Chapter 78 - Howdy Officers

The strong sound of heavy rain hitting the glass of the windows accompanies your voice during the entirety of your interview. Seemingly in tune with the intensity of the questions, the sky wept harder as well.

Officer Judy and Officer Nick, as they had introduced themselves, are a nice duo and thankfully abide by the hospital's guidelines when it comes to your unfortunately unstable state. It definitely gave you some hope for this world's police department, mostly because you were used to hearing the more unsanitary and upsetting stories about them back in your world. More specifically, their lack of respect towards victims of any kind and while those sort of stories probably represented the minority, you never found it in yourself to put your entire trust in law enforcement. At the end of the day, they were just humans like yourself; humans with a gun and the advantage of their position behind them.

So of course it's relieving to not even see any sort of weapons on either of the officers in front of you, though you're sure that is also due to the hospital's guidelines and the rules when it came to interacting with you. You did tell Doctor Baron that you had past traumatic experiences with firearms but putting that aside, you're also guessing that they know you don't pose much of a threat in your state.

Hell, I can't even walk. The most I can do is slap them but only if they make the mistake of coming close enough for me to do so. I'm pretty useless right now.

Officer Judy's definitely the more professional one of the two, albeit the one that is more friendly and understanding. You have a feeling that Officer Nick has no fucking clue what he's doing, much less knows how to deal with someone in your situation. He's constantly smirking, making jokes and innuendos that have you rolling your eyes in sync with the rabbit and then proceeds to play with his sunglasses when Judy comes to the more serious parts of your story.

Why he even has sunglasses with him when it's been raining the entire day is beyond your understanding.

"To clarify, Masago was in charge of your medical examinations and treatments since your arrival in this city earlier this year, correct?" The grey rabbit questions, tapping her pencil against the paper in her file, which you presume is about your case.


"You stated that the intensity of these procedures increased a few months ago. Was there a particular reason for it?"

"Not that I know of." You answer, keeping your responses short and straight to the point. "I think she was just eager to find out more about my species and when I decided to give her more freedom when it came to medical experiments and examinations, she just took the opportunity."

"And what was the reason for your sudden change of heart? I imagine most animals are usually opposed to spending time in a laboratory as a subject and it seems to me that you weren't any different until a few months back."

"Well I...I was going through a rough time." The words are harder to say than you thought, their weight deliberately choking you as you continue. "You see, a few weeks prior I was kidnapped and almost devoured, which obviously left me a little mentally unstable. I had trouble sleeping and concentrating. Then someone who is really important to me decided to cut contact, which kind of threw me over the edge."

Kind of embarrassed and not too fond of flaunting your relationship with Legoshi, you leave out the unnecessary detail. It's hard enough to basically lay down these past few months in front of these officers, leaving you vulnerable and uncomfortable.

"So you allowed them to experiment on you?" Officer Nick butts in, a disbelieving tone in his voice.


"Even when you were physically and mentally harmed by them?" Judy takes over, her eyes flickering to your arm for a second. "One of those experiments caused a serious injury and almost cost you your life after all."

"Like I said," You press through gritted teeth, cocking your head ever so slightly, "I wasn't thinking clearly at the time. Call it a substitute for self-harm, depression, suicidal tendencies, whatever; I gave Doctor Masago my consent for these experiments up until Project Alpha."

Leaving you to deal with the uncomfortable silence, Judy notes something down in your file, one of her ears flapping. "When Masago confronted you with that idea, how did you react?"

"Negatively, obviously. So she handcuffed me to a chair and planned to drug me to proceed with her plan." With a deadpan face, you lift your bandaged left hand and showcase your missing finger. "So I cut off my finger and fled through the vents."

For a moment, the bunny is speechless as her amethyst eyes stare at the nub on your hand. Beside her, Nick's gaze wanders between the injury and your face, his eyes hidden by the black sunglasses. "You know that you could've just dislocated your thumb or broken some of your other fingers, right?"

"I do now." You growl, your face heating up in embarrassment. "But again, I wasn't thinking straight. I think you can imagine how high my adrenaline levels were at the time."

