Chapter 43 - Juno what the fuck?

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in-"

Naturally, you ignore every single word coming out of that woman's mouth, merely rolling your eyes with an exhausted sigh. You're convinced she hasn't taken a single breath in between, making you wonder just how furious she is at you and Legoshi.

"- You can be lucky I haven't reported anything to the staff, young lady, or you and that young wolf would be-"

Wait...she hasn't even reported this incident? I almost died and she doesn't see that as important enough to even mention it to the higher ups of the school?

You don't know whether you should be angry or happy that she decided not to report it. On one hand, you would've been killed had it not been for Legoshi, all because of the school's negligence. On the other hand, if she did report it, the government would most certainly take you out of this school.

They'd be convinced that you're not safe here and as their most precious test subject and only individual of your kind, they'd keep you under lock and key.

You'd lose your freedom.

You'd lose Legoshi.

"-but this will definitely bring some heavy consequences for both you and that young wolf!"

"Excuse me?" Your voice cuts through the air like a dagger and you relish in the faltering spark of superiority in the baboon's eyes. Even though you're secretly very grateful that she didn't report it, you also can't let Legoshi face any sort of punishment after he saved you and even got himself hurt because of you.

"Y-You heard me correctly, young lady."

"Oh, did I now?" There's a terrifying gleam in your eyes as you take a step towards the dorm-mother. If you play your cards right, you can save your wolf the unnecessary trouble, whilst also teaching the baboon a lesson. "So I heard you correctly when you said that you did not report two of your students going missing? One of which is an extremely valuable individual of an extremely endangered species?"

The baboon tries to find her voice in order to respond but she's too flabbergasted to form any coherent sentences.

"Let's look at the facts, shall we?" You continue; your tone is cold and apathetic. "Your students go missing, one of them being the only civilized human that you know of and who is heavily protected by the government. You don't report it; instead, you decide to inflict punishment on the hero, the wolf, who risked his own life in order to save me, a female human. I assume he told you that it was the Shishigumi who-"

"Stop right there!" She interrupts you, fuming with anger, "You will not mention such a terrible organizations name in front of me again! I accept that you were in danger and that I did not act accordingly when faced with your case, however, I won't have you making up stories in order to hide the truth."

"I'd like to say that it isn't the truth but unfortunately-"Swiftly, you pull up the sleeve of your uniform, promptly showing off your bleeding scars, "- it is. I'm sure that any doctor could tell you that these scars were caused by a lion's claws. Now, I'd like to keep this as short and simple as possible, Miss, seeing as I really need to get this treated."

With a satisfied smile, you let the sleeve fall back into place.

"The wolf will not receive any punishment for his actions, neither will I. Seeing as we both made it back alive, I think we can leave this incident unreported for once." She goes to say something but you cut her off before she can speak. "Should you disagree with those terms, I will not hesitate to tell the authorities of this situation, as well as the fact that this school almost lost their precious little test subject. One word from me will end in a law suit against this school, as well as one against you for not acting accordingly. I'm sure you're aware what consequences that would entail for you."

You send her one last bright smile. "Now, do we understand each other, Miss?"

"Y-Yes," she answers with a shaky voice, "Yes of course."

"Wonderful. Have a good day, Miss."

With that, you hold your head high and move past her. However, before you can grip the door handle of the door leading to the infirmary, another figure appears in your way.

Juno stands in front of you and for a second, the both of you make eye contact. You wait for her to move out of the way but apparently, the she-wolf has no plans to do so. With each passing second, you can see her face contort further and further and you worry that she's having some sort of mental breakdown. At least, that's what you'd assume by the intense twitching of her left eye.

Juno stares at you, dully taking notice of the slight smell of blood coming from you. It's basically invisible to her, seeing as most of your scent is overpowered by that of a certain male grey wolf.

This...this puny little human seduced Legoshi?!

"Ah, excuse me," plastering on her best fake smile, the she-wolf moves aside," Are you going in?"

"Yup," you answer, popping the 'p' as you eye the canine with weary glances," Got something for the nurse to check out. See you later, Juno."

