Special Ops
No one's POV
it was currently morning in the world,Schicksal HQ's staff was only starting to wake up,so they could get to work,it was exactly 3:00 in the morning as the sky was still dark and the sun hadn't even risen yet,the Aesir Mech patrolled the many islands of Schicksal as they kept every facility safe from any danger,that might rise,large energy cannons rotated in their locked positions as they kept track of the entire base and stood guard,ready to blast any incoming enemies into non existence with their high velocity energy shots
the repair crew,that was tasked with the repairs of the Hyperions were still,hard at work,even though,they hadn't gotten a single glimpse of sleep,since last night,the Hyperion's crew had also been helping in the repairs as they themselves haven't gotten any sleep as well,they all wondered how the Captain of said ship was always able to pull all nighters,they all knew of his feat,of going 2 whole weeks with no sleep as he was stumped with the amount of paperwork,that he had to do,he would have gone 3 weeks or maybe more than a month,but the Valkyries,that were under his command had to forcefully put him sleep by blasting him,out of his own office and banning him from it,until he would get some proper rest
speaking of the girls,they were all still asleep,with only a few getting up from their beds as only a few of them were used to getting up at such a time,some of them being the Valkyrie Rita,The Royal Maid,The Commander's previous bodyguard,Kawakaze,The Eagle Union's Gray Ghost,Enterprise,the T-Doll Maid,G36,the active M4A1,M16A1,G41,Vector and the 6 Catgirls of the Leader himself
these girls,were ahead of most of the others as they all got up from their beds and got ready for their day,they already had a idea for,what they had to do for the day as pre-discussed by their Master/General/Commander/Captain,during the night before,but these girls had only one thing in mind at the current moment and it was not their,today's task,they all wanted to do one thing in common and that was to wake up their Leader,so they could get him for their different reasons,they prepared themselves for the day and walked out of their room as they all met each other in the same hallway,despite there being a dozen other hallways,that had the same amount of rooms
each of them looked at each other as they walked out of their rooms and into the hall as they all eyed each other,The Royal Maids,could understand,Rita's reason for being up so early and Rita could understand the Royal Maid's reason as they had the same reason but,apart from G36,there was speculation for the rest of the awake T-Dolls and for 6 Catgirls as they had no real reason to be awake at such a time
Belfast:my,why are you all awake at such a time
Rita:yes,perhaps you should all return to your slumbers,it is still quite early
M4A1:hah,don't make us laugh
M16A1:you may have been his maids but we have our reason for being up
Maple:yes,we all have our reasons but it would seem,that the Royal Maid's and yours,Ms.Rita,does not add up
Cheshire:would you like to expand on that thought
Cinnamon:if I'm not mistaken,from Master's information given,the Royal Maids,aren't supposed to be up until an hour or so
Coconut:and the same would go for you Ms.Rita as the optimal time to prepare would be around 4:00 in the morning
Azuki:yet,here we all are,wide awake and ready for the day
Rita:what are you implying
G36:we're all here for the same reason
Vector:agreed,there is no other question needed
G41:I mean,it's pretty obvious to everyone,why we're all out here
everyone eyes each other as if challenging each other to make a new move,their objective was clear but with everyone,knowing,what they will do,the questions rises,who gets to do it,as they all stared each other down,the 2 youngest Neko's yawn as they clearly,haven't broken out of their sleepy state yet
Chocola:*yawn*why can't you all just say,that we're going to wake up,Master
Vanilla:*rubbing eyes*Vanilla agrees with Chocola,it is easier
they all look to the 2 sleepy heads as they would be lying if they said,that they didn't find the 2 cute in their sleepy state
Chocola:let's all just go to Master room and wake him up already
Vanilla:Vanilla wants to get Master
they all looked to each other as they agreed to follow the 2 sleepy Neko's to their Leader's room,to wake him,they discussed about their days duties as they walk,they compared their routines and even boasted some of their doings with their Leader as they tried to one up each other with their words,while Chocola,Vanilla and G41 remained silent,not wanting to be part of the other's boasting talk,the 3 just listened to the talk but did not pay to much attention to it as they did not really care,fully knowing,that they have their moments with their Master/General,and the 3 fully knew,that their Leader,though very well hidden,favoured them more than the rest as he gave them more attention without the others knowing,he hid it very well as he gave them,more than,what they bargained for,sometime even more than,what they can handle,the 3,had their secret alone time with their Leader,without the knowledge of the others but,what they didn't know was,that they weren't the only ones
there were still 3 more girls,who had their own alone times with their Leader,they too kept it a secret from the others,these 6 know,that they are the favourite but only some of them were right as the only one with the real answers was the Man,they were going to wake up
after about 5-6 minutes of climbing stairs,they made it to the 43rd floor of the building,it was very quiet in the hallways,apart from the chatting of the girls as they walked along the hall,there were only a total of 8 rooms on the 43rd floor as it was more,for the 2 VIP's,who reside on said floor,2 of the rooms were their bedrooms while another 2 were their offices,they had a shared personal lounge area and a completely separate break room,filled to the brim with recreational activities,such as video games and board games and few small scale sports areas,the last 2 rooms were private storage areas,that were separate from the bedrooms,one of the 43rd floor residents,had turned it into a personal "miniature" armory for himself while the other turned his storage into a private wine cellar
Cheshire:wait,so the Commander made his personal storage room,into an armory?
