Chapter 36 - The Predator and Prey

"It's coming down hard." Dom complains. The stage crew is huddled underneath the T-Rex sculpture, hiding from the pouring rain. "We should go back to school now."

The others agree but then, they wonder where their other two members went.

"Y/n's probably with her friend from gardening Club," Fudge comments before asking, "Where did Legoshi go?"

"He left all his things here."

"Yeah, did you see Louis' face?" Kai snickers, only to be shushed by the tall peafowl. "Shush, don't be so loud!"

Further away, a mad red deer leans against a pillar, also shielded from the rain. His eyes betray his inner turmoil about the fight between him and the wolf, as well as his anger at himself for not doing more to save you. A part of him wishes he would've joined the wolf on his rescue party.

Louis is so caught up in his self-hatred, that he doesn't notice the she-wolf approaching. Leaning forward into his direction, she holds her hand to her snout and whispers, "Hey Louis?"

Taken by surprise, the stag flinches back slightly and gasps, his hard eyes now settling onto the female wolf as she continues to speak.

"I know something happened with you and Legoshi."

"Like what?" He asks annoyed.

"You're totally wrong to think I'm clueless about everything! But I admit I was surprised to find out who Legoshi's in love with." She looks away shortly, her eyes dimming. Louis regards her with caution, a small spark of pity in his chest. "So where did he go?"

"It doesn't matter," Louis mumbles after a moment of silence, his voice monotone but tinged with sorrow, "but he may not make it back."

"What? I'm being serious here-"

"It's just how it is!" He interrupts her, his eyes glaring at the ground. However, his ears perk up at her next words.

"Is that human involved, too?"

"Look, I just...sorry. I couldn't do anything to stop it. Tonight, he might die."

And truly, things did not look great for the young grey wolf. Legoshi had found the shishigumi hideout not too long ago, now hiding behind a sturdy tree as he observed the front of the building. A bridge led to it, the entire building holding a traditional Japanese appearance. Two guards stood at the front door, illuminated by the light of two lanterns.

I can't break in from the front. What do I do?

All of a sudden, the barrel of a gun presses into his back.

"A lone wolf, what a rare sight," speaks a cocky male voice from behind him, "Thought you guys always needed to travel in packs or something. Retaliation or Solicitation, doesn't matter, trespassing is forbidden."

"Uh, yes of course," Legoshi stammers as he turns around, his hands in the air in front of him, coming face to face with a suited lion with an umbrella and a gun," Will you please hear me out? I'm here for a good reason."

"Oh no, no, no, no, no," the lion snickers, "Don't try to take this chance away from me. We felines have always had a strong aversion towards you canines. We're both ferocious animals but all you do is wag your tail, do stupid tricks and socialize. It gets on our nerves."

Slowly, he steps closer, causing Legoshi to step back and move across the bridge, the barrel of the gun still facing him.

"And now I'm given the chance to shoot down a grey wolf, a representative canine. Talk about a reward!"

But Legoshi is no longer listening. His nose catches a familiar scent coming from the lion, a scent that drives the wolf crazy with passion. It's your scent and it's calling to him, encircling him and giving him new hope that maybe, he's not too late.

"Any last words?"

He takes a deep breath.

It's coming to me... and in plain sight. It's possible that...No, I'm sure of it.

His jaws form into a snarl.

He touched Y/n.

"Tell me," his tone is dangerously cold as he speaks, his clawed hands twitching with the urge to attack the lion, "What did you do to her?"

"Ah, you're here to save that human, now I understand." The lion muses. "You'll find her inside up on the fifth floor. But I'm afraid you're too late. If you want to see her, you'll have to ask the boss to vomit."

A snarl sounds from the wolf, his hands tightening into fists as he feels his primal, carnivorous instincts take over.

"I'm sure it's okay though, I doubt she's fully digested in the boss's stomach yet."

The rain pours down around them as the wolf growls at the feline, who's watching him with cautious interest. Before he can comprehend what's happening, Legoshi lunges forward and grabs the hand holding the gun, his hand coming up to grip the guy's throat.

They struggle but the weapon turns more and more towards the lion. A gunshot rings through the air and the feline holds the bleeding side of his head, where the bullet grazed him. Legoshi takes advantage of that and pins the man to the floor, gripping him by the mane as the feline stares up at him in fear.

"Hey old man!" He snarls, "tell me the truth! I don't smell any blood from you! Any of her blood that is. That means she's still alive."

"No, I- Please don't!" The lion begs but Legoshi's animalistic expression doesn't change.

I know it. I know the smell of her blood!
Y/n is mine!

Then, afraid of his own thoughts, he stills with his jaws wide open to bite the lion's throat.