Not sparing her another glance, you pass her and enter the infirmary.

"Oh goodness, not you again," One of the nurses groans, banging her head against her clipboard as her friend chuckles at her childish antics. You've been here often enough to basically be a part of their little friend group, though you're pretty sure they see you as a problem child they can't get rid of.

"Long time no see, ay?" You grin, eliciting another groan of utter despair from the nurse. Another one comes up to you, smiling gently, before guiding you to another infirmary bed to sit on. On the way there, your gaze meets Legoshi's and you can't help the love-struck smile growing on your lips.

"Come on, kid, what did you do this time?"

It's almost comical to watch her brows furrow in befuddlement when you show her your bloody scars. You laugh nervously before quickly hissing in pain as she disinfects the wound, muttering under her breath.

"What did you do this time?"

"I, uh," you rub the back of your neck, avoiding eye contact, "I got into a fight."

"Well it's definitely going to scar, you know that right?"

You try to ignore the pity in her voice and give her a quiet nod; you were well aware of that fact from the second that bastard's claws struck your skin. Those scars will be a constant reminder to you, just like the ones on your chest.

"Do they hurt a lot?" His deep voice sounds from the bed behind you and you turn your head to look at him.

"Not really. They sting a little but it's nothing I can't handle."

Legoshi hums contently, though his worried eyes never leave your figure during the entire process of patching up your wound. When the nurse is done, she gives the two of you a knowing smirk and leaves you be.

Slowly, you make your way to stand at his bedside, heat crawling onto your cheeks.

"How are you holding up?" You ask timidly, a little unsure of how to act around the male wolf after last night.

"I'm good," he responds, his body language making it painfully obvious that his entire focus is solely on you. He lifts a hand and holds it out to you and you don't hesitate to take it in yours. With a surprised gasp, you go limp in his arms as he suddenly drags you onto the bed and against his torso.

Your head rests against his shoulder and a pleasant shiver runs down your spine when he nuzzles your neck. His nose nudges the collar of your uniform aside and you don't bother suppressing the content sigh of bliss as his tongue runs across the bite-mark.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he mutters, his arms circling your waist.

"I'm happy you're okay, too. You really had me worried yesterday, you know?"

A content growl rumbles through his chest and you sigh dreamily. You're tempted to just fall asleep right then and there.

However, there are more pressing matters you need to attend to, regardless of how comfortable it is to lay in Legoshi's arms.

"Wolfie," you groan, tapping twice against his chest with your fingers.

"Hm?" He hums, reluctant to let go of you.

"Even though I really want to stay here with you, I need to go." You chuckle at his sad groan. Pushing yourself up, you look him in the eyes as you rest your hands on his cheeks. "I need to find Haru. I'm sure she's worried sick about me."

Legoshi hums in understanding, finally remembering the small dwarf-rabbit. After all, she came to him and told him that you've been taken by the Shishigumi. Without Haru's help, he would've probably been too late to save you.

Though with little to no enthusiasm, he lightens his hold on you. You send him a thankful smile, giving him a kiss on the forehead, before slipping off the infirmary bed and making your way to the door.

With one final wave to the canine, you leave.

Sighing, you lean your back against it as you stand in the hallway.

"Man, he sure as hell can be persuasive," you chuckle.

Now, to find Haru....I should probably start in the gardens.

Who knows, maybe I'll run into Louis on the way there. Then I could ask him what he was doing there....but I must've imagined it, right?

There's no way Bambi could've been at the Shishigumi hideout.

So... it must've been my imagination, right?

Quickly, you shake your head.

Doesn't matter. I'll find Haru and after that, I'll go and talk to Bambi.

With a new goal in mind, you set off on your way to the gardens. There aren't many other students around; most of them are probably too busy making plans for the festival. You would have to start getting ready in a little while as well, seeing as the drama club still had some stuff to do as far as you remember. Nothing major, but you'll have to double-check if you're still part of the light-crew.

Not a single soul crosses your way through the long hallways. Therefore, it's easy as hell to distinguish the extra pair of footsteps from your own. Whoever's behind you certainly isn't good at being sneaky.

