Track 6 : Trust
Getting home, after a five hour drive away from Ohio, I felt drained. I didn't have enough energy to make myself something to eat, despite the fact that I was starving, let alone talk to anyone that day. I wasn't tired, like sleepy. I simply didn't have the energy. It wasn't a surprise when Royale greeted me in the living room while I pretended to watch TV.
Whenever we had our disagreements, she always moved on like nothing happened. Last time, she booked us two weeks in Jamaica. All that happened was; we bumped heads about the fact that I haven't proposed yet was the topic of discussion in the media for about a week. I was standing by the fact that I can't control what people says about us and she was more concerned that I didn't do anything. I started coming home less, so she randomly booked us a trip in an attempt to force us to make up. I guess it worked, because India was conceived during that trip.
This time, she used the media to her own advantage. The second she questioned my loyalty, she completely threw out hers and manipulated the one thing that was entirely capable of ending my career. Or start hers. But, she knows how to reel me back in. Every single time. And, it always starts with a greeting.
"Hey, baby." She said. She walked pass to the kitchen, opening the fridge. My mind was busy racing with thoughts, and I was definitely still upset with her.
"Wassup." I said. I pulled out my phone to pretend I was busy doing something other than be interested in talking.
"Well, I think we should have a date night. Tonight." She walked in with two wine glasses and a bottle of champagne.
"What's this for?"
"We're celebrating." She said with grin.
"Celebrating what?"
"You.. us.. and the show." She popped off the top and filled our glasses.
"We're not doing the show anymore." I said with a chuckle.
"What do you mean?"
"Are you not aware of what happened this morning?"
"Yeah, because of what you did last night. So, your point is?" I leaned back and took a deep breath. That was the conversation I didn't have the energy for. "Oh, so you're mute again? How come you couldn't just tell me you were signing a woman to your label? What was the big secret?!" She picked her glass up and drank it's entirety. Then, she poured another glass. "You know... I don't care."
"Well, If I knew you'd act like a child about it, I probably would've told you to prevent this." She blinked a couple times and her eyes widened— Slamming her glass on the table.
"A child, really?" Her cheeks we're starting to turn red, It was time to end the conversation.
"Never mind.." I stood up, as did she. She crossed her arms and looked me in the eyes.
"Sit down." She said, firmly. "I had enough of the miscommunication and being left in the dark. If you want this relationship to work, I need to trust you. That requires honesty, and atleast half an effort to respect me and my opinion. If you couldn't give a fuck about it, I think it's best you leave. And do it, today."
"Royale, what are you talking about? Just because I didn't tell you I was signing somebody to MY label, I don't respect you and your opinion? Are you serious right now?!"
"Imma ask you this once, and one time only. Why didn't you tell me?"
"Why do I need to consult with YOU about who I sign to MY label?"
"No, Why didn't you tell me about HER?! You know, the bitch you were flirting with on live."
"Are you hearing yourself right now?"
"So, now I'm delusional? Why can't you just tell the truth?"
"Oh, you wanna know the truth? Mona Scott and her team asked me to be on Love and Hip Hop : Chicago. In order to ensure I had a solid position, I was to give them an exclusive to enhance my storyline. Can you guess what they asked me to do? Or do I need to spill that out for you too?" She stumble over her next words, but I continued to talk. "If I don't sign her, there's no show for me. If there's no show for me, then there's no show for you. You ruined everything this morning. Congratulations, you played yourself."
"But why? I-I don't understand-"
"What do you mean why? You tell me why you-"
"No, you said if you don't sign HER. Not just any female artist, you were specific. Why her? Did they suggest her, was this the plan to start drama, or is there something you're not telling me about her?" In that moment, she was confident that her suspicions were correct. I was stunned, I didn't expect her to be so determined. She had me cornered, but telling her the truth would've been worse than actually cheating on her. It certainly felt like I already did.
"You looking way to deep into it. She's just the artist I picked last night and I didn't even get the chance to push the paperwork. It'll be nearly impossible to sign anyone else, now. The meeting is tomorrow morning. I'll have to tell them I can't take the offer." I said. She nodded and stood up.
"This could've all been avoided had you talked to me first. But instead, you got me looking stupid on the internet." She marched to the room and I followed her. Every attempt to grab her failed and she was now avoiding eye contact.
