Chapter 67 - I promise

(Please read author's note at the end!)

Cosmo had stayed only two more hours before one of the lions had to drive her home. And while you're anxiety worsened at the thought of being in the Shishigumi hideout on your own, you knew you couldn't dwell on your fear forever. One way or another, you'll have to confront it. That's how life works after all.

The Okapi bid you farewell with a surprise-hug and thankfully, she was in no way offended when you froze up and didn't return it. You don't know how to describe it but the mere idea of being touched by someone sends immediate chills down your spine. All you can think about is the blood on your hands and the pain coursing through your body when that serpent's teeth broke through the skin on your thigh. The sensation that filled your veins back then, the utterly devastating fear of death, still lingered in your mind.

You were pretty much left to your own devices until dinner and you spent that time by wandering through the halls. While you had been here two times before, you never had the chance to actually explore or take in the building's miraculous design. And even though the memories that tended to resurface during your stroll were anything but pleasant, you also noticed that it took quite a bit of fear away from your heart.

What had been a terrible reminder of your humiliating kidnapping and almost fatal fight with the Chief lion is now a simple room stylized to resemble traditional japanese interior design.

So in a sense, you simply replaced terrible memories with other horrible ones. It wasn't liberation, just a change in regent.

Entering the dining hall, you find that all the other lions are already seated and only Louis seems to be absent. Reluctantly sitting down in the only available seat in between Free and Agata, you had been properly introduced to all the members earlier, you remain quiet and keep your gaze mostly locked onto the wooden table. You don't really have an appetite, despite your body's need for nutrition to speed up your recovery. The limp in your leg is absolutely annoying, not to mention the fact that your left hand just refuses to stop shaking. Even though the tremors are small, they're still very noticeable, at least to you.

The older males talk about things you have no knowledge over, a bellowing laugh coming from Free on your left as he leans over your seat to cackle at Agata. As a response, you lean further back, your body and brain still on edge after what you've gone through. Loud noises like this aren't helping either. You swallow the thick lump that forms in your throat, your heart heavy as your mind travels back to your school.

I miss them...

This is so foreign and surreal. I just want to go back to Cherryton and eat lunch with Juno and Haru and make jokes with Pina. But I think out of everyone, I miss Legoshi the most. Fuck, I can't even imagine what they must be thinking right now. I mean, I've been missing for about two days, right?

They must be devastated. I just hope I can sort this out before Legoshi has his fight with Riz; New Year's eve is still a few days away after all. He's already a reckless idiot, I don't even want to imagine what he'll do if he thinks I'm dead.

On the other hand, I can only hope that he's not searching for me right now. With that nose of his, he could probably find at least a trace of my scent. And he would most likely go to Louis for help as well...And if the people who are searching for me are tracking him, then we're in for a whole lot of trouble.

"You're looking gloomy, Y/n. Mind sharing what's on your mind?"

Louis' rich voice brings you out of your thoughts and you raise your gaze to his, taking a moment to fully register his question before coming up with a response. "No thank you, I'd rather not."

He chuckles at you and then gestures to the fancy platters filled with all sorts of dishes. All of them contain meat, in one form or another. "Then at least eat something. You need it more than any of us."

"That's right, we gotta get some protein into you!" Free proclaims from beside you before grabbing your plate and filling it with a rather bloody and big piece of meat. You're not sure what kind of animal it's from and honestly, it doesn't really matter.

When Free sets down your plate in front of you, all you can think about is the security snake that you murdered.

The sauce and the blood swirl together into a dark mess of brown and crimson, terribly resembling the colour of blood in dimly lit vent shafts. And you're sure that, if you'd cut into it with a knife, it would feel the same way it did when you drove that scalpel into that Anaconda.

"The meat was ethically harvested, so you don't have to worry about that. Come on, Y/n, get to eating," Louis scolds you in a playful tone, earning a few snickers from the felines around him, who most likely suspect the two of you are in some kind of relationship, "Or else it's going to go to waste. And we don't want that, do we?"

It's just meat; you remind yourself, trying to supress your breath as it grows shorter and faster with every passing second. Panic sinks into your blood stream, your heart beating so loud that it almost takes over all of your other senses. Your hands dig into the table and even though you feel the bile rising in the back of your throat, you cannot tear your eyes away from your plate.

It's just meat.

