Day to Catch up 2
Seere's POV
I silently listened to Sis tell her story in the room as I remained in the hallway with my back leaning against the wall as I hear all the kids inside go in awe,it wasn't much of a surprise though as she was telling them about Shicksal HQ and it's wonders in a very fantasy like manner,she was merely giving them small details about the many cool things on the base,such as the technology aboard the floating islands
she even gave small hints about the Valkyries,telling the others about warriors,that would fight to defend and save everyone from evil monsters,I could hear all of them go in awe once again as they started talking about how they wanted to be just like the warriors in the story
though admirable and cute,their little dream was much more dark than they understood,and Me and Seele already know about it at heart,it was a lot,lot darker than any of them could really imagine,it was just a shame that fate had other ideas for these kids
deciding,that I was done hiding,I twist the knob on the door and open it as I entered the room and caught the attention of all the kids,including Seele,they all paused the story and looked over to Me as I approached them all with a passive look on my face
Seere:hey,looks like everyone's getting a good story
B.Kid1:yeah,Seele's telling us about these people who protect and save everyone
Seere:is she now
G.Kid1:when I grow up,I'm going to be just like them
B.Kid2:yeah,Me too
Seere:haha,you're all a bit too young to go around saving people,until you all become big and strong,you should let adults things and protect you
B.Kid3:but I can take care of myself,I'll protect everyone
Seere:maybe do that,when you can reach the top shelves in the kitchen-
Ethan:but I can re-
Seere:without using a chair
Seele:Nii-san,did you find Matushka
Eris:mm,did you find her
Seere:I did but she's a bit busy right now,you know her,lots of work to get done,she might not finish for a while
everyone except Seele looked a bit down but didn't let their spirits break down as they immediately asked Seele to pick up where she left on her story,she complied and returned to her storytelling as everyone returned to listening with full intent
I smiled as they all payed attention very clearly but as I glanced to the other side of the room,I took notice of a small group of 6 kids on their own 3 boys and 3 girls,away from everyone else,I looked over to them and saw that they were watching everyone before looking away as soon as I noticed,that they were watching
Seere:Eris,who those 6,what are they doing alone over there
Eris:oh,those are Emi,Loki,Sam,Jarn,Lara and Casy
Seere:what are they doing over there,why haven't they join you all,are they shy?
G.Kid2:no,they just like to be alone,we don't know why but the never join us for anything
B.Kid4:yeah,they're always on they own like that
Seele:are they new to the orphanage?
Eris:a little,they've only been here for a month
Seele:by the looks of it they're at least somewhere around Eris's age,so around 10-11
Ethan:Matushka tries to get them to open up but they don't really seem to want to,so we don't really force them
Seere;that's good,you shouldn't force people into something they don't want,however,if their going to live here,they're going to need friends or else it will get very lonely for them
G.Kid3:but their not interested
G.Kid4:yeah,they don't like being disturbed
Eris:one time,Ethan got attacked by Sam,even though he was just calling him for lunch
Seere:so their hostile,don't worry,let Me handle this
I walked over to the 6 as everyone watched Me approached them,I called to the 6 separated kids as they looked over to Me with a slightly startled,curious and weary expression on their face,they clearly didn't trust Me,since they quickly tightened their holds and grips on the belongings or items they had on them as I approached but I had an idea to make them loosen up
Seere:hello there,you 6
Sam:w-who are you,go away
Seere:hey,no need to be aggressive,I'm just here to talk
Emi:w-why are you here,this is an orphanage,you don't look like your supposed to be here
Seere:well you see,Me and my little Sister used to live here after we lose our parents,but then we moved out,we're only here to visit our old friends
Jarn:w-what do you want with us then
Seere:there's nothing to be afraid of you know,why not join the others and listen to a story
Loki:they can listen to as many stories as they want,I don't wanna
Seere:why not?,a story can tell and teach you a lot you know
Casy:just stop bothering us,we don't want anything to do with you
Lara:yeah,just leave us alone
Eris:Seere Nii-san,maybe you should just leave them alone,if they don't want to then-
Seere:you're all friends correct,all coming from the same town from North of the British Isles,Scotland I believe?
