Chapter 45 - I love you
*A/n: See the end for following updates and memes! Hope you enjoy!*
You too, are taken aback by the she-wolfs appearance, as is everyone else.
She's clad in a red dress, a scandalous slit showing off her left leg. The only thing holding up the front is a single red strap on her left shoulder and the power of her boobs alone. A choker necklace graces her neck, golden ribbons decorate her upper arm and a translucent red veil waves in the wind behind her, ending just below her shoulders. The tips of her ears and cheek fur are painted white and sparkling jewels are littered beneath her glowing periwinkle eyes.
You have to admit, she looks gorgeous.
However, the only thing bugging you about the outfit are the three feathers adorning her head. One's bright purple, one's lime green and the other's a golden yellow; it's a catastrophe in terms of colour coordination. Green and red are opposite on the colour spectrum, they are complementary colours. And whilst that usually doesn't stop them from working together, that green feather is definitely hindering her costume from shining to its fullest, maybe the yellow one as well.
You have to change that.
With newfound determination, you search through the boxes surrounding you, listening to the conversation whilst looking for your desired item.
"I had them change my make-up and costume just a touch. Especially since Louis isn't with us right now, we need to do whatever it takes to make this performance the best that it can be!" Juno announces proudly, her sweet voice filling the humid air of the tent.
"Let's go out and give it our all!" She smiles brightly and instantly, the mood among the drama club members changes for the better.
"You're right."
"Okay, let's do it!"
"Sounds good to me."
Even though you and Juno have had your differences and aren't necessarily on the best of terms, you have to admit that her charisma and cute persona are a good thing for the drama club. And as she said, now that Golden Boy's gone, someone needs to be the motivating, inspiring role model. Although she's not nearly as talented as him, she'll have to do for now.
Glancing down, you finally find what you're looking for. Feathers; the same as Juno's, merely in different colours. Picking two, a bright orange one reminding you of the colour of fire and a bright red, a lighter shade than that of her dress. Satisfied, you ignore the weird stares burning into your back as you make your way to the she-wolf, a smile on your lips.
Standing before her, you pull out the green and purple feathers from her headpiece, earning you a yelp of surprise from the wolf and a gasp from your surrounding peers.
"What are you doing?!" Juno's voice is concerned, she probably thinks you're destroying her costume. Little does she know that you're trying to save it.
"I am saving your costume!" You retort, your voice stern as you tuck in your choice of feathers. "What were you thinking with those feathers, Juno? Green and purple don't go together at all, much less with red! There, see, I fixed it."
Stepping back and telling Kai to get a mirror, which he promptly hands to Juno who proceeds to curiously inspect her face in it, you watch her with a gentle smile. After a moment of inspection, she glances back up to meet your gaze, her expression full of hidden awe, suspicion and gratefulness.
"The colours of the feathers were taking all the attention away from your costume. I changed that, by giving you more similar colours to the one of your dress. Besides, you kind of look like a phoenix now, very warm and bright, which is exactly what we need to captivate the audience."
Catching the awestruck sparkle in her eyes, you send her a grin.
"Now you can shine to your fullest, Juno."
It's quiet for a moment. You're the first to break the silence, remembering that you wanted to ask Haru if she needed any help with her booth before your club's performance started. "Well, gotta blast! See you guys, later!"
The members of the drama club stare after you, some baffled by your behaviour, others used to your certain amount of weirdness. Legoshi's gaze lasts the longest, his heart constricting in his chest as he watches you go, before lowering his head.
The wolf's looking at the ground once more, lost in his mind as he listens to the excited voices around him.
I feel like things are changing. Some may say it's a good change, others may say it's a bad change.
But all I that I'm devoted to her.
Slowly, he approaches Juno. Suddenly, he balls his fists in front of his chest as a gesture of motivation, scaring the female slightly. With a newfound mission in his mind, he sets off to find you and leaves the tent.
Watching him leave, Juno turns to Kai. "Okay Kai, I'm counting on you."
"Yeah, you got it."
The warm, golden glow of the lanterns guide him through the crowds as Legoshi searches for you, completely ignoring anything else around him. Carelessly, he rips of the bandage covering his eye.
