iv. too much information
( warning —
sexual harassment )
"I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY DID THAT!" Daisy huffed, her arms crossed as she leans against the wall beside the Diaz doorframe. Daisy and Juliet were here to pick up Miguel and take him for a ride after Kyler and his goons beat him up in the boys locker room.
"You really can't believe it?" Juliet asked, knocking on the door and stepping back as they hear footsteps approach.
"No, no, I definitely believe it."
"Can I help you?" A soft female voice said as the door opens. Both girls jaws slightly dropped as a view of who they believe is Miguel's mom came into view. Miguel seemed to have forgot to inform them how flawless his mom is.
Juliet snapped out of it first, sending the woman a toothy smile. "Yes, hello. Um, we're friends of Miguel's and we heard what happened and were wondering if he wanted to hang out? You know, cheer him up a bit."
"Of course!" Carmen said happily, feeling very confident that this is not at all Karate related, opening the door for the two girls to come in. "He's in his room."
"Thank you," Juliet smiled walking into the apartment as Daisy followed, seemingly in a trance. They took their shoes off and followed Carmens directions to Miguel's room and knocked on the door. After they heard a soft 'come in' the two burst through the door, causing the teenage boy to jump in shock. "Get your ass up! We're going for a drive!"
"I—what?" Miguel blinked at them, not moving.
"You didn't tell me your mom was so hot," Daisy said as she hopped to lay in the bed beside him.
"Daisy, no."
"No, your mom is really hot. Like, really hot." Juliet said casually, starting to look through the boys stuff.
"Not you too," Miguel groaned, leaning back with a huff. "And I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to sit here all day and wallow in my misery."
"Well to fucking bad," Juliet threw a pair of boxers at him— rolling her eyes as Miguel moves to hide his underwear with a blush on his face. "They're literally shorts. Calm yourself. Anyways, Daisy was having a mental breakdown thinking that everyone hates her, and you got your ass beat, so we are killing two birds with one stone and having some fun."
"Ugh, fine," Miguel rolled out of bed, though his foot was caught in the sheet, which took that and Daisy down to the floor with him. "Sorry, Daisy."
"It's fine. Aw, your underwear has little ducks on them."
"Okay, wait in the hall! Both of you."
"IS THIS ALL YOU GUYS DO?" MIGUEL ASKED FROM HIS SPOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BACK SEAT. They have been driving around in Juliet's older brothers truck for over four hours, getting food and stopping for bathroom breaks. It's actually been a lot of fun for the Diaz boy— they saved him from a day of self loathing and overthinking about running into his bully's the next day.
"Pretty much, yeah." Daisy shrugged, leaning back in her seat and sipping on her iced coffee. "We're gonna have to look for a bathroom soon. Coffee gives me the shits."
"You got it, baby." Juliet hummed, taking a left so they were on the way to the only public bathroom she knows Daisy would ever poop in— the McDonalds bathroom, but only a specific one. It is always surprisingly spotless.
Miguel looked between the two in slight surprise. He has never really had girl friends before, and he definitely wasn't expecting this. For some reason he didn't think girls could fart— and for someone who grew up with two woman that is very concerning. So the amount of times that Juliet and Daisy fart and laugh, or say 'good one' was very shocking for the Diaz boy.
"Let's share secrets, because Miguel, love you already, but I do not know anything about you." Juliet said honestly, keeping her eyes on the rode.
"Oh, I don't really have any."
"I'll go!" Daisy clapped, "I want to be able to masturbate with out crying."
"Oh, that's a good one!" Juliet nodded in agreement, "I cry too. Miguel, do you cry when you masturbate?"
The Diaz boy blinked, staring straight forward and avoiding eye contact. "I don't like this topic. I'll change it. Um, I am virgin."
"Yeah, that's obvious."
"What? It's not an insult. I am too, so is Daisy. And Eli and Demetri, obviously."
"Really?" Miguel asked— more so shocked that the two girls were virgins. Demetri basically told them he and Eli were during their first conversation.
"I don't get why it's such a surprise," Daisy laughed lightly. "The idea of anything going inside of me scares me. Even if it's just someone's fingers— hell, I can't even put a tampon in! Also, I for some reason think their are cameras everywhere and I'm gonna end up on porn hub. I wish I was kidding... I have issues."
"She thought there was a camera in her dog stuffed animal (even though she literally made it herself) and ripped it up then cried for a week." Juliet explained, a small smile on her face. "And I'm just waiting for the right person, personally. I have nothing against those who sleep with a bunch of people, you do you, I respect you, honestly. I'm just not in a rush."
