Chapter 35 - adorned in red and grey

"Please don't stare," you plead with the mobster, trying to keep your voice from faltering. Your eyes are stuck to the blue carpet beneath your feet, refusing to meet his eyes. Unfortunately for you, he didn't care about the risks of devouring you. To him, you were nothing but a fancy bowl of caviar.

He nods at you but doesn't avert his eyes. You take this as a sign to get on with it. In a way, your brain already accepted that, should you even survive tonight, you wouldn't get out of this unscathed. It would be another scar to add to your damaged soul, another ghost to haunt you.

Slowly, you loosen your tie and unbutton the front of your uniform. Your stomach drops at his hum of approval. Trembling down to your very core, you pull the white dress over your head, revealing your underwear.

Revealing your scars.

You cover yourself instinctively, hoping that this would be enough for him. Ineptly, it isn't.

"All of it," he says sternly and you can barely hold back the bile in the back of your throat, "Don't stop the flow of energy."

Every fibre of your being wants to stop, to rather go down with a fight and take down as many lions as you can before you die. However, your will to survive is greater than your disgust, your fear. So, close to tears, you obey and take off your underwear, socks and shoe.

"I want you to know," you're sick of hearing his voice, "I don't want to do anything to disgrace you."

I don't give a diddly damn snickerdoodle-doo about what you want, you waste of oxygen!

Covering yourself with your arms, you remain standing tall, proud and unintimidated. The human race is prideful and you wouldn't dishonour that tonight. If you'd face this humiliation by an animal, you wouldn't let him see your weakness.

Still, he seems true to his word.

Although he's looking at you, it feels like he's looking through you or behind you. It may seem like it, but he isn't taking perverted pleasure in seeing you like this. Because of this, you're sure that he doesn't notice the red bullet wounds on your chest, partially hidden by your arms.

At least, he doesn't show that he does.

He pulls out a remote from his pocket and the high-pitched noise it makes as he presses a button stings in your ears. You flinch slightly when the wall to your left opens up, revealing a lavish bathroom coloured in lavender. A beautiful white bathtub stands in the centre of it, right in front of an oval-shaped, golden-framed mirror. Even from this distance, you can smell the elegant scent of the soap and roses, the magenta petals floating on the water's surface like the passengers of the titanic after it smashed into the iceberg.

"This is a necessary process, in order to prepare you. So I can enjoy you as the best meat."

Look, I'm not a fan of this...

But I respect the hustle, old man.

This'll buy me some more time to figure out a plan.

"But...why would you tell me something like that?"

Shocked and close to throwing up, the young stag stares at the proud feline in front of him. Louis and the Mayor are hidden away in a large white tent; necessary for the information that the lion just confided in him.

You, one of the only people he ever dared to call a friend, have been kidnapped.

The mayor stands with his back to Louis, before finally turning around to answer him.

"We need you to be aware of the reality of situations like this. If you eventually do become a beastar, you'll most likely encounter the Shishigumi as well. Did you know her very well? The human from the drama club at your school?"

I wish I didn't. That way, I wouldn't have to fight against this worry in my chest, this pain!

Damn it...the knowledge that she...that she may die makes me want to vomit.

Louis doesn't respond to the mayor. Instead, he shudders and sighs in frustration, his gaze falling onto your discarded shoe in the trash.

"It's okay. "The Mayor reassures him, though it doesn't comfort him one bit.

"No matter how much we try to conceal it, that wouldn't solve anything!" Louis argues frantically, hoping desperately to change the lion's mind, "Is there anything that we could do?"

"As far as the public is concerned, information that reaches their eyes and ears is extremely important to keep a handle on. So, I'm asking you to keep this under wraps for the time being. No matter what the cost."

With exceeding confidence, the lion holds out a hand for Louis to shake, to accept the deal. The young stag, however, can only stare at the appendage like a deer caught in headlights.

"I had my fangs removed for fake teeth," The mayor confesses, "right before entering college. I wanted to have a pleasant face and I spent a small fortune on surgery to achieve that. I was fully committed to becoming the mayor. If I were to destroy the good and trustworthy image that lions maintain, the divide between herbivores and carnivores would grow even wider than it is and cause turmoil and panic throughout this city."

