
A/N: Hello there everyone! Welcome to my very first Honkai: Star Rail fic!

So I bet you're all wondering why I made this story and not continuing my RWBY x Yugioh story. Well first of, I'm still writing the next chapter as we speak, but I always has this story idea in mind that I couldn't really focus on writing anything else.

So I figure I get this story of my chest, or mind more specifically. Gotta say, I kind of proud of this story, despite the lack of a real creativity of it, I guess.

Second of, this fic will be mainly about my retelling about the Honkai: Star Rail main story. I will be stick to the canon storytelling according to the game, but adding a few more dialogue here and there between the characters, especially with the MC of this story.

This is just me trying to write this sort of fic. Depending on how people like this story, I may continue it later on. But for now, just enjoy this prologue chapter.

Now without further ado, let's get on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Honkai: Star Rail or the character in them, they belong to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse.


The universe is a vast and mysterious place. Many have tried to come to an understanding of what secret the seas of stars possess, and many have come to a stump in the road of their research in finding the answer.

Perhaps the most successful of this universal research, and the most widely well known to any competent modern scientific community, is the Imaginary Tree theory.

The theory goes that various worlds exist in many different spacetimes like having a tree-like structure. Every branch is a specific path along which worlds might exist, with every leaf being the marks these worlds have made along the parameter of time. The crown of the tree remains in a dynamic state as it absorbs the masterless Imaginary Energy from the space-time vasculature of the trunk. New shoots grow, withered leaves fall, and endless births and deaths occur among the countless universes

Describing the universe's structure as a "tree" may be an attitude that views the Imaginary Tree as a life form. Whether this is something that should be taken seriously or not is still to be questioned.

The one who many agreed to propose this theory is the very first member and founder of the Genius Society, Zandar One Kuwabara.

But that still leaves many unanswered questions hanging in the air for others to figure out. For this universe itself has many more fantastical and questionable beings and phenomena that still left unanswered.

The Aeons. The Pathstriders. The Emenators. The Fragmentum. The Cancer of All Worlds.

To name a few. It seems like the more one tries to find an answer, many more questions appear in its place. Many factions were created by the people to try to find their own answer. Some were friendly, some were not, and there are those who are outright melicious.

Perhaps there is just no one true answer to all of this universal question, perhaps there isn't even an answer at all. But many persisted, many thought that their answers are correct, that others were wrong, or that the answer was still out there and was just waiting to be discovered.

If one is willing to find such an answer — to find their answer — then they should embark on a journey. Such a journey will be a difficult one, and one must understand the fundamentals of such a journey.

To connect various different worlds, to face many friends or foe, to embrace many cultures, to explore the unknown. This is the journey one should take.

After all, in this grand journey throughout the vast ocean of void and shining stars. We all are just a tiny speck of dust, still out of sight of many. For we all have started in the same beginning, we are much alike and different at the same time.

We all have to start from somewhere, no matter how small and insignificant they are. For before we have ourself be named by the Aeons themselve, we are and will always be—

The Nameless.


"A young shoot sprouted from the cracks of primordial chaos. Nurtured by time for billions of years, it grew into a huge, unrivaled tree.

The branches of the giant tree bore colorful young leaves, each containing a fragment of the universe's will — a will that eternally speaks in cryptic vagaries but also bestows stunning scenery, treasures, epics, and life upon every world."


In the vastness of space, one could hardly miss the sight of the giant space station that is well known by those who inhabited it as the Herta's Space Station.

Positioned over a blue planet with not a single life form, Herta of the Genius Society led the the establishment of a museum-like starship and launched it into orbit, starting the research to "seal all strange existences among the stars." That was how the famous Herta Space Station was born.

Nowadays, the space station possesses innumerable Curios and is a veritable space museum. A great number of researchers also live on the station. They continuously collect relics and Curios all over the galaxy, record their appearances and functions, establish systematic methods to observe and study them... ultimately finding even more confounding enigmas from their studies. That in fact, was Herta's initial goal.

This large "collection" often attracts jealous eyes. Various forces watch from the shadows. Due to Herta's power, the space station had rarely experienced a real crisis, and the collection and investigation work continues to operate in an orderly manner.

That is, until today.

Riding along the space station elevator was a very beautiful and charming young woman with red wine-colored hair that she tied in a messy ponytail with two loose bangs hanging on either side of her face. Her eyes are of a similar, lighter color, and she wears dark pince-nez sunglasses on top of her head along with a pearl earring in her right ear.

She wears a white dress shirt along with a black jacket that hangs off her shoulders. There's a silver butterfly pin on its left lapel, and on the back there is a large, spider-like pattern in the center, along with webs on both shoulders and a burgundy inside. There are also wine-colored straps with golden accents on both her jacket and thighs, and gloves of a similar shade. On the bottom she wears black, high waisted shorts and nylon tights, with a thigh garter on her right leg. She also wears black boots with two different lengths: the right goes over her knee, while the left goes slightly over her ankle.

Seemingly lost in her own little world, the woman had started imagining a classical musical composure in her head while her hands miming and playing an imaginary violin, a serene smile gracing her face as the elevator ascended upwards.


Just outside the space station, three mechanical humanoid creatures with blades attached in their arms suddenly appeared out of nowhere before they were sucked into an ion trap in the shape of a black wormhole of antimatter.

The same wormhole appeared inside the space station and expanded further, causing many researchers to cry out in panic.


"What is that?!"

Emerging from within the ion traps, Voidranger appears in the dozens with antimatter complete their bodies and negative particles reverberate throughout their forms. They charged forwards, violently and aggressively attacking everyone in sight.

Within a short amount of time, the Antimatter Legion had invaded Herta's Space Station.


Whether the woman knows or not about the danger outside is unclear, nor does she care if she does know.

All that matters for her at this moment was her own imaginary concert. Humming the classical sound in her head out of her mouth, the woman's hand begin to become more active in their movement to match her performance.


Many more Voidrangers begin to appear outside the space stations, completely surrounding the spacecraft from the inside out.

"Lead the evacuation, quickly!" Shouted out a pink haired girl as she commanded the force inside the space station left and right to help those in danger and in need of rescue.

All the while the large holographic screen that depicted the space station infrastructure began to show many warning signs from different sections of the area.


A warning sign had flashed from the screen inside the elevator, but the woman ignored it. For her performance was reaching near its climax as her hands movement began to grow more and more complex.