"Could it have been another form of self-harm?" The fox asks nonchalantly, tapping his clawed hands onto the smooth surface of the table. Growing quiet, you avert your eyes and think about his words. While you'd like to deny them, you can't really do that without possibly lying. To be fair, you can barely remember how you felt that day, except for the panic, fear, pain and self-hatred after your encounter with the snake.

"Maybe," You finally answer," I'm not too sure but...maybe it was."

Judy's eyes soften when she sees your dejected face and quickly, she drums her pen against the table, similar to how a rabbit thumps his legs. "Well, either way you endured immense mental and physical injuries due to Masago's actions. So...what happened when you were in the ventilation system?"

Not expecting to hear that question, your head snaps up and you stare at her with wide eyes. "...What?"

"What happened in the vents?" She repeats and the fox cocks his head in interest and suspicion.

"I...the vents, uhm...there was..I..." No matter how often you try to form a coherent sentence, the words don't want to escape your clogged throat. Your head begins to pound, a slight ringing sounding in your ears and suddenly, your skin feels itchy, irritated and simply not your own. In your chest, your heart races while your lungs shudder, making it so much harder for you to breathe. Tremors wander through your body and your shaken frame doesn't go unnoticed by the two animals, who send each other a telling glance.

"Y/n...When our team searched the faculty," The bunny begins with a soft tone, pausing to see your reaction," ...we found a body that belonged to one of the security guards in one of the vent shafts. Do you know anything about that?"

And just like that, you break down. For the second time today, hot tears stream down your cheeks. Sobs rake through your body and you curl in on yourself, avoiding all eye contact by hiding your face behind your hands, your elbows leaning on the table.

"W-Woah, hey there, kid, no need to cry." Trying to comfort you, Nick raises his arms to pat you on the head but he is soon stopped by his partner. Shaking her head and reminding him of the warning the nurse gave them without uttering a single word, the bunny lets go of his arm and turns to you. Honestly, she hates these kinds of interviews. Knowing that the victim they're talking to is still processing the trauma they went through or that they'll have to remind them of the horrible things they experienced always fills her with guilt and sorrow.

"I-I'm sorry..." You sob, broken phrases tumbling from your lips. "I didn't mean to...I didn't want to but I...I didn't know what to do and I just...I couldn't stop. I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I'm sorry!"

"It's alright, Y/n." The bunny soothes you and you're vaguely reminded of a certain kind dwarf rabbit, although you're glad that she's not the one currently seeing you in this ragged state. "We...we already assumed that there was a fight. But we need you to tell us what happened. You don't have to go into detail but we have to know what happened. Can you do that?"

The tears don't stop rolling down your face but still, you sniffle and nod, all whilst trying desperately to calm your breathing.

"She...I was trying to escape through the vents when she attacked me. I-I don't think she was trying to kill me, she just wanted to bring me back because it was her job but she got a hold of my leg...with her teeth. I was scared and...and I still had the scalpel and...and I...I didn't want to, I really didn't but I-" Again, you choke up, flinching from your own memories and fighting past your shaking hands. The final confession doesn't make it past your lips, the words too painful to say.

"Y/n," The rabbit's neutral, calm voice meets your ringing ears, "Did you kill her?"

And remaining entirely mute, you nod.

"Did anything else happen?"

"I...I had to use her blood..." You confess with a whisper, the ringing in your ears growing more and more intense with each passing second, "To cover my scent from the other guards. I felt horrible doing that."

The officers fall into a hush, yourself included. Only the deafening sound of rain hitting the glass echoes in the room, your sobs having subsided and turned into mute quivers that keep any other noises from escaping your throat.

However, when a sudden thought crosses your mind, you find yourself fighting against the barriers forced onto you by your body and vulnerability.

"What was her name?"

At this, the two animals perk up and Officer Nick is the first to answer, sneaking a quick glance into the file. "The anaconda? It says here that her name was, that's lame."

"Did she...did she have a family?"

