Chapter 9 - Bye Bye, Cherryton
Soon enough, the heart-warming embrace with your former roommates had to end. Whilst it marked the end of a long-wearing era of ignorance and dislike, building bridges over a shrinking rift, you also knew you had a new life ahead of you.
True to their word, the canines didn't pester you with any further questions regarding your long disappearance. Instead, you spent the time cracking minor jokes, playing a final game of Uno in your old dorm and ending it with final hugs. Though you gave them your address and they promised that they'd visit you someday, hopefully in the near future.
With your duffel bag slung over your shoulder and thanking the heavens that it's not that heavy, you step back out into the hallway with a wave. As the door closes behind you, you let out a long sigh of relief and anticipation. Relief because you finally fixed something that you believed to be irreparable. Anticipation because now, you'll pay your final visit to the drama club.
The dorms are fairly empty as you wander through them and back to the main building of the school and even there, only a few animals pass you in the hallways. Light floods through the large windows, nostalgia accompanying it like lightning follows the thunder. A small pair of flowers sits in a vase on a window sill and you smile, your mind instantly thinking of a certain rabbit. You decide to visit the gardening club if you've got enough time in the end.
Your steps echo through the vacant halls until finally, you come to stand in front of the big double doors that lead into the club room. You stop, a hint of anxiety flooding through your veins as your grip on your jacket tightens, the article of clothing hanging over your arms.
You wonder if much has changed, though you doubt it. After all, the drama club has always had the habit of being utterly unique and remaining true to its ideals whilst the rest of the world is turned upside down.
Once more, you take a deep breath. Memories of your first day at Cherryton rush back to you; when you stood in this very spot, about to open the doors to the club you would later call your own for the first time. A chuckle escapes you at that and you fix your eyes onto the door.
I guess it's now or never.
I just hope they're not angry with me for dropping out of school.
Gently, you push the door open and peak your head inside. It's quite a different scene than the one you witnessed on your first day. Whilst back then, the herbivores and carnivores got into a harsh argument after the murder of Tem the Alphaca, they're now all over the place, mixed together without a care about their friends' species.
You step inside, gulping nervously, and the door falls shut behind you with a loud click. That brings their attention from the planned play, still Adler you presume, to you; the lone human that hasn't shown up in weeks. Frankly, they look like they're seeing a ghost; well, except for Juno. She's just smiling on the stage, looking great in her Adler costume.
"Hello." You wave meekly, setting down your bag and jacket on the side. You notice that everyone is accounted for; except for a certain stag and obviously a bear and a wolf. "How's it going?"
A moment of silence follows.
Then, absolute chaos ensues.
"You're alive!" Els shouts and sprints towards you, colliding with you and wrapping her arms around your middle. Bill is the next one at your side, proudly yelling about how he knew you wouldn't be killed by a measly car crash before joining the embrace and lifting you and Els off the ground with zero hesitance or trouble.
Are you surprised? Yes. But you're not complaining. And in the matter of a few seconds, the entire club is huddled around you; much like they were on your first official day as a member. Bill sets you down and Els leaves your side only to be replaced by many other emotional members.
"We were so worried about you!" Sheila says loudly, clasping onto you and slightly rubbing her head against the top of your own. An action you distinctly remember regular cats doing back in your old world.
"Yeah!" Kai the mongoose agrees, pumping his fists into the air energetically, whilst Fudge the red panda nods his head beside him. "You just vanished! Like...Poof!"
"At first, we thought you had been devoured," Ellen, ever the dramatic and talkative Zebra, mutters dejectedly and the others nod in agreements, focusing their pitiful gazes on you, "and then we heard about the car crash a week later. Oh dear, we thought you died in the hospital or something! The news were really vague about what happened!"
"Juno told us that you're okay when school started again was hard to believe it without seeing you in person, to be honest." Kibi says, rubbing his reattached arm. You're glad to see that him and Tao made up and that the freak accident that happened didn't cost them their friendship. After all, the black Panther, wakanda forever, really is a good soul; that much you've gathered during your entire time in this club.
You learnt a lot of things in this club. Mainly, you learnt to be part of a big team, a sort of family if you could call it that. A bit rough on the edges and certainly weird in society's eyes, but you love this colourful bunch of animals. You also came to understand that first impressions don't tell you everything about a person, nor do you ever truly know anyone. Thus, the big teddy bear turned out to be a damaged, broken murderer, whilst the bold and overconfident tiger also has a soft, gentle side.
"But it made us think about how often you missed drama club before you disappeared," Dom joins in, the large peafowl shining in his rich turquoise colour as always while he shamefully fiddles with his feathers, "and back then, we thought it would be best to give you your space. However, we should have done something to help you. Especially me, I'm supposed to watch out for you as the head of the stage crew! I'm sorry, Y/n."