M4A1:and Otto made his storage into a wine cellar?
Rita:*sigh*yes,as for their reasoning for doing so,none of the Valkyries here,have any idea as to why,they did so
Vanilla:Vanilla wonders,why does Master need so many armories
M16A1:what do you mean
Belfast:it should be obvious,it means,he has more than one armory
S.Girl1:yes,Master does another armory in our base
Vector:and another one in our base
Azuki:then there's the one back home
Rita:then the one here,in fact,he has 3 armories here,the personal armory on the 43rd floor,the one on the 2nd floor and the one in the weapons facility
G41:how many could he possibly need
S.Girl2:Master's decisions are always,somewhat of a mystery,no matter what we do
S.Girl3:he no doubt has his reasons for keeping secrets
S.Girl4:yes,secrets that should be kept safely among a selected few
G36:are you implying something
S.Girl4:yes I am,should a secret of Master get out,it would be responsibility of the hearer,to keep it a secret as well,it should not be said to any others,who do not need to know,so said info should be kept to one's self
the one talking was none other,than the very pessimistic maid of the Royal Navy,Sheffield,with her very light blonde hair and golden eyes,and her black maid outfit with long white gown
Rita:are you trying to imply,that you know something,that we may not
Sheffield:maybe,maybe not,all I'm saying is,that Master's info should not be spread to other insects around us
Belfast:Sheffy,please watch your language,Master would not approve of such name calling
Sheffield:my apologies,Belfast
Maple:what's wrong Chocola,you and Vanilla aren't usually this sleepy in the morning
Chocola:nothing's wrong,were just a bit tired is all,it'll pass
Cheshire:perhaps,you should have gone back to bed,Master,does not approve of seeing people with lack of sleep
M4A1:ironic isn't it,considering he's the one,always pulling secret all nighters,to finish his paperwork
Rita:very true,but enough of that,we're here
they all stood in front of the double doors,that led into their leaders room as the white doors with golden highlights,stood tall and stayed sealed tight,Rita was the first one to act as she knocked on the door twice before stepping back,they all waited for a response for a solid minute but there was no response,so Rita knocked on the door twice,for the second time as they waited for a response,but there was still nothing
they all wondered if it was possible,that their Leader was still fast asleep but to them,it was very unlikely for it to be the case,they continued to wait,outside his door as they thought,that he was just being slow but inside,they were worried,that something,might be wrong
Belfast:Master,does not usually,take this long to answer a knock on his door,whether he is asleep or not
Rita:could something be wrong
Vector:could something have happened to the General
they all thought of what to do next as they all wanted to see if,their leader was alright,but they didn't want to just barge into his room,incase he was just asleep or in the bathroom,they all thought of,what they should do but 3 of the present girls,already had an idea,of what happened to their Master
Cheshire:Master is not in there
Belfast:what did you say,Cheshire
Sheffield:how are you sure
Chocola:whether she is sure or not,she's right
Vanilla:Vanilla,doesn't hear any movement inside,no walking or breathing,not even tossing or turning
Cheshire:it also,doesn't seem like,someone is inside,the room seems empty
Chocola:yup,it's completely empty in there
Coconut:hold on,slow down you 3,how are you even sure,of what your saying
Azuki:yah,can you see through walls now
Rita:it is peculiar,that you can make such claims
Cheshire:I'm not sure about these 2,but I can see through the gap between the doors
Vanilla:Chocola and I,can too and we can hear inside the room
Cheshire,walked to the front as she turned the handles of the door and opened both,before inspecting the room,the Royal Maids,just go wide eyes,from her sudden action as it was courtesy for them,that they cannot enter,the room of their Master,without his permission,yet they all see,Cheshire open the doors,like she did not care
the others scanned the room for any signs of their Leader as they looked around for him,Cheshire,Chocola and Vanilla and entered the room without worry while the others just started to panic,that they might get caught by someone,going into their Leader's room
Vector:hey,you 3,don't just go into the General's room without permission
Cinnamon:Chocola,Vanilla,this is disrespectful towards,Master's privacy
M4A1:get out of there,someone might see us,and could cause a problem
G41:so this is what the General's rooms looks like here in Schicksal
Sheffield:Cheshire,come out this instance,that is disrespectful
the 3 turn around and face their friends and family,after checking the room for themselves
Cheshire:calm down a bit Sheffy
Sheffield:don't use my nickname,when you disregarding,Master's privacy
Cheshire:Master himself,gave Me his permission,to enter his room at my will,I do still follow our standards but in cases like these,I tend to just go in
Chocola:he gave us the same permission
Vanilla:Chocola and Vanilla always go to,Master's room to see,if Master left extra work for all of us
with a only few sentences used,the others accepted their swift defeat and entered the room as well,they all looked around the room as the admired the great room,that their Leader gets to himself
Cheshire:now,if I was a note,that the Master made,to tell us about his,whereabouts,were I would be placed,so Cheshire can find it
I.R.I.S:good morning Ms.Chocola,ms.Vanilla,what do you need of Me
Vanilla:did,Master leave a note for us or about where he is
I.R.I.S:Ms.Cheshire has already found it,Ms.Vanilla
everyone looked over,to Cheshire as she was now at the side of the bed,instead of,in the middle of the room,she opened a drawer of one of the bedside desks as she looked inside for the contents,she pulled out 2 notes on 2 separate sheets of paper as she looked at both with a satisfied look
