Special: What if Magnus met her first? (part six)

(Y/n) shivered as she woke up. She felt cold. She knew it was still way too early to get up. From the faint light of her hair, she saw Egil's face. The young man had not stopped clinging to her since she left school. Her eyes were tired and blurry, she could not see anything. But she had to use the restroom. She got up from the bed and wandered. She left the room and sought out the restroom. From her blurry vision, she saw a world different than what she was used to. A building different from her home, yet the vision was not clear. She could not recognize anything as real or just a dream. She had a had take hers as a voice asked what she was doing. She gave her answer and was led away to where she was needing to go.
Afterwards, she was brought back to where she started. Her tired mind could not register anything around her or what was happening. She was blind in a dream world. What she could feel was cold again. Egil was giving her another cold embrace. The albino girl fell into rest once more.

She awoke in her bed with Egil right beside her, asleep as well. She held her head, wondering what that dream she had last night was. It felt like both she and Egil were in a strange place. But she knew she had to get up. She then remembered that it was Tuesday. Magnus was supposed to be back yesterday. Did he run into some sort of trouble? The silvery white haired young woman got up and pulled the blanket over Egil. He may be older than her, but he acted like he was younger. His handsome face was so peaceful as he slept. (Y/n) quickly got ready for school. She saw Egil's phone on her desk, it was buzzing from a call. Magnus's name was on its screen. The pale girl answered.
"Hej? Magnus?," the young woman asked.
"(Y/n). I'm sorry for not being there yesterday like I promised. Something came up.," the Dane said, "Egil must have went to find you. Put him on the phone."
The girl shook Egil to wake him up and gave him the phone. The young man immediately spoke in Icelandic to the Dane. His eye went wide then hard. His high pitched voice dropped into a deep and serious one.
The albino went downstairs to make a quick breakfast, only to find that Thurston already had that idea.
"Thurston, what are you doing up this early?," the girl asked.
The brunet man looked behind him and saw the girl, "Woke up early to help you get ready."
(Y/n) decided to help Thurston.

The albino girl began to talk to the soldier man, "Magnus is talking to Egil about something serious from what I heard."
"Magnus called me yesterday. He's taking care of a problem that popped up.," the brunet man said.
"I hope he's okay.," (y/n) smiled.
Thurston nodded, understanding her sentiment. But, he knew Magnus would be fine. He just had to keep the albino girl happy and safe. Having her with him was a dream come true. He felt happy to be by her side. She worked with him to quickly make something to eat and coffee to drink. Egil finally came down and spoke to Thurston in Icelandic. The albino caught some of their conversation. Magnus had been in a fight, ambushed by some people. Loki was able to bail him out. She wondered if they knew she could hear them, but she was more concerned about how Magnus was.
She caught something else, Bernard was coming to check on Thurston. Bernard, the one that (y/n) had not met yet. The one that was supposed to be not very pleasant to be around. She was a little worried about meeting the man. She finished helping Thurston cook and put the extra for her lunch into the bag. Egil was trying to steal food from them as much as possible and got smacked by Thurston.
"Ow! You're terrible!," the Icelandic young man fussed at the Finn.
Thurston had his eyes harden at the young man, "I'm not your bodyguard. I'm hers. You can protect yourself."
Egil stuck his tongue out at Thurston. They did not seem to get along. The cold albino boy hugged the teen, he loved to snuggle her now. He was glad that she did not argue with him staying with her the previous night. That made him happy to be able to have her to hold again. He was touch starved.

After breakfast, the three walked to the school. Egil walked her into the school and gave her a kiss on the forehead after making her lean down.
"We'll come back later~," Egil chimed.
Thurston dragged him away as (y/n) waved to them. She walked into the school. Thurston continued to drag Egil away and stopped when they were far enough away. He threw Egil against a wall and slammed his fist next to the platinum haired Icelandic man's head.
"What the hell were you thinking, typerys?!," the Finnish man snapped, "Taking her back to the palace before she was ready? And Bernard saw her!"
"Bernard didn't do anything!," Egil replied in a panic, "I got her back before she saw anything. She couldn't understand anything she would see anyway."
Thurston lowered his head with a dangerous expression in his eyes, "You used magic on her?"
Egil began to tremble from seeing the enraged Finn, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I wanted to be in a safe and comfy bed! Not the garbage that Malthe gave her!"
The albino young man was shaking. He could feel the violence from Thurston, the Finn was not pleased at all with what the icelander did. The platinum haired young man just wanted to give his little sister comfort.
"Please. Forgive me.," Egil begged.
He got a punch to the gut that left him curled up on the ground as Thurston walked away, enraged. Egil sputtered to catch his breath then get up to catch up with the man.

