Chapter 68 - Fate in a dress

She remembers that day very vividly.

The atmosphere reigning amongst the animals of the drama club was strained, on edge. After Pina's impeccable acting during their rehearsal for the play, which had surprised everyone within the acting department, some sort of invisible tension seemed to haunt the club room.

Juno, the one who Pina's passionate words of foolish bravery had been directed at as he seemingly lost himself in his role, appeared to be the only one worrying for the Dall Sheep's well-being. None of what he said sounded like acting to her. More like a suicidal declaration of war.

At first, she hadn't been too worried about your absence, neither were the others she assumed. Even Legoshi didn't appear any more concerned than usual, the bandage wrapping tightly around his forehead not catching anyone by surprise. It wasn't unusual that you'd take a day off from school due to being exhausted by your doctor's appointments the day prior. Only a little while ago had the she-wolf understood why you needed to rest afterwards and she only hoped you didn't obtain another injury like your boyfriend.

Miraculously, Juno's feelings for the other grey wolf had lost their intensity, possibly out of sheer respect for you. Though another factor was probably the fact that she had noticed as well that her and Legoshi had nothing in common. The allure of being the same species as her and being conventionally attractive were the only things the male wolf possessed that sparked her interest if she was being honest. In her mind, she silently thanked you for freeing her from her silly schoolgirl crush; it made her life a lot less stressful and frankly, her encounters with the male wolf a lot less aggravating.

It's almost weird how much her perspective of him changed when she stopped obsessing over her fantasy-version of him and finally saw him for who he truly was.

A male that cared deeply for her friend.

She had a lot to be grateful for when it came to you; another one of those things was meeting Haru, the white dwarf rabbit. The two girls, though separated by two years, got along surprisingly well, even when you weren't around.

And while Juno wasn't one for dirt and weird critters, she enjoyed her time helping around the garden whenever she could. It just smelled so lovely up there and her conversations with Haru were more than just refreshing. Unlike most others of her fellow students, Haru didn't see the she-wolf as the extroverted friendly canine she usually presented herself as. Instead, Juno felt like she could finally relax around the bunny. While it was in her nature to be energetic and lively, it became too much to bear from time to time.

But a female carnivore can't afford to have a bad day; constantly in the spotlight, everyone would notice even the slightest mistake. Broody males tended to be seen as predatory or dangerous and the same happens with female carnivores who decide to let their happy façade drop every once in a while. Though whilst male herbivores didn't really mind their gloomy carnivorous counterparts, the female ones definitely did. If Juno decided to stay true to her feelings even for a single day, her popularity and reputation would suffer significantly. Most of her "friends" probably would cut all contact with her.

Haru wasn't like that though.

When the she-wolf was grumpy or feeling down, the white rabbit simply laughed, teased her or knew how to cheer her up with an ordinary story from her childhood. And Juno would lie if she said it didn't feel nice to set down the mask every once in a while. Sometimes, she even found herself wishing for more alone-time with the rabbit whenever you managed to join the two of them in the garden.

But she'd never admit that out loud.

And exactly in that moment, when those two dogs dressed in fancy suits entered the room, she wished for the white rabbit's emotional support more than anything.

Everyone stopped what they had been doing, staring at the adults as they deliberately sought out the president of the drama club. Silence rang through the members, the only audible voices being those of the dogs and Sanu.

They were hard-working breeds that you'd usually see in the police force, their straight posture emitting power and discipline. Pina, being the light-hearted male that he was, made his way over to Legoshi and elbowed him in the side, cracking a joke that Juno couldn't understand from her distance.

However, she saw the colour leave the wolf's face when one of the dogs held up a picture of you. You weren't smiling and clad in clothes that looked awfully medical and bizarre on your frame.

"We're looking for this female human. She's been reported as missing. Have any of you seen her?"

Chaos ensued after that.

Bill cried out to ask what had happened, the herbivore's shrinking back into a small group with telling eyes as they already suspected what kind of fate you had fallen victim to, whilst Sanu tried his best to answer the dogs' questions and simultaneously calm down the others. Finally when that didn't work, the three of them decided to talk in the hallway instead, leaving behind a broken mess of a club.

Els was crying, already picturing multiple scenarios with your mangled body lying in some alleyway. The others flocked to her to comfort the small female and for once, Juno was happy about that. It took the attention off of Legoshi.

