Chapter 75 - Riz vs. Legoshi
(Read til the end for some memes :) )
Intoxicating cigarette smoke fills the air around him, the young red deer's face illuminated by the bright lights seeping in through the narrow alley from the main street. It held empty promises of a world he had knowingly left behind not too long ago; a world he would now be forced to return to all for the sake of one singular, moronic grey wolf.
However, Louis is sure that his time spent with the Shishigumi was one he would cherish for the rest of his life. Through the hardships and the strange relationships, the group of feline misfits allowed him to discover a new side of him that he truly grew to enjoy. Whether it is really his true self would have to be a topic he'll have to ponder about another time. Nevertheless, he's definitely going to miss the power his former position as the boss of the Shishigumi had granted him.
And now, much like Ibuki had not even an hour earlier, his time with the infamous group of lions will have to meet its untimely end.
"This is the way to the main street." Free's rough voice reaches his ears, the smoke from his cigarette entering his lungs whilst the lion casually leans against the dirty wall of the dark alley. "Please don't come back to the black market. If you get yourself killed in here, then Ibuki would've died for nothing. You should let your little girlfriend know this applies to her as well. This is no place for a human."
She's not my girlfriend...
A grim chuckle rumbles through the lion's chest, the sound as equally close to a purr as it is to a growl. "Go and live life where you belong. And know this..."
Turning his head, the deer meets Free's narrowed eyes. His fangs are bared, a lock from his unruly mane swaying in the ruthless wind.
"If I see you here again, I'll eat you alive."
"All right." Louis nods, a slight smile forming on his youthful face. "It's a promise."
Swiftly, he tears his gaze away and forces himself to take the first step into the narrow alley in front of him. The first step that soon became many, each one leading him further away from the world he used to call his own and yet, he had decided to abandon it. He's already dreading his father's cold eyes, knowing that the prideful old stag would not be able to refrain himself from telling him "I told you so".
Swallowing the lump of anxiety in his throat, Louis lets himself be fully engulfed in the light, turning his back on the black market just like Free had told him to. And once the feline is sure the young male is out of sight and earshot, he takes a deep inhale from his cigarette before leisurely exhaling the large cloud of smoke. Leaning back, his head lifts to stare up at the full moon.
"What a crazy life." Once more, he chuckles. "It's been fun, boss."
Letting his old bones rest a little, he basks in the serene, peaceful moonlight, smirking when he remembers that he had made fun of his senior colleague for doing the same thing earlier this evening. And while he doesn't regret shooting him, Free and the others will most definitely miss Ibuki. He brought order to their chaotic little group.
Free can just hope that they won't disappoint him too much.
The noticeable ringtone from his phone takes his mind away from the events of this evening, his face softening when he reads the name sprawled across the screen. Gingerly, he accepts the call, listening to the velvety, yet pissed-off voice on the other end.
"Don't worry, kitty." He grumbles, letting his stick of Tabaco fall to the ground and putting the small flame out with his shoe. "I'm on my way."
Stuffing his phone away, he makes his way to the car. While he hadn't planned to spend New Year's Eve in such haste, he also couldn't exactly deny his lady any sort of request. Grinning, he settles into the driver's seat before starting the engine.
This would be one hell of a night for him.
And in around the same time that it takes him to arrive at his destination, Louis has finally reached the sight of the battle. Having ran all the way there as fast as his thin but muscular legs could carry him, he had taken full advantage of his body's natural ability to run long distances at a rather fast speed. Panting, he subconsciously slows down and attempts to catch his breath once his honey-coloured orbs fall upon the tall fence surrounding the area.
But upon hearing the sound of a blunt crash, presumably something large and heavy making contact with the concrete, his body tenses up, his ears standing tall and alert. Every single one of his instincts scream at him to flee, yet he knows he can't do that. He already sacrificed the life he built for himself; it would be foolish to turn around now, when he is so close to that idiot of a wolf.
With only one thought in his mind, he fights through the fear and runs to the fence.
"Legoshi." A sinister undertone hides itself within the seemingly innocent, caring voice of the bear. His tight grip on the wolf's foot threatens to cut off his blood circulation completely, not that the unresponsive canine would really even notice. "Legoshi."
Widening his grin, the bear heaves the limp body up when he doesn't get a response. "That's right. When an animal is at the brink of death..."
"Their body becomes like liquid."
Turning on his heel, he lifts Legoshi's body by the ankle with no problem whatsoever, smashing the wolf against one of the thick, concrete pillars of the bridge. Blood splatters onto the cement as his body slides down and onto the ground. The crimson liquid flows from his nose and mouth, mixing with snot and saliva. "Still, you're pretty tough. Five to six wall-slams and you're still not dead."
Riz's breath hitches as the wolf slightly opens his eyes, though the pain hinders him from opening them completely. "Huh? You're still conscious? Legoshi?"
"...What?" A groan comes from Legoshi, his body trembling as it struggles to keep him in the land of the living.
"'re still alive."
"You're trying your damn best to kill me..." Legoshi wheezes. "What's the point in worrying about me?"
Grinning, the bear chuckles and towers over the wounded canine. "True. But we're in a special relationship now, so I just wanted to make sure."
