Chapter 13 - the difference in hugs

"I came as soon as I heard!"

Entirely out of breath and packed with a bag full of egg sandwiches, you slide to a stop inside the Police station of Gardona District, halting right in the open doorway of the medical treatment room. Glancing up, you meet the eyes of a very shocked grey wolf and a familiar red stag.

"Louis?" You gasp, stemming your hands into your sides as you try to catch your breath. "What are you doing here?"

"I saw something about the incident online. Figured it was him." He deadpans before nodding towards your bag. "I see you came prepared as well."

"Of course, what sort of girlfriend do you take me for?" You grumble and while the Stag searches for some chairs, you march up to Legoshi. You're fuming, livid in fact, something the grey wolf evidently notices judging from his 'Oh fuck, I'm gonna die' expression.

"You!" You start, steam basically rushing from your head. "What were you thinking?! Taking on a drug ring?! Are you insane?!"

In turn, Legoshi is reduced to a stuttering, sweating mess of a canine. Jaw agape, eyes wide with his body language clearly displaying how overwhelmed he is with the situation, he can't find the words to answer you or address the fact that the boy whose leg he devoured is sitting right in front of him.

Gently, Louis tugs on your sleeve, urging you to sit down on the chair next to him, which you do reluctantly. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you glare at your boyfriend, while the male deer takes out a bottle that he hands to Legoshi. "Relax. Have some water."

"I brought some sweets because this is like a hospital visit." Then he rummages through his bag as the wolf gulps down the water, avoiding all eye-contact. Eventually, Louis holds a snack in either of his hands. "Which of the three would you like to eat? Fruit jelly, Me or the Sponge cake."

Legoshi spits out his water.

Even you have to process what the stag just said but when you do, it's hard to suppress the snicker that's building in your throat. Any worry you might've had for him flies out of the window at that moment; seems like he's dealing just fine with the loss of his leg.

"How can you say that, Louis?!" Legoshi coughs wildly, wiping his mouth with his arm to get rid of the excess water. The stag remains entirely unbothered, something that makes the current situation even funnier. "At least you're talking to me now. Show a little appreciation! I worked hard on that joke."

"It wasn't funny!" The wolf says hysterically.

"I thought it was pretty funny." You confess, bringing his gaze to you. "Y/n!"

"What?! It's true! And don't 'Y/n' me, you vigilante!"

"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worried." He apologizes softly, his ears hanging off to the side. Then he turns to Louis, who watched your exchange with tender eyes. "Anyway...I'm surprised to see you here, Louis."

"You've surprised me." The stag counters. "You ate my leg and then up and quit school without a warning."

And on that note, the stag is right. Glancing at Legoshi, you think about the fact that he hid his decision from a lot of people. While he apparently told the drama club after new years, Louis probably didn't catch a wind of that due to his hospital stay and then the stress with his entrance exams. Meanwhile, you and Legoshi had played an intricate game of chicken the entire time and not told each other about it because you didn't want to hurt the other one.

With a guilty face, the wolf sneaks a glimpse at Louis' leg; or lack thereof. "You got a prosthetic leg..."

"Yeah. And this is the last time we talk about my leg. That goes for you as well, 'amputee buddy'." The stag says in an irritated voice before he turns back to Legoshi. "So...Sponge cake or jelly?"

"Or egg sandwich." You cut in, taking out a sandwich from your bag. At the sight of it, the wolf's eyes light up. "I-I'll take the egg sandwich."

"Egg sandwich it is." Handing it over, you teasingly stick your tongue out at a grumbling Louis, glad to have won this competition over who brought the better snacks for the wolf. A giggle leaves you at his furrowed brows, then you point to his treats. "I'll take some of the sponge cake if you don't mind though. Can't let it go to waste after all."

"Fine," He mutters, pushing the cake towards you, "Treat yourself."

And so, a few minutes of silence ensue between the three of you as you happily munch away at cake and sandwiches. Internally, you're praising the deer to the heavens for bringing some sweet treats; you certainly need the energy. After having fallen asleep by the door, hoping and praying for Legoshi to come home any moment following your phone call with Melon, you spent your night waking up at strange hours and tossing around until the sun rose again. With killer neck pains and dark circles beneath your eyes, you had groggily checked your phone in hopes of finding any news about the wolf and while you didn't have any messages or missed calls, you quickly found an interesting some interesting news on the internet.