"How I'm making you look stupid on the internet when you're the one who embarrassed me?"
"You don't think what you did was embarrassing to me?"
"How could it be? I didn't record you sleeping half naked!"
"LOOK!" She pulled out her phone and showed me a clip from my live video with Caly. Royale's eyes were watering and turning red the longer the video played, but she kept her eyes on me. "Durk, I know you." She locked her screen and put it back in her pocket. Her head shook from side to side, slowly. "I'm not delusional. I'm not crazy. I saw the way you looked at her. I felt a part of me brake when you completely lost your train of thought by just the sight of her. I just know there's something more. "
"Royale, I just met her last night. It's not that serious."
"Oh, it's not?" She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "The last time you looked at me like that, you were still working a nine to five. But, I'll leave it alone." She attempted to walk pass me but I pulled her close to me.
"Baby, I love you just as much as I did when we first met. It's me and you for the long ride, remember?" I kissed her forehead and she looked down as she pulled away.
"Yeah, me too. But, who said anything about love?" A tear rolled from her left eye and she walked away.
After my close encounter with Royale, my day was officially ruined. As if, I wasn't already not feeling it. She was busy ignoring me around the house, so I left to get my head right. The night before with Caly opened my mind to a lot of things. Certain shit happened that I can't even explain to myself, let alone Royale. I had become a new man, but didn't even know it yet. I was out walking through the trails near my neighborhood, without my security. Something about the fresh air and the freedom to do something that simple, and in peace, was rehabilitating.
My life seemed to be turned upside down from a mistake I made. But, I had faith in the process. Unlike before, when I would nearly wanna tear my own dreads out at the slightest inconvenience. Making Royale upset, then having to face her later, was never an option for me. My goal was always to make her happy, and secure. What she wanted, she got. Vinnie, was right. I turned down a lot of opportunities that would've been more beneficial to my career than the one I'm chasing now. Too bad, Royale never approved when it came to other women. Which is why there was no way I was gonna tell her that her only chance to be on the show was determined by another woman.
But, this woman was different. I knew it, Royale knew it, and the fans saw right through it. Royale's not gonna let her go, and I was having trouble myself. So, what was I supposed to do? I was having a dilemma. This wasn't about the show anymore, it stopped being about the show the moment I met her. What happened between us was unexplainable. I still felt connected to her, like we did some type of energy exchange. The further I'm away from her, the tighter the pull. The longer I'm away, the more I think about her. Curiosity was an understatement, I wanted to know the reason I was so drawn to someone I never even knew existed less than 24hrs ago. And, what possessed me to kiss her.
"Durk, have you lost your damn mind?!" Shawn shouted. I jumped as I turned around to see him and my security running towards me. Off instinct, I reached for the gun I usually have on me. Unfortunately, I left that at home too. A vision of Caly & I flashed through my mind, causing me zone out for a split second. We were in the hotel room on the floor, and it was a memory of us syncing together. Suddenly, I felt obligated to her again. Then, it hit me.
"I'm not feeling it right now, Shawn. Postpone the meeting until Sunday." I said. He shook his head and smacked his lips.
"For what? Royale tore you a new asshole, didn't she?" He said. He chuckled and we began walking out of the trail.
"Yeah, something like that. How'd you know I was out here?"
"Ever since you pulled that little stunt last week when you disappeared to Ohio, I made it my business to be able to track you at all times. That little phone of yours been snitching on you since last night."
"Nigga, ain't that illegal?"
"It's security's job to protect you at all times, Durk. They can't do that when they don't know where you are." He opened the car door for me and I hopped in. "But, I'd like to know why you were out here walking alone without protection."
"Like I said, I'm not feeling it right now. Make sure you do what I asked you."
"Alright, well. I'll check in tomorrow. Try to get some rest." He shut the car door and tapped the trunk. My driver pulled off and took me back home. Again, somewhere I didn't wanna be.
My night dreaded every minute that Royale refused to talk to me. She blasted music just to cook food, then she made our plates and ate her dinner alone in the kitchen. India was still with Royale's Aunt who stepped in for her late mother. It had been a few years since she passed and their family, including her, seemed to be in denial that even existed. Despite the vigil in our room, Royale refuses to talk about her. Although she didn't say a word, I could hear her loud and clear. Her mom used to be all she had, the only person she could trust. But, then I was all she had. Without me, she's forced to grieve her Bestfriend. That's when her silence becomes dangerous.