Y/n's my prey!


My prey?

A swift punch to the face knocks him off of the lion and once the feline is back on his feet, he punches him again, this time with the gun in hand. "Damn kid! You've gone too far!"

Laughing in a sinister manner, the lion points the gun at him once more, this time intent on pulling the trigger.

"I'm gonna kill ya now!" He slurs. An arrow lodges into his chest before he can pull shoot and the lifeless body falls forward. Legoshi looks to the spot where the lion once stood and finds a familiar black and white face staring back at him.

"What a fine day for a cat hunt, wouldn't you say?"

"Gouhin." Legoshi says relieved, a small smile settling on his face.

"Why didn't you just bite him?! The biggest and only advantage you have over these highly skilled felines is your jaw. At least when it comes to fighting, that is. Which means you have to bite them!"

"I'm not supposed to bite," The wolf mumbles sheepishly, "Especially since...I just, uh well..."

"I can't watch this, damnit!" Gouhin growls, rubbing the back of his head in annoyance, "This is the deadliest confession I know of! Listen, next time, aim for the neck! Bite their neck!"

The panda offers a hand to the young wolf, which he gratefully accepts.

"Even if this love of yours started from hunting're not going to give up trying to change fate." Without much work, he pulls him up. "Then don't run! The right move is always going to be the hardest. But it's worth it."

"I know that." Legoshi responds. "That's why I have to do this..."

Hearing footsteps behind them, they turn to face more lions.

Or else I'll really be no different from them.

Coming up from behind the wolf, the panda smiles proudly at the canine.

"That's right. Tame the beast inside of you, Legoshi. That's what it takes to be a man in this world."

They charge forward, the lions doing the same. Gouhin and Legoshi manage to beat them fairly quickly and with newfound energy, the wolf slams through the front door. Three more lions stand in his way.

"Who the hell are you?"

He doesn't answer. Instead, he runs towards them, dodging their weapons and claws. But they overpower him and he lands on the ground with the three felines stalking towards him. Gouhin appears behind them and it doesn't take long before an arrow lodges itself into one of the lions. As the other two move to attack the panda, Legoshi sprints up the staircase, panting and hoping that you're alright.

Another floor up, more lions wait for him and Gouhin. The panda takes it upon himself to fight the overgrown cats, grunting in pain as a chair hits him in the back.

"Gouhin!" Legoshi screams from his place on the stairs.

"Legoshi, keep going to the top floor!" The panda shouts back before a fist lands a hit on his nose. Another follows swiftly, almost knocking the veteran off his feet. He leans against the wall, trying to catch his breath and fight the pain.

They're hitting the worst spots.

The lion, dressed in a blue suit with an orange tie and a bandage across his eye, walks closer to him and cracks his knuckles. "We know that all of your nerves are concentrated right in your nose."

He tries to punch the panda again, only for the wolf to jump between them and take the hit instead.

"Don't stand in the way, dog!" Snarling furiously, the lion grabs Legoshi's shoulders and throws him across the room. The wolf winces as his spine makes contact with the wall, pain consuming his body.

"You're still a kid," the feline hisses as he steps closer, "You with that human?"

He grabs his throat, your scent consuming the young wolf. "Don't worry, I'll make this quick. I'll kill you with the same hands that kidnapped that girl. Huh?"

He stares at the wolf, puzzled at his pleasant expression despite the situation that he's in. Legoshi takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent.

It hasn't been that long yet.

Y/n...Y/n....I know you're still alive.

"Damnit, you creep!" Legoshi grunts in pain as the lion hits him again, the grip on his throat tightening.

I miss you so much.

"Hey, what are you getting so high on-"

Then, with raw, primal power, Legoshi rams his head against that of the feline. Blood shoots from the lion's nose, his eyes rolling back as the wolf growls, his fangs barred.

How the feeling in my nose stirs up the muscles throughout my body. How my body's burning up...

It's all because I sense you! It's something much more than instincts. It's a simple desire that makes me stronger.

I'll see you soon...

Suddenly, another gunshot rings through the air and the blue suited lion in front of him falls to the ground, a hole in his head.

"Sorry, boys." A velvety voice tainted with a southern accent sounds from his right. He turns his head and standing there with a silver gun and a triumphant smirk on her face, stands the mountain lion Valentina. "Traffic's a bitch."

"Val!" Gouhin shouts as he fights off another lion, who's promptly shot down by the female as well, "It's about time you showed up!"

"Legoshi!" She yells at him, before turning and shooting again, "Leave this to us. You need to get to Y/n as fast as you can! Go!"

"You sure?" He asks concerned, eyeing the reinforcements of the enemy.