At last, he realizes that the younger male in front of him has no intention to agree to his deal. With calculated steps, he moves to a professional-looking black back to his left. Opening it, he speaks up once more.

"You can look at this if you will. As a final test for you, too. "

Horror fills his widened eyes as Louis stares at the familiar dark book in the hands of the lion.

"What I have here, is the black market live bait records. Your name is still in here. If you keep quiet about this incident as I ask and successfully manage the festival, I'll erase this for you. Your dark past will be no more."

Louis grits his teeth at the reminder and at the audacity of the mayor, who's willing to go so far as to blackmail him in order to avoid any negative attention. But unfortunately, the scars of his past are too deep.

"Do you have a better idea, Golden Boy?"

Hesitantly and with a heavy heart, he shakes the mayor's hand and accepts.

"I hate you."

"You know you love me, Bambi."

"Stop putting paint on my nose!"

"But you look so cute when you cross your eyes! It's adorable!"

"Great," The lion says, stepping too close for comfort, "Then you and I have a deal."

"Nice fake antlers by the way."

"How did you know?!"

"I have eyes, Bambi!"

"That's all I need," With an empty smile on his face, the mayor lets go of his hand and turns away from him, "You better head back to the drama club for now."

And with the weight of a dozen sins on his shoulders and an aching chest, Louis leaves the tent, keeping his perfect composure up until the very end.

Outside, he stills, glaring at the ground in fury, frustration and disappointment. Fury because you've been kidnapped and will most likely die tonight. Frustration because he can't help you. Disappointment because he picked his ego over doing the morally correct thing and doing everything he can to save you.

Damn it.

Damn it!

The mayor...and Shishigumi-


Suddenly, his self-desecrating thoughts are interrupted by an all too familiar grey canine. Wide eyed, he stares at the wolf when he grabs his arm. The tormented expression on his face tells him all he needs to know.

"Y/n's been kidnapped!" Legoshi confirms his suspicions. "By a gang...called Shishigumi. C'mon, we need to go save her!"

The stag, however, rips himself free from the carnivore's grasp.

Dumbfounded, Legoshi gawks at the older male, his eyes wide with disbelief. With a heavy sigh, Louis composes himself and puts on his invisible mask again; leaving behind the emotional boy he was just a second earlier.

I'm sorry...Y/n.

"It happens all the time, "He says calmly, like he doesn't have a care in the world. When in reality, his entire world had just been shattered to pieces around him. "There's no saving her."


The wolf's gaze is fixated on Louis as he walks away, not believing his ears.

"Are you serious? Louis, we have to go get her back!"

"If you want to go, be my guest." The deer responds coldly.

"Wait, don't you like Y/n?" Legoshi questions as he follows after him," She likes you, in case you didn't know-"

A rage-filled punch to the face interrupts him, a bewildered Louis standing before him. His honey-coloured eyes gleam with sadness and acrimony.

"Don't act like you know everything!" He shouts. "All you are is a wolf pretending to be weak! Nothing more than that! You don't understand anything!"

Slowly, his rage begins to die down, leaving him to be consumed by self-hatred and grief. He's close to tears and the lump in his throat makes it hard to speak. "There's nothing we can do about it. We can't cause panic in the whole city to save one!"

Keep telling yourself have to believe it!

"Lies and deception, all in the name of peace! You've experienced it first-hand yourself! You deceive everyone by acting weak in order to blend in with society!"

All throughout his rant, the wolf stays silent. His hands tighten into fists and his fur rises, a new determination and animosity taking seat in his heart.

"I understand."

Then, he grabs the flabbergasted deer by his shoulders, their eyes meeting. His voice is dangerously calm as he speaks, not portraying his inner turmoil. "In that case, I'll just have to show you the kind of danger... Y/n's facing right now as we argue."

He reels his fist back.

"I'll show you just how angry I am!" He growls and delivers a powerful blow to the stag's face.

The force sends Louis flying a couple feet away and as he roughly lands in the dirt, Legoshi realizes what he did. Concerned, he runs to the senior. "Louis!"

Once he's close enough though, the buck kicks him in the stomach and sends him stumbling backwards, gasping for air as he holds his abdomen. Louis stands up again and punches the wolf once more. Legoshi counters with another and the two boys get lost in their fight, in the midst of their anger and frustration.