Once I finished eating, I ran her a bath. I lit some candles, added some bubbles, poured in epson salt, then sprinkled some herbs and flowers. To set the mood, I dimmed the lights and turned on some old school R&B. Then, I retracted Royale from the kitchen. She was sitting at the kitchen island, zoned out. Her eyes were red, and food barely touched.
"C'mon baby. I got something for you." I said. At first, she ignored me. But when I rubbed her back, she looked up at me.
"I was worried about you." She said. "I was scared something happened. You just up and left. How am I not supposed to be upset right now?"
"You right, I should've-"
"We don't do shit like this, Durk. We usually travel together, we don't lie, we don't ignore each other for days, and we never do that internet shit. I thought we were different."
"I know, and I'm sorry. That's my fault, I should've communicated. None of this would've went down the way it did."
"If you wanted a break, I'd understand. You've been so busy, I probably put extra weight on y-"
"Nah, don't do that. C'mon. If anyone's been tired, it's you. You just had our daughter, you're here always holding down the house, and you're holding me down outside of these walls. My foundation is flawless because of you. I need you just as much as you need me. Never forget that. I love you just the same." Her eyes were watering by now and she was speechless. She placed her hands on my face, caressing my cheeks.
"I love you too." She tugged on my face as our lips met with a kiss. I lifted her legs around my waist as I carried her to the bathroom. I joined her in the bath, wrapping my arms around her. She relaxed in my arms and allowed herself to let go of the weight of worrying off her shoulders. Within an hour, we were in bed. She'd finally fallen asleep peacefully, yet I was still up. I checked my phone for any updates from Shawn, even though he said he'd check in the next day. There was a text I missed from Vinnie, he wanted to meet at the studio.
"Wassup, lover boy?" Vinnie greeted. We shook hands, and I joined him at the engineering table.
"Cleaning up my mess," I said and took a deep breath. "How about you, what's going on with Bria... and Megan?"
"Funny," he said with a chuckle. "I'm good. I almost got shot this morning, though."
"By who? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Chill, It's was Bria's ex. We ran into him at the hotel."
"Should I be worried?"
"Nah, not for me at least. Have you talked to ole girl?"
"I called but I couldn't get in touch with her. IG either."
"What's it about her anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
"Ever since you left for Ohio, you been acting weird."
"How would you know? I've barely seen you."
"Yeah, but I was there when you met her on live. And, don't forget about when I walked in on y'all. There's something going on."
"I don't know."
"Nahh, you ain't getting off this easy. What was you thinking, man? You brought her to the hotel. From the looks of it, y'all fucked."
"It wasn't like that, I just had this feeling."
"Yeah, like we were in the right place. At the right time."
"You joking, right?"
"See, this is why I didn't wanna say shit. You don't think I know how it sounds? I've been replaying the shit in my head all day. I know how I felt. I just don't know what and why."
"Well, what are you gonna do about it?"
"I don't know."
"I think you do."
"Royale wouldn't trust another thing that comes out of my mouth if I go back to Ohio."
"Then, this depends on one thing only. How important is this to you?"
"I kissed her."
"You what? Are you stupid?!"
"When I dropped her off at home, I was genuinely afraid I'd never see her again. I damn near cried. Then, I kissed her. It felt... right."
"If what you're telling me is the truth, why are you still here?"
"Because, I don't know if it's real. I could just want-"
"You need to finish what you started. Find out what this is and then decide if it's real or not."
"What about Royale?"
"This isn't about Royale, this is about you. Karma is a bitch, so choose your next step wisely. Need I remind you that you've already fucked up? This isn't gonna disappear, that girl has just as much power to destroy your career as Royale does at this moment. The key to neutralizing the threat is getting all of you on that show. So, make it happen. And do it now."
Should Durk go back to Ohio?
Is Vinnie right about his advice?
Do you think Royale believes Durk?
If you were Royale, would you have mentioned the Scrunchie she found in the hotel?
What's your opinion on the story so far?
Would you like longer or shorter chapters? (or are they good the way they are?)
Will you be interested in new characters being introduced?
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