Chapter 39 - the truth

The feeling of his lips on yours is intoxicating, the warmth radiating off his body brings even more blood to your face. It's an incredible feeling; his body so close, his lips on yours, the fireworks in your stomach not letting up for even a second.

They make you giddy and you're practically glowing from euphoria. Your mind is blank, unable to catch a clear thought. Without thinking, you push forward and deepen the kiss as your hand slowly inches across the bed to grip Legoshi's.

The wolf growls quietly, meeting your lips with the same eagerness. They move against one another like a perfect match, filled with passion and affection.

For a first kiss, it's not bad at all.

Your lack of air forces you to part and as you do, your eyes meet his once again. Legoshi looks just as bewildered as you, his eyes wide and a slight pink hue shimmering through the fur on his face. His tail tells a different story though; it's frantically wagging behind him, thumping against the edge of the bed. You on the other hand, are as scarlet as a cherry and panting.

Oh jesus...

To say you're embarrassed would be a heavy understatement. In truth, you're freaking out and totally trembling from the awkwardness of the situation.

Oh jesus take the motherfucking wheel!

"I-I'm gonna go t-take a shower!" You spurt out loudly, your voice high-pitched and your eyes practically screaming for help. Still, there's a huge, unsettling and frozen smile on your face.

"I-I still got b-blood on me!" you continue, your anxiety sky-rocketing. "Y-You should give me your shirt too! I-I can wash it for you...y-you can't r-ride the train covered in b-blood after all."

"Huh?" Legoshi's voice is almost inaudible as he speaks, his eyes portraying the same confusion as you're feeling. "Hmm? Uh-Uh...what?"

"Y-Your shirt, L-Legoshi," you stammer, turning your face away from him with a beet-red face, "we should clean it...and I need to shower to get that bastard's blood off of me so....You know, I could do it for you..."

Still turned away from him with the cute little pout the wolf is all too familiar with, you hop off the bed and stand there with your back to him. But all Legoshi can do is stare at the spot you just sat in, his mind only now fully processing what the fuck happened just now.

Did we...Did we just kiss?

"Legoshi!" Your voice snaps him out of his cluttered thoughts. Puzzled, he glances at the hand you're holding out to him, making small grabby motions with it. "J-Just give me the damn shirt, okay?"

I've changed a lot since I met her.

A little uncomfortable due to his injuries, the wolf removes his shirt and hands it to you. Before he can even blink, you're gone and the door to the bathroom shuts with a soft thud. His gaze lingers on it, whilst you slide down to the floor on the other side of the door, releasing a shaky sigh.

We just kissed. That was real, right? I'm not imagining things?

Quickly, you pinch yourself, only to squeak at the unwarranted pain. Hiding your face in your hands, you groan. By far, this is one of the most embarrassing moments you've ever had.

I just kissed the guy I love. that's what it feels like.

You can't help the small smile that sneaks itself onto your face. With newfound energy and joy, you jump up and do a little victory dance, silently cheering for yourself.

"I fucking did it, I kissed my cru-ush," you sing silently, waving your hands above your head, "Ye-Ye-Yeah I did it! Fuck yeah, I'm really ha-Ah!"

Only to let out a short scream when you trip over your own feet and fall to the floor, knocking open the cabinet door of the sink on your way down. Its contents fall out one after the other, thankfully not heavy enough to hurt as they land in your lap.

"Hey, are you okay in there?" Legoshi's unnerved voice is muffled by the door and as soon as you hear it, you sit up straight.

"I'm fine! I'm all good, wolfie, don't worry!"

" careful though."

Again, an exhilarated smile forces itself onto your lips and you move to stand up. However, it's at that moment that you notice the several items in your lap and on the tiles around you and with a curious expression, you examine them. The first thing you grab is a bottle as large as your hand but when you turn it to read the label, your face explodes with red. that lube?! least now I know that this hotel is worth the price...

Acting like you've seen absolutely nothing, you put it into the cabinet again, soon followed by the other items. Among them are some soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, toilet paper, disinfectants, bandages, condoms in probably all sizes and you guessed it, more lube.

The crimson colour on your face would have anyone mistake you for a strawberry.

Finally, you undress and take a shower. The hot water soothes your skin and you watch the stream turn light pink from the dried blood as it washes off. You don't take too long and after you're done, you proceed to put some disinfectant on the deep scratches on your upper arm, bandaging it afterwards. Legoshi's top is quickly rinsed under cold water and the dried blood scrubbed off with soap, then you hang it over the small heater in the bathroom.

Now, once again dressed in Legoshi's navy shirt, you timidly leave the bathroom. Legoshi, who had laid back on the bed after you left, quickly sits up and makes eye contact with you. Immediately, your heart beats faster and you're unable to get the memory of his lips on yours out of your mind.

Neither of you say anything for a while. You just stare at one another and as weird as it sounds, it's incredibly endearing.