A Voidranger was about to attack a researcher with its blade, before it was blocked by a small frame white haired young man. The white haired boy gritted his teeth as he was struggling to push back the Voidranger using his large sword.


He shouted to the researcher, who headed his words as they made a run for it to safety. Once he was sure they were gone, he jumped back to avoid the strike before noticing more enemy was approaching.

Gripping his sword tightly with both hands, electricity starts sparkling from the sword and coursing through his body. With eyes narrowed and filled with adrenaline and determination, he let out a battle cry as he began to face the incoming Voidrangers alone.


Fluidity, grace, passion, feverishness, all of these things and more was embraced by the movement of her finger and the swaying of her arms. The music in her head starts kicking up in tempo, getting closer and closer to the grand climax.


Two people, a young man with a spear and a young girl with a bow, were running as Voidranger began to pop out left and right. They defended themself the best as they could as they made their getaway and into somewhere safe.

Once they reached near the space station's elevator, a bright light could be seen from the door and was growing bigger and brighter. Knowing that isn't a good sign, the girl cried out to her friend.

"Look out!"

Heeding her words, the spear wielding young man raised his hands up in protection as the bow wielding girl did the same. Just as they did, the light began to expand before a loud explosion occurred.


The elevator began to shake as red light enveloped it, though this didn't cause the elevator to stop, it did cause the woman to be brought out of her thoughts from all the ruckus that just had happened.

She sighs in disappointment at the unsatisfactory way her performance had ended just when the climax was coming, though that didn't dampen her mood as she let out a laugh.

"Seems I came at a bad time..."

The woman let her voice be known for the first time, an alluring and slightly drawn out sound came out of her mouth everytime that she spoke. A sweet temptation that would attract many unexpected prey.

Suddenly, a holographic screen opened out in front of the woman. The screen depicting the image of a wolf's head with a strange yet colorful symbol on the bottom.

"No no — I think you couldn't have time it better." Came the voice of a young girl from the screen, as she argues with the woman over the punctuality of their appearance. "23:47:15 system time. Very punctual, Kafka."

The now named Kafka just let out a laugh in amusement at hearing that, the smile on her face never vanishes. "Elio always tells the exact future. So what's with the explosion just now? Was that also part of his script?"

"Uh-huh — '23:44:59 system time: The pulses from the explosion cause a massive breakdown from the master control system'." The young girl's voice repeated back the so-called 'script' that was given to them before they came here.

"You did that?" Kafka asked while raising a curious eyebrow, although she felt like she already knew the answer to that.

"No, the Antimatter Legion did it. They completely invaded the space station two system hours ago." The young girl replied with some level of boredom in her voice. As if she doesn't really care about the danger that the station holds.

Kafka let out a whistle after hearing that. "Alright, so do we need to fight the Legion?" She asked her comrade when she noticed that she was about to reach her destination.

"I dunno. Elio didn't say anything about it, so it doesn't matter."

"Got it. So from now on, I'll be in charge of this operation."

"Copy. Can you let me have some fun this time? Our last few operations turned out to be pretty dull."

Kafka took a moment to place her gloved hand over hand as she thought about her comrade request. She raised her other hand and conjured what appears to be strings of energy around her. Tracing her finger along one of the strings, she chuckled before dissolving them.

"Sorry, I'm afraid there's not much I can do for you — our task this time is just to 'place' the target properly." Kafka told to the screen, or more specifically to the young girl behind the call. "But if you wanna go look for some fun yourself, I won't stop you. I mean, after all..."

Kafka waved her hand over the screen and ended the call just as the elevator door began to open. Waiting outside are numerous Antimatter Legion troops who turned around when they noticed her presence. Three Voidranger: Reaver runs towards her with the intent to kill.

"After all..." Kafka sauntered forward elegantly before conjuring her twin uzi submachine gun in both hands and raising them high above her head. "Elio didn't put it into the script..." She said before her eyes became gleeful.

"Why would it matter?"

Bringing her gun down, Kafka unleashes a barrage of bullets at the three Voidrangers and blasted them back. Defeating them in an instant as they dissolve into particles that was absorbed the Legion ion traps.

Another Voidranger come running towards her, to which Kafka smile as she returned her guns back before bring out another weapon, a katana. The Voidranger leap forward and lunged its blade at her.

Kafka responded by side stepping away from the attack, before holding onto her katana in a reverse grip and backhand stab the Voidranger in the back while not even looking back. Turning around, she positioned her grip on her katana before twisting and slicing the torso upward like a hot knife through butter.

Deciding to go on the offensive, Kafka rushed forward to the remaining opponent, which was a single Reaver and a sphere of ion energy surrounded by pieces of condensed antimatter, this is a Antibaryon.

The Antibaryon pieces begin to float around as it begins to gather energy in preparation to attack. Kafka didn't give it a chance though as she quickly brought her katana up and delivered a quick two slash at the core, damaging and destroying the creature.

The last Voidranger rushed forward to try to attack but was stopped when a katana came flying by and stabbing it in the chest, the force of the thrown weapon was strong enough it embedded the Voidranger into the wall.

The Voidranger writhed at the presence of the weapon that was stabbing it before it raised its head and came face-to-face with the muzzle of a gun. Kafka merely smiled as she looked at the helpless Reaver.


She pulled the trigger and the Voidranger head was blown to pieces. She then grabbed her katana before yanking it out and watched the body drop down to the floor and dissolve.

With the battle now over, Kafka returned her weapon back and checked on her coat condition. To her relief, she didn't see any visible damage. If there was anything she finds annoying is getting her beloved coats ruined by anything.

"Are you done with your part of the end yet?" The voice of the young girl from earlier rings in her ear from the intercom. Kafka let out another chuckle before placing her fingers on her ear.

"Yeah, all is good on my end. This Voidrangers isn't really much of a challenge, how about you, Silver Wolf? Did you have your fun yet?" Kafka asked back aa she wondered how she was doing right now.

"Ughh, no. This is incredibly boring — you would think for being blessed by the Aeon of Destruction, they would at least be entertaining. But no, the Antimatter Legion is filled with nothing more than a bunch of cavemen."

"A bunch of cavemen that, might I remind you, are capable of destroying an entire planet." Kafka replied as have always found it quite amusing that the girl can make such a comparison for the Antimatter Legion like that.

"Fineee. A competent caveman then." The voice coming out of the intercom sounded both sarcastic and exasperated. "Anywho, I have hacked the security camera and other than a few dozen Antimatter Legions troops, there is no one else at our intended destination. So, we're in the clear."

