Chapter 9 - Thorns
What the hell are they doing in there?
Aggressively, you rip the thorns from the roses, each as red as your own blood. You're not sure how many he actually needs, but you rather give him a little less than too much. If he needs some more, then you'll get to see him again and a small part of your heart flutters at that thought.
Since when do I get the hots for an animal? Who am I even kidding, like it would ever work out between a human and an anthropomorphic wolf. Our worlds are just too different.
Your handling of the thorns grows more and more violent, your face turns into a childish scowl.
I'm not even an option, not with everyone I'd be "competing" against. least I can do the normal thing for teenagers and daydream about it, right? There's nothing wrong with that.
With tense hands, you pause your task and your expression eases up into a somber smile. Fluffy, careless white clouds meet your gaze when you look up to the sky and its lively blue colour calms you a little.
It wouldn't be bestiality or necessarily wrong if I were to be in a romantic or sexual relationship with an animal; after all, they're sentient now and actually have the ability to consent, unlike the animals of my world. They're more so humans with animal appearances. Seeing as hybrids are a thing in this world and they have no biological disadvantages, quite the contrary actually, even having children wouldn't be a problem.
Almost dramatically, you sigh and slouch over, letting your head hang.
Why am I even thinking about this? I know for a fact that my chances for romance are basically zero! C'mon Y/n! Stop being a weirdo and get that handsome wolf out of your head, it'll do you no good!
You clench your fists and grit your teeth, unaware of the thorny rose still in your left hand. However, you're so lost in your thoughts that you don't notice the pain or the red drops of blood falling to the floor.
"I'm here to study and survive," you say sternly to yourself, "Nothing else. Who needs romance anyways, right? I'm better off alone, like always."
Only as you unclench your fists and let the rose fall to the ground do you realize the damage you've done. You cry out in pain and raise your now bloody hand to inspect the small wounds.
Somehow, you managed to get three thorns stuck in your hand and two other thorn-punctures. Your hand stings and you clench your jaw to keep from crying, both from emotional and physical pain. Of course this had to happen because you cannot have one day without injuring yourself!
Wincing as you hold your hand under the water and clean off the blood, endless strings of profanity leave your mouth. At least you got the bleeding to stop because, although you kind of trust the wolf, you're not stupid enough to spill a lot of blood around a carnivore.
To make matters worse though, two of the thorns were so stuck in your flesh that you couldn't get them out by yourself, at least not without tweezers. Groaning in annoyance at your obvious bad luck, you stand up and make your way back to the shed.
"I hope Haru has a pair of tweezers up here," you grumble.
"Are you nervous?" Haru asks as she undoes Legoshi's suspenders in the front, "Just relax."
She unbuckles his belt, a sultry gleam in her black eyes, "This is my first time with a carnivore too, you know."
Legoshi on the other hand, is freaking out on the inside and visibly sweating profusely.
Is...this some sort of greeting?
"Wow, the colour of your fur on your stomach is the same as your face," She comments and lets her hands wander through it.
Maybe something exclusive to small animals?
Then, she unzips his pants, "It's a beautiful cream colour. I want to see how far it goes. Is that okay?"
And with that, her hands begin to lower his pants.
Ironically enough, you pick that exact moment to stumble through the door.
"Hey Haru, do you have any tweezers cause-"
In a frenzy, Legoshi pulls and zips up his pants and reattaches his suspenders. You stand in the doorway with your mouth agape, frozen in shock and kind of wanting to throw yourself off of the rooftop right now. Haru, being the 'professional' girl she is, doesn't even seem to care that you've entered the shed, or that you're seeing her in her underwear right now.
"What's wrong? I'm doing all the work trying to set the mood here, you know?"
Overwhelmed and panicking, the wolf glances between the two girls. The rabbit just crosses her arms, "That's the reason you're here, aren't you?"
"Don't you want to-" She interrupts herself, her obsidian eyes growing wide before she gasps. As Haru freaks out about almost accidently forcing herself onto the poor wolf, Legoshi heavily avoids your eyes, as they seem to be quietly interrogating him about how this happened and if he's alright, and covers the half-naked rabbit with a blanket.
