.
Nori started it off strong with ''If you couldn't be convinced of any type of crime, what criminal charge would you like to be immune to?'' Getting a kleptomaniac feeling from him [y/n] looked at him slightly concerned before answering. ''Stealing,'' was an easy and simple answer but if done correctly it could cause so much chaos. Stealing was a broad concept and if she was able to do it freely without any consequences, why not?
Balin had kept it more friendly and was showing general curiosity when he asked her what riddles she knew. [Y/n] had to think about this one for a while. ''The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?'' was the first one she settled on. She told him to tell her the answer when he thought he knew, putting no pressure on him. ((Answer will be at the end of the chapter for the curious souls amongst us))
Bilbo was the one that followed next. ''What was the most unusual place you have been?'' this one was also a thinker for [y/n]. After having a bit of a thought she let out a small laugh. ''I guess where ever you lot take me,'' her answer making the company laugh as well.
''What do you think you are much better at than you actually are?'' Gloin decided to ask with a smirk on his face. This one wasn't hard for [y/n] at all. ''That would be juggling,'' she replied with a bit of a chuckle. ''How so?'' Bilbo got curious, ''Well throwing something in the air is easy. But to actually juggle in a skill. A skill that I do not possess.''
Ori had a bit of a puzzled look on his face before he knew what he wanted to ask. ''What's your cure for hiccups?'' it seemed like a silly and random question. But then again, so had the previous questions been. ''I don't really think I have one,'' [y/n] laughs it off. ''I guess just wait it out?''
Kíli asks what the funniest joke is that she knew by heart. [Y/n] starts chuckling and needs some time to calm herself down before she could tell the joke. Much to the dismay of the dwarves. ''Okay, okay. Have you heard about the new inn in town called Karma? There is no menu; you get what you deserve,'' it took them a while to get the joke but in the end, the company had a good laugh. Except Dwalin and Thorin, those stone-cold faced bastards.
One of Oin's questions was when it had been the last time that she had told somebody ''I told you so''. It had been the day that [y/n] had bought herself 3 new books and her friends had told her that she couldn't possibly finish those within the weekend. They had agreed that the 48 hours period would start as soon as she read the first word of the first book. [Y/n] had set a stopwatch on her phone to keep the time. At the end of the weekend, she showed her friends the books, telling them what they were about and brought 2 more books along. One of them still had a bookmark inside. ''I had some time to spare,'' she had told them, making her friends wonder if she even took time to sleep or eat anything in that 48 hours period.
Needless to say, she had left out to part about the whole stopwatch and phone part to her traveling comrades. It would take too long to explain and it would probably only raise more question marks.
Bombur got curious about what the worst thing was that [y/n] had eaten out of politeness. Shivers ran down her spine as the memory started to haunt her. It had been on a summer camp where they had served her least favourite food, peas. But her mum had made her promise she would behave and be nice. So she ate them and told the camp leaders with the biggest smile ever that it had been delicious. That would probably be the biggest lie she would ever tell anybody. The company had a good laugh when her face twisted into one of pure disgust, she could nearly taste the peas again.
Fíli had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes when it became his turn to ask a question. ''What confuses you the most about males?'' the better part of the group started groaning and complaining. They could have known that one of the brothers would ask a rather inappropriate question. [Y/n] looked over with a smug look on her face ''Their inability to grow up.'' She had thrown a cheeky wink in there as well when she saw the somewhat shocked face of Fíli. Ask for the truth and it will be delivered.
Dori wanted to know what the dumbest thing was that she and somebody else had ever argued about. Although this had been a thinker again, it wasn't that difficult. The moment that she had to explain to a full-grown adult woman that chocolate milk did not come from brown cows stuck out to her like a soar thumb. But [y/n] couldn't say that because she wasn't sure if chocolate milk was a thing here in Middle Earth, so she picked something else.
''Well there was this one time..,'' she had started, adjusting her grip on the reins a bit better. ''Where my brother and I were arguing about who should be doing the dishes. It honestly went on for far too long,'' she shook her head in disapproval thinking back at it. ''It was pointless. And when mum came back home and the dishes had yet to be done we were both in deep trouble.''
