As Jimin was walking down the street, he felt his posture change, his mood shifting from an unpleasant one, to some more acceptable and aware of the situation he was in. The sun was up in the sky, he could hear the cricket noise, could smell the fresh smell of morning dew, and finally enjoy a nice melody the birds were making from the moment he woke up. After greeting his grandma, he took a quick shower, put on his favorite jeans and a white shirt, paired it all with some denim jacket and his favorite, white Converse sneakers, and of course he put his black mask on, since that was still a necessity cause the whole Covid 19 situation that luckily, with vaccination became a lot better. Still, some things stayed the same, for the precaution, people still had to wear masks, and a social distance was important as always.
After giving him the list of all the things he should buy (even if the list had literally three things on in, his grandma insisted in having one for everything in her life), he walked out into the clean, well known narrow street, filed with pretty houses with small backyards, and mostly white fences, that looked like a good material for some perfect suburb commercial.
Yeah, this doesn't have to be bad at all...
He'll just enjoy a short walk to the best pastry shop, to buy his cute grandma some of her favorite bread that has to be delicious cause it's the only one she wants to eat, and he'll just enjoy some of it with her later.
He was proud of himself cause he was willing to try and have some fun, while being at his grandmas house, and he felt the excitement for full three minutes until he felt something sticky, smelly, coming from the sky, falling straight to his head. His pretty blond strands...
Jimin knew what that thing was, before he even stuck his hands deep inside his hair and felt the warm, slimy substance between his fingers, and that was it.
The trigger.
The moment the regret came back, the anger and desperation cause why the hell was he the one who had to move to his grandma's house and take care of her, when he has a younger brother and a mom who could do it too.
His exact thoughts and words the moment he came home last night, after his dance practice, and while observing his mother, father and brother, sitting in the kitchen, looking at him with some apologetic look on their faces, he knew something was wrong.
Something was really wrong...
"What's going on?" he asked while coming closer to them, and the way they looked at each other made him even more suspicious.
"Um... honey, can you sit down?" his mom said while showing to the stool next to her.
"I'm ok like this? Can someone explain what's going on? Please?"
"Ok, so last night,after your grandma was finished with taking a shower, she fell and..."
"Oh my God is she ok? Is she dead???" Jimin interrupted his mom, feeling worried and unable to wait for her to explain, as usually she added a long intro into anything she was saying, so she just shook her head.
"No baby, she just broke her leg, but she hurt her knee pretty bad, and will have to wear a long leg cast for at least a month, maybe even two." his mom said with pain in her voice, and all Jimin felt was a relief.
"Well that's not bad. She could've died, broke her hip, spine, I mean it could be a lot worse than that, right?" Jimin said while observing the others, waiting for some agreement.
"Of course, you're totally right. She was lucky she didn't break both of her legs, and I couldn't imagine what kind of trouble we'd be into..."
"And what kind of trouble we're into now?" Jimin still didn't get the whole meeting and their concerned faces, until his mom spoke again.
"Well baby, see the thing is, you know how Jihyun has classes at university, and both your father and I are working two shifts, and you are the only one who could work online from home if you ask your boss, cause she mentioned like a million times that you could do all of your calls straight from your room if you wanted to, so we came in conclusion that it's the best to send you to your grandmas only until she get's her cast off, cause she really needs someone around 24/7 cause she can't go to store, can't water her plants, can't stand too much on her feet, and not to mention how scared she is of falling again..."
"No. I don't want to ask my boss to work online for two months. That's too much. And I really love to go out, hang out with my friends, go to my dance lessons, and I won't be able to do that once I'm there, so no, I can't go... I really can't." Jimin said while crossing his arms, looking at his family like he's determent and won't back down at his decision.
"Jimin, this is not a negotiation. We've already packed your bag, and informed your grandma that you're coming tonight. She really needs someone, and you're the only one that could help her at this moment. Please behave nicely, try to be supportive, and try to remember that all of it will end soon, two months is not too long." his father said in firm tone, and all Jimin could do was to bow at him, say a quiet little 'yes sir'.
Although he hated the idea of leaving his spacious apartment and big bed room in the best area of Busan, he was never the one to confront his parents in whatever they wanted him to do, so if he needs to go to the other side of the city, where are the most humble little houses located, that he actually loved living in as a kid, than so be it.
He'll survive.
He'll try and have some fun.
He'll help his cute granny and come back home in no time.
He'll stay positive for her, for himself, cause that's the only way he won't lose his damn mind.
Yeah, that thought didn't last long...
While smearing the birds shit all over his fingers, feeling his gag reflex already kicking in, he's mood changed from the most cutest little granny helper, to frustrated, angry, pissed person who just wanted to get over with all of this.
Why does it have to be this particular pastry shop out of all around here? His mind went to everything hat bothered him right now, and he couldn't help it.
The sun was too bright for beginning of March, the birds were too loud, and not polite at all, and as he was walking further down the street, he noticed three, probably stray dogs, laying on the road, next to one of the cute little houses that the street was filed with, and he panicked on the inside.
"They can't smell my fear." he thought to himself, knowing very well if the dogs notice that he's afraid, he's doomed.
Just few steps more and he could see the dogs standing up, like they are guarding their territory, looking at the intruder coming near, someone they don't know, and they looked a bit scary up close.
A lot scarier with every new step he made.
He couldn't help it, but his legs started shaking slightly, seeing how the dogs kept coming closer, and he just kept walking slower, and just in time when he wanted to walk pass them, one, the smallest one, started barking, so the other two joined in, and Jimin started going back, walking backwards, while waving his hands at them.
"I'm not trying to hurt you. It's fine. Everything's fine. Just stay there and I'll walk slowly, ok, doggy doggy..." Jimin tried to talk nicely, but on the inside he already hated this street, birds, dogs, his life, everything...
Beep beep!!!
He heard the sound of car horn, and turned around to see who's behind the wheel, pushing horn too many times, this early in the morning.
"Kim Taehyung?" he said while squinting his eyes and looking inside.
"Park Jimin. I thought it was you. Come in." the pretty guy with curly, black hair said, and Jimin couldn't be happier.
"You're a life saver. What the hell is going on with this street? It used to be calm, nice and friendly, and now you have this street dogs and crazy birds..." Jimin whined the moment he sat next to Tae, and he just giggled.
"Ah, it's not that bad. Everything's the same, it's just that we changed. Before, while we were younger, non of those things would matter, and now every little thing seems to bother us. It's us. It's our fault." Tae said and gave Jimin one of his big boxy smiles.
He really missed his old friend.
" Anyways, what are you doing here? Haven't seen you in a while? "
" My grandma fell and I'm here to take care of her for a while. And yeah, every since we moved, I haven't come here that often, my grandma always visits us in our new apartment, and now I'm stuck here for a month or so. " Jimin explained things to his former best friend with whom he went to school together, and he saw some excitement in his eyes.
" So you'll be here for a whole month. That's grate. We could grab a drink, go see some movies, hang out." Tae said so Jimin nodded. Loving the idea.
"Hey, how could I get rid of those three stray dogs cause I really have to go to the pastry shop every morning and I don't think they're friendly. Like at all..." Jimin asked and pouted. Feeling like this could be super frustrating for him, seeing those dogs every day, it was just too much.
" Oh, they're ok actually. They have never bitten anybody. Maybe you could buy some dog food, those crackers and than while passing by, you could give some to them and you'd be free to go."
"Smart idea..."
So in next few days, Jimin tried that advice he got from his friend, and it actually worked.
He put a small bag with some chicken crackers in a big pocket of his jacket, and while coming closer to those dogs, he just threw a big amount of crackers in their direction and with fast steps went down to the pastry nearby.
The dogs would be busy with eating and he would come safely to the bakery.
Well everything was good until on Friday morning, Jimin haven't realized that he was out of crackers and now he was standing face to face with three, what it looked like angry dogs, barking and coming closer to him.
"Oh come on, don't get angry with me. I've been nothing but good to you for the passed week and this is what I get in return."
Woof woof!
They kept barking and coming closer so when Jimin thought how there's no space left for him to hide, he noticed that the dogs tend to only come near the small fence, that was being set in front one of the houses in the line, so while fearing for his life, he jumped over the fence and started walking away from dogs, trying to lean his back onto the house facade.
It was weird how the fence was pretty low and the dogs could easily jump over, well maybe not the small, chubby one, but they kept circulating next to it, barking at Jimin, but not approaching closer.
"Ok, so wanna tell me what your problem is? I really don't understand you. I gave you crackers for week, every day, and just cause I forgot to buy some you're gonna be mean to me. Well let me tell you something. That's not nice. You're not nice, the birds here are not nice either, and if you'd just let me be your friend, I'd buy you some food..."
And at the word food the dogs started barking even louder, one of them started howling, and Jimin got scared. They were literally few steps away from him, and as he kept pushing his back onto the cold facade of the house, he started praying for a miracle.
"Oh God please just help me." he said sounding desperate, sighing deeply.
"What is this?" suddenly he heard voice, coming from up, somewhere close next to him, and he got confused.
"God?" he blurred, still shaken up by the dogs loud barks, looking to the left and right, but he didn't see anyone.
"It's too early for this shit, for fucks sake."
"Not God, definitely. "
He heard the voice again, and while looking just above him, he saw a what it seamed a young man, scratching his eyes, his face puffy and hair messily styled, actually his hair wasn't styled at all. It was a bunch of black hair strands, sticking out in all directions.
His head looked like a birds nest, and at one point Jimin got scared that some birds might get confused and come right at it. Perfect place for those impolite fuckers to hide on.
"Hi. I'm sorry if I woke you up, but I can't walk pass these dogs cause they are not friendly and are trying to make lunch out of me." Jimin said while looking at the man, then averted his gaze to the dogs that seemed to calm down, sitting there nicely, their tales waving frantically, just looking in daze at the sight of the messy, black haired man.
"They're not trying to make you their lunch, I can guarantee you that one. Besides, what would they eat? Bones?" the said man spoke, so Jimin looked at him and scrunched his face in annoyance.
First, he got annoyed cause the man pulled his hair up in cute little messy ponytail and he could actually see his handsome face, and second, did he just try to insult someone he knew only for few minutes?
"Well if that's you're way of saying 'I look skinny', I can only say thank you. But you obviously haven't seen my ass. They would have plenty meat for lunch there."
"What the fuck Jimin?" he scolded himself mentally cause what the fuck???
"Sure. Since I don't want to hear your annoying voice, ever again, this early in the morning, I'm gonna introduce you to the dogs so that next time they don't get the idea of eating you for dinner or whatever crazy thing you just said." the man said and moved off the window, and in no time, he came outside, so Jimin took a better look of a slightly taller man than himself.
He actually had some soft features on his face. His eyes were big and looked kind of innocent, doe, and his mouth were small and cute, and why was Jimin trying to see all the moles he noticed on the black haired man. The one just under his lower lip, sticking out the most. He wore baggy long sleeved shirt and the widest sweatpants he saw in his life.
"What kind of style is this?" he thought, obviously not happy with all the oversized clothes.
"Ok, so I'm gonna quickly introduce them to you." black haired man said, his voice sounded kind of like he's bored and annoyed at the same time.
"This is Biggie. " he said while pointing on the biggest dog among the three of them.
"This one is Gray." he pointed at the dog with long messy hair.
"And this one is Pretty." and as soon as Jimin heard him, he started laughing loudly.
"What's so funny?" the tall man asked sounding not so impressed.
"That's some kind of joke, right?" Jimin said and looked at the man again, then at the dog, and he couldn't believe that the name, Pretty was wasted on a dog that in his honest opinion looked more like a rat than the dog.
"Why would that be a joke?" the man frowned and crossed his arms over his stomach.
"So you're telling me that the ugliest dog I have seen in my entire life is named Pretty?" Jimin asked and the dogs started barking again. Could they understand him for fucks sake?
"And now I get it." the man chuckled annoyingly, and turned to leave, but Jimin grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.
"What?" Jimin asked surprised.
"They don't like you and you deserve it. How can you say that any dog is ugly?"
"Well the name doesn't suit him, just like the rest of them. I'm gonna keep calling that big one the bear, since he looks like a mix of bear and some unfortunate dog, the smaller one is definitely the mop, cause my grandma has a mop looking exactly like him, and that, as you call it pretty one, it's gonna be Splinter. You know, the rat that was teaching ninja turtles to fight. He sure is feisty." Jimin said, and looked at the shocked face that the tall man made.
He screwed up.
Big time.
"Wow, you really are something. Well let me tell you, just cause they aren't some fancy breed doesn't mean they are any less worth of love and affection, and all of them are mixed from some really good dog breeds,but what would you know about it?"
