Chapter 21: Shadows of the Old Guardians

Kiana: GH! KHH!

Kiana is holding on to the Serenity gem for a long time as it leaks out Honkai's dangerous blue-purple colors of aura. Mago can't even believe it with his own eyes, one little girl is dedicated to stopping it with her very own hands, not caring about anyone's worries.

Magi: You foolish girl, what are you doing?!

Kiana: *huff* *huff* I got the gem... So we took the gem from the container, that should stop the eruption, right?

Y/n is just watching intently while he's camouflaged as he can hear the faint steps of either Fu Hua or Lin. He can hear Magi's ramblings of worries to Kiana and hear her saying that it's working and she's not letting go. He checked his radiation scanner and the levels were getting lower.

Y/n: 'Kiana's very different compared to others... What's happening to her body?'

But suddenly he hears the girl's cries of agony and pain he takes a quick peek and discovers her face emitting Honkai veins and her eyes are slowly shifting to a gold-orange hue and then his head felt a jolt as he was transported into a different quantum realm.

Y/n: Is this... Kiana's mindscape?

He observes his surroundings are glowing white flower fields and he sees a ghostly person who floats there. The person spoke not knowing that he was inside her head.

???: My serenity, bearer of my Chalice... You've returned to me...

He saw that she tapped the gem on her finger and firmly gripped it in her hand. She smiles evilly as he soon recognizes who she is.

Y/n: 'I've only heard and read one of the rumored Ghost of Babylon in Schicksal's dumped files... But to see the one I assumed the source of the war in here...'

Ghost of Babylon: Join me once more, and we shall give them the Sleep of Eternity...!

Everything became white as the gem glowed and he was bolted out of her mindscape. He woke up to see himself back in reality and too close to Fu Hua who didn't suspiciously notice his camouflage state and where he is. Fu Hua talks to Magi who tries to help out the unconscious Kiana who has a severe injury to his leg.

Fu Hua: Dr. Magi? You seem to need help.

Magi: Who are you?

Fu Hua: I'm Fu Hua, an A-Rank Schicksal Valkyrie. Overseer Otto sent me here to save you and bring the gem back.

Magi: Another of Otto's lackeys?! Wait... you're not like this innocent girl. I can smell blood on your hands.

Fu Hua: Perhaps. I'm not here to argue we must leave, Dr. Magi.

Magi: Take the girl and get here treated. The gem is in her hands. Did Otto give you a container to insulate the gem? I bet he wants an eruption as badly as Cocolia.

Fu Hua: He didn't give me a container, but there's another person who gave me this small Soulium Box.

Magi: *breaths* Good. That thing should be able to keep out the ambient Honkai. And before I forget...

He picks something in his pocket and he throws it at Fu Hua. She caught it and it was the Honkai neutralizing serum.

Magi: I developed this serum for neutralizing Honkai in any Valkyrie's body. Give the girl 5ml of this once you reach a safe place. Save the rest for another. A girl asked me to help with her instructor's Honkai problem.

Fu Hua: Major Himeko...

She noticed that the old man was going to the keyboard and was about to type something when she tried to be kind to him not as a Schicksal Valkyrie but as her own.

Fu Hua: Come with me, Dr. Magi. Your safe return is part of my mission as well!

Magi: That won't be necessary. I've lived for far too long. The extreme Honkai levels here have infected my body for too long due to prolonged exposure. I must stay and initiate self-destruct to destroy this facility and give this reactor to someone else for me. Reactor meltdown will render Singapore uninhabitable for years to come if I do that.

Fu Hua: Then who are you giving this to?

Magi: *coughs* Funny, I don't know. But I felt like there would someone be right to use this for benefit. *gladly smiles* I'm sorry, you girls. I guess you'll have to fail this mission by sacrificing your life for the greater good in this city.

Fu Hua: Then I shall leave at once with her.

Magi: But before you all go. Can you leave my message to her when she wakes up? "She may be a bit foolish and naive, but her courage achieved a miracle that saved everyone in this city. I'm proud of her"

Fu Hua then picks up unconscious Kiana bridal style so that they can leave before the explosion. Fu Hua feels weirded out for some reason, besides the cryptic farewell words of the dying old man. She looked at the doctor one last time and was saddened due to not having to save someone, but deep in her mind and heart she felt like she had lost now more than once before.

