Chapter 47 - Summer classes
They say time flies by when you're enjoying yourself and you would have to agree. The days passed way too quickly and it seemed like the weeks spent cuddling or fooling around with your giant canine boyfriend turned into literal minutes. Before you knew it, the last two weeks of summer break were upon you.
But that also meant the return of Legoshi's best friend, Roommate and your newest friend, Jack. At first, you were worried that you'd make him feel like a third wheel or like you're trying to steal all of Legoshi's time, but it turns out that the innocent Labrador Retriever literally had a heart of gold. When Legoshi first told him about his new relationship with you, the smaller canine hugged you and muttered an exaggerated, "Thank the heavens!"
And from that point on, you guys instantly clicked; in a platonical, sibling-kind of way of course. To be fair, the boy was just glad that you made Legoshi happy. With you around, it seemed like Legoshi was actually proud to be himself; the gloomy cloud that had followed the young wolf around for years was finally gone.
Jack was incredibly easy to talk to. He was funny and full of life but not to the point where it'd be annoying or exhausting; he was like the brother you never had. Due to Legoshi's calm nature, playing certain games with him is incredibly boring and sometimes even infuriating. Try playing Uno with someone that merely does his adorable little ear-twitch after being hit by three plus fours in a row and then still manages to win. Also, Jack understood your humour on an almost scary level. He'd actually picked up on a few of your meme references and used them on you, making you the proudest human alive.
However, one thing trumps it all.
Chasing the ball.
Yes indeed, that is an actual sport or activity in this world, imagine your surprise when you found that out. On Jack's first day back, he and Legoshi had made plans to go to the city and spend a few hours there and Legoshi being the affectionate, slightly clingy boyfriend that he is, had asked you to tag along. You agreed, just to see if you weren't actually having a bizarre fever dream. But alas, it was true.
You had spent a total of four hours watching your boyfriend and newest friend chase a tennis ball in a closed, specifically booked room. It was hilarious and adorable at the same time and even though it slightly weirded you out, you gladly took the opportunity to be the ball-thrower instead of the repetitive machine. Honestly, it was quite the arm workout.
Summer in Cherryton proved to be full of surprises and little wonders. Despite all the shit you've been through in the past months, you'd be lying if you said it wasn't worth it just to spend the summer like you did.
The day before your roommates came back, both Legoshi and Jack decided that it'd be fine to just have you temporarily move in until the official end of summer break, when the rest of the guys would come back. You had almost cried right then and there and gladly accepted, so not an hour later, you, Jack and Legoshi went on to steal your stuff from your own dorm mission impossible style.
To be completely honest, you have no idea how you're supposed to go back to sleeping on your own after these six weeks. Falling asleep and waking up in Legoshi's arms is a privilege that you don't want to give up.
Nothing, absolutely nothing can compare to that.
"Hey Y/N?" Jack's whispering voice reaches your ears. "Do you want some potato chips?"
Okay scratch that, maybe one thing could compare.
In an instant, your eyes are wide-open and you wiggle yourself out of your boyfriend's grasp. Silently making grabby hands towards the bag of potato chips, Jack chuckles quietly before handing it to you. The both of you sit down on the floor, the soft crunching of the food filling the room, accompanied by Legoshi's soft, growl-like snores.
"How long until class starts?" You ask groggily, shielding your eyes from an onslaught of way-too motivated rays of sunlight. You stretch, one of Legoshi's big shirts covering your entire torso and further, though you're also wearing a pair of regular pyjama shorts, and a timid yawn escapes you as your joints pop.
"We still have some time left. I just felt like eating potato chips."
"A glorious idea, really," You say, stuffing your face with the salty goodness. "I think this should be a new tradition. Positive vibes, you know?"
The Labrador hums in agreement, but when Legoshi manoeuvres around in the background, both of you glance up from the yummy chips. Only to see that he has now rearranged himself so that only his snout peaks through the curtains of his bunk bed, soft snores coming from him.
Geez, he really does sleep like a dog sometimes.
Unbothered, the two of you turn back to the bag of chips.