"How much time do we have according to the script?" Kafka asked as while she wasn't exactly worried about the Antimatter Legion blocking their path, dealing with them might take some time.

"We have approximately 43 minutes until the designated time. It will take about 10 minutes until we reach our destination from our meeting point and depending on how quickly we clear the road ahead, we will have some time to have actual fun for once before we have to leave."

"Well we better get to it then." Kafka said enthusiastically with a clapping of her hand. Just as she was about to walk off the room she was in, before her eyes caught sight of a rather peculiar holo-portrait of a rather young looking girl with long brown hair and and purple eyes.

Walking over to the portrait, she cupped her chin while looking at it curiously. "Who's this? Herta?"

"Yeah." Answered the voice of the now known as Silver Wolf from the other side of the line like it was the most obvious thing in the universe.

"She looks so young. She was already famous in the last Amber Era, no? She has to be at least a hundred years old." Kafka said as she had read a few reports on the owner of the space station she was in, although she never did see exactly what she looked like.

"She's a member of the Genius Society and an Emanator of Nous the Erudition. She can probably age backwards if she wanted." The young girl from the other line of the call jokes and Kafka could already see the grin on her face that was matching her own.

"Hah. I seem to recall that over half of the Genius Society's eighty-odd members had a normal death. Wasn't there someone who only lived for a dozen days or so? What was their name..."

"That's pretty normal. Aren't the immortal bosses-in games always waiting for the protagonist to come kill them? Immortality is not always a good thing."

"Hah. What an Alliance joke."

After sharing a laugh, Kafka decided to look around the room and find it in the state that she had expected it to be, utter chaos. Papers covered in math lie scattered on the table. Their author seems to have left in a hurry.

Deciding that there wasn't anything that would catch her interest, Kafka walked towards the controller on the other side of the room. After interacting with the controller, the door to the corridor had been unlocked.

"By the way." Kafka started out as she began to walk forward while looking at the many holo-portraits of the members of the Genius Society, at the very least some of them since she didn't know all of them. "When did the Antimatter Legion become so weak?"

"I could only attract this much. Did you really want the entire Legion to come here?" Silver Wolf asked as she was rather limited on the matter of bringing a fraction of the Antimatter Legion here in the first place without attracting the rest of the Legion.

"This lot won't be able to slow down the Astral Express crew." Kafka commented as both of them know very well that the Astral Express crew will be more than capable of dealing with the limited amount of Antimatter Legion on board on the space station.

"Relax. A Doomsday Beast is also here." Silver Wolf reassured as she put in a lot of work to bring that specific piece of the Antimatter Legion to the space station.

After hearing that a Doomsday Beast would make an appearance, Kafka would actually start to feel slightly bad for the Astral Expresser now. But that didn't deter her from the script, in fact it only made her more curious on whether they will be able to conquer this challenge presented by fate or not.

Of course, as the actor herself in Elio's script, she should know how this interaction would end. But Elio holds this piece of information from her, as usual, and even then she wouldn't even want to know. After all, where is the fun in that? Why would one want to know the ending of a story when they haven't even read the first chapter?

Continuing her stride over the long corridor, Kafka took note that the thick glass being the only thing that prevented one from the endless vacuum of space would bring an initial and instinctive fear from anyone. However, the same couldn't be said for her, for the concept of 'fear' itself was unknown to her.

Just as when she was about to reach the other end of the corridor, Kafka took another glance at the last holo-portrait near her and her expression quickly turned into a rather delightful one as she recognised who it was. "Hey! Silver Wolf! Look! It's Screwllum, your good old opponent." She called out with a teasing grin on her face.

"Hahhhh...I told you already. I didn't know it was him..." Silver wolf insisted with clear annoyance in her voice and if she were here, Kafka had no doubt she would be glaring at her.

"Ah, that battle was how Elio got his eyes on you. Imagine, someone actually able to crack Screwllum's code! First Screwllum, then Herta...there's probably no one else in the universe who offended two genii in such quick succession. It must be destiny." Kafka reminisce to Silver Wolf as she can remember that day quite well and fondly.

"Urgh...seems like I'm the real Destiny's Slave here." Silver Wolf groaned as she really didn't like this conversation right now. Every time the topic of Screwllum was mentioned, Kafka always tried to tease her about it.

"We are all Destiny's Slaves." Kafka stated with a shake of her head, not at all bothered of being called with such a thing. She runs towards the door and it opens automatically, before coming into sight of an unaware Voidranger that has its back on her.

Seeing an opportunity, Kafka brings out her katana before she rushes towards the Voidranger and delivers a slash at the creature's back that sends it flying.

Just as the Voidranger were about to turn around and attack, Kafka was already on the move and delivered two swings of her sword that staggered it back, before she tossed her sword in the air.

With a single laugh, she caught her sword in a reverse grip before delivering another quick slash while twisting her body away from the Voidranger. From that single slice, multiple slash marks were created that castrated the Voidranger as it was killed.

Unfortunately, the death of this Voidranger only resulted in more Antimatter Legions troops to be summoned and surrounding her.

Kafka, however, had anticipated this.

'Caught in the net.'

"Good times never last..." Kafka said with sigh as she returned her katana before bringing out her twin submachine gun into her hands, intending to end this quickly. She watched around as the Voidranger that surrounded her either began to charge up their attack or just came running towards her.

"Time to say bye."

Kafka twirled around and fired a barrage of bullets from her gun flying in all directions, hitting the enemy around her multiple times and staggering them back, letting the discarded bullet shells drop down to the floor like rain droplets dropping from the cloud. Making it a spectacle to behold as the streak from the bullet can be seen as a web that entangles its prey.

Kafka then stopped twirling as she held her head down with her eyes closed. Raising her hand up, she snapped her eyes open and with her ever present smile, snapped her finger.


With that teasing little word, the bullet that she had unleashed upon her enemy exploded and showered them all in a flurry of firepower that blasted them backward and killed them immediately. If one were quick enough, they would be able to see the marking of a spider on the floor before it disappeared.

Feeling satisfied with herself. She returned her weapon back and watched as the Voidranger in front of her dissolved into particles, a wormhole opening up to suck them back in. All the while adjusting the cuff of her sleeves in the meantime.

Just behind her, one of the Voidranger stood back up, showing a great deal of durability as it was the only one that survived the onslaught. It proceed to lunge a and attack while she has her back to it—

—only for the blade to become pixelated just as the end was about to hit. The blade turns to a series of blue and pink cube and before long, the Voidranger's entire body dissolves and disappears. Leaving only the slight breeze in its disappearance that made her coat flutter.

