Chapter 50 - love and obligation
"Grrr!" Bill growls furiously as he crushes the empty soda can in his clawed hand. "I want to crush that materialistic goat bastard into a pulp and swallow him whole!"
"This may be the rooftop but if you say that again, I will leave, Bill." Legoshi comments, watching the big feline with growing apathy. The tiger turns to him, still confused as to why the grey wolf even showed up to this gathering to begin with. "Dude, you actually came to this carnivore gathering, which you never do. That means you want to spill your guts, right?"
That doesn't mean I wanted to come here.
Carnivore gatherings on top of the school roof around dusk had been happening for a while now. Due to the heavy discrimination against carnivore students at Cherryton after Tem's murder, a couple of third years had decided to plan carnivore-exclusive gatherings in order to help each other deal with it. Mostly, these gatherings existed to strengthen the bonds within the carnivore community and help the first years settle in, despite the harsh treatment they received from their herbivore peers.
Legoshi had never attended a single one of these gatherings up until now. But the circumstances have changed and he saw it as the best opportunity to learn more about the other large-breed carnivores in his club and whether or not they could be Tem's killer.
I decided to come here because I knew the large-breed carnivores of the club would be here too...But I hate the atmosphere up here. This feels like a sort of 'Back-Alley market of the school'...
"I know why you're here, Legosi." Dolph, the third-year Hippo from the stage crew, states whilst Legoshi takes out a tissue for his nose. His cold had fully eliminated his sense of smell now. "You think one of us is Tem's killer. No one's forgotten about that case. One of us was eaten alive...I'm offended that you thought that."
"So this is about that talk in the dressing room..."
"Uhm, sorry. I'm not trying to suspect you guys of anything..." The grey wolf apologizes, his ears tilted sideways. "I came here today...because I wanted to have a good talk with you guys. I'm a suspect too, because I'm a wolf."
"I don't have proof that one of you guys didn't kill Tem. So you, well, uhh, how do I say this..." The other carnivores observe him with puzzled expressions, though their features turn more and more annoyed with each word that spews from the canine's mouth. "In order to dismiss our culpability, what we should be doing as carnivores is to prioritize protecting our herbivore members every day of the week. Uh, so....what we should be doing is not bad-mouthing our new member..."
By now, the others are staring at him with deadpan expressions and narrowed eyes.
"But to deepen our understanding of one another, we shouldn't antagonize ourselves. Instead, we should be sure we make everyone feel secure. Also-"
"Argh, stop! Stop!" Bill explodes and Aoba grins at his outburst. "You're not made for this kind of stuff, idiot!"
"You do not make a good team leader!" For once, Legoshi silently agrees with him. "We'd treat our herbivores nicely without you telling us to!"
"You're an animal of action, not words, right?" The feline's features change into a dirty grin, his fangs glinting in the low light of the night. Legoshi's ear flips to the side in confusion. "What?"
"You slept with Y/n, didn't you? There's only one thing we want to know right now..:" Immediately, all five carnivores scoot closer to him, leaning forward with perverted curiosity. "Can large-breed carnivores fuck humans?! Like, is it physically possible?! Do her genitals look different than other females? Does it take effort?! I always thought it'd be dangerous! Y/n's not that small but still, like putting a large truck through a garage door!"
Visibly irritated, the grey wolf narrows his eyes at the tiger and he can barely contain himself from baring his fangs at him. "You're making this weird, Bill."
Why are teenagers such perverts?!
"If this is what you want to talk about, then I'm leaving. Goodbye."
"Oh, wait, wait! Don't get mad!" Bill stops him, clasping a hand onto his shoulder. "I'm just curious. You can't blame me for it."
The wolf remains silent, a small blush on his face as he remembers that night while he glares at the tiger. Bill continues to showcase his nasty grin, wiggling his brows at the wolf. "So...what's it like fucking Y/n?"
Another memory of your first night together flows through Legoshi's mind and the tiger's obscene choice of words finally cause him to break free from his unbothered façade. The instinct to protect your pride is far too great to ignore any further.
"L-Look! Why do I have to tell you guys! I'm not taking any part in this vulgar stuff!" He shouts, gaining the attention of other carnivores as well. "It was way more than that! What happened between me and Y/n is our business alone! My memories of that night were so valuable, that I could live the rest of my life free of sex!"
The carnivores of the drama club stare at him with befuddled expressions, mostly wondering how stupid he could be to ramble around the actual topic and somehow still answer the question.
"So it was good..."Bill mumbles quietly. "No, seriously, spill the details-"
"Legoshi." Aoba interrupts the vulgar feline. "I know the reason behind your reserved personality. You say you're in love with Y/n but aren't you just 'glorifying' her?"