it was checkmate as soon as I saw the 6 look at Me in surprise and shock as I smiled,knowing I hit the mark dead on,everyone behind Me seemed interested seeing as I got a reaction from the 6,that they had never seen before as their attention shifts towards Me and the 6 kids in front of Me
Lara:h-how do you know that
Seere:you all lived together in a small town,that couldn't even be called a town,at most a total of 8 houses all in all
Sam:st-stop,how,how do you know about-
Seere:you all lived happy lives there until the day from 1 month ago came
Seere:alright,no need to shout
Emi:how,how do you know,it was that woman wasn't it,wait,we didn't tell anything so
Seere:she told Me nothing about you since I never asked
Jarn:then how do you know
Seere:lucky guess I suppose
Loki:no,there's no way,there's no way you could have guessed that
I chuckled lowly and slightly before tucking my hands back into my jacket's pockets and turning my back to the 6 kids as I began to slowly walk away from them,causing them to look at Me in a bit of a panic,which was exactly what I was expecting them to do
Seere:welp,since you 6 don't seem to have any interest in hearing Me out,might as well save the effort and not bother you,sorry for the waste of time,have great day
I stopped and turned my head back to them as the kids with Seele watch,like they were watching some show on a TV,which gave Me a even better idea which could help with making this situation go faster
Seere:caught your attention?
Casy:how did you know about that
Seere:how did I know?,well the secret is I know........magic
Eris:but Seere-nii,magic isn't real
Seere:oh?,and who told you that
Ethan:Matushka did,she said it was just in those fairytale books,magic isn't real
Seere:really now?,well if it magic isn't real,how can I do this
I raised my arm out and opened my hand as the kids all looked over to where my hand was pointing too,everyone's eyes were now locked onto a bookcase that was on the other side of the room,from where we were at as a book came flying off one of the shelves and right into my hands
all the kids just looked at me in absolute surprise and awe as I looked at the book in my hand while the kids got excited and stood up and began coming towards Me
B.Kid5:whoa Seere-Nii how did you do that
G.Kid5:that was so cool
Seere:I told you didn't I,it's magic
Eris:show us more,please
Seere:you want more?
I smiled at them all and tossed the book away as it flew to the other side of the room and landed behind a box full of different toys,completely out of the kid's sight,I then walked over to Eris,who were one of the few who remained seated as I lifted her and the pillow she was sitting on with nothing but my raw strength
this caused her to get a bit scared as she quickly wrapped her her arms around my neck as to not fall off,despite this,everyone was looking at the somewhat miracle in front of them as they looked at the book I had thrown away,sitting right in the spot,where Eris was sitting
Ethan:woah!!,it's the book
B.Kid6:how did it get there
Seere:it's magic
Erise:S-Seere-nii,c-can you put Me down
I slightly chuckled at her request as Eris was always afraid of heights,just being off of the floor without good support could scare her out of her skin as I complied and set her back down on the floor while removed her arms from my neck
Seele:Nii-san,is it safe to be showing this
Seere:don't worry Sis,it's safe,nothing to worry about
I put Eris back down on thw floor and turned to look at the 6 separated kids behind Me as they just stared at Me in awe while I commend myself in my head for quickly getting this over with
Seere:so,do you still not believe Me
Loki:n-no,there has to be some kind of trick,m-magic isn't real
Seere:but you just saw it with you own eyes didn't you
Casy:h-how did you do it
Seere:I can't really tell you the details but it is magic
The kids went silent as they all looked to each other for any answers while I looked at them with a sincere look of understanding and pity,they were just kids after all,they didn't understand much of this world and it's rules yet and I was very sure Cocolia wasn't going to tell anytime soon
Seere:look,I know what happened to you 6 is rough,I very informed about your situation but there's more to the world than your confined need to move past that,you may have lost your previous family but that doesn't mean you don't have one,everyone's right here waiting for you to come join them,so why don't you
Lara:no one can replace our family
Seere:your right,family is irreplaceable but that doesn't mean it can't,your simply expanding it
Eris:yeah,everyone here is family
Ethan:we stick together no matter what
Seele:even Me and Nii-san call this place home and everyone we know here is family
Seere:so what do you say