Slowly, you walk closer to him and stop once you're standing in front of the wolf. From this angle, it's easy for you to catch sight of the scars on his back. The ones Bill gave him the day of the second performance. Your eyes shimmer with sympathy and sadness at the memory.

He follows your gaze before turning back to you, a hand moving across the skin of your leg as gentle as a feather.

"It all started after I met you." His husky voice cuts through the silence.

Flustered, you stare at him, your hands leisurely touching his shoulders. His dark eyes stare into your e/c ones.

"It was a cold night..." He continues, "And all we could hear was the sound of the fountain."

Suddenly, his arm snakes around you and his hand rests against your shoulder blades. You bend your knees to make it easier for him. "Legoshi, what- Ah!"

A small squeak of surprise comes from you as he pulls you towards him, trapping you between his arms and his chest. Your back touches his torso, the warm fur tickling your skin. His snout rests right beside your head and your legs are huddled against your lower body. It's a position you recognize instantly.

"Ever since that night...everything about me changed."

You stay silent as you stay in the same position as that night, Legoshi's large body behind you on the bed. When he speaks, the guttural growling behind his voice vibrates through your whole body.

"I've been concealing something from you. The second time that you and I met...wasn't at the cafeteria that morning...or at the gardens. You see, the monster who attacked you behind the lecture-hall..."

Damnit Legoshi...

"That was me. I was about to devour you. I just..."

Unhurried and gentle, you place a hand onto his forearm and bring his attention back to you. "Don't worry, wolfie. Actually...I think I had a feeling it was you."

"Huh?" Taken aback, he glances down at you, his arms still holding you tightly to his chest.

"Well," You laugh nervously, "I wasn't suspicious of ever, if I'm being honest. Sometimes...there were just some little things that reminded me of that night and kind of pointed everything to you being that carnivore. Like the way you talk or act sometimes...but it was mostly my brain just telling me 'Hey, that's probably him'."

With a heavy sigh, you curl yourself up tighter against the wolf. "That's why I said I didn't blame the carnivore for attacking me. Remember when I told you about it that day we had to run from the security guard? Honestly, I...I don't think I ever held a grudge about it. I never felt unsafe around you."

"But...why were you so nice to me?"

"Because...when we're together I have a lot of fun. It's the only time where I don't feel out of place. You were always my big beacon of light in the darkness. That's why I disregarded it and never said anything about it. And I saw how much you struggled with being a carnivore in general; I didn't want you to feel even worse. " With a giggle, you softly throw your head back against his chest. "I also wanted to see how long you'd keep it a secret, you know? I probably would've guilt-tripped you into buying me some ice cream or something with that information."

The rapid beating of his heart against your ear soothes your nerves as a pleasant shiver runs down your spine.

"Hey Legoshi?" You say serenely. "We've kind of been stuck in this position this whole time, wouldn't you agree?"

A deep hum is your answer.

You realize that you have the choice to make more of tonight and your heart beats a thousand miles per hour just at the thought of it. But you want to; you want him to touch you. You don't care where as long as he's holding you close.

But before that...I need to tell him the truth. The whole truth.

He deserves to know what he's getting into and he'd see the scars anyways. They're not pretty and they sure as hell don't look like they should belong to anyone other than a corpse.

It's...It's better to come clean now.

I'm just so scared to do it. I don't know if I have the strength to go through with this. After what happened with Aisha, what are the chances that this will turn out fine?

Why should he believe me?

What if I ruin everything with this?

"By the way, Legoshi," You muse, feigning a composed but threatening tone," Get those shoes off the bed."

"O-Oh, yes of course."

When his chocolate brown shoes finally fall to the ground, you hum in contentment whilst you press yourself further against his fur.

I...I have to try. I want this off of my chest.

No. I need it off of my chest.

Or else it'll rip me apart from the inside out.

"Wolfie," he tenses up behind you, your wistful tone worrying him, "I need to tell you something, too. And I'm scared because...because I don't know how this is going to end."

"It's okay," the wolf responds, "I-I'm all ears."

"I don't want to lose you, Lego-head. I can't lose you, too."

The moisture in your eyes becomes noticeably far too early for your liking and you do your best to push away your tears. That is, until a grey hand comes up to wipe them away with the gentle touch of a dandelion's bloom.

"Don't worry, "He reassures you, his deep voice right next to your ear," You won't lose me."

"You know, everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud, "You begin heavyhearted, "but mine's a little bit different than most. Have you ever wondered why I never talked about my family? Or why I never really told you where I came from? Or why I'm so different from my own species? "

He stays silent, letting you continue your gloomy speech, which is about to take a morbid turn for the worst.

"It's because I wasn't born into this world, Legoshi." Your voice is strained, fighting against the tears. "I'm not supposed to be here. I don't belong here. Because...because..."

A sob rocks through your body as you grip his arms tighter.

"Because I'm dead, Legoshi."

This is it.

Your heart threatens to stop as he stays silent, his body unmoving and not showing any reaction.

Now it's your turn to judge me, wolfie.