"I would know a lot actually, since I had a dog for almost 10 years, but when she passed away I got a cat since it was too painful to get another dog after her."
"Let me guess, was it chihuahua?" the tall man said kind of mockingly.
"No. It wasn't and stop acting like you know it all. You obviously don't." and Jimin was annoyed.
"So poodle, I should've known." the annoying man said so Jimin's eyes widen, cause how could he know?
He really did had a small, cute, black poodle, that had died years ago, and after that he got himself a cute little cat, which he rescued out of the Shelter for abandoned animals, and he loved her with all of his heart.
"The breed is not important, my cat is actually a mix breed and she was saved from the streets, so I'm not into fancy breeds if that's your point." Jimin mumbled, without even knowing why, like he's trying to prove a point to the man he didn't even know and not to mention like.
"Besides, I think I'm more of a cat person anyways..." he added after looking at those three stray dogs, who were jumping up and down, trying to catch the tall man's attention.
"Ugh... Cat person... yucky." the man said and made some grimace, like he's disgusted or something and Jimin's whole face felt like burning.
"I don't really care about your opinion, can you just help me." he said sounding annoyed,for the nth time.
"No. I can't. I think I'll just let them eat you." the man said and smiled, so Jimin's mouth widen in shock.
"Yeah, I'm not gonna help someone who keeps insulting my dogs. Na-a."
"So they are your dogs? Than it's your duty to keep them away from other people who they're trying to eat. They're your responsibility and you have to help me." Jimin said and walked closer to the man again.
"And if you don't help me I'm just gonna spend my whole day here, in your garden since for some weird reason your dogs won't come anywhere near this side of the fence." Jimin said while looking around, noticing how dirty his Converse sneakers got from walking through the ground.
" Well they're trained not to go there since my mom plants all kind of flower seeds early in the spring and they are not allowed to walk all over cause that would destroy her flower garden that she really loves."
"Oh shit." Jimin looked at the footsteps all over the place, and felt sorry for obviously not being careful enough.
"I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Is this gonna destroy them from growing now?" Jimin asked, looking super worried, trying to fix those deep steps he made in the soil by messing it even more with his hand.
"Just leave it. I don't really care. It's my moms so... Fuck it." the tall man said, looking unbothered so Jimin stopped with trying to fix the damage.
"Wow, you really are a dick." Jimin said, trying to insult him, but all he got is a smirk and a big smile afterwards.
"I really am. Now come over here." the man said and asked Jimin to come closer, now standing near the fence, the dogs close, next to him.
"I don't wanna get too close." Jimin said while standing behind the mans back, smelling some nice manly scent coming from his nape.
"Does he really have to smell nice?"
"You have to come closer, give them your hand so that they can smell you. That way they'll remember your scent and won't feel afraid next time they see you." The man explained and put his hand down for the dogs to smell it, and they started licking his hand, jumping up to play with it, barking cheerfully.
All Jimin noticed was that sexy tattoos all over his hand.
" No. I can't. They're gonna bite me. I really can't. " Jimin panicked a bit, seeing the dogs barking again, and the small one started nibbling at the man's hand and as soon Jimin saw his big teeth he took a step back.
"He's just being playful. His not biting me to hurt me. See, it's just small bites." he put his hand in the air, for Jimin to see that there was no scars, but Jimin got distracted by his hand being all covered in dogs spit so he made a grimace and said gross.
The tall men wiped his hand on his sweatpants, which made Jimin to make another grossed out grimace, and then the messy man said how there's another way for the dogs to register his smell.
"Well just come closer and turn around." the man said and chuckled.
And wow his teeth look so pretty from up close. So white and cute, the two front slightly sticking out, making him to look like a cute bunny.
"What do you mean?" Jimin was confused, not understanding how any of this could help him bond with those crazy dogs.
"Well if the dog smells your ass or crotch area they'll get the most of your scent cause there are a lot of aprocine glands in there and..."
"I'm not letting them anywhere near my ass!" Jimin said a bit loudly, grabbing his ass cheeks instinctively.
"... but the owner in the other hand..." his mind played it against him.
"Wow it's not like they're gonna eat your precious ass..." the man said while exaggerating words.
"Maybe you could try..." again, his dirty mind.
"Um... I'm just gonna go. You can keep them away from me right? And I'll just buy more food for tomorrow I guess. Thank you... Um... Whatever your name is... " Jimin said, sounding a bit weird, not letting his mind to drift off more than it already did, and after waving at the tall men he just jumped over the fence and without looking back, walked down the street with fast steps.
" It's Jungkook... " the man said, but Jimin didn't quit catch it.
" What the hell did just happened?" he asked himself while walking down the street, finally coming closer to the bakery.
He went inside and bought the pastry his grandma ordered, and since he was already there, he bought some pretzels for himself,loving the way everything smelled so homey and warm...
After getting out of the bakery, the familiar voice called his name.
He turned around with a smile on his face, and saw Taehyung sitting in the nearest coffee shop, sipping some tea while sitting alone.
"Hey you, what are you doing here?" Jimin asked and moved closer, Tae asking him to sit down and join him.
"I'm always drinking my morning tea in this place. Seokjin hyung works here, and we're still good friends, so before going to work, I just come here, grab something to eat out of that bakery and drink some tea.
" Ah, that's nice. To be able to start your day so nicely every morning,and then jump to work." Jimin said, envying his younger friend for not having to go through morning trouble like he had to.
"Yeah, and I love my working time. I don't have some too tiring schedule, especially since the Covid, us actors really struggled with getting people into theaters, and the worst thing is, when you have to preform for literally 10 people cause all of the rest are afraid to come inside the closed space. I really thought my carrier is over, but luckily things got better. How about your job? Do you like what you do? " Tae asked him, and he didn't know what to answer.
Did he like his job?
Not really.
Talking all day long to customers on the phone, recommending them some new stuff that's available in the big convenience store he worked for was absolutely not his No. 1 job on the list.
He loved dancing and was hoping that one day, he could work as a dance teacher like his best friend Hoseok whom he missed with each passing second.
So he decided to go with half truth, by saying how his work isn't that bad, but he would love to do something else in the future.
Soon they drank their drinks, Jimin drank his coffee, and Tae another tea, not being a big fan of coffee just like Jimin remembered in high school, and soon it was time for Jimin to head back to his grandma.
He didn't wanna worry her by staying too long, and he really didn't want for her to get too hungry, since he had the pastry she planned on eating for breakfast.
"So, I really have to go. It was nice catching up with you. " Jimin said so Tae got up too.
"I'm gonna drive you." Tae said, and Jimin felt relief.
"You don't have to, but I would like nothing more, to be honest. Those dogs are killing me..." Jimin whined so Tae smiled at him.
"Really? I thought they've already gotten to know you. I mean it's been a week right?"
"Yeah, but no. I kept buying them food, and the day I forgot to buy some more, they got angry at me. I'm telling you, it's not safe to let them to walk freely on that street."
After a giggle, Tae looked at him.
"It's really not that bad. I heard they are nice, and friendly."
"They're not." Jimin said, and the image of the tall man kept popping out unannounced.
While driving back home, Jimin talked about some of their older friends and he was interested to know where they were, what they are doing? How they are looking? Who's still single, and who's taken...
You know, just the usual questions.
By the time he came home, to his grandma, she had prepared some delicious eggs and bacon so they ate their breakfast in peace, while enjoying the amazing pastry Jimin brought for them. Maybe things don't have to be so bad. Jimin thought cause he still has Tae, and at least he could spend some time with him.
But why couldn't he stop thinking abut black haired, good looking guy that was nothing but rude and annoying this morning?
Next time he saw Jungkook, actually he came to him cause he needed some help.
See the thing is, the whole street, that his grandma was living in was filled with carrying people who loved animals, so not only did they had the three dogs next to Jungkook's house, there was another dog, only few houses down the street, but this one looked like he came straight from horror movies.
Big, strong, fast, and his eyes had this weird color and looked kind of bloody and weird like the dog's possessed or something. At least that's how Jimin described him.
So after walking next to Jungkook's dogs, that he got used to by now, two weeks have passed, they loved the food he gave them, and they let him live,Jimin went a bit further down the street and saw the Demon, that's the name he gave to the dog, immediately he went back up, not even trying to walk pass him, and while giving Jungkook's dogs some more food, he came back to the same place he was last week, next to Jungkook's window.
He really tried not to walk too much around that garden with flowers that Jungkook's mom was planting, figuring he already made enough harm last time.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Oh God am I dreaming?" the black haired man said, but had some smile on his face, like seeing Jimin again was not bothering him.
"Nope. I'm pretty much real." Jimin said and smiled, but since he had his mask on, he realized the young man can't see his mouth so he batted his eyelashes at the taller man.
"What do you need?"
"Well, I had no idea that your dogs aren't the only ones in this street, so while finally figuring how to walk pass them, I saw another dog just down the street and let me tell you, this one is dangerous and insane. At least he looks so. So I was thinking how, maybe you could introduce me to the dog so that he could love me like your dogs do now. " Jimin said and smiled cutely, his covered lips, not showing his smile, but his eyes sparkled and turned into cute little crescent moons.
" They don't." Jungkook said and gave him some forced closed mouth smile. Jimin snorted.
" Well I like to think they do, so... Please. " Jimin said and made the sweetest little pout, his eyebrows pulled up, looking like a lost puppy, so Jungkook rolled his eyes at him, but came inside his room, only to be back outside the house in no time.
"Fine. Let's go. She is pretty dangerous I have to warn you." Jungkook said, so Jimin looked at him in shock, his eyes wide open.
"Really? And it's a female,she's gonna love me, wait until she sees how cute I am. " he said while coming closer to the younger, now brushing his arm with his own.
"Yeah, cause she'll see your cute face with that mask that shows off how pretty you are." Jungkook said sarcastically, cause Jimin's face was literally covered with the face mask he always wore, only his eyes visible.
"Well I am pretty. You should see my cute nose and full lips." Jimin said and giggled, so Jungkook scoffed.
"I see someone is in love with themselves. Narcissist aren't you? Do you even have a flaw?" Jungkook asked teasingly.
"I do actually. My front teeth is crooked."
"That I believe. You talk like someone who has crooked teeth."
"What is that even mean? I don't lisp? I talk normally."
"Sure you do." Jungkook said and there was a glimpse of smile on that smug face.
The thing is, the dog wasn't dangerous. Not even the slightest,but every since Jungkook saw Jimin that day, next to his window, he couldn't help it, but he felt amused by his personality, the funny and obnoxious things he said, and for the next couple of days, after he saw him, Jungkook had been looking through the window, just to see Jimin again, and to maybe offer some help, if the petite man needed it.
"Look there she is. Her name is Lilly. So after we come closer, you have to let her to smell you just for a while and..." Jungkook couldn't even finish his sentence, Jimin came flush behind him, holding the taller's man biceps tightly with his small hands, nuzzling his whole head into his back. Obviously trying to hide behind him.
" What are you doing? " Jungkook asked, looking confused, trying to find the smaller behind his back.
"I'm scared. This one really looks like a demon..." he whined, pushing himself even closer to the taller's back.
Again, he smelled amazing.
"She's not a demon, come over here." the black haired scolded him, and after grabbing his wrist into his hand, he pulled him to the side, now almost facing the big dog.
"Oh shit. Oh no, she's coming..." Jimin panicked so he tried to walk backwards, but got stopped by Jungkook's body, now standing behind him, and when the taller grabbed his waist firmly, going with his hands right under his jacket, trying to make him to stand still, all Jimin could think about was how those hands would hold him good while fucking into his ass from behind.
He took a deep sigh, figuring the sigh could be also an indication of how scared he was, and not just his arousal, and as soon the dog came only inch away from him, he started to get tens again.
Jungkook started circling his thumbs over his lower back, so Jimin felt a bit dizzy, and after finally giving into his touch, he closed his eyes, thanking God cause the taller couldn't see his flustered face.
The dog sniffed all around his sneakers, even a bit up his calves, but Jimin didn't register any of it, and soon he felt Jungkook's hands letting go of him, so when he turned around he saw Jungkook caressing the dogs head, and the dog enjoying his touch, but probably not as much as Jimin did only seconds ago.
After scratching the dog thoroughly, they continued walking down the street, and only few steps after, Jimin heard loud barking again, so he instinctively jumped closer to Jungkook, while grabbing his biceps firmly.
"You really are a scaredy cat." Jungkook scoffed, but didn't pull away, so Jimin decided to walk just like that for the rest of the walk. Close to the strong man, holding his arm, feeling safe and protected.
