(Another Long Chapter Enjoyy (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) )

Izuku POV:

So, it's been a few months since I've seen that Shigaraki guy. I've gave some thought and I've decided that I'll continue becoming a hero. I'm not going for the fame or money. I don't care for that. I just want to be there for everyone and make them happy. I'm sure Kacchan wants that too.

Oh! Speaking of Kacchan. After a conquering a large amount of courage, I've finally decided to tell him about the gang and bully incident, including meeting Shigaraki. He was really surprised but happy I didn't choose to be a villain. I don't know, it kinda hurt when he said that but that was a few months ago. He didn't say anything about the incident but I can tell he was uncomfortable. His eyes was screaming never to mention that ever again. Lucky for him, I plan not to ever.

Now, it's almost the end of middle school! Before than, the bullying cease to continue but it doesn't happen that often. They don't come and physically abuse me, all they do is tease me. Most of them are afraid of me since that... incident... Uh, yea. So, that's fun.

But now! We're in class and the teacher stopped teaching to announce something.

" So, it came to me that school is ended and everyone here has to apply for what kind of high school you all want to go to. But, I guess all of you already know where you're going, now do you?" Everyone cheered except me and Kacchan.

The teacher chuckled, " Alright, alright then, settle down now. Let's see here, Mr. Bakugou Katsuki, you applied for U.A. High? Huh. No surprise there." The others gasped and awed at Kacchan.

" Wow! Bakugo, in Ua? He will definitely get in with a quirk like his!"

Kacchan smirk and laughed, " Hah! Of course I'm going to Ua and none of you extras are going to stop me from becoming number 1!"

I sweat-dropped as I heard my name being called out. " Ah! Midoriya Izuku, you also applied for Ua too." The class was silenced before everyone cept Kacchan bursted out laughing.

" Deku? In Ua? Hah! Don't make us laugh even more! "

" He doesn't have a quirk! He'd die within the first few step into Ua!"

I looked down in shame. They still think I'm quirkless... I looked up, " W-well, I heard that they're accepting quirkless people in Ua!" They laughed more. I looked at Kacchan for help. He stood up and yelled at them.

" Hey! Y'all extras still really think Deku has no quirk?! Hah! His quirk is amazing, and Deku, here, will be the number 1 hero right behind me. So, you extras are going to be sorry once you see him on television, in Ua, right beside me!" That shut everyone up. The teacher cleared his throat and continued to teach class.

Once the teacher was done with his lecture, the school bell rung and school was over. Kacchan walked over to me and told me that he'll wait for me at the school's gates and left.

As I was packing up, someone grabbed my notebook filled with heroes. Looked to see who it was. It was a girl with strawberry blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. Her name's Kaori Vanessa. She's really beautiful from the outside but seriously ugly and mean from the inside. Her quirk is firecrackers. Similar to Kacchan's, but it's fireworks instead of explosions.

" Hm, what's this? A heroes notebook? What? Trying to become a hero with Bakugo? Hah! You're funny." She flips through some of the pages before closing it, still holding it.

" Listen, you can't be a hero without a quirk, sooo~ I'll propose this!" 'She still thinks I'm quirkless, even through Kacchans little speech.' She used her quirk on my notebook and threw it out the window. " Oops! My hand slipped. Oh well, you don't need that anyway."

I gasped and looked where she threw my notebook, not moving in fear of angering her. " Here I'll tell you this, Deku. Here's some advice, take it, ok? If you ever want a quirk, how about you go dive off the school's roof top? Or better yet. A high enough building. Yea, that'll do. Ok? Since it's the end of school, I won't be seeing you around. Take my advice, and don't keep your little Bakugou waiting. Ta ta~~"

I waited for Kaori to leave before packing up quickly and leaving immediately to go find my burnt notebook. As I left, I saw Kacchan waiting for me at the school's door with my notebook in hand. I ran over and thanked him for my notebook. It was wet like it fell in water, but it was slightly readable.

Halfway walking, we decided to part ways to see who would get home faster. I walked under a tunnel when I heard the lid from a strom drain begin moving before it busted open. A green slime monster came out of it. I don't think it spotted me yet. I need to get out of here. I turned around and slowly but surely moved away from him.

" Hey! A vessel I can use! Small... But it'll do." I bolted, forgetting that I had wings. I was too slow as the green slime got ahold of me. I can't escape! I can't breathe. I see black dots starting to form as a constant ring is heard. This is it! This is how I'm gonna die. I'm sorry, Kacchan, Mom, and Auntie Mitzuki... Before I fully blacked out, I felt harsh winds and a familiar buff figure. ' All might?' I closed my eyes.

I woke up to someone repeatedly slapping me across the face softly. I groaned and sat up, looking at the blurry person.

" Oh, thank goodness you're up! I have to thank you for stopping this villain here!" Omg. My eyes widened, that's All Might! THE All Might is here standing by me and is talking to me! This is a dream come true! ' Wait, where's my notebook? He needs to sign it!

I grabbed my notebook and opened it to see if he'd already signed it. I gasped.
Timesheet- Uh, Timeskip... Ya, that.