He pauses, his words sizzling in the air and catching the wolf off-guard.
"Don't you think your feelings for her come from your feelings for herbivores in general? Tem was eaten alive, Louis-senpai is out of the club...I don't know what the full story is and even though I believe she genuinely likes you too, I think your feelings for her are a little too heavy for a high school girl to handle. You need to enjoy love for what it is."
Silence falls over the group as the wolf's ears droop and his body begins to tremble.
Could Aoba be right?
"Yeah, took the words right out of my mouth!" Bill exclaims whilst Aoba merely smiles cockishly. "Last time I checked, you've never had a long-lasting relationship before. Leave the love advice to me."
In the meantime, a loud sneeze comes from the canine behind them. Concerned, the eagle turns around to ask, "What, are you sick?"
"Yeah," the wolf timidly admits, cleaning his nose, "My nose isn't working."
"This might be the best chance I have to beat Legoshi in a fight!" Bill proclaims, only to get scolded by Aoba once again. Legoshi takes no notice of it, instead fishing his phone from his pockets and sending a text your way.
He needs to talk to you as soon as possible.
About half an hour later, you're sitting beside him on the stone railing of one of the school's architectural masterpieces, at least in your opinion. It's resembles a sheltered balcony on the highest level of one of the school buildings, the large, seemingly ancient open windows allowing you to see the many trees and wonders on Cherryton's grounds. More importantly, it carries the atmosphere of a Victorian tragedy, the old stone telling you stories of the past.
"What's up? We normally don't meet up here." You greet, instantly letting your hand wander to find his. He mirrors your motions, taking a hold of your hand and gingerly observing the smaller appendage, though he remains quiet. "What's the matter, wolfie?"
Yeah, she's cute...
"Nothing, really." He murmurs, though his tone sounds slightly off. Then, his gaze falls onto your injured finger, a small bandage covering the top of it. "What happened to your right hand?"
"Oh, I accidentally cut it on a thorn when I was helping Haru in the garden. I got careless, no need to worry though. It doesn't hurt..." You drift off when you notice the ghastly glint in his dark eyes as they linger on your hand. "Legoshi?"
I used to always hate how big I was compared to her...But now it makes me happy. I can protect her. And I always will.
I'm not glorifying her. I'm...genuinely in love with her as a male.
His thoughts are forced to a halt when you pull on his tie, dragging him closer to you. "You're acting weird, wolfie. Also, you're too high up. You have to slump down a little so I can meet your eyes."
"R-Right...What?" Perplexed, the large wolf stares down at you, a blush forming on his cheeks. "So am I..."
"Stop talking!" You giggle, putting on a childish pout despite not being able to hide your grin. He leans in, pressing his clawed hand against the stone pillar behind you. "Okay..."
Instinctively, your fingers brush through the silver fur on his cheek. You enjoy moments like these; simply being close to him never failed to lift your mood. His presence is entirely overwhelming, but in one of the best ways you can imagine.
"Y/n..." He murmurs, barely leaving any room between the two of you, "Are you still in love with me?"
"What?" The grin on your lips falters, your mind perturbed by this sudden, absurd question. "O-of course I am, wolfie. Why would you ask that?"
His eyes convey his inner fight with himself, the melancholic weight of his newfound duty suffocating both of you.
It's heart is very calm right now. I always think about what Louis-senpai would do whenever I find myself in dire straits. My heart is always with the herbivores...
"Le-Legoshi," You stutter slightly, your heart hammering inside your chest, "What's going on? You're worrying me."
Without a word, he retreats and stands up, putting a good few feet of distance between the two of you.
I can't put her in danger... But I have a duty to fulfill...
"I don't feel like I want you to be mine." He confesses, ignoring the painful tightness in his chest at the lie. "I'm just happy knowing that you're alive."
"Wha....what?" He can hear the tears beginning to fall from your eyes and he can't bring himself to turn around to face you, knowing that would break him entirely. "C-come on, whatever's going on in your life right now, we can fix it! I-I can help if you'll just let me-"
"From now on, I want to watch over you from a distance..."
My love for you is my prayer for your safety.
He doesn't turn around at the sound of your heart-breaking scream, tears forming in his own eyes. It's for her safety, he reminds himself over and over again as he leaves you behind, your heart shattering as you watch him leave.
But ultimately, you're too weak to run after him.
Because what's the point in running after someone who doesn't want you around?
Aoba was right...My behaviour isn't normal from an outside perspective.
Legoshi has fled to a secluded corner of the Cherryton yard, his tail curled against his side in sadness. The shadow of the tree beside him covers his form, shrouding him in the same darkness he already believed to be drowning in.
But I think this is the right thing to do for my love for her. The right thing to do as a carnivore...