Cheshire:Master,knows Me to well
Belfast:what are those notes,Cheshire
Cheshire:their the tasks,that we have to do for the day and the whereabouts of Master
G41:what does it say then
Cheshire:*cough**cough* it says,"Girls,if you're reading this,then you probably went to my room to wake Me up and Cheshire went in and found the notes"
Rita:it's a bit unsettling,that he knows,how exactly an event would play out,as he he just narrated everything,that's happened so far
Sheffield:very true
Azuki:Master's intuition and foresight can extend up to a day or 2 if the predictions he already made are right
M16A1:Cheshire,where does it,he's gone to
Cheshire:if I could finish,then it says,"I've left HQ early as I've gone to Siberia,Russia,to pick some people up,I'll be back around noon or later with them,so I want everyone to get their tasks done before I get back,I.R.I.S will be on standby mode,since I need her full system attention with Me,so if a fight breaks out between someone,manually call I.R.I.S and tell her for containment,please tell Maple,to not forget to give,Chocola and Vanilla,their daily training after,their given task is complete"
M16A1:so get everything done,before he gets back,sounds easy enough
Vector:you might eat those words,when you get a hard mission
M16A1:hah,let him give Me,the toughest mission,Me and the AR Team will smoke them out
M4A1:were not one of his best,for no reason
Belfast:we should all prepare first,before anything else,I assume this base,does not rely on your cooking alone,Rita
Rita:of course not,I may be skilled in the culinary arts,but I am not my Master,who can feed his army in a second
Belfast:then let us go wake everyone up,so we can discuss to them,what we must do today
G36:I will be leaving Negev and her friend for last and I suggest you do the same with your Russian allies,Belfast,they had a bit to much of their alcohol,after Master left
after their conversation,they all left,their leaders room and started their walk,back to the lower floors,so they could all prepare for the day,that was planned for them
Timeskip brought to you by 8 year old Shadow,playing with his 4 year old Sister
Shadow's POV
wind strength:strong,blizzard strength:nominal,engine output,at max,time to arrival:3 and a half minutes,everything was going as scheduled for Me as I flew the V-38 I borrowed from HQ's hangar,things were going smoothly,apart from the fact,that I was being chased by a horde of Archangel Class Honkai,they've been chasing Me for around 10 minutes now and were relentless at trying to bring Me down,I had already killed a lot of them with the V-38's weapons but there were still a lot of them,continuing to chase
Shadow:I.R.I.S,how many of them are left
I.R.I.S:23 left,Sir,it is recommended,that you dispose of them,before arriving at your destination
Shadow:*sigh*pests,take control of the V-38 and keep it steady,I'll handle it
I took my hands of the controls as the V-38's control's normal white and blinking light colors all became a gold color,signifying,I.R.I.S's control of the ship,I left the cockpit and entered the passenger room as I summoned the Apollo's Dream,I opened,one of the ship's side doors as the rush of cold breeze and Siberian wind,pushed Me back a bit,I could barely feel the cold breeze,due to my natural resistance to the cold and the fact,that my clothes were warming Me up as I peeked my head and arm out of the door,to see the 23 remaining,Archangels,still chasing the ship from behind,I aimed my bow and pulled back the string as the same light blue arrow from the time I save G41,materialized on the string
Shadow:I.R.I.S,when I tell you to,turn the ship slightly to the left,so i can get a clear shot of all of them
I.R.I.S:understood Sir
I focused my attention on the Archangels as I kept my hand steady,so I wouldn't miss my shot and have to fire again,I gave I.R.I.S the signal as the ship turned to the left,giving Me a clear view of all 23 targets,I fired the arrow as it soared through the sky at sonic speeds,the same light blue trail,was left behind it as the arrow flew through the sky and though one of the Archangels,the light blue trail,vaporized the remaining 22 as they all turned to particles while the ship came to a halt
after making sure.that they were all dead,I went back inside and closed the door as I unsummoned my bow and entered the cockpit again,the controls returned to their normal coloring,meaning I.R.I.S had let go of the controls for Me,I sat down on the pilot's seat as I grabbed hold of the controls again and flew through the air as the the blizzard,that once hindered my vision,came to a stop,letting Me fly without worry,and after about 2 minutes,I made it to my destination
I was hovering over a large plain of snow,that was on the outskirt of a large forest,in the distance,I could see smoke,from inside the forest as pull my hood and give the cockpit,to I.R.I.S once again
Shadow:I'm heading down there,switch the energy conversion to thermal and cryo,so we're not wasting fuel,keep the ship hovering here and activate stealth cloak,I'll be back in a little bit
I.R.I.S:understood Sir,stay safe
I left the cockpit as I summoned my sword,the Celestial Keep,it materialized on the back of my waist as it floated and followed behind Me as if it was attached to Me,I went back into the passenger room and opened the door as I jumped down,the ship was a good 10 meters above the forest but a fall from,that height was nothing,I landed in the very thick plain of snow as it broke some of my momentum from the fall,I looked up as I see the V-38 disappear from sight,in an instant as I.R.I S activated the stealth mode
I then started to trudge through the snow as I pulled up my hood and entered the forest and made my way,towards the source of the smoke,the trees in the area were devoid of leaves,there was no living flaura and almost no fauna in the area,which was expected in the Siberian wilderness,