No matter how much things change around me, I can keep being myself as long as you stay with me, Y/n.
Filled with vigour, the young wolf stops in front of the meteor.
I asked her to meet me around sunset so I could confess to her. But it seems like she forgot about it.
However, the wolf would be quite surprised to know that you didn't forget at all. On the contrary, you're trying to finish helping Haru with her booth as fast as possible because 'meet me around sunset' is not a specific time. Couldn't he have just asked you to meet him around eight p.m. or something?!
"Y/n!" Haru's voice calls from behind the many dozen plants. "We're almost done here!"
"Okay!" You call back, carefully setting down the small purple flower in your hand at the front of the booth. To no one's surprise, your mind begins to wander.
So much has happened in the last 24 hours. I feel like I've experienced a heavy dose of both fantasy and reality.
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
"Alright, we're all done here," Haru's cheerful voice brings you back into reality, "You should go now, the drama club's performance will be starting any minute and I don't want to keep you here any longer than I already have."
"Oh, right!" Swiftly, you get to your feet but stop when the small rabbit calls out to you once more. She smiles at you, giving you an inspiring wink. "You can do this."
She's talking about the confession, isn't she?
Determined, you nod, before running off in the direction of the stage. Maybe you'll find Legoshi there; it would save you a whole bunch of trouble.
It doesn't take long for you to reach the grand stage, it's vibrant red and orange lights mesmerizing you instantly. Juno dances in the center, truthfully looking like a phoenix rising from the ashes. The rest of the dance team stands in the background, gracefully moving to the music whilst their pure white dresses softly sway with their movements. It's a true spectacle to witness.
And as you had guessed earlier, Juno's beauty doesn't go to waste on the audience. Praises and mutters of awe rush through the crowd around you as you stand in the middle of it, your eyes following the she-wolf's every move. Legoshi on the other hand, is still wildly searching for you not even a few yards away.
Juno's really representing the perfect picture this world has of carnivores. Beautiful, powerful, special; all of that is undeniable when she's dancing on the stage.
Without meaning to, your eyes search the crowd around you and your heart flutters when you realize that you're subconsciously searching for a very special grey wolf. Your wolf.'re the only one that really accepted me for who I am. And no matter how much I may want to deny it, I can't be without you anymore!
I hate this! I hate being so vulnerable but with you....with you, I don't mind at all. And that scares me to no end.
Damnit, I need to tell you. I fear that I may go insane if I don't!
Keeping your eyes on the lookout, you search for your wolf, hoping that somewhere in the crowd you'll see his giant head pop up out of thin air. When your eyes finally see him, they sparkle gleefully and without hesitation, you make your way over to him.
On the other side of the crowd, oblivious to the colourful performance behind him, Legoshi grows more and more desperate to find you. His senses are on high alert as he paces around.
Shoot, I can't find her. Where is she?
Don't tell me she was kidnapped again. Where are you, Y/n? I don't want to be away from you ever again!
And finally, there it is. Your scent.
Ten metres, no, further...twenty metres...did you leave the grounds? Y/n, where are you?
"Holy hell, is your nose working all right?"
In an instant, he freezes. Turning around, he comes face to face with your own smiling one, your hands on your hips as the people around you cheer and clap when the performance ends.
"Took you long enough, wolfy," You grin, keeping your gaze locked with his as he steps closer. However, your expression quickly falters and your head fills with heat when the male wolf leans down slightly, grasping your hands with his. And once again, you notice just how big they are compared to yours.
"Y/n, I...uh-" His deep voice fills the air, only to be cut off by yours.
"Wait," You whisper gently, "I think I should go first."
Lifting your gaze from your hands, you stare into his dark eyes. Your heart beats faster, threatening to jump out of your chest any minute. As a last attempt to collect yourself, you take a deep breath.
"Legoshi... I'm in lo-"
"Thank you so much! And now, I'd like to introduce someone. He's a courageous member of our group. Our hero!"
Suddenly, the bright spotlight falls onto you and Legoshi, your hands still tightly holding onto one another. Your eye twitches in annoyance and anxiety, but you make no move to let go of his hand. Instead, you turn to glare at Juno, who stands proudly on the stage.