"Also, the term losing your virginity is so fucking stupid." The McMaster girl huffed, "Like what are we losing? It's so stupid. Also why are teens sex lives so sexualized on TV? It's so weird. Why are they never in college?"
"Riverdale?" Miguel asked.
"Yeah," Juliet scoffed, "Why'd Betty strip in front of a bunch of grown men? What was the reason? Why couldn't they just beat her up?"
"Jesus, Jules."
"She's right," Daisy shrugged. "They beat up Jughead? It's sexism. I watched a documentary on the male gaze yesterday, and I learned why I'm not attracted to many female characters in media that were directed by men."
"Harley Quinn in 'Birds of Prey' versus 'Suicide Squad'?" The two girls looked back at the Diaz boy in surprise that he knew exactly what they were going on about. "My Yaya said the same thing... I don't think she's straight."
"Your Yaya is a smart woman. Tell her I said that. Also tell her I'm single."
"Daisy... no."
"What? Have you seen your mom? She's got to get the looks from somewhere, and doubt it was man."
THE library so that Daisy (who was sitting on her own) could hear her. She quickly got shushed by the librarian who glared at her, she just glared back.
The black haired girl waited for the librarian to be out of sight before she spoke, "I have to study, and you guys will distract me." She has a science test next period and instead of studying over the weekend, she spent Saturday crying for literally no reason, and Sunday out with Miguel and Juliet— Priorities.
"Ugh, fine!"
"Don't flip me off!"
"I'm flipping you off twice!" Juliet raised both of her middle fingers.
Daisy just laughed and looked at the time on her phone, seeing that there are only thirty minutes left before class. With her eyes focused on the textbook, she didn't notice Samantha LaRusso approach her table and take a seat across from her.
"We should move closer," Juliet whispered to Miguel as she looked over at her best friend.
"We're not spying on Daisy."
"Why not?" Miguel gave her a look. "Damn, why are you all so moody today?"
"Hello," Sam said hesitantly. Smiling awkwardly at the wide eyed look she received from the McMaster girl. "I—I just wanted to apologize about the dance. I, um, I apologized to Aisha this morning— she didn't expect it, which I understand. I've been horrible. And I want to change my ways."
"Okay," Daisy smiled before looking back down.
"...That's it?"
"Oh, sorry!" The black haired girl laughed. "I'm just a bit distracted, I have a science test next period. So what did you say? Because I tuned out after hello?"
"Oh," Sam laughed too, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She's very relieved that Daisy doesn't seem to be mad at her anymore. "I just said how sorry I am about how acted on Friday. I apologized to Aisha, and she didn't accept it. But I have to show I'm sorry. Not just say it. So I'm gonna work on that."
"Well I accept your apology." It got silent as Daisy looked back down at her work and Sam sat there, anxiously tapping her foot. "So—"
"Would you like to go on a date with me?!" The LaRusso girl shouted out quickly, causing the library to go silent. Both girls shared a wide eyed look, not wanting to look around and see how many eyes were on them. Daisy's friends looked over in surprise from where they were being tormented by Brucks and Kyler. "Um, sorry. Uh, would you want to go on a date sometime?"
"Yes, I would love that." Daisy smiled shyly, a blush on her face.
"Okay, great! Yes! I will text you later!" Sam got up, grabbed her bag and skipped away, a huge grin on her face.
Daisy was left in a similar state. She looked back down out her notes, ready to get back to studying, but the bell range. She groaned, throwing her head back in annoyance before quickly packing up her stuff. She of definitely not getting a good mark on her test.
"OH, SHIT!" DAISY GASPED AS SHE TRIPPED AS SHE AND SAM WALKED DOWN THE AISLE LOOKING FOR THEIR SEATS. She let out a breath of relief when Sam caught her before she could hit the ground— face planting on the first date wouldn't be the best start to a possible relationship. Sam texted her after school on Monday and they planned a date for Friday (which is today) to see 'Lady Bird'.
"You good?" Sam giggled as she helped steady the girl. Once Daisy nodded, they moved to their seats that where at the end of the aisle— Daisy only ever sits at the end because the amount of times she usually has to pee during the movie is always embarrassing. The less people she has to climb over the better. "What's this movie even about?"
"I honestly have no idea," Daisy laughed, leaning back into her seat to get comfortable. "I didn't watch the trailer. I just know it's directed by a woman, so it should be good."
"Oh, you gotta be shitting me?" Sam whispered, her mood switching from excitement to annoyance in a millisecond when her eyes landed on who was walking down their aisle.
