Chapter 14 - Flowers in bloom
There's a lot that Juno thought her future would hold.
A wonderful husband of the same species, a lovely house and a few beautiful, pure-blooded grey wolf children was the dream she had always held dear to her heart. To be the next beastar, an upstanding example for her fellow carnivores all whilst staying true to societies rules and never once breaking a single one of them. Since she was a young girl, playing dress-up with the other she-wolves, she wanted all of that and more.
For a while, she thought that Legoshi would be her future partner. After all, everyone around them thought so; they're two attractive grey wolves and would give for one hell of an aesthetically-pleasing couple.
However, they're polar opposites. And not in the way one would like.
Legoshi adores bugs and critters, while Juno's fur bristles at the mere idea of a fly. She's loud and brash, never one to stir away from what she desires, no matter who or what stands in her way. Meanwhile, the male wolf stays on the side-lines, as dormant as a rock in the brazing currents of a wild river. He's an airhead, lost in his own world whilst Juno stays rooted in reality; she has no other choice after all. As a female carnivore, any action she took and would ever take is analysed to the highest degree. If she doesn't fit the criteria for what a female grey wolf should be, she'd be devoured by society. Scrutinized, tossed aside and demonized for not fitting the status-quo. Contrary to her, Legoshi had the freedom to not be the picture-perfect description of a Canis Lupus. Nobody truly cared what the males did.
The one thing they have in common is their stubbornness. A trait wolves tend to share. Once they set their mind on something, it's nearly impossible to convince them to let it go.
She'd seen it first-hand. With the way he looked at you.
Even when Juno wished for nothing more than a scrap of his affection, all of his being was entirely devoted to you and only you. No matter how much she prodded, pushed and pulled, he wouldn't spare her a single drop of love.
It hurt at first. After all, the entire idealistic future she had envisioned with him suddenly fell apart like a castle built on sand, but she got over it. You became her friend and someone she admired with her entire heart. There'd be other wolves she could fall in love with.
A feeling so deeply engrained into her, something she so ferociously desired it nearly filled her with envy each time she caught a glimpse of you and Legoshi together.
The way the two of you smile at one another with so much warmth. How he stays near you each chance he gets, his tail wagging like an overjoyed pup on New Year's Eve. The gentle touches you would share, something as simple as holding hands or putting your head onto his shoulder during a drama club meeting. And how it seems like each time your eyes meet, the world around you disappeared.
As Juno saw that look in your eyes one day, she realized something incredibly important.
She never loved Legoshi.
She may have had a crush, but even that is debatable. Instead, she enjoyed the idea of him and what they could be together. How life could be if Juno and Legoshi pursued that dream life she always wanted and was taught to long for.
But she knew that she didn't look at him that same way, she never did. When she had locked eyes with his dark ones, the world around her stayed as present as ever. As loud and overly-stimulating as it always has been. It should've; she should've liked him that way and yet she didn't.
So it terrified her when instead, she now finds herself looking at someone else in that manner.
The first time she had realized it, Juno had gone beet-red and stumbled with the plant in her hands, nearly giving Haru a heart attack. She couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it. Not like this, this is not how her dream is supposed to go.
This can't be love, she told herself over and over again. But with each glance, each touch and each imagined kiss, it became more and more of a lie.
Juno didn't understand it. She's not a delinquent like Legoshi, society's rules mattered to her. The way others viewed her mattered to her; she couldn't throw all of that away for love, could she?
And yet, that's what each and every single person in those typical romance novels she read growing up did. Each one sacrificed something to follow the call of their heart.
Of course, all of them were same-species, heterosexual couples. Not a single deviant, in case it would inspire rebellion against the world the beastar created.