"You see, he risked his life and rescued a student from our school, who had been kidnapped. As a carnivore, it was a very courageous act for him to do."
No it wasn't. His bravery has nothing to do with him being a carnivore! It's called civil-courage, bloody hell.
"Now, Legoshi please, will you come up on stage?"
The grey wolf in front of you doesn't get to choose. In the blink of an eye, Tao rushes up to you and swiftly grabs his hand, dragging him away from you and onto the stage.
Muttering beneath your breath, you grit your teeth in frustration. "I'm so going to kill the entire fucking club when this is over."
Once the black panther drags him onto the stage and leaves him besides Juno, Legoshi peers down into the crowd with a startled expression. Then, he turns to Juno. "Hey, Juno. I wasn't told about this?"
Not bothering to answer him, the female wolf intertwines their fingers and lifts their hands into the air. "That's right. Legoshi went and risked his own life and saved Cherryton's only human who was in great danger. Regardless of what you may think, carnivores are always here to help the powerless herbivores. In any way they can. It's called compassion."
No, she's wrong! I've seen it with my own eyes. The horrors of carnivore instincts.
"I want to tell each and every one of you, there's a lot of potential with our strong physique. It's a precious gift."
With seething rage burning in your core, you watch the female wolf lifts their intertwined hands higher.
This bitch-
"That is the true nature of carnivores!"
Your rage only grows further when the crowd starts to clap, praising the two wolves, whilst your body trembles from the overflow of terrible memories. The lion, your death; everything comes crashing down onto your delicate shoulders and you're sure you're going to suffocate.
With tear-filled eyes, you glare at the female wolf on the stage, who in turn moves closer to Legoshi. Then, she turns to him and speaks so silently that only he can hear her.
"I'm so happy right now. All I want to do is continue making this world a better place to live in. It's been my dream ever since I was a kid."
She goes to say more, only to be interrupted by a deafening shout echoing from the crowd.
The clapping ceases as you become the center of attention and a gasp leaves Legoshi. He's never seen you so angry before.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, Juno?!"
Tao and Kai come up to you, trying to calm you down but you shake them off. With purposeful steps, you fight your way through the crowd. You try not to let the anxiety, the pain, all of it, get the better of you; you try not to cry. It's true that you and Juno aren't on the best of terms but this is unacceptable. "How dare you! How fucking dare you! You have no fucking right to talk about that!"
Climbing onto the stage and stopping shortly in front of Juno, you pull your hand back and slap the she-wolf across her beautifully-decorated face. A shocked gasp runs through the audience and Juno stumbles back, holding her cheek and staring at you like a lost puppy.
You've had enough.
"How dare you use my fucking trauma for your goddamn propaganda speech, huh?!" With a fiery glare, you straighten yourself as the crowd falls silent. Juno regards you passively, not uttering a word.
"You-" You point an accusing finger at her, taking a deep breath to keep the tears at bay, "You had no right to talk about this. Not you, of all fucking people. Not you, who cornered and threatened me just a couple of hours ago."
Your fists clench at your sides and it takes everything in you to not sucker-punch her in the face. "You seriously want to preach your bullshit about how carnivores have a compassionate side and all, when you didn't even bother to ask me about what I went through not even 24 hours ago? You didn't care about my side of the story but apparently, it was good enough for you to use it to spread your propaganda. Not even a fucking 'glad you're alive'-"
Arms wildly flailing, you address the entirety of your club, "-From any of you! All of you knew, even though I never said a thing about the fact that I was almost devoured yesterday! And none of you, outside of Legoshi and the president, bothered to ask me how I felt about any of this shit."
With tears streaming down your face, your walls finally crumbled to pieces, you turn back to Juno.
"Fucking preach your bullshit, I don't give a damn. But you have no right to use my trauma, my near-death, for your own fucking benefit. You don't have the right to talk about compassion, when you wouldn't know what it is even if it hit you in the fucking face!"
Trembling legs stepping forward, you sneer at her. "You're no better than the carnivores that tried to kill me."
