Chapter 70: So Far Away 4-15-17

Aragorn: 17 years old

As soon as the three got back to Rivendell, Elrond had to tell Lagorion to keep all Elves away from him and Aragorn as he set to work on his child. The moment he broke through Rivendell, he took Aragorn and ran for his room as fast as he could.

Elrond set Aragorn on his bed and said some Elvish healing words over him. Aragorn never moved once while the Elf helped. Elrond was getting nervous that his powers could do nothing to help somebody so close to death as Aragorn was. The only other person he had not been able to protect was Gilraen, Aragon's mother.

"Please, by the light of the Valor, protect this child," Elrond said out loud as he grasped Aragorn's hand loosely, "He is a special child and has so much to live for, please protect him,"

Elrond stayed with Aragorn the whole day with no interruptions by others. Elrond took a wet piece of cloth and cleaned Aragorn's face of the dried blood. He barley even looked like the same Aragorn he knew because of all the scratches and gashes on his face.

The Elf gently washed his face clean and all that was left was the single line that went from his forehead down to his lip. Elrond hoped it would heal nicely and not turn into a scar. Then he just held Aragorn's head in his hands and stroked his cheek. He leaned over and kissed his forehead.

There was a knock on the door and Elrond looked to it. He got up and walked to the door and opened it a crack. It was Elladan and Elrohir.

"How is he?" Elrohir asked.

Elrond just shook his head and looked down. It looked as if he were drained of all strength.

"Have you given him your light?" Elladan asked.

Elrond nodded and then looked upset as he said,

"It didn't work!"

Earlier that morning, Elrond had given Aragorn his energy just as Lagorion had in Mirkwood. Although, nothing, not one thing happened. It was as if Aragorn's body was rejecting the energy Elrond had been trying to give him. Elrond remembered it was the same way Gilraen had died. Her body as well had rejected the light from an Elf.

"Is there anything we can do?" Elrohir asked.

Elrond shook his head once more and let the twins inside Aragorn's room. They walked in and hastily walked to Aragorn in his bed. Elrond followed slower and then stood on the opposite side of the bed than his sons. Elrohir put his hand to Aragorn's head and stroked his wavy hair.

"We have protected him this long," Elrond spoke up, "I can't lose him now,"

Elladan and Elrohir slowly nodded as they looked down to Aragorn.

"This child is essential to my life," Elrond murmured, "I can't live without him,"

"Father, what happens when, if not now, but when he does go?" Elrohir asked, "Humans don't live forever as we do,"

Elrond turned away from his three sons and tried so hard not to cry. He whispered,

"I don't know... I truly don't know,"

"He is blessed from the Dunedain, he will live longer than any normal human," Elladan chipped in positively.

"Yes, that is correct," Elrohir said.

"You have forgotten the situation we are in now," Elrond turned around and pointed at Aragorn, "Look at him! Do you see him breathing normally? Listen to his heart,"

Elladan took the offer and bent down. He gently lay his head-on Aragorn's chest and listened with all the Elf hearing capability he had in him. He closed his eyes and listened for a good minute. There was a faint, faint beat, but it sounded so far away.

Elladan turned away and let Elrohir listen.

"There is always hope," Elladan said suddenly, "That is what Estel told me when Elrohir was about to fade,"

"Please, come back in an hour with water," Elrond said, "I need time alone with him,"

Elladan and Elrohir bowed and quietly left the room. That left Elrond and Aragorn alone once more. He bent down again and started prying again for many hours.


Elladan and Elrohir had come back with water, set it on the desk next to Aragorn's bed, and left again. They had also brought boiled Rosemary. It was the sent that Aragorn was very keen of and it always helped him when he was sick. The twins left it in a warm bowl of water on the desk.

After the twins left, Elrond took the herb in hand and wafted the smell of it towards Aragorn. Nothing happened at first, but then Elrond swore he saw Aragorn's face move slightly. The Elf held the herb closer to Aragorn and Elrond almost screamed out in joy as he definitely saw Aragorn move.

"Estel, Estel," Elrond whispered unsure of what to say. He was too much in the moment that he forgot how to speak properly, "It's Elrond... I am here," he paused for a moment, "Estel, can you hear me? If so, please stay with me... please,"

Aragorn's eyes moved underneath his eyelids, Elrond saw.

"Lasto beth nin. Tolo dan na ngalad," (Hear my voice, come back to the light) Elrond continued.

There was a long pause and then to Elrond's surprise, Aragorn spoke,

"I -lasto your- nin," (I hear your voice) Aragorn whispered as his mouth barely moved.

"We are in Rivendell again, my child," Elrond spoke trying to stay as calm as possible, "Everybody is here and safe. You must fight what is happening in your body. You must wake up,"

There was silence again making Elrond hold his breath. It was hard to make out what Aragorn said next, but Elrond knew what he said even though the words were slurred together. He had said,

"Amin mela lle," (I love you).

"Estel, Estel," all Elrond could do was choke on the words of the name, "I can't lose you, please fight it. You can't give up now. You won't give up,"

The next thing that Aragorn did broke Elrond's heart into a thousand pieces. The moment that he was living in right now would scar the Elf for the rest of his life. Aragorn had whispered just a couple words and it was,

"I feel like I could sleep... forever,"

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