A seventeen year old wolf had apprehended a drug ring all by himself the night before.

You knew immediately that it was none other than your precious idiot, so you ran out the door, bought some egg sandwiches along the way and zoomed to the Gardona police station, where the wolf was being kept for medical observation. And while you're incredibly angry with him for being so reckless, you're also overcome with relief at the fact that he doesn't seem to be too hurt.

Still...I had hoped things like this would've stopped after Riz. This is the second time he's gotten into a fight now. First that chicken gang that he fought with his grandfather, now this...

What's next? I can't help but worry...

I just want us to live a normal, peaceful life. If this goes on, I'll have grey hair at twenty.

"So," Legoshi breaks the silence, taking a bite out of his second sandwich, "Are you going to college?"

Louis nods, wiping some cake crumbs from his mouth. "Yeah. I'm going to be a freshman next month. I'll be super busy then."

"What about you?" Smirking, the deer glances at the both of you. "Seems like you two are about to found a neighbourhood watch group."

"Haha, no way." The wolf chuckles nervously in response, at the same time as you scrunch your nose and huff. "Hmph, don't lump me in with his recklessness."

Louis laughs at that, cleaning his hands elegantly on his handkerchief. Then he nudges you, genuine curiosity hiding in his warm eyes. "What about you? Did you find a place yet?"

"Oh right, I never told you, did I?" Sheepishly, you rub your hand over the back of your neck. "I got a small apartment. It's not much but it's a good start, I guess. You can come by any time if you want."

"I will. Someone has to make sure you don't dishonour the drama club by living like a hobo."

Appalled, you gasp loudly. "I am not! Besides, when have I ever made a mess?"

"Need I remind you of that time you spilled a bucket of paint?"

"That could happen to anyone!"

"Yeah, but you didn't notice until you created a whole trail of colourful footprints all over the floor."

"I-"Frankly, you don't have a good comeback-"That was one time!"

"It's enough to warrant an apartment inspection." He says, smirking.

"Fine." Head held high, you snatch another slice of cake. "Only if you bring some more of this cake though."

Throughout your entire exchange, the wolf remains as silent and observant as a lamb. Neither of you truly say a word about it, though you definitely notice the melancholic gleam in Legoshi's dark eyes. It's not unordinary for him to be quiet. Actually, that's what he's been for most of the time that you've known him. It's what sets him apart from the rest of his species or at least from the ones you've met.

Legoshi, despite all his good-looks and great frame, never found pride in being born a wolf. It's a fact that's intrigued you from the very beginning but as time progressed, you found yourself growing more and more worried for the male most often because of it. He holds himself to such high standards and has this inexplicable guilt inside of him that you have never seen in any other canine or carnivore. He has a distinct need to please herbivores, to fit in as this perfect carnivore figure; it's disturbing at times.

Maybe that's why his next words don't surprise you as much as they probably should.

"Guys...I've realized something very important..." He mutters, slouching forward and hiding his face in the crook of his arms. Concerned, Louis breaks off your conversation and instead turns to the wolf. "What's that?"

Legoshi takes a deep, audible breath; there's a shudder within it, as if he's about to confess to something utterly shameful. "I've never acted out of some noble sense of justice. I'm just a wolf who...loves herbivores. I thought I fought carnivores because I was driven by an unwavering sense of what's right and wrong...But the truth is...I just have an uncontrollable, overwhelming attraction to herbivores."

A part of you wants to remind him that you're not an herbivore in the hopes that it might ease his mind. However, you know that he's right. When you first met, nothing set you off as an omnivore. Hell, humans are probably the least obvious omnivores to exist. It's no wonder you're so often confused as an herbivore, whose defensive abilities are on par with those of a rabbit. Actually, they're even worse. Thanks to evolution, most herbivores nowadays have traits that help them survive; either horns, improved senses or others.

Meanwhile, humans have pretty much gotten a disadvantage in that regard. While we're smart and cunning, able to walk on two legs with ease, we're rather useless in any other aspect. In this world, the privilege to be bipedal isn't really a privilege anymore; meaning your species lost one of its few natural advantages. So generally, you can't necessarily blame the wolf for constantly thinking you're an herbivore, that's what society sees you as after all. Even though you remind him of the opposite countless times.