With an anxious skip in her step, the she-wolf makes her way to the rooftop. It's a routine she takes part in for what seems like forever, but truly has been no longer than a few months. Since the day you went missing, she spent far more time than usual in the gardening club and assisting Haru. It only increased after the white rabbit and her left the hospital, knowing that you wouldn't come back to school after that. At least not in the way you used to. However, Juno and Haru tried their best to fill the void you left behind and for the most part, it worked. Sure, there were days where the dwarf rabbit especially felt your absence, you had been her first real friend after all, but the Juno was a good shoulder to cry on. And even though she hated seeing Haru cry, it also felt good to be needed. To be someone's pillar like she always wanted to be, to support someone the way she was doing with Haru.
A part of her hated herself for it, but she was almost glad you had quit school. Only because it allowed her to spend more time in the gardens, alone with the small, lonely herbivore. When her other friends asked her where she was constantly disappearing to, she wouldn't give them a straight answer in fear they'd discover her secret piece of heaven on earth.
This would be entirely hers. Her little place of safety, filled with blossoms and greenery.
With a quiet, worked-up sigh, Juno opens the heavy door leading to the gardening club. Instantly, the scent of flowers and dirt hits her nose, paired with the fresh, cold ear of the early year. It's barely the end of February after all, which is also why the only flowers in bloom are early spring flowers. And as a wolf, she never had much trouble dealing with the cold; her brownish fur had grown thicker over the winter, its curly texture tangling together every so often.
Serene silence reigns over the roof, save for the nearly inaudible humming of a soft voice. Periwinkle eyes search for the source, her hands clenching around the bag of anpans she brought with her as a gift. Her fluffy ears twitch in different directions, until they settle. Without her own will to move, her legs are already bringing her into the direction of the gentle singing until soon enough, that pearly-white fur comes into view.
Dressed in her school uniform just like she is, Haru's face is filled with gentile joy as she tends to the small blooms of vibrant Crocus and Snowdrops.
She looks like an angel, Juno's mind admits, though these words never leave her lips.
"Oh hey, Juno!" The rabbit greets after a short flinch of surprise, a tinge of something other than fondness appearing in her dark eyes. Juno nearly believes it to be sadness and her own anxiety skyrockets. "Weird...I didn't even hear you coming."
"Maybe I'm just too sneaky for you," The wolf replies, her tail wagging behind her with glee, "I've been trying hard to beat those ears of yours, you know? Your sense of hearing is crazy!"
"It's nothing unusual for a bunny." She mutters, gazing flickering off to the side as a light blush settles onto her snow-white cheeks. Then her eyes land on Juno's hands and the bag held in their tight grip as though it'd keep her from drowning. "Oh? What is that?"
With a short shake of her head, Juno frees herself from her wandering thoughts and smiles kindly. "Right, I brought you some anpans. You a graduation present."
That's right.
Her eyes glaze over like stormy clouds, her heart aching at the reminder.
You're graduating. You'll be leaving soon. And you'll leave me behind, starting a new life somewhere else.
Ultimately, her little safe haven would be gone. That's something Juno had always known, the second she realized how special this had become to her. But at that point, she was already in too deep and she didn't have it in her to save herself the trouble. Not when the alternative was losing a single second in the gardening club.
"That's so sweet of you! Come on, let's eat them together!"
And soon after, the two of them sat on a small bench in front of the shed, each snacking on an anpan while the cold air of February surrounded them and blew through their fur. Both Juno and Haru welcomed the fresh breeze, tension-filled silence hanging between them. That in of itself is new, seeing as the two female animals usually shared a more than comfortable atmosphere together. Something warm and calming, reassuring them that the world beyond that door couldn't hurt them if they simply stayed amongst these colourful flowers.
But now, an unspoken uncertainty hovered between them; like a dagger, threatening to sever the bond they shared.
"Have you..."Juno started slowly. "Have you decided which university you'll go to yet?"
The rabbit hesitates, her ears turning backwards for only a single second; more than enough time for Juno to catch that minor action. "Y-yeah. It's quite the trip away from Cherryton, but it's closer to home. And it was the closest one offering a course for botany."
"That's great though. You'll be doing what you love and I'm sure you'll easily be top student. I've never seen anyone love plants more than you do, Haru." Her eyes switch to the bunny's smaller form, her hands holding onto the half-eaten anpan dejectedly. Juno would be a fool not to pick up on her foul mood, reminding her of a wilting flower.