"Lilly is only barking cause she's telling us goodbye and see you soon. She needs to communicate with us somehow. Not every bark is an angry bark, and why are you even so scared?" Jungkook asked, his eyes big and doe, like he's really interested, and Jimin couldn't stop looking around, like he's scared the dog might come back.
" A dog bit me." he decided to confess, thinking about the old childhood memory that got stuck in his head for so long. He was in elementary school when he saw the cutest little Maltese that his friend was holding on a leash, and just when he was about to caress the dog all over his head, the dog bit him on the hand, and every since then Jimin couldn't relax whenever he came even closer to any dog.
His parents thought how the best way to get over his fears was to confront them, so they bought the cutest little baby poodle and after a while of getting to know her, Jimin finally got over the trauma he had, and started enjoying her company.
"Oh, well, that sucks, but just cause one bit you, doesn't mean all the others will. You just have to relax, and try to spend some time with some dogs,like you probably did with your poodle."
"Yeah, I know,and my poodle was feisty little thing. She wasn't really nice you know..."Jimin said and giggled, remembering all the time she would take his slippers and hide them away from him, or just ruin yet another pillow his mom bought... Yeah feisty little thing, fitted her just right.
"Well, you know how they say, like the dog, like the owner..." Jungkook said and cocked his eyebrows at him.
"I hope that's not true in your case, cause those three dogs, are just stupid." Jimin said, and as soon as Jungkook registered his words, he made a exaggerating shocked face and tried to walk away from the smaller, but Jimin just grabbed him harder by his arm.
"I'm just kidding..." he said through laughter.
Soon they were standing just outside the bakery, so Jimin finally let go of Jungkook's arm, realizing how numb his fingers were feeling, probably he held too tight onto him, and now he turned around to face the taller.
"Thank you..." he tried to speak but got interrupted by someone calling his name loudly.
"Jimin hyung!"
He turned around for a second to see who was calling him, and after waving at Tae, he turned back around only to see Jungkook already walking back home.
He felt a bit sad cause he would really love to walk back home with him, but going home with Tae had his own leverages.
"Hi you, drinking your morning tea?" he came closer and sat down, next to Tae, finally taking his mask off.
"Jeon Jungkook? Really?" Tae said with some question marks in his eyes, so Jimin frowned.
"The guy you were clinging onto, seconds ago."
"Ah, that's his name,and I wasn't clinging onto him, he just helped me with that crazy dog Lilly. She is really dangerous." Jimin said while accentuating the word dangerous.
"Lilly? The big baby?" Tae asked confused.
"More like Lilly the Satan."
"No, Lilly really is the baby in the street. Everyone knows that she's the cutest and nicest dog that ever lived there, but never mind that, Jeon Jungkook?"
"Oh but Jungkook said she's pretty dangerous."
"What about him?"
"Um... Well he has a bit of a reputation around here..." Tae said and cocked his eyebrows at him.
"What kind of a reputation?" Jimin asked, but he wasn't really sure if he wanted to know...
"Well, there's been gossiping about him having a big dick." Tae just said it so Jimin choked on his coffee.
"Yeah, a big dick." Tae repeated so Jimin thought about it for a second.
"Hm... He does kind of give out the Big dick vibe." he said, but there was still some hesitation in his voice.
"Yes. My sister would know. She was one of the many who tried it."
"Oh, so your sister and Jungkook dated?" Jimin asked, being super surprised.
"No. He's not that much into dating. More like fucking and then moving on onto the next target."
"Oh... Well, he's missing out. I love dating and falling in love... I miss it actually. Haven't been on a date in a while now, almost a year."
"How about fucking?"
"You know me, I love sex, but with right people only."
"So, still picky, I see."
"Of course, not everyone is allowed to tap this fine piece of ass, and why the hell did you even had to tell me that information about Jungkook's dick, now it's gonna be stuck in my head and when I see him next time I know I'll remember it and then I'll act all weird..."
"Well that would be fun to watch." Tae said so Jimin smacked him across his chest playfully.
It was so easy to catch upon all the things they haven't talked about in years. Tae was definitely Jimin's best friend for reason while growing up, and now that he had the chance to spend some time with him he felt sorry for not seeing him more often before. He's sure gonna keep that in mind when his grandma gets better and when he finally returns to his apartment.
Next few days he kept helping his grandma with everything she needed. He cleaned her house, went to super market to buy her groceries, did some planting in her beck yard, and he actually enjoyed their time together.
On a Saturday night, he made plans to grab a cup of coffee with Hobi, and after grabbing a shower, he put on some light jeans and an oversized, soft sweater, and while reaching out for his small suitcase that he left in the room he was sleeping in, he couldn't find any socks to wear.
"Ahggg granny, I told my mom to bring me some socks, they literally put two pairs when I came here, but she kept forgetting and now I have to go to meet Hobi hyung. Do you have some socks to borrow me? I have small feet, your's will fit." he asked his grandma so after going to her room, she came back with a brand new pair of pink socks with small red hearts on them.
" There, these are brand new. Wear them. The're pretty. "
" Granny, I know I'm openly gay, but that's even too gay for me." he said so she slapped his arm playfully.
"Does it matter? You're not gonna take off your shoes. Right?" she said and got the point.
"Just give it to me." he said with a little annoyance, and after putting his favorite bomber jacket, went outside and started walking towards the coffee shop where they were supposed to meet.
On his way down, he met one of his good friend from high school, Taemin, and they kind of lost a track of time and after around 15 minutes of talking, the rain started falling.
"Perfect. I don't have an umbrella." Jimin said while rolling his eyes.
"Do you wanna come to my place, I have two and could borrow you one." his friend said, but he declined the offer, remembering how Taemin had a crush on him for years, so he didn't wanna give the guy falls hope.
He was just never his type.
"No, it's fine, I better get going before I get soaking wet. Thank you and it was nice to talk to you." he said bye to his friend and kept walking down the street, now feeling the rain heavy on his clothes, skin, head... Just pouring without stopping.
When he came to the familiar house, the lightning bolt started flashing, and the three familiar dogs that were now being friendly, started barking like crazy.
Even though Jimin knew they were barking cause they got scared of the lightning bolt, still, he got scared, and decided to go to his safe spot.
Under Jungkook's window.
There was a little canopy there so he decided to wait until the spring storm ends, they usually don't last too long, so than he could go back to his coffee date with Hobi.
After one particularly strong lightning bolt, he shivered, and heard the dogs barking again so he cursed cause he got scared too.
"Aghhh for fucks sake!" he said pretty loudly, so next thing he knew, the window slightly above him got wide open and there was Jungkook's face poking inside.
"Hi." Jimin said while looking up, shivering more and more with every passing second.
"What are you doing here?"
"I had plans with a friend, but it started raining and..." another lightning bolt hit, so Jimin put his hands over his ears, not knowing what's more irritating, dogs loud barks, or the sound of lightning bolt.
"Ah, for fucks sake come inside." the black haired man said and soon enough Jimin heard a door opening just around the corner, on the other side of the house.
"Where are you?" he heard Jungkook yell, so he moved instinctively, fallowing the direction of his voice, and then he saw the taller standing on the door frame, holding the door wide open, while telling the dogs to stay still.
As Jimin was coming closer to the door, he realized that he was really soaking wet, so he got worried that he might make a mess inside Jungkook's house.
"Hey, maybe you could just give me an umbrella, since I'm pretty wet, I don't wanna ruin your carpet or..." before he could talk more, Jungkook tugged him inside, so he stumbled a bit, and finally the taller closed the door behind them.
"Hey, I really don't wanna enter like this, look, the water is drenching off of me..." Jimin looked at his soaked jacket, jeans and Converse.
"It's just water, it'll dry, come inside, I'll give you towel and some clothes. You'll get sick if you stay in those clothes." Jungkook said and moved inside, so Jimin followed, and after taking his jacket off, and placing it on the hanger, he took off his mask, and fold it neatly before putting it in his pocket.
"Here, some sweatpants and shirt, a bit bigger than your size, but it's clean and........ dry...... and....." Jungkook came back, some black sweatpants and white shirt in his hand, and after looking at Jimin he just stopped talking.
"What?" Jimin said confused.
"You weren't joking." Jungkook said a bit dazed.
"About what?" Jimin really didn't get it.
"About being pretty." the younger said, still not even blinking, looking at Jimin's face closely.
"Oh, that, thanx, I wasn't joking about crooked tooth either, look." Jimin said while blushing, and gave the taller a big, wide smile, showing him his front teeth, and what it looked like the sweetest smile the younger had ever seen.
"So cute."
"Did I say it out loud?"
"You kind of did?"
"I said that out loud too?"
"Are you panicking right now? Am I that beautiful?" Jimin said and put his hands under his chin, acting like he's a pretty flower, batting his lashes, and that was luckily enough to bring Jungkook back from the dazed state he was in.
"Almost as much as you're annoying." he teased so Jimin rolled his eyes at him, but gave him the cutest smile he ever saw.
"Come on, take your sneakers off, get in, get dressed..." Jungkook told him, and Jimin gulped.
"Promise you won't laugh." Jimin said, but Jungkook had already a suppressed smile on his face, just from hearing the words.
"Just promise?" Jimin crossed his arms around his chest,like he was being serious.
"Ok. Ok. I promise."
Jungkook said, so Jimin took off his shoes, and there were the cutest pink socks that his grandma gave him, covered in small little hearts.
Jungkook chuckled, but put a hand over his mouth fast.
"You're laughing." Jimin said dead-panned.
"M not..." Jungkook said, but chuckled again, so this time he put both of his hands over his mouth.
"You are and that's not fair, I only wore these cause I didn't have any clean left, so my grandma gave me these..." Jimin tried to speak, but Jungkook burst into laugh which made Jimin to stop talking, and he got annoyed so he tried to leave.
"No, no, no..." Jungkook came fast after him, and grabbed his shoulders, stopping him from walking any further.
"I'm sorry, but you can't expect me not to laugh. I'm sorry but you're wearing your grandma's pink socks, and are those a little hearts on them?" Jungkook said while looking down, another wave of laughter threatening to come.
Jimin got annoyed.
"Laugh it off, I'm gonna grab those..." he said while taking the clothes from Jungkook, and then he stormed off into living room, and started taking his wet clothes off fast.
He took his wet shirt off first, then after unbuttoning his jeans,he pushed them down fast, and stepped out of them, leaving him naked, in the middle of Jungkook's living room, nothing but tight black boxer briefs on him, and those silly pink socks.
"W-What are you doing?" Jungkook came behind him, and after Jimin turned around, he saw the younger munching on his bottom lip.
"Changing my clothes. Why? " he said sounding unbothered.
"I thought, there's a bathroom, or my bedroom, or... I don't know..." Jungkook sounded a bit nervous and shy, but he kept his eyes on Jimin's body. Eyeing him up and down, savoring every inch of his exposed, toned muscles.
"Are you uncomfortable with me changing in here? I mean, there's nothing here that you don't have..." Jimin said, and his mind went into different direction.
"... accept maybe that big dick..." and shit, Jimin's dick twitched.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck..."
Not that he didn't have a nice peace of dick himself, but he was definitely not that long to be called big, but the thickness was just right.
He turned around, trying to save himself out of this misery, and while bending to grab the sweatpants that were laying on the floor, he heard Jungkook inhaling a deep, long sigh.
He didn't want to show of his ass, he really didn't have that intention, but well... What's done it's done.
After putting the clothes on, he turned around, the younger was still standing on the same place, his hands holding the ham of his shirt, stretching it down, over his crotch.
Jimin got amused by the sight, maybe even aroused a bit, definitely aroused too, cause could it be that the younger got hard only by looking at Jimin changing his clothes.
"What I would give to feel that cock throbbing in my hand..."
Before he could move forward and do something he would probably regret later, his phone started ringing, and only then he remembered, Hobi.
"Hyung, no I didn't forgot, I just got caught in the rain. Can you pick me up, I'm just few houses down below my grandmas house. I'll wait for you outside and wave when I see your car,although you can't miss me, there are three loud street dogs barking around the house all the time. You'll notice me in no time. " Jimin said and started putting his wet Converse on.
" You should change those too... " Jungkook said while pointing at Jimin's socks and sneakers, but Jimin just shook his head.
After saying bye to Hobi, he thanked Jungkook for helping him out, and said that he'll bring his clothes back as soon as he washes everything nicely.
" Your welcome, although I think you should really change those socks and sneakers. They're wet and you could catch a cold easily." how cute was the younger while sounding all concerned and invested.
"We'll just grab a coffee at my grandma place and I'll change then. I don't think yours would fit cause you seem bigger. I mean your feet looks bigger."Jimin said and cursed at himself mentally, still unable to forget that 'big dick' comment Tae told him.