Bofur had a rather interesting question. He got curious if there was any language that [y/n] wanted to speak. She rubs her chin to make it look like she had to think about it ''Well I have heard stories about how lovely Khuzdul, your language, is.'' At this all dwarves perked up with interest. Was she serious? ''But I also have heard that you guys keep that secret to your own kin and keep it secret for the rest of the world. Now that information could be wrong,'' which is wasn't, ''So I guess it will stay just that. A wish.''
Bifur was the last one to voice his question. He had used a combination between Iglishmêk, dwarvish sign language, and Khuzdul to do this. Sadly [y/n] did not speak Iglishmêk either and had to ask Gandalf to help translate. ''He is asking what makes your eyes roll every time you hear it?''
Now this had been the most question of all in [y/n]'s opinion. Sure she had to think some of the others as well, and she did know plenty of things that made her annoyed. But to actually roll her eyes as her first reaction upon hearing it, she had to dig deeper into her memories.
''Maybe..,'' she started murmuring to herself, every dwarf and hobbit waiting for her answer. Yes, even Dwalin and Thorin. They might not like the girl, but they had to do something. And listening to somebody else's perspective of things and talking about memories was something.
''Ah, yes,'' it seemed that the Earthling girl had made up her mind. ''Being in a relationship if fine and all, but when couples use 'Babe' as their 'cute nicknames' is honestly wants me to throw up on the spot.'' At this point, it started to become the norm to get more confused by [y/n]'s answers. She spoke in such a weird way, even Gandalf was not completely used to it.
''What's 'Babe'?'' whispered Ori to Nori. Nori gave him a shrug, ''I've got no clue.'' [Y/n] could hear them whisper, and realized that she had slipped up. Not wanting to dig the hole any deeper she decided to act like she didn't hear the question, her head pointing forwards.
The dwarves had started to talk amongst themselves again, giving [y/n] a break from their attention. Dwalin would never admit it himself but he was starting to like the las. The way that you could hear her smile and happiness through her words, and how her eyes seemed to light up at the simplest of things. And let's forget about the funny faces she pulls when she thinks of something disgusting. He didn't trust her, but he didn't hate her either. She brought a different kind of jolly along with her. It was refreshing.
As soon as everybody went back to their own conversation [y/n] started daydreaming. What could she possibly be daydreaming about, she already was in a world filled with magic and bizarre creatures. What more could she want? But [y/n] didn't care where she was at the moment, as long as she could keep her mind of this one thing that was plaguing her thoughts.
Gandalf looked over at [y/n]'s face and saw a distant smile coming up on her face. She looked so at peace when she was lost in the world inside her head. Knowing her, she was probably thinking about how it would be to fly on a dragon or a massive bird. Maybe even a gryphon. Gandalf had still felt bad about summoning her at such an inconvenient time for her, but she seemed to enjoy herself more now. Deep down he knew she was still grieving and that it would probably take a while for her to back to how she was before. But that was alright, he could be patient with her.
The company of Thorin Oakenshield had traveled quite the distance since their starting point. [Y/n] had gotten off the horse as she felt like she could use some exercise herself. ''A little walk has never killed anyone,'' she would tell herself. Besides sitting 'still' for so long had made her want to close her eyes. She hoped that walking would be enough to keep her awake. Gandalf had gladly taken her place on the horse's back, his feet now beginning to feel sore.
The walking order had slightly been changed, [y/n], Gandalf and Bilbo now behind Thorin, having abandoned their spot in the middle. [Y/n] had a faster walking speed than Gandalf has, and so she found herself walking next to Thorin and his pony. Thorin looked her way, after the little question game she had seemed to keep to herself.
She would talk to Gandalf for a little bit before she would keep quiet again. But when Thorin took in her features he saw that her face looked all serious, something he had not seen her do before.
It didn't suit her.
''What's wrong?'' [y/n] looked at him a bit startled, not expecting him to talk to her. ''It's going to be raining soon. And lots of it,'' she spoke her eyes wandering to the sky above. ''Will probably not stop for a while, might even go as long as to the next day,'' Thorin looked at her puzzled. How would she know if it was going to rain? It made no sense, the sky was blue, barely any clouds visible. ''And how, exactly, would you know that?'' he hadn't meant for it to sound so rude, but he was not fond of liars.