He simply stood there, his fur a shade paler than usual. His breath increased and Juno noticed how he was trying to rapidly blink away his tears. It wasn't hard to see that his entire world was crumbling into ruins right before his eyes and when he fled in the direction of the male changing rooms, Juno instinctively followed, rushing past a stunned Pina. The fact that she, or any other female, wasn't allowed in the male changing rooms didn't concern her one bit at that moment, her canine instincts to comfort the male of her species overthrowing her respect for rules.

When she peeked around the corner, her periwinkle eyes searching for the taller wolf, her ears picked up on the faint sound of crying. Carefully, she followed it, only to find Legoshi pacing back and forth in the very back of the changing room, his tail curled between his legs and his ears folded back against his head. One arm was snugly wrapped around his stomach and he truly did look like he was about to throw up; his other arm was tightly gripping the fur on his head, desperate to hold onto something in his fearful mind-set.

Tears rolled down his cheeks, his body rocking with sobs and broken whimpers.

"Legoshi." Juno tried calling out to him, but to no avail. Of course, she was terrified for your well-being as well and honestly, she wanted nothing more than to hide in the safety of the garden club to let her turbulent emotions loose. So she could definitely understand how he felt, though the extent of his pain and worry were on a whole different level. He loved you, after all.

And the possibility that the one you love might be dead, is enough to break even the strongest of us.

"Legoshi!" Raising her voice, she stepped forward and assertively grabbed onto his shoulder, freeing him from his shocked trance. "J-Juno, I....What a-are you doing here?"

"Doesn't matter. You need to breathe!" Standing in front of him, she reached up despite the height difference and dominantly held the crying wolf by his shoulders, her shimmering eyes carrying a fire within them that she saw in your own many times before.

Her once serious and stern features softened when another sob rocked through Legoshi's body, more tears rolling from his dark eyes before he squeezed them shut in hopes of easing the pain in his chest. The moment his legs gave up and he sank to his knees, Juno followed suit and crouched down, silently praying that the calming effect of having someone near him of the same species would be of help. Soft footsteps sounded behind her and when she turned around, she found Pina staring back at the two of them with stunned eyes. Cautiously, he sat down beside the female grey wolf, remaining silent as Legoshi's sobs fill the room.

"Wh-what if she's...what if she's..." But he can't even finish the sentence before breaking down again, his head hanging low and his hand tightly gripping the grey fur on it.

"She's not." Juno argued, her voice staying soft as she patted him on the shoulder. She didn't want to overwhelm him with physical contact by another female that wasn't you. "You know Y/n, she's tough. She's okay...she has to be."

"Yeah," Pina piped in, "She can kick some serious ass, you know? Don't underestimate that girl, Legoshi, she'll throw her shoe at you again."

That forced a quiet laugh from the male wolf, his dark eyes finally meeting Juno's and Pina's; the different shades of blue stared back at him with warmth and camaraderie. After a deep breath, Juno continued, though she wasn't sure if her words were meant to comfort the other wolf or rather herself. "We have to trust that she's alive and okay. She's a human and if she taught me anything in the time I've known her, it's that humans are very stubborn. She's not a quitter."

"You heard the lady, have some faith in your girlfriend, you dog."

The wolf stared at them, in awe at their words of encouragement. His tears had dried out and his sniffles had begun to seize as he looked towards the floor, his ears still folded against his head. "I need to find her...but....I don't even know where to start. L-Last time I at least had somewhat of a starting point. She was at that lab...thing...but I don't know where that is."

"If it helps," Juno offered, retracting one of her hands so that only one of them still rested on his shoulder, "I don't think she'd want you throwing yourself into danger again, Legoshi. Maybe she'll contact us, who knows. Give her a little time before making any rash decisions. That's what Y/n would want, too."

Legoshi stared at her a moment longer before nodding, wiping his eyes dry with his hand before rising to his full height, the others doing the same. "You're right, Juno. Thank you."

"Hey, I said some comforting words, too!" Pina complained, dramatically gesturing with his arms, which elicited a small smirk from the male wolf. "You did...thank you, too, Pina."

"You have no manners." The Dall sheep grumbled, crossing his arms. "I don't even know how Y/n puts up with you."

"Yeah..." The wolf sighed dreamily, though a forlorn spark erupted in his eyes as he once again glanced to the ground. "She really is amazing."