"...What the hell..." The wolf heaves, the blood clotting in his nose.
Yeah, this is pretty bad...I think my ribs are broken...
I can't breathe properly...
"To tell you the truth, when I ate Tem," Riz begins, his voice holding a softer, distant tone as he most likely wallows in the long-buried memories of the alpaca, "I knew all along that there was no friendship between us. It was...well, it was just a one-sided murder. From the depths of my heart, I always knew it was true."
Meeting his eyes, the bear balls his fist, though the action lacks the power his previous movements had harboured. More so, it seems like an act of self-hatred, rather than self-preservation.
"You're going to die after a few more blows. I want to confess the truth before I kill you. I...I-"
"Riz! H-Hold on a second!" The canine interrupts him frantically, before laying down on his side with his stomach exposed.
When a carnivore lies down with their mid area unprotected, it means a great deal to those who get to spend that particular moment with them. After all, it goes against their instincts to drop their guard around other carnivores and will only do so when they're in a safe, trusted environment. Like sleeping next to a lover or a family member. Though with this particular pose, his head being leisurely held up by his right hand with his other hand stuffed into his pocket, Legoshi's quite certain that you'd have found it weirdly erotic, which must be due to cultural differences. "Tell me more."
"Hm?!" Squinting at the male in front of him, Riz can't help himself as he shouts at him, slightly flustered. "W-Why are you sitting like that? We're fighting to the death here!"
"Yeah, but I care more about your confession. I'd like to hear it." Legoshi casually replies, leaning his head back and causing even more confusion within the young Grizzly.
This grey wolf...what is he up to?!
However, this isn't some Grande battle-strategy designed by the canine to guarantee his victory. No, he merely hopes to get a few seconds to catch his breath. "Just follow suit, okay, Riz? Besides, I want to talk to you while I still can."
Well, honestly speaking, it's going to be hard to jump back into my fighting stance from this position... But it's a gamble that I have to make.
His ears flap in the freezing night-breeze and surprisingly, the bear agrees, most likely influenced by the utter peace the full moon offers on a holiday such as New Year's Eve.
"Well...You're pretty crazy." He starts, lying down next to him on his back with a satisfied, gentle expression and his arms spread out like a cub. "But hey, I would like to talk to someone about this and a little break doesn't sound too bad. Funny how two monsters are lying down together..."
"We're monsters?"
For a moment, it's completely silent between them, only the sound of far-away traffic echoing within the night. Riz swallows thickly, moisture welling up in his button-like, onyx eyes. "That night, that's what Tem said. I was desperate for him to accept me, but I got carried away and gashed his arm. You carnivores are nothing but monsters...Strangely enough, it didn't shock me when he said that. In fact... I felt comfort from his words. It was proof that he saw through my 'nice bear' façade."
"It made me so happy that I sugar-coated my memory of what happened after he said that. And then, I ate him alive in an emotional frenzy..."At the end, his voice breaks. Seemingly stuck in a daze, internally devoured by his own guilt, regret and memories, he lifts his massive, clawed hand. The deadly weapons gleam in the moonlight, as beautiful as they are fatal. "Carnivores are monsters to the core, Legoshi. It's sad, really. I can hardly remember Tem's face and voice...yet I can remember how he tastes and smells so vividly."
Silently, Legoshi watches the tall bear, his ears flopping to the side in melancholic sympathy.
I think...I could have ended up just like Riz. If it wasn't for the support from the animals around love for Y/n might have made me eat her. I can't deny the possibility...
And overtaken by a spark of comradery, the wolf clasps his hand over the much larger one of the bear. Riz, glancing over to meet the understanding gaze of Legoshi, musters up a smile.
"Oh that reminds me, Legoshi. When we were fighting in the shower room, you told me to enjoy my adolescence." Joyfully beaming, his eyes welling up with grateful tears, the bear meets the Wolf's own sheepish grin. Slowly, he weaves his hand around the canine's. "Right now, I am definitely living the adolescence of a carnivore."
"But I can't turn my back on my beliefs."
However, the tender moment doesn't last for long. Not a second after, Riz's grip loses its gentle warmth, turning a scolding hot temperature as his hold on his hand tightens painfully.
"I know you're not capable of fighting anymore, but we have to continue."
Standing up, Riz menacingly peers down at the kneeling wolf, grasping his hand firmly.
"Carnivores have claws and fangs only for the sake of preying on other animals. Stand up and I won't be so violent when I eat you. Your flavour will stick with me for the rest of my life."
With wide eyes and focused ears, the wolf can't help but fight to suppress his gleeful smile. Shaking the tremor from his limbs, he stands up.
"No, Riz. I won't turn back on my beliefs either. Carnivores have claws and fangs so they can protect what's dear to them." The sight of the all-too familiar antlers awakens a new flame of conviction within the young male, knowing that his friend, the person he admires so much, came to stand by his side in case this won't end in his victory. Smirking, he turns to Riz, who is unaware of the newcomer's arrival. "You've sobered me up...and now, I'm feeling better than ever."
