Sixty-eight: Antidotes

Craig shivered. His body wanted to run but his feet did not move, his sickly yellowish green eyes looked up to the shadow that was looking down at him with glowing red eyes.
"Are you scared? Child?," the voice from the darkness asked as a pale clawed hand reached out.
The teen could not move or speak, his heart was pumping quickly.
"It seems like the information I found was correct.," the man's voice said as the shadow moved through the magic room, "These five became patrons again. And you are Bernard's beneficiary. You look familiar though, those eyes and that hair."
The reddish-brown haired boy stood frozen in place, unable to speak. It was like something was holding him still forcefully.

"Oh. Yes, weak individuals usually are affected by my gaze. You can't move or speak while I am around.," the male's voice spoke as he looked through the supplies in the room, "stronger individuals are able to move when I look away, strongest can withstand my overbearing power."
Just hearing confirmation of what was happening made Craig fear for his safety, this being was powerful enough to cause him to freeze just by being in the same room as him! How terribly strong was this man? This monster? What could he do to the teen if he wished to?
The shadowy man picked up what he was trying to find, "There they are. I knew Loki stole them from me."
The moonlight that filtered through the windows lit up a silky pair of gloves in the clawed hands of the being. The moonlight became stronger as the clouds that were covering the moon were blown away.
It was a tall man that stood in the room, his Gothic clothing made him look like a vampire along with his natural features. Even down to the pointy ears and fangs.
His blood red eyes stared at the boy was also illuminated by the light.

"You have been mistreated before coming here, haven't you?," the vampiric male asked and Craig felt the strangling aura lessen to allow him to nod, "What is Your name, child?"
"C-cr-c-cra-craig.," the boy stuttered out.
"Craig.," the man repeated and pressed his fingers against the bandages on the boy's arm, "Here is a reward for bravely facing my power without fainting like the other children did."
The tanned boy felt a tingling sensation that did not feel good like (y/n)'s magic did, it seemed to burn. He felt like screaming, it was like the pain of those drugs he was pumped full of when he was younger.
The pain subsided and the vampire like man removed his fingers from his arm, the bandages fell off and the scars on his body were no longer black and necrotic.
"(Y/n)'s power heals, mine can remove the traces of what she missed and the poison that is still in your system away.," the man spoke, "you will still have your scars, but they will not be as painful. Don't receive healing from her tomorrow as our magics do not mix well."

"Wh-who are y-you?," Craig asked and noticed his stutter was not as bad.
"I am the darkness in the shadows of (y/n)'s light.," the man replied, "Her opposite."
"What's y-your name?," the boy asked.
The vampiric man shook his head, "You do not need to know that. As your Patron and the others do not need to know I was here."
The dark man disappeared in a black mist. Craig was finally able to move around on his own.
He remembered what the man said, the other children fainted from the sheer power of his presence. That man was powerful in the darkest magics while lady (y/n) had the light.
Craig stumbled around in the darkness and picked up the book that was left for him on the table, the page that it was opened to had the antidote to the sleep spell the house was under. The teen boy got to work with  mixing the ingredients needed to undo the spell. He was grateful to the vampire like man that spared him and gave him the antidote for the affliction.
All he had to do was get the afflicted to smell the antidote, sun peeked through the window and he realized he had worked through the night to make this.
He picked up the bowl of the mixture and walked to distribute the antidote to the ones who needed it.


Luxembourg picked up the coffee set on his desk by his new friend and took a sip, "Danke, Gilen."
The Prussian nodded, "I'll be happy to help jou in any vay I can."
"Thank you for your offer, Gilen.," Luxembourg replied with a smile, "There is something, Could you please check on the humans who are working here to see if their injuries are healing?"
The Prussian looked a little shy but nodded and walked around as asked to check on the human workers.
The workers gladly told Gilen when he came by, they were happy about the concern that both he and their boss were showing for them. Gilen could not help but to think that these injuries would be gladly healed by (y/n) if she was there.

The Prussian came back to give the report to the Luxembourgish man and felt himself freeze. His eyes saw the hallway before him was pitch black when it should have been light. Red glowing eyes peered back before blinking.
He was able to move after the eyes blinked, "Dracul?"
"Da.," came the response.
"Vhy are Jou here?," Gilen asked.
"Just curious. That is all.," the man replied and the hallway lightened as the Romanian left.
Gilen was not convinced and went to the office to see Luxembourg slumped in his chair.
The Prussian ran over and roused the brunet, Luxembourg looked confused.
"Gilen? Why are you in my home?," the male asked.
The silver haired Prussian had to explain to him what he saw and what happened the previous day, "Jou are letting me stay und help jou."

The blue-green eyed male nodded and looked down at the barking dog that was wagging at the two.
"I don't remember that but I'll believe you since (y/n) trusts you.," the brunet said and got up with shaky legs. Gilen had to catch him as he fell forward.
"I guess you were right. This is a magic effect.," the male said and stabilized himself, "Thank you Gilen."
The Prussian nodded and looked uncomfortable before letting the brunet's arm go. The silver haired male sat down on the floor and petted the dog.
"You can go outside in the yard and play with Pelutze. He needs some exercise from the extra treats (y/n) gave him.," Luxembourg said with a chuckle.
Gilen got up and walked out with the fluffy dog to play with him, the warm brown eyes of the dog looked happy. Gilen got one of the toys that were in a container to throw for the dog to chase after. Pelutze barked and chased after the toy as it flew through the air. Gilen had a small smile on his face as he watched the dog play.


