Chapter 57 - My ex is a moron
(A/n: See end of chapter for new update schedule)
"Will they take me to the hospital?"
"Probably," You answer in Legoshi's steed, running beside the two carnivores to keep up, "I think the nurse will call an ambulance."
"I'll visit you when I can. And when you're out of the hospital, we can go downtown and get ourselves some antshakes." The grey wolf reassuringly smiles down at the herbivore. "That's a promise."
Despite heavily panting due to the physical exercise, you force yourself to put on your brightest smile and distract Kibi with a multitude of questions. About his favourite colour, favourite food, his funniest memories as a child; you listened to all of it intently in order to be the emotional support for the injured anteater.
The nurses react with impressive speed once you inform them about what happened; Legoshi had told you to run ahead and despite being the slowest out of the three of you, you pushed yourself to speed past them as you rounded into the hallway that contained the nurse's office. Kibi had been taken in with great care and as one of the nurses compliments your knowledge of first aid before closing the door, you stand beside the two carnivores and bow in respect.
Once the door is closed, you let out a loud exhale of relief, wiping the sweat from your forehead. "We should head back. You know, tell the others that Kibi's going to be all right, so Tao can calm down a little."
"You should go ahead," The grey wolf urges, to which you turn to him with a questioning glance, "Why?"
"I-I'm going to wait a little more, I'm still overwhelmed by what happened. To clear my head, you know?" He nervously rubs the back of his neck, his ear flapping playfully. It's one of the tell-tale signs that he's lying. You may not have been in a relationship for a long time but it was enough for you to learn some of the smaller details regarding the tall wolf. Like how he tends to sleep on his belly, or how he'll always tie his right shoe first. Or, as he is doing in this exact moment, how he flaps his ear when telling a lie.
As your brows furrow slightly, he asks the big Grizzly beside him, "Riz, would you mind staying with me?"
The hell are you up to now?
Riz nods, once again slouching as he usually does when around other people. You decide to do as asked and go ahead. You've got enough on your plate, you don't need to know about what other things this weird wolf gets up to nowadays.
Or at least that is the plan.
As you round the corner, you see Pina making his way over to you with Kibi's bag in his hand. Sending a friendly wave his way, you halt in your steps and open your mouth to say something once he stands in front of you. A sudden voice echoing through the hallway stops you, the words uttered causing your eyes to widen in absolute horror.
"So you're the one who killed Tem, aren't you?"
The voice belongs to Legoshi and your eyes meet the sky-blue ones of Pina, who too is now burdened by the weight of this new information. Swiftly turning around to peer around the corner and into the empty hallway, except for an idiotic wolf and a silent bear, you keep your breath as quiet as possible whilst motioning to Pina to not make a sound.
"You can't fool me, so don't even try." Legoshi, ever the reckless moron, takes on a cocky stance in front of the giant Grizzly, his tail held high as he leisurely stuffs his hands into his pockets. You ignored the fact that he looks pretty attractive like that.
I'm going to bloody kill him.
"I'm the only one who knows that you, Riz, are the one who killed Tem." Jokes on both of them though, now you and Pina have involuntarily been dragged into this mess. The Dall sheep stands behind you, leaning onto you in order to also peek around the corner and watch the two carnivores. Though, you find it incredibly ironic how you've nicknamed the bear Freddy Fazbear in your head; you did not think the shoe would fit so well. Well, at least he doesn't own a fucked up pizzeria.
"Hmm...I suppose so..." The bear mutters, a sinister tone added to his usually friendly voice. "That French kiss ended up being your trump card, didn't it? That caught me off guard..."
Pardon me? French kiss?! What the fuck is going on here?!
Am I on drugs?!
"That was the only way I could've found you. And it actually worked, so I'm not sorry that I did it." A sour scowl forms on your face and Pina warily eyes you from his positon behind you, kind of terrified of your menacing aura. Quite frankly, you've already decided to give the wolf a piece of your mind after this is over and most likely after you'd call the police on Riz.
But you're not stupid. You don't have enough information to know why he kissed Riz but apparently, that was what helped him solve this murder mystery. You're guessing Legoshi memorised the taste of Riz's saliva or the shape of his teeth and then went from there. Not that this makes you feel any better about the fact that your ex-boyfriend is going after murderers in his spare time like he's detective Pikachu.
"I didn't think you would confront me like this. I thought for sure that you accepted my warning." Riz mumbles, flexing his claws in a nonchalant manner whilst Legoshi stays as cool as a cucumber. "I didn't mean to kill Tem the Alpaca, you know? It was all just a big mistake."