Speechless, Louis stands behind the pair, unaware of the fact that Riz's injured nose makes it impossible for the carnivore to pick up his scent. His breath hitches when Legoshi throws his jacket at the larger carnivore and lets his knee collide with the bear's robust head. His skull pounds and the damage only increases as his ears suffer from the terrifically loud noise from the train passing over the bridge above them. Riz groans, falling to his knees with his sight stolen by the sweat-drenched jacket.
He rips it away from his face, panting heavily. Only to find out, that there is not a single trace of his opponent.
"Where did he go...?"
"Good thing that train masked the sound of our footsteps." The wolf mutters tiredly, leaning back against the edges of the bridge, as the train whizzes past them. Him and Louis had fled to the upper area of the cement bridge, now resting on one of the platforms. Only a few inches separate them from falling to the ground below; they would most likely injure themselves in the process.
"Legoshi, I'm sorry I'm late." The herbivore apologizes. "What are you going to do now?"
"Louis, it's okay now. Thank you for coming to see me." Caught in his mesmerizing aura, the deer stares at the smiling canine in front of him. How he's still conscious is a miracle in of itself in his eyes. "I can't help but smile...I'll never have another New Year's Eve like this again."
Mustering up an exhausted, sheepish grin, practically embodying the state of his singular brain cell, Legoshi shrugs. "Well, you're finally here and I've told Riz everything I wanted to tell him. All that's left for me to do is finish the job. I need to go back to Riz...Louis, could you give me a hand?"
"What are you, stupid?! You think you can 'finish the job' when you can't even stand up on your own two feet?!" Louis screeches, leaning back to forbid the wolf from using him as any sort of support in this deadly dilemma. Taking on a gentler tone, he lets his head sink to the ground as his eyes take in the horrible state the wolf is in. "You're all battered up...I can see a huge bite mark on the right side of your body. It's bleeding..."
"Yeah, well...I'm pretty sure Riz was trying to kill me." Copying the young deer, Legoshi looks at the ground, every single one of his muscles screaming for his attention. "It's not about winning or losing anymore. We're just pitting our ways of carnivore against each other. "
Despite the blood running from his nose and side, he still fights to stand back up, staggering as he makes it onto his feet. "I've got to see this through...I need to utilize my anger."
Instantly, Louis' eyes widen, almost threatening to jump out of his skull when he recognizes these words. They're the same words he used to provoke a reaction from the canine at the beginning of the year, when the both of them were entirely different individuals with seemingly no relationship with one another. Now, here they are, supporting each other on the verge of death.
"You still remember that?"
"That's not all. I remember all the stuff I've been through this year." Standing tall before the older male, whose usually stoic expression has faltered and been replaced by one of compassion and vulnerability, the wolf peers down at him. Courage, determination and a reckless sense of pride and justice flicker in those dark orbs, his hand clutching his wounded side as the many memories of him and the deer flood his mind. "Louis, you were always there to keep me from becoming a monster." saved me.
The image of a smiling Ibuki flashes before Louis's eyes as he stares up at Legoshi, moisture welling up in them as he angles his head downwards. "What the hell..."
Don't break down. Keep your act together.
"And you're going to prove that by getting killed? Such instinctual savagery is beyond me." Standing straight before the wolf, he balls his fists at his side in hidden frustration.
Just calm down and hide your true feelings, Louis...That's it. Harden your heart.
"'Pitting our ways of carnivore life against each other'? Nonsense. If you want to die so badly, then go ahead. Just leave me, the weakling, out of it."
I feel hot. Why does my body...feel so hot? It's strange...
"You carnivores have great strength but abysmal self-worth." Remaining silent, Legoshi only observes the many expressions flickering across the herbivore's tender face. Shock paints his features when Louis' ears lower themselves to the side, rampant tears running from his eyes as he lets out a broken sob. "Just go."
"Hm?! What? Rain? That's unexpected." He mutters, wiping the tears from his eyes in confusion. The realization only hits him once they return, streaming down his cheeks and wetting his golden fur. " just keeps coming back. It's luke-warm and sickening. Wow..."
Stiffening, Legoshi sweat-drops at the strange sight. After all, Louis had never cried in front of anyone before as far as he knows, banishing such signs of weakness in all aspects of his life. Then, he sits back down, balancing his arm over his knee. "Um...I can stay here a bit longer if you'd like."
Sinking to his knees, the deer stares at his hands. His tears drop onto them one by one, streaming down his face in heavy rivers. "I think this is the first time I've ever cried. And I can't stop!"
I wasn't allowed to cry in my environment, where I was born to be sold to someone as a commodity and then adopted and raised by my father.
To become strong...
To survive...
I committed sin after sind...and when I decided to stop, I drove my dear friend to his death.
Because I'm so damn weak.
"You're strong, Legoshi." He sniffles, wiping the back of his hand over his nose. "Go and settle things with Riz. I don't have the Right to stop you."
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be. But you'll probably die if you try to fight him while you're barely able to stand."
Glancing down to the side, his honey-coloured hues taking in the drop beneath them, an idea strikes his mind. Slowly, he begins to take off his right shoe. "I don't want to see another dear friend of mine die."
The fawn inside me is still crying in his cage.
I'll break you out. You are free now. You are not weak anymore.