A string of various apologies follow, some sadder or louder than others, and your expression falls with each one that piles on. Guilt and regret form in your chest, a lump in your throat keeping you from breathing properly as your gaze wanders from one animal to another.
"Please, don't be sorry about something you couldn't control." You finally manage to say, averting your eyes to the floor. "I was in a really dark place at the time and the truth is, I didn't want anyone to see it. I didn't want anyone to help me because I somehow thought..."
The barrier in your throat grows harsher, moisture welling up in your eyes as the distant scars of that time rush into your head. How broken you felt; how you simply wanted to feel anything but the dark void in your chest. A void that still haunts you, though it is no longer dark and scary but instead the colour of blood.
"I thought I didn't deserve to be happy at the time. And well, I played right into Doctor Masago's hands...And then things got out of control, as you saw on the news." Once more, you take a deep breath. "But none of you should be sorry for not seeing something I didn't want any of you to notice. I didn't want to drag any of you into my mess. So I'm the one who should be-"
"Don't you dare say you're sorry!" Bill bellows, suddenly appearing in front of you with his hand on your shoulder and your eyes widen in surprise. "You just said we shouldn't feel sorry for something that was out of our control. Well, neither should you!"
"He's right, for once." Ellen agrees, crossing her arms across her chest with a side-glance at the tiger. Said tiger instantly turns his head towards her. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?!"
Els, ever the peacemaker, derails the impending conflict with a strong tug at Bill's pants, all whilst smiling up at you. "Like you said, you were going through a rough time. So you shouldn't feel sorry about it when you were suffering so much on the inside."
Her words bring a tender smile to your face and rosy heat to your cheeks. In all honesty, you hadn't realized just how much you've missed this funky group of misfits.
"And if that Maned-wolf bitch ever comes near you again, we'll show her not to mess with a member of Cherryton's drama club!" Bill shouts, supported by the loud, agreeing voices of Kai, Aoba, Tao, Juno and Sheila while most others nod their heads in determination. It brings a giggle out of you, a spark shining in your eyes.
"Hey, by the way," You start, eyes darting around the room as you remember that a certain someone is missing, "where's Louis?"
"Oh, he's busy with his entrance exams for university. After all, he's going to graduate soon." Aoba answers and your lips for am 'o' in understanding. Next to the eagle, Kai decides to comment on the stag as well. "He's been an even bigger star around the school after what happened with Riz."
At that, a gloomy hush falls over the room.
"I still can't believe he's the one that murdered Tem." Fudge mutters quietly and a low growl comes from Bill. "And that bear had the nerve to get act all buddy-buddy with us. Like he didn't kill one of our own."
You assume that they believe you don't know a thing about this mess due to your disappearance, at least that's what it seems like when Els glances up at you again to explain. "Louis found out that Riz was the culprit and confronted him all on his own. He lost his leg in the process."
"Poor Louis. That was so brave of him." Juno says and you can do nothing but stand there awkwardly, knowing that there is not a shred of truth to that story. After all, you broke out of the damn hospital just to see that fight. But you stay quiet, figuring that there was a good reason that Louis and Legoshi changed the story. For one, you doubt Legoshi wants any of his friends to know that he was actually the one that ate Louis' leg.
In a way, it's a good thing Louis isn't here. You can only imagine how annoyed he'd be at more praises for an achievement that he didn't accomplish; he's always been prideful like that. You don't feel too bad about not being able to see Louis; the two of you spent some time whilst the both of you were in the hospital, bonding about your missing limbs.
"That reminds me. Hey, Kibi!" You call out to the anteater, holding up your four-fingered hand. "Look! I lost my finger! Though they couldn't reattach it like they did with your arm."
Harsh gasps wander through the drama club, though you desperately try to ignore them. Most often, the reminder that you lost a damn finger in the mess with Masago is anything but enjoyable for you. So you relish the few moments where you can use humour as a coping mechanism and not feel disgusted at the sight of your hand.
"Heh." Kibi chuckles and you're glad that he at least understands where you're coming from. "I guess that means you took over my membership of the 'missing limbs' club, huh?"
You nod with a small grin, though it falls when you see the crestfallen expressions of your friends. Finally, Mina the Giraffe is the first to voice what most are thinking in that moment. "What happened?"
"Oh. Well, uh..." And just like that, your throat clogs up. You're unable to utter a word, your mouth becoming dryer than the Sahara desert. Silence falls over you and your gaze drops to the floor, unable to meet their questioning eyes.
"You don't have to tell us." Els says, saving you. "I'm sure it wasn't a nice experience."