"Seriously?" Louis exclaims, flabbergasted in his classy turtle-neck sweater. "Now you realize this, you dumb dog?!"


"Sorry, didn't meant to let that slip..." Apologizing, the deer moves to sits down on the infirmary bed besides the wolf. You watch the exchange with thoughtful eyes, munching on your piece of cake. You're curious where this conversation will go; will you now have to fight against Louis' beauty and charisma to keep your boyfriend from running off with the stag?

Has this somehow turned into a reverse love-triangle?

I mean, before the crash Louis confessed his feelings to me but we managed to move on from that. But what if it's the other way around and now Legoshi has feelings for Louis?!

However, if worst comes to worst, we could pull off a throuple.

We's be a hot throuple.

"Everyone knows you're a perverted wolf." Louis continues, breaking you out of your chaotic thoughts. "When push comes to shove, you only fell in love with Y/n because she was the first herbivore you respected as a member of the opposite sex. That's how all males are."

"I'm sorry-" You choke out-" Should I be hearing this?"

You're ignored.

Despite Legoshi's eyes threatening to pop out of his head from the sheer shock at his words, the deer just puts his hand onto his shoulder. "Your fetishes are what make you who you are. It doesn't matter that you're a pervert. If you're acting out of a desire to save someone, then it's okay to call it justice."

That's...that's not how it works....

"If you understand, then give me an answer, Pervert." The stag says sternly.

"Huh? Louis..."

Then out of nowhere, he grabs his chin. "Make it strong now! Where's the 'yes'?"


Rather wholesomely, a tender smile appears on the herbivore's face while Legoshi's tail begins to wag. And that's where you draw the line.

"Okay, Louis, hands off my wolf before I make you lose the other leg."

"Wow, never pecked you as the possessive one."

"I'll show you possessive if you don't get your ass off that bed right now!"

Legoshi only stares at the two of you, before letting out a quiet chuckle.


Only about two hours later, Legoshi's able to go home. And despite the crazy night and morning he had, you can't convince him to take the day off of work. He insists that he's fine, giving you a goodbye kiss at the station before hopping onto the train into the opposite direction.

Leaving you alone.


You're not angry. How could you be? He didn't do anything wrong.

However, you should be happy that he's well enough to go right back to work like nothing happened. That he's okay. And you are, you're more than a little relieved to know that he's not huddled together in a ditch, dependant on a drug or having just devoured someone because of it.

But you're not happy.

You're sad. Disappointed, to describe it best.

Guilt raddles you because of it, seeing as you have no valid reason to feel disappointed or sad. Your wolf was lucky enough to only walk away with a few scratches, nothing more; you should be happy.

But you really aren't.

Sitting in the train on your way home, you realize that you feel cast aside. Yes, Legoshi is the one that ended up in a fight and in the police station's infirmary, he should be your main focus. How can your anguish from last night, your fear of never seeing him again, even compare? Are you an asshole for wanting him to spend some time with you after this? To not go to work and instead cuddle with you or just be near you?

Is it bad that you wanted him to stay so that you could make sure he truly is okay? Does that make you selfish or overbearing?

Sighing, you run your hands across your face, leaning forward in your seat. The world passes by you, the stares of the animals constantly boring into your skin like vicious wasps waiting for you to drop dead.

Why couldn't he just stay?

You can't wrap your head around it. From the stories he told you, Legoshi's boss would've been nice enough to understand why he'd take the day off; so why didn't he? Why does he constantly need to go above and beyond, constantly moving and never stopping to rest or care about his own safety?

It's a cursed pattern you've noticed and one that makes you deeply afraid for your partner. May it be a species fetish or a saviour complex, what he's doing is burning you out. In fiction, the idea of a superhero boyfriend sounds magical; a person so empathetic that he's always out and about fighting for other people. But as you now realize, that's nothing but a childish fantasy.

You love Legoshi. You truly do.

However, you're not sure how long you can keep up with his recklessness and need for self-sacrifice. With the Shishigumi, with Riz, with petty street criminals; when will it end?

How will it end?

Will he come out as the victor of a final battle and finally settle down with you? Or are you going to have the police knock on your door one day, to tell you that he lost his life in his fight for justice?