Why waste all this time?

We own this world.

Finally, other animals get involved and separate the two males. Two large breed carnivores hold back the grey wolf, a bear and a white lion, while two domesticated dogs hold back the thrashing red deer.

Why would you bother taking out your frustration at not being able to save the girl on me?! If you're only able to see one path...then...

I can't depend on you anymore.

"If you choose to live that life," Legoshi growls, not bothering to fight against the carnivores holding him back, "to make it to the top, that's your choice! But just know..."

His eyes stare straight into the honey-coloured orbs of the stag in front of him.

"Y/n...will be mine!"



Overwhelmed, the young wolf mindlessly wanders through the colourful alleyway called the black market. Delicious meat stands are on every side, surrounding him entirely. Amongst the booths are countless carnivores, all enjoying their meals or shopping sprees.

All but Legoshi, who couldn't be more worried.

I followed your scent all the way here. But now, with all these different smells at the black market...I seem to have lost it.

The only lead I've got is the name: Shishigumi.

"What are you doing, young fella?" Sounds an old voice behind him and as he turns around, he sees a small, old lizard. "Why don't you grab a goat leg?"

"E-Excuse me," asks Legoshi frantically, "do you know anything about Shishigumi?"

Hearing the mere name of the gang, the older man's eyes widen in shock as he stutters. "Shi-Shi-Ah-I ...gotta go. Uh...see ya!"

Without another glance at him, the stranger leaves and Legoshi is once again on his own. The other animals also vanish from his proximity; all of them don't want to be caught up in anything relating to the treacherous group. Confused, the canine looks around the area, noticing the apprehensive and avoiding stares of the other carnivores.


He proceeds to ask another stranger about Shishigumi.

And then another.

And another.

And another.

All of them leave without an answer, their expressions filled with fear.

The moment I mention the name 'Shishigumi'...they run off or just look away.

Now what?

He turns around and immediately bumps into the shoulders of two felines, a panther and a golden feline of the same built as his friend.

"Hey, what's your problem?" The golden male snarls, "Watch where you're going!"

Swiftly, Legoshi apologizes. "I-uh-I'm very sorry. Uhm, do you happen to know where I can find Shishigumi?"



"Yeah." The wolf nods, oblivious to the dubious look the two strangers share before chuckling.

"Yeah, right this way," the golden male says and none the wiser, Legoshi follows them. He leads the way, even though that doesn't make much sense, while the two felines walk behind him as they enter another shady, abandoned alley. An old car stands to the side, covered in dust and dirt.

"You sure this is right?" He asks cautiously, not wanting to sound rude. Unbeknownst to him, the panther pulls out a knife and in the blink of an eye, Legoshi's pinned to the wall. The panther pushes his front against it, a clawed hand having a tight hold on his head.

"You want Shishigumi, huh?" The panther snickers, "Well if you're just gonna throw away your life like that, let us first get that coat of yours."

Meanwhile, the other feline digs through the wolf's pockets until he finds his wallet. "Let's see, what do we have here...Argh, damn, nothing in this wallet!"

"Listen," Legoshi tries to speak, unbothered by the predicament he's in," my friend was kidnapped by Shishigumi!"

"You've got nothing for us. And if they drown you at the lake, you're worthless."

"Uh-the Lake?" He asks with a small glimmer of hope, before grunting as the panther pushes his head further against the wall.

"A young wolf's coat will sell for a good-"

An arrow, made of bamboo, suddenly imbeds itself into the wall right next to them. Surprised, all carnivores turn to look at the source and badabing badaboom, it's the cavalry.

Gouhin, armed with a crossbow that's also made out of bamboo, stands before them with a lit cigarette in his mouth, in all his badass glory.

"I see that my patient's troubling you."

Fortunately for them, Legoshi's attackers aren't the idiots of their litters and they swiftly flee the scene. However, not before the panther trips, igniting the urge to facepalm in Gouhin.

Legoshi gasps as he sees the black market therapist and his face lights up in recognition. "Panda!"

"Argh, I told you it's Gouhin!" He growls, shouldering the crossbow. "Not panda. Remember, even carnivores such as yourself are in real danger out here."