"And...I'm sure we can still meet up."
At that, Haru's head turns so quickly towards her, Juno's eyes widen in surprise. "Of course! I just wish it'd be a little closer. With drama club, exams and curfew and everything I'll have to do at university, it'll be hard to get together more than once a month. If we'll even manage that."
"Well, we can still call," Juno points out, "or facetime."
"It won't be the same though."
A heavy moment passes. The wind sweeps across the roof, carrying wilting petals of star magnolias along the stone. Juno's ears are angled back, her tail having ceased it's wagging at the depressing statement. "You're right."
The she-wolf no longer feels hungry. In the matter of an instant, her appetite had soured and wistfully, she places the rest of her anpan back into the paper bag. At that moment, she truly cursed the immense loyalty of canines and their excessive investment in friendships. She wonders if things would've been easier had she been born a simple housecat. An animal not incapable of forming friendships but one not nearly as dependant on social bonds as canines.
Suddenly, Haru springs up from her spot and opens the door to the shed. "Stay here for a moment, please."
Naturally, Juno obliges. Not that she has much of a choice really, a canine can do nothing but obey when someone tells them to stay. She's unsure if Haru knows that though, but given the rabbit's mischievous nature, she wouldn't put it past her.
Her ears perk up at the sound of the sliding door and her eyes find Haru. A smile sits on her face, her arms holding a small pot.
It's a plant. A Glory-of-the-Snow, also known as Chionodoxa luciliae. A flower that blooms early in the year, even if there's still a blanket of snow covering the ground. The dainty, star-shaped petals hold the same periwinkle colour of her eyes.
"I wanted to give you these. As a parting gift, you know?" Haru says tenderly, a pure smile on her small face. "They reminded me of you. Of your eyes."
"Haru..." However, Juno finds herself speechless. Sure, this is not the first time she had been gifted flowers. But it's the first time someone gave her an entire plant; a baby to Haru. Something to care for, something that lives just as much as she does. It's the first time someone gave her a gift because it reminded them of her.
Rose taints her cheeks, her eyes focused solely on the white rabbit in front of her. The one that brought her down this hole, who helped her find wonderland.
"Thank you."
Haru smiles. Bright and warm, filled with so much pure joy and adoration.
Yes, Juno's in love.
There exists an animal in Juno's life that makes time stop with a single smile. That makes her heart flutter with each giggle. That causes peonies and roses to bloom in her chest with every second they spend together, with each word falling from those wonderful lips that she definitely pays way too much attention to.
There exists an animal that Juno simply knows is hers. Who she would take a bullet for, survive through the coldest of winters and hottest of summers. Who she would protect, care for and take on the entire world, just so they could be near each other. Someone who she never wants to lose.
And that is Haru.
Catching her by surprise, the wolf stands up from her place on the bench and takes the pot of flowers from the rabbit, holding it in her lap. Then, with features as radiant as the moon, she kneels in front of Haru.
Haru, who never had any expectations for her because she herself doesn't fit into the role society wants her to play. A promiscuous female who has no qualms about speaking her mind, even if she ends up alone.
Haru, who never needed her to act like a female carnivore and canine should act. Who only wanted her to be herself, who shared her love for flowers and plants with Juno. Haru, who welcomed her without a second thought and who sought comfort in her when her entire world fell apart the day she thought she lost you. The bunny with fur as white as the glistening snow, with a heart as strong as a raging hurricane and a mind as complex as the abundant plants she loves so dearly.
Haru, who lights up her entire world with the colours of a thousand cherry blossoms.
Juno's hands shake as they hold onto the pot, her heart beating in her chest at a speed that couldn't be healthy. It's so loud, she's almost afraid that Haru will hear it and figure out what's going on, where her mind went to every single time she zoned off whilst staring at her.
Juno, the fierce grey wolf, is afraid of the tiny but mighty Netherland dwarf rabbit.
Afraid that she'll leave her. Scared that she'll never talk to her again. Terrified that she'll hate her.
