Chapter 7 - Glorious Donuts

I don't want to wake up.

I wasn't even asleep. Urgh...I just want to be a shell, then I don't have to wake up or sleep. Ever.

Unfortunately, the grey wolf would not get his wish.


Bright light streamed in through the opened curtains of his bunk bed, Collot's smiling face directly in front of him.

"You can't just sleep the day away, you know? Rise and shine, Mr. Scary face."

Playfully, the sheepdog pulls at his fur and begins to drag him out of bed. Everyone else in canine room 701 is already getting ready, Miguno and Jack are putting on their uniforms whilst Durham exits the bathroom and Voss merely sits on the edge of his bed, planning world domination.

Durham chuckles, "Legoshi, something tells me that you didn't study for the math test today either, huh?"


"Well, I sure know that feeling."

"Hurry up and get changed, Legoshi," Collot commands but Jack knows immediately that his friend is troubled. To be fair though, it's not hard to miss, the grey wolf looks like depression personified, just with a cute fluffy tail to sweeten the deal.

No, something's wrong. His mood is even darker today.

Concerned, the retriever Labrador stares at his roommate and best friend. Said best friend however, is too focused on his reflection to notice. The longer he stares, the more he remembers the darkness that took a hold of him last night.

His face in the mirror is a reminder of the horror he almost committed.

Meanwhile, in canine room 207, our beautiful reader is also about to wake up.

As Daisy the Shiloh Shepherd rips the blanket off of your face, you groan and curl in on yourself in an attempt to stay warm and asleep. Unfortunately, the girls won't let you.

"C'mon Y/n, get your lazy butt out of bed," Eden says from across the room, already putting on her uniform.

"But my butt likes the bed," you mumble, face squished into your pillow, "And I have to agree with it, the butt always knows best."

"Wow, I didn't think you'd be such a philosopher in the morning," Hinari the Shiba-Inu comments, poking her head down from the bunk above yours, "You should write a poetry book."

"Nah, I'm too broke for that."

Aisha, who just finished brushing her teeth, giggles at your reply. "Technically, you're too broke for anything."

"I hear nothing but the truth."

"Alright, I've had enough of this," Daisy complaints and grabs your feet. With a strong pull, you're ripped out of bed and onto the cold floor.

However, stubborn as you are, you remain there with your face planted on the floor.

"School is useless anyway because we're all going to die eventually and we'll be forgotten and nothing we do actually matters in the grand scheme of the universe."

Aisha sighs and throws your clothes onto your back, "Just get dressed, okay? We need to get to breakfast."

Wait, there's food?

"Why didn't you just say so?!"

Swiftly, you get dressed at lightning speed, even though your body feels like it's been run over by a dozen semi-trucks, re-do your bandage and brush your teeth. In record time, you're at the door, joining the rest so you can get something to eat.

You're hungry as hell.

When walking to the cafeteria, Eden takes notice of your injured arm.

"Hey Y/n, what happened to your arm?" Immediately, she becomes defensive, "Did someone hurt you? Because I swear, I will castrate that motherfu-"

"No, no, it's okay," you smile reassuringly, hoping you can keep the sweet and protective Doberman from causing havoc, "I just fell into a rose bush yesterday, when I was out taking pictures of the flowers on campus."

Suspiciously, she squints her eyes at you and the others, except Aisha, do the same. "Why did you fall into a rose bush?"

Sheepishly, you grin and rub the back of your neck in embarrassment, "I got jump-scared by a spider crawling on my arm."

They believe you, thankfully, and the five of you share a moment of laughter at your expense. Truth be told, you did actually fall into a rose bush yesterday because you got scared of a spider crawling up your arm and towards your face. It had been shortly before you met Haru and it was a good enough excuse to explain the bandage on your arm.

As you arrive at the cafeteria, you see the girls heading to the board that displays the menu and curiously, you take a closer look at the group of male animals surrounding it. All of them are canines if you guessed correctly; a white sheepdog, a blonde Labrador, a spotted Hyena, a coyote and a fennec fox.

Oh my god, he's so fucking tiny!

Then, as your group approaches the males, you inspect the last individual.

Wait a damn minute.... I know that depressed looking wolf! Howdy fella!

As usual, you stay quiet as your roommates greet the other students, obviously acquainted with them. Only Hinari seems to be just as fond of social interactions as you because she stays by your side and simultaneously, you both cross your arms over your chests.

Hoping you're not being obvious, you observe the grey wolf and even though he's slouching, you can tell that he is tall as hell. He must be about 6'2" and still appears to be asleep on the inside.

He's kind of.... cute.

He doesn't take notice of you at first but slowly, his nose starts to twitch and his ears perk up. His posture straightens a little and suddenly, he's actively sniffing the air.

Before he catches you staring at him, you turn your head back to the board with growing warmth in your cheeks. You feel his eyes on you but you resist the urge to meet his gaze.

"Hey Y/n?" Aisha calls from the front and you look at her, " I'm curious, do you eat the herbivore or the carnivore meals?"

Oh right, I didn't eat breakfast with them yesterday, I was too busy finding my classroom so I only had a sandwich to go.

"Well humans can survive on either diet, so it doesn't really make much of a difference to me," You answer with a shrug but soon enough, your e/c eyes shine with glee, "Oh hell yes, they have Donuts! Fuck it, I'm getting the herbivore breakfast, guys, I need those Donuts or else this day is ruined!"