The venue's silent as you flee the stage, your head held high as you make your way through the crowd. When you disappear back into the shadows, a restless murmuring wanders through the audience. Desperate to get back on track with her plan, Juno turns to Legoshi, who moves in this very second to run after you. "Hey, let's go light a candle together, Legoshi."
And without giving him a chance to escape, she drags him through the back and to the meteor, just as the giant sculpture lights up and illuminates them in a rose-coloured light. Protesting, Legoshi tries to gently leave the she-wolf behind. "This is supposed to be for lovers; the others will get the wrong idea. Especially after your speech."
"They're not getting the wrong idea." With a lit candle in hand, Juno grabs his hand. "Legoshi, The true strength of a carnivore simply can't be recognized in the darkness. You should understand. No matter how much you fight in the darkness, it's only going to become more of a burden on you. They're either afraid of you or hate you. It's your own strength that will bring you down."
Glancing up at the taller wolf, she acts like she misses the distant look in his eyes. "But I refuse to see you like that. So then, let's be in the light together!"
The eerie glow of the street lanterns guide your way as you climb the stone stairs, already leaving the festival grounds. You had stopped crying a long time ago and now that you're walking alone in the darkness, you wonder if anything even really changed in the time since you've died. What if you're still just meant to be a toy for some God to torment?
I didn't hold Juno to high standards but I thought she was better than that. I gave her the benefit of the doubt.
I've given a lot of benefit to a lot of people recently.
Usually, I'm pretty good when it comes to dealing with aggression but...I couldn't handle it anymore.
I'm done. I'm so fucking tired.
And in the midst of your anger and forlorn melancholy, your thoughts drift back to the image of Legoshi and Juno.
Those two...they looked really good together. Anyone would assume that they're a happy couple; Legoshi would receive all the blessings a same-species relationship could give him.
We were happy, if even for a short time, one would really accept a human and wolf couple. How could he ever be happy with me?
Who am I kidding... it's not like I have any ownership over him. It's his life, not mine. I was just glad to be a part of it.
I'm sure once I back off and erase myself from the narrative, everything will calm down. He'll be happier without me...He has to be, right?
It should be simple, right? To leave someone so they can have a brighter future, even if it hurts you?
It should be simple but....
"Y/n!" Finally, you stop. "It's dangerous to walk alone in the dark like that."
He really knows how to make everything so much more complicated than it needs to be!
"What are you doing here, Wolfy?" Your voice holds no aggression; instead, it's apathetic and absolutely emotionless. "You should be with Juno, back at the festival. Everyone was cheering for you, you..."
You refuse to face him, knowing full well that you'd fall apart. Still, your voice breaks just talking about him being with another person. "You seemed to be the perfect couple."
"What?" Mouth agape, Legoshi stares at you, his affectionate gaze burning into your back.
"This is so stupid," You sigh, continuing your slow ascend up the stairs, "You should go back."
"She's just another grey wolf, we hardly have anything in common with each other." His heartfelt voice breaks you down without meaning to, soothing the pain in your chest. Soon enough, you can't go on anymore, your legs trembling too much to walk away from him.
"I'm a...rather dark-natured guy, so it doesn't matter if I'm in the dark or the light. I'll always continue to worry." You hear his footsteps as he follows after you. "So, if I'm always going to worry, I'd rather it'd be about things that have to do with you, Y/n. Don't you see? It's more important to me that I focus on that."
"Yeah but, ever since we met you've been almost killed and I-" You take a deep breath, fighting your body and continuing up the stairs, "I've dealt with so much bullshit. And I don't know how much more I can take."
"Then let me help you carry those burdens. We've had to deal with more hardships than other people but I'm sure we can fight through them. Like our night at the hotel, "At the mention of that, your body goes rigid, heat pooling in your stomach, "We were happy there, weren't we?"
"Well, we need to face the facts." Frustrated, you press against the bridge of your nose in hopes of easing the pressure. "You're a wolf, I'm a human; that's not going to change."
Silence suffocates you as he hesitates to answer.
