The Battle of 2 Perspectives


No One's POV

Seele walked up to the Overseer,who was handling the controls of the Hyperion as she goes up to him,he turned his head and looked at her with a curious look as he fully turned around and faced Seele while she looked up to him

Otto:what are you doing here Ms.Seele,shouldn't you be doing your final preparations?

Seele:I-I don't really have anything to prepare since I don't use a manufactured weapon or have battlesuit,so I'm already to go

Otto:then what business do you have here or with Me

Seele:I wanted to ask you something

Otto:well,ask away then,I'll happily answer your question

Seele:w-well,I don't know if this is classified or not but-


Seele:uhm,does Schicksal have any information about the Sea of Quanta or anything related to it

the Overseer looked at Me with an even more curious look as he looked around the room,examining the present crew in the room and anybody else,he then turned back to Me and kneeled down to my height as he came face to face with Me

Otto:now,where did you hear that name from

Seele:I-I-,I've been looking for the Sea of Quanta with Bronya-nee for a long time now,we're looking for someone and we think he might be in the Sea

Otto:Schicksal knows about your connection with Quantum Energy and we do find it intriguing,that a girl,such as you came to possess such energy but I did not think you knew about the Sea of Quanta

Seele:so,Schicksal does have information on the Sea

Otto:that is highly classified information Ms.Seele-

Seele:oh,I see

Otto:and yet,you seem to have done some excessive research on it,is this person really,that important to you

Seele:yes!!,he is 

Otto:I see,alright then,I'll answer your questions but,you have to answer mine first 

Seele:of course,anything

Otto:alright,first of,who are you looking for,that you think,that they might be in the Sea of Quanta

Seele:I'm looking for my Brother,he's been missing for 8 years now and leads we found,led us to think,he's in the Sea

Otto:ok,second question,how did you find out about the Sea of Quanta

Seele:a few years ago,when I was 11,I was subjected to an experiment by my Matushka

Otto:and who is this Matushka of yours

Seele:she's-,.....................Cocolia,of Anti-Entropy 

Otto:well then,that makes your situation,quite precarious,Ms.Seele,we knew about Ms.Zaychicks connection but we didn't figure,you were also part of it

Seele:we didn't know about Anti-Entropy at the time,we were living in an orphanage,built by Matushka and the experiment took place in a facility under the building

Otto:how many were subjected to the experiment

Seele:only 3,including Me and Bronya-nee,all experiments failed but I was able to give Bronya-nee the result of the a successful experiment

Otto:the robot,she calls Project Bunny?,you gave it to her?,how?

Seele:a side effect of my experiment,made my physical body disappear from the real world,I was sent to a different world,that was unlike this one,there were floating islands with ruins,the sky was dark blue with spots og glowing white and below was an infinite abyss of darkness

Otto:so you were sent to the Sea of Quanta

Seele:does the description match!!

Otto:yes,you perfectly described,that realm

Seele:so,I did manage to go there

Otto:that does not explain,how you gave Ms.Zaychic the robot

Seele:a voice inside my head,during the time I was there,told Me,that the world bends to my will and my only limit was my mental strength,the greater the desire the stronger I needed to be for the world to grant my wish,I wished for the result of a successful experiment and it to be given to Bronya-nee,that's how I gave it to her

Otto:so the Sea of Quanta,bended to your will and granted your wish?


Otto:interesting,very interesting,your story is worth,looking into more,Ms.Seele,I have to request that,we have a private talk back at HQ,so you can give Me more details about your story

Seele:of course Overseer

Otto:well,as agreed upon,I shall now answer your question

Seele:well,I just want any general knowledge,Schicksal has on the Sea of Quanta

Otto:I see,well in the past,Schicksal experimented with the 2nd Divine Relic,a weapong,that could open portals  to other worlds,that included the Sea of Quanta,though we stopped with the experiment due to the allocation of more resources to the frontline,to fight the Honkai,our goal was to make a stable gateway to the Sea Quanta 

Seele:so is there

Otto:we failed to do so but it is not impossible

Seele:so,there is a way into the Sea

Otto:yes,from a past report,we learned,that Anti-Entropy has a base in the Ocean,they call The Deep,it's said to have a way into Sea of Quanta directly,allowing people to freely enter but hardly exit the Sea

Seele:so,Anti-Entropy has a gate to the Sea of Quanta

Otto:precisely,what they're doing with it right now is unknown but we do know,the base if very heavily fortified

Seele:I see,thank you for this information,Overseer Otto

Otto:it's an equal exchange of information,so no need to thank Me,we will have to talk about you allegiance though,but we'll save,that for another time

Seele:of course,Overseer

Otto:now,what you heard from Me is highly classified,not even Rita and Durandal know much about it,I don't want this information being spread around,so keep this a secret from everyone,this is between you and Me,do you understand

Seele:yes Overseer,no one will know

Otto:good,it's best you join your fellow Valkyries,we will be arriving in South East Africa's coast momentarily