"Eat me, Legoshi." Presenting his foot to the carnivore, the cursed number four tattooed onto his right foot, he stares into the dark eyes before him. "I'll give you the strength to fight."
"W-What?" The wolf asks, visibly and rightfully shocked. Still, the deer doesn't budge. "Eat my right foot, now! Before you go out and fight.
"B-but I trained so I could get strong without having to eat meat!"
"You've reached the limits of your strength and you know it! No more pretentions!" Grimacing from embarrassment and frustration, Louis rolls back his pant-leg, show-casing his foot even more. "I'll make you drool, all right? Now hurry."
Conflicted, Legoshi stares at the stag, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his head as he nervously gulps. If he were to do this, it would go against all of his ideals and yet, he doesn't seem to have much of a choice in the matter. "What's that number on your foot?"
"It's my curse." His upperclassman confesses. The wolf kneels in front of him, the two of them almost resembling some form of ancient tradition performed between carnivores and herbivores.
I thought my ideals to be unwavering. I thought this act to be taboo...
But now, it feels like a ritual. It's enough to reawaken my fangs.
"Break my curse, Legoshi."
However, despite his strong, clear voice and sure mind, the deer still gasps when Legoshi grabs his legs in a tight grip. He pulls him towards him, his back lying against the ground while the predator towers over him. It almost seems as though his eyes glow in the moonlight.
"I swear that I won't let this be in vain!"
I thought I was already in the clear. I thought I had completely separated myself from the notion of eating meat and had finally reached the end of the road of becoming a 'harmless wolf'. That's what I've always thought.
What Louis said was crueler than telling me that I was going to get killed. You're terrible, Louis. You're shaking so much...and yet you've gone out of your way to show me your weak side..
If I don't accept this side of him, then who will?
"I don't have time to overthink and hesitate..." He solemnly concludes, eliciting a sound of confusion from the stag. "I'm not going to eat your foot because you told me to. That's just an excuse. I don't want to eat your foot, Louis."
His words are filling my predatory instincts with joy, reawakening my claws and fangs. My so easily influenced...
"I will never justify eating flesh." His entire being is focused on Louis, his sense of admiration mixing with the urge to devour him as he tightly holds onto the exposed leg. "I will eat your foot because I hunger for'll allow that, won't you?"
A charismatic, almost childish smirk etches itself onto Louis' face, his head playfully tilting to the side. "So you won't let this be my noble sacrifice, huh? Fine then."
"If that's what it takes to satisfy you." Carefully, his grip on his friend's ankle tightens as he bares his fangs. "I swear...I won't let this be in vain!"
And then, he bites down, blood splattering onto teeth and tainting his soul permanently. For now, him and the stag have formed an unwavering bond, one that will connect them for the rest of their lives.
A bond created by the selfless compassion of a rather unique friendship between a carnivore and an herbivore.
It's silent beneath the bridge.
Riz, his hands stuffed into his pockets, leisurely kicks a rock across the floor. Much like a child, he has not moved from his spot while he waits for his missing opponent to come back.
"'s been 15 minutes."
Finally, his ears pick up on the distant sound of footsteps. Casually and at a rather slow pace, the bear begins to turn his head. "I gave you plenty of time to talk to your friend. I knew you weren't going to throw in the towel."
Then, his eyes grow to the size of dinner plates at the sight of the grey wolf.
"I'm sorry I'm La-grrr...Let's get ba-grrrr." Rampant growls rumble through his body, cutting off his words. The fence behind him was torn to pieces and his tall frame makes for an imposing, threatening sight. His hair stands on the edge, his muscles bulge and his tail is held high behind him. Still growling, he wipes the blood from his snout, though he barely manages to get any of it as his muzzle remains tainted by crimson.
Now, he truly looks like the apex predator his ancestors had been hundreds of years ago. "It's hard to speak with all the growling. Let's get back to business."
However, the bear doesn't seem fazed at all. "You look a lot different now, Legoshi. My nose isn't working well since you bent it and all but it seems that the former star actor Louis came here to help you, right?"
"You actually ate him?! When he tried to help you?! Heh heh're desperate, aren't you?!" He laughs menacingly, rocking back and forth on his large feet as he hunches over. Though it did little to lessen his massive height and body. "You, me, the carnivores; we're all the same. We're monsters who are easily swayed by the desire to eat meat. I'm sure Louis-senpai in heaven would agree with me."
"He's alive." Legoshi growls, furrowing his brows in anger. "Louis is here as we speak...and...he's inside me."
In an instant, the two carnivores lunge at one another once more. Both of them now know the taste of flesh, however, their experiences couldn't be any more opposing.
Louis, I can feel your flesh spreading through-out my body...It's like forbidden magic.
Confidently, he blocks one of Riz's attacks, swiftly delivering a hefty punch to the side of his face that sends him tumbling through the fence.
I'm going to use it all tonight.
"You chose to become a monster, Riz. When you ate Tem." The wolf shouts , standing a few feet away from the struggling and groaning Grizzly, who tries to get himself back onto his feet. "What do you think of Tem now? Or is his taste the only thing you remember about him?"
