Suffocated in the Hive (BigBrother!Sollux X SmallSis!Reader)

"You're over curfew by two miinute2." I sigh and turn on the lamp light. Sollux, my older brother, was standing with crossed arms in front of me. "Why 2o late?" "Why 2o worriied?" I place my coat on the coat hanger and rub my eyes tiredly. "II ju2t wanna have fun, 2ol." He glares moodily at me and blocks my way to to my respiteblock. "2ollux," I whine. "II wanna go two bed." "Not untiil you tell me why you're 2o late." I sigh and sit down in the living room, as humans call it. "II wa2 beeiing a teen, liike the one II am." He glares harder. That sibling glare that makes you want to yell at them. "You can't do that two your2elf, you're goiing two exhau2t your2elf." He argues and I sigh once more. "II'm 2ick of you protectiing me." I mumble, crossing my arms. "What?" "II 2aii II'm 2ick of you protectiing me!" I yell. He looks at me in shock; I've never yelled at him. "II am eiight 2weep2 old and tiired of 2tayiing iin thii2 hou2e!" I yell once more, balling my hands into fists. "II 2tay here whiile you go two work and whiile you go out wiith your friiend2 and when II come home from 2chool everyday." I stand up and edge close to my brother. "II ju2t want you two bee 2afe!" He yells back, turning to yellow with anger. 'You're makiing me trapped!" I push over a table in anger and rush to my room. "II AM 2II OF THII2 DAMN HOU2E AND THE2E 2TUPIID RULE2 AND MY LONELIINE22!" "Y/N, GET BCK DOWN HERE RIIGHT NOW!" "Or what? You're not my lu2u2, you're my brother!" I snarl and slam the door in his face. He hits it repeatedly, yelling profanities and calling me such horrible names. I slide against the door and place my head in my hands. Tears leak out and I start crying as he keeps yelling. He hits the door once more before leaving the final blow; "II WII2H MY LU2U2 WA2 HERE IIN2TEAD OF YOU!" "FUCK OFF!" I scream. It feels awful and good ateh same time, Gog, so good to go against someone that's been holding you back for so long. 

I wash my face from last night's makeup and wear my favorite shirt and jeans. I rush out the door with a piece of bread and honey. "Where are you goiing? IIt'2 2aturday." I glare at my brother and walk out the door without saying a word. He can go fuck himself.

I watched Y/n leave the house and stare blankly at my breakfast. I wish last night didn't happen and I wish she wasn't leaving without me apologizing. I don't know how to make up with her. I pull out my husktop from the side of the human couch and go to Trollian. Maybe Terezi can help.

--twinArmageddons [TA] begins trolling gallowsCalibrator [GC]--

GC: B3F0R3 Y0U S4Y 4 W0RD, Y0U 4R3 4 DUMB FUCK.

TA: 2o you talked wiith Y/n.


TA: What do II 2ay two her? Be2ide2 II'm 2orry, beecau2e II know II'm 2ayiing that.

GC: WHY 4R3 Y0U 4SK1NG M3? 1 D0N'T KN0W H3R 4S W3LL. 1 D0N'T T4LK T0 H3R B3C4US3 SH3'S 4LW4YS 4T H0M3.

--twinArmageddons [TA] ceases trolling gallowsCalibrator [GC]--

I sit and think for a moment while I hear laughing outside. Y/n and a boy/girl's laughter. "What happened after you came home?" They said affectionately. I clench my fists but refuse to go outside. I don't want to hurt her more than I already have. "Ju2t 2ome yelliing, a fiight. II'm fiine though, II ju2t mii22 the brother that actually cared about me and my needs." I stop and listen a bit longer. "He u2ed two bee the be2t, but then he got 2o friightened of me hurtiing my2elf that he banned me from 2o much. II want hiim to know that II can protect my2elf now, and II wiill 2tiill bee here. I ju2t can't 2tay iin the hou2e wiith the unhealthy protectiivene22." I heard a shuffle and I knew that the two were hugging. "I'm sorry to hear that. I'll see you soon?" "Yeah. See you, (Significant other)!" She walks into the door to see me there with my arms crossed once more. Her face paled to a lighter shade of gray. She sighed and walked towards her room. "Y/n." "What? You wanna yell at me 2ome more?" I wrap my arms around her lightly and she stiffens. "II'm 2orry." I mumble out. She wraps her arms around me and I could feel her hands shake against my back. "II know II'm a 2hiithead and II'm 2orry for yelliing tho2e 2tupiid thiing2 at you." She buries her face into my chest and  hug her tighter. Tears make a warm spot on my shirt and I ignore it. "II'll try two fiix all of thii2 2o that you feel better, okay?" I continue. "II'll be more laiidback, iit'll take 2ome gettiing u2ed two on my part, but II'll do iit for you." I heard her phone buzz and she checks it breaking the hug. One of her friend's was asking for her to go out with them tonight. "You wanna go?" I say gently. "You can iif you want." She looks at me in the eyes and says, "No. II want two 2tay wiith you." She leads me to the couch and turns on the TV. We watch the Bee Movie as we cuddle and fall asleep. She still snores and I still have my arms wrapped around her in the morning, but at least the fight is resolved.

**I had no clue where I was going with this. I tried. Also, my new lisp sounds like either Rich from BMC or Sollux from Homestuck, my friends are arguing about it. Apparently I'm going to have it for a long time because the orthodontist's put something on the back of my teeth to stop my overbite from hitting my bottom brackets, but now I sound like the geek that I am, glasses and all. Love you guys, bye :o)**

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