" Than it's ok. If you live close you won't get too cold I guess... " Jungkook kind of mumbled, and Jimin thought how adorable he looked while being a bit nervous.
"My grandma, which I'm staying at these days, lives in the same street, just couple of minutes of walk up there." Jimin explained so Jungkook nodded.
"Oh, so you're here visiting your grandma? For how long are you gonna stay here?" Jungkook asked while going outside, under the canopy, waiting with Jimin for Hobi to arrive.
"I'm here cause she fell and needs someone to take care of her. I'm gonna be here until she gets better, and until she gets her cast off,which could be in a month or sooner, I don't really know... But I can't wait to get back to my place, this street looks like it's haunted. " Jimin said so Jungkook chuckled.
" What's funny? "
"It's just that you're calling the calmest and nicest street in the whole city haunted. You're so weird. " Jungkook said so Jimin rolled his eyes at him, turning his head in the direction of a car arriving.
"Well if dogs didn't tried to eat me in several occasion, maybe I wouldn't be so freaked out."
"Maybe you're too sweet so they couldn't resist." Jungkook said so Jimin snapped his head towards him, the car standing at the side walk long forgotten.
"I..I.. What?" he stuttered bad...
"I mean you said it yourself. You're too pretty, they'll fall in love with you, right?" Jungkook said shamelessly and came a step closer, looking into Jimin's eyes, and the sound of horn beeping startled them both, so they turned away from each other, Jungkook tried to calm his barking dogs, and Jimin went straight to the car, not caring about loud dogs that could bite him, jump all over him cause his inner panic was taking over.
Before he could enter the car, he turned around to say thank you once more, but Jungkook was already gone.
"What did I just witness? Who's the guy you almost kissed?" his best friend teased as soon as Jimin entered the car.
"Oh shut up, we were just talking." Jimin bite back, blushing red all the way down to his chest.
"Do you think he would've kiss me if you didn't honk that stupid horn?" Jimin asked, now facing his confused friend cause what is he even talking about. He never said anything about Jungkook to Hobi, cause why would he mention a guy he saw couple of times that had a moody personality and was almost always grumpy and cute.
Cute??? Did he just thought about Jungkook being cute?
What the fuck is going on?
"Babe I literally don't know who that was, but the two of you were standing so close, you could easily be exchanging breaths." Hobi said so Jimin rubbed his face with his hands.
"Agghhh this is so not happening, and did I mention how he has a big dick? I'm so screwed."
"Wait a minute. Park Jimin, how do you know what kind of dick the guy has, can you please share some info with your best friend that doesn't know anything?" Hobi said sounding a bit frustrates so Jimin decided to tell him everything from the start.
After an hour of talking about Jungkook and his supposedly big cock, Jimin finally got warmer, enjoying some nice hot chocolate that his grandma made for him and Hobi, so after the long talk, he came to a conclusion.
"I think I wanna see Jungkook's dick." he said half an hour after they moved to some totally different subject, actually Hobi talked about some dance lessons he's been teaching, but yeah, Jimin's mind was somewhere else.
"Um, ok. You just wanna see it, or you wanna do things to it too?"
"Well if I see it and I like it, I would probably want to do things to it too." he said and smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.
"What happened to me? I thought he was weird and bratty just yesterday and now I wanna bounce on his dick?" he said so Hobi choked on the hot chocolate he was drinking.
"Woah, you want to have sex with him? I thought you just wanted, you know, play around, maybe make out, share some handjobs or so..."
"How about suck him off? Is that too much?" Jimin said so they both laughed.
" I don't think he'd mind that. I mean look at those lips."
"I mean right? And he said I'm pretty. It's just that my grandma is taking her cast off in five days, how do fuck should I do anything in such short time?"
"Well you said he gave you his clothes to wear cause yours were wet, so how about next time you see him, you bring him back his clothes, and maybe wore them on you so he has to take them off of you if he wants them back."
"Wouldn't that be too shameless?"
"It would, but that's the point."
"Aghhhh I'll think about it..."
Jimin thought about it for three whole minutes and after putting that wide shirt Jungkook gave him, he inhaled deeply and looked at himself in the mirror.
"You look ridiculous!" he scolded himself, cause what was he doing???
He was standing there, wearing Jungkook's at least two size bigger clothes, looking like some hobo, cute hobo, but still...
So he figured how he could at least put some jacket over that shirt the younger borrowed him, cause if Jungkook sees him just in his clothes, he would feel pretty embarrassed and like this, he could hide the shirt if he sees how his plan, well actually Hobi's plan, turns out not to be a good one.
So he walked down the street, loving the nice sunny day, the birds were being polite today, not taking shit over his head, there were some flowers growing on the side walks, he smelled nice, freshly showered, not to mention shaved, his hair styled, the best pair of underwear that he got, fitting tightly over his ass...
Yeah, this would be just fine.
He looked at his phone, 8:47.
He thought how the younger was probably already awake, or maybe not, but he usually went every day at the same time (around 9) to buy those pastry for his grandma, and the younger was sometimes awake, and sometimes Jimin was the one to wake him up.
Either way, he's gonna go there and knock on the younger's window, and he's gonna tell him how he came to give him back his clothes, and than he'll unzip his jacket, slowly and sexily and Jungkook would get the message and ask him to come inside, and then he'll figure out what to do next.
That was the plan.
The thing unfortunately didn't work that way.
After few knocks on the younger's window, pretty loudly, he heard Jungkook yelling, Comiiiiing from the distance, so he prepared his sexy pose, one hand on his hip, the other going through his hair, but when he saw the silhouette of the younger appearing behind the curtain, naked, well only tight navy blue boxer briefs covering his crotch area, he just gulped, while changing his posture into something embarrassing and weird, cause the sight in front of him was something to drool over.
"Hey, is everything ok? Do you need something? " the younger asked, like he wasn't being naked and this was totally normal, which it wasn't.
Cause how could any of it be normal???
How could someone wear those wide baggy clothes while looking like this?
Like a perfect example of a perfect body that has been worked on so hard.
There's no way he isn't working out cause his muscles... Out of this world.
"I forgot." Jimin said, admitting defeat, so Jungkook frowned at him.
"Is it Lilly again? Is she bothering you?" he asked sounding worried.
"Who's that?" Jimin asked, still totally shocked by the sight that was in front of him.
"Lilly? The dog... Jimin are you ok?" he asked cause Jimin was still standing weirdly there, unable to control his inner struggle.
"I... I am... I just wanted to return you your clothes, but, yeah, now I don't think you should wear any.. Like ever..." he blurred out, and only then the younger looked at his own body, and realized what's the whole fuss about.
Sadly his smug face was too much for Jimin to take so he just turned around and started walking down the street as fast as his legs could carry him.
"Hey! What about my clothes?" Jungkook yelled, so Jimin stopped, and while looking down at himself wearing the younger's sweatpants and shirt that was luckily under the jacket, he just yelled that he'll bring it tomorrow.
"Thank God you're here!" Jimin said while sitting in the small coffee shop across Tae who was as usually having his morning tea.
"Oh hey, how are you."
"I'm fucked!"
"Oh. Was it good?" Tae teased him so Jimin hit his biceps just slightly harder than he intended.
"It's all your fault!" he almost screamed while Tae was rubbing his arm with fast movement, trying to ease the pain.
"What the actual fuck?" Tao whined.
"Why did you tell me about Jungkook's big dick?! And why didn't you tell me that he looks like some masterpiece sculpture created to be in some Art gallery cause God damn it he's so hot I'm losing my mind." Jimin said while going through his hair with both of his hands, looking a bit desperate.
A lot desperate actually.
" Everyone knows what kind of body Jungkookah has. I mean the guy literally jogs without his shirt every morning, sometimes evening too. Around 21 o'clock usually."
"That's interesting and pretty detailed to be honest." Jimin said while squinting his eyes at his friend.
"Oh come on. Everyone has had a crush on him. There was literally no free space at the coffee at the time when he was jogging, cause all of us would come here and wait for him to run his usual route, just to catch a glimpse of that hot body. I always came with my sister cause she liked him for long time, but can't say I didn't enjoy the view myself. "
" Aggghhhh I guess he won't jog until the weather gets better? " Jimin said while propping his chin on top of his hands.
" Yeah, he has a small gym at home, so he doesn't need to run every day like he does on summer time. "
" Well I can't wait for summer to see that body again. That's for sure." Jimin said and inhaled deeply.
" Is he even seeing someone at the time? " he got curious and could just hope that Tae has some answers.
"No. As I told you, the guy doesn't date,but loves to fuck that's for sure. Ask anyone in the neighborhood." Tae said and chuckled, but Jimin frowned.
"So he fucks whatever comes in his way? That's gross. I hate those kind of guys. " he said and really meant it that way.
It's not like he was some prude or anything like that, but he did had some morals, and would never gave in that easily to every guy that showed interest in him, and plenty did.
He's gorgeous, of course he had enough offers, but he hated when guys thought they're irresistible and just God's gift on earth so he decided right there and then, he won't indulge in his desire to bounce on Jungkook's dick.
"Can I ask you a favor?" he asked Tae, sounding totally serious.
"Yeah. What? Want me to talk to Jungkook? I mean it would be a bit weird since he fucked my sister, but still I would do..."
".... No... Actually I wanted to ask you to bring him the clothes that I borrowed from him so that I don't have to see him again." Jimin said with just a tiny bit of sadness in his voice.
"Oh. Really? I mean sure I can, but what made you to change your mind?"
"It's just not worth it. Any of it. My grandma should take her cast off in four days so why bother? Why should I have sex with him? Just cause he has big dick and amazing body?"
Few second passed before his brain registered the words he just said so the desperation talked out of him: " Oh my God I wish nothing more than to jump on him for fucks sake, but no. Nothing good can come out of that and I have made up my mind. I'm giving you clothes as soon as we come back to my place and than you can drop them off later. Ok?"
"Whatever you want babe, but just so you know, I think you're making the right decision here. He really is well known as a fuck boy around here, and he really did hurt my sister with his behavior so I wouldn't want him to do the same to you too." Tae said, and sounded honest so Jimin was once again happy to have such a good friend in him.
Later they did as they said they agreed. Jimin took off Jungkook's clothes and folded them nicely, and after giving them to Tae, he repeated in his head how this is the right thing to do.
Tae gave Jungkook his clothes right after, and send Jimin a message to tell him how Jungkook asked Tae to say thank you to Jimin,since he didn't have Jimin's number.
"Well that was nice and polite of him, and now I just need to forget all about Jungkook and his amazing body, big dick and cute face."
Easy thing...
Next two days he didn't wanna go to the bakery cause he was nervous that the dogs would make his last days a living hell and then he would have to ask Jungkook for help and that's a no go.
That's something that can't happen cause as much as he wanted to forget about the younger, he kept popping up unannounced in his head, just on any occasion, any place, any time...
One the day his grandma got her cast off he felt really good and pretty sad at the same time.
He was happy that his granny was all better now, but kind of felt a bit sad for leaving her and this place that he remembered as his warm and peaceful home.
He loved the way him and Tae bonded again, and they both decided to spend more time together even if they live in totally different parts of city. For a good friends like they were, something like distance shouldn't be a problem.
So, it was a lunch time, and he made plans to eat some delicious food with Hobi while he was on his break, so while taking his time to shower, dress nicely, he came out and went down the familiar street once again.
He kind of felt nostalgic even if he was still here.
He knew that his father was supposed to come and pick him up tomorrow morning, and he still hadn't packed his stuff, not even a little. Everything was just the way he left it that first day he came here, around two months ago, and he kind of didn't wanna pack.
While being deep in his own thoughts, he came closer to Jungkook's house and like usually, the dogs started barking, but he didn't get scared. He knew that they were barking cause they knew very well how Jimin would give them some food and they were just saying hi to him. At least that's how Jungkook explained it to him.
The three dogs came closer to him, and he grabbed some crackers, and gave them right there, next to his feet, on the sidewalk of the street. That one dog, which Jimin called the mop, came close and started rubbing his belly on his calves.
"Well you look like a cuddly ball of fur. You're super cute, I have to admit that." he said and slowly reached down with his hand, and started caressing the dogs head.
The dog leaned his head more, enjoying Jimin's soft touch, and then he heard the familiar voice, close behind him.
"Am I dreaming or is Jimin petting my dogs?" Jungkook said so Jimin blushed, and instinctively pulled his hand up.
"M not. Bye Jungkook." he said quickly and turned away, trying to leave.
"Hey, wait a minute." Jungkook yelled, but Jimin didn't wanna stop. He knew if he stops, his desire will overcome his common sense and he'll just gave in...
