Your Faults Effect The One You Love (Sober!Gamzee X MutantBlood!Reader)
**Eyyyyy it's Gam-Gam! Funny thing, I was at a camp a while ago, and my CIT nickname was Gamzee! Do you know how powerful that feels?? Really motherfucking powerful. All theses little kids would say "Gamzee!" In adorable voices and my friends Tristan and Zoltan would look at me like "This. This is why we don't have nice things, Gamzee." I love my friends. They probably hate me, but oh well! Have a good reading!!**
Y/n's POV
I growl at the highblood in front of me. "HoNk." Gog, I hate that noise. It followed me around Alternia and through the Dream worlds. I used to love it, believe it or not.
"Gamzee, you need to calm down." It was my fault he was this way, I was the one who had forgotten about his need for the sopor slime. It was my fault he was in this state, and it's my fault if I kill him. My weapon of choice was in my hand, and I had the same murderous look as my ex-matesprit. "Y/n, DoN't YoU MOTHERFUCKIN UNDERSTAND?" He yelled. I flinched, but held my defensive stance. "I nEeDeD iT." He was on the brink of his lovely purple tears. "aNd YoU mOtHeRfUcKiN FORGOT!" He roared. He swung his club too fast, I couldn't have moved even if I did see where he had aimed. My arm bent into an unnatural shape and I screamed. I felt my vision go dark with fury and I lunge at him.
I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!
Then why can't I hurt him?
My uninjured arm goes limp and my eyes seemed to go back into the normal color. "PaThEtIc." I heard him growl and I back away. "YoU cAn'T eVeN tRy To MoThErFuCkIn KiLl Me." He slammed his club onto me again and I yelp. I fall to my knees and glare at the troll I used to know. That I used to love.
I felt tears drip out of my eyes and I cry out in pain. "I'm sorry!" I yell out. "You think I wanted you sober? You think I wanted you to break me? You think I wanted you to break out in a murderous spree?" His eyes flickered from the insanity to something I could recognize as horror. He shook his head and his tears washed away his make up. They go back to the red pupiled* mess. "I miss you Gamzee." I murmur. "I just want my clown back." He stumbles back, and I find a weak spot. I fiercely jab at him, and he doubles over in pain. He coughs up his blood, and his eyes go even darker and more deep into insanity than before. "But that will only happen if we kill each other." I say in a cold voice. My heart broke, but my facade was cool. I try to hit him again, but he dodges. He hits me across the face and I could taste the coppery and pomegranate taste of my blood. "YoU nEvEr LoVeD mE!" HE bellowed. I shrank into a smaller, but defensive state. "yOu CaN't EvEn ShOw Me YoUr MOTHERFUCKIN BLOOD COLOR!" My eyes narrowed. "You want to fucking know?" I scream, tears flowing out of my eyes. I spit onto the ground at the color of bright fuchsia. "There you fucking go, Gamzee! Anything else you want to know? All my damned insecurities and everything?" I throw my weapon down. I can't care anymore, I can even feel myself waning. "You were my moirail, then my matesprit. I left you, one day.." I spat out more blood before continuing in the strong voice I had. "One day to help the other trolls, and you forgot to eat the damned slime!" Gamzee looked at me with fear. He snapped out when I was talking. I was on the ground, my broken arm hanging limply, my cheek bruise, and a puddle of blood dripping from my mouth and nose. "YOU BLAMED IT All ON ME!" I cried. He started to walk towards me, but I try to edge away from him. "No, you did this!" I screech. "I just want this over with, so you don't have to fucking touch me!" He looked so hurt. I cough up more blood and I curl up, too exhausted to even yell. "I love you." I whispered, crying. "More than you ever thought was possible for a troll." He disobeyed me and went closer to me, fully snapped out of the sober mode. "Y/n!" He held my head up and tied to set me up for fixing. Doesn't he see? I'm hurt internally, and there is no one on this shit planet that will take care of a mutantblood. His tears drip onto my face and my shirt. I saw the purple and fuchsia meld into a beautiful color. A deep violet. "I will see you in the dream bubbles," I whisper in a scratchy voice. "I'll be right there waiting." He shakes his head. "No, YoU hAvE tO lIvE!" He yells. "Gamzee, shut the fuck up!" I growl. He doesn't stop blubbering. I lean on my good arm and balance myself on it. He was still distracted by his talk and his tears were blinding him. I kiss him with a force that I thought wouldn't be possible, considering that I'm dying. He kisses back and holds me up. I hug him and felt myself go. Going, going. "Don't you dare forget to take them," I say fiercely. "I don't need you to go back in that shit state." I dropped my arm from him and he was frantically finding away to lift me up. "No, No, No!" I heard him whisper. I close my eyes and my breathing stops.
I open my eyes to see Gamzee running towards the building of computers and the other trolls. "No, GAMZEE!" I shriek. I felt hands on my arms to see ghosts of other trolls. Their faces had looks that said "No Use" plainly. I lower my raised arm and watch as he runs into the room. "GuYs!" He shouts, getting Karkat and Sollux's attention. "WHAT THE FUCK!" "Holy 2hiit, Y/n." Karkat went up to my body and insepcted me. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" He demanded, fury in his eyes. Sollux was stuck in place, just staring at the drips of blood on the ground. "Fuch2iia." He mumbled. "YOU DID THIS!" KArkat screamed, grief evident on his face. He backed away from the disraught Gamzee. "PlEaSe, ThErE hAs To Be A mOtHeRfUcKiN wAy To GeT hEr BaCk!" He pleads. The other trolls shook their heads and ran away. Gamzee collapsed onto the floor. I can't do anything to help him. "AlL mY fAuLt." I heard him murmur, my heart breaking even more.
"AlL mY mOtHeRfUcKiN fAuLt."
**I have a new oneshot in mind that is being worked on! The lil (*) at "pupiled" is me just asking if it's a word or not. I don't know, and I'm a little too lazy to find out. If anyone has a request, I will most likely do it! If anyone has a favorite song, and if anyone puts it in the comments, I will listen to it and maybe make a oneshot based on it! If anyone has any questions, I'm going to make a lil Q & A thing once I get about fifteen questions! If anyone can draw Gamzee, I will worship you! Okay, that's enough now, BYE!!**
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