The lions and Louis have begun to eat as well but all of them are hesitantly waiting for your first bite, their gazes not easing the suffocating weight on your shoulders. Some carry arrogant mock towards you in their eyes, others are impassive; who knows, maybe a few of them can even detect the obvious distain coming from you.

Grudgingly, you grab the knife and fork, preparing to cut into the tender meat. Sweat rolls down your skin as your ears ring, black spots appearing in the corners of your vision due to the lack of air in your lungs thanks to your erratic breath.

Finally putting pressure onto the knife and intruding into the meat, immediate disgust rolls over you in heavy waves, prompting you to let the utensils fall immediately and spring up from your seat. Your stomach cramps, sobs aching to roll of the tip of your tongue before you hastily leave the room without another word. Edging yourself along the walls, you quickly make your way to the nearest bathroom and fall to the tiled floor in front of the toilet.

Instantly, you begin to heave, throwing up the little bit of food that you had in your system, along with stomach acid and bile that leaves your exhausted and with a burning oesophagus. You're thrown back to the day you were attacked by Legoshi; it had ended the same way after all, with you hovering above the toilet and vomiting. Only this time, there's no Aisha to comfort you.

It's just me.

It always comes back to just being me, doesn't it? No matter what, I always seem to end up alone. I wonder why that is.

Only the stars know that answer at this point.

A knock at the door causes you to flinch, a haste curse leaving your mouth, and turning to glance back, you see none other than the violence-loving lion standing a couple of feet behind you. Free stares down at you with his scarred eye, a single lock from his mane falling into his face while his expression remains impassive. You don't even muster up a reassuring smile to hide how shitty you're currently feeling because honestly, what use would it have? It's not like he or the other members of the Shishigumi care about you; they tolerate you because of Louis, that's it.

"You look like shit."

"Gee thanks, big guy," You mutter, heaving yourself up and washing your mouth at the sink, staring at the lion through the reflection on the mirror, "Any other smart remarks? Or are you just here to make sure I don't try to run away?"

"The boss is pretty sure that you won't do that, so nah. But that was quite the show you put up there." He laughs, exposing his fangs. "What, are you humans fucking super-allergic to meat or something?"

"No, just had a really shitty week, pussycat." You remark, running a hand over your face with a sigh.

And when you turn around, a gun is pointed straight at your face.

"I'd watch that tongue of yours." The lion growls, removing the safety lock of the gun. "You won't be under the protection of the Shishigumi for long if you keep that up."

Of course, fear courses through you at the sight of the weapon, one that you've always hated ever since you got dumped into this world. But the fear isn't as bad as the horrible disgust you harbour for yourself at that moment. You're so exhausted and it feels like you're back at square one, forever climbing a set of stairs into an unforeseen void of problems.

Leisurely, you take a step forward and press your forehead against the barrel, your eyes glowering at the lion. "Just put me out of my misery then."

Free stays silent, cocking his head to the side like he's trying to figure out whether or not you're bluffing. He goes over his fangs with his tongue, applying more pressure to the pistol against your skin. A low hum sounds from him when you don't back down.

You don't see a reason to. Internally, you're torn between wanting to live and wanting to end it all. On one hand, you can't bear the thought of leaving everyone and everything behind again; you don't want to leave Legoshi and the others. You're desperate to live and the devestating fear of ending it all constantly rests in the back of your mind. But on the other hand, you don't know how long you can withstand this constant pressure, the rising stakes and the cruel pain that seems to leech off of your happiness at every chance it gets. Hell, you don't even know if you'll ever be able to see Legoshi again, at least not without putting him in danger.

So the easiest thing is to give that choice to someone else, who'll decide your fate without much bias. It would be quite ironic for a lion of the Shishigumi to kill you, the group that started this entire mess.

"Impressive." Much to your dismay, he lowers the gun and stashes it away before nodding at you. "Come with me, girl."

"I got a name, you know?"

"Yeah and I don't care enough to use it."

Rolling your eyes, you follow behind the large feline, slightly staggering in your step. And whilst you're on edge, you still walk behind him with at least a sliver of trust. If he wanted to hurt or kill you, he'd have done so already.

The older lion leads you through the confusing corridors of the Shishigumi hideout, until he opens a door that leads out onto the veranda. The same veranda where you shot off one of Louis' antlers. It's almost nostalgic to feel the cold breeze of the night on your skin, the stars twinkling above you without a care in the world. You watch as the lion promptly sits down on the edge of the wooden plateau, patting the space next to him. Cautiously, you sit down, shortly wincing at the burn coming from your thigh.