"I'm late. Sorry." He yelled back, and just kept going.
Few steps after, he heard footsteps rushing behind him, and when he turned around, there was the younger, wearing some jeans and hoodie, looking like a five star boyfriend material, so he cursed on the inside and kept walking.
"Hey, I just wanna thank you for sending my clothes back." Jungkook said and kept walking next to Jimin.
"You're welcome."
"Although, you could've bring them yourself."
"I was busy."
"I see." Jungkook said with some weird tone.
"No, really I was busy... with...um... doing some things..." Jimin felt the need to explain himself, but he sounded just insecure and weird.
"Like what?" the younger asked in some demanding tone. Like he needs some better explanation.
"Just things." Jimin said and stopped moving for a second, facing the younger now, and thought to himself, why does he have to tell Jungkook anything?
"What's going on?" the younger asked and while talking he put his hand on Jimin's shoulder, and his hand was warm and his touch light and Jimin could feel his legs shaking. The goosebumps on his skin were the clear indicator that he felt some kind of way while talking to Jungkook and he got frustrated, horny and desperate at the same time.
"Fine. I heard you have a big dick. OK!" he said out loud, and his eyes widen at his own outburst.
"So?" the younger asked with no facial expression and that made Jimin even more desperate.
"So that information is a bit distracting." Jimin said and gulped.
"I actually don't. I think it's pretty average if you ask me." Jungkook said dead panned and Jimin's face turned into grimace someone would usually make while hearing that someone close to them had died or something. Sadness written all over his face.
"Oh.." that's all he could mutter.
"Huh, the look on your face. What a disappointment." Jungkook said and kind of chuckled so Jimin just shook his head, trying to look as normal as he could.
"I'm not disappointed. I don't care. I mean, I'm sorry for you, cause who doesn't like big dicks, right?" he talked nonsenses and once again Jungkook chuckled.
"I don't actually. I like the cute ones." he said so Jimin's jaw dropped down.
"Sorry what?"
"You know, the cute ones. A bit smaller, slick, pink, that doesn't choke you when you try to deep throat it." he said like he's talking about what's his favorite color or what kind of weather was today and Jimin choked on air.
"Fuck. I just hope my dick is cute enough."
"Well that's good, I guess. Hope that half of the neighborhood that you had sex with had some cute dicks." he said just cause he had no idea what to say next, and guess that thought was just lingering somewhere in his mind all this time.
"I didn't fuck half of my neighborhood." Jungkook said and frowned, small smirk appearing on his face.
"Yeah right. You don't have to lie. Everybody here knows it." Jimin said, and scolded himself right after cause he really did sound a but bitter about it.
"If by everyone, you mean Teahyung, that's something totally different."
"How come?"
"Well I had sex with his sister, which you obviously already know, and when she wanted relationship, I didn't, therefore I had sex with half of the neighborhood."
"So you want to say you don't fuck around with all of the people that stumble your way?"
And there was some smug smirk on the younger's face.
A cocky mother fucking smirk.
"You're such a liar." Jimin said and started walking again. The younger followed.
"M not. I had some sex, what can I say? I mean what would you do if every day someone else is literally throwing themselves at you?" Jungkook asked so Jimin got a bit offended.
"And why do you think they don't?"
"Cause you're wearing that mask all the time and no one can see how pretty you are." Jungkook said so Jimin stopped again. His fucking heart started beating fast inside his chest. He must have been tired or something...
"Well I wouldn't have sex just like that, and you could wear a shirt when you jog so you wouldn't tempt people like you obviously do all the time." Jimin said and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Oh really... So am I tempting you Jiminshi?" he said and moved a step closer, just enough for Jimin to sweat and stop breathing immediately.
"Words Jimin, say something.. for fucks sake!!!"
"No. Pffff... As if..." he denied poorly, and hated the fact that he sounded like he's having the inner struggle of a century within himself.
"Sure... So if I ask you to come to my place tonight, cause you left your clothes in my living room, would you come?" Jungkook asked and looked deeper into his eyes, like he already knows the answer.
"Ok." he said and turned around to go back to his home, leaving Jimin behind.
"I didn't say I would." Jimin yelled desperately, like he's trying to save some of his non existing dignity.
"See you later Jimin." the younger simply said while walking away, and with every step that he was further away, Jimin knew it... He'll see him later tonight.
Somehow he managed to meet with Hobi to get some lunch, and as soon as he walked in, Hobi jumped off of his seat to greet him properly.
"Baby are you shaking?" Hobi asked him while looking at him with concern.
"I don't know. Probably. I just saw Jungkook and he invited me to his place tonight to give me back my clothes that I left the other night and I'm pretty sure he wants to fuck me too." he said so Hobi covered his mouth with his hand, suppressing a giggle from hearing those words.
" Oh my God, are you gonna do it?" he asked so Jimin gulped heavy.
"I don't know. I mean there's something about him that makes me rethink every single decision I make."
"His big dick and amazing body maybe?" Hobi teased, cause he was sick from hearing all the time about Jungkook's muscles and everything else...
"Sure, that's the thing. And he said he has an average dick. So it's not a big one, which is a bit disappointing to be honest. You know how I like my dicks, big and thick and with good working technique." Jimin said so they both laughed.
"Of course I know. Remember when you said to Wonho how he's not allowed to come anywhere near you with his 6 inch dick, cause you only do 8 inch and above. Oh my God the look on his face."
"Well, he was a jerk so I don't regret it."
After a nice and filled with fun memorable stories lunch, Jimin grabbed a cab and went back home to his grandma, carrying some food for her that he knew she'd like.
"Granny, so there's your lunch, I picked all the best things for you, so do you mind if I go to a friends house after taking a shower cause I left something at his place the other day. I should come back home soon."
Jimin wanted to check with his grandma first, just in case she needs him for something, but she said that she's fine, and will go earlier to bed cause she didn't have her usual K dramas cause it was Saturday.
After kissing her head cutely, Jimin went to his room, and looked at the mess he made while throwing his clothes all around the place for two months now, not bothering to keep the room too clean.
"Agggghhhhh I should pack my suitcase..." he thought about it for whole minute and just gave up once again, so after taking something clean to wear, light jeans and black sweater, he went to grab a shower first.
While rubbing his body with some flower scented gel wash (it was his grandmas, he forgot to bring his own) , he thought about what's about to happen.
There was two scenarios that played in his head and he was struggling with choosing the one that felt smarter to do.
First one: He would go to Jungkook's place, take the clothes he left the other day and thank him properly by having sex with him. Sex could be good or bad, as Jungkook said that his dick is average, he probably won't satisfy Jimin's needs, but maybe he is good with his hands so he could make him come while fucking him and jerking his dick off, so that would be ok...
Second one: He could go there, looking good, and after taking his clothes, he could stay for a while and just tease the younger cause, why not? He seemed like an asshole at first when Jimin met him, and the only reason he got interested in him was cause Tae told him about his big dick, which actually isn't that big. So instead of having sex with him, he could just chose to have some fun while teasing him, making him horny, playing with his head, cause how cocky did Jungkook sound while saying "See you later Jimin..." like he was so sure he would come. He really should suffer a bit. Right?
So scenario No. 2 it is!
After styling his hair a bit, nothing too fancy, just a bit combing and ruffling it so that it looks like he wasn't trying too hard, but still manages to look amazing, he put some tight black briefs, jeans and sweater that he had prepared earlier, and just before going outside he heard his grandma calling him.
"Yes granny." he came inside the kitchen, where the old lady was wrapping some cookies in a plastic container.
"What's that smell?" Jimin asked while inhaling a warm, chocolady scent that was spread all over the kitchen.
"I made you some cookies. Well they're actually for your friend,to say thank you for giving you his clothes the other day." she said and extended the cute box with red lid on it, and Jimin thanked her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you. See you soon." he said before heading out, walking down the same street for God knows how many times, and when he came to Jungkook's house, he inhaled deeply and moved towards the door.
As soon as the dogs noticed him, they started barking, jumping around so he gave them some crackers and finally find the courage to knock on the younger's door.
Knock, knock, knock.
Knock, knock, knock. - a bit louder.
Still nothing.
Could it be that the younger forgot their deal and is not even home.
Knock,knock,knock. - pretty loudly. ( He got annoyed.)
"I'm coming..." he heard on the other side and hated the way his heart clenched at the sound of Jungkook's voice.
When the younger opened the door, he was standing in front of Jimin, wearing only a black soft bathrobe, his hair was dump and he looked hot.
" I'm sorry, I haven't heard you, I was in the shower, come in..." he said with a smile, and all the annoyance Jimin felt just a minute ago vanished into dust...
He came inside the hallway, and after taking his sneakers off, went straight to the living room, observing the things he didn't quit catch the last time he was here.
Jungkook's house looked like a true man's cave. Everything inside was minimalist,gray colors dominating the place, only couple of colorful pictures decorating the walls. In the middle of the living room, there was a huge U shaped sofa, big TV positioned in front of it. The thing that caught his eye was the ping pong table right next to the sofa, and he actually loved to play ping pong.
The place looked big and nice, and only after glancing at the table in front of the couch, Jimin noticed how there was a lot of sweets, pop corns, chips and beers on it.
"You brought something?" Jungkook asked while pointing on the plastic container in Jimin's hand.
"Yeah. My grandma made some chocolate chip cookies. They're perfect to eat with milk." he said and gave Jungkook the box, which he opened immediately and after smelling the cookies, he grabbed one and eat it in one bite, licking his fingers right after.
"You can fit a lot in there?" Jimin said, thinking about that pretty big cookie that the younger ate so easily, but when he said it out loud, it sounded weird so he blushed.
"Oh I can fit more." Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows at him so he just rolled his eyes, hating the way he can make him flustered in a second.
This is not how things are supposed to be...
"Just... shut up..." he mumbled and moved further into the living room.
"Do you mind if I just dry my hair real quick and put some clothes on? You can watch the TV while I finish." Jungkook said so Jimin thought Why?.
Why should he wait for him? Shouldn't he take his clothes and leave?
Should he say that? Say something, anything...
"Sure. Go ahead." well that's something...
After Jungkook left, he sat down on the comfy sofa, and looked at the movies that Jungkook was obviously preparing to watch.
Iron Man...
The fantastic four...
"What is this shit? Marvel marathon? " Jimin snickered, and grabbed a bowl with some chips and started munching on it a bit nervously.
"Here I am..." the younger announced and entered the room, wearing some white long sleeved shirt and gray sweatpants, and again, Jimin hated the way he looked so good without even trying.
His hair was messy and a bit curly on the ends, and he could smell his manly, soapy scent filling the whole room.
He sat down next to Jimin, and started eating some chips from the bowl Jimin was holding in his lap.
"So how are you?" Jungkook asked, but all Jimin could think of is how his hand is literally grabbing the chips out of the bowl that was practically on his crotch, and he got flustered and annoyed again, cause what the fuck??? Could he take another bowl? There is literally ten other bowls, and...
"Earth calling Jimin..." the younger said, so only than Jimin figured how he was too deep in his thoughts and of course he forgot to answer.
"What do you want?" he decided to ask directly, so Jungkook frowned.
"What do you mean?" he asked after licking his lips, reaching that salt from outside the corners of those red, slick lips...
"Why did you ask me to come here?"
"Well to give you back your clothes. " Jungkook said and had a little annoying smirk that Jimin hated. Or hated that looked so hot on him...
"So where are they? I don't see you giving it to me?" Jimin blurred, feeling a bit frustrated.
"Do you want me to give it to you?" Jungkook smirked.
"What are you even talking about???" - "That fucking cocky asshole..."
"Your clothes. What's wrong with you?" Jungkook asked, but again had that little eat shitting grin on his face...
"You're gonna drive me insane!" Jimin said and got up, ready to leave cause why is Jungkook playing him like this... Or is it all in his little desperate brain.
Before he could make one step, the younger grabbed his wrist, and pulled him hard onto his lap.
"What the fuck?!"
"So, where do you think you're going?" Jungkook asked, manoeuvring Jimin to somehow straddle his lap.
"H-home..." he said while squirming around, but it was super easy for Jungkook to keep him steady since his grip on Jimin's hips was a bit rough and again, Jimin hated the way his hands felt on his needy body.
So big and manly...
"But I haven't given you your clothes back." Jungkook said, his grip still strong.
"I don't think I want them any more." Jimin bite back, but finally stopped squirming around.
"Oh really. You're gonna leave me your clothes so I can wear them?" Jungkook teased with a grin.
"I don't think they'd fit you." Jimin said and crossed his arms over his chest.