"Hey, do you still have that manga about those highschool kids with superpowers?"
Jack ponders for a moment before he nods. "You mean boku no hero academia?"
"Yeah exactly, that one!" You beam, laughing at yourself for forgetting the name. "Could I maybe borrow that one? I saw you reading it a couple of days ago and the art style is really cool in my opinion, so I wanted to check it out."
"Sure," He smiles and gets up, quietly climbing onto his bed and rummaging around before returning with the first volume of the manga and handing it to you, "There you go."
"Thanks, Jack."
Both of you glance up when an annoying buzzing noise echoes through the dorm, a fat fly landing right on Legoshi's nose. Jack, being the helpful friend he is, promptly moves to swat it away.
Only for your boyfriend to suddenly bite down on the Labrador's arm.
A high-pitched scream comes from Jack while you're laughing your ass off, trying not to choke on the potato chips, as the canine attempts to free his hand from the jaws of your vicious boyfriend.
"I was just swatting the fly away from your face! Wake up!" Stemming his body against the bed frame, Jack continues to try and pull his hand free from Legoshi's mouth. "Your Jaws! Stop biting me!"
Finally, the bigger canine sleepily opens his eyes and releases his friend's hand, causing the Labrador to roll back and fall face first onto the ground. "Morning?"
His dark eyes flicker over to where you're sitting, lighting up in an instant, before he looks back down at his best friend. "You okay? I smelled something good."
"Is this what I get for eating potato chips in the morning?" Jack quietly mutters beneath his breath, earning another mischievous giggle from you. "Yeah, yeah...Let's go to our summer classes."
Reluctantly, you abandon the bag of snacks and follow after the boys as they move into the bathroom, grabbing Legoshi's warm hand out of habit as his tail lazily begins to wag behind him. You brush your teeth in silence and wash your face whilst the other two start a conversation.
"It sure is quiet without the guys around," Legoshi hums, shielding his face with a towel from water as Jack violently shakes his head to dry his fur. Then, he answers. "I was really sad when I went back home! I had to go home fast so I wouldn't have to deal with all of them leaving in packs."
With a melancholic gleam in his eyes, Jack regards the grey wolf beside you. "You could try going home too, if just for a little while. Pretty sure your Grandpa's sad without you."
You stay silent, feeling slightly out of place.
Legoshi has only mentioned his grandfather one time and that was the day he rescued me. I'm guessing that the two of them have a complicated relationship but I also don't want to ask why because I feel like it's not any of my business.
Of course, I want Legoshi to feel like he can tell me anything and be supported; I want him to feel as safe with me as I feel with him. But we've only been dating for a few weeks; would he think of me as annoying or feel like I'm invading his privacy for asking about his grandfather?
"He'll probably be angry to see me..." Your boyfriend grumbles as he dries his face with a towel, giving your hand an affectionate squeeze with his own before making his way towards the door.
"Yeah, because he's sad," Jack calls after him, you joining in shortly after. "Wolfie, your underwear is showing!"
"Huh? Oh, right," Swiftly, he pulls his pants up, earning himself a proud thumbs up from you, "Oh yeah, today's Friday....I ought to get myself an egg sandwich."
Note to self, when I propose to Legoshi, do it with an egg sandwich to bribe him into saying yes.
Around ten minutes later, you and the boys are walking through the halls of Cherryton Academy, Legoshi's hand proudly clinging to yours, your arms grazing each other from time to time.
"Damn, I can't wait for summer to be over," You mutter, grabbing the front of your uniform to get some space between your skin and the terrible material, "I am sweating like crazy in this thing."
Your brows slightly furrow in frustration when the large canine begins to disconnect his hand from yours and give you space, probably thinking it'll help you to not be holding his naturally warm hand whilst suffering in the sticky air of the hallway during the menacing summer heat.
"Oh no, Casanova, you keep that hand where it belongs!" You remark, pulling him back to your side. "The fact that you're a walking heater doesn't mean that you can escape my affection, Wolfie. It's the school's fault for making these stupid uniforms. They're not even cute, they're sad."