as I slowly trudged through the snow,I eventually,made it to the source of the smoke,which was revealed to be a small campfire,being the center of a small campsite,there were 3 brown backpacks,laying against the tree's as I could sense the 3 owners of said bags,despite their attempt to mask themselves from Me
I smiled as I quickly duck down to dodge a sword swing,aimed at my neck as I turn around and look at my attacker,it was a woman,who had strawberry pink hair and a pair of bunny ear along with a golden head piece and purple eyes,she wore a white kimono with a red metal waist belt with another metal guard,going down her right hip,her left arm had no sleeve but instead had a red metal glove while her right arm was wrapped in a bandage as she held a katana,made of red steel
she missed her strike as I hit her hand with great force,making her drop her katana as I push the hilt with my palm and embed it into a trunk of a tree,I then jump back as I get some distance between us but I knew I wasn't out danger yet as I blocked an attack from my right,I had grabbed a hand,holding a purple gun as I twist and get behind the owner as I take a good look at my attacker once again,this time,it was once again a woman but this time she had white hair,tied into a ponytail along with a black,purple and gray mask and blue eyes,she wore a shoulderless white,black,purple and gray dress,that extended into a skirt as she held 2 purple guns in her hands
I tightened my grip on her hand as she dropped one of her guns while I quickly chopped the other,she then broke free of my hold and turned around at great speed as she raised her leg for a roundhouse kick,unfortunately for her,I dodged the kick by quickly moving out of the way as I got out of their sight and go onto a sturdy branch and leaned against the tree
I looked down at the 2 as I see the effect of the roundhouse kick form the white haired woman,her kick had taken a clear chunk out of the trunk of the tree she hit,it was a miracle,that the tree was still standing,I at the 2 as they search the area for Me,the pink haired one grabbed her katana as the 2 went back to back and kept watch
I stood up straight as I faced the 2 from the tree,I laid my hand on the trunk of the tree,to keep my balance as I grabbed the 2's attention with a whistle,they both looked up to Me as I smiled at the 2
Shadow:you know,for being elite Valkyries of Schicksal,you 2 sure are slower,than you look
???1:why don't you come down here and face us in a fair fight
???2:calm down,don't let your emotions get out of hand,we can win but not if we get reckless
Shadow:I would take you up on your offer but I don't think a 2v1 is a fair fight,add the fact,that your 3rd friend is lurking around with her massive lance,getting ready to stab Me
they both gritted their teeth as I looked at them,the 3rd person,wasn't accounted for yet but I already knew,that she was on the tree behind Me,the white haired woman dashed for her guns and aimed at Me as I kept my view on her,I already knew the plan was,to keep my attention on her,so the person behind Me go for my head,so I bobbed my head to the right,dodging a massive gray lance,I shifted my eyes to my attacker once again as it was yet again another woman,she had white hair with a black wing like head piece and blue eyes and had lunged at Me for her attack,she wore a brown top with gold highlights and a brown vest ,she held a large metallic lance,that sort of resembled a white lily but it had a a light blue tip
AN:just imagine she has a vest over her top
I hit her wrist disarming her as she let's go of the lance as it flies through the air and embeds itself into a tree trunk,the woman was clearly surprised at my counter as her eyes were widened,she didn't even noticed,that she still had momentum from her lunge as I kick her leg,making her lose her balance,instead of safely landing on my branch,she overshot it and went past it as she would have fallen,face first on the snow,but I decided to save her from that as I caught her by the back of her to,she was now dangling from the branch at a literal 75 degree angle,her feet were barely on the branch as she held a T-pose to keep balance,she looked over to Me with a confused look as I smiled at her,I pulled her back onto the branch as she caught herself and regained her balance
Shadow:you know,I kinda blame myself for degrading your combat prowess,this much
???3:who even are you
???1:are you an AE assassin
???2:no,that wouldn't make sense,why would he say,that he blames himself if he's here to kill us,how would he know,that we were here in the first place
???3:only the Captain,knows where we are,and he's the only one who knows we're alive
Shadow:well,that's a more simple question to answer,Kallen
I jump down from the branch and land in the snow as the first white haired woman and pink haired one readied themselves for a fight,but they quickly drop their stance after I took of my hood as I revealed my face to them
Shadow:if only person,could know where you are,someone came here for you,then only one person,could have gotten here so quickly
Kallen,???1 & ???3:Captain!?!?
Shadow:sorry if it's been awhile,Kallen,Yae,Cecilia,things-,got a bit complicated
before anything else,Kallen and Yae dropped their weapons as they both tackled Me down to the snow while Cecilia drops down from the branch,Kallen and Yae kept Me in a tight hug as they both kept Me in a bone crushing hug
Shadow(mind):thank god,I'm used to the strength of the T-Dolls and Shipgirls but damn,these 2 have some killer strength
Kallen:Captain,it's been so long
Yae:we've missed you so much
AN:ok,so I know that Kallen and Yae are Lesbian for each other in the game's story but here,they have become straight for their Captain,THE HAREM GROWS!!!!!!!