After giving a small nod, Juno simply stared at him, her ears lowering at a sudden realization.

This was something that she wanted, too. Not some weird immature crush; she wanted real love, just like you and Legoshi had. Juno wanted someone to hold the same whipped expression when thinking about her. But all of that would have to wait; at that moment, being a good friend to Legoshi and Haru meant more to her than seeking for her own selfish happiness.

"Let's get back before the others notice we're gone." She stated, leading the two males back to the into the main club room, shaking the silly thoughts of love from her thoughts.

But now, three days later and thus a whole day after her call with you, she can't help but think back to that moment. Speed-walking through the halls with a small piece of paper hidden in her hand, she actively searches for a certain male within the crowd of students. Her eyes twinkle like amethysts in the bright sunlight that's coming in through the windows. It had taken quite a while to figure out how to tell the others about your situation, but alas, she found a solution.

Finally, she finds him.

"Legoshi!" Calling out to him, the she-wolf makes her way over to the larger canine and the blonde Labrador beside him, both of them turning to her in confusion. When she comes to a stop in front of them, she sends them one of her brightest smiles before handing the small note to Legoshi. "Here! Thanks for lending me your special-note for sea-speak. I would've been completely lost without it! See you later in drama club!"

And as quickly as she appeared, Juno vanishes from their sight, mingling within the crowd with a growing smile on her lips. Her next stop? The rooftop, to share the news with a certain white bunny.

Legoshi and Jack are baffled, staring after the younger canine with puzzled looks before the tall wolf decides to take a look at the note.

She says she's safe. But she can't come to school, she had to go into hiding, so don't go around acting all happy and relieved because it'd be suspicious. We're probably being watched.

P.s.: She loves you.

His heart skips a beat, his eyes widening as his breath hitches in his throat. Abiding the rules set by Juno and yourself, he forces himself not to show his smile.

Don't worry, Y/n. I'll find you...soon.

"What was that about?" Jack asks, bringing Legoshi back to reality. "Oh nothing, I just helped her with sea-speak, that's all."

"But..." Jack deadpans. "You suck at sea-speak."

The first thing that greets the female wolf is the bright sunlight as she steps out onto the roof, the colourful flowers filling her vision and the many amazing smells entering her nose. Times like these make her glad to have been born a wolf.

It doesn't take long for her to find the familiar floral scent of the white rabbit, following it to a small area behind the shed until her eyes fall onto the small herbivore. "Hey, Juno."

"Hi...I'm still surprised by how good your hearing is." She says as she kneels down next to her, peacefully watching as Haru shovels more soil into the pot around the vibrant flowers. The rabbit giggles, though the sad undertone is impossible to miss, her ear flickering to the side. "Well, I am a rabbit, you know? I'm supposed to have good hearing."

"Pfft, of course I know that!" Juno huffs jokingly, her gaze swaying around the gardening club and only when she's sure that the two of them are alone does she turn back to Haru. "I have some news."

"Oh yeah?" Haru asks casually, focused on her plant. "About what?"

"About her." She doesn't even have to mention your name for Haru to understand who Juno's talking about. Haru's head speedily turns to stare at her, her eyes wide as the sunlight reflect in the onyx orbs. The rabbit had been distraught by your disappearance, ominous flashbacks of the events that occurred before the meteor festival plaguing her ever since. She couldn't lose you, too. Not after losing Louis. "What? What do you know?! Wha- how?!"

"She called me earlier because I was the safest option." Juno confesses. "She's safe and okay, that's what she told me. But coming back to school for now isn't an option, people are looking for her and they might be watching the school, too. Especially you and Legoshi because of your relations to her."

Haru's ears fall back, sadly pressing against her small head as Juno continues, this time with a kinder voice. "She told me to tell you that she's sorry. But she promised me she'd stay safe, so we don't have to worry. Everything will be alright, I just know it."

A heavy exhale of relief escapes the dwarf rabbit as she averts her gaze, a grateful smile on her lips. Then, catching the female wolf completely off-guard, she wraps her arms around her middle and tightly hugs her. Juno's tail can't help but wag at the action.

"Thank you, Juno."

"Don't mention it."

After a long pause, the small bunny whispers, "Are you sure she'll be alright?"