"I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement..."
Pack it up, Logan Paul! When will you learn that your actions have consequences?!
We don't kill people, Freddy! It's rude!
"And you thought I was gonna let you get away with it?"
"So you're not?" With a big smile on his face, the grizzly's body bulges as his muscles increase. His body reminds you of the hulk and you audibly gulp in shock as he stands up straight, tearing his powerful claws through the ceiling. "Then I'll just have to silence you...permanently."
Oh no, you fucking won't!
Already taking off your shoe as your first weapon of choice, you aim straight for the bear's head, planning to distract him with the tiny missile before grabbing Legoshi and bolting out of here. However, Pina stops you from doing so as he drags you out from behind the corner and bravely steps in between the two testosterone-filled apex-predators.
"Ugh, I can't wait anymore! Excuse me!" Acting like the last five minutes hadn't happened, the Dall sheep stands in front of the infirmary with Kibi's bag in hand. The other hand gently but firmly holds onto your wrist, ultimately forcing you into this awkward situation as well. "The guys wanted me to bring Kibi-san's bag to the infirmary. It's such a hassle. I ran into Y/n-senpai on my way here, isn't that such a nice coincidence?"
Neither of the carnivores move as Pina hands the nurse Kibi's belongings, both of them obviously in a state of shock as they exchange a hesitant glance. Meanwhile, you glare at the two, mindlessly but menacingly tapping your shoe against your clothed thigh.
"Well that's taken care of...phew," The horned male stretched lazily, before hooking his arm around yours and beginning to walk away. But not before he points to the scratches on the ceiling. "Look at's going to cost a lot to fix up those scratches. Don't worry, me and Y/n-senpai won't tell a soul."
Ironically enough, the second you pass the two paper signs on the walls stating 'no scratching allowed' and 'Please don't shout in the halls', Legoshi bolts after you and grabs a hold of your and Pina's shoulders before shouting. "Wait! Wait! Hold on, Pina! You didn't hear anything! Tell me you two didn't hear anything!"
"I appreciate the concern," The younger male states, sending a serious glance back at the grey wolf," But I can't lie and tell you that we didn't hear anything. And I can't say that Riz-senpai being the culprit is none of my business."
At his words, you let out a heavy groan as you throw your head back in annoyance.
I am surrounded by idiots.
As far as you know, it's survival 101 to not tell the murderer that you know about their crime. No, the smart thing to do is lie, walk away and notify the police. But apparently, none of these boys have a single braincell in their heads. You're also wondering if Dall sheep are some sort of symbol for bad luck because ever since Pina joined the drama club, you're life went from crazy to insane.
"That's why I interrupted you two, so Y/n-senpai and I could get a say in all of this." With a heavy sigh, the male runs his hands through his white fur. "Well? Why don't we discuss this like civilized animals?"
And that's how you ended up sitting at a table in the cafeteria, not bothering to mask your discontentment about the situation. Now once again wearing both of your shoes, you silently observe the other animals in the room, especially a couple of girls that are basically dropping their panties at the sight of Pina, who's siting to your right. Legoshi, sitting opposite of you, looks the most uncomfortable currently and Riz, sitting on your left, well, you can't tell what he's thinking at all.
Though it's probably about honey or mass murder. Most likely both.
"All right, I want a peaceful discussion..." Pina begins, leisurely leaning back in his chair. "So don't look at me like a predator, Riz-senpai."
"I'm nervous," The bear says in the most monotone voice you've ever heard.
"No shit, Sherlock," You grumble, resting your chin on your hand as you stem your elbow onto the table, "Now three students know that you're a murderer."
"There's one way you can calm yourself, Brownie..." Pina starts, only to be interrupted by the expressionless carnivore. "Pina, Y/n, I must kill you."
Just another tuseday...
Once again taking off our shoe with a long exhale of disappointment whilst Legoshi proclaims he won't let the bear harm you or Pina, you reel your arm back and expertly throw the miniature missile at Riz's head. Taken aback, the Grizzly touches the area of impact and looks at you, still no emotion on his face."We don't threaten to kill others, Riz. That's rude. Geez, where are your manners?"
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Pina adds, smiling at the carnivore, "If you kill one more herbivore from the drama club, the police will have no choice but to conduct a hard investigation. It'd be a very simple procedure. They could tie the carnivore members up and end up searching you. Even an elementary schooler could do it."