Fu Hua: Thank you, Dr. Magi. *smiles* I feel the same about her from time to time... *walks out*

As she left Lin silently arrived as she watched Fu Hua run away while carrying Kiana out of the blast zone. As Dr. Magi is gonna break the glass and press the self-destruct button in the process, he coughs and feels weakened as he tries to punch it but it doesn't crack and he sits on the ground weakened. All he could do was remember his dead granddaughter, but then he heard a grunt and a glass breaking and alarms blaring.

Self-destruct sequence initiated and counting... 5

Magi: I didn't expect this at the end of my life... Meeting another brave Valkyries in my final moments. I was wrong. I should not have given hope in the world.


He looked up at the person and it was Lin who was hooded but he could see her granddaughter's face looking back at her in sorrow.


Magi: It's good to see someone like you again, Lin. You've made me proud, my baby girl.


Lin looked at him with a shocked face and tears flowed down to her cheek and Y/n watched this while packing and teleporting the reactor with his ELS powers back to Ptolemy. Her sad expression turned to tears of joy as she thanked her grandfather for having a chance of one last reunion with him.


Lin: Thank you... and I love you, Grandpa.

As the public is having a conversation on what's happening the press is trying to get a good look at the situation until...


*Final opening plays*

Everyone screamed at the explosion of the floor building as everyone started to go on high alert and evacuate the citizens of the city. In a nearby building, Lin and Y/n watched the explosion in all its glory as Lin calmed down from her tears after seeing where she last saw her grandfather.

Y/n: Are you okay now?

Lin: *hic* Yeah, *clears throat* I'm okay now.

Y/n: Good now, help out Ptolemy team keep watch on the battle at the seas and the nearby highway leading to this place. Fuxi's words will come true now. "Now that the building exploded they would know that Cocolia's AE failed and Schicksal's team on the ground will go forward under his orders and help Fu Hua handle things here."

Lin nodded but she questioned him about something.

Lin: Do you think it is her?

Y/n: I'm sure of it. Now go. Before it gets worse than already is.

Lin nodded once more and hurriedly left the scene as he watched where Fu Hua was now as he watches her.

Fu Hua: Good job, Dr. Magi. Singapore is safe. Time to take the gem from her hands.

But then he saw the quick movement of Kiana's fist punching off Fu Hua's glasses she was shocked as she moved back away from her. Y/n knows what this means.

Y/n: Great, she's awake... Sirin.

Sirin: Hehe, you move pretty fast.

Fu Hua: 'Kiana... she's under the control of something within the gem...'

Fu Hua suddenly received some flashbacks that she had never seen before but she heard one word about the girl whom she had seen in the flashes and the girl controlling Kiana before her.

Fu Hua: Should I call you... Sirin?

Sirin: How do you know my name?

Fu Hua: Go back to your slumber, Sirin.. *fighting stance* or I will make you sleep!

Sirin: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! You're good at dodging questions, Valkyrie!

Sirin suddenly released a killing intent on her while holding the gem in her hand as she pointed out her aura to her.

Sirin: But don't worry. I'll break all your limbs, and I'll ask you nicely about how you know my name.

Fu Hua: 'Her awakening is probably the worst thing that can happen. Severing her with the link should seal her again.'

Fu Hua can see that the vapor is now unlocked and flowing on Sirin's right hand. She suddenly leaps to attack her and she uses her left fist to take a hook to her and she narrowly dodges it.

Fu Hua: That was too close!

Sirin: Do you think you dodged that?!

When she looked at her sleeve, she noticed the vapors slowly evaporating her sleeve. She tore it off immediately as she thought to herself the same thing that Y/n was thinking of.

Y/n: 'Vapors of Serenity... PE's 6th Herrscher powers...'

Sirin: Impressive insect. You know how to deal with my attacks. If you're a bit slower, my vapors would have eaten you down to your bones.

Fu Hua: Heh. Thanks for telling me that. But you'll never hit me.

Sirin: Time to die, insect!

Fu Hua now fights her with her arm exposed as she dodges her next attack as she gets behind her.

Fu Hua: You're stuck in Kiana's body. That places a limit on your speed.

Sirin: Kh!! You're harder to kill than I thought.

Sirin faces her who realizes her opponent is holding back as she uses this opportunity to create more.

Sirin: But I can always create more! Let's see how you dodge being surrounded by them!!

Fu Hua noticed this as she tried to take a stance but suddenly she felt something from above she suddenly noticed a small shadow figure crash-landed in front of her, making the two knock back a little and cover their faces from the dust getting on their faces.