"I mean...this is Y/n we're talking about." Juno admits, finally wrapping her arms around Haru and pulling her in. Her unique eyes stare up at the sky, her heart beating a little faster than usual. "We should probably be more worried for whoever's on the receiving end of her boredom."


A loud sneeze escapes your lungs.

Someone's talking shit about me.

"Get in the car, you idiot!"

Shouting from inside the sleek black car, you hold the door open for Free, taking off your shoe and expertly throwing it at the alligator chasing after him. It hits him right in the face, knocking him back for a few precious seconds that the lion gratefully uses to slip into the vehicle, close the door behind him and scream at Ibuki to drive off. Ibuki does so immediatly, leaving the furious carnivore behind in a cloud of dust. Free lets out a sigh of relief whilst you take off your mask, running a hand over your face.

"That was close," Free groans, panting from exhaustion, yelping when you slap the back of his head. "What, woman?!"

"I had to sacrifice my shoe for you!" You hiss, holding your hand up in a threatening manner, the lion muttering an apology under his breath. "What was that?! I didn't hear you!"

"I'm sorry!"

"There, wasn't that hard, was it?" You sigh, fixing the collar of your blazer jacket. "What the fuck where you thinking anyways? We had our mission and Louis' orders were pretty hard to misinterpret."

"That gator had some nice jewellery, see?" Grinning, he pulls out a glittering, elegant-looking ruby necklace. To be honest, it reminds you of necklace from the titanic, heavy and expensive, the ruby shaped like a teardrop at the end of a silver chain. "Oh, she's gonna love this!"

"Who?" You question befuddled, quirking an eyebrow at him and growing even more confused when he freezes up.

"Free's got a girl that he refuses to introduce to us." Agata butts in from your other side, earning an annoyed growl from the scarred lion. "Oh shut up, youngster. It's none of ya business!"

Out of everyone, the last one I expected to have a partner was free, not going to lie.

"I honestly thought you were a fuckboy, dude." You tease. "Is she nice?"

"Most of the time," He sighs, staring at the necklace dreamily before stuffing it back into his blazer pocket and turning to you, "You look ridiculous, kid."

"I know, that's the point," You grin, flicking your fake feline ears, "Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to keep the ladies off of me. I mean, this blazer makes me a definite ten. I'd turn myself gay."

"This was a mistake." He groans, burying his head in his clawed hands and running them through his mane. Still grinning, you crack your knuckles. "Mistakes are my specialty, kitty cat."

Another loud groan sounds from Free before bellowing laughter echoes through the car, Ibuki in the driver's seat remaining silent and as stoic as ever. Comfortable silence follows after that, your next destination being the Shishigumi hideout.

Adjusting yourself in your seat, your mechanical tail curls around your leg, the fabric matching the colour of your skin. Much to your amazement, it's connected to your nervous system through a very small and unnoticeable needle that is buried in the skin in your lower back. You don't really feel it, so you don't care; you're more amazed by the extra appendage you have now. Of course, you didn't know that sort of thing even existed but according to Free, humans aren't the only thing that is a big fetish on the sex market.

When Ibuki arrived yesterday evening with that funny little thing, you honestly didn't know what to think. That is, until they explained the plan to you.

Paired with a pair of fake lion ears on a headband, a rather creepy looking lioness mask and clawed gloves that you currently didn't have on hand, you would be disguised as a female lion from now on whenever you would leave the hideout. Covered in a small amount of lion blood every morning to cover your own scent, you're hiding in plain sight according to Louis. Whilst you look like some sort of weird cyborg-lioness with your hair acting as your mane, you don't look that bizarre honestly. Also, a female lion with a mane is apparently rather normal.

To state it simply, you like the plan.

You actually have something to do for once, whilst also being able to look around if any potential officers of the law are searching for you. But until now, no one seems to have visited the black market yet, which is more than just odd.

Thanks to this disguise, you're able to help out when it comes to the business affairs of the Shishigumi. Apparently, you're pretty good at devising attack strategies, something you're attributing to the fact that you're a human and if it's one thing your species is good at, it's wars.

Still, you don't think Louis is going to let you out of the base more than necessary, which you're fine with. You're living off of his hospitality after all. And you're supposed to be taking it easy, which you are in your opinion. You simply created the plan of offense and watched the car in cumbersome silence before opening the doors when the lions came back, their task completed. Nonetheless, you feel the toll of the day in your limbs.