Seele:yes Overseer Otto and thank you again for this,this is a really big help

Seele walked away and left the bridge of the Hyperio,leaving Otto to his devices as said man,turned back to the controls and handled them with optimal efficiency

Otto(mind):a strange but kind young girl,although clouded by the search for this person or Brother,she seems to have multiple goals,her allegiance to Schicksal does not seem compromised by any means,even if she originally came from Anti-Entropy and her trust in everyone here seems quite high,even for those,she hasn't met yet,though I can't help but feel like,there is a much bigger force behind her,partially helping her walk her path,..........................dear,I forgot to take the opportunity to ask her last name,my mistake I guess

Seele walked along the hallway of the Hyperion as she made her way towards the lounge area,after a crewmate told her,that Himeko was looking for her,she had quickly made it to said lounge area/room as she she's all her friends and mentors gathered around a table as they all sat down and talked,as soon as they realized,that Seele had entered the room,they all turned their heads to her as they all greeted her and motioned her to sit down with them

Seele:so,you wanted to see Me,Major Himeko

Himeko:yes,I wanted everyone here,because I have something to tell you all

Kiana:just tell us Aunt Himeko,the anticipation is killing Me

Durandal:patience Ms.Kiana,it's a secret,that let's you beat your enemy for you

Bronya:the Idiotka need to wait

Himeko:enough,I didn s during the meeting because the Overseer would probably push this off as an improbable factor but during reconnaissance,we think we saw World Serpent mechs,taking position in the battlefield

Theresa:WHAT!! and you didn't say anything about this

Himeko:like I said,the Overseer,would brush this off as an improbable factor,he doesn't think World Serpent,would interfere in this fight because he thinks both sides will target them if they show their face

Rita:boths sides do not like the World Serpent,so it's a reasonable assumption

Himeko:though,that may be true,I have a feeling their coming here,expecting to have to fight both sides

Durandal:are you saying,they'll come at us,no matter the outcome or time of the fight

Himeko:precisely,so I want us to be ready for this,when the time comes

Kiana:bring it on then,I'll turn their mechs into scrap metal,like the rest of those dumb AE mechs

Bronya:Da,the objective is still the same,destroy all targets

Theresa:let's send them to kingdom come then

Durandal:let's show them all,why they shouldn't be messing with Schicksal

Rita:a simple stain,that can simply be removed

Seele:let's all do our best in the fight,there's no way we can lose if we all give it our all

everyone nodded in agreement as they all agreed to what,they were going to do,during the fight,despite their better judgement,they all agreed to Otto's plan and just fight head on,so they all agreed to distance themselves a bit to cover as much ground as possible,they were bringing their A game as they all impatiently waited for the signal to deploy

Timeskip brought to you by Seele getting embarrassed while a cat ear headband


Seele's POV

after an hour of flying,we were now at the coast of South East Africa,the waves below were strong as gusts of wind caused a bit of turbulence,I was with Ms.Durandal,Bronyanee and Kiana-nee,riding on a dropship,that would land us on the coast with the rest of the Schicksal forces,alongside us were many other dropships,filled with soldiers and Valkyries while Aesir mechs flew along with us,making sure nothing goes wrong,the Hyperion floated in the sky,guarded by many fully armed gunships and aircraft as it's weapons get ready to fire,as soon as the enemy presents themselves

we waited to patiently to land as Principal Theresa and Major Himeko were already waiting for us on the ground with some of the other Valkyrie squadrons,there was still no sign of the enemy but we all knew,that they were out there,somewhere,I looked out the window of the dropship as I look at the ground below,below us was an open area of ground and rocks,behind and to the side of us was the vast sea of blue,known as the ocean and beyond the open area was a thick forest,filled with lush green trees and shrubbery while on our right was a large ruined city,most likely abandoned for a long time

I looked outside but saw no enemies or any sign of hostiles,that was when I heard Veliona's voice in my head as she started talking to Me for the first time today

Veliona:Seele,I can sense the AE forces

Seele:(mind):really?!,where are they

Veliona:I'm not sure of the exact position of all of them but,there's a large force of them,right inside and outside of the treeline,the soldiers seem to be a little bit farther into the forest

Seele(mind):how many are there

Veliona:not sure but I can sense at least 100 mechs and 300 soldiers

Seele(mind):this could be a scouting force

Veliona:doubt it,there are weak but detectable Honkai signatures surrounding the people below

Seele:that fast,did they know,we would land here

Durandal:Seele,who are you talking to?

Seele:huh,oh!,did I say that out loud

Kiana:what do you mean,surrounded

Bronya:Is Seele,talking to Veliona

Seele:mmm,she said,that she sensed enemy mechs,inside and outside the treeline of the forest,she also said,that we may or may not be surrounded already

Durandal:that fast!!!