Sirin: Who dares to disrupt me?!

Fu Hua: 'Who is that? Wait, it can't be!'

When it clears up, they saw the blue-white mobile suit glaring at the awakened Herrscher with its cold gaze. Exia has arrived although, something's different to him.


Y/n(Setsuna): Servant?! What nonsense have you been going on inside your head? *mutters* Oh wait, I guess that's how the ELS perceived you...

Sirin: Wait, you have the power of my God, and yet...

From the outskirts of the city, the Schicksal Valkyries are busy battling the Gundams who have been hard on them for a long time as 60% of their troops are down along with weaponized vehicles. The girl named Durandal is being equal to them but it's also making her tired due to how strong they are.

Durandal: I can't get a clean hit on them. Their armor is made of much stronger material than our weapons are made out of.

But suddenly they all gasped when they heard a loud firing shot as they looked above to see the pink beams crash down to them. This caused the bridge between the mainland and other land to be separated. Luckily the civilians are evacuated and are out of the mainland. The Schicksal are shocked to see the audacity of their once allies fire on them but the Gundam Meisters couldn't care nonetheless. 

Back to the 3 players on the rooftop. Fu Hua notices something different on her face, her glasses are missing. She looked to the ground and found it but it was already in pieces. Exia was prepping his GN Sword right in front of his face as Sirin suddenly attacked him with the vapors. He was hit by the vapors and Sirin laughed at the sight.

Sirin: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Look at what I constructed, a fake god I easily vaporized like an insect he should-!

But suddenly a sound of eyes flashing made her interrupt and they saw his sword glowing green and shifting to the color of the vapors the vapors surrounding him now sucked into the sword as the new color of the sword's edge changed to the newfound power colors it ingested.

Y/n(Setsuna): 'It's been a while since the powers of the 6th Herrscher have demonstrated to this renewed world. It's not like the power of the divine key I've seen and demonstrated to counter against another Herrscher but this will do.' Sorry, Ms. MOTH, but I needed to do this.

Fu Hua: Huh?

She didn't get enough time to react as she only heard a small sonic boom and felt a hard punch to her chest before she was knocked down and unconscious. He knocked her out to keep her away from trying to make amends for what he's done for the first time in his whole life as the very first Trailblazer. But he returns to his focus on Sirin specifically again as he gripped his Vapor-filled GN Sword.

Sirin: You! How did you suck my vortex?!

Y/n(Setsuna): You should be pretty knowledgeable of the Previous Era when you claimed the power right? Or your humiliating defeat cost you so much including your knowledge of the power you obtained from me, which technically was a mistake on my part.

Sirin: You; 're cheating! No human should be able to blast away a Herrscher's-

But suddenly Setsuna sends a slash wave to her which she immediately dodges easily. But she was immediately knocked back when he suddenly got close to her and slashed her so fast. She narrowly evaded it and backed off.

Sirin: Ha- cheap shot!

Y/n(Setsuna): Is it though?

Sirin soon discovers her clothing is vaporized immediately, and her body is naked but her pants are still on. She's covering her private parts on her chest due to how naked she is. Flustered her face went red hot in anger as she looked at his eyes and she saw deep enough that his eyes were glowing and looking at her in seriousness and not caring about anything about her situation.

Her anger rises more as everything starts to shake and the dusts and stones are lifting due to how her power levels rising and her chest is glowing purple as her voice is filled with venom, spite, and disgust.

Sirin: How dare you, perverted cheater! Do you think you can scare me with those flashy moves of yours?! DO YOU THINK I WILL BE SCARED OF SOME GOD-FAKER IN A PUNY MACHINE?!

Sirin's anger rose to its peak when the lightning of HoT struck down to her location and the gem was being absorbed into her body as the stigmata of 6th Herrscher formed on her chest and lightning crackled around her body. He's just watching her with the same mood and expression.

A Valkyrie- suit is forming to cover her exposed body and she smiles arrogantly at him when it is formed completely; the 4th-gen Valkyrie battlesuit, Knight Moonbeam with the stigmata of the 6th Herrscher embedded on her chest. He had seen it before due to Y/n's actions from the past battle in St. Freya, not impressed of the transformation.