AN#2:I'll probably explain this more through character dialogue so this is pointless but,I don't care,it clears up confusion
AN#3:also,no Cecilia in the harem,she's married to Siegfried
Shadow:good to see you 2 as well,you as well Cecilia
Cecilia:we're glad to see you Captain,how's my daughter
Shadow:she's fine,probably doing her mission with her squad
Cecilia:that's good to hear
Yae:so,what you brought you out here to us,Captain
Shadow:why,don't we sit down first and then,I'll tell you,I've been flying since 12 in the morning you know
Kallen:of course,you would wake up at 12 in the morning,to fly to Russia,you haven't changed in the last 2 years
Shadow:well-,somethings have changed,I just haven't told you girls yet
Kallen and Yae got off Me and stood as I did the same,we walked over to their campfire as we sat down around it and enjoyed it's warmth
Shadow:so,before anything else,how's your situation been,since our last contact
Cecilia:not the worst but-
Kallen:not the best either
Yae:weapons are dulling and ammunition is dropping lately,our Battlesuits are still operational for the most part
Shadow:what do you mean by,"for the most part"
Cecilia:Kallen's and Yae's Battlesuits have been having a few malfunctions lately,some of the support systems of the gear have gone inactive,such as the safety support system
Shadow:hmm,alright,what else
Kallen:Honkai activity in the area haven't changed in the past month,so there's been low activity but we've scraping the bottom of the barrel for supplies
Shadow:wait,how,don't you girls go to any nearby town or city and restock your supplies
Cecilia:ehh,about that,well-
Yae:Cecilia lost the currency cache,you sent us after she buried it under the snow,on the 2nd month of our mission
Cecilia:I'm sorry
Shadow:wait,have you 3 been living,solely off the wilderness for the past year and 8 months
Kallen:yup,it's not easy but we've been managing
Shadow:what about the tracker,it should have the coordinates to the cache
Cecilia:about that-
Cecilia pulled out a small broken device from her vest as she held it out to Me,I took it and inspected it as I looked back to Cecilia,who was now scratching the back of her head
Cecilia:it was the first thing to break,a Chariot smashed it after we got surprised attacked by a large honkai horde
Shadow:*sigh*so much for special forces*throws away device*it doesn't matter now,do you 3 still remember,the main reason,I sent you out here
Kallen:we're supposed to keep track of activity from Benares's ice prison
Shadow:any reports on that
Yae:no,completely silent and dormant,Sirin must have put her to sleep a bit to well
Shadow:that works out better for us,it's one less Honkai dragon to deal with
Cecilia:one less?
I pull out a small circular device from the pocket as I hold it out to the girls,it projected a hologram,that played a video of the fight we had with the "Benares",that attacked us
Shadow:not quite,that thing is 3x bigger and emits 25x more Honkai energy,than the Benares,that's trapped in ice
Yae:but how is Benares there,if she's trapped in ice
Shadow:simple,that thing is not Benares,but some enhanced clone
Cecilia:who would try to clone or even create more honkai,let alone Benares
Shadow:I have my suspicions but we're not completely sure,on who it could be,which now brings Me,to why I'm here
Kallen:what do we have to do
Shadow:calm down,you 3 aren't doing anything,not yet
Yae:so then,what are you here,we thought you would give us another mission
Shadow:no,I'm here to bring you back
Cecilia:excuse Me,Captain?
Shadow:it's time for the big reveal,you 3 have stayed here for long enough anyway,it's time you get back to society
Kallen:but Captain,what about our mission
Shadow:your mission ended long ago,it wasn't even supposed to last 2 years,it was only supposed to be 3-4 months
Cecilia:heeeehhh,then why have we been here for so long
Shadow:complications arose,delayed my call back for a VERY long time
Yae:so,that's it,we just pack up and leave
Shadow:yup,dropship isn't far,it's on the outskirts of the forest
Yae:I'm surprised,you didn't just send someone else to pick us up
Shadow:1,if I did,you would have killed him/her on sight,2,consider it my apology for keeping you here for so long
the 3,grabbed their bags and holstered their weapons,except Cecilia,who just dematerialized it,Kallen put out the fire and scattered the burnt wood and ashes across the snow as I jumped onto one of the tree branches,I could see the outskirts of the forest from my position as I looked back to girls
Shadow:we'll be faster if jump across the trees,it's a long flight so let's get going before-
I look back to the 3 as they were just staring at Me,with very confused looks
Shadow:uhh,something wrong
Yae:huh,oh sorry Captain,just had a sudden realization
Kallen:how did you do,those things you just did
Shadow:ah,that-,well about that-,uhh,how about we go back to HQ first,then I'll tell you girls there or during the trip
Kallen and Yae just sighed while Cecilia nodded as I scratched the back of my head,I thought I had made them forget about it,but they remembered,so now I have to tell them about my skills
the 3 jumped up to the trees as we hopped across the branches with great speed,it didn't take nearly as long as walking as we had immediately made it to the outskirts of the forest,I told I.R.I.S to uncloak the V-38 as the drop/gunship appeared in front of Me,out of nowhere,I opened the door and jumped in as the girls followed,close behind
when they were all in,I closed the doors while the Girls placed their bags down and sat on the chairs of the ship as I went back into the cockpit,the controls had normal coloring,so I.R.I.S wasn't controlling the ship anymore as I sat down in the pilot's seat and grabbed the controls,I then accelerated the speed of the ship as it went from 0 to 100,real quick,it didn't take long to get to top speed as we now flew through Siberian airspace once again
Timeskip brought to you by a broken family photo of Siegfried,Cecilia and baby Kiana