Sweat runs down his face as Riz stares at the ground, heavily panting. Internally, he fighting a battle much more taxing than this one, one that he had waged ever since he took the life of his only friend. Unfortunately for now, his rage an denial gain the upper hand and he flashes his fangs, curling his snout as a sign of his aggression.
"I wanted to be his best friend. Even now, it's the only thought that occupies my mind." He answers, turning back to look at the shirtless wolf. "It's the only thing...My feelings for him are much stronger than your feelings for Louis or Y/n combined. Because he never felt the same for me."
We're both beasts who have eaten flesh...
Moving quicker than the wolf can comprehend; the larger carnivore slams him against a wall, narrowly missing his head as he dodges. Beneath the power of the punch, the wall concrete shatters, leaving behind a large hole.
We fight on, thinking only of our prey.
If there was a god, then he must be laughing at our fight.
Memories of his cherished moments with Tem flash before Riz's eyes and he pulls his arm back, preparing for his next attack. The same goes for Legoshi, though his mind is focused on the bleeding red deer. His mind speeds through their tender memories together, reminding him of each significant step they took in their peculiar friendship.
"Hey, Legoshi. Are you trying to reduce me to a flashback character?" The smug voice calls out to him and the carnivores freeze. From the corner of his eye, Legoshi can make out the slender silhouette of his friend sitting against a nearby tree, a piece of cloth tied around his leg to ease the bleeding. "I'm alive, you dumb dog."
"Louis..." Staring at his upperclassman, the wolf is at a loss for words when the deer smirks at him, entirely ignoring his missing limb. Meanwhile, Riz can only witness this moment in bewilderment.
The bond of a carnivore and a herbivore...
By eating and being eaten, they have made their bond stronger than ever...
Stunned, Riz merely backs away when the wolf appears in front of him, ready to strike.
It's what I've always wanted. Did I need to match their desperation to have it for myself? Tem, you put your life in danger by spending time with me and yet, you weren't afraid to show me your smile. If I had thanked you for being with me while you were still alive...
Completely engaged in the turmoil wreaking havoc in his head, Riz doesn't dodge Legoshi's punch. Instead, he lets it hit its target, pain erupting in his abdomen and spreading through the rest of his body.
Would that have made things different?
And for only a second, his mind jumps back to an image of you, smiling as you gaze up at him with seemingly no care about his species. You saw him, your fellow club-member and a potential friend. Like Tem, you looked past his image as a carnivore.
Could Y/n have second chance?
The sudden, loud sound of whizzing wind and something metallic hitting the ground snaps the carnivores out of their trance. Moving away from one another and putting a good two feet of distance between them, both Riz and Leogshi helplessly stare at the metallic crutch that had flown past them and landed on the cement; it had appeared out of nowhere, or so it seemed.
"Hello, Boys."
The sound of the all-too familiar voice causes them both to tense up and almost comically, they turn their heads towards its direction. To Legoshi, time seems to slow down, his heart bumping louder in his chest with each passing moment.
And once his eyes land on your form, struggling to keep standing on one leg and a crutch, he can no longer keep his tail from wagging like a lunatic. The proud smirk on your lips does little to ease the blood rushing to his head, nor his fastening heartbeat.
"I hope I'm not late to the party. Did you miss me?"
"Y/n?!" A surprised voice reaches your ears and by squinting your eyes, you're able to make out the stag's silhouette from behind the two carnivores. "Louis? What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to go?"
"Change of plans." He yells back, annoyance clear in his voice, and slowly, you hobble forward to catch a glimpse of the proud male. You're easily ignoring the presence of the two carnivores, though your heart is threatening to jump out of your chest the longer Legoshi's gaze is fixated on you. Moving closer, you heavily rely on your left leg and the crutch.
It was a stupid move to throw your other one but a girl has to do what a girl has to do to make a grande entrance. So you don't really regret it, knowing full well that you're basically a walking happy meal for the murderous Bear either way. But to top it off, you know you can't die now of all times. You survived so much this year, you'd be devastated if you'd meet your end at this lousy battle between two hormonal teenagers.
Besides, you made a promise to Hayato.
Before you left the hospital, you had paid one final visit to your companion. Swiping away the curtains, your heart fell at the sight of the heartbeat-monitor and the many wires connected to his body. Gingerly, you hand hooked his pointer finger around yours, knowing that he would scold you if he was awake and aware of your plan.
"Don't worry, Hayato. I'll come back. I promise."
And you're hell-bent on keeping that promise.
When you've finally come close enough, only standing about three feet away from the frozen males, your eyes manage to make out the injured state your friend is in.
"Dude, did you lose your leg? Yo, we can be amputee-buddies now!" Smiling like a maniac, you can't help but wave at him, showcasing your missing left pinky. Your behavior might be over the top at the moment and a little out of character but damn, you're just happy to see everyone. Even Riz, as crazy as it sounds. After all, you were pretty sure that you'd reunite with your old friend death more than once over the course of the last week and a half. So you try to ignore the burning gazes on your missing digit or your overall appearance.