Sirin: Good. This battlesuit shall give me the firepower I need. You might be wondering how I got this?! Because I can do anything-

Y/n(Setsuna): Mhm, and you recorded the exact looks when Kiana used it during the invasion in the school. Thanks to your "power", it was formed like an exact original. Not impressed at all for a kid with a tantrum and sore losing problems. 'Even though I knew of your history...'

Sirin: Why you!! *sighs* But no matter, I can't find a better weapon to unleash my reserves! You wanna know how much Honkai I have!? Hahaha! ENOUGH TO BLAST YOU TO PIECES!

The wings of light were activated and she went for the barrage attacks which he evaded completely with ease whilst carrying Fu Hua's unconscious body. But then he hears Otto's voice in her earpiece as it tries to contact her.

Otto: Hello there old friend? Don't go dark on me. I've already received my test data. How's it going on your side?

He decided to play along with this madman who already knew the audacity he's gonna do everything and he meant everything for the completion of his task. Understandable, yet uncaring and selfish. He mimics the voice of Fu Hua with his powers as he contacts Otto.

Y/n, Setsuna (Fu Hua voice): I bet you can hear it from your place. She has enough firepower to destroy the whole country so you better do something.

Otto: Hmm, indeed. Things are looking bad on your side. Tell me what you need and I'll see if I can do something about it.

Y/n, Setsuna (Fu Hua voice): Send that over. I'll end this quickly.

Otto: That will cost you, old friend. But I guess it can't be helped.

Otto presses buttons as he sends it to Fu Hua. Amber suddenly asks Otto.

Amber: If I may, do you think it's Ms. Fu Hua's voice on the line?

Otto: Hmm? It seems you're not the only one who noticed it. But it would seem the organization has humored me again. 'That's right, keep it coming. It'll just make my goal so much easier...!'

From Sirin's view, she sees nothing but clouds of smoke as she only giggles at the destruction she created. But suddenly the dusts were scattered when she saw Exia in his different form. The GN Drive still releases green GN particles but his armor and colors have changed to his Finsternis form like the Astraea has.

Fu Hua's body is being carried behind his back so doing this will be impossible for any Valkyrie has done. Except for the S-Ranks, if there is one during his research.

Sirin: What?! How did you create a battlesuit from nothing?!

Y/n(Setsuna): A mobile suit based on a girl's battlesuit. Quite interesting isn't it?

He suddenly boosts the GN Drive to the maximum optimal running condition, not going for the Over boost mode, yet. This boost of power immediately created a sonic boom that he already almost closed the gap on Sirin. She was so shocked by this that she didn't say a word. She saw his hand grabbing her collar and she shouted at her.

Sirin: Get your hands off me!!

She suddenly unleashed it again which caused the building below her to go down in smoke. She huffs from that shock and recovered and she smiled in triumph.

Sirin: Heh. I've fired enough gamma beams to level an entire city block! I guess that's the end of the cheating faker along with his precious human and his stupid suit.

Sadly, her victory is only short-lived as his shadow appears behind him and she gasps from feeling the cold wind his suit is giving.

Y/n(Setsuna): Bruh, where are you looking at?

Sirin: WHA-?!


Sirin: *spits out Honkai blood and saliva*

After the powerful punch he delivered in her chest that went through her body, she was knocked out for good. He then plunged his hand into her stigmata tattoo and grabbed the gem inside.

Y/n & Setsuna: Mission... complete.

In her mindscape, Kiana saw herself choking Mei to death as she laughed evilly, not knowing she was not in control.

Mei: Kiana *ack* Stop...

Sirin: Heh heh...

*Stab* *drip* *drip*

This shocked the three of them as they saw behind Kiana the menacing aura of the Gundam Exia in Finsternis and he had the whole Celestial Being Gundam Meisters with him. The pilots sitting on top of the hands of their Gundams. From the HI3 Simulated World to the real deal. Then there is the floating 00 QanT ELS and Setsuna watching what's happening.

Kiana: KYAAAAA!!!

Kiana was finally wakened up from the nightmare as she was confused now as to where she was.

Kiana: Wait...! Where am I?

Mei: Kiana-chan!

Kiana only ended up meeting the embrace of Mei after her long sleep and not knowing what transpired in Singapore.

Kiana: Why are you all here? I thought I was on a mission in Singapore...

Himeko: You messed up, sugar. An Honkai shockwave knocked you out.

Fu Hua watched only briefly on this reunion and she left the room silently.

Himeko: But Fu Hua was around to get you out of there/ You owe her big time, girl. Make sure you thank her for this.