(Y/n) woke up to a bitter burning smell. She saw Craig holding a bowl of a mixture out for her and Thurston to smell.
The Finn got up, "What the hell?! The hell is that kid?!"
"The antidote for the sleep spell you were in.," the child responded and walked out of the room.
The albino looked down and saw the bunny toy she had, then she noticed the sexy looking nightie she was in and pouted at the Finn she was laying on.
Thurston only pulled her closer and kissed her head, "Don't be mad Kulta."
The female unwrapped his arms from around her and went to the closet to get a new outfit on, she could hear him get up and go to his own room.

It was a quick change for her to wear one of the frilly dresses Egil got for her. She did her hair up and put on the matching shoes. She picked up the rabbit toy and went to see the others.
Magnus looked awful, he was completely out of it as he stumbled about and fell into his sister's arms. She knew she was strong but the sudden weight took her off guard.
His handsome face was so tired looking.
"You look so much like Mor.," he murmured when he looked up.
"And you look like a weak little child right now.," She replied and felt her older brother's arms around her.
He lifted her up as he stood up, "and you still are like a child."
"You're just big.," the female pouted.
She heard a groan and looked behind her. Bernard walked put of the dungeons door and yawned while scratching his hair.

"Godmorgen.," the swede said and waved.
"Good morning.," Magnus replied as the albino waved.
The swede motioned to the albino, "I wanna hold 'er."
"Nej.," the Dane replied and walked to the kitchen. Markus was also in the kitchen with craig, the two boys were talking about the bowl with the antidote the younger one was holding. Loki was looking over Craig's shoulder as the two were talking before he looked up and smiled at Magnus, "Maggie, Craig made a perfect awakening powder. He's a natural at this!"
"Then train him in magical medicine while Thurston and I train him in weapons.," Magnus replied and placed the female down, "Thank you for healing me, Lillesøster."
"Not like I can control it any other way.," the female spoke and rested her head in her palm.

Loki laughed as Bernard came in and yawned again, "Sleeping in a pile of human bones is not comfortable."
"You slept in what?," Markus asked with his eye that was not covered by blond hair widened. Loki sighed and shook his head while the albino woman behind the young man sighed.
"He's a cannibal. He eats humans.," the albino woman said, "He is also has a perverted side. And by the way, I remember that you Bit me." (Y/n) moved her blouse collar so that the bite mark could be seen easily.
"That looks painful.," Markus said then glared at the swede, "To think a goddess's son would be a maneater."
"I only eat bad people.," the swede said, "And I am sorry for biting you, Lillasyster."
"S-so that's w-why we aren't al-allowed to b-be alone with you.," Craig mused, "Oh, Lady (y/n), w-where did y-you get t-that t-t-toy?"
"Far made it for me.," the female replied with a smile, "Far can do about everything."
"Y-your dad s-sounds co-cool.," the Bandage covered male smiled.
"Far was useful for somethings.," Magnus inputted into the conversation, "He and mor created me and (y/n)."

"He was also a good cook and a craftsman.," Bernard stated, "He made your Axe with my father."
"You two have different dads?," Markus asked.
"Our family is complicated. Mor had three husbands.," (y/n) explained, "All three of them were sort of tributes or whatever for her. Really complicated."
"That sounds complex...," the dirty blond teen said.
"I w-want t-to meet your f-fathers.," Craig said with a easygoing smile.
"Not going to happen.," all three of the Nordic males said at once.
The kids were confused before Loki spoke, "It would be hard to meet my or Bernard's fathers as they are deceased."
"Oh.," the boys said.
"W-w-wait. Y-you said t-that t-tw-two F-fathers we-were de-dead.," the reddish-brown haired male said as the red flecks in his eyes seemed to sparkle out from complex thoughts he did not do before.

"Nice catch Craig. It's because my father is still alive, He escaped the death that caught those two.," the albino woman said and shot a hard look to Bernard and Loki specifically,  "It's a shame, I would have liked to meet them."
The two males had awkward smiles and turned to avoid eye contact with her.
"Where is Your Fiancé?," Magnus asked.
"Thurston is in his room. Or he should be coming to fuel his coffee and Vodka addiction.," the Silvery-white haired female said with a yawn, "The usual."
(Y/n) stopped and realized she was being too familiar, she wouldn't normally acting relaxed like this. She would be plotting mischief and escape. The kids must have taken a toll on her or... Egil's potion skills.
She cursed to herself as she got up and walked out of the kitchen to go to the library so she could avoid Thurston more.
A small bump in the back of her rabbit toy made her look at the plush, there was a small pocket in the back and a potion Vial was peeking out.

(Y/n) took the vial out and smelled the contents, it was an all-spell antidote. Whatever magic she might have been under could be reversed with this!
Whoever brought her the rabbit she left at Luxembourg's was looking out for her, she drank half of the vial of the potion.
She felt the feeling of warmth she had fade away into a normal feeling of calm then a cold stress realization gripped her stomach, she had been drugged again.
"I need to do it soon. I need to.," the albino said and looked at the books, "Now where is it?"

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