Glancing at the windows, the bright sun blinding you for a second, you easily make out the curled, reddish-grey fur in the reflection.

Maybe it's a coincidence and she's just going the same way I am. Though it's weird that she wouldn't start a conversation with me... well it's not like we're friends or anything but Juno's a pretty social wolf and a total ass-kisser.

So surely, she would use every opportunity to get on someone's good side, right?

Well, who cares, really....

You continue your journey, keeping an ear out for her footsteps behind you. After a while, the possibility of being followed begins to give you the creeps and subconsciously, you speed up your pace.

Only to sweat-drop when Juno also picks up her speed.

Okay, calm down! It-it could still be a coincidence, right?! Right?!

Finally rounding another corner, you slow your pace for a few seconds and catch your breath. With an inconspicuous glance behind you, you stand completely still. Juno comes to a halt behind you.

At that point, you've realized that she's following you.

So logically, you go full sonic on her and leave her ass in the dust.

Fuck this! I'm not taking any chances!

As fast as your stupid human legs will carry you, you run through the hallways. You take as many twists and turns as possible but ultimately, you can't outrun a predator made for running.

Juno catches up to you on the stairs leading to the roof, her clawed hand clasping around your wrist and locking you into place with her fierce grip.

"What the hell do you want from me?!" You shout, twisting around to lock eyes with the she-wolf as a twinge of fear crawls up your spine at the feeling of a clawed hand on your wrist.

You don't believe that Juno would ever physically harm you. No, she's too smart for that. But the memory of that old lion is still burnt freshly into your mind.

The she-wolf grits her teeth, her cold eyes staring straight into yours. "Do you actually believe that you can make Legoshi happy?!"

"Wha-Huh?" Frankly, you're caught off guard by her straight-forward question.

Still, you're irritated as hell because she could've just asked to talk to you, instead of following you around like some kind of psychopath. With a new spark of bravery, you rip yourself free from her grasp and fully turn to face her, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

Mustering up a glare, you stare her down.

"That's pretty forward of you, considering you and I are barely acquaintances, much less friends. You're also a first year, don't forget that."

Juno composes herself, her eyes widening slightly as you mention the fact that she's a freshman, before lowering her head. Almost instantly, her voice goes back to its usual soft, chipper tone. "I-I'm really sorry."

Man, I forgot that she's kind of obsessed with Legoshi.

"Geez Juno, you know if you wanted to talk, you could've just asked," you sigh, shifting to lean against the wall. Despite disliking the canine, you owe her the decency to hear her out. That's what you'd expect if you were in her situation and it's not like it'll cost you anything, so it's the least you can do.

"Uhm, let me ask you something," she begins," You were the one involved in the incident with Legoshi, weren't you?"

"Well, I'm the only human here, aren't I?" You chuckle, closing your eyes tiredly. "So yeah, I was. Though I don't really know what that has to do with anything. But I want to assure you that my relationship with Legoshi isn't as shallow as you might think, if that's what you wanted to ask."

Once more, you sigh. You seem to do that a lot today.

"I won't say that I can guarantee his happiness; I'd be an idiot if I did. But I'll sure as hell try my damn best to make him happy. In the end, it all comes down to Legoshi and how he feels. I'm just grateful that he's a part of my life honestly."

You don't pay any mind to the footsteps echoing closer. However, once you feel the looming shadow above you, you slowly crack your eyes open.

But when your e/c pools register that the she-wolf is standing in front of you, an arm on each side of your head and successfully caging you in, they instantly widen. Staring into her cold, periwinkle eyes, you sweat-drop.

Naturally, you're a little intimidated. Still, you can't deny that it's not a little bit appealing to have a rather attractive she-wolf standing over you like this and staring at you like you're her last meal on death-row. You audibly gulp, silently repeating your mantra in your head.

Don't think gay thoughts, don't think gay thoughts, don't think gay thoughts-

"J-Juno, what are you doing?"