after another grueling 3 hours of flying,we finally made it back to Schicksal protected airspace,so there was no need to worry about enemy attacks anymore,we were a good 5-6 minutes out from HQ and it was only smooth flying from here,I gave the controls to I.R.I.S again as I stood up from my seat and entered the passenger room
I saw Kallen and Yae,hugging their bags like pillows,as they peacefully slept on the seats of the ship while I saw Cecilia,looking at a picture frame with a sad look
Shadow:hey Cecilia
Shadow:we're about 5 minutes away,from HQ,you 3 are ready,correct
Cecilia:yes,we're all ready
Shadow:is something bothering you
Cecilia:huh,uhm,no it's nothing
Shadow:you can't lie to Me Cecilia,1,it's a bad lie,2,it's an offense,so what's on you mind
Cecilia:it's really nothing Captain,really
Cecilia:..........*sigh*I'm worried,that Kiana might hate Me
Shadow:why would you be worried about that
Cecilia:I've been alive all this time,but I've never seen her eye to eye,even once,she's been alone,from what I learned before our mission,she's been on her own for the majority of her life,since Siegfried went missing,when she was a little girl,I don't think I can just waltz into her life like,I was there to begin with
Shadow:I see-
I walked over to Cecilia and sat next to her as I looked in the eyes with unwavering resolve as she looked back at Me with sadness
Shadow:what if I told you,that you shouldn't be worrying about,such a thing
Cecilia:how can I not worry,I'm her mother but I didn't once try to make an effort to face her
Shadow:that's partly my fault,since I wanted to keep you 3 secret and since I sent you to Russia but let Me tell you this,you don't have to worry,because no matter happens,she'll accept you into her life
Cecilia:how are you so sure,how can you be so sure of it
Shadow:because,she told herself
Shadow:here,let Me tell you a story about a story they told Me,this goes back to before,Kiana became a host for the Herrscher of the Void,her friend,Bronya had sacrificed herself by burning out a mental chip,that was implemented into her head,so Kiana and her other friends could escape from Anti-Entropy,Kiana,her friends and Theresa,all looked for a way to help Bronya as she didn't die but entered a comatose,in search of a way to help Bronya,Theresa resorted to a secret library under St.Freya Academy,in there was a computer,that would allow her to enter a virtual space,in that virtual space,was Siberia,in the year 2000-
I saw a shadow cast over Cecilia's eyes as bad memories from those times,most likely came back to her from the mention of the time period
Shadow:at this time,Babylon Tower,stood tall and proud,holding it's many secrets inside,including a way to help Bronya-
Cecilia:what does this have to do Kiana
Shadow:well,what Theresa,didn't know was that,Kiana had followed her into the virtual space-
Cecilia's eyes widened as she most likely knew,where this was going
Cecilia:so she-
Shadow:in the virtual space,as she fought through all of it,she saw her father for the first time in over 7-8 years at the time and as she continued from there,she met you
Cecilia:what-,what did she do
Shadow:the first thing she did,well funny enough,she stiffened up at the sight of you,from her description,she had no idea what to do,when she saw you,you 2 chatted about how,she was your daughter from the future,appearantly you even got her to call you "mommy"
Cecilia:hehe,that is something,I would do
Shadow:you both worked together to beat the Herrscher of the Void,you even successfully beat her
Cecilia:if only,that was how it played out
Shadow:yes but,that's not the point,the point is that,your daughter is ready and is waiting for you,she'll accept you as long as you talk to her,trust Me,everything will work out
Cecilia:ok,thank you Captain
Shadow:no problem
I stood up from the seat,to leave Cecilia to her own devices as I.R.I.S gave Me a notification,that we were landing,I went over to the 2 sleeping women as I lightly shook to them,waking them up in a few seconds as they readjusted their vision and turned to Me with a very sleepy look on their face
Shadow:hey you 2,rise and shine,time to wake up,we're back at HQ and landing
the 2 slowly sat up right as Kallen rubbed her eyes while Yae yawned while patting her mouth to muffle the sound,I told the girls to walk ahead as soon as we land as I had one more thing to do in the cockpit of the V-38 as I left the 3 and went back into the cockpit
I sat back down on the pilot's seat for the last time as I took out a pair of blue and white headphones with a white sword logo on the back of each speaker from my jacket,I put them on and as a holo screen appeared in front of Me,I connected the headphones to the ship's communication system as I scrolled through my contacts on the interface
I selected a contact as the system started to dial the number,ringing echoed through the headphones into my ear as the call remained on pending,soon enough the call dropped due to the other side,not picking up as the screen disappeared,I sighed and removed the headphones from my head as I placed them back into my jacket
I.R.I.S:sir,he still refuses to respond
Shadow:I know,I can tell,I don't know why though,why won't he respond
I.R.I.S:do you believe,that something wrong happened
Shadow:I hope not,I don't want to be one,to tell Kiana and Cecilia about his death,so let's hold hope,that,that old man is keeping himself safe
I stood up from the seat and left the cockpit as I saw the girls getting off the V-38,I followed them out as they waited for outside the ship,we then satrted to walk towards the main building as though of how,I would introduce them to everyone,Otto would clearly freak out about Kallen while Kiana would cry into Cecilia's arms,which would be heartwarming but for everyone else's case,it would probably be utter silence from disbelief
Kallen:uh,hey Captain
Shadow:what is it Kallen
Kallen:so considering,that you brought us back to HQ,what do we do next,do we have another mission ready to do