"What?" The McMaster girl sat up a bit to see, blinking as she tried to process the fact that Kyler is taking a seat beside Sam with Brucks on the other side. The two girls shared a wide eyed look, both seeming to have the same thought— the moment the lights turn off, run.
"Hey lesbians," Kyler greeted them with a disgusting smirk as Brucks laughed.
Sam and Daisy didn't answer, linking hands as they stared forward at the screen, pretending to be very interested in the no phones during a movie ad. Of course, the boy didn't appreciate the lack of response, grabbing Sam's arm and pulling her closer to him. This caused Daisy to freeze slightly— knowing she has to do something but not knowing what to do.
"What the fuck, Kyler!" Sam shouted, pushing his arm away and scooting closer to Daisy.
"How about you answer me when I'm talking to you?"
Sam scoffed, "What do you want, Kyler?" She looked over at the black haired girl, frowning in concern at how much Daisy was shaking. Daisy has never encountered Kyler outside of school— She runs into Yasmine and Moon a lot, but they don't really have a problem with her or Juliet so they usually just ignore each other.
"Nothing, just wanted to see a movie." Kyler and Brucks shared a knowing look that made them both very uncomfortable and definitely feel unsafe. In that moment, Daisy snapped out of her frozen state and grabbed her phone and sent her location to the group chat she was in with Eli, Demetri, Miguel, and Juliet. After that she sent an SOS text. Her and Sam walked here since the day was so nice, and it would be safest to walk out with a group. Even if nothing does happen, it's best to be safe.
Sam linked hands with Daisy, knowing that she would beat the shit out of Kyler if she had too— actually at this point it's tempting to just beat him up for fun. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kyler's hand inching closer to her until it landed on her thigh. She looked down at it and then at Daisy who was quietly packing her things. As the hand started to slide up her thigh and under her dress, Sam didn't hesitate to elbow him in the teeth, "Run!" She grabbed Daisy's arm to pull her up and the two sprinted out of the theatre, though they could hear footsteps behind them, meaning the two boys were following.
The moment they made it into the lobby, they looked around in panic. Daisy almost shit herself in relief when she saw Miguel enter the theatre quickly with a very familiar blond man standing behind him. Without a second thought, she ran over to the two, letting go of Sam's hand to jump into a shocked Miguel's arms.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She mumbled, over and over again into the boys shoulder as tears slid down her face.
"What were they planning?" Sam asked in disgust as she saw Kyler and Brucks meet up with the rest of their group of sleaze-bags. She knew that she could have taken on two, but all of them (there were at least ten people) would have been complicated, especially if she was scared.
"I feel like I know," Miguel mumbled, glaring at the group of boy as he held onto the shaking girl.
Johnny looked at the two girls, recognizing the one in the pink dress as Daniel LaRusso's daughter. But that wasn't important right now as he looked over at the group of boys who were staring them down. Though, the moment they saw Johnny, they quickly took their leave. He would love to beat them up, but he can't be getting arrested again.
Daisy moved away from Miguel and threw her arms around Sam, who hugged her back tightly. "I'm so sorry," She mumbled in her ear.
"What are you sorry for?" Sam asked, her own tears falling.
"I don't know. I hope Kyler dies."
"Me too, Angel. Me too."
Miguel cleared his throat to get their attention. "We'll give you guys a ride to be safe."
"Thank you," Sam smiled gratefully.
"She wreaked my car!"
"What?" Miguel tilted his head in confusion at Johnny's angry face and Sam's guilty one.
"That was Yasmine not me."
"Uh huh," Johnny rolled his eyes, starting to walk towards the exit. He turns back around to look at the three teens who weren't moving. "Move your asses!"
"Yes Sensei!" Miguel shouted, running to catch up with the man.
"Want to go to my house and watch sad movies?" Daisy asked, her arm wrapped around Sam's waist.
"There is nothing I would rather do."
Sam had just left and Daisy was getting ready for bed when she got a call from her best friend. "I know you're gonna freak out anyways. So take a deep breath." Juliet did as told. "Okay, Kyler is telling everyone that he had a threesome with you and Sam and that you guys let Brucks watch."
Daisy quickly sat up in bed, her eyes wide and jaw dropped. Her brain seemed to freeze for a moment as she couldn't think of anything to say.
"It's obvious it's not true. And most people would know that, but teenagers are stupid so they probably will believe it. Hello? Day? Are you okay? I'm coming over." With that Juliet hung up.
"...I hate my life."
Authors Note
— i know season one of cobra Kai came other in 2017 and Birds of Prey came out in 2020... but I don't really care lol
— I hate Kyler 😀🖕
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