"No." Judy says, ignoring the tactless comment of her partner. "She didn't have a partner or any children and her parents have been out of the picture her entire life. From what we know, she preferred to be alone. Why?"

Instead of granting her an answer, you sheepishly throw another question her way as your chest constricts. "Then...who's going to take care of her funeral?"

"Oh? Well, she'll be cremated and then her ashes will most likely be scattered somewhere. This isn't really our concern."

Once again falling quiet, you let your eyes glance down at your folded hands. The words beg to be spoken, yet you can't find the courage to do so. So you don't say anything at all, which prompts the small grey rabbit to continue.

"Y/n, I hope you're aware that you will not be facing legal consequences for what happened. You were the victim in this, you and the canine." Judy's voice is serious as she talks, a stark contrast to Nick's laidback demeanour. Her amethyst eyes skim over your file, processing the information at record speed. "Project Alpha wasn't authorized due to the clear dismiss of your mental and physical well-being and the guidelines to ethical research with endangered species. Honestly, the experiments with venom and poison alone are enough to get that Maned wolf into more than enough legal trouble."

Letting her eyes leave the file and meet your own, clear discomfort on her face, she sends you an uncomfortable smile. In reaction to this, the fox lets out a soundless snicker and puts his sunglasses back over his eyes; even though you're inside and it quite literally looks like the world is ending beyond the windows.

"Unfortunately, we'll have to move on to the car crash now. Do you feel stable enough to continue?"

Although you're unsure, you nod and lean back in your chair.

This is going to be a long-ass interview.


"Man, I'm exhausted!" You groan, letting your head hang dramatically as you cling onto your crutches. Nurse Jiji stands next to you, having just retrieved you from the finished interview with the officers. To say that you went through an emotional rollercoaster would be an understatement; relieving all of those memories and events certainly isn't easy on your brain, much less on your mental health.

"Then we should get you back to your room, no?" The nurse questions, gesturing with her hand into the direction of your shared room with Hayato. But instead of getting a move on, you remain in your place with a focused spark in your eyes.

"It's Hayato's turn to be interviewed now, right?"

"Yes, Miss."

"So that means...I'll be alone in my room for the next hour or two?"

"Unfortunately yes, Miss."

"Hgnh." You hum, deliberately trying to sound like a minecraft villager and succeeding, before turning to the black cat with a mischievous smirk. Frankly, Jiji is scared of what you may ask of her now; she can only hope you don't plan to escape from the hospital again just to cure your boredom. "I just remembered that a friend of mine is in the hospital right now, too. Do you think I can visit him?"

"Huh? Sure, depending on his state of consciousness of course. I'll just need a name."

"Great!" With sparkling eyes and a beaming smile, you give her the name of your pompous acquaintance and watch like an excited toddler waiting to go to McDonald's as she calls her colleagues at the reception, asking for his room and condition. Needless to say, you're more than relieved to hear that he's awake and seemingly alright and follow the ebony-furred feline down the bright corridors of the hospital. Albeit slowly, due to your crutches and minimal strength at the moment.

With every step that you get closer, the joyous frenzy in your heart grows as well. And while it hasn't been that long since you've seen him, there's still a lot to talk about. You really feel like a kid again, barely able to contain the bubbling excitement in your body as you stand in the elevator next to Jiji. The cat doesn't even try to hide her smile at your behaviour.

Leading you down the final corridor, several floors above your own, the friendly nurse stops in front of a large door that somehow seems a more exquisite shade of white than the others in the building. Next to it stands a large, muscular donkey in a black suit, his ear slightly flickering upon your arrival and regarding the feline nurse with a sceptical glance. A brow lifts in slight puzzlement but you shrug it off when she turns to you and hands you a small remote with a single button on it.

"This is it. Please don't overwhelm him and don't attempt to move around too much, you could still injure yourself. If you are ready to leave, press this button and I will come and bring you back to your room." Keeping her friendly demeanour, she turns to the donkey. "She's authorized to be here and not a threat to the patient. You don't need to worry."