Shadow:no,your current orders would be to rest and relax,you've been out on the field for to long,it's time for you 3 to get a break,besides,you 3 aren't getting anymore secret missions
Cecilia:we aren't
Shadow:no,the other reason I brought you back is because,I'm adding you 3 to the main Valkyrie force
the 3 were seemingly surprised from my statement as it seemed like,they were,VERY not prepared for this
Yae:we're getting added to the main force
Shadow;yes,as I showed you,there was a cloned Benares,if another one shows up,I would like to have as little damage in an engagement as possible,so I would need my best of the best fighter with Me,if that's the case
Kallen:you and your smooth talking,always trying to get a reaction
Shadow:I guess it just becomes a habit,but I'm not kidding,out of all the Valkyries,you 3 would be the elite force,seeing as you could face Sirin head on,it makes sense
Yae:you flatter us,Captain
Cecilia:does that also mean,you will have to tell Sir Otto about our revival
Yae:oh no
Kallen:I do not look forward to that
Shadow:as much as I would love to keep it a secret,it won't go unnoticed by Otto so we don't really have a choice
Kallen:I'd rather not have to see him
Shadow:oh come one,Kallen,he's not that bad,he's changed
Kallen:I will not forget,what he has done nor will I forget,what he was considering to do
Shadow:sure but,you can at least not try and kill him,when he gets close
Kallen:I will not make any promises regarding it
Yae:also,Captain,how will you explain,how you revived us in the first place
Shadow:I'll them the truth,it's the best course of action
Cecilia:are you sure,Captain,if you do so,they'll know what you've been up to
Shadow:it's about time,they know about some of the things,I've been doing,can't keep it a secret forever
Cecilia:very well then,Captain
the girls seemed genuinely nervous for once as they seemed uneasy about my decision but there was no turning back now as I've made up my mind,I needed them i the main force due to my prediction of a big battle coming soon,if that were to happen,I would need alot of strength to combat it and these 3 were incredibly strong,beyond belief even,yet there was still one,stronger than them,but they were out of reach at the moment
we entered the main building,gaining a few glances and stares from the people working inside as we walked into the main lobby,as we walked we came across Alicia,who gave a report about the Hyperion's repairs,she ultimately shocked when she realized,who I was with but was still able to mutter out the reports as she said,that the repairs were already 80% complete,so we would be back in the air by tommorow or the day after that
I thanked her for the report and told her to continue resting with the crew,until then while Me,Kallen,Yae and Cecilia,made our way to the 30th floor,where the lounge area for the Valkyries and guest was,it was clear to Me,that they were all nervous as my strongest Valkyries,being Cecilia and Kallen,were both visibly shaking as Yae was trying to calm Kallen down
Shadow:alright,you 3 stay here the minute,I'll go in and talk to everyone first,so I can explain to them about the situation
Yae:alright Captain,I'll try to calm these 2 down,in the mean time
I nodded at Yae as I entered the room unannounced as I see the chaos inside unfold
Shadow:why am I not surprised
the entire room was a pratical warfield as multiple fights and arguements were happening around the room,it was typical lounge area,filled with furniture for relaxation and activities for enjoyment,on the left was my Valkyries and some of the Shipgirls,who were in some arguement of somekind as they were all shouting at each other while,Bronya,who was in her Herrscher form was babysitting Thundia and Sirin as they were stuck in an energy bubble while Mei and Seattle were trying to calm both parties down
on the right side,we had the rest of the Shipgirls,the T-Dolls and my Catgirls were in another separate arguement as Maple was holding back Cinnamon,Coconut was holding back Chocola and Vanilla while Azuki was shouting at people,Negev,for once in her life was acting mature and mediating the fight along with Warspite and Enterprise
finally,in the middle,sat a man,who I really did not expect to be here,Otto sat on the couches as Rita poured him some wine in a glass,he watched as everything unfold without a single word while he drank his wine
I sighed at the sight as I decided to handle this swiftly,I raised my arm in front of Me and using some of my power,Golden and Silver chains emerged from the walls and from beneath the ground,quickly wrapping themselves around the arguing girls as they were quickly restrained and pinned to the wall
Rita,who was seemingly shocked from the sudden occurance was about to bring out her weapon but was stopped when Otto told her,that shouldn't,the 2 of them looked over to Me,Otto with a satisfied smirk while Rita was completely surprised
Otto:it took you quite a while to get back,you took quite your time didn't you
Shadow:I did because I was hoping to come back to a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere,yet I come back to this sight
Otto:I'm suprised ,that you used the chains
Shadow:I've been flying for about 6 hours today,I'd rather not have to prolong the stopping of this
Otto:fair enough,so waht were you doing in Siberia
Shadow:we'll get to that,right now-
Otto:no no no,your not delaying this any longer,than you have already,what did you do in Siberia
I retracted the chains from the girls as they were all let down onto the ground while the chains retracted back into the ground as the cracks they made mystically fixed themselves
Theresa:Captain,how did you
Shadow:to answer you question Otto,after the sudden attack from Benares clone,I've decided to significantly increase the strength of the Valkyrie force
Otto:so you went to go pick some up,who did you bring
Shadow:Valkyrie special forces
Valkyries(mind):Valkyries Special Forces?