"They wouldn't. You're tiny." Jungkook said so Jimin tried to get up, but Jungkook grabbed him again, and this time he put his hands on top of his ass, and while squeezing his round cheeks firmly, he moved him back down, right onto his crotch area.
"I'm not tiny, and let go of my ass. You're being impolite." Jimin said so Jungkook frowned.
"I'm not impolite. I'm just a little bit dominant when it comes to some things." the younger said so Jimin made a disgusting grimace.
"I hate dominant people, especially the ones dominant in bed. They're just rude, selfish, and with bad manners. It's a no for me." Jimin said and looked at Jungkook's shocked face.
"Oh, did it just sink in that non of this is happening?" Jimin said while showing between his and Jungkook's body.
"Um... yeah actually..." the younger said, and moved Jimin off of him, putting him on the sofa right next to him with ease.
"How strong is he for fucks sake???"
"I'm sorry. I must have imagined things... I guess I'm a bit desperate cause I haven't got laid in a while." Jungkook said while looking on the floor.
"Boo hoo, should I feel sorry cause you haven't got laid in a week?" Jimin tried to tease him a little, cause not only Jungkook could play like that.
"It's actually been almost a year." he said and took a deep sigh.
"What?" Jimin said a bit loudly, clearly being shocked by that information.
"Yeah... I liked someone, but we kind of didn't work out... I don't know... We were both a bit stubborn, and I was a bit too dominant so... yeah... didn't work out." the younger confessed so Jimin felt sorry for him.
"I understand totally. I really hate that classic dominant type of guys that like to order you around, make you to look small, and like you have no control... ughh no."
"Well you look like someone who doesn't like to be bossed around, and I highly doubt that anyone could do that to you." Jungkook said so they smiled a bit.
"Of course no one can. I'm not some desperate needy person who should please others. If I'm gonna have sex, me and my partner should be equals and no one get's to dominate me. Na -a ."
"Amazing. Now I feel better. Thank you." Jungkook said so Jimin looked at him with wide eyes.
"How come?"
"I don't have desire to fuck you anymore." he said so Jimin felt the knot form in his throat.
"Oh. Cool. Well, me neither. " he said a bit childishly so Jungkook smiled fondly at him.
"Than we're on the same page."
"Do you wanna watch a movie than. Since we're not gonna fuck, we can at least watch hot studs and grab some beer. What do you say?" Jungkook said and started going through the movies on the TV, and just as the picture of Chris Hemsworth appeared, Jimin took a deep sigh, followed by a sexy moan.
"...mmmmmm he looks so good..." he said so Jungkook snapped his head at him.
"Thor, I mean Chris... so fucking hot." Jimin said while staring at the TV, biting his lips unconsciously.
"You like him?" Jungkook asked amused.
"You kidding me? I'm practically wet already." Jimin said so Jungkook chuckled.
"Your so funny. So we gonna watch Thor?"
"Yes please." Jimin said and clapped his hands, like he's eager to look at that hot stud again.
After an hour into the movie, they talked the whole time even though they said they wouldn't, but there was just something about Jungkook that kept Jimin to ask more questions, know him better, understand him...
"So, um... are you into all that BDSM stuff?" Jimin asked while stuffing his mouth with some chocolate, trying to act cool about such an straight forward question.
" I mean, yeah, but not too rough ones. Just the things that can give pleasure for both sides not pain."
"Oh, but I thought that's the whole point." Jimin said, a bit confused.
"What is?"
"To, you know... enjoy the pain." Jimin said a bit shyly, like he had no idea what he's talking about, but would like to know more.
"No. Not necessary. I mean if the partner is into that, sure, I'll give them some pain. " Jungkook said and caught with his side eye the shocked expression on Jimin's face.
"It's not like I would hit them, or something. Usually submissive partners like a bit slapping, some like to feel a hot wax over their bodies, but the most common thing they like is spanking." he explained a bit better, so Jimin nodded.
"Have you ever been spanked before?" Jungkook asked so Jimin spilled some of the beer he was trying to drink.
"Yes. Actually. Once." he said and remembered the unfortunate incident.
"Oh really?" Jungkook said, and turned his body fully to face the older, the movie long forgotten.
"Yeah, once a guy did it without asking me if I was into that, which is super rude, and after he did it I almost cut his dick off."
Jungkook laughed so much, that he almost fell from the sofa, and Jimin loved how easily they could talk about this things. It felt natural and normal, like he knew the younger his whole life.
"I'm a bit jealous to be honest." Jungkook said so Jimin looked at him with a frown.
"I bet your ass would bounce back so nicely against my palm if I ever get a chance to slap it like that lucky bastard did." Jungkook said and smirked, and Jimin's dick twitched.
"What the actual fuck!"
"Well you'll never know. " he said and continue to stuff his face with as much as candy he could.
"I know, and I'm silently crying on the inside." Jungkook teased so Jimin threw a pillow at him.
"And, um... what about the nicknames." Jimin continue with questions, feeling sort of free to ask Jungkook more about it.
"What about them?" Jungkook asked with confused expression on his face.
"Well do you like to call your partners names... you know... the bad ones, dirty names... you know...shameful ones..."
"Oh, you mean if my partners like to be called cock sluts, bitches, whores and so?" he said so blatantly, like that's the most normal thing in the world, and Jimin blushed hot pink all around his cheeks.
"Yes, do people really like that?" his curiosity won over and he really wanted to know.
"Some do. Mostly they do. It's just that submissive partners loved to be shamed and thought some things..."
"I hate that." Jimin said and shook his head.
"Yeah? Someone called you a bad name? I can't even picture that."
"Well there was this guy, and we were dating for a while, and I always thought how there was something off with him, but could never figure out what. And while having sex, a normal missionary pose, filled with kisses and soft touching, out of nowhere he started yelling 'who's the best slut?' I was so shocked and repulsed so I instinctively yelled 'YOUR MOM!'. You should have seen his face. Oh my God. He was so bombed out, he got soft immediately. I never saw him again." Jimin said and again Jungkook laughed so hard, he kept holding his stomach with his hands, tears appearing on his face.
"Oh God, you're too much. Please tell me more."
"Ok, so there was this other guy, and we were making out, everything was good, he was nice kisser, and soon you know things got heated and I started grinding my ass onto his dick, and he whispered 'someone's eager like bitch in a heat'. I mean should that make me horny? Is that supposed to be hot?" Jimin said and grabbed a container with those chocolate cookies and started eating them.
"So what did you do?" Jungkook asked all invested in Jimin's little stories.
"I just left." he said dead- panned.
"Just like that? Without explanation, leaving the poor guy horny and probably hard?"
"Yes and yes. He was indeed very hard, and I loved the way he whined while I was leaving... 'please Jimin, what did I do... come back...' bla bla bla. I think my middle finger in the air said enough.
"God you're the worst. Maybe you have the kink for making people horny and then leaving them desperate." Jungkook said and cocked his eyebrows at him.
"I don't have kinks."
"Sure...Come on you can tell me. I promise I won't use it against you." the younger said and Jimin thought about it for a second. Does he have some kink? if he has one, he obviously wasn't aware of it.
"I honestly don't know. What are your kinks?" he asked while licking his covered with chocolate fingers clean, looking at the younger's eyes, following his movements.
"I like plump lips and cute dicks." Jungkook said and looked at Jimin's lips intensely.
He licked them once more.
"Well that's not so bad. I mean that sounds normal. Can you even consider that as a kink? I mean you like when someone has nice lips, that's just common sense. It's not like you said you love toe nails or something. "
"Yeah, but I like pretty lips a bit more than other body parts. I mean I like fucking pretty lips, like to bite on them, push my dick as much as I can, make them swollen and red, I can even come just by looking at a hot lips doing their magic." he explained a bit more thoroughly and Jimin gulped.
"Um...oh... That's ok I guess..."
"You have pretty lips." Jungkook said and Jimin squirmed in his seat.
"Thank you." he said a bit shyly, trying to avert his gaze onto something else.
Anything... just trying to stop his dick from stirring inside those jeans.
"You have pretty hands too." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin's hands, now holding a bottle of beer. Barely being able to wrap his fingers around that narrow part.
"What? My hands.... They're small... Just shut up and stop with the teasing." Jimin said all flustered. His dick again twitching desperately.
"Jimin, do you have a little prize kink?" Jungkook asked while observing his bothered behavior.
"I don't............... know......."
"Maybe? I mean who doesn't like compliments? Right?" Jimin asked while squeezing his legs together, his dick giving him a hard time, literally, and he had no idea what's happening.
"Come on, just admit it. You're literally pushing your dick aside right now..."
"M not."
"I can see you from here. Don't lie." Jungkook teased, obviously loving how hot and bothered Jimin looked right now.
"It's just cause of Thor.. He's making my life and my dick hard." he said and looked down at his crotch, a bulge was pretty visible.
"You're so cute." Jungkook continued with the compliments, trying to make his point.
Jimin's dick twitched again.
"I'm not." he tried to block the compliments, tried to think of something else, but Jungkook kept pushing him.
"Yeah you are. The cutest."
"Just shut up." he gave up, and threw his head back, onto the pillow, his hands going through his hairs, the very obvious tend visible on his crotch.
"Look how hard you are. Wanna jerk off or something?" Jungkook asked and right after took a sip of a beer, like he was totally unbothered with all of this.
Nothing weird about this situation.
"What???" Jimin asked while snapping his gaze towards the younger.
"Well we could jerk off. We don't have to fuck, we don't have to touch at all. You can watch your precious Thor, and I could just look at your pretty lips, and imagine doing all kinds of things with them..." Jungkook said and rubbed his hand over the bulge that was formed on his crotch area. He was hard. He was definitely hard, and Jimin felt even worse now.
"Are you getting hard just cause you're looking at my lips right now?"
"Yes." Jungkook said and bit his lower lip, rubbing his twitching dick once again.
"That's so weird. " Jimin said and looked at Jungkook's dick shamelessly, like he's trying to figure out the size.
"Your dick looks nice though." he eventually said, looking at the outline on the right side of the younger's sweatpants.
"Thank you. It looks better without clothes on." Jungkook said with cocky smile, and Jimin wanted to see.
No. He needed to see it. At least so that he could have his sanity back...
"Show me."
So while looking at Jungkook's face, trying to find some resistance to his demand, he saw nothing. Well except the fucking smirk, and right after he saw Jungkook pulling his sweatpants and underwear down in one go, his dick sprung free, leaning itself onto his stomach.
"Oh my God!" Jimin said loudly.
Jungkook smirked.
"You fucking lied!"
"I did."
"You're huge!"
"I am."
Jimin got so stunned by the sight he saw, that he instinctively came closer to younger, and started observing his dick carefully.
He sat down closely next to Jungkook, who was just sitting there, looking relaxed with his 9 inch dick, curling nicely on his stomach.
"Looks so good. Can I touch it?" Jimin said and looked at Jungkook's face. His eager expression making Jungkook to chuckle at the sight.
"Sure thing." he said cockily and without any hesitation, Jimin reached down with his hand and only with the fingertip of his index finger he caressed all the way down from the head to the base. The younger inhaled deeply. Then he did the same thing, only that this time he used all four of his fingers, except thumb, and went from the base up until the head. Jungkook's dick twitched and he loved the sight. After looking at the slit and the underside of his cock, Jimin really wanted to know if he could wrap his hand all around it cause the thickness was impressive just like the length. He licked the palm of his right hand and came back down, wrapping his hand down at the base, looking fascinated by the fact that he, indeed, couldn't reach all around it.
"So big..." he mumbled more to himself than the younger, and then he saw a small drop of precum coming out of the slit, and he couldn't help it.
He just needed to taste it.
While reaching down with his index finger, he swooped the precum leaking down the shaft and without even looking at the younger's face he licked his finger and pushed it deeper inside his mouth, sucking on it lightly. He got so carried away in the taste, the sensation of feeling the velvety smooth skin under his fingertips that he forgot to look at Jungkook's face at all.
"Ah fuck..." the younger growled so Jimin finally looked up and saw a fucked out, horny and dark expression, so he gulped at the sight.
"This is so wrong. I'm sorry." he said and moved away, looking at Jungkook trying to calm his breathing.
"Felt so good, actually." the younger admitted so Jimin blushed again and started playing with the ham of his shirt.
"Can you hide it. I can't look at it anymore." Jimin said while scratching the back of his neck, squirming around, feeling so horny, and hopeless...
"Can I see yours?" Jungkook asked so Jimin looked at him and shook his head.
"No? Why not? You just saw mine." Jungkook whined, caressing his long dick which was still proudly sticking out.
"I don't wanna make you feel hornier than you already are." Jimin said and smiled cutely, batting his lashes at the even more aroused younger.