Though embarrassed, you giggle as well as you notice the others watching you with curious adoration and smiles, even the wolf and you cannot help yourself as your gaze lingers on him.

You try to not look like a lost baby duck as you follow your roommates to a table not too far from the male canines but once you got your donuts, none of that actually matters anymore.

"This food makes me happy," you whisper and dramatically wipe a tear from your eye. The dogs just grin and you quietly eat your food. However, you do question how they get the milk in this world, seeing as cows had to be sentient as well. Is cow-slavery a thing in this world as well?

As you dwell on it, you catch the ongoing argument between a Hyena and a fox, which you've previously ignored like all your responsibilities and problems.

"You bastard, what's your deal?! You realize that you've been stepping on my tail this whole time, right?!" the Hyena yells.

"I said I was sorry, what more do you want?!" the fox replies and you sigh, disposing of the hope that today would be a quiet, relaxing day. You cannot even have your peace in the morning, what's with these people? Can't they reschedule this for noon?

"But you laughed when you said it, like the whole thing was funny, you damn fox!" Ah yes, racism, the best way to win an argument. Or would it be specism in this case?

"Look at all those lines on your face, a little too much stress?" the fox keeps on taunting the hyena and at that point, you decide to just mind your own business and mentally prepare for your classes. You ignore the screams as the hyena bites the fox and gently nibble on your steamed vegetables.

Do I have chemistry first? No, that's third period. Hmmm...Oh right! It's math!

Then you rethink that thought.

Oh's math.

While you're stuck in your thoughts, Legoshi watches the fight with growing horror. His blood pumps through his veins and once more, he's reminded of the fact that he almost devoured you last night.


"Eh?" At the sound of his voice, you snap out of your thoughts and amazed at his bravery, you observe the wolf. He seems just as surprised by his outburst as everyone else in the cafeteria and seeing as there's no better time than now to make a loud noise, you choke on air and start to violently cough.

This of course, brings some attention to you until you finally quiet down.

Fuck you too, body.

The fox begins to approach the wolf, now aggravated.

"Who are you yelling at? Did you think you'd beat me just because you're bigger?"

I mean, that's kind of how it works if you look at it logically. If it's fox versus wolf, presumably the wolf is going to win.

"No way!" Legoshi holds his hands up in surrender, "You got it all wrong."

Alright, think. How can I lose on purpose and make it look real?

"Oh, I've got it all wrong, huh? Give me your neck, I'll bite into it nice and gently."

At the same time that Legoshi tries to find a way to lose, you sweat drop nervously.

Did this fox just threaten to murder him? Is that even allowed? Apparently it is cause no one else seems to be questioning this. Is this the new "boys will be boys"?

"Oh come on, being a carnivore isn't so easy either," A new voice interrupts. You cringe at the chorus of fangirlish screams and moans as your eyes search for the culprit. It's not hard to find the smug red deer.

Oh great, it's Mr. Let-me-give-you-Corona-because-I'll-stick-my-unwashed-hand-into-your-mouth!

"They're not always lucky enough to have both personality and fighting strength." He halts next to the grey wolf and for a second, you're rooting for the fox to snap his neck.

"Well well, if it isn't Louis himself, the superstar rich kid."

"Exposing your fangs in public is considered bad manners."

But assaulting a fellow student and shoving your hand into their mouth isn't?

"Hah, you're in a bit of a though spot yourself. If you really want the title of the next beastar, you need to work on gaining popularity."

What's a beastar? Should I know this? I feel like I should to know this.

"Have you ever thought about the actual reason why we need the beastar in our world? Instead of me, just worry about yourself."

And just like that, the entire cafeteria turns on the fox and his (now) friend the hyena, screaming at them to get lost. You watch the ordeal with weary eyes and a part of you is scared of the obvious power this deer holds in this school.

He's the Regina George of this world, no doubt.

"Impressive, you spin everything so that you come out on top!" The fox growls before he's pulled away by the hyena. Together, they leave the scene, haunted by disgusted glares. Your gaze stays fixed on the red deer.

He could easily create a nasty rumour about me and no one would defend me. This bambi-ripoff could ruin my life if he wanted to. I need to avoid him at all costs if I want to survive.

You tune out the rest of the conversation, too focused on glaring at your soy milk and keeping your breath even. A part of you is panicking, scared that he'd come up and talk to you, whilst the other is furious. Blazing anger takes root in your heart and if looks could kill, your soy milk would be going up in flames.

"Hey," Eden pipes up, "What did that poor milk do to you?"

"Nothing," already fed up with the day, you dismiss your anger and force yourself to calm down, "I just remembered something sour."

The girls exchange estranged glances with each other and you don't blame them, you probably resemble an enraged rattle snake right now. Like the life-saver and big sister of the dorm that she is, Aisha takes the lead.

"C'mon girls, we need to get to class."

Once more, you sigh, you seem to do that a lot lately.

This is going to be another long day, isn't it? 


Howdy! Welcome to Chapter 7! This one's a little less intense but it was fun to write and when I watched the anime and read that the herbivores had donuts, I had to write about the donuts

Also, we hit the 100 reads mark and I think that's a big accomplishment if you think about it! Thank you all for reading this story, I hope you'll continue to enjoy it in the future as well! Y'all are all awesome because without you readers, this story would be useless!

I won't keep you here too long today, so I wish you good health and a great day!

Wash yo damn hands, don't be like Louis! 🦌

See you in chapter 8!

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