Bronya:Anti-Entropy was ahead of us this time

I raised my hand up to my ear to activate my micro earpiece as I connected with the Hyperion's comms,a beep ringed in my ear,meaning I was patched through as I heard the Hyperion's communication staff answer

Communications:Seele,what's the matter

Seele:Ma'am,possible hostile mechs on the treeline of the forest,switch to thermal and spot

Communication:copy that,I'll relay to Weapon and to the rest

Seele:wait,tell everyone,that we may already be surrounded by the enemy

Communication:roger that,will do

as soon as the call dropped,the dropship began to shake violently as we all held onto our chairs to avoid falling,we looked outside and saw,that one of the nearby Aesir mechs exploded,causing the ship to shake,then more Aesire mechs exploded as missiles and rockets,started to fly by us at great speed,the pilot yelled,that we were being fired at by a stationary Anti-Air defense turret as the ship shook even greater,we're hit by a rocket as we started lose control of the ship,the dropship was now spinning in circles as we descended very quickly and in a very uncontrolled way

I looked out the window again and saw,that we were getting closer to the ground very quickly,we needed to act fast to survive as I summoned the Undine's Tale into my hand and slice the side door open,the doors fall off as I opened the doors to the cockpit of the ship as I grabbed the 2 pilots inside by the back of the shirt,Ms.Durandal grabbed Kiana-nee and while Bronya-nee jumped out of the ship with us close behind her,I told the 2 pilots to hold onto Me as we started to free fall towards the ground while Ms.Durandal activated her Battlesuit and started to fly while Bronya-nee descended at a normal speed

before we ground,I used my Quantum fluttering to break our fall as we all turned into a ball of compressed Quantum Energy,before turning back and falling softly on the ground,Ms.durandal and Bronya-nee with Kiana-nee landed near us as i stood up and looked at the situation,AE Titan mechs were spread across the Battlefield as Valkyries and soldiers fought and destroyed the mechs while dropships fell from the sky,the remaining Aesir mechs,the survived the attacks landed and engaged the Titans as Aesir mechs cut some of the Titans in half with their energy infused blades while of of the Titans crushed the Aesir mech with their brute strength

the Hyperion's main batteries were littering the enemy with high velocity laser shots as explosions rocked the earth but each shot was limited by the scrambled forces of Schicksal as the Hyperion avoided,friendly fire as much as possible,Ms.Durandal brought out her lance and started to impale and throw mechs around as Kiana-nee brought out her dual pistols as she started to shoot through,kick and punch the mechs around while Bronya-nee's project Bunny obliterated the enemies with her new missile launcher as rockets flew at us and them at great speed

I gripped the Undine's Tale tightly as I told the 2 pilots to get to safety or cover before rushing,straight into the fight,I jumped into the air as I came down with a slash as I cut a Titan in half before 2 other Titans come after Me,one of the 2 come at Me with their arm cocked back as it throws a punch at Me,I jumped back and dodged the attack as the Titan crushed the ground,I was on,I landed back on the ground before charging at the 2 Titans as I swing from the side,taking the head of the first Titan before latching onto the arm of the other Titan,I swung from the arm,using my scythe as the arm of the Titan comes off from the sharpness of the blade while I land on the ground,I then dash at the Titan and embed my scythe blade into its head,it powered off as I take out my scythe from it's head and watch it fall over,backwards

that was when I sensed danger behind Me as I instinctively Quantum Fluttered,to dodge a few missiles,flying towards me,I looked over and saw multiple AE Rocket Mechs as they fired more rockets at Me,I dodged them and started my sprint towards the rocket mechs but I was intercepted as 3 more Titans got in my ways,I jumped into air and hoped to get a clean shot at one of the Titans but they were already prepared for my attack as they prepared to punch Me in the air,I switched my plan,so as soon as the Titan threw a punch,I hooked it's arm with the blade of the Undine's Tale as I spun myself around it,tearing of strips like a can opener as the arm falls of the mech,I land on the ground and slice the Titan's leg as it falls on it's one knee before I use it as a jumping board as I jumped into the air and then off the Titan as I make it fall over,backwards,I soared through the air,towards the other 2 Titans as I swing at the arm and taking it clean off as I land in front of it and take off,one of its legs,making it kneel,I then scaled the Titan and backflip off it as I align myself with the last Titan,as soon as I was on the same level as the head of the Titan,I hook it's head with my scythe and pull back,taking the head clean off as it falls forward,I then charge at the kneeling Titan as I swing at it's center,cutting it in half as the 2 separate pieces fall