When will it end?

Already mentally exhausted, you lean back and close your eyes.

I could really use one of his awesome hugs right now...

A lump forms in your throat, moisture welling up in your eyes. You gulp, forcing yourself to hold it together until you get home. No matter how unstable you feel, how much it seems as though you're only hanging on by a thread, you have to keep it together. And Legoshi's not here to comfort you; no matter how much you want him to be.

When the train stops at your station, you fight your way out of the crowd. The fresh air hits you like a hurricane, the cold only bringing more disarray into your already disastrous mind. A shuddering breath rattles your lungs, your steps quick as you wander through the mainly barren street in the direction of the Condo.

Everything seems to close in on you; the fear from last night, the worry when you read the news, the sadness at the fact that you're here alone and Legoshi is gone again, like he always seems to be-

Quickly, it's all too much.

You duck into the nearest alleyway, pressing your back against the freezing bricks and close your eyes. One, two, three; you count, hoping to focus your mind on anything else than your ever-nearing breaking point. There's a pressure on your chest, all too familiar and yet it stings just as much as the first time.

Soft tears slide down your face, nearly scorching hot in the cold air of early march.

Is it too much to want your wolf beside you right now? To feel his heartbeat, to know that everything's okay even when it doesn't feel like it, that everything will be okay?

You truly cannot understand why he couldn't just stay with you. Why did he leave you all alone-


It's not the voice you want to hear the most.

Holding the same level of calmness, that promise of stability that it always does, Melon's voice reaches your ears. You don't know why you keep running into him; why he seems to appear every time you doubt yourself, every time your life seems to be in shambles. However, he's here.

Legoshi's not.

You don't think twice about what you're doing, even though you should've. Choking on your own sobs, you close the distance between you two, taking the hybrid by surprise.

Wrapping your arms around him, you hold him tight. He's taller than you, so your face buries itself in his shoulder, salty tears running along your skin.

He huffs, taken aback before encasing you in his arms without hesitation. "Are you okay?"

You shake your head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." You say hastily, gripping onto his jacket. "I just...I need you to hug me, right now."

He nods, resting his masked face onto of your head.

With closed eyes, you try to imagine that he's someone else. Someone more canine, someone more like Legoshi. However, the difference in their hugs makes it impossible.

Legoshi's are warm, covering you like a blanket while the wagging of his tail echoes in the air.

Melon's hugs are comforting, his cologne reminding you of fancy lounges and libraries. They're not as warm but they're calming; like watching the sunset at a hidden lake.

The biggest difference is that Melon is here, in your arms. Melon doesn't leave you alone. And no matter how much you want it to be Legoshi instead of him, you know that this is the hand you've been dealt.

This is the best you're going to get. From anyone. 


Hello there, homies!

I lived, bitches!(kinda)

I know, I was gone for a VERY long time. But hear me out, I got an explanation.

The last time y'all saw me was shortly before my driver's liscense test. Well, I failed that and kinda fell into a rather depressive state after that for a couple weeks. Didn't have the heart to write and instead focused on work. I started getting back to normal soon after.

Then in the last week of February, I got covid. Like the rest of my family. We all had a rather mild case, but my shit didn't get back together after that. I was sent to the hospital about a week after because of another ovarian cyst that lasted about three weeks and on top, I started suffering from post covid symptoms. Still am. They conclude constant headaches, being extremely tired and suffering from brainfog. I'm getting better but it's shitty to deal with because it keeps me from properly writing and from working. I've literally been at home for the past three months.


On top, it's really not encouraging to know that the medical field has basically given up on you because there are nearly zero ideas on how to get rid of long-covid. My doctor was honestly a bitch about it (lied to me, then said I had ADHD with no basis behind it), my neurologist has so far been the only one to take me seriously.

I've been spending my time offline rewriting another fanfic of mine at my own pace, thinking about life and playing mobile games like Honkai and genshin to keep me busy and sort of happy. Pretty women, you know?

Now, I decided to update this story again because I actually felt like it and though, hey what better time to do it than in pride month (the rainbow motivates me)and literally week before my birthday?

So here ya go, some more funny banter, angst and melon x y/n content. Hope you like it!

Anyways, I hope y'all are all safe and sound. Stay safe everyone!

See you in chapter 13!

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