And yet, she can't shake away that wish, that desperation to simply say it out loud. No matter the consequences, she needs Haru to know. Juno needs her to be aware that her childhood dream of that wonderful husband, that lovely house and those beautiful, pure-blooded grey wolf children has changed.
Now, it's all her. It's all Haru.
The dream she always longed for, that was instilled into her by her parents, her friends, her teachers and society itself as a female canine and carnivore, has been replaced with only Haru. The wish to build a life, to have that lovely house with her, filled with plants. Those pure-blooded grey wolf children vanished, instead there are kids of all sorts of backgrounds running around in their little home. A family; one Juno wants to have with Haru.
It's all she can see in those obsidian, button-like eyes, who stare right back into her periwinkle ones. The freezing breeze brushes through their fur, Haru's ears bending in the wind with those pearly white petals dancing around her like fallen stars.
Juno leans in, her face a little lower than Haru's now that she's kneeling in front of her, and waits. She's completely vulnerable, her intentions as clear as day from that longing spark in her eyes that keep glancing at the rabbit's lips.
She hopes, she prays, she begs with whoever might sit up there in heaven to have mercy on her heart. That she is allowed this one thing, this one wish.
And then a snow-white hand grabs the collar of her uniform and pulls her in, her lips meeting Haru's.
Fireworks erupt in her stomach and she's filled with so much pure happiness that she's afraid it'll spill out in the form of brilliant butterflies and shooting stars. Her tail wags frantically as Haru's hands place themselves on her cheeks, pulling her closer. She allows her full control, shaking hands holding onto those beautiful flowers in bloom.
Juno can't remember anything that ever felt so right.
Finally, they part from each other, desperate for air. They pant, pupils blown wide as they lock eyes, a rose-coloured tint on their faces.
"I love you." The wolf blurts out. A brilliant smile graces her face when Haru whispers those same words back to her, the rabbit's eyes shining like the night sky.
"We'll make it work." She promises. "We'll find a way to make this work."
The she-wolf nods rapidly, leaning into the bunny's touch.
Juno doesn't care what she believed her future would have in store for her. Now, surrounded by all these early spring flowers in bloom, she knows that she doesn't care at all.
As long as her future involves this plant-obsessed dwarf rabbit.
Heyo, homies! I brought you another chapter!
Be honest folks, how many of you expected that I would board the Juno and Haru ship? And yes, I'm well aware that it isn't cannon but it fits my story far better than Juno and Louis and due to their ending, I'm not much of a fan of them anyways.
Anyway, it's Pride month so I figured what better time to make this chapter than now. Especially as some nice comfort after the shitshow going on on Legoshi's and Y/n's side of the story. Now, I also wanted to make a queer couple in beastars because it's another taboo in that world. It's something that I want to show and represent as a fellow sapphic and I also feel like my version of Juno and haru harmonize well together. On top, I also saw like a two hour essay on how beastars can be interpreted as a gay coming of age story, which I've been obsessed with (also because they brought up some really good points).
But seriously, Juno and Haru have been my comfort ship since the beginning. I just love the idea because while Legoshi and Y/n are my comfort straight couple, the amount of trauma I put them through is heartbreaking, so Juno and Haru are there to mend those wounds. Also, they'd be a powercouple, as possible future beastar and current Adler Juno and gigachad Haru.
Now, I'm still not fully well again, but I do plan on getting back to the regular schedule again.
But speaking of Pride Month, I watched Vampire in the Garden on Netflix and I'm not okay. Not at all. I don't accept the ending, in my head they lived happily ever after. But I do encourage y'all to watch it so you can suffer with me and also because it's a really wonderful short anime. I also watched First kill, which is basically a wlw retelling of romeo and juliet but with monsters and monster hunters.
But yeah, we'll be seeing some more Juno and Haru pop up in the future, though next chapter we'll be back with Y/n and Legoshi (and Melon) again.
Anyways, I hope y'all are all safe and sound. Stay safe everyone!
See you in chapter 15!
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