[Y/n] brought her gaze back down and stared into Thorin pale blue eyes, did he always looks so annoyed by everyone? Or was it just when he looked at her that he instantly became annoyed? Not seeing a reason to be serious or in any kind of dampening mood, she smiled at him and gave him a wink. ''My Papa thought me a trick. Said it would help me figure out if it was going to storm or not. Over the years I learned how to be on the lookout for rain as well.''
Thorin didn't show it but she had surprised him. She didn't look like she was joking and her tone sounded sincere. But he just couldn't wrap his head around it. How could somebody possibly know if the weather was going to change for the worse?
Not expecting any kind of come back from Thorin she started walking slightly in front of him. She had quite enjoyed herself so far, the unwanted encounters with the sour royalty not polluting the one of a kind experience. It was good to be back in nature again, away from the human destruction of her own world. It was refreshing to hear the sounds of the animals as they went past.
[Y/n] kept up front for the rest of the day, but she didn't wander too far for she did not know the way. If there was a path that would split in multiple directions she would wait for Thorin to show the way. In the beginning, he had just looked annoyed (which she was beginning to think was maybe just his resting face) but the more she kept doing it, the more he looked like he wasn't bothered at all.
He had started to point the way in which they needed to go when she would look back at him. And if she wandered a bit too far ahead for his liking, he would call out her name and she would wait for them on her spot.
Meanwhile, Bilbo had started to wonder why they were following Thorin to lead the way to their destination. Was this not the same dwarf that had lost his way twice in search of Bag End?
As [y/n] had told Thorin the skies brought down everything that they had. They had been lucky to find a spot saved from the downfall by the overhanging mountain wall. Camp had been set up and Bofur was helping Bombur make the food.
Bofur had a cheeky smile on his face before he started humming a tune. The other dwarves recognized the song and started laughing, much to Bilbo's dismay. ''Is that really necessary?!'' the annoyed tone leaving the normally happy hobbit's mouth confused [y/n].
''Have I missed something?'' she asked the dwarf closes to her, what happened to be Gloin. ''Oh yes! It was mighty fun, you should've been there Las,'' he told her with a big smile as he thought back to what happened. ''How could she, she arrived after,'' Gandalf spoke with a hint of enjoyment in his voice.
After hearing these words the group had realized the huge amount of fun that she had missed out of. ''I didn't think it was that funny,'' [y/n] could hear 'Master' Boggins mumble. ''Then maybe you can tell me what happened?'' she asked him softly as she knelt down so he could look at her without having to break his neck for once.
Bilbo thought she was quite thoughtful but he did feel a bit patronized. He was going to answer her but the dwarves had started to sing that awful song again.
[incase the video can not play for whatever reason, it is the song they sing when Bilbo tells them off for blunting his knives]
[Y/n] had stood still while they sang, her eyes filled with child-like wonder. She looked around in amazement and the biggest smile anyone had seen her make so far, as the dwarves were having the times of their lives. She thought she had seen Thorin and Dwalin have fun as well. Bilbo however wished that they would stop.
[Y/n] looked next to her, considering she was still kneeling down, and saw the very aggravated hobbit. She gave him a soft and light push with her first on his shoulder, making him look at her. ''It's better to keep a positive attitude and laugh about small misfortunes,'' she spoke trying to lighten his mood.
''If you have a positive outlook on life it seems more fun living. Or so I have been told,'' Bilbo didn't know if it was the words that she spoke, or the calm and reassuring voice that she used, but it made him feel better.
Seeing him relax a bit more [y/n] gave him a smile before walking over to Pippi Longstocking and Obelix, wanting to help them prepare the food for the others. The three of them shared happy laughter as they were preparing the food, the rest of the company either looking after the ponies or unpacking their stuff.
Once the food was ready and everybody was eating, [y/n] found herself sitting on the cold stone ground in conversation with Ori, Bofur, Gloin and Dori. She had learned that the knitted pieces that some of her comrades were wearing came from Ori. He was very skilled in it and it gave him pleasure to make the pieces. Gloin had told her proudly about his wife and son, Gimli, and the unforgettable moments he shared with them. He seemed like a great dad in her eyes.