Turning around, Kafka could only smile as she came to the sight of Silver Wolf herself sitting on the receptionist table. Seemingly immersing herself on tapping the holographic keypad in front of her.

Silver Wolf is a rather petite young woman with gray eyes and matching long gray hair that she ties into a loose ponytail, strangely enough her ponytail actually resembles a drill shape at the end.

She wears a short, black coat along with a crop-top which covers the upper part of her body, exposing her navel. She also wears black unbuttoned shorts with a decorative piece of black and purple fabric that hangs off the back, along with a white belt that has a game console attached at the hip.

On her head she wears purple glasses, as well as a black bow. She also wears a pair of black, white, and blue boots, along with a knife attached to her right leg and short fishnets up the calf on the left. In addition, she has blue bandages on her left knee and lower back.

Tapping once more at her keypad, a holographic screen filled with stats popped out in front of her. A pink virtual card with the Voidranger picture appeared in the center of the interface.

"Cleaning up other people's mess isn't in my job description...y'know, Kafka?"

She said sarcastically as she swiped away the rest of the screen and she grabbed hold of the card in her hand before clenching her fist and dissipating it. Silver Wolf jumped off the table before looking at the taller woman while blowing a bubble gum.

Kafka just smiles as usual as she walks up to the hacker girl. "Yeah, yeah. Where did you send it, Silver Wolf?" She posed the question, though not that she actually cares about the Voidranger whereabouts anyway.

With a pop from her bubble gum. Silver Wolf spit out the bubble gum before sticking the remains into the table that she was just sitting on. Letting the cleaning crew of the space station deal with her mess.

"Some random coordinates, not important. You care about where that Voidranger ended up?" Silver Wolf asked while having both hands on her hip, already knowing that Kafka was just messing with her again.

"Of course not~ I'm just amazed at this fancy technique of yours, as usual." Kafka said while having her arm folded just right under her breast.

"Just a little trick of tampering with the data of reality. I wouldn't call it fancy." Silver Wolf replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. Though the rather smug grin on her face already tells Kafka enough on how she felt about her words.

"What were you looking at so intently just now? Let me see." Kafka insisted as she had a curious gleam in her eyes when saw that Silver Wolf was looking into something earlier.

"Herta's toys, a catalog featuring the space station's collection of rare items. They've got a lot of interesting gadgets." Silver Wolf exclaimed with a smile on her face as she had finally found something fun to do in this mission.

"Like what?"

"There's this gun, it can rate any creature within its crosshair as a score from 0 to 100."

"...doesn't sound very interesting." Kafka admitted with an unimpressed expression on her face.

"Aren't you curious about how much you would score? I kinda wanna know mine." Silver Wolf, on the other hand, was rather enthusiastic about using this gadget. She really wants to know what the gun scores her and on what basis does it score someone.

And even if she doesn't like the score that was given to her, she can just easily hack it. Aether Editing truly is a wonder for a girl like her.

"Fine, I guess we can swing by and play with it if it's not too far." Kafka said with a shake of her head at how easily Silver Wolf found her amusement, especially when she was bored. "What's our destination?"

Silver Wolf raised her right arm and a virtual controller appeared, tapping them a few times before she brought out a holographic map. After looking at it, she swiped the screen away and it disappeared, before she pointed her finger towards the door on the left side of the room.

"Go down the corridor behind the door on the left. There's a room where some kind of rare item is stored." Silver Wolf explained as the database she had hacked earlier showed promising info about their target.

"So that's where the Stellaron is?" Kafka asked as she looked down at the smaller girl with that smile on her face.

"That's where we can find out where the Stellaron is." Silver Wolf confirmed as she looked at her as she returned her smile with one of her own.

"Got it, looks like we found our route then. Anything else you wanted to do here?" Kafka asked as she looked around the empty room, not finding anything at all that would catch her interest.

"Nothing much, though I was curious about the emblem for the station over there." Silver Wolf as she turned her gaze at the spinning holographic projection of the Emblem of the Space Station. "Obviously it depicted the shape of the space station, but I like to see it as an earphone that has cracked a hole in an egg. It's funnier this way."

"You sure have a way of seeing things." Kafka commented while smiling in amusement at the hacker girl antic. She then let out a hum in thought as she looked at the emblem. "Herta...have you ever met her? I'm curious about the tastes of someone who used their own name for a space station."

"Never seen the real one. Saw plenty of her portraits, though." Silver Wolf exclaimed as she had seen many of Herta's portraits on the space station. She was tempted to leave some spray paint on them but decided against it.

"What a pity." Kafka said with a sigh of disappointment as she would love to see what the Genius Society No. 83 members actually look like.

"Don't be. She is just an annoying hag that thinks she is soo better than anyone." Silver Wolf told her fellow co-worker about her opinion about her one time enemy. "Can we hurry up now? I've got a raid to get to."

"Lead the way~" Kafka said while smiling at her lack of patience as she followed the hacker girl. Silver Wolf may be a young woman in terms of age, but the girl does have some childish attitude that she just loves to make fun of.

Once the two of them were in front of the door, Silver Wolf brought up her hand once more and tapped a few times on her virtual controller. The door of this place was locked by the station master system and only a person with authorization may enter, much less open the door.

That is, of course, if you aren't a skilled hacker like herself. In just a moment, the controller on the side of the door turned from orange to green and the door slid wide open.

"The central area of the space station is up ahead. There will be lots of Legion Voidrangers there." Silver Wolf told to Kafka. Not so much as 'warning' her as to just stating an obvious fact.

"Okay~" Nevertheless, Kafka took in the words at heart, or at least seemed like it? Silver Wolf couldn't really tell sometimes what goes on inside that woman's mind.

Sure enough, when they walked further into the corridor, they came face-to-face with a Voidranger carrying a cannon instead of blades. It immediately spots the two and turns hostile in seconds by aiming the cannon at them.

"Hm, this won't take long." Kafka said mockingly as she brought out her katana. She then turned her head towards Silver Wolf and with a teasing grin told her. "Why don't you start us off, Wolfie?"

"Ugh, I told you not to call me that." Silver Wolf said in annoyance as she brought out her own weapon, a purple and white blaster that covered her arm. "But whatever, this combat needs optimizing anyway."

Silver Wolf put on the glasses on her head, before her vision was assaulted by various stats in front of her, similar to those heads-up displays in a video game.