"H-here, y-you're going to catch a cold," he stammers and heads to the door, "Y-You should put on your uniform. I'm going to go!"
Helpless, he meets your eyes for a few moments, silently portraying how embarrassed and sorry he is for being caught in such a situation with your friend, before leaving.
"Have a good day!"
"Ah- No Wait-"
"Ah! Ouch!"
But not before slamming the door on to his sensitive tail because he had been too focused on escaping to listen to your warning.
Ouch, poor guy.
Now, it's just you and the rabbit, sitting in awkward silence before she smiles to herself and giggles.
"Strange kid."
You however, feel the fury build in your heart. Did she even understand how wrong this entire thing was?!
"Are you fucking kidding me right now, Haru?!"
Your stern voice, obviously pissed, finally grabs Haru's attention and she gasps, like she only noticed your presence just now.
"Y-Y/n? Since when are you standing there?"
"Long enough, you idiot. Seems like I came just in time too!"
Angry, you stem your hands on your hips, causing new blood to flow from the punctures.
"Oh my, your hand, are you-"
You interrupt her, getting a tissue to keep your uniform free of blood, "Yeah, that's why I came in here, to look for a pair of tweezers because I got three fucking thorns stuck in my hand! But no, turns out you decided to have sex, with me right outside this shed! What kind of friend does that?! At least tell me, so I don't accidently have to see you getting your organs rearranged by some....guy!"
She wants to say something but you don't let her. You're far from finished. The disgust at being so easily forgotten by a supposed friend stings in your chest; it becomes harder to breath.
"How self-absorbed do you have to be to not see anything wrong with that?! And let's be honest right now, you can be happy I came in here because from what it looks like, you were forcing yourself onto that guy!"
She huffs out a laugh, as if you're the one being ridiculous here.
"Don't laugh at me here!" You point at her, bloody tissue in hand and a fiery blaze in your eyes, "You know damn well that this wolf could barely talk to us without stuttering, hell the most you spoke with him were like four sentences! That's it! Did you even actually ask him if he wanted to do anything before undressing him?!"
Her ears fold back in anger and her brows furrow but you still don't let her speak.
"He couldn't even push you away because you're a small herbivore and he's a big fucking carnivore! The school would have his head! Just because you're well-known around school doesn't mean that every male wants you! Haru, you almost sexually assaulted someone, with me being right outside of this fucking shed like some kind of loser who's only good enough to hang around if it's convenient for you! How do you not see what's wrong with this!"
With heavy breathing, you wait for her to answer you, to say something. But she doesn't.
She just stays silent, refusing to even look at you.
"So you're not going to say something? Nothing at all?"
It stays silent.
"Okay. Okay then, Haru," you force out, shaking your head in disappointment and fighting to keep the tears from spilling. Distraught, you grab your bag, not looking at her when she turns to you with a prideful yet crushed expression.
With frustrated stomps, you rush to the door, "First that deer and now you. I'm fucking done."
And then you're gone.
You rush down the stairs, taking two or three steps at a time. Furiously wiping the tears from your eyes and sniffling. You wince with every move your hand makes, trying to see through blurry eyes where you're going.
Of course, the inevitable happened.
You trip and fall down the stairs, stifling a yell when you force the thorns even deeper into your hand as you try to grip the railing in an attempt to save yourself. The attempt is futile and you end up rolling down until you violently hit the floor.
Infuriated and hurting, you get back on your knees, not even stopping the tears from falling anymore as you hold your hand, now painted with blood once more. You keep your lips shut as you scream, trying to rid yourself of this frustration, anger and most of all, pain.
You're done, you're sick of it. Nonstop, day after day you're now supposed to suffer a mental breakdown, even further damaging what's already broken? You already died, how much more are you supposed to take?!
A broken sob breaks from your lips and you hit the floor with your uninjured hand, hoping that the burning feeling in your chest vanishes. It's not a pleasant burn, not the one you read about in love stories. No it feels like you're being branded or something, as if someone is pressing hot metal against your skin.