"Y/n," Riz murmurs, being the first of the carnivores to find his voice again, "You... you look-"
"Like a mess? Yeah, I know." You shrug, leaning more onto your crutch as you wince slightly. While you did receive pain killers from your doctor, they hadn't expected you to pull a Florida man and escape from the hospital only a day after being in a nearly-fatal car crash, stealing clothes and a pair of crutches on the way out just to stop a fight between your grey wolf boyfriend and a Grizzly bear. The pain is still bearable, but you had gotten the pain killers around one in the afternoon, when Doctor Baron noticed the effects of the last ones were wearing off. So it would only be a matter of time until your system would be entirely overtaken by pain, especially since your ribs were still bruised and the stitches on your thigh had already ripped.
While you did try to be gentle on your way here, taking your sweet-ass time and questioning about a dozen civilians to find out where this place even is, your efforts had been for naught. The wound wasn't bleeding badly, so you're guessing only the stitches on the top of your skin have ripped, sparing you a death by blood loss for a third time this month. Small trickles of red coat the fabric of your pants, the light-blue material building a stark contrast against the crimson.
Truly, your appearance is a mess. Your hair is ragged and frizzy, your skin adorns a sickly shade of s/c, your lips are cracked and frankly, anyone would think you're going to lose consciousness in the very next moment from the way you're shaking. The light-blue shirt has a high collar and is definitely too big for you, the sleeves ending shortly before your elbow; the pants are equally baggy, which is all due to the fact that you stole an outfit meant for male nurses but you'd be damned if you'd show up to this shit wearing a lovely nurse-dress. The cute, well-fitting white shoes are the only thing you stole from the female clothing section.
"As you might've noticed," Gesturing to your overall condition, you send another grin to the carnivores, "I've been through some shit. So, what did I miss? Who's ass do I need to kick to put an end to all of this?"
Any normal person would've laughed at your silly little threat, even though you're dead serious about it. Despite your condition, you'd fight tooth and nail until you're sure the ones you care about are safe and sound. Seemingly, it is precisely because of your current state that your threat invokes a much more intense reaction from the two.
Before your arrival, they seemed to be engaged in an intense fight, yet now, that prickling air has been replaced with utter confusion and serenity. Truthfully a strange turn of events.
Riz holds your gaze, his button-like eyes missing the rage he had displayed previously. Now more than ever, he resembles the traumatized teenage cub that he actually is much more than the monstrous beast he views himself and other carnivores as. While Legoshi is still trying to come to terms with the fact that you're here, that you're real and standing before him, you send a soft smile to the Grizzly. After all, you're two sides of the same coin now.
Both of you are murderers. Only that your sin would probably be pardoned, while his will ruin his life once people find out. Still, both of you will be haunted by your crimes for the rest of your forsaken lives in this society.
You hope that in some bizarre way, your arrival might've caused an end to this dangerous spiel. The bear regards you with a crestfallen expression and you're not quite sure what he's thinking about; still, it's clear that both him and Legoshi have taken a significant toll during this battle. Riz's ear flaps gently and cautiously, he tries to take a step towards you.
However, he's interrupted by the loud gong of the New Year's bell.
It vibrates through the cement and your body, causing you to grit your teeth at the loud sound. At the same time, it breaks Legoshi's stupor and with his head in the clouds as usual, he turns to the bear and pats his shoulder, lightly shaking the stunned Grizzly. "Hey Riz. Riz, it's the new year now."
Breaking from his trance, Riz gasps, peering down at the smiling wolf, whose muzzle is covered in blood. "It might not be the best time to say it, but...Happy New Year."
Louis watches the ordeal from his position by the tree, his ears turning back in irritation.
I always hated his airhead tendencies. Even after he ate my foot, that part of him still hasn't changed.
You too, observe the scene with a puzzled gaze, though you can't keep your neutral face. The joy you're feeling is too intense, even if it's during a somber moment such as this one. A chuckle comes from the bear and surprising both you and Legoshi, he sinks to his knees and lowers his head in submission with a small smile. "You win, Legoshi."
" heart's been broken for the past year, but now I feel like I can actually breathe again. I sugarcoated my memory of Tem and I looked at the herbivores around me like they were food so I could protect myself from getting hurt. I was wrong about everything." He confesses, the soft breeze of the night playing with his brown fur. "And I was found out by a very strange wolf."
He ate flesh and yet, his eyes look beautiful. I must have looked nothing like him when I ate Tem. My face was covered in blood just as his is right now.
Yet the difference is clear.
"You have established a genuine carnivore-herbivore friendship."
At his words, your own smile grows and you let out a sigh of relief. Finally, it's over. The terror from the lab, the constant fight for your freedom, fleeing from Masago, worrying about this fight; it's all over. Much like Riz, you feel like you can finally breathe again and not be scared of drowning under the weight of reality.
Louis yelps in pain and in an instant, Legoshi's by his side and frantically bombarding him. "Louis! Let's go to the hospital. The duel is over."
"You sure didn't hold back eating my foot." The deer mutters angrily. "Did you think your dirty T-Shirt was enough to close my wound?"
Tearing your gaze from the interaction, you look back to Riz. He watches the two males, his face struck with guilt and genuine sadness and despite how wrong it might be, you feel sympathy for him. Hobbling over to the bear, you gently poke him with your left foot and he looks up at you. "Hey there, Teddy Bear."