It gets even worse when the canine's face comes incredibly close to yours, before dipping down to sniff at the nape of your neck. Juno sniffs both sides of your neck twice, growling lightly as her eyes fall onto the bite-mark on your neck. The growl sends a shiver up your spine. Meanwhile, your face feels like it's on fire and you're pretty sure you're about to have a heart attack.

"J-Juno, will you-" you try to push her face back, stuttering slightly,"-will you stop that?!"

Finally, she eases up and moves back, standing about two feet in front of you with her arms behind her back. Your legs are shaking but you meet her stoic gaze with your own fierce one, crossing your arms above your chest again and pressing your back further against the wall.

"Okay then, I see, "her light voice echoes through the stairwell, "You guys actually had sex, huh?"

Did she- did she figure that out by just sniffing me?! Jesus Christ, what is wrong with these people?!

"Pity, I would've guessed he wouldn't be seduced by a puny little thing like you."

You're unsure whether to respond to the insult or not. Bewildered, you stare at her, the ball of anger slowly growing bigger in your chest at the belittling spark in her eyes.

"Oh, did you think I was going to devour you just now?"

No, not in that way at least, but go off I guess.

Still confused as hell, you watch as the grey wolf begins to ascend the rest of the stairs, her back turned to you.

"I don't need to cheapen myself," she announces proudly, "but I am going to surpass you as a woman."

"Now hold up-"

"And I'll prove it," she interrupts you, turning back to look at you as the bright light of the window illuminates her fur and gives her a dangerous glow, "at the festival of the meteor."

For a second, it's absolutely silent as you try to fully comprehend all of the bullshit you've just heard.

Then, you speak up.

"Great, Juno, absolutely wonderful," you muse, following after her until you're standing face to face again, "But maybe you should think a little before going around and insulting your upper-classman and fellow club member."

You hold her gaze, fierce e/c eyes boring into her periwinkle ones. You relish in the surprised gasp that sounds from her when you yank her an inch downwards by her tie, keeping a tight grip on the fabric.

"My relationship with Legoshi is none of your business. Right now, I make him happy, not you, and until that changes, you need to keep yourself in check, missy."

With another pull, you force her face even closer to yours, noticing the red tint of her fur on her cheeks.

"I've been through a fucking lot these past two days, okay? I do not have the nerve to deal with your bullshit as well. If you have feelings for Legoshi, then your buisness's is with him, not with me. Don't drag me into your mess."

You let go of her and walk past her, purposefully bumping into her shoulder.

"Don't act so high and mighty, Juno, and don't go assuming shit when you have absolutely no idea about what's going on in other people's lives."

One last time, you glance over your shoulder, your eyes meeting hers. Your face is blank, save for the bittersweet smile forced onto your lips.

"I'll see you later, Juno. Don't do something both of us will regret, okay?"

At last, you continue your way up the stairs, ignoring the young wolf behind you.

I've got a bunny to find.

Hello there, homies!

We've finished the Juno-reader confrontation, yay! That means that only the final festival arc is left from season 1!

Again, don't you worry, I'll still continue this book with the manga after that.

Now, I hope I satisfied your expectations with this chapter. Like always, my gay side came out because let's be honest, Juno's a whole damn meal and I would not mind her pinning me to the wall like that AT ALL (ㆁωㆁ)

I've been watching a lot of wlw tiktoks lately and fucking hell, I'm just becoming gayer and gayer with every single one I watch. It's ridiculous but I also lowkey love it.

I'm enjoying my vacation and forest time with my family right now, even though it's basically raining the entire week, but it's nice. We found some nice frogs, enough poisonous mushrooms to kill a whole town with, and some nice sticks.

I don't know why, but everytime I hold a stick, I just feel incredibly powerful.

As another fun note, I'm playing with the idea of writing a boku no hero academia reader insert/ x reader. And when I say 'playing with the idea', I mean that I've already planned like half the plot ◉‿◉ It'd be a hawks x reader, though it'd be less romance focused and more of an actual reader insert going along with the story and shit. And if y'all think this MC was traumatised then Ho ho ho, then y'all aren't ready for this one.

Seriously, I scare myself sometimes.

Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and healthy during these troubling times!

I'll see you in Chapter 44!

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