"I-I know I sound crazy b-but I'm telling the truth. I wish I wasn't but I am. I'm nothing but some messed up ghost that wasn't allowed into any form of afterlife, whether it'd be heaven, hell, purgatory or the goddamn underworld. And I...I'll tell you how it happened because I need you to believe me."

Another sob breaks through you like an earth quake.

"Because if you don't, I don't know what else to do. I don't know how long I can deal with this shit on my own before it devours me entirely."

Silence. Nothing but the sound of your breathing disturbs it, the wolf is absolutely soundless behind you. The fear that awakens from that fact alone brings new tears to your eyes, ones that you can't push away and that the wolf is too stunned to catch.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

We're in the eye of the hurricane now. And there's only one way through this.

"My name is Y/n L/n, I am seventeen years old and on June 16th 2020, I was shot and killed by a stranger at a train station." You pause for a moment, enough for him to finally speak up.

"That...that's what you were talking about...that night."

"Yes, "you confess. "To be honest tough, I didn't think I'd tell you about it anytime soon. But here we are. Are you going to hear me out completely?"

"Yes, "he declares, not a single drop of hesitation in his voice, "Please go on. I want to know more."

"Well then, I..." It takes a moment for you to find the strength within you to speak about it. This is the first time you're telling someone the tale of your death. Because of that, panic forces your limbs to tremble and you gulp audibly to swallow the lump in your throat suffocating you, keeping you from letting go of the unnecessary cargo.

"I never thought I would've died that soon, you know? I wasn't prepared for it at all. I still had a lot I wanted to do, things I never tried because all of my choices had been manipulated by my fears. I never got to say goodbye to my loved ones, to my world. To my life. That was the one thing Tem and I had in common when I first came to Cherryton Academy. We were both dead, one of us stuck in a world that wasn't hers to call home. "

Your gaze, glistening with tears, falls to the ground.

"I was on my way home from school. I was waiting for the train and everything had been just like any other day. There was a young mother with her baby next to me and...and when some psychotic lady with a gun appeared in the crowd on the other side of the tracks, I... I just jumped. I think I saw her a second before anyone else did. She was aiming for the mom. Instead, I took the bullets."

Behind you, Legoshi grits his teeth in rage and his arms hold you closer, if that's even possible at this point.

"You know how they say that gun shots to the chest are one of the quickest ways to die? Well, they're right. But they never tell you how it feels to be the one getting shot. I was in so much pain. Everything hurt, I couldn't breathe because I was suffocating on my own blood. It filled my lungs. I couldn't hear anything either; it was just that fucking white noise in my head. And it didn't feel quick. For me, that one moment lasted for decades before I was finally gone."

"There were no happy memories flashing before my eyes," you admit, "there was no one there to greet me, no grim reaper or any other shit. It was just a dark, empty, cold void. And then I woke up in this world. A human surrounded by animals. That's the end of my story."

Breathe in. Breathe out.

A quivering exhale leaves your lips, the only sound to ring through the desolate silence.

"Say something, "you beg him. Still, no answer.

"Please," You cry, "Just say something!"

Another tear falls from your right eye, only to be caught by your wolf's sharp claws.

"I...I don't know what to say, Y/n," He answers truthfully.

"Do you hate me now?"

"No. I don't think I ever could. It's just-"

"A lot to handle?" You grin.

"It's hard to understand, "he corrects you with a smile, "I know what you're saying and I believe you...but I don't think my brain does. I think there's a small barrier of doubt that I will have to cross for you."

"Then," slowly, you unbutton the front of his shirt, "I might have something that'll help with that."

"Woah, what are you doing?!"

With a coy smile and a sweet glitter in your eyes, you begin to pull down the left side of the shirt. Legoshi's eyes are glued to the mirror, unable to tear away from your exposed skin.

But more importantly, the scar on your chest.

It's the proof his head needs and the thought of you having to go through something like that, causes his heart to clench in his ribcage.

"I'm sorry," he whimpers eventually, "I'm so sorry. You already had so much on your plate and then I came and gave you even more trouble. I want to protect you, more than anything, I promise you that."

I think I made up my mind.

Gracefully, your hands wander up and down his arms, before your left hand lifts up to touch the side of his snout.

"Legoshi?" You ask with a scarlet face.


"Will you make love to me?" 


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this Chapter!

I know, I know, I left y'all on another cliffhanger. But don't worry, the next chapter will have the lemon. We finna getting spicy.

Now, you probably already saw me convienently placing helpful stuff in the cabinet because like I said Y'ALL ARE GETTING SEX EDUCATED TOO!

I love reading smut, I really do, but I hate that they're all basically porn and unrealistic. I'll still make it a little more magical but I'll stick to most realistic things.

I literally went through several reddit videos about this topic for research.

So yeah, we're all excited here.

Anyways, that's it from me today homies!

I hope y'all are safe and healthy right now because 2020 is a bitch!

See you in Chapter 40!

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