Climbing out of the car once you've arrived, you rush into the big building, carrying your mask in your hand. Your eyes find the elegant form of Louis up ahead and with an immature yell, you announce your presence. Truthfully, the amount of chaotic energy you harboured before has only doubled in size during your time with the lion gang. Even after everything that happened, you all got along surprisingly well, the only exceptions being Ibuki and Dolph. Though you and Ibuki are kind of on neutral terms nowadays.

"I take it today went well?" He smirks once you're in hearing distance, before glancing down at your feet. "What happened to your shoe?"


"No, wait! Let me guess!" He cuts you off, pretending to think about it. Then, his smirk widens. "You threw it at someone, didn't you?"

"What can I say, shoe is death," You say wisely, booping the 'fearsome leader of the Shishigumi' on the nose and brushing past him as he talks about replacing your shoe, making your way to your room. You're done for the day and honestly, you're already tired. You need the sleep and who are you to deny the alluring call of that soft, velvety bed?

"Y/n." Unfortunately, the deer's rich voice stops you in your tracks and dramatically, you turn on your heel to glower at him. "Would you like to go out tonight? There's a bar nearby that's rather empty during this time of the week."

"Sure, have to support local businesses, am I right?" You laugh, leaning against the wall for support as your right leg slightly staggers. "Can't drink anything though. Painkillers, remember?"

Sending you a gentle smile, he nods at you. "No worries, they've got some non-alcoholic drinks as well."

"Alright. Just wake me up like half an hour earlier so I can get ready!" You call, disappearing into the empty hallway. The door of your room closes behind you, freeing you from the irritating voices sounding from the rest of the group; they're certainly not helping your headache. That's the unfortunate side effect of pain killers, at least the type you're taking.

Laying your mask on your bedside table, you take off your tail and ears, unbuttoning your shirt and undressing. Exhaustion gnaws at your bones, even though you didn't do that much today. It's not like you expected to be entirely fit after merely three days of rest, but it's still kind of shocking to see just how much your physical skills can deteriorate after obtaining impactful injuries.

When the silky mattress melds against your spine, you gently close your eyes. Though before you fall asleep, your mind wanders to your naïve grey wolf. He's the last thing you think about before sleep fully consumes you.


"Boss..." Ibuki begins from his seat on Louis' right, whilst you sit on his left, entirely focused on trying to get the damn straw through your mask so you can enjoy your non-alcoholic drink. "What do you think would be more valuable stuffed. Heads with antlers or heads with manes?"

"What?" The deer questions, turning to Ibuki, who answers swiftly. "The clans here like to decorate their hideouts with stuffed animal heads. Preferably the heads of another clan's boss..."

"Haha, you think this small head of mine would make for fine interior design? What do you think, kitten?"

Kitten is his newest nickname for you and whilst you can't stand it, it's better than naively speaking your name out loud in a public place like this. Glancing at him, you sigh. "No offense but a lion's head makes for better decoration. It's bigger, your head would be a teacup at best."

"You're so mean sometimes, kitten."

"I'm being serious!" Ibuki exclaims, his glasses gleaming in the warm light of the bar. "What'll we do if some clan that feels threatened by us comes in with the sole purpose of claiming your head?"

"Then you'll die in my stead, Ibuki." The stag casually states, as it if it the most normal thing in the world. "I can't die when things are looking so good for us. Besides, there'll be rumours that my men ate me instead. I don't want to sully the Shishigumi's name."

"Of course. I'd gladly die for you." The Lion smiles. "Boss."

Silently, you take a sip from your drink, having finally managed to find access to your straw. Watching as Ibuki stands up and excuses himself to the bathroom, you stare after him before your gaze flickers back to Louis, your e/c yes hidden by the mask. From what you've observed, him and the lion almost have a father-son relationship.

That for sure is an interesting turn of events. But that can be said about everything in your life right now.

The faint clicking of high heels reaches your ears from behind you and normally, you wouldn't have batted an eye. However, when the strange female takes a seat on Louis' right side and faces in your direction, your eyes almost fall out of your skull and immediately, you choke on your drink.

"Don't freak out, Louis."

Right in front of you sits Legoshi, crossdressing as a woman. His head adorns a bandage decorated with a flower, his eyes accented by eyeshadow and long lashes. A pearl necklace hangs around his neck, a satin scarf draped around his shoulders. But your eyes mainly freeze on the skimpy cocktail dress with spaghetti straps. Because while Legoshi does not have a feminine figure at all, the dress fits him rather well, oddly enough. Too well if someone were to ask you.