(Y/n) stretched during gym, staying in a shaded area while her classmates were in the sunny field. She sort of envied them, they were able to run and play in the sun. She would be injured if she was in the sun too long. After doing her warmups, she was permitted a small time to do laps with the other students. The albino went to the starting line and began to jog. She took her strides carefully, not wanting to fall. Sports teams were out and practicing in their respective areas. She saw the different teams practicing as she jogged by. Overhead, a cloud blocked out the sun, giving her more time to do laps. She broke into a sprint, wanting to burn some of the strange energy she had.
Her hair flew behind her in a ponytail she had tied it up in, her spikes and curls hidden by the sporty style. She ran past some of her classmates, surprised by her own speed. She was not good at sports before. She wondered of it had to so with the physical changes she had been undergoing ever since she met her elder brothers. She continued to sprint and finished a few laps before slowing down to jog once more. Her eyes looked to the sky as she watched the clouds. For some reason, the clouds were building a large blanket over the town, blocking out the sun.
The albino girl went to the table where the students put their water bottles and found hers. She opened it and took a drink. She walked to a grassy spot and stood there to watch her classmates. (Y/n)'s long hair blew in the sudden wind, what looked like shimmering particals fell from her hair. Those particals blew into the fields of the sports teams and the students having gym.

A loud Crack got her attention before she noticed a small and hard ball flying her way. She held her arms up to brace herself. The ball never came. She instead heard a large impact right in front of her. Her red-violet eyes opened and saw a large and scar riddled hand holding the ball. The hand was attached to a large man in a long winter coat. This man had shoulder length reddish brown hair, in a layered style. His skin had a small tan to it and scars randomly throughout his body. The tall man turned to her. The first thing that she noticed was his eyes. Blood red and somehow, the structure of the iris gave him a hypnotic look. He wore wire frame glasses to cover those eyes. His face was handsome, had some scars, and looked chiseled. The man looked back to the sports fields when he confirmed (y/n) was unharmed and threw the ball with great force. The ball left a small impact crater on the ground of the field. The man turned back to the albino young woman and gave her a large grin. Filled with sharp teeth.
(Y/n) stumbled back after seeing the teeth this man had. It was inhuman and frightening. She fell to the grassy ground, feeling like she could not move from looking into those eyes. The tall man reached out his hand.
"Take it.," the tall man spoke in a Swedish accent.
The albino girl took the man's hand. He pulled her up to stand right beside him. Her face was right at his collarbone level. He gave her a smile again, this time not showing his frightening teeth.
"Hej.," the man greeted her, "You're even cuter in person."

This tall man had a menacing feeling with him, yet he did not have any ill intent. His hypnotic red eyes looked down to the albino's red-violet ones. His expression was kind, loving. (Y/n) caught his scent, it was a rich scent, a mix of bitter and spicy with a little sweet. The man leaned down closer to her, she realized he was getting her scent as she had got his after hearing some soft sniffing.
"Are you Bernard?," the albino girl asked.
The tall man gave her a wide, toothy grin, "Ja."
Bernard looked to the sky and took off his jacket. He quickly placed the jacket on her to protect her as the sun came from behind the clouds. He had a light blue button up shirt with a deep yellow tie. He had a deep blue vest over that. He picked the albino up and carried her to the shaded area.
"Don't want you to get a sunburn.," the Swedish man said and looked around, "Helvete."
He was noticed by other students and the teachers. He let the teen girl stand on her own as his face seemed to change from a handsome dangerous one to one that's friendly and approachable. The teachers that came up demanded to know who Bernard was before he took an item from a pocket on the jacket (y/n) was wearing.
He introduced himself and showed his identification. He explained why he was there after the teacher asked why he was on school property, he was there to find (y/n) so she could receive her inheritance from her late mother's estate. The man was very charming as he spoke. (Y/n) noticed that the teacher seemed to fall into a trance like state as Bernard spoke. The gym coach did not ask anymore questions. It was strange, usually the teachers would be more protective of the children in their care.

