Chapter 44 - a missing Golden Boy
The mesmerizing scenery of the gardening club would never cease to amaze you. It's impossible.
Under the glow of the bright summer sun, the flowers practically sparkled with life. Bees swarmed around, butterflies rested their wings in this peaceful haven and if you listened for a few moments, you'd hear the music of the cicadas. Colourful, alive and magical are some of the many words you'd use to describe the green sanctuary.
If harmony was a place, it'd be the gardens of Cherryton Academy and Haru would be its guardian angel.
Still shaken up from your encounter with Juno, you look around in search for your small friend. You stay quiet, fully focusing on any familiar humming, talking or anything like that. And truly, after only a few moments of silence, you catch Haru's soft humming coming from the direction of the shed.
With a growing smile on your face, you make your way to the wooden structure.
She doesn't take notice of you immediately, though her ears twitch into your direction once you're a couple feet away from her. It's kind of cute to watch and particularly reminds you of the rabbits back in your world. Haru's taking care of one of her plants, one you're not even going to try to name, but she seems rather busy so you decide to patiently wait for her to turn around.
She doesn't.
You're pretty sure you're standing there for five whole minutes and eventually, the atmosphere turns from peaceful to awkward.
Does she think I'm someone else? Like some boy who keeps bothering her or something?
You know for a fact that, unlike canines, Haru's sense of smell is basically the same as yours, meaning average at best. Stiffly, you clear your throat and watch with confused eyes as the white rabbit completely stops her movements, her ears angrily twitching to the sides.
She sighs, obviously annoyed and you're feeling kind of sorry for the poor soul she's confusing you with.
"I told you all I know, Aisha. What more do you want?"
Wait a damn minute-
"Haru, I don't know how to tell you this," you start, using your most dramatic tone," But I'm not a dog."
At the sound of your voice Haru instantly turns around to face you, a bright expression on her face. You can barely muster up a smile before she throws herself at you, her arms wrapping around your lower torso.
"You're alive!"
You laugh, wheezing because the small rabbit is squeezing the literal air out of your body. "Hooray, I live to see another day! I mean, I couldn't leave you all by yourself now, could I bunbun?"
"What happened?!" She lets go of you, thankfully, and instead grabs your hand to drag you into the shed," You have to tell me everything! And I mean everything! When that wolf got into a fight with Louis after-"
"Wait, Legoshi fought Louis?" You question as you sit down on the very edge at the very bottom of the bed, knowing full well not to touch anything further up the mattress. "Why? Wha- Oh Legoshi's so going to get it for not telling me!"
"So he was the one to save you from the Shishigumi?" Haru asks before handing me a cup of tea and taking a seat on the only chair in the shed. You nod, taking a sip and silently furrowing your brows at the weird but not unpleasant taste.
"Yeah, it's lavender. I needed something calming yesterday and I thought it would be nice to make tea out of a plant I grew myself."
"It's not bad, just surprising," you muse, taking another sip to confirm your statement, "but yes, Legoshi was the one to save me, although-wait, how do you know about that?"
A forlorn glaze falls over her black eyes and she turns away from you, facing the window. "I found one of your shoes and a card from the Shishigumi next to it. I didn't know about them until I reported it. The mayor himself actually said he'd take care of it and bring you back but something just felt off, you know?" She shrugged, crossing her arms. "I just had a really bad feeling. When I saw the wolf, I immediately told him what happened and well, the rest is history. He fought Louis, I have no idea why, and then he vanished."
"Bloody hell," you curse," I'm gone for an hour and that stupid wolf gets into a fight with the school's most popular student. I swear, one day I'll really buy him a leash and collar. You can't leave him alone for even a second."
"So..." She turns back to you, her eyes glistening with compassion and safety. "What happened?"
You swallow audibly, lowering your head and avoiding her gaze. Even though you trust her, you don't want to talk about it.
You can't.
Talking about it would make it real and right now, you cannot deal with that, not when the scars are still so fresh.
Shit, all of it happened yesterday. Not a year ago, a month or even a week before, literally less than 24 hours earlier.
You flinch, before lifting your head without a single emotion on your features. "Sorry, I just...I just kind of spaced out."
"It's okay," her soft voice meets your ears," take your time."
"There's-" You clear your throat again, already feeling your body begin to shake and your eyes begin to water-"There's not a lot to talk about. A lion gang wanted to eat me for dinner, I fought back and endured it long enough for Legoshi to swoop in and save the day. We missed the last train, so we had to stay the night in town."
It's quiet for a moment and you know that Haru sees right through your little spiel. She knows that a lot more happened. But she also understands that you're not ready to talk about it.
So instead of questioning you further, she hums gently and takes a sip from her own cup of tea before meeting your eyes with a beaming grin.
"So...what else happened?" Her grin widens. "I mean, between you and the wolf?"
"Oh uh, funny story actually," you giggle, heat crawling onto your face as you glance to the side in embarrassment, "We kind of...we kind of had sex."
The next thing you know, she's spitting out her tea. "You fucked?!"