Legoshi chuckles lightly, planting a sweet kiss on your temple, before pulling you along. "It'll get colder again soon, don't worry."
This is another thing you've noticed with Legoshi over the passing of summer break; his unexpected maturity. Sure, he's always been someone you'd describe as calm, caring and generally mature, but these past few weeks you've definitely noticed it a lot more. To be fair though, you didn't actually notice these things until Jack pointed them out to you, fascinated how the wolf's relationship with you is apparently bringing out the best in him.
He's being considerate to his roommates, like offering Vos to get on his shoulders to move up the stairs or not wanting to play games with his friends as much as he used to. It's confusing to you but the big canine seemed just as content with letting you play instead, pulling you into his lap and basically cuddling you to death.
Nonetheless, you know you're lucky to have someone like him by your side. Good people are hard to come by nowadays.
Two familiar white rabbit ears appear in your line of sight, the small dwarf rabbit smiling when your eyes meet hers.
"Haru-chan! How are you? How's your family?" You grin, stopping your group to talk to her for a moment.
"I'm good and everything's as usual back at home, thanks. What about you? I see someone's been keeping you busy." She smirks at you, gesturing to your's and Legoshi's intertwined hands. Giggling, you respond, "Yeah, he's been making sure I don't die of boredom. Do you have summer classes, too?"
"Yeah." Then she waves you goodbye and gets moving again, your group doing the same. "See ya, Y/n!"
"See ya!"
You continue your way down the hall, passing by a student holding the school's newspaper. With a longing stare, you stare at the headline of the first page, immediate sadness filling your chest.
'Third-year Valedictorian Louis (Red Deer) is still missing.'
A picture of the golden boy covers half the page, his stern yet passionate eyes staring into the camera. By now, a big part of you has lost all hope that you'll ever see him again. Even though you don't want it to be true, the rational part of your brain is already preparing to grief for your friend. After all, it's been weeks since he has last been seen by anyone.
Snuggling closer to your grey wolf, you force your grim thoughts to another place.
Your classes pass by in a blur, seeing as once again most of these subjects are either incredibly useless to you or something you already know. So yeah, you're glad to see that school never seems to change. In the beginning of summer classes, it was weird to sit beside your boyfriend the entire time. You liked it of course but it's still something unfamiliar, seeing as you usually barely share any classes with him and in those that you do, the students all have assigned seats. Summer classes are the only time where you get to choose where you want to sit.
After the final bell rings to signify your freedom, you follow the two canines out onto the yard, leisurely sipping from a cold, refreshing juice box. Enjoying the fresh breeze against your skin, you carelessly dance around on your feet. "It kind of feels a bit colder now, thankfully."
Suddenly, Jack stops in his tracks and both you and Legoshi turn to look at him, confusion clear in your gaze.
"Legoshi," The Labrador begins carefully, "What happened to you this summer?"
At this, you choke on your drink and you awkwardly cough as the grey wolf beside you thinks about his best friend's question.
Apparently, the changes in Legoshi's behaviour and maturity have been nagging at Jack longer and more intensely than you thought. Neither you nor Legoshi has said anything about what happened the night of your kidnapping; yes, the school knows thanks to Juno's terrific propaganda speech and Jack's sense of smell is probably good enough to guess the depths of your relationship. But you didn't elaborate what actually happened to you or to Legoshi.
Whilst his wounds are still healing, your bandages are long gone, leaving you with the constant reminder of that night in the form of those evident scars on your upper arm.
"This summer...?" The grey wolf mutters absentmindedly, his eyes locked onto your form the entire time.
"I didn't...I didn't get to eat any watermelons."
Is he fucking serious?
Okay wait....
I could also go for some watermelons right now.
"Yeah," You agree quickly, now hyped for a fruity snack, "Why don't we go shopping right now?"
"H-Hey!" Jack begins to protest, only to be interrupted by you appearing behind him and pushing him forwards. Legoshi smiles at the silly sight. "Come on, let's go!"
Finally, the Labrador agrees. "I'll go, sure. Just don't go running off, okay?"