Y/n. exe has stopped working.

"I know I've got a lot of explaining to do, but first..." He starts, his entire focus on Louis. You're a little disappointed that he doesn't recognize you despite the disguise but at least that means it's fool-proof, right? "Let me tell you that, yes, I'm Legoshi...Sorry if my crossdressing isn't the best. I came here through trial and error."

The fact that this seems entirely insane but is simultaneously very attractive should be illegal.

"There's something that I absolutely must tell you today..." Cutting himself off when the owl bartender wanders by, Legoshi instead proceeds to stare at Louis, who is sweating profusely. You don't blame him, crossdressing Legoshi is a kink that you did not know you had. Taking another sip of your drink, you clear your throat in hopes of easing the heat in your cheeks. At the same time, Ibuki enters the bar again, rightfully shocked by the wolf at Louis' side.

The boss is being targeted by a huge female!

"What will you be having?" The bartender asks and Legoshi stammers for an answer. Fortunately, the owl continues. "Well, for a wolf, I would recommend the 'howling lady' cocktail."

"I'll have that then." The wolf answer in falsetto, making you almost burst out in laughter. Silence ensues among the two, Legoshi glancing at the stag beside him with worried eyes.

This isn't good...I think Louis is getting angry with me. I know it looks like I'm screwing around, but I'm dead serious! I want him to listen to what I have to say! I have to tell him about Y/n. But I can't do that with those two Shishigumi members near him.

Louis is growing more and more furious by the second, his brows creasing in anger. Ibuki on the other hand, is sweating nervously next to you, overwhelmed by the situation that is utterly hilarious to you.

The boss is an 18-year old male. I don't intend on interfering with his private life but...isn't that female ugly as hell?! And she's twice as big as him too. I could show him someone way cuter than that female, someone who's perfect for the Shishigumi's boss!

Instantly, his eyes fall to you.

I may not like her that much but it's clear that she has potential and an existing relationship with the boss. She'd be a much better choice! Why isn't she interfering?! What am I supposed to do?!

Watching on, you empty your drink, playing with the straw. Signalling the bartender that you want another one, you let your head fall onto the table in submission.

I don't have enough fingers to deal with this mess. 


Hello there, homies! I am back! I hope enjoyed this chapter!

Crossdressing Legoshi...Oh la la. Btw, I find the pane above so hilarious. So I just had to put it in. Also yes, female lions can grow a mane and it's not even that rare.

Just to say it now, there probably won't be a lemon in chapter 69. While I should use the legendary number, I feel like it doesn't fit into the plot. The MC is still in the trauma zone and a sex scene is just unfitting. It'll probably be some diabetes- inflicting fluff though, so be warned.

But I don't want their relationship to be about sex. I want it to be love-centered and right now, sex isn't in the equation from a realistic standpoint.

For those wondering, I am now compeltely finished with school. I had my oral exam today and fucking wrecked it (got 3 out of 15 points 0_0). It's a little disappointing but I know I can't speak in front of authority figures and I had trouble with the exercise, so I was just fucking lost. I'm just glad it's done (my psyche was messing me up for the entirity of the past week) and tbh, it doesn't impact my grade so I don't really care. I got my Abi, that's all I need🤷🏻‍♀️

A lot of things went down while I was gone.
First, the superstraight thing. I'm not even gonna touch on it, we all know it's stupid. I was very engaged in discussions when it first began but after two days and browsing 4chan, I decided to distance myself. It's a troll act and I don't want to engage with or validate the people that just want a rise. It just exhausted me, so fuck that.
The least they could've done is not choose a name that shortens to SS.

On another note, my gayness has intensified. I watche raya and the last dragon for comfort last week and immediatly fell in love with Namari. Like...she's a buff warrior princess with an undercut, come on! You can't blame me for that.
It's an okay movie, though I wished they would've excetuted it a little better with the plot and the message. Cause frankly, that Message is bullshit and I will full on agree with anyone that says a certain character isn't really redeemed. They tried to pull the Zuko but failed (again). 

Well, that's it from me today.
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and healthy during this pandemic! Stay safe guys, gals and nonbinary pals!

See ya in chapter 69!

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