Smirking, she grabbed hold of the handle on top of the blaster and aimed it at the Voidranger. The side blade of the blaster retracted back to show the blaster barrel.


Seeing it was about to be attacked, the Voidranger: Eliminator charged up its own cannon before firing it towards its target. Silver Wolf scoffed as she pulled the trigger and fired a blast of digital energy. Pixelated the Voidranger attack and hit it, causing the Voidranger body to stagger back and appear to be glitching violently.

"I weakened it for you."

"Much oblige."

Silver Wolf lowered her blaster down as Kafka came running towards the Voidranger before she began to viciously hack at it with a myriad of slashes. With a toss of her blade, she quickly grabbed it and delivered the final killing blow with a twirl. Causing slash marks to appear on the Legion's troop body in the shape of a spider web before its body dissolves.

"A shame that these guys don't have any mind except just the basic instinct of destruction." Kafka lamented with a mock sigh as she twirled her sword around before holding it into a reverse grip. Similar to a certain sword-wielding man she knew. "Otherwise my Spirit Whisper would make this a lot less of a chore and we'll be done with our mission quickly."

"You and those freaky brainwashing abilities of yours..." Silver Wolf said as she put her glasses back on her head before walking towards the coat-loving woman with a disturbed expression on her face. "I can never get used to them."

"Says the girl who can hack reality itself?"

"I'll have you know, Aether Editing is common practice among us from Punklorde. Just promise me that you won't use it on me, okay?"

"Who says I haven't already~?"

"...what did you do?"

"Oh just letting you have a little sunshine, that's all. I'm sure you remember that day you stopped playing your game for one day?"

"You ruined my log-in streak?! You fiend!"

"Oh relax, it's not like it's a big deal or anything."

"You're not listening! Do you have any idea on how much time I spend to make my gaming attendance perfect?!"

"No, but I'm sure you'll tell me all about it."

" really are the devil."

"Honey, I'm the Devil Hunter." Kafka corrected as she could just smile at the glare Silver Wolf was directing at her. "Let's move on, don't want to waste our time over some silly talk like this, are we?"

Silver Wolf's response was only to mutter to herself quietly in displeasure but agreeing anyway. The two just continue their way towards their destination on the other end of the corridor, with no enemy in sight so far.

Once they see the door to the spot are in sight, Kafka makes an abrupt stop which causes Silver Wolf to stop in her tracks also.

"Hold it." Kafka said as she narrowed her eyes cautiously as she began to look around at the feeling of another presence nearby. "Someone, or something, is up ahead."

Right on cue, multiple Voidranger begin to appear and blocking their path. A particular Voidranger was different than the others with their silver colored body in place of the usual black, it also possessed the capabilities to float as well while looking more formidable despite the lack of a visible weapon.

This is the Voidranger: Distorter, not only is it more powerful than the ordinary Reaver, but it also possesses some level of intellect capable of controlling nearby Reaver.

The Distorter let out an unintelligible sound before pointing towards the two intruders, causing all of the Reavers to act and surround them.

"Looks like we're the one getting ambushed." Silver Wolf states as she eyed the Voidrangers that are surrounding her and Kafka...all the while looking uninterested by it as she puts her glasses back on.

"But they're the ones getting besieged." Kafka countered with her smile growing even wider in anticipation as she brought out her twin gun and fired at the Voidrangers in front of her, stunning them.

The Voidrangers in the back begin to start their attack by charging forward. But Silver Wolf decided to interfere as she aimed her blaster at them...before pointing upward as a colorful cube appeared on top of the Voidrangers.

Shooting at the cubes, they dropped down onto the Voidrangers and caused them to stagger and glitch out. Her HUD lit up as a peculiar symbol appeared on top of the enemy's head.

[Weakness implemented]

Smirking in satisfaction, Silver Wolf brought down her blaster as the side blade extended forward once more before the barrel fired a constant stream of digital energy, creating a long energy blade.


Silver Wolf ran forward as she went into close combat and took advantage of the enemy's new weakness. She jumped and performed a spinning slash attack on one of the Reavers before swinging her arms to the side and taking the other Reaver right next to it.

The enemy wasn't going to take it lying down as they charged towards Silver Wolf with their blade up and attacked her. Silver Wolf brings her own blade up and blocks their strike before pushing them back with a swing of her own blade.

She then proceeds to continuously attack them with her blade, causing their glitching body to become more and more unstable after each hit. With one more powerful swing, she sends them flying back away from her.

Silver Wolf returned her weapon back, before giving them a thumbs down with a grin on her face as the glitching became too unstable and they exploded, destroying the Reavers body into blue digital particles.

Kafka was dealing with her own set of Reavers easily as she had basically stun locked them in place by continuously firing bullets at them with no mercy. Feeling that was enough, she put her hand behind her before throwing a few objects at them.

The Voidrangers, being freed from the constant barrage of bullets, made their attempt to attack before they noticed the item below them. They looked up only to see the smiling face of Kafka as she twirled around the grenade pin in her hand.

Not having enough time to react, the grenade below the Reavers exploded underneath them. Sending them flying backward in flame as their body was destroyed and disintegrated.

"May as well kill them all~" Kafka said as she eyed the two Distorters with Silver Wolf coming up and standing right beside her with her weapon back in her hand.

Having no other Reavers to command. The two Distorters begin to charge up their attack in their hand. Something that Silver Wolf won't allow as she conjured up two cubes and aimed her blaster at them.

"Time for a buzz." Silver Wolf said as she shot the two cubes and made them drop down onto the Distorter, causing them to stagger as they were weakened by her Aether Editing. "I'll take one on the left, you'll take the one on the right."

"You're too good for me, Silver Wolf." Kafka graciously thanks her as she charges forward to her target, before running up the wall and twisting her body around to kick the Distorter on the back of the head. Sending it flying as Kafka land before running back to it.

Righting itself back up, the Distorter then aimed its hand at her before firing a beam of energy, Kafka met that attack head on by bringing her katana up as the beam clashed with steel, sending sparks flying as she swung and sending the beam away from her.

She threw her katana at the Distorter, only for the Voidranger to catch the sword with its hand. Kafka smirked as she brought out her submachine gun and aimed her shot at its head, disorientating it as she caught her sword before slicing away both of its arms.

Kafka then proceeded to jump and planted her feet at the Voidranger's chest, pining it down as the Distorter could only watch as she aimed her gun at its head with an eerily gleeful smile on her face.