Dori hadn't said much yet, enjoying the company of the others in silence. Bofur joined into the conversation from time to time with funny remarks. [Y/n] loved hearing stories and different perspectives from people. It was always interesting to hear what other people did in their lives.
The five of them were laughing at one of Bofur's jokes when Gandalf came over with his gaze on [y/n]. ''I hate to interrupt but I would like to speak with our lovely maiden,'' Gandalf's words confusing the poor girl. Since when did he speak like that? Had she done something? She stood up, bringing her plate and cutlery along to where Gandalf had let her to speak.
She stayed quiet as he was the one that wanted to speak with her. ''You need sleep child,'' Gandalf looked like a concerned parent. ''Yeah I know,'' [y/n] moved her gaze from Gandalf to her plate and she started pushing around what little food was left on it, ''I've tried.'' Gandalf could see that there was something that was bothering her, and it was probably the reason as to why she had trouble getting rest.
''It's just-,'' she started to answer his unspoken question but choked on her words. She didn't know how to bring it up. The problem was silly and possibly quite childish. It shouldn't have been a problem, but it was. ''Just what?'' Gandalf pushed slightly after it had been a bit since she spoke.
[Y/n]'s eyebrows furrowed and a pout found its way on her lips, she felt like a small child who got busted in a lie and is made to tell the truth. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, it was better to just tell him. He would have never stopped bothering her about it if she didn't.
''I've got nothing to hold.''
It seemed so stupid, such a small thing had kept her awake for the better part of 3 nights. But it was the truth. ''Back at my place I got a big fluffy duvet that I can hold close to me or a pillow,'' she explains before the wizard could ask her more questions. ''But the blanket I got here is just not thick enough,'' [y/n] had kept her eyes on the now cold food on her plate, feeling too ridiculous to look at Gandalf.
Gandalf stood silently as the gears in his head were turning. His eyes got a mischievous glinster in them when he looked at [y/n] with a smirk. ''There seem to be enough walking pillows around these parts,'' if [y/n] would have been drinking something she would have spit it out. He can't be serious. She looked at him like he had just shot her, hoping to hear ''I'm only joking'' quite shortly.
But it didn't come.
''Gandalf you can't be serious! I can't just ask them to-,'' [y/n] spoke to him through her teeth. She wanted to yell but didn't want to draw attention to her either. This idea was ridiculous but it might have been the last one that she could try. She had tried to sleep while holding her backpack but to no avail. She needed something soft that she could occasionally squeeze.
She had gotten used to the warmth of the small kids, that she used to babysit, using her belly as a pillow. And how they would snuggle up against her arms. And maybe the comfort it brought along with it. She hadn't realized that before she was babysitting the kids she would be fine without something to hold. But since then it had become second nature to hold something in her arms while she slept.
And besides her best efforts to not drawn attention to herself the two young princes had heard her anyway. ''Can't ask us what?'' the entire camp now looking at the tall pair. Her eyes widen up at the question and she is quick to hit Gandalf in his belly with the back of her hand. She glared at him, her eyes threatening him to not say a word. [Y/n] thought this was all a big hoo-ha over nothing, but Gandalf was enjoying it. He found it quite amusing.
''[Y/n] here has trouble falling asleep lately,'' Gandalf would have kept going if it wasn't for [y/n] yelling sharply his name, drowning his voice out. [Y/n] was about to drag the wizard out into the rain and away from the camp but he was quicker.
''Would one of you mind cuddling with her?''
Fíli and Kíli looked at each other shrugging. They saw her as a lovely lady and didn't see the harm in it. They both enjoyed her company so why not. Gloin had missed sleeping next to a woman but didn't want to do it out of respect for his wife. Oin thought that Gandalf had asked if one of them could muddle her, which made him terribly confused. Balin and Dori were both shaking their heads slightly, Gandalf had no right embarrassing the las like that.
Bofur and Bifur didn't see the problem with it either, they thought it was quite funny. Bilbo seemed to feel more embarrassed than [y/n] herself in this situation and his face was bright red. Bombur would love to but he was afraid he would hurt her during the night, scared he might be too heavy to cuddle with, so he kept quiet. Ori and Nori looked at each other confused, she still slept with a teddy bear?