"Fucking hell." You curse and Free cackles slightly. "The ol' leg acting up again? What, did you sprain your ankle or something?"

"Hey, you try being bit by a giant anaconda." The words slip out faster than you can blink, though you immediatly regret them. Wanting to avoid going into further details, you let your gaze sink to the ground. However, Free has other plans as he throws his head back in laughter, holding his belly at your expense.

"Why the fuck would you fight an anaconda?"

"It's not like I had a choice," You mutter, your body tensing up at the memory of the serpent's mangled body, "It was either that or..."

You don't manage to let the words escape your lips, instead awkwardly clearing your throat and gripping the wood of the veranda like your life depends on it. The lion beside you seems to pick up on your dampened mood, getting out a cigarette and lighting it in utter silence. He inhales deeply before letting out a cloud of smoke, the unpleasant smell entering your nose. Whilst you dislike it, it also helps with distracting you.

"Did you kill it?"

His question throws you off, causing your entire body to freeze up in that very second. Flashes of your actions race before your eyes and you let your head hang in shame and guilt, your silence more than enough of an answer for the older feline. Free sighs, harbouring a sort of wisdom that you never thought you'd see in one of the Shishigumi members, much less in him. "The first kill's always the hardest."

"Is that feeling ever going to go away? That disgust and self-hatred? Or the memories?"

"Probably not." He answers casually, as if you two aren't talking about a subject as serious as this one. "You got a good heart, so it'll be harder on you than it was on any of us. We lions didn't have it easy growing up. I was born in the black market, so I was used to the violence and all that shit. I'm sure that eventually, you'll come to terms with it. Knowing you, it was probably in self-defence, right? You're a prude like that. What's done is done; you can't change a single thing about it anymore."

Once again, he laughs, huffing out another cloud of smoke. "And hey, you killed an anaconda, be proud of that! I've never even touched a snake in my whole thirty years, kid, you got some balls!"

At this point, you can no longer supress the small giggle escaping your lips. The lion laughs in tune with you, his own raspy voice matching his rugged and scarred appearance. Though frankly, you're finding yourself fascinated by the feline's big fangs, which are very different than those of a canine like Legoshi's.

But once the thought of the grey wolf enters your mind, your lightened mood vanishes as quickly as it appeared. Your eyes travel up to the stars and the moon, the sky above unchanged by the lights of the city and the black market on this side of the hill. While Free's little insight helped lift your spirits by a small amount, it didn't really change the fact that you're utterly lost in the circumstances of your situation. You can stay with the Shishigumi but for how long? They'll be looking into the black market eventually. You'll need to be gone by then.

"I'm guessing the meat earlier didn't help ya, did it? Sorry about that." Free mumbles, before pulling back the sleeve of his suit jacket and holding his arm out to you. "Tell ya what, I'll let you touch my fur to make up for it. A friend of mine told me it's calming or some shit like that."


Of course, you know about the fact that petting an animal, especially a cat or a dog, is generally comforting and relieving. But to say you're surprised that Free of all people is offering something like that to you would be the biggest understatement of the century. So you don't even blame him when he once again chuckles at your flabbergasted expression, though he doesn't lower his arm and simply keeps on smoking his cigarette.

Hesitatingly, you reach out your head and gently brush over the short fur. Unsurprisingly, it reminds you of cat fur, just a little rougher. Still, it gives you a sense of tranquillity and familiarity. And the knowledge that you are in control of the situation allows your brain to let you enjoy this simple moment. Tucking your left leg against your chest, you lean onto it whilst you cautiously keep stroking his fur, enjoying the appeasing effect it has on you.

"Thank you...Free."

"Don't mention it, kid."

And you didn't. Free probably spent an entire hour sitting outside on that veranda with you before eventually heading back inside. You on the other hand, continue to sit beneath the stars, your mind reminiscing in light-hearted memories of the life you had up until a few days ago. Occasionally, a few memories of your old life would weasel their way into the mess, the faces of your loved ones blurred and unrecognisable.

Among the other haunting emotions plaguing you in the present, knowing that you are eventually going to forget all about your family was heart-breaking, no matter the relationship you had with them. While you still remember every single thing you learnt or experienced, faces, voices or other sensations have started to vanish. It's hard to come to terms with that fact but just like Free said, you can do nothing to change it. You can only accept it and try to move on.