"Stand still, would you?"

Kafka pulled the trigger and unleashed at least ten bullets into the Voidrangers head, shattering it into pieces as the body went limp before turning into particles.

Silver Wolf engages her own Distorter in combat by swinging her energy blade at the weakened Voidrangers. Building up more and more damage and causing its body to become more and more glitching.

The Distorter wouldn't have it, however, as it flew back and created some distance between its enemy before firing a concentrated beam with both of its hands at her. Silver Wolf just scoffed as she changed her weapon into a cannon and fired at the incoming beam.

Her digital blast, powered with her own special reality hacking code, was able to dissolve the blast and pixelated them. Rendering them harmless as Silver Wolf fired another blast at the Distorter and it was pushed back as the glitching became even worse.

Feeling that she had enough, Silver Wolf decided to finish this with a bang. She aimed her blaster at the Voidranger, this time filled with a different code, and fired it. Causing the Voidranger to be pixelated and stunning it in place.

Silver Wolf then returns her weapon back before she swings her hands in front of her, conjuring up a virtual screen as well as a virtual gaming controller in front of her. The screen showed a gaming symbol before flickering for a second...and now showing a model of the Voidranger.


Silver Wolf grinned in excitement as the screen showed a rhythm game being played with tiles coming down fast. With quick and precise movement of her hand, she managed to hit all of the tiles perfectly. Every time she hit the tile, the Voidranger was assaulted by it, all the while the scoreboard going up.

"Hmph, at this speed? Too slow!"

With a final press of a button, Silver Wolf delivers the finishing blow by sending long surging tiles crashing down onto the Voidranger from up above. Causing its destruction in an explosion of pixel and color as her score showed a satisfying number of 999.

Silver Wolf stretched her arms out as she let the virtual screen and controller disappear. Out of the corner of her eyes, she can see Kafka walking up to her with a hand on her hip.

"Well~ Have your fun yet, Silver Wolf?" Kafka asked playfully as she twirled her sword around for a bit before it dissolved as she returned it back.

"Hmph, still boring but I will give them a point for making me use my Ultimate. It's been a while since I used it." Silver Wolf said as she twisted her wrist around to release some tension in them. Though she was delighted that her rhythm action skill hasn't deterred in the slightest, she still got it.

"Oh you and your gaming analogy. How adorable~" Kafka said with a laugh as she could never get bored of Silver Wolf using gaming as a way to perceive life. She was truly a Punklordian all right.

Having done with their little post-battle chatter, Kafla and Silver Wolf made their way towards the room at the end of the corridor. Once the door had been opened, the two came inside the terminal room and were greeted by the sight of various terminals and a wall full of screens.

"Not a single soul here. Impressive evacuation work. Did Herta organize it herself?" Kafka asked as she looked around and was indeed impressed at how vacant this room is.

Silver Wolf brings her hands up before a few holographic screens pop out in front of her as she scrolls through and looks at them rather intently. "According to the access history, she hasn't logged in here for over six months. The evacuation was directed by the acting lead researcher — a girl named Asta."

"Doesn't ring a bell. Oh right, Elio said we wouldn't run into Herta. It seems she really isn't here." Kafka shook her head as she was ashamed that she wouldn't get the chance to meet a member of the Genius Society in person. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. "Where's the Stellaron?"

"Elio's script doesn't include any info about the location of the Stellaron, which means in the future he foresees..."

"...We would find the Stellaron in a non-physical way?"

"This space station is packed with extraordinary objects. I wouldn't be surprised if there's one that can make it happen."

"Hiding something extraordinary with something extraordinary..." Kafka said with her eyes closed as her smile turned wider at the thought of it. "This is pretty Herta. I assume you know what to do? I mean, you've read that catalog for quite a while now." She said as she looked down at her with her eyes open and her arms folded.

"I've got all the clues we need. The only piece missing is a simple trick." Silver Wolf states with a grin as she swings her hand and makes the screen in front of her vanish before looking at Kafka in the eye. "Help me investigate the terminal in this room, our item might be inside."

"Okay, the stage is all yours~" Kafka said as she unfolded her arms and watched as Silver Wolf walked up to the wall of monitors and began her work.

While she does that, Kafka decides to do her task and look around the room to investigate the terminal for their needed item. Fortunately there are merely two terminals that she needs to check out, the one on the right side of the room and the one on the left.

She started off with the left terminal first, no particular reason as to why she chose it first. Merely out of her wanting to check the left one first, that's all.

However, when Kafka walks up towards the terminal and begins to investigate it. She didn't find the item they needed, or anything for that matter. "Huh? I can't see the memory storage for this terminal..."

"This is the monitoring room, they must have deleted the records and made a run for it. Classic." Silver Wolf commented with a shake of her head while not looking away from her work.

Taking her word for it, Kafka walked up towards the right terminal this time. While she didn't find anything because the terminal on the right is empty also, her attention was caught when she had accessed the surveillance system.

"I can see the whole space station on the surveillance screen...but not the Stellaron." Kafka said as she didn't find the Stellaron in any of the rooms that the surveillance system is watching.

"Even if you could, it'd be a trap. Herta doesn't display her collections." Silver Wolf told her as there was a reason why she didn't use the surveillance system in her search for the Stellaron.

Having nothing to retort to that, Kafka decided to just leave Silver Wolf to do her thing while she took a seat and watched the surveillance system for anything to pass the time.

Her eyes caught sight of a certain screen that was watching over the Master Control Zone of the space station. There she sees the majority of the people in the space station being held there for their safety. Though she didn't care about them, she was more interested in a rather peculiar group of people who didn't look like they belong here.

The Astral Express crew.

Just as when Kafka was about to comment on it, Silver Wolf let out a sigh that caught her attention as the hacker girl called out to her. "Make your way over here then, there's no point in trying to search like this."

Intrigued, Kafka stood up and walked up towards Silver Wolf who had both of her hands on her hip with an impassive expression on her face as she looked at the wall of monitors in front of her. "So, got a master plan? I'm all ears." She asked as the girl turned to face her.

"It's a matter of hacking the surveillance system directly." Silver Wolf explained shortly and effectively towards her partner-in-crime.

"Aha, I see. Herta's collections aren't in the system, so anything unaffected should be our target." Kafka said in response as she can already see where she was going with this.

Silver Wolf then proceeds to snap her finger. In an instant, all of the monitors in the room had been hacked all at once, displaying the picture of her symbol all around the room. "Simple, crude, but effective. Look, found it" She said with a smirk as she pointed to the screen behind Kafka.