I look back to the Rocket Mechs as they fire at Me again,I Quantum Fluttered and dodged the missiles as I dash at them with great speed,as soon as I close the distance,I swung once and cut all 7 Rocket Mechs in half as they explode a second later,I then turn around after sensing more danger as I see another 15 Rocket Mechs fire at Me,I was ready to dodge but didn't as a the rockets were blocked,in front of Me was a gigantic robot,bigger than any of the AE Titans on the field,a massive shield floated in front of it's left arm as it projected a bigger energy shield,that blocked the rockets while it held a massive sword in it's other hand

it was the Aesir Heimdall,the guardian of the Helheim Labs and Schicksal's main guard robot for HQ,it towered over the rocket mechs as it stood up straight and proud,it swung it's sword once and destroyed all the surrounding mechs in the area before pointing a laser at a different group of mech as multiple aircraft flew above Me and bombed the enemy group,Heimdall charged through the battlefield,slaughtering the enemy as the giant robot destroys groups on groups of enemies

I turn away to focus on a different part of the battle as I break into a sprint in an instant,the battle seemed to be going well as I see the number of enemy mechs going down,courtesy of all the present Valkyries and the very presence of the Aesir Heimdall,but there was still quite a lot of them around as our soldiers are taking lots of damage and getting hurt,I decided,that I should clear out more mechs at a faster rate to avoid more casualties,so I called for a friend

Seele(mind):Veliona do you-

Veliona:I already know what your thinking,but are you sure you trust Me

Seele(mind):you have a lot of enemies this time,I'm sure you'll get you fill of excitement from this

Veliona:hmph,fine then,but don't take this the wrong way,I may help you from time to time but this out of my boredom,nothing else

Seele(mind):that's fine,you're helping and that's what counts

Veliona:hmph,so naive

I stopped in my tracks as I felt myself lose control of my body,my consciousness was slowly swapped out with Veliona as I found myself in a dark place with only a screen like view of the real world,I knew this mind,since Veliona is always here and I often come here when I have nothing to do,so I would keep Veliona company here but it was to empty right now,so I closed my eyes and imagined in my mind,that I was in a grassy plain with a single white chair,I opened my eyes and the landscape changed to a grassy plain with a single white chair behind Me

I sat down and looked at the "screen" as I see Veliona control my body across the battlefield,she jumped through the air as she took the heads of many Titans,clean off and in quick succession,the bodies of many Titans fell on the ground with missing limbs and heads as Veliona went on a massacre,I would not usually let her do this kind of things but she was bored and I wanted little losses on our side,the 2 just lined up and so,I took the opportunity to check off both things as Veliona was clearly having fun,dismembering the AE mechs on the Battlefield

as I sat on my chair,I could listen to everyone talk,because,like Veliona,being in my mind didn't hinder my senses,I could hear and see,everything Veliona hears and sees,so I could listen to everyone talk as I could tell,they were all watching Veliona massacre the enemy mechs

Valkyrie1:woah,that girls going on a rampage

Valkyrie2:isn't that Ms.Durandal's part time student

Valkyrie3:yah,I'm pretty sure,I didn't know she trained her that well


Valkyrie6:geez,she's massacring everything she sees

Valkyrie7:is it safe to be here

Valkyrie2:I think so,she's only going after mechs

Valkyrie3:"Aspiring Star Student/Valkyrie,goes beserk during mission"that sounds like a good headline for our newspaper and report

Valkyrie4:you idiot,that's invasion of privacy

Durandal:Seele!!,don't overextend yourself

Kiana:is it Me or is Seele getting a lot more aggressive

Rita:it would seem so

Bronya:nyet,subject Kiana and subject Rita are wrong,that is not Seele,take notice of the red eyes and red aura around her,that signifies,that Veliona is in control of her body

Kiana:Veliona!!!,you mean,that evil doppelganger of Seele

Bronya:nyet,Veliona is not evil,she is just like that because she is bron from Seele's negative thoughts

Rita:quite a dangerous girl,if I may say

Kiana:dangerous,that's the word your using for her Rita,she's massacred 13 Mech division in under 5 minutes,dangerous is the best you can come up with

Rita:then I do believe,incredibly lethal in combat is much better for her

Kiana:yah,that's more like it

Bronya:subject Kiana is really an Idiotka,those are the same but the latter is longer

Durandal:enough,focus on the fight in front of us

I giggled at everyone's reaction to Veliona as some of them continued to talk while fighting,that was when Veliona finally landed on the ground after being in the air for so long,she turned around to reveal to me,the line of destroyed mechs behind her,there were so many,I couldn't count them all,Veliona had a very amused and satisfied smile on her as the mechs started to explode,one by one

Veliona(mind):that does it

Seele:done already

Veliona(mind):I've had my fill,time for you to finish the fight,I'm going to have a nap

Seele:ok,I'll swap back now,have a good sleep

I swapped my consciousness back with Veliona's as I have full control of my body again,instead of going to find more enemies to destroy,I decided it would be best to go back to my friends and see,how they we're all doing and to get and update on what's happening all around the battle,Veliona may have destroyed a lot of enemies but we were only on one side of a large battle while this was only,one battle of a large war