Making your confusion even worse, the donkey seems to believe her and turn his gaze back in front of him, now completely ignoring you. With a final, careful pat to your shoulder, the nurse leaves you alone and hastily walks back to the elevator. Holding the remote in your hand and slightly overwhelmed by what just occurred, you stare at the tall male for a moment.

"So I just go in or...?"

As if it's self-explanatory, he turns and knocks on the door, opening it only by an inch. "Sir, you have a visitor."

"Alright. Thank you, Herbert." A familiar, rich voice says from the other side, causing your eyes to flicker back and forth between the door and the male, who you presume to be a security guard. "They may enter."

The donkey nods at you and opens the door for you, waiting until you're through before shutting it completely behind you. Confusion and slight anxiety numbed the heavy buzz of excitement in your veins, but the fire instantly ignites again when your eyes land on the stunned red deer laying in his hospital bed.



"Hey, don't sound so surprised!" You scold him. "You knew I was in the hospital too, dude! Did you think I died or something?!"

"No, of course not!" He argues back, though a glimmer of amusement hangs in his golden eyes. "I just didn't think you'd visit me. I thought you'd be bedridden, too."

"Well, I'm supposed to take it slow, but you know me. Always up for mischief and stuff." Grinning, you set down the remote on his bedside table and hobble around the room before grabbing a rather comfortable looking chair and pitifully pushing it to the side of his bed. This takes you longer than anticipated and the stag watches with a deadpan expression.

"You look like a new-born fawn trying to walk."

"I know, don't rub it in."

"This is just sad to watch. Should I call Herbert?"

"No! I can do it myself, I'm basically a grown-up!"

Finally, you've done it and with a relieved sigh, you let yourself sink into the soft cushions of the chair and lean your crutches against the side of Louis' large bed. Folding your hands in your lap, your eyes curiously wander around the room. "Damn, Bambi, even when you're bedridden you manage to flaunt your wealth."

"Oh shut up," The male muses, slightly scowling and averting his gaze, "My father handles the financial affairs, so this was his doing."

His answer shocks you. It's already rare for the deer to talk about his home life, yet his father was never mentioned. This is the first time that he talks about him and you can't help but wonder why their relationship is colder than Antarctica. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Louis' father isn't a very kind or affectionate individual, due to your friend's hesitant approach to tender gestures, but it still leaves you curious to find out what exactly occurred between the two.

You're not rude enough to ask though, you know your limits. If Louis wants to vent about his family drama to you, you're willing to listen and lend him a shoulder to cry on; but you're not one to pry into family affairs. Like most people, you don't enjoy it when people try to butt into your own life, so you treat those close to you with the same decency.

"Did he visit you?" You ask curiously, hoping the question itself isn't too invasive. From the male's reaction though, it's obvious that he's not bothered by it. "Yes, he was here yesterday shortly after I woke up. According to him, my entrance exam for my university has already been decided. I'll have a new, high-quality prosthetic by then already, it seems."

He says the last sentence with a scoff and rebellious gleam in his honey-coloured eyes, though it's somehow obvious that he's also quite thankful for his father's antics. Maybe it's just the tone of his voice that sounds so undecided and unsure about his own feelings that have you questioning the herbivore's uncaring façade, however, you'd like to call it a human's intuition.

"So you're going back to school?"

"Yes." With nonchalant eyes and now leaning back against the wall of satin pillows behind him, he stares you down. "Are you?"

His questions, albeit innocent and simple, leaves you speechless. The obvious answer is 'yes' and yet, you've seldom felt so indecisive and uncertain about your future. If you're being honest, you haven't given much thought to your life after your hospital stay; procrastination is your best friend currently. So you take advantage of your time here, deciding that it's a question for another day and another, more stable version of you.

"What about the Shishigumi?" Of course, you don't miss the suspicious but knowing twitch of his eyebrows at your obvious attempt to change the subject. But thankfully, he doesn't try to dig deeper and simply lets you run the conversation.

"We've parted ways when I left to help Legoshi. Now the black market's taboo for me. Free said to tell you that the same applies to you as well; we won't be getting special treatment just because they know us."