Walking towards it, Kafka leaned forward to get a better look before her eyebrow raised curiously at what was shown to her. "Huh. What's this?" She asked as she honestly had no idea what she was looking at.

"Item number 211, 'Blind Spot': A simple light-deflecting field. It allows an object in its field to pass unnoticed, but if a different item ceases to be obvious, the object gets revealed." Silver Wolf explained the function of the item, or perhaps the better term for it is the Curio instead.

"So Herta hides her collection with something as simple as this?"

"The simplest method is the hardest to spot, isn't that our motto?"

Kafka just absentmindedly nodded her head in confirmation as she activated the Curio. The entire room suddenly turns black with glowing blue outlining and the wall of screens transformed into some sort of digital wall of many colors, covering the entire wall except for a section that seems to be glitching and showing another room in it.

Kafka let out a whistle as she walked up towards the distortion on the wall while standing right next to Silver Wolf. "Strange thing number two..." She said while looking at the distortion in front of her.

"The data suggests it's just an ordinary hologram. But it has an added layer..." Silver Wolf said as she eyed Kafka and silently asked her what's their plan now. She was in charge of the mission, after all.

"Let's take a look. Don't worry, this place won't be our grave." Kafka said reassuringly as their demise hadn't been foretold in Elio's script...well, not yet anyway.

Taking her word for it, the two reach out their hand towards the distortion, before they are seemingly sucked in into the distortion. The monitoring room returned back to normal as the effect of the Curio ended, leaving no trace of the two being there in the first place.

Kafka's vision returns to her as she sees that she and Silver Wolf are now in a room with the objective of their mission in their sight and reach. "Interesting, she's a member of the Genius Society alright." She said as she commended Herta for her attempt at hiding the Stellaron from others.

"The Stellaron is up ahead, let's hurry." Silver Wolf said as she immediately got to work by bringing up multiple screens in front of her in preparation. "It has its own security system...I guess even for Herta, a Stellaron is no ordinary rarity."

"Can you get it?"

"Of course, even the genius Herta can't compete with me when it comes to hacking."

Hearing the smug voice coming from the hacker girl does put a smile on her face. "Good, then I'll also count on you with the preparation of the receptacle." Kafka said as she walk towards the controller and watched as the screen turned green and the barrier surrounding the Stellaron vanished

Walking up to the Stellaron, Kafka gaze at the flickering orb of light contained in a transparent sphere. The energy from the orb of light looks unstable, chaotic in a sense as whips of flame-like light flicker ever so slightly that leaked out of the sphere.

This truly is a Stellaron — what Stellaron Hunters throughout the universe all hunt for. But in truth, it's all just a front. Elio knows it, Blade knows it, and she knows it, too. Stellaron Hunters have another true goal. That's why the Stellaron that Herta sealed away will be put to another use. Now that Silver Wolf has breaks its seal, she'll have to take it and place it inside a kind of "vessel" that's been waiting for just this occasion.

Grabbing hold of it without any ounce of hesitation, Kafka brought the Stellaron in her hand to Silver Wolf, who was almost done with her preparation.

"The receptacle ready, your decision."

Silver Wolf slid over a screen over to Kafka, who caught it and enlarging it with a spread of her finger. What was presented to her by the screen were the images of two people, a boy and a girl. From appearance alone, one may mistook them for being a pair of twin siblings. Although that was not the case, for the truth may seem stranger then it actually is.

Kafka continues to stare at the screen while contemplating which of the two should she choose. This is the choice that Elio told her to make, not just for the script but for herself as well. So she spent quite some time really thinking about it.

Though she may have been spending too much time thinking, if Silver Wolf's constant complaint was any indication.

"Why are you standing around? Having second thoughts?"

"Yeah. We've always been the ones taking Stellarons. It's the first time we're giving one out."

"You're gonna think for this long? Didn't make up your mind when you got out of bed this morning?"

"Don't hurry me, Silver Wolf. This is a big decision."

"Come on, I'll pick for you! This one, yeah, this one!"

"Uh, Silver Wolf? Did you forget that I must be the one to make this decision?"

She was honestly really tempted to use her Spirit Whisper right here and there, but decided against it as she thought she had made her decision. With a tap of her finger, Kafka saw the screen closing up on the boy's sleeping face. A feeling of nostalgia ran through her for a brief moment before it was gone.

Perhaps her choice may have been a little biased from the start. Not that she would ever take it back.

"Wanna give him a new name?" Silver Wolf asked as she had seen the chosen receptacle, not that she really cares but she knew enough that this person was close to Kafka that she felt that it needed to be said. This was a big decision after all.

After another moment of thinking, though not as long as earlier, Kafka shook her head with a smile on her face. "No, I happened to like his name already. Why change something that isn't broken?" She said type in the name that he was given and that she had come to familiarize with the most.


With a final scan of her finger print for verification, the screen was reduced to a block of pink cube filled with data that Kafka took hold. "There we go." She said as she threw the data cube to Silver Wolf, who nodded as she pushed the cube into her screen.

The two watched as a body was suddenly appearing in front of them, seemingly looking like it was digitally printed out. Kafka walked closer to the body after it was done being created, catching him on the back so as to not let him fall.

The body was that of a young man with silver hair and while his eyes were close, Kafka knew that his eyes possess an ember colored eyes that is as warm and deadly as flame itself. He was also taller than her, even with her heels, something that she had found quite amusing.

He wears a light gray t-shirt over a black long-sleeved coat that possesses a hood with the inside and highlight being colored an orange-ish gold color, the sleeves being rolled up to reveal a bit of his arms. The same color strap was hung around his coat, along with a chain on the lower left side of the coat.

He also wears black pants and shoes on the lower side, wrapped around with a black and gold belt on his waist and a few black straps just underneath it for some reason. He has the same orange-ish gold straps wrapped around his right arm with his two hands covered in a pair of black fingerless gloves.

"How much does he remember?"

"...they'll remember you."

Kafka merely smiled as she was pleased hearing that. Bringing up the Stellaron in her other hand, she placed it over Caelus' chest before pushing it deep into his body. Leaning closer to him, she whispers into his ear and tells him.

"Time to get up."

For it is time for the true protagonist of the story to be awakened.


Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a newborn baby? The normal human mind wasn't matured enough at the moment of birth, so the chance of one memory to remember their entire existence as a newborn was lost in the process of growth.