Once more, you look up to the stars, the many constellations having seen and experienced so much in their time. If a star could speak, what would they say about the world? About humanity? About beasts?

What would they say about you?

The wind picks up, playing with your hair and you shiver slightly. Finally, the night got too cold to withstand.

"I should head to bed. Don't want to catch a cold on top of everything else," You mutter, slowly coming to a stand and making your way back into the Shishigumi hideout.


"The fuck is this?"

"It's a suit."

"Why the hell would I need a suit? I'm not going anywhere."

"You need to match the theme, Y/n." Louis argues, his ears folding back in irritation at your lack of compliance. Granted, you just woke up and probably aren't even able to spell your own name but it is important to him that you wear the suit. The Shishigumi had a reputation to uphold after all and that includes staying at least somewhat fashionable. "Please just wear the suit."

After a moment of hesitation, you give in. "Fine. But only because I'll totally look bomb in it."

Frankly, the deer has to agree with you when you step out of your designated room, which happened to be his room as well. When he found you, he had insisted that you'd rest in the master bedroom, which held the biggest bed. And as he was raised to be a gentleman, he switched over to one of the guestrooms.

The suit was a stale black, the fancy dress pants comfortably hugging your legs and ending shortly over your sleek black dress shoes. A white button up covers your torso, the first button undone. The obsidian black blazer gave a rather professional and intimidating appearance, the sleeves rolled up to your elbows.

Louis liked and greatly hated how appealing a suit looked on you.

"Yup, I am slaying this outfit. It does feel slightly weird to be honest though." You grin, hiding your still bandaged hands in your pockets. He had helped you change most of the bandages, though had left you alone to deal with the wound on your leg and your arm to respect your privacy. But he had heard from Free that the injury on your thigh was the work of a snake and now, he is aching to know more.

Before, you had been much like an open book with a hidden passage that he was never able to find. However, now you seemed more like a secret treasure stored away in the darkest depths of a dangerous jungle and only a certain grey wolf had been brave enough to venture deeper, succeeding in finding you and your secrets inside the void.

Much like the stag's and Legoshi's fates seem to be connected, he is sure you're a part of that equation. While the two males tend to switch between traveling through the light and staying hidden in the darkness amongst one another, you seem to constantly move between the two poles. Regardless of their coloration or path, you always remained a grey figure, sometimes lighter and other times as dark as ash. Like the turbulent waves of the ocean, you're always moving and changing.

Louis wonders if that is just a thing humans are naturally drawn to, to stay confident in their own set of morals and existing in this world solely to serve those convictions.

"So what's the plan?" You ask, snatching yourself some food from the kitchen as you follow behind him through the hideout. He lets his voice remain as impassive as possible as he responds. "You'll see soon enough. It's nothing major, but we'll need to leave the hideout."

"Wait-" Coming to a halt mid-sentence, you warily eye the red stag-" What do you mean? I'm not leaving, what part of 'people are searching for me' did you not understand?"

"The boss understood you perfectly." Ibuki cuts in, appearing out of nowhere and you have to force yourself not to flinch at his sudden appearance. To be fair, he and Dolph are the only ones who you still have an issue with, seeing as these two were deliberately involved in your kidnapping. "But this is for your own well-being. You should have a little more trust in the boss, you know?"

"Fine then." You grumble, fixing your blazer and nodding at Louis. "Lead the way, Bambi."

Of course, Ibuki doesn't miss the slight redness forming on the stag's cheeks at the nickname as he turns away from you, continuing on his way. He leads you to a fancy black car and the lion holds the door open for you and Louis, to which you thank him audibly. You may not particularly like the old feline but that is no reason to forget your manners.

Glancing around, you find a few other lions in the car as well, all of which you greet shyly. "Good morning."

Instantly, you're bombarded with responses.

"Good morning, Y/n! Free told us you fought a snake-"

"Morning, Miss. We heard you killed an anaconda!"

"How the fuck did you kill a snake?!"

At first, you are entirely overwhelmed by their voices, your eyes frantically moving from one feline to the other as Louis speaks for you. "Boys, let her breathe. My, you are all so insolent sometimes, it's like I'm working with children."

A couple of apologetic murmurs go through the lions and you observe the interaction with growing curiosity. The relationship between the criminal gang and your former friend is indeed interesting, though still puzzling. Nonetheless, you don't have the brain cells to question or really investigate it. You've got more important things to take care of.