"Okay but...I'm looking for Shishigumi's hideout-"

"Hey!" Gouhin cuts him off before he can get any further, his voice just as gravely as the last time they met, "Keep it down, would you?! Listen, Shishigumi's an organized crime group made up of thirty-five lions. They're a vicious gang that specializes in devourings. Even I don't want to be involved."

He raises an eyebrow at the mere idea of the wolf seeking out the Lion group. "One wolf against their whole gang..."

"Okay, I understand." Perplexed, the panda looks up, only to see that Legoshi is already noting down information on the dusty back-window of the car and not an ounce of fear on his face. "At me how to find the lake?"

"Where you even listening, damnit?!" Gouhin yells, completely baffled by the young man's stupid bravado. "Might as well dig a grave and jump in!"

"Yeah," Legoshi agrees, a dejected gleam crossing over his dark orbs, "I suppose that would be a lot easier."

"Huh?" Mouth agape and his cigarette almost falling out, the panda stares at the grey wolf.

"But...Y/n, she was kidnapped. The human girl that came to find me last time."

And no matter how often he had heard the same story repeat a dozen times, Gouhin still feels a pang of sorrow in his heart at having lost another young, brilliant life. Especially because he saw how much you cared about this wolf. Still, the wolf will have to face the reality of the situation, just like everyone else in this world.

"I'm sorry to hear it but there's no saving her. They've probably devoured her by now."

"I need to do it," Legoshi responds, his back turned to the panda, "Whatever it takes, I don't care. I have to make up for the things I did to a carnivore."

Subconsciously, he clenches his fists.

"The second time we met, I actually tried to devour her. And not only that, this loser of a wolf is now madly in love with her! I want to make it up to her." From a few feet away, Gouhin watches the boy with sympathy. "And if I'm still alive...the first thing I'll do is confess my feelings for her. If I can just get the chance..."

"Hah, ridiculous," Gouhin retorts sharply, almost amazed at the motivations of the canine.

"Don't worry," the wolf turns back to him, the first raindrops hitting his fur," You don't have to tell me where the lake is. Thank you for your time."

As a man on a mission, Legoshi leaves the panda behind, ignoring his sharp calls before disappearing into the night and to his impending doom. Gouhin on the other hand, curses under his breath as he watches the wolf walk away.

"Damn kid."

A part of him is in awe at his bravery and loyalty to you, while another thinks that this is the stupidest thing anyone could've ever done. But unfortunately for Gouhin, he knows another person who'd have his head if he'd keep this chaotic scenario a secret.

Quickly, he pulls out his phone and dials the all-too familiar number. After the sound of the third ring, no sooner and no later, a voice greets him from the other side.

"Hey sugar, what'cha calling for?"

"Something happened, concerning that human girl, Y/n. She's been kidnapped by the Shishigumi."

A second of silence passes by, followed by a dangerous growl and the cocking of a gun.

"I've been wanting to shoot those motherfuckers for a while now. I'll be there in ten."

Gouhin smirks at the irritated tone.

This will be a long night, both for him and the Shishigumi.

"I'll see you there, Val." 


Hello hello, homies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Look, I know that I am teasing the fuck out of y'all right now, so as a "Sorry school is starting again" gift, I'll publish another chapter tomorrow! I don't know about y'all but I need to write this shit, it needs to get out of my brain!

Funnily enough though, I personally don't think school's (here in Europe, Germany) will stay open longer than a week. People are still coming back from vacations and the numbers are rising again so.....
I've also had a cold for a few days and sometimes, I feel like dying so of course, the first thing I think of is "Yo, do I have Corona?!" It's probs nothing, just the aftermath of swimming IN THE FUCKING OCEAN THAT WAS SO COLDY THAT AFTER FIVE MINUTES I COULDN'T FEEL MY FEET ANYMORE!

I also can't workout for now because I hurt my ankles from being stupid and messing up a cardio workout that included jumping. Kinda sad about that.



Also, I saw a weird headline today on the internet and I quote "Sie fliegen hoch, die Kühlschränke" and in englisch that's basically "they're flying/blowing up, those refrigerators". Because yes, that is indeed concerning.

This is also a meme that I found and needed to share.

Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and healthy and not catching anything or getting mugged like Legoshi!🐺

See you in Chapter 36!

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