Even at the highly improbable chance of that, it was exactly what Caelus was experiencing right now. His mind was a jumbled mess, he couldn't think quite straight as bits and bits of memory and thoughts float around his head. He was having a migraine already.

His body was also not agreeing with him. It was like his arms and legs were strapped by tons of weight, making it impossible to move them. Or maybe that was just his body wasn't in sync with his mind, he couldn't tell. All that he knew is that he couldn't move a single muscle below the neck, nor could he feel anything either.

The only saving grace was that he could still feel his head, not move them but feeling them was more then enough for now. He also took note that whatever it is his head is resting is quite nice and soft.

He could also feel his face returning to his control, although it was a struggle in itself. With determination, he forced his eyes to pry open despite how heavy they felt. Once his now opened eyes adjust to the light, he finds that his sight was quite blurry, but they are getting better.

After a few blink, he now noticed that someone was watching him. They're face quite close to him as they looked down at him. Upon his sight being more clear, he see that this face belong to a woman with red wine colored hair and matching yet lighter eye color.

She was looking at him with a smile on her face, which only fueled his confusion. Who was she? Does he know her? Does she know him? Many thought like this race through his head at once.

However, one thought prevails and stands out to him. It was a name that, for some reason, felt like they mean something to him.


His voice was weak, raspy, and small. But his voice did reach out to her, causing the woman to smile wider after hearing that. "Great, so you remember me."

Caelus couldn't really tell if she was happy to hear that he remember her name or not. He felt that those smiles hold more secrets than meets the eye. He also took notice of another person beside Kafka, although he doesn't remember the other one.


Kafka's voice rings through him, seeping not only through his ear but also his mind. He could only vacantly stare at her smiling face as she continued speaking.

"You are in a daze right now. You don't know who you are, why you're here, or what you're going to do next. You think I look familiar, but you're not sure if you should trust me—"

She stopped herself for a moment, seemingly lost in thought before letting out a quite sigh before continuing.

"...none of that matters. All you need to know is that I'm leaving, and you will be left all alone on this space station. From now on you needn't think about your past or doubt yourself."

"Listen: In the near future, you will encounter all kinds of perils and hardships, but you will also have many wonderful experiences. You'll meet companions who treat you like family, and embark on surreal adventures with them..."

Every word that she had spoken he'd listen attentively, in the back of his mind he felt that this wasn't by his choice either. But he just continued to listen as her words began to seep into his mind.

"At the end of your journey, all that perplexes you and troubles you will resolve." Kafka said before she let out a sigh and gave him a smile once more, this time a more genuine one, he can tell. "This is your future that Elio has foreseen. Do you like it?"

Did he? He really doesn't get it. He didn't even know anything about anything. His memory is no help since the only thing he can confidently say about himself is his own name.

But what Kafka had said here, she had seemed to be implying something that he doesn't get at. He was given a future by someone? Shouldn't his future be decided on his own? Why should he listen to this woman anyway? He only knew her name only anyway.

If he wasn't getting so tired with each passing second, he'll be panicking right this moment. Yet even then he didn't, for what all his empty memory could bring out to him only led him to one thing. That what his heart is telling him is one thing.

That no matter what, he could trust her. He could trust Kafka. Despite her saying otherwise.

With that thought in his mind, he opened his mouth to think of the only thing he could say at this moment.

"I guess..."

Perhaps not the best way to say it, but it seemed to be enough for her as her expression brightened ever so slightly. "Lovely." Even her voice seems to have sounded happier to him. "Listen: Remember what you're feeling at this moment. As long as you know in your heart where you're heading, you are guaranteed to see the ending of your story."

"That's the you that I like."

Before his tired mind could comprehend what exactly does that mean, the other girl beside Kafka walked up and pointedly told her. "How long do you think you need? According to the script, the Astral Express crew is arriving soon. We should avoid being seen by them."

"I know, Silver Wolf. Just give me another minute." Kafka said to the girl before she looked back at him, her expression seemed to have been downed from earlier. "I must leave now. Listen: someone will come and find you very soon, just go with them. You won't remember a thing except me."

With that, Kafka picked him up and carefully moved him so that he was resting against the wall. Should he say something? He didn't know, and what she said left him concerned. Just as she had stood back up, he decided to speak one last time to her.


It was the only thing he could say as he could feel his consciousness begin to dwindle. But for a moment, he realized that Kafla had heard him as she turned towards him...and give him a gentle smile.

"When you have a chance to make a choice, make one that you know you won't regret..."

With that final word from her, Caelus closed his eyes shut as his consciousness started to fade. When he woke up, he won't be the same person as before. His trust for her may be forgotten and he will just see her as a dangerous stranger, one who he will find hard to trust to.

But so be it. Even if he didn't know anything, even if the only thing that was left for him is just his name alone, he will see this journey through with his own eyes.

He will make a path for himself, towards the future that he decided on his own. To Kafka, to Elio, and to whoever that will face him down this road, he only has one thing to say to them.

'Bring it.'

And with that, Caelus passed out.


A/N: And that's a wrap! So what do you guys think? Is it good? Is it bad? Please leave a comment if you like.

Well, that's it for the start of the story. Not gonna lie, writing the dialogue for this kind of story is easy thanks to the fandom website providing the in-game dialogue, as well as the characters description. Really made my life easier in writing this story.

But still, I enjoy writing the interaction between Kafka and Silver Wolf. The game doesn't really put much interaction between them, but I like to think I capture their relationship quite well. For Kafka and Caelus, this is honestly a bit of challenge due to the low amount of lore between them (go figure, it's a relatively new game after all), but I think I manage.

Another challenge is writing the fighting scene of this story. With the game being a turn-based game, I have to be creative on the way of their fighting style. Silver Wolf was the most difficult being her move is entirely game-like in the first place, but her Aether Editing really make this sort of easy.

But that is all from me, I hope you like the start of this story. Like I said, depending on how this story goes I will decide if I will continue it or not. It's not really a problem of writing, well not that much, but if this story is truly worth writing or not.

I can say that I do enjoy writing this story, but I want to know what you guys think. I'm not really doing anything new to the canon story. I just want to write this story as a mean for people to be interested in Honkai Star Rail, cause I just really like the game and I want to share it with other.

One more thing, I decided to also post this story in Ao3. Mainly because that is where most Honkai: Star Rail fanfiction is posted.

Gotta say, the fic there are...interesting, to say the least.

But anyway. All in all, I really hope you all like this story. Thank you!

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