"Actually, when you were kidnapped by the Shishigumi...I felt like they had stolen my prey. Honestly, that got me confused a-and scared and-" He audibly gulps and it's almost like you can feel the fear in his heart. "I have doubts about...about what motivated me to save you. But it's pretty clear to me now."
"I would never eat you, Y/n! Because-"
"Stop it! Don't you see that's not what I care about?!" Cutting him off, you clench your fists at your sides. "How can you be so sure that...that you'll be happy with me?!"
To speak those words out loud shatters your heart and you can't control your legs as they begin to run up the stairs. You've always been running away from something; from failure, disappointment, the fear of being alone. No one can leave you if you never let anyone past your walls, that was your motto. And now this damn wolf comes along and turns your entire world upside down!
"Wait, I'm about to tell you!" But you keep running, like always, pretending not to care when he runs after you. You're torn between the part of your heart that longs for the safety of your lonesomeness and the part that loves him so dearly it hurts.
The more honest Legoshi is about his feelings, the harder it gets to walk away from him. Doesn't he see that he could have so much more if he'd stop chasing after me?
"Face it, wolfy!" You shout as you run, tears burning in the corner of your eyes. "There's no guarantee that a wolf and a human can be happy together in this world! You'd be so much better off with someone else!"
I hate this! I hate this pain, I hate how my heart is literally shattering in my chest. You might as well devour me alive, at least then I'd keep whatever's left of my sanity.
"There may be no guarantee, but-" The echo of his voice goes straight to the aching muscle in your chest, "But I have a reason to stay with you! A simple one!"
Run, just keep on you always do.
"And what would that be, wolfy?!" Your voice sounds harsher than you intend it to and it takes everything in you to not turn around and apologize.
The dark night sky greets you when you reach the platform at the end of the stairs, overlooking the entire town.
But you don't get any further than that.
In an instant, Legoshi's arms encircle your waist, pressing your back against his chest and resting his head on yours.
"Because I love you."
And just like that, you fall apart in his arms. Tears gush down your cheeks as you hug his arms tighter to your body.
"Y/n, I'll get stronger. I won't let this society or my instincts get in my way." His breath is right next to your ear and in this very moment, you know that you don't want to be anywhere else. It's hard to admit to weakness and vulnerability. "I want to make you happy. So I'll get stronger."
But you'd fight for your wolf.
For him, you'll stop running.
"I love you, too." It's the first confession you've ever made. "So if you'll allow me to, I'll stay by your side for as long as I can."
And when you look up and his eyes meet yours like they did all those months ago, you know...
It'll be worth it.
Well homies...this is it! We've reached the end of season 1!
This chapter is 4000 words just for you guys and honestly, I'm proud of myself for writing a fanfiction that is 40 000 words longer tan the first Harry Potter Book. It's longer than the Hunger games. Hell, this is longer than the firs Percy Jackson Book! And I'm not even getting paid for this ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
I hope this chapter was as satisfactory as you imagined it!
But we did it homies, from now on, our primary source material will be the manga. Things will get very interesting from here on out.
Also, please listen to the cover of "A tale of Moon" I put in here, it is DOPE!
Now, onto the update schedule. I'm starting school again tomorrow and will have to focus a lot of time into studying for my A-levels/Abitur. And because I'm stupid and also wanted to write a bnha fanfiction, I'll currently hold myself to one Chapter a week for this book (if I have free time, maybe there'll be a second one but I won't make promises).
So, now that that's out of the way, I have to say a few more things.
First off, thank you to everyone who's reading this story! Y'all make my day brighter with every comment, I'm not joking! I love and appreciate all of you!
Secondly, I have currently 8 Chapters of the bnha fanfic prewritten, so the first few will be published in the following week. It's titled "Soldiers and Heroes", so definitely look out for that if you're a fan of bnha, hawks and my writing.
Now, thirdly, I have discovered how to make memes. This can be seen as both great and terrible but all in all, I have created multiple memes befitting this story, with some random ones thrown in as well!
And seeing as this is a special chapter, I will be sharing these with you now! I hope you enjoy them!
And finally...
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe, happy and healthy in this crazy pandemic!
I'll see you in the next Chapter!
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