A bead of sweat rolls down Riz's forehead and Pina's sly smirk intensifies. "Oh my, you look flustered."
"I feel sorry for you, so I'll give you a handicap...I won't tell anyone what you did. It's a hassle anyway." The dall sheep stands up from his seat, stuffing his hands into his pockets and staring down at the trembling grizzly bear. "You have my word. I'm sure Y/n-senpai won't tell anyone either."
Seeing Legoshi stand up as well, you guess that they want you to come with them to wherever the hell they plan on going after this. Mind you, you're still in your club outfit, so you'd just like to go back to the drama club and get your stuff.
"We're both in bad circumstances but for now, I'll declare this as a victory for justice. I hope you don't have too much trouble sleeping tonight. Let's go, Legoshi-senpai."
Legoshi's hand gently wraps around yours, probably to ease his worry about your safety, and the three of you begin to walk away from the now mostly empty table. Truthfully, this is not how you thought your day was going to go. First, Kibi loses his arm and then you find out one of the people you've talked to quite often during the last few weeks is a murderer.
With that thought in mind, you peer over your shoulder at Riz, your own impassive stare meeting his dark eyes. He's shaking, his mind most likely all over the place from the fear of being arrested and rage at the fact that three people now know about what he did to Tem. His mouth transforms into a snarl and just to add salt to the wound, you flip him off.
For once, not feeling any fear in dangerous situations helped you out.
"Ah, I don't usually get this worked up. This is bad for my shoulders. It's bad enough with my horns..."
Hanging onto the railing to stretch his tense muscles, Pina glances from you to the tall wolf beside him. The three of you are standing on the rooftop, casually leaning against the metal railing. Pina stands in between you and Legoshi, whilst you deliberately stare at the ground with your arms crossed in front of your chest.
You really wish Val hadn't cancelled your training for today because quite frankly, you feel the need to punch something.
"Pina, Y/n, you got involved because you wanted to save me, right? That was so risky..." Legoshi utters and you kick a small stone across the rooftop as Pina answers. "Well, if you fought him, you probably would've died. And to be fair, I dragged Y/n into this. She actually wanted to throw her shoe at Riz-senpai back there. She was prepared to go all out for you."
A moment of silence ensues as you feel Legoshi's stare bore into the side of your head, your cheeks inflaming at the attention. Still, you don't look up.
"I'm in your debt." Once again addressing the younger male, your wolf holds out his hand for him to shake. "I'm gonna protect you from now on."
"All right," Pina agrees, shaking the carnivore's hand with no hesitation, "But first, could you give me your phone number?"
Quietly listening as they exchange numbers, you stuff your hands into the pockets of your red sweatpants, wondering what to do about Riz. Logically speaking, you should call the police. But you don't have any evidence other than Legoshi's word and even though the bear admitted to it, you doubt he'll do the same thing in front of a bunch of police officers.
Without Legoshi's support, you can't do anything in this situation.
"From now on, send me a text every night before you go to sleep so I'll know that you're okay. It can be just one word. Every night, all right?"
"Mm, yeah, yeah....I think I'll forget if I happen to be with a girl though..."
A soundless snort escapes you. It's slightly amusing to you how similar these anthropomorphic animals are to the ones you remember from your old world. Biology-wise, they're incredibly similar, especially when it comes to their sexual behaviours. For example, wolves are inherently monogamous, so you're not surprised that Legoshi's kind of fixated on you. Then there's Pina, a dall sheep, which is inherently a polygamous species. And like his species predicts, Pina's not one to stay with one girl. Honestly, you don't see anything wrong with that way of life as long as all parties involved know that he's seeing other girls.
"Also, I'll need to know your scent, just in case. I'm gonna borrow your pen."
"Eh, you can keep it." Running his hands across his face, Pina sighs before making his way to the exit. He nods and winks at you whilst you respond with a mere salute as a way to say 'See you whenever'. Of course, Legoshi has to scream after him. "Know that your life is always at risk! Be careful!"
With a loud thud, the door that leads into the school closes behind Pina and sneakily, you steal a glance at Legoshi, only to find him sniffing the dall sheep's pen like an absolute maniac. You know that he's a canine and that they mostly work with their sense of smell but damn, it still looks weird as hell.
Silence ensues on the otherwise empty rooftop.