Himeko then looks to see that she isn't there anymore as she questions.

Himeko: Speaking of which, where did my star student go?

On the hallways, she was walking weakly as she continuously coughed due to her body's condition. But then she felt a tap on her shoulder when she heard Otto's voice.

Otto: Good job. Against all odds, you managed to return the gem to us. Her powers have yet to reach the full might of the 2nd Herrscher. But we now know she has learned the means of using the gem.

Fu Hua: I didn't expect you to show up here, Lord Otto.

Otto: I'm not a heartless person, Fu Hua. I came here to check on you. We are partners after all.

Fu Hua: Don't worry. I won't die yet. Not before I fulfill my share of the deal. *wipes off the blood on her mouth*

Otto: Good. You still remember our deal. That's why I respect you so much. And if you've done your share, I'll uphold my side of the bargain. Schicksal will serve as the everlasting shield of the Xianzhou.

Fu Hua slapped Otto's hand off her shoulder as she only glared at him.

Fu Hua: I don't need your respect, Otto. If you renege on our agreement, I'll make you pay.

She then left the ground and Otto can only think of her warning.

Otto: Strong words, old friend. Given how weak you are, I do wonder how you'll make me pay.


Otto: I still remember the day when we first met. She stood at the head of the Ming army in the final battle of the Kipchak Steppe. The Immortal Guardian of Xianzhou who single-handedly defeated the Princes of Europe.

Fu Hua stands tall with her eyes glowing red like a phoenix eradicating and burning her enemies along her way, wielding the flag of her faction.

Otto: Then she attacked, scattering the military orders of Schicksal. Even my dear Kallen was brought to her knees. But that incident robbed her of her immortality and most of her powers.

Now walking in the dark deserted wasteland is the recent Fu Hua, mortal yet weakened.

Otto: She's nothing more than a MOTH that has burned out most of its wings. And now she must dance to my tunes to ensure the safety of the Xianzhou.

Flashback end

Otto: *looks out the window* Whether you like it or not, I have always respected you. Despite betrayals, loneliness, obvious dangers, and knowing that you might very well die for it, you've continued to dedicate your life to a promise made to someone and fight to defend Xianzhou.

Now Fu Hua walks alone in the shadows of the darkness she enveloped and paid to deal with the devil. Soon enough, she will finally be eternal stuck in the darkness she walked now.

Otto: You even agreed to work with me and got your hands dirty just to live up to that promise. Your dedication to your promise reminds me of my dedication to Kallen's revival.

???: In which I will demolish slowly and surely. You may be luring us to your trap but we thought better of it immediately.

Otto suddenly looked to his front and saw the crossed arms of Y/n who stoically knew already and was right the whole time.

Otto: Hehe. So you already knew what my plan was and yet you danced onto my strings.

Y/n: Bruh, I've known everything in a flash since I came here. You not letting her go, do you? Oh well, I'll give you points for being a stubborn man who leads his rebels to destroy the tyrant of his family. But deduction points to becoming too obsessed with reviving the dead on your own hands. Hmm, maybe Kallen is having better luck without a boyfriend like you now.

Otto was ticked from this and tried to defend his pride only to be shattered more when Y/n mocked him again and asked him a question.

Y/n: I wonder though, what if she was revived not by your hand, by your box, or by the will of Honkai? And the only reason she was revived was because she had seen enough of what you've done and decided to have a new boyfriend?

Otto was so shocked by this that he tried to point his gun at him but he was suddenly gone. Making him tick off more and have more grudge against him and his organization.

Otto: 'Damn you, Celestial Being...!'

In a secret room, she stashed the full bottled cure for the Honkai infection in a safe she glanced at it and closed the safe with a click of the locks.

In Ptolemy, Fuxi is holding Fu Hua's ornament when she was still the Phoenix. But the difference is the feathers are now damaged and it was burned, symbolizing what she has forgotten and more precisely, her true nature of the real Phoenix.

Fuxi: Fu Hua.... Unicorn's sister... I wonder where it is now?

Up in space the screech of the immortal Gundam Unicorn 03 Phoenix watches over the world as it flies further around the world, watching like a guardian.

After this, the day when Welt mentioned how it all began. The day when his troop and that nun's group alliance because of one project that led to their one common cause, defeating Honkai and along with evil who are much as evil as the Honkai itself.

Y/n: Project Selene.

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