His expression is serious as he speaks and you know that your own features have fallen, clearly displaying your confusion and surprise. Not only because Free was just here to visit you yesterday, but because you genuinely didn't think that the Shishigumi would just let him leave like that and simultaneously threaten him. After all, they had a massive increase in business since Louis became their boss; who in their right mind would let someone like that leave, simply because they wanted to help a friend?

I feel like he's leaving out some details here....but on the other hand, I can't force him to confide everything in me. And it's not like I'm being totally honest with him either.

We both have secrets that we'd rather keep to ourselves, don't we, Bambi?

"Well," You start quietly, "That sucks."

For a moment, the herbivore in front of you stays silent, not uttering a word as he regards you with focused eyes and strained brows. His ear flicks to the side and the awkwardness that consumes the room prompts you to peer down at your hands. The bandages on your left hand are as clean and white as ever, though they make no effort to hide the little stump that is left of your finger.

"At least we're amputee buddies now," You chuckle despite the uncomfortable atmosphere, "That should count for something, right?"

However, the deer doesn't respond.

Glancing up at him, cold sweat covering the back of your neck while the sound of the rain hitting the magnificent, large window echoes through the room, you notice that his eyes haven't moved from your seated form. The judgement and curiosity in those vibrant eyes weighs heavy on your shoulders and you truly hope that he doesn't ask the question that is written all over his face.

"Y/n," Please, Bambi, please don't do this, "What happened when you left to find that dog?"


"I'm sure you watched the news, Bambi." You press out despite your clogged throat, your stomach churning. During the interview, you were basically bombarded and suffocated by your memories; you don't need to go through that a second time, not in a single day.

"I want to know from you. The news didn't cover everything and you know that. I need to know from you what exactly happened to you." The stag's voice remains calm, stoic even. But you can hear the desperation in his voice, the desire to comprehend your struggles. Whether it's to satisfy his own curiosity or out of genuine concern for you, you're too close to the edge to know. "You looked like a mess when you arrived at the fight, you couldn't even stand. Please...I need to know."

"Well, I'm not telling you." Firmly, you stand your ground. Even when his gleaming eyes practically plead with you to confide in him, both your heart and your head know that you can't. "I talked about it enough times with the police already, at least for today. I don't want to talk about it."

Hesitantly, the red deer shifts his position against the pillows, still eying you with weariness. Then he answers. "Alright."

Sighing in relief, you send him a gentle smile.

One day, you promise yourself, one day I'm going to tell him.

"So," You begin again, eager to change the subject, "Has anyone else visited you yet? Like Haru? Or people from the drama club?"

Louis only stares at you with a deadpan expression.

"Y/n, it was New Year's Eve yesterday. They're all at home with their families."

"Oh crap, you're right." 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter though. It's still 4k words but not as long as the previous ones and in my opinion, lacking a little in quality. Usually, I write my chapters in one or two sessions, not stretched over the week like this one, but unfortunately, I had no other choice.

I apologize for not updating this week but I really wasn't feeling well last Saturday. I had immense stomach pain, which landed me in the hospital on Sunday because we thought my appendix might be infected and needed to be removed.
But nope, turns out I just have a big overian cyst. It's smaller now but on Sunday, that fucker was the size of a fist (meaning around 7,5cm long and 4cm wide). I still had stomach pain up until Wednesday and was pretty much a mental wreck because the nurses at the hospital told me that, if that cyst decides to turn, it'll be hell for me and surgery to prevent my ovary from getting destroyed.
That fear is gone now thanks to going to the gynecologist and being educated that this shit only happens rarely.

But in conclusion, nature fucking hates human females. As if period cramps aren't enough, we got this shit too.

Moving on though, yes, I made the officers nick and Judy. Cause they're awesome. And for those wondering why Nick said "lame" to the snake's name, it's because Hebi is japanese for Snake. Little word play.

Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and healthy during this dreadful pandemic! Stay safe, everyone!

See you in chapter 79!

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