I rushed through the battlefield as I made my way to my friends while avoiding as many enemies as I could,it didn't take me long to get them as I see,Bronya-nee and Kiana-nee,unload their ammunition on any enemies they see,Ms.Durandal and Ms.Rita were at the front and were making sure,no enemies got to our range based Valkyries while Major Himeko and Principal Theresa were dismantling mechs at insane speed,I went up to Bronya-nee as she turned to Me with her usual neutral face

Bronya:Seele,are you ok

Seele:I'm ok,what's the situation with the entire battle

suddenly,Ms.Durandal,came flying down from the sky,riding her lance as her lance was inside the head of a Titan

Durandal:the situation is not bad,we're winning but their main force has yet to show itself but with our current forces and with more on the way,we should be able to win,regardless

Seele:how are the casualties 

Kiana:not bad either,none dead and 2 soldiers and 1 Valkyrie,heavily wounded,their already back on the Hyperion too,so don't worry

then Ms.Rita came from the front as she dodged a few missile,that flew above

Rita:our problem right now is the soldiers in the forest

Durandal:they seem to be elite sharpshooters,and there's a lot of them,going into the forest to hunt them down would be too difficult to do

Seele:then leave it to Me,I can sense Honkai Energy inside people,I can track them down and-

???:or we could just have them come to us instead of going to them

we all turned around and saw Overseer Otto,calmly walking to the front with us in his usual attire as he fixed his sleeves collar,he was very calm about this as he walked towards us with no weapon in hand or sight


Rita:Master Otto,what are you doing here

Otto:I did make it clear,that I will be participating in this battle as well

Bronya:then where is the Overseer's weapon

Otto:*giggles*oh,Ms.Zaychick,one does not need to carry his or her weapon on themselves at all times,they merely need to pull it out-, the right moment

Overseer Otto talked as he walked in front of us,he raised his hand to the same height as his head as the cloud above us started thunder,which was peculiar since,there was barely any clouds above us,the sky started to darken as the clouds gathered over the Overseer,a single bolt of lightning stuck down on his hand but it didn't electrocute him in any way,instead,a weapon appeared in his hand,it was a single pistol with a black and white color with a orange glow

he aimed the gun in front of him and fired a single shot as the shot pierced and and melted through 5 mechs in a line,everyone,including Me had a surprised expression as the Overseer started to charge up a shot,he fired the charged shot as unlike the first shot,which was a small single bullet like projectile,this shot turned into a large beam,that melted all mech in it's way while leaving a flaming scorched path in its wake,everyone is surprised faces turned to shock as we all stare at the destruction a single shot from the Overseer's weapon,there was now a scorching path in the middle of the battlefield,that extended into the forest,the trees,that got hit in the attack were no more than bits of dust in the wind as a we a saw a few burned bodies within the path,before seeing them get swept away by the wind

Rita:Master Otto-, that-

Otto:the Judgement of Shamash-

Kiana(mind):the Judgement of Shamash!!!,no way!?!?

Otto:though it's only a replica,it's destructive power is still immeasurable,the current Key's wielder's whereabouts are currently unknown,to except one person

Kiana(mind):someone knows,where the Old Man is???

Otto:although,I don't know when he will return from his travels,that doesn't matter at the moment,what matters is,that we finish this fight,so we can move on to finding the main Anti-Entropy force

Overseer Otto aimed his gun again but instead of immediately charging a shot,multiple spheres appeared to both of his side as more slowly appeared,when the spheres stopped appearing,there were a total of 10 orange spheres to his side,that was when he started to charge his attack,the spheres to his side grew bigger,the longer he charged his attack as he gained a calm smile

Otto:I suggest you all get some distance behind Me and for all personnel and mechs to do the same if you all don't want to be melted by this

we all quickly heeded his words and got back as everyone rushed behind him,as soon as everyone was clear,Overseer Otto fired the shot from his pistol as the spheres to his side fired the same shot,multiplying his own shot by 20x,the attack melted through the AE mechs in front of us as it started to melt the forest beyond them but something unexpected happened as the 21 spheres of mass destruction just vanished into thin air in an instant,everyone,including the Overseer himself was confused as to what had happened as smoke came from the gigantic trail of scorched earth,covering our vision and keeping us from looking at the end results of the attack

as soon as the smoke partially cleared,we saw completely burned bodies on the ground but when it fully cleared,we all saw a man,standing just outside the new,unburned treeline of the forest,he had brown hair and brown eyes,he wore a white shirt with a brown jacket over it and black pants with black shoes 

he had neutral expression on his face but he had a confident smile along with it as he looked at Overseer Otto,face to face,the Overseer looked back the man while maintaining his neutral expression as well as the smile he had was gone and now replaced by a frown

???:quite the weapon,you have there Otto of Schicksal,even for a cheap replica,it's power is still beyond great

Otto:I applaud you as well,Welt Yang,Sovereign of Anti-Entropy,I'm impressed,that you were able to cancel out a 60% charged attack