You guys drive for around thirty minutes, finally coming to a halt on an empty bridge alongside a cliff. Stepping out after Louis, you slowly walk to the railing to see the raging ocean down below, the waves crashing against the stone. Gulping nervously at the sight, you turn back to the others at the sound of a motorcycle.

The black vehicle stops a few yards away from Louis and Free hops off, taking off his helmet and shaking out his mane whilst waving a small object in his hand. "I got it, boss!"

"Good." The herbivore answers, taking the small object before lifting it into the air with a sneaky smile on his lips, his eyes locked onto yours. It's a phone, which only increases your confusion.

"It's a burner phone." He explains, stepping closer to you while the other lions remain on their spots with their eyes focused on you and their boss. "After using it, we can destroy it. We're far enough from the black market that, even if they do manage to track us, whoever's searching for you still won't find our location. You just have to be careful not to name any significant details about your whereabouts during your call."

It takes a second for you to fully register what the deer is trying to say. "Wait, do you mean-"

"Yes." He grins. "You can call that dumb wolf and let him know you're alive."

A beaming smile spreads onto your lips and you let out a hearty laugh, already reaching for the device in your excitement. But unfortunately, Louis holds it out of your reach before you can take it, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Ah ah, Y/n. It comes with a price."

Of course. Nothing can be easy, can it? There always has to be some form of price to pay, am I right?

Your smile morphs into a sneer, your hands burring themselves into your pant pockets again as you hatefully chuckle. "Should've expected that. What do you want, deer-boy?"

"I want the truth." His golden eyes stare into yours as he says this, his words digging into your skin like needles. "The whole truth, right here and right now."

"You have to be a little more specific than that," You mockingly grin.

"Fine. I want every detail necessary to understand the reason why we found you in that alley, injured and covered in blood. Those are my conditions. If you comply, I'll give you the phone and you can call that naïve canine of yours."

The weight on your shoulders intensifies, your throat beginning to close up at the mere thought of speaking about everything. But you know you have no choice; you need to talk to Legoshi and let him know you're alive. And for that, you're willing to sacrifice your pride and your own mental well-being, because you'll be a fucking mess after this.

"Okay." Not meeting his eyes, you nod. "Okay...I'll tell you."

He crosses his arms in front of his chest, hiding the small phone in his hand as he does so, and stares you down. "Get started then."

"I uhm...I'm going to keep this as short as possible, just so you know. The quicker we get this done, the better." Taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself to begin. Finally, you do and this is probably the hardest thing you've had to talk about since your conversation with Val, shortly after you and Legoshi broke up.

"I was in a fucked up place mentally after having escaped from you guys. Only after a bad breakup did it get to a dangerous level of Ptsd and self-loathing, that led to me allowing a scientist named Doctor Masago and her team to experiment the effect of different venoms on me. There were quite a lot and most of them were harmless, it was just an easy way of self-harm at the time. But then, about three weeks ago, an experiment went wrong because they messed up the dosage and the antidote didn't work." Promptly taking off your blazer and rolling the sleeve of your button-up shirt up to your shoulder, you show them the bandage. "It was the venom of a golden lancehead viper and it pretty much destroyed my flesh and muscle tissue. The skin is still missing by the way and I'd show you, but it'd be a bitch to re-bandage all of it."

Letting go of your sleeve and putting your blazer back on, you continue with a heavy heart.

"Anyways, that was the line for me and I decided to tell Doctor Masago that on my next appointment. I did so, only to find myself handcuffed to a chair, alone with a male dog that was a couple of years older than me but thankfully a nice man. They wanted me to mate with him and create a human-dog hybrid, one that would hold the potential of being molded into the perfect puppet."

"But I would rather die than to give birth to a child like that," You explain, turning your head to the ocean, "and so I did the only thing I could think off. I cut off my finger to escape from the handcuffs and fled through the vents. I must've been crawling through that maze for hours when the security guard, a female green anaconda, found me and attacked me."

In that moment, you hesitate, the lump in your throat growing thicker and harder to surpass. Are you really able to confess your sin so suddenly, so shortly after it happened?

Well, if I want to talk to Legoshi, I'll have to.