"Of course, sugar! Fuck yeah, it's been some time since I've had this much fun!" Val yells, punching a lion with a satisfying crunch. "Man, I've missed this!"

"We can handle these pests," Gouhin shouts with a smirk, "Make sure you don't die!"

"You too."

And with determined steps, he continues to run up the stairs.

I'm coming, Y/n!


My name is Y/n L/n and on June 16th 2020, I was shot and killed by a stranger at a train station to save a mother and her child. do you write something like this? They never teach you this in school and honestly, I had hoped I wouldn't need to do this until I was old enough to lose my teeth again. Still...I have the sudden urge to reflect on my life, two lives.

Oh well, this is going to be one hell of a sad, imaginary will.

To Whom It May Concern, my life is about to end a rather funny, pitiful end. I was kidnapped and captured by some weird lion gang and now, I'm being inspected and judged whether I'm going to make a good meal for this old geezer. It's humiliating and disgusting.

But...looking back to how I lived... I should have expected this kind of end. A fuck-up like me, the only human in a world full of anthropomorphic animals....

The odds of living a happy live were always against me.

My entire life, both in this world and my old one, I let my choices be guided by my fears. So many times, I let the world leave me behind because I was too scared to speak up. I never learned how to fly on my own because when everyone else followed the warmth of spring, I suffered through the winters in my lonesome.

I was so scared of being hurt, that I never tried to make a difference in my life or in someone else's. I didn't care if people remembered me.

But now, after my first death....I realized that wasn't true.

I wanted people to remember me, to think that I wasn't just a speck of dust or a waste of air. So, I wanted to form new bonds in this world. But I had no idea how.

I tried to convince myself that I didn't need anyone.

I think that's why all of my relationships turned into such disasters. I'll never get to apologize to Aisha. least I know that Haru doesn't hate me anymore.

And Legoshi, the timid grey wolf that never knew how to socialize with someone. You were my glimmer of hope in this void, my light in the darkness. Maybe, if I'd been a little more selfish and...less and I would've been together by now. Maybe we could've had a future.

You never saw me as something strange. You never treated me unfairly or like some weird spectacle to look at for entertainment.

You always saw me as myself.

Since I met you, my life became crazy in ways I had never expected. But I also experienced feelings I never felt before.


I am in love with you, wolfie.

It's a bit tacky to confess now, isn't it? When I'm so close to dying. When there's no longer a future for us. Please, don't forget me.

This close to my end, I hope that you'll be my Legacy.

Legacy. What is a Legacy?

It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see. I made the sketch for a painting someone else will finish for me.

Death, old friend of mine, you came to take me away one last time. I know it, I'm running out of time. I've been running this entire time and still, now my time's up.

Nobody's coming to rescue me. Nobody is going to come for me.

This world, one I've never belonged in, has deemed today as the date on my tombstone.


"Just relax..."

Lightning strikes outside and you stem yourself onto your forearms. As humiliating as it is, you hoped you could buy yourself some time if you just did what the mobster asked of you. So here you are, naked, on your knees as the lion presses his hand against your back, careful not to taint you with his claws. It would ruin the meat, apparently.

"Disgrace and humiliation circulates blood throughout the body and thus, further enhances the flavour of the meat."

His gaze burns into you and with gritted teeth, you glare at the carped beneath you.

"Hey, old man."

I refuse to go out like this!

Quickly, you turn over onto your back and kick his cane several feet away from him. You use his shock to stand and run towards the antler display.

With a prideful grin, you turn to face him again, now armed with one of his katanas. The handle feels foreign to you but it'll do the trick.

"Pardon me, motherfucker, but while you were boasting away, I was writing a will in my head and doing some much needed reflecting. Disgrace and humiliation circulates blood and enhances the flavour?"

You scoff at his irritated expression.

"Well, sorry to disappoint but right now, I am quite calm. You're about to eat the meat of a human who's been through hell and back! So enjoy! You should hurry up though, the flavour's getting worse by the second. But just so you know, I will not go down without a fight!"

Silence suffocates you as you watch him, his eyes filling with sadistic satisfaction and anger. He growls as he presses the cigar against the back of his hand while your smirk only grows.

I know now.

"Sounds like I spoiled you a bit too much."

I know why I didn't fully die that day.

"I refuse to accept tough meat. I've got no choice but to violate you."

Because I am not done!

With a warrior's cry you charge forward, catching the lion by surprise. He barely escapes the blade of the sword, growling dangerously. You lunge again, backing the carnivore up more and more as he tries to strike you with his claws.

But you're too fast for him, your smaller built giving you the upper hand.

I wasn't done with my life yet!

I'm not done!