The kids looked a bit conflicted with the sudden proposition and with the sudden aid of everyone,they did seemed a bit more enticed than before as they once again looked at each other for confirmation or answers and it didn't take long before we got then
Jarn:I-I'll join then
Emi:M-Me too
Casy:I-I'll join too
Lara:Me too
Sam:I-I'll join too I guess
The 5 stood up from their spots and walked over to the other's who warmly accepted them into the group as they quickly got to chatting and making friends while I looked back at Loki who was still sitting down,looking unsure of whay his decision should be
Seere:Loki?,you don't have much to lose you know
Loki:I.............I'll join too
Seere:join them then
With the final words,Loki stood up and joined the others as they all began a cheery conversation between all of them before they all stopped to continue hearing Seele's story,I decided to step to the side as I Quantum Shifted a book into my hand and sat down to the side,where I could read a bit in peace while the kids caught up
Timeskip brought to you by Seere and Bella playing the Pocky game
After about an hour or 2,the kids got hungry after hearing Seele's story for quite a while so in turn I brought everyone a few boxes of pizza for lunch,since it was already noon and though Cocolia would probably murder Me for giving the kids pizza for lunch,she didn't have to know what she didn't have to know
The kids excitedly devoured the pizza since it was very rare for them to get any food that wasn't traditionally Russian,since Cocolia was a bit strict about the whole thing but considering I was the one that was going to dispose of the boxes,she would never find out about it
Everyone was enjoying,enjoying the company and enjoying the laughs as Ethan somehow slapped himself with his pizza slice on accident,leading Eris to get him some tissues,the only annoying part was when I was disturbed by my Other Self as he informed that there was a anomaly in the Quantum Sea and I was needed to take care of it immediately,being the Guardian of the Sea and all
But that was irrelevant right now and all of that was about 15 minutes ago,since after lunch,Me and Seele said goodbye to everyone and left the orphanage to go to the next place on my catch up list since I didn't really do much catching up with my sister at the orphanage,with that in mind,I decided to take her somewhere a bit more fun
Seele:Nii-san are we really going here
Seere:of course,I promised you back then,that I would take you to one of these places,right,so herr we are
Seele was just staring in joy as she looked at the entrance to the amusement park that I took her to,she quickly pulled my arm and dragged Me to go inside as I picked up my pace to match hers,I quickly paid the entrance fee for the both of us as soon as we got to the entrance booth as the attendee gave us both 2 arm bands to signify that all rides and games to us are free to play
And as soon as the entrance fee was paid Seele merrily rushed into the park and wandered around,I wasn't even worried about her getting lost or Me having trouble finding her since I could sense her Quantum Energy from a mile away and I had 2 Quantum Shadows watching over her from the Quantum Sea,letting Me know if she's in trouble as I walked at a calm pace while looking around the park
Giant rides,fun games and a whole lot of prizes ready to be won and to be honest I was getting a bit excited myself to play a few of the games,until my Other Self decided that it was a good time to remind Me that I had a job in the Sea of Quanta to do,breaking my mood
From what he told Me some guy ended up in the wrong universe and some other guy is hopping through worlds,causing Universal Destabilization,which is very bad for any universe
Despite that,I promised that I would spend the day with Seele,so I told my Other Self to shove off and leave Me be for the day and I'll get to the job later in the day or tomorrow,I even decided to check the destabilization of the affected world and it didn't even seem to be in too much peril so I had a bit of time
But leaving the boring topic of work behind,I resumed my fun atmosphere and caught up to Sis,who was at a shooting gallery as she held a toy bolt action rifle and was shooting at a bunch of targets
I watched her play and to no ones surprise,she practically missed all of her shots except one,which meant she won nothing,the stall owner was letting out a muffled giggle and honestly,her performance was so bad,I couldn't tell if this was a rigged game or not but she was my little Sister and as her older Brother,I just had to help her out
Seere:won anything yet
Stall Owner:she's gone through 3 tries already,she's hit one target
Seere:1 target,that's it
Seele:ehe,I'm not really good with a gun
I looked over to the sta and it's prizes and there was a good selection here but no price tags or needed point tags on any of them,the targets were also quite small so an amateur would no doubt have a bit of a problem hitting them