"All Might? Do you think I could be a hero even if I don't have a quirk." I lied about not having a quirk to All Might. I feel bad but I have to know.

" I'm sorry, kid. This world is too dangerous for a quirkless kid to be out there. You could get seriously injured. Try to think realistically like becoming a cop. They might not give enough credit, but it's safer than becoming a hero. I'm sorry, but you can not become a hero without a quirk. Please excuse me." With that, he left, leaving me speechless.

I can't believe it. My hero, someone I looked up to my whole life, said that quirkless people can't be a hero. Suddenly, Shigaraki words popped in my head. " Psh, forget about the hero. For all I know, all they care about is money and fame. They don't care about saving people."

" But, All Might -"

" All Might this, All Might that. Hah! You really believe him? It's all an act! He doesn't care about people. He just trying to keep up his reputation of #1."

It all makes sense. I need to see Shigaraki, but first, I need to go home. I turned towards the door before stopping. I had an idea in mind as I turned around, ran, and jumped off the high building. As I felt the winds in my face, I quickly took my sweater off and flapped my wings, flying instead of falling.

I thought about flying towards my house until I heard a huge explosion coming from the city. I thought about that green slime monster and how All Might didn't have it in his pocket where he had put it. My eyes widened, ' Oh no! Someone could get hurt!' I quickly flew over towards the ruckus to see what was going on.

It was the slime monster, and it had someone in it.... 'Oh. OH MY GOD! IT HAS KACCHAN!' I started to move forward only to be ushered back into the crowd. I can't move! I watched as Kacchan struggled. It was hard to watch.

I gasped as Kacchan made eye contact with me. He had this petrified look. At that moment, I knew I HAD to do something, anything! No one else was helping. Heck! Even the Pros aren't doing anything. And All Might? He's not even here, so it HAS to be me.

I pushed past everyone and ignored all the screaming and yelling for me to get back. I used my wings to get over there faster. Before going over at the monster, I had to make a distraction so that Kacchan could breathe. I inhaled, getting ready to use my fire breathe and blew at the slimes eyes.

It yelled out and slightly let go of Kacchan. It was enough to let him breathe. " I-IZU-KUN?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"


I grabbed Kacchan and swiftly got him out the goo and flew up in the air, out of reach, but close where we can still see what's going on down there. Underneath us, we could see All Might punching the monster and everyone cheering.

I figured it was safe to go down, and that's what I did. Once we landed, I was immediately scolded by a bunch of Pros while Kacchan was being praised. I looked down, clearly upset, and let myself get yelled at by a bunch of so-called Pros.

" Oi! Get away from Izu-kun! He didn't do anything but save me from that villain!" My eyes widened, tears started to build up.

" B-but, it was still very risky. He could've gotten himself kille-"

" Yeah?! But what did you heroes do?!? ALL OF YOU! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU JUST SAT THERE AND DID NOTHING WHILE I WAS SLOWLY SUFFOCATING TO DEATH! IZUKU HERE, IS THE REAL HERO! Everyone else... Are fakes. Come on, Izu-kun. Let's go home." Tears were pouring heavily, " Kacchan..." He flashed a smile at me before grabbing my arm and dragging me way from the crowd of random civilians and some speechless heroes.

As we were getting close to our house, I had to stop to tie my shoelace while being bothered by an impatient hot head.

" Come on, Izu-kun! Tieing a shoelace shouldn't take so long to tie!"

" Kacchan... I'm really trying here. But, with your constant complaints, I can't even concentrate."

" But you're taking sooo long. God! Just let me do it!" Kacchan took over my shoelace.

It was silence. The only thing we heard was the sound of the wind and the trees blowing. All of a sudden, we heard footsteps coming towards us.

" Kacchan..." He got up and went into a defensed position and snarled.

" WHO'S THERE?!? COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELF!" We seen a buffy figure in the shadow.

" Now now, Young Children! There's no need to fight!" It raised it's hands before coming towards the light so we could see them. It was All Might. " WHY? BECAUSE I AM- phffff." Kacchan backed away, startled.

" WHAT THE HELL?!?" All Might lightly explained to Kacchan his predicament.

" So, um, All Might? Why are you here?"

" O-oh! Right." All Might cleared his throat before continuing, " Answer me this."

" Okay?"

" I thought you were quirkless.. you clearly have wings and fire. Why'd you lie for? "

I blinked at All Might and shrugged," I just wanted to see what your answer would be. Someone told me some stuff, and I wanted to see if it was true or not... Well, I'm not going to apologize for lying. I mean, I was quirkless for a while.. I was just a late bloomer." Kacchan glanced between All Might and I before nodding, agreeing with me.

All Might nodded and crossed his arms, " Okay then. I have an important question to ask of you then. "

I felt an eyebrow rise as I, also, crossed my arms," Alright, what is it?"
Timeskip because idrc rn.

My eyes widened, watering up. I can't believe it. Those words. Meaningless yet so powerful words. I so longed to hear those words.

But... It was too late. I know what path I'm taking. And this is not one of them. I'm sorry All Might but if you said those words while we were on the roof top. Maybe things would have changed.

So, I ran..

If anyone's wondering how Vanessa looked like, wellll- 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

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