Otto:ah,the mythical "VSF",your strongest of the strong
Shadow:yes,they've been in Siberia for to long now anyway,it is about time,they came back
Otto:oh,bring them in then,I'd like to meet them,I'm curious as to who they are
Shadow:ok but I don't want anyone freaking out when I do
Fu Hua:why is there something wrong Captain
Shadow:no,nothings wrong,it's just a bit hard to introduce them to you all,since you all kinda know them already
Kiana:we do?
Shadow:of course,everyone knows them from the Valkyrie history books
Shadow:ok you 3,you can all cone in now
everyone's attention turned to the door of the room as it opened,revealing my top 3 strongest Valkyries,who exceeded Sirin and Thundia in terms of power,they entered the room as everyone gazed at them as the Valkyries looked at the 3 legendary Valkyries with utter shock,Otto looked at Kallen with surprised eyes,like he had seen an angel while Kallen looked back at him with a nervous face,Kiana looked at her mother with utter disbelief while Cecilia looked ay her with a calm smile,she was doing good in terms of keeping calm,apart from the fact,that I could visibly see her fidget but the others didn't notice,thankfully
Shadow:everyone,meet the "VSF" or "Valkyrie Special Forces",my top of the top,Valkyrie fighters,girls please introduce yourselves
Kallen:greetings,I am Kallen Kaslana,S Rank Valkyrie of Shicksal
Yae:it is a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances,I am Yae Sakura,Miko Priestess and S Rank Valkyrie of Schicksal
Cecilia:I am Cecilia Schariac,also a S Rank Valkyrie of Schicksal and leader of the "VSF"
Otto stood up from his seat and jumped the couch as he slowly walked towards Kallen,without taking his gaze of her,Kallen was visibly sweating as Otto closed the distance between them and looked at her,the Overseer was taller than Kallen as she only reached around his chin,he was only a bit taller than Me as I was about the same height as Enterprise
He took both her hands and clasped together with his own as he placed them between each other,he continued to gaze Kallen as she was now sweating profusely,she glanced at Me,asking for help for her situation but there was nothing I could really do,when Otto get's like that,so all I could do was give her a hand signal,that she was doing great as she looked back to Otto
Otto:it is you,Kallen,my love,I didn't think it was possible,it's really you
Kallen awkwardly stared at him as she was trying her best not to do,something stupid in front or more likely,to him as she remained silent in front of the blonde man
Kallen:uh,hey Sir Otto
Otto:I had given up,trying to bring you back to life but the gods have blessed Me,by bringing you back to Me
Kallen:uh sure,but can you let go of my hands now so-
Otto:now that your back,we can be together again and catch up with the times,then we can
Kallen finally broke as she closed her eyes and spoke with a liuf but very sincere tone
Kallen:I'm very sorry Sir Otto
Kallen broke free from Otto's grasp as she punched him in the gut in the blink if an eye,making him crunch down to hold his stomach,but it seemed to have slightly knocked him out,but it didn't end there as Kallen grabbed Otto by shirt and flipped him over her and out the window,making him crash into the wall of the hallway as he landed upside down,head first before Kallen closes both doors in a hurry,it was safe to say,if the punch didn't knock him out,that certainly did
Kallen:I'm sorry Captain,I can't, handle him,I can't do it
Shadow:uhhhh,ok,at least you did your best?
Shadow:*whispers to Yae*I didn't think she would flip him over her and out the window,I thought she would just book it out of here
Yae:*whispers back*neither did I,but I guess she can only handle so much of him,plus this might work in your favor
Shadow:so uhh,this did not go the way,I thought it would
I look over to everyone as they all currently had a very deadpanned face,from what they just witnessed,I don't blame them though,it's not everyday,you see a Valkyrie legend,punch,then flip the Overseer of Schicksal,out a window
Shadow:so uhm-
Everyone:Captain/General/Commander,you have a lot of explaining to do
Author:alright,new chapter done,I hope you all did enjoy it,I almost broke the 9k word mark with this one,but making this story,for Me is kinda lackluster now
Out of all my stories,I put the most effort in this one because I have such a high plot flexibility for it,yet it's my least red story out of the 5 stories,so making it,just doesn't have the same rewarding feel as making chapters for my others stories
I'm not one to ask for votes or attention but if you guys like this and want Me to continue it,then do vote or maybe tell people about it,cause it would mean a lot to Me,to see this rise in popularity a bit
But enough plugging,I do sincerely hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you look forward to the next one,until next time
Shadowgamer254 out
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