Welt:hmph,your getting cocky like usual

Otto:I can't help such a habit,when I fight an enemy with such cheaply mass produced rip-offs

Welt:oo,Tesla isn't going to like that one when she hears it,thankfully-,................she already has,so why don't you show him what you'll do,Tesla

from nowhere,2 mechs appeared to the side of the man,on his right was a Giga,that sported the Anti-Entropy colors while on the left was a normal sized Titan but painted in gold and black


more mechs appeared near them as the main Anti-Entropy force appears right before us,with numbers,matching our own,battalions upon battalions of mechs stood in formation as they all looked at us from a distance,RPC AE attack aircraft hovered above the mechs as soldiers appeared from the treeline,quickly setting up a defensive position,then a large robot fell from the sky and landed in front of all the Anti-Entropy forces,it was a large robot,that towered over the the rest of the AE mechs,it had a red and black color scheme and held 2 giant cleavers in its hands

the robot pointed it's cleaver to us as hatch on it's shoulder opened and fired a missile at us,the missile broke and launched multiple rockets at high speed as everyone got ready to dodge,but before the rockets could reach us,they were destroyed as they hit the energy shield of Aesir Heimdall,that just landed in front of us as Overseer Otto's frown was replaced by a smirk

Otto:my guess was right,you did steal a blueprint when you escaped containment,but it looks like it wasn't the full schematic,yet another cheap knock off I suppose

Tesla:hah Hephaestus is not a copy,he's more than a simple robot,he's the new state of the art combat mech,stronger than Heimdall could ever be

Otto:is that so,all I see is a hurried prototype,made from the success of it's completely superior predecessor

Tesla:THAT'S IT!!!!,YOUR MINE!!!

Welt:save your strength Tesla,I'll handle Otto


Otto:I can't say I'm surprised,that you said that,even so,I can't say I'm not amused,that you had the thought of combating Me

Welt:hmph,I'll be more than enough to deal with you,Otto Apocalypse

the Sovereign's eyes turned red as blue and white cannons appeared and floated near him,Overseer Otto smirked again as the sky darkened again,the clouds formed above him and struck his other hand,creating the same pistol into his hand as he now dual wields the copy of the Judgement of Shamash,he points both guns at the Sovereign as the Sovereign aimed his cannons at Overseer Otto,both looked at each other,dead in the eyes,urging the other to back down but neither did as they both spoke

Otto & Welt:all Valkyries/Mechs,charge forward,destroy Anti-Entropy/Schicksal

Aesir Heimdall & Hephaestus:objective acquired,neutralize/destroy Anti-Entropy/Schicksal

Durandal & Tesla:YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!

everyone charged at each other as Valkyries and mechs went head on with each other,Ms.Durandal led the charge as she jumped into the air and came back down like a meteor,crashing through a Titan,destroying it before moving onto the next target,Overseer otto and Welt Yang fired both their shots as beam from the Judgement of Shamash collided with the lasers from Welt's cannons,creating a explosion,that covered the entire field in smoke,it was hard to see but it didn't hinder Me as I could sense the Honkai Energy in the mechs and soldiers,so I knew exactly where to swing as I take the head of a Titan before landing on the ground,I needed to clear this smoke for my allies,so I gathered some Quantum Energy into the Undine's Tale's blade,before swing all my might,the swing was powerful enough to clear all the smoke as I look in front of Me,to see Me almost get crushed,I Quantum Fluttered to avoid getting stepped on as I look back to See Hephaestus fighting Aesir Heimdall head on

the 2 giant robots clashed swords as Heimdall picked Hephaestus up by the neck before throwing him into the ocean,then chasing after him,the 2 robots now fought in the sea as their movement cause giant waves to form on the surface of the ocean,I knew if I could help Heimdall beat Hephaestus,Heimdall would be able to help clear out the enemy mechs on ground,so that was what I did,I ran the opposite way from the enemy as I ran towards the ocean to help Heimdall,the 2 were fighting,pretty close to shore,so getting to them wasn't hard as I jump into the air and land on Heimdall's shoulder,I then jumped again as I landed on Hepheastus's arm,that was swinging his cleaver at Heimdall,his attack was blocked by Heimdall's shield as he counter attacked by trying to stab Hephaestus

while the 2 fought their battle I focused on doing my part as I ran up Hepheastus's arm while letting the Undine's Tale's blade scraped the metal of the arm,Hephaestus realized,that I was running up his arm as he tried to shake Me off but it didn't work as I was using Quantum Energy to attach my feet to his arm or any surface in general,I got up to the head as I started to swing at it,unfortunately,I wasn't doing that much damage as I barely scratched his armor but I kept trying as I slowly made progress ,while I chipped away at Hephaestus's armor,Heimdall was still trying to land a hit as he swung his sword from the side,only to be blocked by both of Hephaestus's sword,this gave him an opening as he punched Hephaestus with his shield,this caused the Anti-Entropy robot to shake and get knocked back as I lost my balance,I started to fall off of Hephaestus but I was able to catch myself by stabbing the Undine's Tale into Hepheastus's chest,this allowed Me,this allowed Me to get my feet attached again as I slowly climbed back up and chipped away at Hephaestus's armor again