"I caught a bad case of 'near-death-experience-bravado', okay!" You scream back, your cheeks burning as you give her a childish pout. "It's really not that big of a deal..."
Haru however, doesn't share your beliefs. "What are you talking about?! Of course it is! You had sex!"
You only respond with a shy nod, before letting out a yelp of surprise when she's suddenly right in front of your face.
"So how was it?!"
At that, a shaky grin makes its way onto your lips. "Let's just say, you'd have died if you'd been in my place."
She gasps, "Oh Goodness... how big is he?"
You can't take it. This is too much embarrassment for your poor heart to take. A high-pitched squeal leaves your throat, one that sounds pretty close to a pterodactyl, and with wide eyes, you lift your cup of tea to your lips. "Around eleven."
Haru gasps again, putting both of her palms onto her forehead as her ears twitch with excitement. "How are you even walking?!"
"I'm not, I'm still limping honestly," you confess," but overall, it was great. A little awkward but great."
With a smirk, Haru wiggles her eyebrows. "So how often did you-"
You cut her off by holding up two of your fingers, answering her question. The rabbit laughs, loud and freely. "Oh my, I didn't think the wolf had it in him, honestly."
"Well, perfect time to change the subject," you announce loudly, "What did Aisha want from you?"
Instantly, her ears lower themselves in annoyance at the name of your roommate and she crosses her arms in front of her chest. "She came by yesterday and asked stuff about our friendship. She asked what I knew about you, things like that. Nothing about your whereabouts or why you didn't come back with the rest of your club; that kind of confused me."
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Just a few days ago, you'd have defended the Greyhound but after your fight yesterday, you couldn't say it doesn't sound fitting.
Truthfully, you don't know Aisha. She's been your roommate for a long time now, for almost half a year now, but you don't know anything about her background. Family, hobbies, plans for the future, weird stories from childhood, absolutely nothing. You never asked because you felt like you'd invade her privacy and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Still, do you actually know what kind of person Aisha is?
Shouldn't you have been completely sure of that answer before you told her about your predicament? What were you thinking, honestly?
Probably nothing, as usual. That brain of mine is useless.
"But let's get back to you and your wolf," she smirks, wiggling her brows suggestively, "Was it just something casual or are you two a thing now?"
"I don't know honestly," you respond, walking to the wooden table standing against the wall and setting down your empty cup. With a heavy sigh, you lean against it. "We didn't talk about that. But it wasn't something casual, Legoshi's not that kind of guy. Especially because he was really affectionate when I went to visit him in the infirmary earlier and after everything we've been through, it would be stupid to deny the fact that I love him."
"Do you think he'll confess at the festival? Isn't there some kind of ritual for lovers at the meteor or something?"
"Yeah, there is, it-" Suddenly, you stop. A certain memory of the day before crosses your mind and it takes a lot to resist the urge to punch yourself for forgetting. "A-Actually, he literally said that he wants to confess to me tonight! He talked to me shortly before I was kidnapped. Oh my, how the fuck did I forget that?!"
Haru giggles at your embarrassed form, moving closer to you and putting her hand onto your wrist in a comforting, soothing gesture. "Well, it's not like you've had it easy in the last 24 hours. And you remembered now, so I'd say you're all good."
Slowly, you remove your hands from your face, instead staring at her with tired but grateful pools of e/c. Then, you let out a frustrated groan and rummage a hand through your hair.
"I'm really scared."
It's the truth. You're scared, terrified even, of what tonight will bring.
You've never confessed to anyone and even though you believe it's pretty clear that your feelings aren't one-sided, there's not a full guarantee for that. There's still that fucked up voice in the back of your mind telling you that none of it's real; it's just one big prank or something similar.
He doesn't really love you.
But you love Legoshi.
Of that, you're sure. But having to open yourself to someone like that, to show them every little part of you and enter an entirely new state of vulnerability absolutely scares the shit out of you. Multiple terrible scenarios of 'What if' swirl around your head, clouding your judgement, soul and bravery.
However, before you're able to fully lose yourself in the void, the white dwarf rabbit in front of you brings you back to reality. With a pat to your lower arm and a gentle smile, she looks up at you.
"You know he loves you, right? Everyone but you can see that, he's not very subtle about it. You'll be okay."
You swallow thickly, closing your eyes for a few moments and taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. Haru praises you, keeping you distracted with sweet words.
"See? You're okay; you're safe and you're doing great. The festival's going to be wonderful and come tomorrow, I'll have to fight that wolf for every bit of your time, I just know it."
When you chuckle at her words, her smile grows wider, a familiar sparkle in her eyes.
"You know, if I'd known you'd fall for that grey wolf back then, I would've locked the two of you in here just to speed things along."
Once more, you chuckle before sending her a playful glare. "I didn't fall for him. He fucking tripped me!"
"Whatever you say, Y/n," the dwarf rabbit muses, beginning to walk to the door of the shed, "By the way, we should probably start heading out to the festival now. The clubs have to get there early, you remember that, right?"