"Oh please Jimin... Is it cute? I bet it's so fucking cute!" Jungkook whined, throwing his head on the headboard.
"It is actually." Jimin teased some more, and went down with his hand, caressing the bulge slowly.
"Aghhhh please... Just a quick look. I don't have to touch it or anything... Just a quick glance." Jungkook looked eager, biting on his lower lip, rubbing his thighs up and down.
"Ok. Just a quick glance, but first hide that beast of yours, I really can't look at it anymore." Without hesitation, the younger pulled up his underwear and sweatpants, but the damage was already done. Even if it was hidden, Jimin knew what's inside those sweatpants, and knew how badly he wanted it all over again.
While looking at the younger, he slowly unbuttoned the one button on his jeans, and after unzipping them, he slowly pushed the firm material down, only till the middle of his thick, hairless thighs.
Of course Jimin was perfectly shaved, you could literally see no hair anywhere on his body, and he loved the silky smooth feeling while caressing his thighs.
So there he was, sitting there, on the big sofa, only thin, cotton material covering his dick, so while looking at younger's face, he gave his clothed dick few deliberating strokes and Jungkook lost it.
"Oh come on! Don't be such a tease..." he said and squirmed nervously, unable to control his lustful mind.
With slow, super slow movements, Jimin reveled his pretty, 7 inch long, with just the perfect girth, slick, pink dick, and Jungkook opened his mouth wide.
Was he drooling over the sight?
He was.
"Oh Jimin. It's so pretty, so fucking cute and pink and slick, look at it..." he mumbled while coming closer, but Jimin pulled his boxers up, not wanting for younger to look too much, cause he wanted to tease him a bit more.
"No...don't hide it yet... I haven't even made a mental sketches for later... Please..." Jungkook pouted and whined, and looked so, so, so fucking adorable that Jimin felt his heart beating way too fast in his chest.
"We agreed on one quick glance Jungkookah, you can't always get what you want." he said and saw a change of expression on the younger's face. He was horny and desperate and obviously tempted by Jimin's behavior.
"Ok. Fair enough, so I'm just gonna..." and he took out that big dick of his and started stroking it firmly. Then he removed his shirt too. He just pulled it off over his head in one move, and his body... Oh God his abs and his buff chest, and hot tattoos were too much to handle.
"What? No? Jungkookah, don't do that... You're doing it wrong anyways..." Jimin inhaled deeply, looking at the mesmerizing sight in front of him.
A handsome man, stroking his perfect dick while looking at him deeply. Yeah, Jimin's gonna burst in tears or beg for more. One of those things is surely gonna happen.
"How can you jerk off the wrong way?" Jungkook asked while going up and down, smearing that leaking precum all over the shaft.
"You're neglecting your head. You should squeeze at the top, rub your palm over the slit..." Jimin instructed, but Jungkook didn't wanna do any of it.
"So you think you can do it better?" Jungkook asked teasingly, getting his hand off of his stone hard cock, that was leaning on his shredded abs. He putt both of his hands behind his nape, and looked at the older deeply.
"Oh I know I can." Jimin said, while biting his lips, trying to suppress the moan that was threatening to come out, cause there was a small drop of precum leaking down that long shaft and all he wanted to do was lick.
"Go ahead. I'm not stopping you. It's up to you. Everything is totally up to you."
Jungkook said and Jimin's head started spinning over those words... Cause how can everything be up to him, and Jungkook is a naturally dominant person? Is he willing to let go of his need to dominate him only to seek for pleasure? Could Jimin be enough for him to get satisfied without being rough and dominant, and without that BDSM play?
One thing was for sure.
He wanted to find out.
With one fast step, he was positioned right next to younger, looking at his face, then at his perfect cock, and he wanted it... He wanted it so badly that it hurt. His own dick was twitching like crazy, just begging for release.
He put his hand on top of the younger's leaking cock, and started smearing that precum all over it. Jungkook closed his eyes and lolled his head on the headboard, biting on his lips, making them red and so, so pretty.
Then he started playing with his cock head, lightly squeezing at the top, massaging the underside of it, then rubbing the slit deliberately.
"Oh Jimin... You're doing it so good..." the younger moaned in pleasure, pushing his hips up just slightly, like he's trying to gain more friction, and all Jimin could think about is how would that thick dick feel buried deep inside his needy ass.
He was so doomed...
Instinctively he came closer with his face, nuzzling the younger's neck, smelling the intoxicating smell radiating from his masculine body, and Jungkook shivered at the closeness.
They were super close, literally breathing into each other's mouth, and Jimin could see the younger's eyes looking down at his plump lips, and he knew just how to tease him more.
He started kissing his neck slowly, pushing just lightly on the underside of his jaw, Jungkook moved his head, adjusting to his soft touch, and the way his dick started leaking more, made Jimin to think how he really was too much into this whole 'lips thing'.
He kissed the spot behind his ear, then licked the earlobe, earning a low moan out of Jungkook's mouth. While doing all of that, he kept stoking his dick firmly, but a bit slowly, not wanting for the younger to get off so easily.
When he moved his head back, he could see the panting mess that Jungkook was, and loved the feeling of him bringing the younger into that state.
"Please don't stop." he said cutely while looking at his lips, and Jimin knew exactly what he wanted.
"Want me to kiss you more?" he asked after licking his lips, so Jungkook nodded eagerly.
"Where do you want to feel my lips?" Jimin teased more, Jungkook's face showing some excitement, eagerness, neediness for more...
"I just want to taste you. Want your lips on mine." the younger said so Jimin frowned, expecting for Jungkook to say that he wants his lips on his dick, sucking him off, but all he wanted was to kiss?
"You don't have to if you don't want to..."
And before he could say anything more, Jimin pressed his full lips onto his, smaller, soft ones.
It was just a soft peck, but he could feel Jungkook's heartbeat increasing, his body stiffen, his hands coming to hold Jimin down on his waist.
Then he felt Jungkook's grip tightening, and pulling him up, positioning Jimin to straddle him again, not caring about Jimin letting go off his cock, and putting his hands behind the younger's neck.
They started kissing and Jimin thought how he never wanted to stop.
It felt perfect and Jungkook really knew how to move his lips so teasingly with his own, and when the tongue came in... Jimin was in heaven.
Jungkook tasted sweet, just like the chocolate cookies that they were eating, and his tongue was soft and wet, and it made Jimin to suck on it deliciously.
And when he felt the first bite on his bottom lip, Jimin couldn't help the high pitched moan he let go... Cause the mix of pain and pleasure was so good, making him so needy for more...
After a while of nibbling, sucking lightly, licking and teasing each other Jimin knew that he would explode soon...
"Jimin..." Jungkook called after they separated to get some air, Jimin only hummed in response.
"I think I'm in love with your lips." Jungkook said so they both smiled. Jungkook's grip on Jimin's back tightening a bit.
"You're such a weirdo. I love it." Jimin teased so they continued with kissing, loving the way it always felt so good and so fulfilling, but soon, Jimin became more desperate than he already was.
He started grinding his ass down onto the younger's crotch, loving the thrilling sensation that it send to his neglected cock, but he still needed more.
This wasn't enough.
Nothing wasn't enough...
Nothing will be enough except that perfect cock deep inside him, and he knew it...
He had to have it.
"Jungkookah..." he moaned through the kiss, scratching the younger's chest, down to his abs lustfully.
"Yes..." Jungkook answered, still feeling dazed from their proximity and the feeling of Jimin's lips on his own.
"I need more..." he said while nuzzling his head into Jungkook's neck, feeling a bit shy cause he did sound a lot needy and desperate.
"Whatever you want. Just say it." Jungkook whispered and kissed his head affectionately so Jimin melted.
"I want your dick..." Jimin said and kissed the younger's chest.
"Ok..." Jungkook said, still confused whit what exactly Jimin thought by that.
"I want it deep inside me..."
And now there was no doubt.
"You want me to fuck you?" Jungkook asked, a bit surprised, and Jimin nodded, his head still leaning on the younger's chest.
"I do. I don't care if we like different things, we can do this only this time since we're super horny and hard, and we could just take what we want from each other and I know what I want. I want your dick. Deep. Inside. Me... Jimin said with moany voice and loved how Jungkook's chest started moving up and down faster, indicating his arousal.
"I'd love that. And since you already gave me your lips, I have to give back something in return. I mean it's only fair." Jungkook said while taking the ham of Jimin's shirt,and while getting it up, the older put both of his arms in the air so that Jungkook could easily take it off of him.
They were both half naked now, so Jimin leaned once more and gave Jungkook a soft peck.
"Let me take off your sweatpants." Jimin said and got up, tugging Jungkook's sweatpants and boxers down on the floor. The younger stood up and stepped out of it, looking like some wet dream so Jimin drooled at the sight.
Jungkook walked just over to the living room cabinet in front of them, and after grabbing a bottle of lube and a condom, he came back and started tugging Jimin's jeans and underwear down.
His petite, toned body making Jungkook to freeze for a moment, savoring the image, probably making some mental pictures for his upcoming jerk offs.
"Let's go to the bedroom." Jungkook said, but Jimin didn't move.
"No. I wanna do it here. This sofa looks so comfortable." he said and patted the spot on it.
"Ok. Do you wanna go on all four so I can prep you nicely?" Jungkook asked, but Jimin shook his head.
"No. I wanna sit on your lap and you can do it like that." he said and extended his hand for younger to take and after he did, he tugged him back on the same spot they were sitting minutes ago.
Jimin straddled him expertly and kissed his lips once again.
" Are you saying no to my every suggestion cause you don't want me to be in charge." Jungkook asked while caressing Jimin's face.
"Yes." Jimin decided to tell the truth cause he really wanted to be the one calling the shots about everything.
"See how I can answer with a yes if I want to." he teased while winking at the younger and then felt his big hands gripping firmly at his ass cheeks, kneading the hot muscle sexually.
"Mmmmmmm... Your hands are so big...." he enjoyed the feeling and soon started grinding on top of the younger, their naked dicks touching each other in between their abs.
Just the smallest friction made them both to moan, so they moved some more.
"Jungkookah... Please..."
Jimin said desperately, and the younger knew exactly what to do.
After coating his middle finger with a generous amount of lube, he hugged Jimin tightly with one hand, and moved his other behind, reaching his ass easily, and finally he started stretching him out.
He pushed his finger slowly inside, and Jimin moaned from the feeling of being intimate in that way with someone again.
Soon, Jungkook pushed his index finger too, doing it all while spreading soft pecks all over Jimin's naked body. Relaxing him fully with delicate touches and slow kisses... He really knew what he was doing and Jimin enjoyed it all.
When he pushed his third digit inside, Jimin moaned a bit louder so Jungkook stopped immediately, fearing that it was too much for the older.
"Did I hurt you? Are you ok? Was it too soon?" he asked with worried voice, and Jimin looked at him, and for a second thought how Jungkook really doesn't look like someone who would enjoy in giving pain to others. He looked careful and patient and probably the reason why he did some of those things was only cause his partners asked him to.
"It's fine. It just burns a bit. Keep going..." Jimin assured him that he can take it, so he continued, spreading his fingers inside him, pushing on his walls, going in and out, trying to make him as loose as he can cause Jungkook's dick was not easy to take in.
Soon Jimin started bouncing back on his fingers, trying to feel if he was ready enough, and he was. It felt good, no pain, just a slight burn and a lot of desire to feel him finally inside.
"Jungkookah, I'm ready." he whispered, so Jungkook nodded, and before moving him up from his lap, Jungkook kissed him once again. The kiss was sloppy and filled with tongue and pressure, and they both knew they wanted to feel like one as soon as possible.
"Are you gonna ride me?" Jungkook asked and smirked, like he knew exactly what the older wanted,but just cause Jimin didn't wanna do what Jungkook asked him to, he frowned and thought about it for a bit.
"No. I want you on top of me." he said so Jungkook grinned.
He put a condom while Jimin was thinking about the position he wanted to be fucked in, and then he lubed it nicely, all the way from the base till the head.
Jimin layed down and spread his legs wide, showing off that perfectly stretched pink hole and Jungkook loved the sight.
"You look amazing." he said and leaned down, kissing Jimin's lips slowly, enjoying the warmth radiating between their pressed bodies.
"Did you ask me to ride you only cause you knew I would say no?" Jimin asked when Jungkook got up, and the smirk on his face said it all.
"Yes." he said and cocked his eyebrows at the older who was already ready to fight.
"I knew it... You just wanted to have it your way and..."
So Jungkook kissed him. Firmly and hungrily... With so much passion that Jimin forgot what he was saying or where he was, and he just gave in...
He kissed back and enjoyed every second of it...