The young wolf is so engrossed in his thoughts, that he doesn't notice the ominous silhouette appearing behind him. Instead, he reminisces in an older memory of him and Tem.
Sheesh, why am I remembering that now? My friendship with Tem was pretty mild, now that I think about it. He was still a good friend though...
I want to find Tem's killer. Not because of a sense of personal Duty...because-
When he finally notices the menacing shadow behind him, it is already too late.
His body tumbles over as he's pushed onto the ground. Harshly landing on the floor, he attempts to put some distance between him and his attacker.
How did he get behind me?! Who is he?!
A heavy, large foot roughly places itself onto his head, pressing him against the hard concrete.
He's got me! Is he trying to prevent me from seeing him?! He's big. Is he the killer?! This is bad...
"Hey! Who are you?!" Legoshi presses past his gritted teeth as he pants from the pain, the pressure from his attacker's foot on his head paralyzing his entire body. Onslaughts of punches make contact with his head and torso, forcing him into unconsciousness despite his best attempts to stay awake.
...W-What's happening?
What's that sound?
Something's being dragged on the ground...
When his consciousness finally begins to return to him, the young wolf awakens to a blindfold covering his eyes and his hands bound together. A strong hand painfully drags his body across the concrete and he's sure his nose is bleeding. Panting heavily, he tries to kick his attacker and free himself but the hand doesn't lose its hold.
Now it makes sense. This guy knew I had a cold and that I couldn't use my nose. He planned this attack.
Who are you? What are you after?
He groans in surprise when his body is suddenly lifted into the air and smashed against a stone pillar. The material breaks under the force of the impact.
A horrific wound opens on the left side of Legoshi's head, blood running down his face and dripping onto the floor. However, he doesn't feel any pain.
"Is this a threat? Is this you saying 'don't pursue me'?" He asks confidently, despite not being able to see or smell his opponent. "You seem so confident about your strength...but I don't see what you're trying to prove by beating me while I'm disabled. As a fellow carnivore, I am ashamed..."
Bravely, Legoshi stands tall and menacingly. Even though his life is on the line."If you're out to kill more herbivores in this school, then you'll have to kill me first. I will stop your murders if it's the last thing I do."
And just as he expected, the killer attacks him once more, his face taking the hit as he's forced back onto the ground.
"Alpaca wool is more delicate! You can touch it if you want."
Tem, I'm sorry for thinking our friendship was mild. It is horribly irregular for a carnivore to be friends with an herbivore. That is something we carnivores should never forget.
"You haven't experienced what I've been through and I hope you never do. But because of that, you'll never understand how I feel at all."
She was right at the time. Man, Y/n is harsh. But I think I understand now....
I need to make it up to the herbivores.
Having made up his mind, Legoshi ceases his attempts to fight back. His head lays in a puddle of his own blood. Murmurs fall from his lips, too incoherent for his attacker to understand.
Cautiously, the other large-breed carnivore moves closer.
Then, in the matter of a single second, Legoshi wraps his arms around his neck and forces a slobbery kiss upon his assailant. His legs wrap around the male's middle, keeping him in place.
He surpasses me in strength, so I can't use force to find his identity. But I can at least find clues using my sense of taste and touch!
How are his teeth? Do they taste like meat?
Give me your saliva!
Finally getting what he wanted, Legoshi ends the kiss and his attacker frees himself from his grasp, quickly running away. The wolf, now alone but nearing unconsciousness, remains on the cold concrete, the puddle of blood increasing by the second.
Ugh, I'm feeling dizzy now...I've got to stay conscious...I need to remember his flavour...Ugh, are you kidding me?
If I knew I was going to kiss someone like him today, then I would've kissed Y/n earlier without hesitation...
Around the same time in canine dorm 701, Jack receives a phone call from his best friend. Nonchalantly, he takes out his phone and answers, his usual cheery voice filling the room. "Hey Legoshi. Where are you?"
But no one answers.
Instead, only a soft whistling noise comes through the speakers and the Labrador knows exactly what is going on. "That's the sound his nose make's when he's got a runny nose. It's like an S.O.S signal, only he needs tissues. Good grief."
"What?! How could you tell?!" Collot questions frantically, bewildered by how much Jack knows about their carnivore roommate.
"We've been friends since forever. It's my job to help Legoshi whenever he's in Fixes like these!" The Labador calls out, then leaves the dorm with a box of tissues in hand. A Labrador's sense of smell is pretty decent, so Jack knows that his friend is outside of the school building, yet he has no idea where he actually is.
Though his calm face changes instantly once he smells the irony scent mixing with Legoshi's.
Legoshi's scent is mixed with the smell of a great amount of blood... the very idea makes me want to break down and cry.