Even though you see it a lot nowadays, Legoshi's smile never fails to knock you off your feet.
So, fulfilling your role as a cheesy, lovey-dovey girlfriend, you run over to your big wolf and jump into his arms, letting him spin you around for a few seconds. Then, you give him a chaste but sweet kiss, booping his nose right after before skipping off again.
"Come on, guys! The faster we get there the more watermelon we can eat!"
Coming back to school about an hour later, now with a stomach filled with watermelon and a cold drink, you say goodbye to Legoshi and Jack. Now that you knew that Haru was back, you wanted to search for her and talk a little more.
After all, you had quite a few things to talk to her about, even though you called each other weekly and updated the other on any news.
But mostly, you wanted to be there for her. Louis might've been...or might be your friend but you know damn well that Haru's feelings for the stag run deeper than just Lust or friendship. And if she needs a shoulder to cry on, you'll gladly offer yours.
"Could she be at the gardening club right now?" You mutter to yourself, staring at the ceiling absentmindedly. "It's not like the clubs are actually open currently...but she's the only member of the gardening club, so maybe that's different. And knowing Haru, she wouldn't be at her dorm."
Yeah, I think the gardening club is my best chance to find her.
Suddenly, you collide with someone, bumping your head against their upper torso.
"S-Sorry, I should've looked where I was going."
Rubbing your head and slightly wincing at the pain, you take a step back. Your e/c eyes fall onto the black dress shoes, the polished gleam somehow familiar to you.
Nonetheless, you're prepared to shrug it off and be on your merry way.
However, a masculine, easily recognizable voice stops you dead in your tracks.
Your head snaps up, eyes wide open as you stare at him.
"It's been a while, hasn't it, Y/n?"
Your heart stops for just a moment.
Yes, it is I, your dearest author. The legend is back, you shall fret no more!
First off, I want to apologise. I've been absent for weeks, for both of my books. Like I mentioned in my message on my profile though, I've been juggling between studying, writing exams and falling sick because of stress. I'm now finished with most of my exams, I'll write my final exams in january, the first on the seventh. But literally after writing my last exam, I was dead. So I stayed home and rested and now my country's in lockdown again, so school's out too.
But now I've got time to update more frequently again so there'll be at least one update every week now. When that changes for the stressful situation that is my abitur/final exams, I'll let you know.
It's nice knowing I'll never have to write another math test again.
Now, I did some shit whilst I was sick and holding onto my sanity and now I'm gonna rant about it.
I am now fully caught up with the my hero academia manga and I have fallen down a rabbit hole of wlw content. I have watched almost every lesbian movie on netflix, binge watched She-ra and the haunting of Bly-Manor, watched three full seasons of Orange is the new black, read four Ruby Rose fanfictions and now, I am an absolute mess.
Like I've simped for Catra and Ruby Rose so much it's not even funny. I watched some bnba videos and suddenly, I'm also simping for Ryukyu (the dragon hero). I really want a girlfriend right now.
And before, I never understood the importance of lgbtqa+ representation in the media because every other representation that I knew was bad. It was just the token gay guy or lesbian couple.
But I was so happy watching every interaction in She-ra or Bly- Manor and reading those wlw stories (Orange is the new black was a guilty pleasure that I watched SOLELY for ruby rose). I was like a child discovering christmas, I want that shit so bad.
I also discovered that my mayor type of irl guys are literally more feminine guys. Like put that guys in a dress or skirt and I'll be done for.
So yeah, the pan vibes are currently very strong.
I'm also trying to shift right now, that's kinda fun. I just find the concept interesting and even though I haven't achieved it yet, I've gotten some interesting dreams. Like "Why is my brain giving me therapy" interesting.
To be completely honest, I'm not trying to shift so I can get railed (that's a side quest), I mainly want to shift to the bnha universe because I want to run around as a dinosaur. I'm currently in that phase too.
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and healthy! Please wear masks when meeting other people! The year's been crazy and it ain't over yet so let's not tempt any ancient deities!
See you in chapter 48!
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