" You were saying... " Jungkook teased, so Jimin bit on his lower lip a bit harshly.
"Just fuck me already."
As if Jungkook needed to be told twice.
He moved his hips slightly away, and after pushing Jimin's thighs up, onto his chest, making his hole more exposed and open, he slowly started pushing his dick in.
Only the tip was enough for Jimin to take a deep breath, and carefully wait for the rest to enter inside.
"Can I push more?" Jungkook asked, like he was aware of the older's struggle, and he really didn't wanna hurt him, and make him feel unpleasant.
"Yes, but slowly...You're really a challenge to take in." Jimin said and gave the younger a small smile, so Jungkook started to push more.
Half way in, Jungkook stopped again, and looked at Jimin's face, making sure he was ok with him going even further, and he could easily spot the sweat on Jimin's forehead, like he's really trying hard to take him all in, but still it wasn't an easy task.
"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked and leaned down, kissing Jimin's sweaty forehead, not minding the salty taste on top of his mouth, and when he looked at Jimin again, he nodded and told him to keep going.
"Ok. I'm almost all in." he said and moved his hips more, pushing the rest of his long dick inside, finally bottoming out, feeling like he's on cloud nine.
"Oh fuck... Jimin you're so tight around me, my dick might stop circulating from the pressure all around it." Jungkook said so Jimin chuckled, loving the way his words made him to relax more, trying to adjust to the new fullness.
"Well, you might just enjoy that feeling for a while, cause I'm really gonna need some time to adjust to your size." Jimin said so Jungkook leaned down, and started putting small pecks all over Jimin's face, ending with one on his lips.
"Take your time. I don't mind if we stayed like this for hours, your so warm and tight around me, not to mention the way you smell... " Jungkook said, trying to avert Jimin's focus to something else, and it worked.
"Thank you. This is actually my grandma's gel wash. I love the smell too. I might just take it with me when I leave." Jimin said so Jungkook pushed his head a bit up, making an eye contact with the older.
"You really didn't have to tell me that grandma detail..."
"Well it smells nice."
"It's your grandma's shower gel, you're killing the mood." Jungkook whined, but there was a small smile appearing on his handsome face.
"Well I don't feel you getting softer inside me, I guess we're just fine."
"You're crazy. Hot crazy person. And I don't think I could ever get soft for you. Your lips are way too damn hot." Jungkook said and smiled fondly at him, so Jimin smiled back.
"That's nice to know, and look at you doing amazing without all that BDSM shit, or dominating crap. Are you ok with all of this?"
"I don't mind. If that's what I need to give up on, to be with you, than I'm fine with it." Jungkook said so Jimin's heart melted.
"Uwuuu, are you getting soft for me?"Jimin teased, so Jungkook shook his head.
"I think we established that I can't ever get soft for you." Jungkook teased back while cocking his eyebrows at the older.
"Right, right...Ok let's try now. Try to move slowly..." Jimin said, finally feeling like he's ready to feel all the pleasure the younger was eager to give him, but as soon as Jungkook slide just a tiny bit out, and pushed it right back in, the burn felt a bit too much, so Jimin told him that he needs a tiny bit more time.
"So, do you want me to tell you something funny." Jungkook asked, trying to make Jimin to forget about his 9 inch long dick deep in his ass, and try to accommodate to the fullness.
"First few times when I heard you talking to the dogs, I thought how you must be some crazy person. I imagined you to be like some hobo, walking around, talking to dogs, giving them food, bickering with them, and then, that one day, I heard your voice like you were literally in my room, cause you were standing right next to my window, and I had to see you. Had to connect face with the voice, and when I saw that you were a young man, looking nothing like the hobo or crazy person, I got interested in you. But when I saw you first time without your mask, I was literally gone. I couldn't function cause you were so pretty and natural, and all I wanted to do was to see you again. So yeah... I wanted this for a while now." Jungkook admitted, and Jimin loved how they were on the same page from the very beginning.
Well almost...
"And I knew I wanted that dick inside me the moment Tae told me you were big."
"What a romantic soul you are." Jungkook teased him, so they smiled at each other.
"What can I say? I think I have a big dick kink."
"Of course you do."
"Move now, I wanna feel you better..." Jimin said so Jungkook did.
They haven't even noticed how much time flew by, and how easy it was now for Jungkook to move, cause Jimin got totally adjusted to his size, and with the first thrust, he felt it.
The sensation of Jungkook dick filling him totally, than pulling out, only to be inside him even deeper again.
Jungkook started speeding up the pace, so Jimin moaned louder with each thrust.
"Oh God... yes, yes, yes,yes... so fucking big, so good..." Jimin moaned in Jungkook's ear, the younger holding him tightly in rough embrace.
"Ah Jimin, I think I discovered my new kink..." Jungkook said, his pace speeding up.
"Your moans, you sound so surreal... I could listen to you all night long...So sexy and so needy..." Jungkook said so Jimin blushed, not being able to suppress those moans, not even a little.
Then Jungkook started slowing his thrusts, and got up with his upped body, and while pulling Jimin onto his dick firmly, he started giving him long, deep thrusts, with some slower pace.
It felt like he was trying to find that special spot, angling his dick to one side, then the other inside the older, and after one particularly deep thrust, angled just slightly upwards, he could feel it. Jimin's back arching, his legs starting to shake, his ass clenching at the feeling, and his moans... Out of this world.
"Oh yes...please, right there, right there.... don't stop, please..." Jimin moaned, his eyes closed, giving totally in in the pleasure of the younger's powerful thrusts right on his prostate.
"Jungkookah... fuck, I'm so close... " he said and Jungkook felt it too. His orgasm approaching rapidly, his dick so desperate for release...
"Me too... " Jungkook said and started fucking him even harder than before, loving the way Jimin pushed him flush onto his body, and while kissing his lips, the older wrapped his legs over Jungkook's back, and with his heels started pushing him even more deeper onto his body.
"Aaahhh keep going, keep going... don't stop.. don't you fucking stop..." he moaned and talked into Jungkook's mouth, the younger catching every moan with a soft peck on the older's lips.
"Jimin..." he called him breathlessly.
"Can I come on your lips?" Jungkook asked, and usually this would feel weird and Jimin wouldn't let anyone do this, but he was so turned on right now, that his mind clearly wasn't functioning well.
"You can... If you make me come untouched." he said so Jungkook stopped with his movements for a second to look at his face, and Jimin loved what he saw.
Determination, lust and at the end, nod.
"I'm gonna give it to you so good... and you know it..." Jungkook said, and Jimin really did know it. He was practically already done... He was almost there, but there was something about this whole situation and Jungkook, that made him to always ask for more. Challenge him to do better...
Jungkook continued with the deep, deliberating thrusts, easily finding Jimin's prostate, and kept abusing the spot thrust after thrust after thrust, until he felt Jimin tensing under him, so he leaned back, kissing Jimin's lips eagerly, rubbing his abs on top of Jimin's neglected cock, and soon Jimin was gone.
Long spurts of warm cum started shooting all over their stomachs, and it took all the will in the world for Jungkook not to come right after Jimin did, hearing those moans, feeling that hole clenching around his dick, but just in time, he pulled his dick out, tearing the condom off of it, and came closer to Jimin's still panting face.
The worst thing was that Jimin really wanted to taste him.
Even if he just had an amazing and hard orgasm, he still didn't get enough of that dick, so while coming right up, he wrapped his hand around the base of Jungkook's dick, and licked all over the shaft, making Jungkook to shiver and whine at the sight.
Then he opened his mouth and pushed only the head in, swirling the tongue on top of it, sucking lightly on the slit.
"Oh fuck... I can't take it any more...I'm gonna come... Jimin..." the younger whined while going with his hands through Jimin's messy blond hair, so Jimin nodded, giving him the sign that it's ok to let go, to come all over his face, and in next few seconds he did so.
The younger's sperm hitting his lips, chin, cheeks, and while holding the base of his dick firmly, he slapped the younger's cock all around his face, smearing that cum all over it, mostly over his lips.
"Aaaahh Jimin... you're such a sight I swear." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin's cum covered face, and the next thing that Jimin did, surprised the younger completely.
While looking at the younger, Jimin started licking all over his face, trying to reach as much as he could so Jungkook cursed under his breath.
He came down, and kissed Jimin's lips hard, laying on top of him, feeling his naked body flush against his own.
He kissed his lips, than moved to his cheeks and chin, and licked him clean with his tongue.
"You're such a perv, I swear..." Jimin said while looking at the younger's face and he just smiled cutely at him. Humming in affirmation.
They stayed like that for a while. Dirty, sweaty, one on top the other, kissing lazily, touching gently, and suddenly Jimin felt sad that he has to leave so soon.
He kept telling himself that he needs to get up and leave, but Jungkook felt so good and warm on top of him, that he felt his eyes slowly shutting down, tiredness overpowering his whole body.
"Jungkookah... I really have to go now..." he said, still having his eyes closed, enjoying soft caressing all over his sides.
"A-a. You're not going anywhere. It's late and it's dark and I want you here for a bit longer. God knows what tomorrow can bring, so I wanna enjoy in the now."
"Ok. But I feel so sleepy. If I don't get up right now, I think I won't be able to do it later." Jimin said and yawned so Jungkook kissed his cheek.
"Than don't. Stay here tonight. I'm gonna clean us up latter, and bring us some blanket, you just lay down and relax, Ok? You did so good, you deserve a good rest." Jungkook said and Jimin was already half asleep, so he nodded slowly and finally let go, drifting into land of dreams, feeling warm and cared for, and kind of happy.
"Good morning sunshine." Jimin heard while he was stretching his limbs, so he opened his eyes, and saw Jungkook, wearing only his briefs, bringing two big mugs with coffee and was it possible that he fell for him right then and there even more?
He looked so hot and cute with that coffee, that Jimin needed to pinch himself just to make sure that he's not dreaming.
"Hello hotstuff, thank you for the coffee." Jimin said while trying to sit, but the soreness he felt all over his ass, made him to flinch at the said movement so he got back down, and stayed laying on that comfy sofa, covered with soft white blanket.
It seemed that Jungkook figured his little problem, so he came down on the sofa, coming closer to Jimin, and he kissed his shoulder affectionately, and looked him in the eyes with some soft gaze.
"Are you ok? " he asked and only than Jimin remembered the amount of times the younger asked him the same question since last night, and that simple thought made his cheeks to blush.
"Yeah, just a bit sore, cause you know, I got some nice dicking by an amazing big dick last night." Jimin teased so Jungkook chuckled.
"Yeah? So was it good?" Jungkook asked while sipping on his coffee, the hot air spreading from his mug into the room, smelling heavenly.
"Amazing. Wish I had time for a round two, but I'm pretty late." Jimin said and got up. Looking down at his naked body, only his boxers covering his semi hard dick, aroused from his usual morning boner, and a quick talk he had with the younger.
He heard the dogs barking outside the window, the same one Jungkook always got onto, and he moved instinctively to see the view from the inside himself.
While leaning his upper body onto the window, he stuck his ass out, and loved the loud sigh coming from the younger's direction.
Then he looked down at the dogs, playfully playing around,making him feel at home, and then he noticed something that made him to curse out loud.
"Fuck Jungkookah! Look at your mom's garden!" he said while turning around, hands covering his mouth, so the younger came closer, observing the place that you could barely call a garden.
There was literally few flowers that bloomed, all the others kind of lost in the ground, some of them torn apart, step onto, well, long story short, there was no flower garden there.
"I know, my mom's pissed." Jungkook said and looked at Jimin's worried expression.
"I did this, right?" he asked like he already didn't know the answer.
"Yeah, but I told her the dogs did it." Jungkook said so a big grin appeared on Jimin's face.
"Uwuuu, really? You blamed it on your precious dogs?" he said and moved a step closer to the younger, looking at him with some cute expression, pouty lips and batting eyelashes.
"Yeah. That's when I realized how much I really like you." Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrow at Jimin teasingly, and even though it seemed like the younger was being playful and fooling around, there was still some truth to it, and Jimin could feel it.
"Oh you tease. Just fuck off." Jimin scolded him,but had a wide smile on his face, the younger coming even closer, putting his hands on Jimin's bare waist, holding him so gently.
"How about we just fuck, without that off? Hm?" Jungkook asked and kissed Jimin's lips once again, the older loving all the teasing way too much.
"You're so annoying." Jimin said with smirk.
"You're literally taking your boxers off." Jungkook made a point.
"Well I didn't say your dick is annoying, so... once more for goodbye?" Jimin said while standing totally naked in front the younger.
"Sure, last time..." Jungkook scoffed playfully before kissing his lips all over again.
P.S It was far from their last time.
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