It shouldn't hurt like that, walking away from the rabbit. Is it because she was one of your only friends, one that you genuinely cared for?
I don't need friends. I'm fine by myself.
Or is it because you caught her with the wolf, with your wolf? The only one that caught your eye and the one who treated you like an actual person when he met you for the first time and not some freakshow?
I already established that it's better to extinguish this stupid attraction before it turns into something dangerous. She couldn't have known that anyway; to her, he was just like any other guy.
But he's not like any other guy.
Stop it! I don't care! I don't care about Haru! I don't care about the wolf! I don't care about any of them, I don't need any of them!
Wiping your tears one last time, you glare at your hand, painted by sinful red. You're determined to not waste anymore tears.
I'm better off on my own anyways.
Meanwhile, after also having jumped down multiple steps of stairs in his panicked state, Legoshi and Kibi make their way back to the club. They pass by a couple of Mice as he tells the Anteater that nothing really happened, even though it was quite the lie. Instead, he only talks about his conversation with you and his few spoken words with the rabbit.
"I see. Well that's a relief," Kibi says with his usual squeaky voice, "You were jumping down four steps at a time, so I thought something bad happened."
"Something bad like...what?" Legoshi questions, now curious to hear what the anteater expected to happen during his time with the gardening club members. Suddenly, Kibi pins him to the wall by his lower half and meets his eyes with a distressed look.
"Apparently, this is a pretty well-known rumour among the herbivores. The talk around school is that she's really promiscuous and has been with a lot of guys. Basically, she's a slut."
As if he's scared of being caught, Kibi glances around worriedly before continuing in a more hushed tone.
"And that human she hangs around with now, from what I know, she had a fight with Louis on her first day here and it ended pretty badly. A lot of animals stay away from her now because it's rumoured that she's super violent, especially with herbivores. They're trouble, so stay away. Disappointing, right? I mean, the rabbit looks so innocent! But I guess she would never attempt to seduce a wolf. "
For a second, Legoshi is stunned by all of that information. A slut? A fight with Louis? Violent?
She couldn't even speak to me properly without stuttering. And even when she did, she was shaking like crazy. She apologized for touching my tail without asking and even said that she'd protect her herbivore friend with her life if she had to.
How could she be seen as violent or even threatening? And what business did Louis have with her, what caused a fight between them? Did a single one of these animals ever even talk to her before avoiding her like a disease?
The rabbit, she looks innocent but... in comparison to her, the human looks like an angel. What if she's angry at me now because she thinks I tried to do something with her friend?! What if she'll never talk to me again?!
"So, did you get those roses?"
With a wistful glance at the flowers outside, Legoshi's mind wanders again.
The flowers, they're so precious to her...because they're so important to her friend. "They're basically her babies", that's what she told me.
"I'll talk to the others....figure out somewhere else to get the roses," He murmurs before turning to walk away from his fellow club member.
"There may be a lot of rumours out there but I think they're good people. Both of them. "
How do you do, fellow weebs! I hope you enjoyed chapter 9! We got some more drama, what do you think about that?
Honestly, I feel guilty everytime I have to put our MC aka you through another mental breakdown or panic attack. I'm sorry but it is for the plot! 0-0
Well, moving on, we cracked over 600 reads today and are moving up the ranks! We're the second place on #beastars out of over five hundred different stories! Y'all, I am so happy right now because this is a first for me!
None of this would be enjoyable or even possible without you readers so like before, I hope I don't disappoint you as author-chan.
Also, I watched netflix's new anime 'A whisker away' and I cried so fucking much because they're so cute! And it's so relatable, I'm thinking the producers used that stolen data sold by Google and so forth 👁️_👁️
Anyways, all sexual assault victims matter! Wether male, female or in between, you are valid and it wasn't your fault!
Everyone gets virtual hugs cause y'all are amazing!
I hope you're all safe and sound!
See you in Chapter 10!
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