The silence was unbearable and [y/n] would have punched Gandalf as hard as she could, hadn't it been for her caring nature and concern that she might break his bones. She was going to tell the others that it was nothing and that Gandalf was just messing around, but a sound she had never heard before rang loudly through the air.
It was Dwalin laughing.
He couldn't believe what the wizard asked. Had she seriously needed somebody to hold her at night? ''How pathetic,'' he couldn't help himself, he was laughing like it had been the funniest thing somebody had ever told him. The group had looked over at him, instead of the girl, they had heard him laugh before just not like this.
[Y/n] hadn't cared about his opinion before, not everybody would like her and that was okay, but this was cruel. She had done nothing to deserve the way he was treating her. She wanted to yell at him to shut up and leave her be, stomp over and kick him down in the ground and break his nose. And she would have, hadn't it been for the tidal wave of sadness that had come over her making her eyes tear up.
She should have lied to Gandalf, told him she just missed her bed. Anything but the truth. If she had she wouldn't be in this situation right now. If it hadn't been for that stupid wizard none of this would have happened! She would have been back in her house, she would have been back in the life that she had worked so hard for the have. But, no. He just had to intervene, didn't he?
Thorin watched as all of this went down, he thought it was a silly question and probably one of the old wizards jokes, but guessing from the girl's reaction it wasn't. It had been an honest question, and a quite vulnerable one at that. He hadn't been able to trust the las yet, but Dwalin's behavior was unacceptable.
He had taken one look at the las' face, one that looked nearly broken, and something deep down in him made him do it. He used one of his arms and gave Dwalin a harsh push with all his might, making him tumble onto the ground. ''That's quite enough,'' he murmured standing up for somebody he barely even knew over one of his own.
Everybody stood perplexed at how the situation got handled. Nobody would have guessed that Thorin would ever do something like that. [Y/n] had found her voice back at the weird display of, what she thought was, affection coming from Thorin. ''It's alright,'' she broke the silence, ignoring the last tears that were still going down her face, the source of them being dry again.
''It came from the dwarf that cuddles his axe in his sleep.'' Now it was the rest of the group that was laughing loudly, even Thorin had a smirk on his face, 'So she can defend herself after all.' Bilbo and Gandalf had tried concealing their chuckles but it didn't really help.
''Good one Lassie!''
[Y/n] hadn't said it in hopes that it would embarrass the big strong dwarf, she had done it to stand up for herself. Dwalin got himself off the ground and stood like it never even happened. ''Nothing strange about that. Perfectly natural,'' he grumbled but the others were too busy laughing to hear it.
After this, the company was mainly rowdier than ever before and were making fun of each other. They couldn't just let the girl have all the fun. Gandalf's question not quite forgotten just yet.
[Y/n] took one look at the merry bunch and smiled slightly. She did love the mood that they brought along, but it wasn't the easiest bunch to befriend, that was for sure. And currently, there were only two things on her mind.
The first one being that she could try to fall asleep earlier than everybody else. Maybe that way she would have a normal night's sleep for once. It would still take forever for her to fall asleep, but the sooner the better.
The other thought was that she needed to kill Gandalf when she had the opportunity.
Unbeknownst to her, there was one thought going through the heads of the company. When they would go to bed, they would lay down right next to her. Balin and Dori weren't sure of it at first but everybody was doing it then what was the harm. Kíli and Fíli were able to convince their uncle to join as well, even if it only was for one night.
Bilbo still felt embarrassed but Bofur wouldn't let him sleep somewhere else. Gloin was doing it out of the kindness in his heart, a heart that would always belong to his wonderful wife. Thorin had ordered Dwalin to be the first on watch before his nephews dragged him towards the nearly sleeping lady.
[Y/n] had closed her eyes and was nearly asleep when she felt this blanket of warmth surround her from almost every angle. That had been the last little comfort she had needed to drift off to sleep.
Gandalf smiled at himself as he saw the result of his actions.
a/n the last bit got inspired by some art I saw at ereborbound.tumblr.com and I just had to add it in
answer: footsteps
date: 14/01/2021
words: 5703
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