Is This The Real Life, Or Is This Just Vantasey?(Broadway!Kankri X Reader)
**I have to admit, I don't know how I'll make it a Broadway sort of thing, I was thinking he could be a YouTube Cover artist, but nah. I guess let the stage be cleared for the mutant blood!! This is a headcanon voice from the requester, and I have to say it is a good one.(I thought it was Karkat at first and I legit wrote about 600 words before I saw that the request was Kankri FML)**
Kankri's POV
"Kanny!" I heard the voice of my manager say. I look at the door frame to see Porrim leaning against it looking at me. I was lying down on my stomach, facing a screen. "Yes, P9rrim? Is there s9mething 9f which I can 6e 9f assistance?" She looked slightly annoyed. "Yo+u were to+ be practicing yo+r main so+ng, Kankri." She said gently. "Yo+u will be o+n stage in an ho+ur." I nod and say, "Yes, 6ut I have m9re pressing things t9 d9 at the m9ment. I still have an h9ur, c9uld I please c9ntinue my c9nversati9n? TW: #C9nflicting schedules, #talks, #acc9midati9ns, #PLEASE??" I look at her with the human 'Puppy Dog Eyes' and she sighs. "Fine, but yo+u sho+uld practice o+nce befo+re the sho+w, o+kay?" She closes the door and I sigh in relief.
"You okay, Kan?" I heard a soft voice say. It was emitting from the screen in front of me and I smile. I nod and she giggles a little. "I can't believe Porrim let you talk with me, she usually keeps you on a tight schedule." Y/n looked at me with a small blush on her face. How did I get so lucky as to have a matesprit such as her? "Well she d9es that s9 that the t9ur may g9 sm99thly." I snuggle into a pillow, just staring at her. She's the only one I don't put my trigger warnings with since she already knows all of mine, and I know all of hers. "Well, I hope it's going great!" She says in a happy tone. But I could see through that. "What's wr9ng?" I say quietly. She shakes her head and laughs. "Nothing, nothing, I just miss you." It's been a few months for certain, and it has been tough. I can see why we miss each other for so long. "I kn9w, l9ve." I say. "6ut s99n I'm g9ing t9 6e d9ne, and then we can spend 9ur m9rnings, aftern99ns, and nights t9gether." She brightens up and I could see a mischievous sparkle in her eye. "KANKRI, TIME TO+ PRACTICE!" I heard Porrim screech. I sigh and look once more at the screen, making sure to remember that she was wearing her favorite show pajamas and that her hair was all over. And that her smile was encouraging, and her laugh was soft. "I've g9t t9 g9," I say quietly. "I l9ve y9u." "I love you too, Kankri. See you in a few more months." I end the video with her smile and I sigh. Time to practice.
Y/n's POV
I giddily hop out of my hotel bed. Fortunately, Kankri didn't notice that I wasn't in my usual bed, and completely didn't hear the foreign noises. I dig through my suitcase to find my favorite shirt and shorts and comb my hair. I add a little bracelet that he gave me before he left, that had a cancer charm on it. I love it to death, and was so happy that I have that of him. I grab my wallet and purse, sliding my ticket into it. Porrim and I had made a plan to have me join the trip halfway through to keep him company, and of course I agreed to it! I heard a ringing from my phone. "Yo+u ready, Y/n?" I heard her motherly tones say. "Yeah, just let me finish packing!" I say giddily. In the background I heard Kankri doing vocal warm ups. It made me giggle as he stumbled. "O+kay, I'm co+ming o+ver to+ pick up yo+ur stuff up after the sho+w. See yo+u to+night!" I hang up ans start walking out of the hotel. The walk to the amphitheater isn't that far off, might as well get in before the crowd does!
Kankri's POV
I sigh ans slip on the latest outfit Porrim has made for me. It was a nice and simple suit with red sequins lining my wrists and buttons. black glitter lined my lapel and the rim of my jacket. The pants were just basic black dress pants and the make up was minimal. Taunt me all you want about men wearing makeup, but I find it fun. It covers unwanted blemishes and such. "You're on!" I heard a stage hand whisper, and I quickly go on the stage, the rest of the music makers behind me. The curtains lift and I see throngs of people, teenage girls and boys more than adults. I start with the first song and instantly I heard others sing with me. I feel overwhelmed, but in the good way. I will finish one show at a time to see Y/n again.
Y/n's POV
I practically had hearts in my eyes for my 'matesprit', as he called it, and I hummed along to his voice. I loved his music, and when we were at home together, he always would sing my favorite songs while I was cuddling with him. At the end of maybe the fifth song, he said, "Unf9rtunately, the night is c9ming t9 a cl9se." I heard many girls and boys whine and he flushed red. "I-I kn9w it's s9 sh9rt, 6ut I had an amazing time in this city! Thank y9u f9r c9ming!" The cheers were deafening. "I have 9ne last s9ng f9r y9u, that hasn't even c9me 9ut yet!" The cheers get even more wild, if that's even possible. He takes a small breath and the crowd hushes.
"I've been cleaning out the closets.
'Cause it's around that time of year.
Can't be skimping on deposits,
So I've been doing what I can around here."
I flush instantly, his voice sounding so sweet with the lyrics. I hear a teen next to me whisper to her mother, "God, I wish I was his girlfriend. He totally should go out with me." I roll my eyes and smile. If only she knew. Kankri's voice drowned out what the rest of the girl was saying, and I could care less. He looked amazing in his red and black suit, his hair a little tousled. His back was straight and his stance was full of confidence.
Once the song was over, I start cheering loudly. Everyone did as he made a small bow and walked off the stage, the people trying to flood out of the doors. I stay in my spot, getting pushed and muttered apologies. I walk closer to the stage to see Porrim waiting for he. She was on the phone with someone, but she beckoned me up onto the stage, which I climbed up. She lead me behind the stage to see a dressing room type of thing. I quietly knock in the door and I hear a sad, "Enter." I opened the door and saw Kankri, looking at his husktop sadly. I promised him I would talk to him after every show. I cough a little and Kankri looks over. "Y/N?" I smile and hold out my arms.
Kankri's POV
I run into her arms, hugging her tightly. "H9w are y9u even here, I th9ught y9u were 6ack h9me?" I question, looking at her beautiful face. She laughs uproariously and I giggle along with her. "Ask Porrim." I stare at her speechless and she nervously smiles. "You were amazing out there," She says, a little giddily. I lift her up and twirl her around, making her laugh even more. Gog, I love that laugh! I set her back down and put my hands on her hips. "G9g, I missed everything a69ut y9u." I mumble, burying my head into her neck. She weaved her hands through my hair, making sure not to touch my horns. I purr at the touch and I can feel her stomach moving with her laughter. I look at her face and kiss her hard. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses back sweetly. I felt my face heat up as we continued kissing, and finally stop once I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Porrim was clapping and smirking. I hold Y/n in my arms as she winks at us. "She's go+ing to+ be with yo+u fo+r the rest o+f the to+ur." I gasp and look in Y/n's eyes. This is a dream. A crazy, realistic dream that would be too painful to wake up form. I must have said that out loud, because Y/n laughed at me and I grew into a deep red blush. She kisses me once more an I comply. Once we broke from it, she balanced her forehead with mine and giggled. "If I were fake, could you even try to dream this day?"
I don't think I could, because the real version of her, is more beautiful than the dream of her.
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