You nod, staring at her whilst uncomfortable stillness hangs in the room. Desperately, you want someone to change the subject, to get back to that positive atmosphere that existed only minutes prior.
"Alright, enough with the sadness!" A familiar dall-sheep yells, appearing at your side and figuratively sparkling. Truly a knight in shining armour at that moment. "Let's just be glad that Y/n's safe and sound. And ask the real questions! The juicy ones!"
He turns to you, his voice rising in volume for dramatic effect. "Did you really drop out of school?!"
"Oh right. I totally forgot about that part." You hear Aoba mutter to Tao in the background and you let out a sigh before replying.
"Yes, I did."
And once again, all hell breaks loose.
"Wait, why?!"
"Why would you leave us?! We just got you back!"
"Are you sure you want to ruin your chances for future careers like that?!"
"Is it because of Legoshi?!" Ellen yells, appearing in front of you with no regard to your personal space. Also just like she did when you first met her. "Oh my Rex, are you pregnant?!"
You choke on your own spit, your soul yeeting itself out of your body for a moment.
"No, no, no, no, no!" You repeat, wildly articulating with your arms and hands. "I'm not pregnant."
The Zebra squints her eyes at you and even though they pretend not to, you can clearly see the rest of the club being equally as interested in that question. Particularly the carnivore boys, for some weird reason that you probably don't want to know.
Instead, you stare at Ellen with an entirely dead expression. "Yes. I am sure. Very, very sure actually."
"Oh." Finally, she backs off. "Good for you then."
For your own sanity, or whatever the hell still remains of it, you decide to simply move on with the conversation.
"So you guys know about Legoshi dropping out?" You ask, genuinely wanting to know the answer. And to your surprise, Bill responds very eagerly.
"Yeah, he told us shortly after New Year's Eve. Me and the boys even got to see his apartment. It's really small and shabby to be honest. Plus, the walls are super thin. So don't have sex in there."
Oh my fucking God-
Why? Just why?
"I will pretend that last part doesn't exist," You declare and the rest of the female population of the drama club agrees with you. Even Pina shakes his head at the large feline. "So vulgar. But more importantly, will you and that wolf move in together?"
A chorus of curious 'yeah, I've been wondering about that, too' and similar phrases echoes through the club room, so much so that you find yourself giggling at their cute behaviour.
"No, not yet anyways." You answer truthfully. "I got my own place. In the same apartment complex actually, which is kind of funny because I didn't know he lived there until yesterday. I think it's wiser if we both have our own separate spaces before we actually decide to move in together."
For Legoshi's sake, you keep quiet about the fact that you also didn't know he dropped out in the first place until yesterday. It would be unfair of you, seeing as you waited an equal amount of time to tell him about the fact that you're leaving, too.
"So you're apartement's also small and shabby, with super thin walls?" Bill asks.
"It's small, but cosy, not shabby. And so far, I haven't heard my neighbours, so the walls must be adequate." With a teasing smile, you cock your head to the side. "You guys can come by someday if you want. Not everyone at the same time, it's too small for that. But still, I can show you around."
"Of course we'll come by!" Juno replies in excitement, her tail wagging behind her. Not soon after, many others of the drama club members share her vigour and you make a mental note about how many people already want to see your apartment. It's definitely a lot.
A small ball of pride swells up in your chest; for once, you can show off something that is entirely your own. Something you got on your own, maintain on your own and can call your own. A home.
You stay at the drama club a little while longer, sharing stories of what you missed whilst you were gone. How the club keeps on fighting against segregation, refusing to go down without a fight. They even show you bits and pieces of the Adler piece and you have to promise to swing by the evening of the performance. And Dom and the rest of the stage crew refuse to let you leave without taking a look at the costume designs and stage art, wishing to hear your opinion, which you share without much hesitance.
Finally, the time has come to say goodbye. A comforting, strong hug is shared with each member of the club, all of them animals that you've grown to like and respect. Even a few tears are shed when you leave out the door, smiling and waving despite the pang of sadness in your chest.
A glance at your phone tells you that you still have enough time to give one last farewell and you know exactly where to go.
Climbing the stairs with growing anticipation in your heart, you once again take a deep breath as you stand in front of the strong door to the rooftop. A door so ominous, yet it leads to what you can only describe as heaven's personal garden.
And low and behold, you're greeted with the same sight as you open the door. Sunlight covers the roof, the harsh hand of winter bringing an entirely new set of beauty with it. Many flower beds now hold different flowers and plants, all of which seem to be fit to bloom in these cold temperatures. You inhale deeply, a smile blossoming on your face as the tender memories of this place fill your mind.
You've always loved the garden. During every second of your year in this world, it was as much your safe haven as it was Haru's. A miracle in your eyes; a way to escape reality when it became too much to handle.