I have so many things I want to do, things I want to experience! I have people I need to see again!

You slide past him, unable to fully dodge his claws. Blood slowly seeps from the cut on your upper arm. Adrenaline shoots through your veins, the ringing in your ears sounding as familiar as ever. For once, you welcome it.

And I will fight until my last breath!

That's what it means to be a human.

With another cry of fury, you lift your sword just in time to block his claws. Now, you and the carnivore are locked in a battle of raw strength, staring into each other's eyes.

The predator and prey.

In this world, I'm the only human....A species that couldn't be more consumed by greed, hatred and pride. Monsters, hidden behind the masks of angels.

A beast in the disguise of a lamb.

You grin at him and he looks back at you, his brows narrowing in bewilderment.

That's when you strike.

Screeching like a banshee, you kick him where the sun doesn't shine and let yourself fall to the ground, rolling out in time to not be crushed under his body. You caught him by surprise and thanks to your power struggle a second earlier and the pain, he had no chance to find his balance again.

He's unfocused for three seconds, no more. That's enough for you.

There's no animal as dangerous as the human.

You throw yourself onto him, pinning his body to the floor with your own, his arms forced to his side by your legs.

I'll make sure you won't forget me, motherfucker!

A scream of utter agony rips from his throat. Your grin only widens, a sickening giggle rattling through your body as you watch him convulse from the pain.

The sword, held by your right hand, is lodged right into the area beneath his pelvis.

"I'm going to tell you something very important, motherfucker," you say, your voice as sweet as honey and as deadly as a shotgun, "So you better listen, you fucking abomination."

You enjoy the fear in his eyes. You enjoy the sight of his blood.

"There is a reason why humans are the apex predators." You hiss, the lightning flashing outside once more. "Because no matter how strong an animal seems to be, how smart they think they are or how consumed they are by can never beat a parasite as greedy, sociopathic and willing to kill as the human. No matter how much you try. At the end of the day, you're just a cheap copy of my species."

Another giggle goes through you as you twist the sword in his wound, earning another scream of terror and misery from the carnivore.

From your prey.

"No matter how few we are, how weak we may seem...we'll always come out on top in the end." You smirk at him, a hand moving up to squeeze his throat. "We'll take your children as pets, put them in cages for our entertainment and kill every single one of you just because we can. Not for meat. Just for the thrill of the kill, for the power. We are the monsters lurking in the shadows."

With a scoff, you yank the sword out, noting how he growls in pain. Quickly, you replace your hand on his throat with the sword but one thing slipped past you. The blood from his wound has pooled around you, weakening your grip on his arms.

He gathered enough strength to rip one free and place it on your neck, his claws digging into your skin. His eyes gleam in confusion as your sweet smile continues to grow.

"You don't know who I am or what I've been through." You say, all emotion lacking from your voice. "You may very well kill me tonight but you will never forget me and what I did to you."

"See it as a promise, you sick abomination," his claws press harder into your neck as you push the sword further against his, "Because if I go down...."

Your eyes stare straight into his.

"I will take as much of you with me as I can."

This is it, isn't it?

Suddenly, he yanks his other arm out from beneath your leg and grabs the blade of the sword. He keeps his hand on your throat and rolls you over, throwing the sword across the room and away from your grasps.

His hand leaves your neck and slams onto the floor next to your head, supporting his weight as he bares his fangs. His blood coats your body as he towers above you, his eyes filled with hunger and bloodlust. Still, you don't lose your smirk.

This is it, Y/n. Pray that hell or heaven lets you in.

You're a human. You'd go down with pride and the knowledge, that you took away his pride. It'll be a constant reminder of you.

Almost in slow-motion, his jaws, filled with sharp fangs, lower themselves down to your face, ready to devour you.

But you're satisfied.

You'll die as a human.

Raise a glass to freedom, motherfuckers.

All of a sudden, the light shuts off and glass shatters around you.

The lion is knocked off of your body.

And then, he stands in front of you. Someone, who you thought you'd never see again.



Holy shit, homies! We did it! The partial climax of season one. I hope you enjoyed it!

I really needed this out of my brain honestly and I listened to the Naruto Shippuden soundtrack while writing this, so it's ultra spicy.

I hope I didn't disappoint with this one. This was the plan I had all along, I couldn't have done it better than it is now, and it's what drove me to write this story in the first place.

Also, who of you got the hints to the song from the titles of this chapter and the last one?

If you didn't, search it on youtube 😎 It's the first video. You'll thank me.

I have to get up for school in literally 5 hours so...I am officially a mess and will look like death tomorrow. Great.

Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and sound and not out here killing people!

See you in Chapter 37!

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