"Of course I do," you shrug, I totally forgot about that, and move to follow the female rabbit.
"Now get moving before I zoom past you with my superior, long legs!"
"All of this was perfectly organized yesterday! What the fuck happened while I was gone?!"
Frustrated, slightly offended and definitely extremely close to a psychosis, you search through the boxes of one of the tents for the drama club. You and your peers are moving stuff around, as usual, all of which has been scattered around the many, many cardboard boxes littering the tent.
Yesterday, you'd gone out of your way to organize them so it'd be easier to navigate which of the dozen boxes contained the items you were looking for but apparently, someone disagreed with your way of making life easier for everyone involved. You can't find shit and you've almost fallen onto your butt a total of five times because you tripped over one of those devilish cubes of cardboard.
As it turns out, you wouldn't be part of the light gang anymore, at least not tonight, seeing as your injuries and the fact that you had been kidnapped the day prior had your fellow club members worried. So you convinced them that you'd at least help to set everything up but fucking hell, you regret that now.
Throughout all of that, you hadn't caught a single glimpse of your horned friend.
Bambi sure knows how to take his time, doesn't he? What, did he decide he wants to spend the fucking weekend in Las Vegas or something? Did he run off to Narnia?
Where the hell is he?!
"Legoshi!" Kai calls out to the wolf, both of them holding a box. The wolf had been keeping a close eye on you the entire night, as well as staying a lot closer to you than usual. It's cute, sure, but it's a little inconvenient when you're basically stuck in Satan's parkour of cardboard hexahedrons, with legs definitely not meant for parkour.
"After you put that box away, you can just go back."
"Huh?" The tall male questions, tilting his head to the side in confusion, "Why's that?"
"What, isn't it obvious to you?" Kai responds, his temper shining through. "You can't work the lights when you're all beat-up like that!"
I see Legoshi's getting the same treatment I did.
"Sure I can. I'm actually fine, I can handle it."
"It's a busy time right now and all of us in the art department just don't want any more hassles happening again, alright?!" Kai reprimands the wolf and you watch with slightly widened eyes whilst you try to keep your balance after tripping over yet another box. But Legoshi asks the question desperately burning in your mind. "Again?"
Instead of Kai, the President answers with a sad undertone to his words.
"Louis disappeared, so we've had quite an awful lot of last minute changes."
Legoshi moves to speak but before he can get a word out, he's interrupted by the loud boom of your voice, which causes everyone in the tent to flinch.
"Bambi's gone?!"
This can't be. it can't be!
What the fuck, golden Boy?! Where the fuck are you?!
With a mournful sigh, the pelican turns to you.
"Yes. We haven't been able to contact him at all. This is so unlike him, that's for sure."
He shakes his head and walks off, leaving behind a confused wolf and yourself, who's even closer to another mental breakdown than before.
It must've been my imagination. H-He couldn't have been at the Shishigumi hideout! That would mean....
No, I refuse to accept that!
Bambi's alive and well, probably enjoying something weird rich people tend to enjoy and the second I get my hands on him, I'll murder him myself for making me worry!
Just where the hell are you, Bambi?
Legoshi watches from a far as your brows furrow in worry and you busy yourself with another box, carrying it away. His head hung low in shame, he looks down at the ground while his ears twitch sadly.
It must be my fault. Hm.
I have to find him.
He barely registers the sound of someone entering the tent, only lifting his head at Kai's startled gasp.
Heyo Homies!
Next Chapter will be the end of season one. Are you excited? I certainly am, I'm ready to get going with the manga cause I already miss writing Louis and Y/n's interactions.
And for everyone who has read the manga, you know that what's coming next is basically a pot of gold for me! This will be so much fun!
I'm now back home again and enjoying my last week of holidays, even though I'm not entirely sure if our schools here in Germany will even open after the end of the holidays. Covid's rising again and even though a second lockdown will be the end of many lives, I don't think the government really understands that, seeing as none of them are negitavely affected by a Lockdown (especially when it comes to money).
Well, we have to wait and see and hope for the best!
On another note, I'm almost done fully planning our MC for the bnha fanfiction and will probably start writing tomorrow or the day after because I'm just ITCHING to get the story from my head onto paper (or onto the computer).
Like with this one, I'll write a few chapters in advance so for anyone waiting for the story, the earliest it'll come out will be next week. Especially because my main focus will still be this story.
I don't know if it'll cater to many people's tastes but same thing when I started this story, I'm mainly writing it for myself and sharing it with others. I'm not writing it for publicity, just for myself honestly, to satisfy my imagination. But I can safely say, it's definitly a unique story.
Like I doubt ANYONE'S ever thought of the same shit I did for the MC, because that's going to be a whole other rollercoaster cause the stakes are way higher in the world of bnha.
My typical way of deciding on a character is
More power = more trauma
I'll definitely have to put serious trigger warnings on that story though.
Either way, let's see where the wind (and the gods of 2020) takes us!
I hope you're safe, healthy and drinking enough water during this hellshow of a year!
See you in Chapter 45!
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