"To keep me from escaping, she bit my thigh. I was lucky she didn't hit a major artery. In my panic, I grabbed the same scalpel I used to chop my finger off to stab her, over and over again. Until I was sure she was dead. I cried the entire time, even more so when I had to cut her open and cover myself in her blood to avoid any suspicion from the other canine security guards that were actively searching for me."

"Many hours later, I was on the roof and managed to jump onto another building to get down to the ground. From there, I made my way to the black market because it is the only safe place I could think of, even if that sounds ridiculous." Swiftly wiping away a stray tear that escaped your eyes, you force your gaze to remain on the road beneath your shoes. "But that's my story. The whole truth, just like you fucking wanted."

It's silent for a minute, only the turbulent waves crashing against the cliff fill the air. Then, the small phone appears in your vision and you promptly look up at Louis.

"Here, take it. You held up your end of the deal." His eyes show the mess of emotions currently swirling inside him. "Now call him."

With a nod, you take the phone and move a few feet away from the group, even though they'll probably still be able to hear you with no trouble. Flipping it open, you're about to enter the first digit of his number before a thought interrupts your actions.

Should I really do this?

Sadly, you know you shouldn't. You can't put him in any danger. But on the other hand, not letting him know that you're alive would also be incredibly critical.

Another idea pops into your brain and quickly, you put in the number and hit the call button, holding the cellphone to your ear.


"Juno?" You ask, not able to keep the happiness from influencing your tone when you hear her voice. "Hey, it's me, Y/n."

"What?!" You're thankful she doesn't say your name out loud. Whilst Legoshi would probably be secretly watched and too naïve not to cry out your name in joy if you had called him, the same doesn't apply to Juno. "Where are you?! I-I thought you were dead! Legoshi's worrying himself to death over here! The rest of us too, especially Haru!"

"I'm sorry, Juno." You apologize. "But I don't have another choice. I messed up, okay? The people from the lab are searching for me and I can't come back to school. They're probably watching it 24/7."

"Yeah, there were two weird men asking about you in the drama club yes. They were dressed in really fancy suits, too. Are you safe?"

"Yes, I am, don't worry. They're most likely going to be watching the school, Legoshi and maybe even Haru for the next few days, because most of the school have seen me more with them then they have seen the two of us together. That's why I called you." Switching your tone to a more serious note, you continue. "Juno, you need to talk to Legoshi and let him know that I'm okay. Haru too; tell them that I'm sorry. Make sure you're alone when you do though, okay? I can't risk putting you guys in any sort of danger because of me."

"Okay." She agrees, a sad tone in her voice. "...I miss you."

"I miss you, too." You smile, your heart aching in pain. "Can you do me one more favour?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Tell him, that I love him." Stray tears escape your eyes and frankly, you don't try to stop them. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I promise. We humans are hard to take down."

A few sniffles sound from her end, causing more of your own to filter through your barriers. Gripping the railing for support, you stare down into the dark abyss of the sea, the mess in your chest feeling rather similar to the raging waves.

"I will." The sound of Louis clearing his throat behind you tells you that your time is running out. So, with a heavy heart you say your final words to the she-wolf.

"Goodbye, Juno."

"Goodbye. Stay safe, got it?"

"I promise."

Then, you hang up and hand the phone to a waiting Free, who breaks it in half and throws away the broken pieces.

"Come on," Louis says gently, setting a hand on your back and leading you back to the car, "Let's go back."

The only thing you do is nod, wondering where to go from here on out. 


Hey ho, homies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it's a little late, I'm a little sick currently (stomach bug) and this one took a little longer to write (it's over 5,5K words).

IMPORTANT: I will be taking a small break for a week so I can study for my oral exam next tuesday. That means this wednesday and saturday, there will not be a new chapter. The next chapter will be up on the 17th of March.

I just wanted to let y'all know but it's a lot easier to concentrate on studying without having to worry about writing chapters.

Anyways, I have a small question for you guys. So one day, Legoshi and the MC are probably going to be married. And frankly, because this is japan, I would like to write the scene as a traditional japanese wedding and not one of western standards. Of course, I will be properly doing my research to not disrespect the culture in any way (cause I am not japanese) but I also feel bad about the idea of just writing a western wedding scene when Beastars takes place in japan.

And from what I know, having a traditional japanese wedding is most often very important to people of japanese descent.

So now, I'm asking you guys about what you would like to see and your input on the idea. So what do y'all think?

Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and healthy in this pandemic! Stay safe guys, gals and nonbinary pals!

See y'all in chapter 68!

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