I was doing little work and needed a faster way to do this,I looked back to Heimdall as it blocked both of Hepheastus's sword's with his shield,before pushing him back,that was when I had an idea,I looked at Hephaestus's neck and saw,that it's armor on the neck was significantly weaker but harder for Me to reach but if Heimdall was able to reach it,he might be able to cut straight through,I looked at Hephaestus's hands and saw,that his wrist armor was significantly weaker as well,meaning I could probably cut through it easier,I just needed Heimdall to cooperate,so I jumped off Hephaestus and back to Heimdall,who was blocking hits from both of Hephaestus's swords

Seele:Heimdall,do you recognize Me

Heimdall,slightly turned his head and looked at Me as it quickly scanned Me with it's "eyes"

Heimdall:personnel recognized,A Rank Valkyrie,Seele,ally recognized

Seele:Heimdall,block one of Hephaestus Sword with your shield and aim a swing for his neck,I'll take care of his other arm

Heimdall:affirmative,instructions given,following orders now

Heimdall pushed back and blocked another swing from Hephaestus's sword as I jump at the other hand while Heimdall started his swing,Hephaestus was mid swing as I close the distance with his wrist,I slashed at it once and cut straight off as the hand and sword fall of the arm,letting heimdall get a free hit,I Quantum Fluttered back onto Heimdall's shoulder as I look at him swing,the sword hit Hephaestus directly as the sword went cleanly through the neck,taking it off the body,this gathered the attention of everyone on land as they all see Hephaestus's head fall into the ocean as his body falls soon after

Heimdall:enemy neutralized,assistance recognized,during task,assistance appreciated,Ms.Seele

Seele:it's ok,Heimdall,next objective is to help all forces of Schicksal

Heimdall:command acquired,proceeding to initiate task,current task,assist all forces of Schicksal

Heimdall jumped onto the air as I grabbed onto his head,so I wouldn't fall off as he lands back on the ground,he then proceeded to run at the enemy as he started swinging his sword,crushing and flinging many enemy mechs around,that was when the enemy,started to focus fire on Heimdall but none of their shots were hitting because of Heimdall's shield and the large amount of protective Quantum Energy I gathered around him,that's destroying any incoming rockets or missiles,his only problem would anything physical,so the enemy would need to get close to attack him,but that would be nearly impossible for anyone to do,especially since we already dealt with Hephaestus

I looked over to my allies and see,everyone fight as mechs and soldiers were sent flying into the air on Anti-Entropy's side while Valkyries and mechs were severely injured,Overseer Otto and Welt Yang were still in a heated battle as 2 of them were exchanging shots with each other with no luck of hitting,Welt was moving around so fast,that it was hard to keep up with him but surprisingly,Overseer otto was the same as he was somehow moving around with the same kind of speed as keeping track of both of them was difficult,as they fought,some of there attacks were causing collateral damage as they were hitting both enemy and allies with their attacks,their weapon was too destructive and was causing too much damage,due to that,I decided to try something to separate them from everyone,from what Veliona told Me once,I could open rifts into the Sea of Quanta to teleport people,long distances,I haven't mastered the ability,so I could only do a reasonable distance of a few meters but it was surely enough

I closed my eyes and focused as I focused on opening the rift,it was very hard to focus,since I was on Heimdall's shoulder and he was moving a lot but I was able to manage as I felt the rift open on Overseer Otto and welt Yang,I open my eyes and look over to the empty untouched side of the coast,to see,Overseer Otto and Welt Yang,standing there with a confused look,they looked over and saw,that they were no longer near the battle,before looking at each other as they aimed at each other again and fired,thankfully,their shots were no longer reaching the battlefield,so they were no longer causing collateral damage 

I looked over to everyone and saw,that we were all doing ok as the fight seemed like a constant stalemate,so I decided,instead of helping everyone,I would help Overseer Otto beat the Anti-Entropy Sovereign,so he could assist us,using his incredibly powerful weapon

I jumped down from Heimdall's shoulder as I quickly landed on the ground,before dashing towards Overseer Otto and Welt Yang,I passed multiple Valkyries and multiple Titans as I made my way towards the 2 leaders,I ran towards them as I took out any enemies along the way,after a while I made it through the battlefield as it was now a straight shot towards the Overseer,unfortunately,I stopped and turned around as I heard a large splash,come from the ocean,as soon as I turned around,I saw a tall pillar of water from the ocean as a giant sword came out of the water,it was Hephaestus's cleaver and it flew through the air as it directly hit Heimdall,who couldn't react fast enough,the cleaver took,Heimdall's arm off before landing and embedding itself into the ground as Heimdall looked at it's missing arm

suddenly,from the pillar of water,a fully undamaged Hephaestus came down as it landed on the ground,holding it's other sword,I was surprised to see,Hephaestus,completely undamaged as I was sure,that Heimdall had taken his head off,he should have been down for the count but he was standing,like nothing had happened