Bernard looked back down to the girl with a kind smile. His eyes opened to the girl as he had them closed. A glint in them made her shudder. She felt somewhat uncomfortable. He felt like an apex predator, like Thurston. However, unlike Thurston, he felt like he was unrestrained.
"I am happy to finally meet you.," the sharp toothed man grinned, "It's been too long."
(Y/n) gave him a hesitant nod. Perhaps should push aside her uneasiness and try to bond with this man. The final piece of the family puzzle she had just found. She remembered that Bernard caught a fast moving ball that was coming towards her, something that would have hurt or even killed her. The albino girl took his hand to look at it. There were no broken bones or damaged skin. Just a bit of redness that was fading.
"Are you okay?," the girl asked.
Bernard watched the young woman look at his hand before placing his other hand onto the albino girl's hair.
"I'm fine. I'm a little more durable than most.," the swede smiled, "Så söt."
His touch was gentle. The girl's eyes closed as she remembered that Bernard would pat her when she was younger. The swede would also hum songs to her when she was unhappy.
Bernard's smile never left his face. He recalled how cute his sleepy sister was when she was wandering their house the previous life. He wanted to take her back to the palace and show her everything she had missed. Bernard's hypnotic red eyes darkened a little when the girl was not looking at them. He thought of how much she looked like her mother, yet was much more innocent and pure. Something so easy to corrupt. Bernard removed his hand from her head and took his jacket from her. He put it on and walked away while waving.
"See ya later.," the reddish brown haired man said as he left.

(Y/n) knew she had another person to look forward to talking to. She felt happy about having more people. She was not lonely with them. She wanted to learn more about them. She wanted to see her mother's house. She felt tired. She wanted to be able to sleep. After class was over, (y/n) was called inside by the gym teacher and was allowed to go to her next class. The girl yawned and sat in her desk. She would be able to go home after school.
After school, (y/n) did not see Thurston. Egil was not there either. Magnus and Bernard was there. The tall blond was injured, he had bandages on him. Bruises were on his skin. The reddish-brown haired swede picked the teen up and hugged her tight.
"Lillasyster!," Bernard chimed happily.
"Too tight.," the girl wheezed.
Magnus sighed, "Bernard. Be careful. Not many people are as durable as you are."
The Swedish man kept the girl in his arms, carrying her with one arm. The two men walked to the albino's home with her being carried. The silvery-white haired girl did not struggle against the man carrying her. She hugged his head as she was being carried, she was too tired to walk.
She looked to Magnus, "Are you okay?"
"I will be fine.," the tall Dane answered, "But I know that Egil has revealed that he is your older brother."
"Ja, that means that Loki is my brother as well. And Bernard called me little sister as well.," (y/n) said.
The swede chuckled, "because I'm your brother as well."
Bernard rubbed his cheek against the smooth skin of the young woman. He was loving the physical contact.

The three went to the house. Magnus opened the door and sat on the couch to relax a bit after walking in. Bernard put (y/n) down next to the blond man. The swede sat down. Both looked tired. Magnus's smokey blue eyes closed. He was breathing deeply. (Y/n) leaned against Magnus carefully to not hurt him. She felt the man's heat and heard his heartbeat. The girl's tired eyes closed to listen to the blond man's heart. She knew she should go do her homework, but she wanted to be near Magnus. Besides her father, she felt safest with this massive danish man. She felt Magnus place his arm around her.
"Tak, Lillesøster.," the Dane spoke in a low murmur.
(Y/n) could barely hear his voice. Both were quiet and tired. They rested on the couch as Bernard stared into space. She did not see Magnus's wounds and Bruises fading away, being replaced by healthy flesh. She felt Magnus's hand on her head, stroking her hair. She heard his heartbeat. He felt so gentle. Perhaps resting with them would not hurt?

Malthe put away the last of the dishes. He was grateful of his friends letting him stay with them. Yet, he was worried for his daughter. She was seventeen. She was in danger of being found by her brothers. The man knew that if his sons found their sister, they would become immediately obsessive and unreasonable. Their goddess would be protected but would not have freedom or the ability to live on her own. He sighed, how his wife cursed their child by making her the heiress to the goddess role she left behind. Malthe knew he needed to protect his daughter, but the attempts on his life would make it difficult. He may have to hire help for him to even return home.
He knew his sons were dangerous and will be increasingly so as his only daughter grew older. He prayed that they never found her. Her sweet and innocent mind was already unconsciously tormented by their atrocities they commited. Perhaps he would need to give his precious daughter up to one of his good friends.

The blond man took out his phone and looked at the time before dialing a number, "Hej, Vladimir. Ja, it's Malthe. I have a favor to ask."
The blond man told the young man on the other line his worries. His friend listened to his concerns and agreed on the points he was making. The friend agreed to take care of his daughter should anyhing happen to Malthe. Vladimir was quit happy that he was selected as a choice of guardian for the girl. After talking a little more, Malthe hung up the phone and looked to the one letting him stay in their home.

"Lukas, perfect timing. I have something I need to talk to you about."

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