Lifting your head upwards, you observe the clouds in the clear sky as a slight breeze tickles the exposed skin on your arms. Your muscles ache from the many hours spent at the lab or training with Valentina but to be honest, you've grown used to that feeling. On top of that, you've lost quite a bit of body fat, both from working out with the mountain lion and due to you not taking care of yourself properly and not eating enough during your worst days before you started therapy.
Your sessions with Gouhin are helping a little but you know that you're far from being okay. The best you get is make-belief because sometimes, you're lucky enough to forget about your situation. Due to Val's training, you've got more muscle mass now. It's nice if you're being honest, especially because you're now strong enough to deliver a good punch.
Legoshi's footsteps sound on the pavement as he slowly moves closer to you, clearing his throat awkwardly as he leans onto the railing. He looks down onto Cherryton High, observing the many other students walking around during this nice weather. It's almost ironic how good today's weather is despite how fucked up this entire day has been.
"Are you mad at me?"
"What do you fucking think?"
Still refusing to look at him, you keep your eyes on the stale ground, watching the occasional flower or plant dance in the wind. The metal railing digs into your back and you bite back a scoff when you see his tail continuing to wag happily. "I'm fucking furious with you, Wolfie."
"I'm sorry-"
"Yeah, you better be," You cut him off, "Why would you go after a goddamn murderer? Is that why you broke up with me? To spend your free time chasing a killer and playing detective?"
Finally meeting his gaze, you watch as he solemnly nods and his ears press flat against his head. Letting out a quiet, frustrated scream, you pace around and hit the railing; the plethora of emotions consuming you is overwhelming and nothing but baffling. "You're such a fucking idiot sometimes! Why wouldn't you just let the police handle it? Why would you willingly put your life in danger like that?"
"It's my duty." He defends himself, coming closer to you in an attempt to calm you down but in turn, you take a step back. "No it's not! You're not the police, you're just a student. Legoshi, we're basically kids! It's not our job to play the hero and save the fucking day! So why didn't you just call the police?!"
"Because I want to beat him myself." You recognize the determined gleam in his eyes as he stares down at you with a serious expression. Gently, his hands place themselves on your waist and you allow it, deciding to let him explain himself. "I destroyed our relationship because I thought if you'd continue being around me, you'd become a target. I want you to be safe more than anything else. But this is something I need to do as a carnivore. I owe it to Tem and all other herbivores. And now, I owe it to you to."
A sad smile graces your lips and reluctantly, you fight yourself out of his hold.
"Why do you always think you owe the herbivores of this world something? Or me? Or Tem? I'm pretty sure Tem wouldn't have wanted this if it means you're putting your life in danger. If Pina and me hadn't intervened today, you'd be dead now. Do you understand that? And it didn't change anything that you broke up with me because guess what, I still talked to Riz. Now Pina and I are part of this mess and that bear is still on the loose. Nothing changed."
Meeting his eyes, you feel your heart breaking a little more as you see the tears begin to form in his dark orbs. But you swallow down the urge to comfort him, to play the part of the loving girlfriend because the truth is, you're not.
"I can't do this, Legoshi. I'm not in a good place right now and honestly, I didn't need the burden of another murderer on my mind, my own is still enough. And I don't want to watch you die."
"Y-you won't," He whimpers, his tail halting its frantic motions.
"I hope not," You whisper, "But I also can't play lovey-dovey with you when you're doing shit like this. I'd like to support you in your fight with Riz but I can't do that without letting myself drown as a result. At least not the way I am now..."
Your gaze meets his, your own e/c eyes doing their best to not let the tears flow.
"I'm sorry, Legoshi. I love you but...I have to do this for myself. We can't be together."
Hey ho homies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I finally have a schedule! I will be updating this story on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This allows me to also focus on school and other projects.
Because I had the time and motivation, I updated a new chapter every day for the last few days (also to give you guys a little present for reading my story). Now I will be following this schedule. The chapters will also be a little longer though. They're around 3k now but in the future, they'll be aroune 3,5 k to 4,5 k.
With the schedule, I can also focus on my other story, school and my art. I hope you guys can understand that.
Now, the big reveal has happened! Riz is the killer, Freddy Fazbear (the ebay version) strikes again! Man, the poor MC has to deal with a lot of bullshit at this school.
Also, new material for heartbreak but she basically said No❤️ to Legoshi's love advances now because she's doing the smart thing and focusing on her mental health.
Another symptom of PTSD by the way is not feeling fear as often or at all. Which is why she was able to face Riz without fearing for her life, like she would've in season 1.
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and healthy! Stay safe guys, gals and nonbinary pals!
See you in chapter 58!
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