We're growing farther apart as we grow older...It's come to the point where I can't even ignore it anymore.
Completely motionless, the grey wolf lays on the concrete, blood continuing to flow from the wound on his head. The little whistling noise fills the air, its origin being his bloody nose.
I hear footsteps... Is Jack really coming for me? Maybe I'm just hearing things, considering I didn't bother to tell him where I was. I just hope he doesn't get a panic attack from seeing me...
He's not good with blood.
"Le...Legoshi?! No way!" In an instant, the smaller canine is at Legoshi's side, tears falling from his eyes. "Oh no...come on, don't die, Legoshi! Can you see me?"
"Oh Jack...thank you..." For coming, Legoshi wants to add, but his exhausted throat doesn't let him. "I can see you just fine...could you free my hands?"
"Your hands?! Who did this to you?!"
"I'd like to know that myself..."
Once his hands are freed from the zip-tie, he sits up. Jack kneels in front of him, his expression filled with horror and worry. But the wolf remains apathic to it all, seemingly also ignoring the large wound on his head.
"Oww...Hey, so I'm going to stay away from school for a while...I want you to tell my Instructor that I'm going to go to my house to take care of my sick grandpa."
"What?! Why?!"
"And one more thing...could you return the notes I borrowed from Y/n? They're in the desk in my classroom." Ignoring his friend's frightened gaze, the wolf grasps his shoulder as he continues. "I'm really counting on you to do that for me. You know, I'm feeling much better from seeing your face. You need to go back to the dorm! He might come back."
"Who's he?!" Jack questions despite his trembling body, the sight of his friend covered in blood now forever burnt into his memory. "Look, we need to take you to the infirmary! Someone needs to check on you..."
"No, If I go back to the school building, I'll be killed for sure."
"Then where are you going?!"
"You don't need to know...But I'll tell you this...I will come back."
Disbelief washes over the blonde canine's face as Legoshi stands with his back turned to him. "What the hell man..."
"I'm aware of how distant you've been these last few months, even when Y/n is around...." Jack states, a slight hint of bitterness hiding in his tone. Tears rush down his cheeks. "You're not coming back, are you?!"
"I-I wanted nothing more than for you to be happy...A clumsy guy like you growing up, making friends, studying for school and getting a girlfriend...I wanted that. I wanted you to be stronger so you could better yourself. Why'd it have to turn out like this?" His voice breaks towards the end as he cries, his eyes avoiding the tall silhouette in front of him entirely. "The stronger you get, the worse off you are in life. I can't bear to see that anymore..."
With the moon brightly shining in the ebony sky, the young wolf, now tainted by his own blood and the burden of solving a murder case, stares at his best friend of many years as the realization finally hits him. The differences that seemed invisible to him before, are now more than obvious to his eyes. How radiant yet distant the Labrador looks as he sheds tears of compassion on his golden face. And how at the same time, Legoshi's own face remains blank, covered in dark blood.
They really had grown up to be rather different individuals.
"I'm not strong because I want to be happy..." He confesses. "Be on your guard, Jack...I don't want you to get yourself in danger. over
Y/n, too."
The dog's tears finally still, his sniffling subsiding. But as he lifts his gaze, his chest clenches in one of the most painful ways he has ever experienced in his young life.
Legoshi, still injured and now completely alone for the sake of fulfilling a wrongly-given duty, has vanished. Only the moon remained to witness Jack's breakdown.
*** y'all doing? ◉‿◉
Please don't kill me....
Now, befitting the great role of Chapter 50, we've reached a turning point for our story. Legoshi is off to become a furry, idiotic version of Sherlock Holmes whilst Y/n is left to pick up the pieces of her broken heart whilst Freddy Fazbear (without the hat) is on the loose.
What a twist.
Trust me guys, I've got a plan...sort of... No really, it'll work out in the end. I'm also planning to reintroduce a long forgotten character soon, so you can look forward to that!
To begin with, I am now finished with my A-level exams / Abitur! I feel like I've been run over by Truck-sama! But I am proud of myself for making it through those fuckers! As a treat for myself, I bought myself a Samsung galaxy tab s7. It was expensive (650€, ouch my wallet) but worth it. I'm not a fan of apple, mostly because I have no apple products in my home and it's generally more expensive in my opinion.
I'm happy I got it though and am proud to say I bought it with my own money.
Updates will be a little more frequent now because I've got a week free from school left. I'll be doing other shit too (like finishing my oil painting that's been sitting around) but I'll be updating regularly.
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and healthy in this madness! Also best wishes to my American readers, I hope having Biden as a president will bring you a good four years!
Stay safe, homies!
I'll see you in chapter 51!
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