"Y/n..." He murmurs, his black eyes never leaving your form as you struggle to sit down in front of him, eventually landing on your butt with a lazy grin. Then, fully ignoring how you're still not used to physical contact again, you tenderly wrap your arms around the bear's middle, burrowing your face in his shoulder.
It's an acceptance of the offered peace on your end. This isn't your fight and now that the Grizzly has seen the error in his ways, you can only hope that he'll get the psychological help he needs. It was easy to demand retribution for his actions, not that you can really expect a juvenile carnivore on drugs to know how to control his instincts without any sort of training like Legoshi, but now that you live with the ghost of your own sins, you know that he'll pay for what he did for the rest of his life. Much like you, he'll be reminded of the life he took until the end of his time.
Immediately, Riz reciprocates the hug by leaning into you. He doesn't wrap his arms around you, most likely out of fear of himself, but you appreciate that. A hug like that might be too much for your brain to take and additionally, you doubt it would be pleasant in regards to your ribs.
"Y/n...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He sniffles, moisture welling up in his eyes as the blood from his nose taints your shirt. In a caring manner, you rub his back. "I know, Riz. I know. I forgive you."
Forgiving the scary things you've witnessed thanks to Riz is probably the easiest thing you've ever done. You've experienced horror, fear and evil. Riz isn't evil, no matter how easy it would be to stuff him into that category. Like many others, Riz is a product of his environment, a tragic accident that claimed an innocent life and two souls instead of one. And as long as this society would continue to be like this, it would repeat itself over and over again.
"Happy New Year, Riz." You whisper, hearing the bear let out a long exhale before he responds. "Happy New Year,
"Hey, dude?" You ask gingerly, giving him a final pat to the back. "Could you hand me my crutch?"
He nods, doing so without hesitation and with just as much struggle as before, you fight your way back to your feet. When you finally stand, this time with both crutches, you turn your head to see Legoshi and Louis coming your way. Louis' arm is wrapped around the wolf's shoulder, who's holding him up and keeping him from falling to the ground. Once they're close enough, the stag's firm eyes meet Riz's. "Hey Riz..."
What would 'Louis the red deer' say at a time like this?
"Louis-senpai...I..." Riz brings out, though his words fall short.
High-handed words. Admonishing words. Impressionable words. I should have plenty of hurtful things to say to him...He' s the damn killer. But...Y/n's able to be near him just fine...
I've lost my foot now, so I'm sure anything I say will be effective in some way or another. What do I say?
"There he is!"
The booming voice startles you immensely and you panic, a flash of what happened in Hayato's apartment rushing before your eyes as your ears ring, causing you to trip over your own feet. You fall to the ground and right onto your leg, suppressing a scream of pain as agony fills your body and you feel the skin on your right thigh tear further, the flow of blood getting stronger.
"Freeze! We're the police!"
"Put your hands in the air!"
Glancing around, absolutely overwhelmed while your brain tries to understand the situation, the first thing you notice are the guns in the hands of the officers.
Guns...why is it always guns?
Instinctively, you lower your upper body as much as the pain in your ribs allows you to, the right pant of your leg drenched in red. You want to be as small as possible or better yet, not be part of this situation at all.
"Large-Breed squad, get the bear first!"
With fearful eyes, you watch as Riz is forced onto his stomach by a Rhino and a buffalo, both of which unnecessarily brutal with the young carnivore. Louis, still debating on his words, decides to use this exact moment to break his silence.
I won't be disingenuous to the carnivores anymore.
"Riz, wait! I won't condone what you did-" He shouts, a genuine expression on his face- "But I'm a terrible upperclassman! I'm sorry I never tried to notice how lonely you were!"
I'm sure....
"Louis-senpai." Riz says quietly, his features displaying his surprise at his words, yet his eyes show how grateful he is for them.
...that the carnivores I've met will be a constant part of my life.
"Stand up! Do no resist!" The Rhino shouts as he forces Riz onto his feet, three guns pointed at him. Puzzled, a familiar, flamboyant Dall Sheep appears behind one of the officers, wondering if he called the police at a bad time and flinching when the officers screams, "You too! Put your hands up in the air! Now!"
His gun is aimed at Legoshi, who is still holding Louis.
"Do you hear me, wolf?! Are you taking him hostage?! Is eating his foot not good enough for you?! Juvenile predation is a crime, damn it! Put your hands up! Now!"
Legoshi, ever the idiot, thinks about what to do while licking the blood off his face with a happy gleam in his eyes, causing Louis to roll his honey-colored orbs as he puts his hand up. "Don't lick your face. You're making yourself look bad."
"Hm? Why are you putting your hand in the air?"
"I'm doing it in your stead! If you let me go, I would fall flat on the ground."
They continue to bicker, confusing the officers surrounding them. However, it seems the situation has now been deemed safe enough to approach you as well. Two officers approach you, one of them a female moose while the other is a male Ostrich.
"She's losing blood!" The moose yells, making you flinch at the loud noise as dizziness spreads in your head. "We need a stretcher!"
"Wait...Y/N?! Is that you?!" The female officer's voice had gained his attention and finally, he's able to catch sight of your huddled, sickly-looking form. Pina's voice reaches your ears and despite your growing drowsiness and need to sleep, you manage to meet his eyes and grin. "Hey, Pina! Long time no see, ey?"