Otto:Hephaestus?,impossible Heimdall and Seele already took him down

Tesla:I told you,you old bag of bones,Hephaestus is everything Heimdall would have been,if it was made by Me

Otto:Heimdall,scan Hephaestus's system,look for any traces of your automatic repair system

Heimdall:scan completed 5 minutes ago,complete system copy on the Hephaestus

Otto:hear that Tesla,even Heimdall says it's a copy

Tesla:YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otto:Heimdall,patch yourself up and take him down again,he can't fix himself up more than once,since you took the head last time

Heimdall:orders received,commencing repairs,then enemy annihilation

Heimdall stabbed his sword into the ground as the missing arm floated into his other hand as he put it up against his shoulder before it started to glow inside,after a few seconds,Heimdall removed his hand as the missing arm was now reattached again as the shield generated its energy shield again,then Heimdall tilted his head to dodge,Hephaestus's other sword,that flew back into his hand before he took a stance while Heimdall did the same

I was about to turn back to help Heimdall again but before I could,or before the 2 giant robots could,they were suddenly hit by multiple rockets,knocking them both down,before some force dragged them into the ocean,everyone was confused as to what had happened but,confusion turned into surprise as another unknown mech surfaced from the ocean,it was the same size as Heimdall,so it was a bit taller than Hephaestus but it looked like a Titan with larger arms and fists as it was made of some gray metal with blue lining and lighting

AN:I couldn't find a pic of it but the enemy is called "Eye of the Storm" in the game,sorry for no pic

it grabbed Heimdall and Hephaestus as it threw Heimdall,further into the ocean while it started to punch Hephaestus,only for Hephaestus to break out of it's grip a few seconds later as he kicked the unknown mech away,making it fall over

Seele:Ms.Durandal,those colors are-

Durandal:World Serpent,their here

Otto:dammit,what is the World Serpent doing here

Welt:Tesla,call back Hephaestus immediately,Einstein get our mechs back

Tesla and Einstein:yes,Sovereign

Otto:Durandal,Rita,get everyone back and into a defensive perimeter,Heimdall,retreat back to us,immediately

everyone broke off from their fight as we all went back to our side and got into a defensive position,facing the mech as Heimdall and Hephaestus retreated back to us on land

Welt:well,it seems we have a common enemy for the meantime,so I propose a temporary truce

Otto:I suppose we can call off the fight for now,only until the 3rd party is dealt with 

Welt:that's good enough for Me but,wthe question is,where is the rest of their forces

???:right here

everyone turned around to see a surprise behind us as we all gawked in surprise,behind us was a massive army of soldiers and mechs,rivaling both side's army,bulky mechs stood in formations as soldiers with both normal advanced looking weaponry stood on the mechs,on the side and in the back of the large force,in front of the large army were 3 people,who looked like,they led the force,first was a woman with black hair,wearing a mask of a jackal with orange eyes,she wore a white shirt with a black shirt underneath along with blue pants and black boots as 2 pistols remain holstered on her hips

the other was a man,wearing a black hoodie with green highlights and black pants and black boots,he had a white mask over his face with a single glowing red eye on the right side while the other side had a black scar like design as he held an umbrella in his left hand,despite there being no sign of rain while he held a pistol in his right hand

AN:it's the guy on the right,ignore the girl for now

lastly was a man,who stood at the very front,he had white hair and blue eyes like Kiana-nee as he wore a white shirt with black pants along with a black coat,that had white and blue highlights as a large sword remained holstered on his back

everyone looked at the 3rd party army as we all steeled ourselves for another possibly big fight ahead of us

Himeko:him again

Kiana:Kevin Kaslana

Seele(mind):this the man,Bronya-nee once fought with Kiana-nee

Durandal:looks like you were right,Major,they did show up

Theresa:Hyperion,ready all guns and weapons for firing,escorts be on guard for any attacks

Hyperion:copy that,Ms.Theresa

Welt & Otto:Kevin

Kevin Kaslana unholstered his sword from his back as it ignited into flames as the blade of the sword turned from gray to orange as he pointed it towards all of us while the mechs behind him took an offensive charge stance

Kevin:I will tell Schicksal and Anti-Entropy, this,only once,surrender now and we will make your deaths fast and painless

Author:and that's going to do it for this chapter guys,I hope you all enjoyed this and I know,this is already the 3rd chapter,yet the OC is still not here but don't worry,lord and saviour OC will be appearing next chapter to kick ass so just wait for that,but apart from that,I hope you all look forwards to the next one,until next time

Shadowgamer254 out

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