"Y/n!" A soft voice calls out to you and you turn your head to see Haru, spreading your arms to catch her as she speeds towards you to engulf you in a hug. "It's so nice to see you again!"
"It's only been a couple of days." You laugh and she breaks free from the embrace, staring up at you whilst your own gaze returns to the many plants. "I had some time I came to say goodbye to this place."
"Oh." The pity in her voice tells you that she understands your feelings on an utterly personal level. After all, she's graduating soon, along with Louis. "I know how you feel. I can't believe I have to leave this place behind, soon. It's a special place, isn't it?"
"It sure is." You mutter. Serene silence befalls you, eyes closed as a gust of wind runs across the roof. "I'm really going to miss it."
"Me too. Especially our little afternoon meetings when you'd help me with the plants."
"You know," You start, putting on your jacket to deal with the freezing temperatures, "we could always start a little community garden. Get a small property somewhere and then make it something like this. Juno could help, too."
"Mhm," The Rabbit agrees, "that would be nice."
A timer goes off. Specifically, your timer. One you set to make sure you don't lose yourself in the confusing swirl of seconds, minutes and hours. Silencing it, you give Haru a sorrowful smile. "That's my cue. I'll see you around, bunny."
"I'll come visit you sometime, got it?"
"I'll hold you to it." You call back, reaching the door. For a final time, you turn back to look at the gardening club, Haru waving at you from a distance. Then, with a heavy heart, you leave.
The walk to the secretary office feels shorter than it should be, a harsh weight resting on your lungs as you give up your dorm key and sign the last papers that would relief Cherryton of any sort of duty towards you. And for some reason, your journey back to the gate seems longer than it had ever been. Time passes slower, your breath visible in the cold air while your duffel bag is slung over your shoulder leisurely.
At the gate, you turn around. Staring at Cherryton Academy; the school that changed your life completely.
The place where you made friends and enemies. The place where you fell in love. The place where you woke up overjoyed and the place where you woke up screaming.
And with your final goodbye to Cherryton, you'd leave behind a past version of you. You'd fully tie up your loose ends.
But just as you're about to step through the gate, a familiar voice calls your name.
Confused, you glance behind you. Running towards you is none other than Aisha, a jacket huddled around the greyhound. She comes to a stop in front of you, panting. "I need to ask you something!"
"Sure." You reply coolly, hands buried in your pockets. "What is it?"
"What you said that day-" She begins and the blood rushed from your face-"was it true?"
As a last resort, you try to play dumb. "What are you talking about?"
"You know what I'm talking about, Y/n." Her gaze is fierce. Serious. "That day, you said you were dead. Was I right? Was it just a prank? Or was it true?"
There's a light in her eyes. A mixture of a wonder and confusion; it's clear that question bothers her to the very depths of her heart. She truly wants to know and that alone brings about a new wave of anxiety for you. Your mouth feels dry, ears numb due to the cold.
Another look is spared at the school and ultimately, you make up your mind.
You want to leave this school with good intentions. Right now, you have a chance to clear up the one thing you've criticised yourself for since the day you shared your secret. At this very moment, you can come clean.
But is it worth it? You're not sure.
However, you make a decision. If it's good or bad can only be revealed by the hands of time.
"It wasn't a prank."
Then, you step through the gates.
Bye-Bye, Cherryton.
Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Woohoo! We've finally finished the personal school arc! All ends are tied up! We can finally get back to the plot!
I know these last three chapters were a little less filled with action, but they were important to me. I hate it when characters just leave everything behind without much goodbye or anything and in this case, it's also important to the MC to do this. It's a character-driven plot point, so to speak. She needed this to come to terms with leaving the school and she needed to see the drama club and the roommates again for closure. As well as the garden.
Also, damn, that ending tho, right? Didn't expect me to do that, did ya?! Well, there ya go. Now Aisha can have an existential crisis.
Btw, Billie's bit about "don't have sex in there" is inspired by what he says in the manga when he sees Legoshi's apartment. He literally says Legoshi can't bring a girl around there. So I threw that in.
On another note, I got some art sharing to do! First of, I've worked on a line up piece for my good friend portal. Here it is:
Took me bloody forever to complete alongisde writing and life, but I did it. They're his and his friends' personal avatars, and I'm pretty proud of my work here, so I'm here to flex my art skills. Especially in digital art, I'm far from where I want to be, but I'm still proud of many pieces I do.
Also, I did a smaller doodle of Juno to test another art app (IbisPaint), because she's my comfort art character and super relaxing to draw.
I don't know, I always find myself drawing her for fun. Either her or an OC of mine.
Anyways, that's it from me for now. Stay safe everyone.
See you in the next chapter!
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