Seere:alright then,which of these prizes do you want Sis
Seere:which one of them do you want,I'll get it for you
Seele:mmm,I wanted that one
Seele pointed to a box wrapped in a light blue cloth,from my quick inspection,it seemed to be made of silk but it seemed very high quality for a shooting game prize,I looked at it for a little bit until the Stall owner looked at the wanted prize as well and smiled
Stall Owner:ah,you wanted that one,you've got a good eye missy,that's some top quality silk purchased straight from a famous Chinese silk manufacturing company,it goes for a hefty price
Seere:why have it as a prize then,surely you would have made more by just selling it
Stall Owner:not quite,you don't get like the other prizes here
Seere:how do I get it then
Stall Owner:hit it 30 times and get the silk
Seere:30 huh,that's 6 games worth of shots
Stall Owner:yup,got make my money somehow
The Stall Owner smirked as I smirked back and pulled out 30 dollars from my pocket and paid up front,the Stall Owner continued to smirk as he gave Me 30 corks as ammo for the toy rifle while Sis gave Me the gun
In few quick moments,the Stall Owner barely just realized,that I shot all my corks in such a short span of time,every cork hitting the he box with the silk wrapped around it
I lay the rifle down on the stall as the Stall Owner looked at Me,baffled by my completely different performance from my Sister as I smirked at his now,he sighed but gave Seele the box with the Blue silk anyway as he handed her the box while she warmly accepted it
Stall Owner:didn't expect you to be that good,I thought for sure,I could have made a lot more money of that silk with this game
Seere:well it's your lucky day,I feel bad for just up right,practically taking it for free,I'll give yah a tip for the good game
I pulled out my wallet and handed him a thousand dollars as he smiled at him before waving a goodbye and walking away with Seele
Stall Owner:heh,thanks kid,come back in summer,I'll have unch more you can try and win
Seere:will do
We then left the the shooting gallery and went on to look for a new place to look at as I took notice of Sis,looking at the silk cloth I got her,she seemed to really like it since she was practically,walking aimlessly,if it weren't for Me guiding her a bit,she would have bumped into a metal pole
Soon enough,she snapped out of her trance and walked along side Me now as she looked up to Me,unfortunately it was bad timing as this,it was Me who was not paying attention after I got disturbed by my Other Self again as I gave off a troubled look on my face
Seere:huh....oh,sorry,I spaced out a bit
Seele:is something wrong
Seere:unfortunately kind of
Seele:did something happen
Seere:mmmm,there's a disturbance is the Sea of Quanta and I'm being summoned to deal with it
Seele:is it serious,Nii-san
Seere:no not really,it's a destabilization of a universe
Seele:that.....sounds really serious
Seere:it's really slow though,I was hoping we could finish this day off before I get to work on it but my Phantom won't bug off
Seele:maybe you should go deal with it first
Seere:are you sure,I can't promise that I'll be able to get back before the day ends,this our only chance to catch up for a while since we'll be very busy with preparations for hunting down the Herrscher of Thunder
Seele:it's alright,even if you can't finish quickly,then we can go find Ms.Mei and then we can all go out together and I know you'll come back this time,so I don't have to worry
I looked down at my Sister and smiled as I raised my hand to pat her head,since it was decided,we cancelled our very quick trip to the amusement park and left as we quickly entered the city from the outskirts and looked for a nearby alleyway
When we found one,I led Seele into it and checked if anyone was nearby,as soon as I saw that it was all clear,I opened a Quantum Rift for Seele,so she could quickly get back to HQ as I gave her a headpat and a kiss on the forehead before wave'd each other a goodbye as she entered the rift,with it closing as soon as she did
Once Sis was gone,my expression got serious as I opened another Quantum Rift,leading into the Sea of Quanta as I entered the rift with a fist,that has a bone to pick with my Other Self for ruining a good day for Me
Seere:Vern,I swear,I'm going to kick your ass for ruining this day for Me
Author:and that's going to do it for this chapter guys,I do hope you all enjoyed it
QUICK NOTE,I am not actually going to write about the distorted world that Seere is going to as someone has already done so
So if you want to see what happens in the destabilized world,then please go see what happens in "The Unfortunate Male Valkyrie" by Kize_Seikato
Go check out his profile and look at his story,highly recommend it
Apart from that,I hope you all look forward to the next one,until next time
Shadowgamer254 out
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