He tries to approach you, but is quickly stopped by the arm of another officer. "You're alive!"
You want to shout something back but your voice dies in your throat as blackspots dance at the edge of your vision. Maybe you're losing blood faster than expected. Being carefully lifted onto a stretcher, your e/c eyes meet Legoshi's as you're put into the ambulance, effectively freezing him in place.
Mustering up your strength, you lift your hands and form a heart with them for a few seconds, not caring about how cliché that is. Though your voice is hoarse, you still manage to scream some parting words at him.
"Wolfie, you better come and visit me! Got it?!"
Disappearing within a crowd of medical staff, you only hope that this car ride doesn't end like the last.
Legoshi stares after you, his tail and ears hanging low. Louis of course, notices the sour mood and follows his eyes, catching a glimpse of your form in the ambulance. "She'll be okay. Don't worry. But you should heed her warning and visit her in the hospital when this is all over, or else she might break up with you."
Somberly nodding, the wolf forces himself to think about the brighter aspects of this moment and he turns to Louis, holding the deer by the shoulders. "Thanks for the foot, Louis. I'm glad that you were the first and last animal I ate."
Our relationship will always be that of a herbivore and a carnivore...and now, I'm able to see that as a good thing...
"Well, I'm fine with that, since we are friends now." Regaining his firm composure, the deer places his hand onto the wolf's shoulder, who nods. "Of course."
Then, Louis' face falls, a clear look of annoyance on his features. "Wipe your face and smile. You look like a criminal."
"Oh, sorry."
Doing as he's told, he wipes the blood from his face. Then, surprising the nearby officers, he sends the stag a radiant, youthful, innocent smile. Even if he shows his fangs, it's all the more precious to Louis, who smirks in return.
His fangs...are what finally broke my curse.
A carnivore's fangs are what cursed me with the pain of being a weak prey.
Suddenly, the deer loses his footing and Legoshi is barely able to catch him while Louis switches between consciousness and unconsciousness.
And only by those fangs could my curse have been broken. Right, Legoshi?
"This is bad! He's lost too much blood! Get a stretcher! Now!"
Concerned, Legoshi stands by as Louis is placed on a stretcher, the police shouting in the background.
"Call the hospital and tell them to get a blood transfusion ready! And tell them that he's a minor and a cervid from orderatio-Dactyla!"
A hand places itself onto Legoshi's should and when he turns around, he's face to face with a warthog. "Hey. We're going to have a long talk back at the station."
"Yes, Sir."
"Don't worry...I know that there's more to this than meets the eye."
"Legoshi!" At the sound of Louis' frantic voice, the wolf turns his head, finding the deer in the back of the same ambulance. "I'll be seeing you at school. That's a promise."
The unusual childish outburst of the deer surprised him, of course. And yet, the young wolf simply responded with a silent and mature nod.
Finally, it's over. And he had come out victorious, as a much wiser, stronger and cherished animal.
What a spectacular New Year's Eve.
Hey hey hey, homies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
8-fucking-K words, children! Y'all better be grateful, I spent a good portion of my life (and sleeping time) on this monstrosity😤
Also, we hit 400K reads! Y'all I can't even! Thank you so much, I never thought this story would grow to be as popular as it is!
Okay, back to the chapter!
It might be a little uneventful on Y/n's part but man, she's been through enough. Besides, she wouldn't really have been able to do much but talk and beat people up with her crutch. She did the most she could and I'm happy with how we resolved the peak of this arc.
It might be a little weird but I truly think this would be how the MC would react. She's not "innocent" anymore and has seen her fair share of death now (yay, trauma), so she can definitely understand what Riz is going through. On top of that, Riz and Tem's case isn't just a simple murder case. It's like trying to blame a dog for not knowing how to sit on command, when he was never taught how to.
Beastars society doesn't seem to teach carnivores anything in regards to control and mental health. Legoshi is an exception and seemingly the only one that has ever trained in that regard, while the others just have to hope to not lose control. Additionally, bears have to use drugs with immense side effects just to be able to "fit in", yet are still treated as outsiders. In a way, you can compare this to the Killings of humans by Orcas in Sea world. The animals were out under immense stress and pain and it was only a matter of time before they lashed out and unfortunately, innocent people fell victim to them
Riz is a troubled character that isn't just black or white. Much like the others, he's grey and complex. So I also wanted to show him some love here, cause he deserves some.
In conclusion, they need better "strength restraining" medication that isn't terrible and some good training and guidance. The education system has failed the carnivores.
On another note, the fucking tension between Louis and Legoshi is phenomenal. Like...Paru really wants us to think they're not gay for each other? Bruh. And yes, the MC was so dramatic and escaped from the hospital just to do this shit and injured herself further. Typical Y/n, right?
But to end this significant chapter (so satisfied that it's number 75), I got some more memes that I think y'all are gonna enjoy.
okay, now away from this sad reality again
And finally....
Okay, I'm done :)
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and healthy in this crazy Pandemic! Stay safe everyone!
I'll see y'all in chapter 76!
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